Rose parka Paul Bocuse. French rose. The main advantages of the Paul Bocuse variety

Dominic Massad- a famous French rose breeder, successor to the famous dynasty of rose growers Guillot. Region scientific interest Massada are lush roses of an ancient form, and it is this variety that includes the scrub popular in Europe called Paul Bocuse. The features of this variety will be discussed in the material.

Description of the Paul Bocuse rose variety, advantages and disadvantages

The Paul Bocuse variety was obtained under the leadership of Dominique Massad in the French nursery Roseraie Guillot in 1992. The main characteristics of the variety are collected in the following table:

Evaluation parameter Characteristic
Color Apricot pink
Number of flowers per stem 1-3
Aroma ❀❀❀
Flower size 8-10 cm
Height 120-180 cm
Width 70-100 cm
Growing area (USDA) Zone V (Moscow, Leningrad, Smolensk, Tver regions, Middle Volga region, Urals)
Winter hardiness ❄❄
Powdery mildew resistance ★★★
Black spot resistance ★★★
Rain resistance ☂☂
Flowering period ☀☀ (re-blooming)
Boarding time April or end of October

Rose Paul Bocuse forms a dense, non-falling bush with erect shoots. The foliage is large, leathery, shiny, dark green. The flower of this variety has an interesting color - soft pink with a transition to apricot towards the center of the flower.

The main advantages of the Paul Bocuse variety:

  • high decorativeness of the flower;
  • strong pleasant aroma;
  • excellent resistance to fungal infections;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • long lasting flowering.

Tip #1. According to Dominic Massad himself, winter-hardy varieties roses are usually also resistant to heat. Based on this, we can conclude that the sufficient winter hardiness of the Paul Bocuse rose makes this variety suitable for growing in regions with dry, hot summers.

Reviews from owners of the rose variety Paul Bocuse

The Paul Bocuse rose has been well developed by Russian rose growers and has a fairly good reputation. Monitoring of preference lists showed that this variety very rarely ends up on the “black list” - only in two cases out of seventy.

Reviews from owners of the Paul Bocuse rose are generally positive:“Paul Bocuse captivated me this year. It swayed for two years, developed slowly, bloomed beautifully, but sparingly. In general, during flowering it attracted attention before, but this season it simply shocked me. It bloomed like a fountain of huge flowers, without any interruption at all. The aroma is wonderful! It’s a good strong rose, I’ll buy her a pair.”

(Svetlana, Sevastopol).“I bought an original Massad seedling Paul Bocuse this year. Vaccinated for multiflora. It has taken root perfectly, does not grow too quickly, but individual shoots reached up to 70 cm by the end of summer. But the wood has matured well, and I’m counting on a successful winter. I cut it by a third, just so that the bush would fit under the shelter. The winter is damp this year, so I covered it with an “umbrella” - leaving 10 cm holes at the bottom. Sometimes I look under the cover, so far everything is fine. I liked the flowers. In the first year, of course, they are not large, but you can feel the variety. The color is very beautiful and the aroma is wonderful. They withstood the rain with dignity and stayed on the bush for a week and a half."

(Elena, Smolensk region). “For a long time I couldn’t arrange wintering for this rose. Every year the bush emerged from winter almost completely black. It recovered well, but the flowering was weak. Now in the fall I trim it very lightly, remove all the flowers and dry leaves and douse it with a copper-soap solution. I make the cover not too dense; I cover the bottom with a thick layer of dry wood chips. Now the rose winters normally, blooms perfectly, in two strong waves and single flowers during a break. The aroma, in my opinion, is not too strong, but expressive. Favorite rose in my garden"

(Olga, Voronezh).

Dominique Massad - on the importance of rootstocks when growing roses in different soils

When purchasing a Paul Bocuse rose seedling, it makes sense to ask what rootstock it is grafted onto (Read also article ⇒). Two nurseries are currently engaged in the production of Massada roses - Roseraie Guillot itself and Petales de Roses. The first grafts varieties onto the rootstock of the loose rose (Rosa laxa), the second - onto the multi-flowered rose (Rosa multiflora).

“I think that you should graft onto a multi-flowered rose. It is better to plant on loose soil on calcareous soil. These roses need more time to bloom and grow a bush, but then they give a very good flowering. Not in the Loire Valley calcareous soil, and there we use multiflora rose for the rootstock. Therefore, roses grow much faster. They can be planted in pots, large tubs, but they are not as resistant to diseases compared to those grafted onto laksa.”

Thus, according to the creator of the variety Paul Bocuse, for cultivation in Russia, where acidic soils predominate, it is preferable to take seedlings on the Rosa multiflora rootstock.

  • Rosa multiflora as a rootstock provides the following advantages:
  • easy adaptation of seedlings to problematic soil;
  • high growth energy;

faster onset of flowering.

However, compared to loose roses, multiflora is less winter-hardy, so seedlings on such a rootstock need to be better protected from frost. In addition, it is worth strengthening the prevention of fungal infections.

Current questions about the Paul Bocuse rose

Question No. 1. Is it necessary to spray the Paul Bocuse rose with something in the spring if wintering was successful?

Question No. 2. How to use Paul Bocuse rose in landscape design? This variety is well suited for single planting on strips lawn grass , as well as for mixed flower beds, where it goes well with ground cover annuals - for example, with white alyssum or blue color

. You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop.Paul rose


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31052 Scilla hispanica bleu Comes across under the name scylla. So, Scilla Pink is a representative bulbous plants , which is characterized early flowering . The color of the plant is soft pink. If until recently blueberries were considered a great rarity, now last years . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. they all start Paul becoming increasingly popular. There are many reasons for this. They not only look very attractive, but also adapt well to the location and climate, and are also easy to care for. They are highly resistant to mo


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31054 Scilla hispanica White . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. they all start Paul Comes across under the name scylla. So, Scilla Pink is a representative of bulbous plants, which is characterized by early flowering. The color of the plant is soft pink. If until recently blueberries were considered a great rarity, in recent years they have begun to grow


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Abigail Tantau floribunda ZKS 4-7 l

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m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Abigail Tantau floribunda ZKS 4-7 l m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Abigail is a delightful variety! Looks very happy and . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. is in great demand. A low floribunda with carmine-red buds of a noble shape and graceful flowers in watercolor-pastel tones with transitions from creamy white to deep pink. Flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, double. Flowering is mostly...


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Heidetraum shrub standard 100 cm

width="200" height="199" style="float:left; margin:6px;">

m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Heidetraum shrub standard 100 cm Magnificent Paul, very disease resistant and incredibly profusely flowering, . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. grows as a climbing, groundcover Paul, or a small scrub in the borders. Widely distributed in the English-speaking world under the name Flower Carpet, and, more than other varieties, showed gardeners what they were capable of. modern roses. Flowering lasts a very long period, at the same time...


Hot pepper Ogonyok 305104

Nests 2-3. The thickness of the fetal wall is 1.5 mm. Fruit weight 20 g (up to 45 g). The aroma is strong, peppery. The yield of marketable fruits when grown under film covers is up to 3.8 kg/sq.m. Resistant to bacteriosis and verticillium wilt. Recommended for IP . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. skills in canning and home cooking. Agricultural technology. Sowing seedlings. The seeding depth is 1 cm. Before germination, the crops are covered with film or glass. Optimal temperature for seed germination +25? C. Planting seedlings when the ug has passed Paul frosts. The culture is thermophilic, demanding on soil fertility and moisture. 29909


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Rouge Mailave Belle Epoque patio standard 60 cm

width="200" height="200" style="float:left; margin:6px;">

m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Rouge Mailave Belle Epoque patio standard 60 cm m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Rouge Meilove standard 60 cm Rose Rouge Meilove (MEIrokad, Red Meilove) Meilland 1994 - scarlet flowers with a light aroma are collected in... ... without interruption. The bush is neat and in good shape. Winter hardiness is good. The variety, due to its low but dense bush, can be used . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. called as a ground cover plant. 47491 Rose Rouge Meilove (MEIrokad, Red Meilove) Meilland 1994


Iron sulfate 200 g Iron sulfate (iron sulfate) is a product for fertilizing lawns, flowers, ornamentals, fruits and berries and other crops in a protected and open ground for the purpose of prevention and treatment of plants from chlo Paul caused by a lack of mobile forms of iron on alkaline soils or as a result of the introduction of large doses of lime. Is . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. Application: To protect plants from fungal diseases, mosses, lichens, mold, as well as to combat other fungal and bacterial diseases. 30576


Stock- Paul Violet Search

Stock- Paul Violet Search Packaging 0.1 g. Stock- Paul- a classic garden giant. The stem is powerful, branched, up to 200 cm high. Large velvety double flowers of blue-violet color are collected in long racemes. Is . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. Suitable for small groups on the lawn, mixborders, decorating walls, fences and for cutting. Cut stems in the bud stage bloom in water. Agricultural technology. The plant is heat-loving and drought-resistant. Prefers fertile soil and sunny place....


Stock- Paul Salmon pink Search

Stock- Paul Salmon pink Search Packaging 0.1 g. Popular terry variety up to 250 cm high. The flowers are large, semi-double and double, salmon-pink. Inflorescences are compact. Blooms in the second year from July to September. Is . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. Suitable for small groups on the lawn, mixed borders, decorating walls, fences and for cutting. Cut stems in the bud stage bloom in water. Agricultural technology. The plant is heat-loving and drought-resistant. Prefers fertile, well-drained...


Spreading shrub with a dense crown. The leaves are purple, evenly colored. The flowers are small white or pale pink, collected in hemispherical inflorescences. Prefers moist and well-drained, slightly acidic or neutral soil. Resistant to mo Paul m, winds. Physocarpus opulifolius Andre feels better in sunny areas. Resistant to pests and diseases. Widely used . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. They grow Andre viburnum leaf in single and group plantings for landscaping parks, gardens, creating hedges and contrasting compositions; Physocarpus opulifolius Andre is also grown in containers. 24387 Physocarpus opulifolius...


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Tsyganerknabe Bourbon ZKS 4-6 l

width="200" height="200" style="float:left; margin:6px;">

m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Tsyganerknabe Bourbon ZKS 4-6 l m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Tsyganerknabe - flowers of 26-40 petals, violet-red color, flat rosette shape, with a mild aroma, with a diameter of up to... ... golden stamens. The variety is unpretentious. When grown in bush form, drooping shoots may need support. Okay is . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. call for draping columns. (D.G. Hessayon) 25134 Rose bourbon Zigeunerknabe (Gipsy Boy, Gypsy Boy) Rudolf Geschwind Austria-Hungary...


m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Great North Eastern Rose Harkness floribunda ZKS 4-6 l

width="200" height="200" style="float:left; margin:6px;">

m, therefore they do not need shelter for the winter. 31056 Scilla hispanica Pink Great North Eastern Rose Harkness floribunda ZKS 4-6 l The vintage style of the flower will probably always be interesting and will . You can also follow Dominique Massad's advice and try the Paul Bocuse rose as a container crop. be called enduring popularity. The flowers of this rose are white, goblet-shaped, large - up to 11 cm, and do not show the middle in full bloom. The bushes are upright, well branched. 63344 Rose Great North Eastern Rose (HAReasy, Queen Guinevere, Sir...

To date nursery "Guillot" located in a modest town near Lyon. Very interesting choice The place where the roses grew is rocky.

It turns out that if roses grow in such soil, then their roots branch very well and the result is very good seedlings for sale with an extensive root system, which takes root much better. Because in good soil, the roots of rose hips branch reluctantly.

The nursery practically does not use chemicals; they fertilize the seedlings the old fashioned way with manure, so the roses are grown organic look agriculture.

The Guillot nursery recently began supplying its roses to Russian markets and is now striving to intensify its relationship with Russia.

As Jean Pierre said, before the revolution of 1917, the Guillot house supplied cuttings to the court of the Russian Emperor, and therefore, to restore historical justice, they certainly want to continue relations with Russia. Since the roses are very good, we hope that these trade relations will be successful.

The first roses in the "generosa" series are "Manuel Canovas" and "Sanita Rykiel" the first of them is cream, and the second is soft pink. Today, the "Genrerosa" series includes about 60 varieties; the famous great-grandfather Guyot would envy such fertility.

Rose Versigny (Versigny).

There are roses in almost every color of the rainbow, except blue. The most popular Guillot roses are the first - rose "Versigny" - bright apricot, almost orange in color and corresponding aroma.

She smells like ripe apricots. It withstands rain well and blooms in huge clusters, while the shape of the flower is quite unconventional. Looking at the flower you immediately understand that this is the “Versigny” variety.

Rose Paul Bocuse.

And the second most popular variety from the "Generosa" series is the French rose "Paul Bocuse" (Paul Bocuse) - dedicated to the famous chef.

It is pink-apricot in color, has a sweet fruity smell, and grows vigorously in the regions of Moscow and the flower growing Moscow region, reaching 2 m.

Even if it is a shrap, it is better to grow it as a climbing plant.

Rose Emilien Guillot.

Undoubtedly the brightest rose "Generosa" is "Emilien Guillot" - a bestseller of the nursery and the desire of almost everyone who has seen this rose.

Bright absolutely glowing orange flowers they just glow from inside. It hangs on the bush for a very long time and well as frozen or canned for 2-3 weeks, the whole cluster with flowers has a very dense waxy texture.

But the variety has a slight drawback: in the bright sun, the petals gradually turn red and acquire a slightly unattractive coral tint.

Rose Amandine Chanel.

The Amadine Chanel rose is very popular - the flowers are not large, but very beautifully colored strawberry pink and the flowers have hemispherical cups. The brushes of the rose "Amandine Chanel" are very large, 10 cm, and the rose is in full bloom looks gorgeous.

Among the relative novelties, we note the rose “Notre Dame du Rosaire”, the French name for a beautiful flower (Notre Dame du Rosaire) - it has a warm pink color, the flowers are very densely double, rosette-shaped, filled with petals.

The flower is dense, beautiful texture, yellow waxy, incredibly sweet aroma. The flowers are large, up to 10 cm, and the French rose “Notre Dame du Rosaire” blooms, called it by Guillot (Notre Dame du Rosaire) with tassels, its luxurious variety is 2 years old and is supplied to Russia.

Rose Ladurie (LaDunee).

Rose "Ladurie" (LaDunee) has a very unusual coral color, it is very bright and the flowers are large, although the smaller clusters are small, 1-3 flowers per cluster.

Rose Paul Bocuse has an apricot-pink color. The height of the bush is usually about 120-180 cm. The width is about 70 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Resistance to diseases of the Paul Bocuse rose: practically does not get sick.

Description: Paul Bocuse roses

From the art of creating flowers to culinary arts just one step that Guillot took without delay. The result is a Bocuse variety, fiery and strong, flowering very profusely. The flower is densely double, large, Pink colour with an orange tint, which is especially noticeable in cool weather. The outer petals form a cup that exudes a fruity aroma with notes of melon, cherry and green tea. ( rose I really appreciated after two years of watching. The flowers are very interesting and beautiful, with many petals, changing shape over time. They stay on the bush for quite a long time. Blooms in clusters. A magnificent rose with a wonderful aroma. Highly recommend. (RRC)