Korenevo Transfiguration Church. Church of the Transfiguration in Korenevo Church in Korenevo

Date of publication or update 04.11.2017

Temples of the Moscow region

Temples of the Lyubertsy region

Transfiguration Church. Village Korenevo

Story. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. The Korenevo estate belonged to the Narbekovs. In 1762, on the site of a wooden church that had existed since 1691, through the efforts of A.V. Narbekov, a stone church was built in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In 1794, a brick fence with a gate bell tower was erected around the church. In 1858, the interior of the church was renewed, and in 1913, a small refectory was added. The single-domed brick temple with rectangular altar and vestibule spaces is an interesting example of late Baroque architecture.

Services in the church continued until 1932; rector Peter Markov was shot in 1937.

The building was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992. Through the efforts of the rector, the community and parishioners, the temple was restored to its original appearance.

There is a Sunday school at the church, and the local school has begun teaching “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture.”

Address: 140052, Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, pos. Korenevo.

Directions: from Moscow from Kazansky railway station to the station. Korenevo Kurovsky direction (27 km).

Photo: Church of the Transfiguration in Korenevo

Photo and description

At the end of the 17th century, a wooden Transfiguration Church was built in Korenevo. At that time, the village belonged to the Narbekov family. In the middle of the 18th century, they still remained the owners of the village, and in the 60s of this century, A. Narbekov began construction of a stone temple.

At the end of the 70s of the 18th century, the church was consecrated. A few years later, the building was surrounded by a brick fence. A gate bell tower was erected.

In the middle of the 19th century, the interior of the church was updated. New paintings appeared on the walls, and the craftsmen also updated the carving of the iconostasis and its gilding. After the work was completed, the tarnished icons sparkled with new colors. At the beginning of the 20th century, the church building was expanded: a new refectory was erected.

The temple is built of red brick. The architectural style of the building is late Baroque. The refectory was built in the same style. However, it is distinguished from the main building by the lack of decoration, which makes the façade of the temple festive and elegant.

At the end of the 19th century, a school was opened in the parish, and information about the church library has also been preserved. The duties of the church warden in the first years of the 20th century were performed by Prince Alexei Obolensky.

In the 1930s, services in the church stopped, and the rector, Peter Markov, was shot. A village club was opened in the church, where various films were shown. Later the building became a sewing workshop. The temple was rebuilt several times.

In the 90s, services in the temple were resumed. Today the building is being restored. The church operates a Sunday school, which is attended by both children and adults.

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Question: (
Good evening. I am godfather to my goddaughter, and I was asked to become godfather again. They said they needed a certificate. Where should I go to get it, and what do I need for this? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Hello Roman.

The certificate you are asking about is issued in churches after listening to catechetical conversations before baptism. These conversations are held in our church on Saturday and Sunday at 11.30 and are aimed at telling a person about the Church of Christ and about the Sacrament of Baptism (in particular) in which you want to participate.
You can become a godfather for a second person, but we must remember that this is a big responsibility, because... The main task of a godfather is to bring his godson to God, to tell and show (primarily by his way of life) that there is One Lord above all of us.

Mikhail Sharkov answered the question.

Question: (

Hello, Evgeniy!

Such consecration can be performed either at the foundation of the house, or, if all the residents of the house collectively decide on consecration, gather for a prayer service and provide their apartments for sprinkling.

Question: (

Good afternoon, father! We really need your help. My mother died almost a year and a half ago. She was a believer, she visited the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and they buried her there... This summer we decided to erect a monument on her grave without removing the cross. I know the attitude of the church towards monuments and yet, I want to ask you, is it possible, from the point of view of a priest, to write on a monument the words: “The warmth of your soul remains with us”? These words contain my pain and grief from her loss... Your answer is very important to me. Thank you very much in advance.


Hello, Natalia!

I apologize for the delay in response. Yes, of course, you can erect a monument with warm words as an expression of your love for the deceased. But the most important manifestation of this love should be in prayer to the Lord for the forgiveness of unrepentant sins.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

Question: (

Hello, father, is it possible for my son (he is 9 years old) to fast before confession and communion, but at school there is a fast food, since he has an exacerbation of gastritis, he cannot eat dry food... Thank you.


Hello Irina!

Yes, you can. But, before that, it is better to approach the priest personally with your son and ask for a blessing.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (
Hello father. Does a baptized woman have the right to confess and receive communion if she lives in a legal marriage with an unbaptized husband? Thank you.
Hello Irina!

He has every right.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

Question: (
Hello father. Is it possible to attend the liturgy, but not confess or cleanse yourself? They say that in the past they could have been excommunicated from the Church for this. Thank you.
Hello Irina!

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

Question: (
Good afternoon, father!

Please tell me, can a married couple baptize a child with a name that is not in the Patriarchal calendar?

With gratitude for your attention...

Hello, Evgeniy!

You can baptize with a name that is not in the Orthodox monthly book, but it is important to understand that when naming a name, we are guided by the choice of the name of the saint whose name the child will bear. The desire to bear the name of another - in many traditions there is an expression of the desire to imitate the heroic past of one’s ancestors. In Christianity, this is the desire to correspond to a specific personal manifestation of holiness. In addition to denoting individuality, the name also indicates something common, thereby uniting the named person with his heavenly patron.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

Question: (
Father, bless!

Is it possible to bring a child or an adult sick with an infection or acute respiratory disease transmitted by airborne droplets to communion?

Save me, God.

Hello Irina!

You can receive communion, but in case of obvious or severe illness, you should invite the priest to your home so as not to expose others to the risk of infection.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

Question: (
Hello father! Please tell me how a pregnant woman should fast and how can she receive a blessing for fasting?
Hello, Marina!

The severity of fasting for pregnant women needs to be balanced with their state of health and medical prescriptions, not forgetting that fasting does not come down to giving up certain foods. Fasting is a spiritual exercise that fosters obedience, patience and sacrifice. Fasting has the goal of weakening the oppression of the flesh and turning the soul to self-knowledge and communion with God. To achieve this, during Lent, prayer is intensified, the range of entertainment and sensual pleasures is narrowed, and more time is devoted to attending services and reading the Holy Scriptures.

The Orthodox Church blesses all believers during the Nativity Fast, but if you want to receive the blessing personally, then please contact the priest in the church.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

Question: (

Good afternoon. At the age of 40 in 2005, I was baptized. The next day I didn’t make it to communion. What to do in this case? Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely, Igor.


Hello, Igor!

Thank God that you were baptized, but we are baptized to become Christians. A Christian must participate in the life of the Church and use its grace-filled gifts, which are abundantly taught in the sacraments, among which the most important sacrament is the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ or Communion. Communion is traditionally preceded by confession, which prepares the soul, cleansing with repentance and strengthening with grace. You write that you were unable to take communion the day after your baptism. What prevented you from doing this in a day, week or month? But six long years have passed. And this can only be explained by your mental misunderstanding and heartfelt ignorance of the fact that Communion is the central and constant spiritual leitmotif of a Christian’s life. Therefore, please, do not linger spiritually any longer, do not stand on the threshold of the Church, but enter It with your whole being, preparing in the near future for Confession and Communion, and continuing to proceed to these sacraments with responsibility and regularity.

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (
Hello, father! I kindly ask you to help me understand one issue. Scripture says: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. How can we justify our appeals, besides Jesus Christ, to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the Saints? I need this to explain to a Protestant friend of mine. I know that he is in error, I really want to somehow instruct him on the true path to Heaven - Orthodoxy, but I have never had such discussions. As a result, I failed in 2 counts. “How can you pray to the Mother of God: Most Holy Theotokos, save us? Christ saves us, and He is our only Advocate.” I couldn't answer this. Thank you in advance for your help. Save me, God!
Hello, Alexey! Lines from the first letter to Timothy of the Holy Apostle Paul, quoted by you: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5), a little higher, in the same letter , are preceded by a call to the Church to pray for all people. As we know, there is an Earthly Church and a Heavenly Church, and if the Apostle Paul sees the possibility and even necessity of spiritual help from members of the Earthly Church, then it is all the more natural to appeal for prayerful help to those who make up the Heavenly Church: to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the saints . The request to the Most Holy Theotokos for salvation should not be understood literally and is based on her extreme boldness in prayerful intercession for those who mourn and ask before Her Divine Son, as evidenced by the first miracle in Cana of Galilee. Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (
Hello! I know that people invite a priest to bless their apartment. Could a priest conduct a general consecration of an apartment building?
Hello, Evgeniy! Such consecration can be performed either at the foundation of the house, or, if all the residents of the house collectively decide on consecration, gather for a prayer service and provide their apartments for sprinkling. Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (
Bless, father! How to act correctly in the following situation. My work colleague, having learned that I was going to the temple, asked me to pray for her, since she is an atheist, and we are now having great difficulties at work. Save me, God.
Hello, Anna! A real atheist would never ask you for this. Faith has many degrees. Therefore, in such cases it is possible and necessary to pray for those asking. Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (
Hello. How to instill reverence for shrines and icons in a child?
The most important thing is our own reverence for the shrine. The child learns from us - from adults. He subtly senses our inner state, our faith and sincerity. Whether we consciously pray, make the sign of the cross and venerate icons, or do it out of habit, absent-mindedly and without piety - all this is subtly noticed by the child and his attitude towards the shrine is formed thanks to us - his parents and loved ones. It is very important, of course, that the child has contact with the shrine, and where can this be realized more fully if not in the temple? How can he experience grace if he does not participate in the life of the Church, if he does not begin the sacrament of Communion? Therefore, it is important to introduce the child to the life of the Church, which can be extremely diverse, including divine services, Sunday school lessons and concerts, Orthodox summer camps and much, much more. Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question Question: (
Hello! My mother died. I was told that I could read prayers for her. What kind of prayers should you read?
Prayer for the dead is the oldest tradition of the Church. The most important commandment in the Divine Law is love for God and neighbor. Having died, a person does not cease to be our neighbor. His soul exists and, if he is a Christian, then it exists in the Church, being part of It. Both by commandment and by the dictates of our hearts, we must continue to show love to our neighbor. But we can only show it in relation to someone who is no longer physically with us only in prayer, asking the Lord to forgive the unrepentant sins of the deceased. The text of the prayer for parents can be found by following this link: http://www.molitvoslov.com/text224.htm

Priest Ilya Semenov answered the question

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  • Created using the books of Archpriest Oleg Penezhko.
  • Church of the Transfiguration

    S. Korenevo.

    In 1687, Korenevo - in the estate of Vasily Savvich Narbekov, a okolnik from the same year, in 1668, steward of Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna (her father Ilya Danilovich Miloslavsky was married to Ekaterina Fedorovna Narbekova), then steward of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1681. Duma nobleman.

    In 1691 he built the wooden Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

    In 1705, the village was owned by his widow Agrafena Pavlovna, and from 1715 by his brother, Duma nobleman Stepan Savvich Narbekov.

    In 1762-1777 The owner of the village, lieutenant Alexander Vladimirovich Narbekov, built the existing stone church. There was also a wooden manor house in the village. The Narbekov family died out in the 1st half of the 19th century.

    In 1794, a stone church fence with a gate bell tower was built. The church clergy consisted of a priest, a deacon and a sexton. The houses of the clergy and clergy were wooden, built by the landowner on the landowner's land.

    Since 1794, Korenev was owned by Lieutenant General Ivan Vasilyevich Levashov (1715-1795), he was married to Ekaterina Alekseevna Zybina (b. 1723). After his death, the village was owned by his daughters Tatyana, Elizaveta, Ekaterina, Anastasia.

    Under the Levashovs in the 1820s. a wooden manor house was built, but destroyed in the 1970s. Then the village belonged to Prince Nikita Sergeevich Dolgorukov (1768-1842).

    His son Sergei (1811-1876) was mentally retarded, and in the middle of the 19th century. Korenev was owned by the prince's wife, a cavalry lady, Princess Varvara Nikolaevna Dolgorukova (née Tekutyeva), and from 1890 to 1917 - by her granddaughter, Princess Maria Alekseevna (d. 1929), her husband was the Moscow vice-governor, Prince Vasily Vasilyevich Obolensky (1846-1890).

    After the death of her husband, she devoted herself to raising six sons: Vasily (1873-1952), Sergei (1874-1936), Alexei (1877-1969), Nikolai (1878-1918), Alexander (1887-1971), Vladimir (1890-1940 ).

    In 1913, a refectory was added.

    In the 2nd half of the 19th century. Priest Alexey Znamensky served in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. In 1870 he compiled a church chronicle.

    In 1932, the temple was closed and destroyed, the bell tower was destroyed.

    Archpriest Pyotr Ivanovich Markov (born in 1881 in the family of a priest of the church in the village of Osechenki, Ramensky district) after the closure of the Korenevsky church served in the church in the village of Malakhovka, but lived in Korenev, here he was arrested on January 22, 1938, falsely accused of “propaganda of the rebel character and active counter-revolutionary propaganda” and on February 21 of the same year was shot at the Butovo training ground near Moscow.

    In 1992, the temple was returned to believers and restored.