How to feed flowers in the garden. Peonies: care and cultivation, planting in open ground, peonies fertilizer, flower propagation methods. Organic fertilizers for flowers in the country

In almost any dacha, next to fruit and berry crops, flowers coexist, because without them it is impossible to create a cozy and colorful area. The variety of flowering plants is amazing. Annuals and perennials, bulbous and ground cover, herbaceous and treelike. You can always pick up flowers for any corner of the garden. However, the duration and splendor of flowering depend not only on the species, but also on the timely and correct application top dressing.

How many times to feed the flowers

Certain nutrients are needed during different periods of growth. The plant has 2 main tasks. First, to form vegetative organs (stems and leaves) that flowers can withstand. Secondly, to form buds and bloom. This is the “minimum program” for plants, which determines required amount top dressing.

However, the frequency of fertilization also depends on the life span of the plant (annual, biennial or perennial). "Minimum program", i.e. fertilizing 2 times during the growing season is relevant only for annual flowers, life cycle which fit into one season. They are fertilized 2-3 weeks after planting in the ground to stimulate the active growth of shoots, and during the formation of buds, in order to prolong flowering as much as possible.

The life cycle of biennials and perennials includes wintering, so there is a need for a third top dressing, which will help the plant prepare for an unfavorable period. But the "minimum program" for perennials also requires adjustments, because some flowers need more. nutrients and require 4 5 dressings per season.

Organic fertilizers and their use for flowers

organic fertilizers can be called the most natural top dressing, because they are decay products or vital activity of living organisms:

  • Manure;
  • bird droppings;
  • Compost;
  • Humus;
  • Peat;
  • Sawdust;
  • siderates.

Organics are well absorbed, but when choosing the best option, it is necessary to take into account the species characteristics of plants, because not all flowers react normally to bird droppings or compost, and peat and sawdust acidify the soil, which is unacceptable when growing calcephiles.

Compost, humus and mowed green manure can be used for all flower crops. It is best to mulch the soil of flower beds and flower beds with them, adding a little natural humus. Regular renewal of the mulch layer in some cases completely replaces other organic fertilizers, and weed infusions are also an excellent source of trace elements.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


In addition to replenishing the supply of nutrients, organic substances such as humus, compost, peat and sawdust improve the structure of the soil, making it more loose and breathable.

Mineral fertilizers

This group includes fertilizers that can contain only this substance or a whole complex of macro- and microelements. They dissolve easily and quickly supply plants with nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and microelements (iron, boron and others). In some flowers that react negatively to organic fertilizers, this is the only way to fill the need for nutrients.

One of the most popular one-component mineral fertilizers that can be found in any country house is urea. It is an excellent source of nitrogen for garden flowers and is recommended for spring feeding. Urea granules are buried in the soil, where, in the presence of moisture, they quickly dissolve and immediately go to the roots.

For the formation of buds, flowering and preparation for winter, plants need large amounts of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Superphosphate and potassium nitrate are well suited for this purpose. However, these mono-fertilizers, unlike urea, are less and less used in floriculture, giving way to complex mineral or organo-mineral fertilizers.
Complex mineral fertilizers contain, as a rule, the main elements N: P: K in certain ratios, as well as a large number of trace elements that are no less important for the life of the plant organism (iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum, etc.). The most popular fertilizers are "Kemira", "Agricola", "Pocon", "Master", and for different periods of growth there are preparations with the necessary ratio of the main elements. For flowering plants the best option is the predominance of phosphorus and potassium over nitrogen.

Choosing a mineral fertilizer industrial production, do not forget about natural substances. An excellent source of various trace elements is ordinary wood ash, which is always found in the country. This substance is well absorbed by plants, while it is impossible to overfeed with ash, unlike chemical fertilizers. In addition, it gently deacidifies the soil and is necessary when mulching with sawdust and peat, which shifts the pH to the acid side.

The nutrient requirements of flower crops

The nutrients that a plant needs depend on the growing season and the characteristics of the plants. Flowers with a short growing season, such as spring bulbs or primroses, need fewer nutrients because they above-ground part dies off quickly. But the amount of nutrients that they consume in a short period of time is very large, and even the land, well fertilized before planting, often cannot meet this need, so additional nutrition is necessary for the normal formation of bulbs or preparation of plants for a dormant period.
Flowers with a long growing season need more nutrients, but their intake is stretched.

In spring, flower crops, like most other plants, need nitrogen, which can be applied in the form of organic or mineral supplements. However, an excess of this element can lead to a delay in flowering and the formation of a small number of buds.

by the most important element which is actively used flowering plants, is potassium. It is actively removed from the soil in all periods, and the need for it increases sharply in cloudy weather and with a decrease in the length of daylight hours.

Ways to feed flowers

A large number of types of flower crops forces one to resort to various types fertilizer application.

According to the method of introducing nutrients, they distinguish:

  • Root;
  • Foliar.

Most often, gardeners apply fertilizer under the root in liquid or dry form. Mineral dressings can be used in dry form (in landing pit or can be incorporated into the topsoil) or dissolved in irrigation water. Organic fertilizers such as manure and bird droppings are often applied as infusions, while compost, peat and manure are used to mulch and fill the planting hole.

Foliar top dressing is often underestimated, although this method of fertilizing helps to quickly provide the plant with the necessary micro and macro elements. For weakened, sick, damaged and young plants, this method is optimal. For foliar top dressing, special fertilizers or conventional complex preparations are used, but in a lower concentration than when applied with irrigation water.

Long-acting fertilizers, which are available in the form of sticks, pyramids or granules, deserve special attention. They gradually release nutrients, maintaining the desired concentration of micro and macro elements.

The validity of some preparations is more than a month, which saves the gardener from the need to frequently feed plants that require high doses of nutrients.

Features of popular types of garden flowers

When choosing a fertilizer and the method of its application, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of flower crops. For example, when growing roses, it will not be possible to do without organic matter, and for lush flowering you will have to feed the bushes at least 4 times per season.

Annual plants also respond very well to top dressing and are actively developing, however, organic matter can not be used for all crops. For example, asters do not respond well to manure and get sick, and such annuals as marigolds, nasturtium and levkoy form lush tops to the detriment of flowering. These flyers need nutrients, but it is recommended to use a complete complex mineral fertilizer for top dressing.

Corms and rhizomatous perennials such as gladioli, peonies, delphiniums also need high doses of fertilizers. They are recommended to be fed 4 times per season: at the beginning of the growing season with preparations with a high nitrogen content, during development and flowering with complex mineral fertilizer, and at the end of the growing season with phosphorus-potassium.

For successful cultivation modern dahlia hybrids require regular leaf feeding, due to insufficient development of the root system, which is not able to provide the plant with a full set of substances for full flowering.

Plants that prefer acidic and slightly acidic soils (hydrangea, rhododendrons, heather) will benefit from mulching with high-moor peat or pine sawdust which will naturally acidify the soil.

When planting flowering plants on the site, it must always be remembered that the formation of buds and flowering requires a huge expenditure of nutrients, which are often lacking in the soil. Timely and rational application of fertilizers will improve the appearance of plants and help prolong flowering.

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Do you want to provide garden and home flowers with active growth and? Do you want to protect plantings from the invasion of pests and infections? Fertilizers for flowers in this case are the best helpers! Of course, you need to use them, strictly observing the dosage and timing of application. How you can fertilize flowers and in, you will learn by reading the descriptions of the best universal preparations.

What useful fertilizers can be used to feed flowers?

Below is a description of what fertilizers for flowers can be used at home and in the garden:

"Uniflor" recommended for gardening and balcony plants. Excellent for feeding most flowers during the growing season. Contains 7 trace elements. Economical packaging for 20-25 liters of water (nitrogen -20%; phosphorus - 10%; potassium - 20% + magnesium + trace elements).

Fertika Lux Flower- water-soluble fertilizer for flowers and seedlings. It contains total nitrogen -16%; ammonia nitrogen - 7.9%; nitrate nitrogen - 8.1%; phosphorus - 20.6%; potassium - 27.1% and trace elements (iron, boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum, zinc).

"Hello" contains: nitrogen 16%, phosphorus 9%, potassium 20%, magnesium 0.7%, calcium 2%, sodium humate 2%, trace elements: boron 0.04%, manganese 0.03%, zinc 0.02%, copper 0.02%, molybdenum 0.01% .

This is one of those fertilizers that flowers need to increase their size and enhance the brightness of the color.

It also strengthens root system plants, promotes the formation of larger bulbs and rhizomes, accelerates the development of plants.

How to fertilize flowers: the best fertilizers

"GUMI-OMI" is an organo-mineral, powder-granulated soft fertilizer for corms and flower plants.

In its composition contains: compost based on chicken manure, macro- and microelements, as well as Gumi fertilizer.

It is used to nourish plants, improve growth and decorative qualities, increase the duration, improve soil structure. This is one of the best fertilizers for flowers, perfectly balanced in organic, humic and mineral substances.

Contains in terms of dry matter: organics - not less than 20%, sodium humate - 0.4-0.6%; macronutrients, not less: nitrogen - 10%, phosphorus - 9%, potassium - 9%; trace elements of boron and copper - 200-300 mg / kg.

Fertilizer is used in dry form or in the form of an aqueous solution.

And what is the best way to fertilize flowers to enhance their growth?

"Bio Master" suitable for all kinds ornamental plants. It consists of: 15% nitrogen, 5% phosphorus, 30% potassium and trace elements.

This flower fertilizer is best for: , . And also for alocasia, calathea, campanula, arrowroot, felicia,. Composition: 10% nitrogen, 14% phosphorus, 30% potassium and trace elements.

Complex fertilizers for flowers "Aquarin" and "Leica"

"Aquarin"- non-ballast fertilizer. In it, all the nutrients, and these are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, are in a very easily accessible form for plants, they are quickly and without loss absorbed by plants both during root and foliar feeding.

In addition, "Aquarin" is a complex fertilizer for flowers, as it contains a whole range of microelements (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, boron) in a balanced amount for plants. Moreover, they are contained not in the form of salt forms, but in the form of so-called chelates. These compounds do not allow trace elements to be fixed in the soil, but make them quickly absorbed by plants. Experienced gardeners know how important it is.

"Watering can" is a liquid complex organo-mineral fertilizer for ornamental flowering plants. It contains nitrogen - 1.5%, phosphorus - 1.8%, potassium - 2.3%, humate - 0.15%, trace elements.

The fertilizer is specially designed for root and foliar dressings all kinds of ornamental flowering garden, balcony and indoor plants. A set of nutrients provides full development, accelerates growth, provides high decorativeness, and the presence of humate contributes to a more complete absorption of nutrients by the plant. Lake's fertilizer is also used for soaking.

Balcony and garden plants they are fed once every 7-10 days from the moment of germination or a week after planting the seedlings until the end of the growing season, from early spring to the end of July.

Soaking seeds is carried out immediately before sowing for 12-24 hours in a solution at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water.

What is the best fertilizer for decorative flowers?

And what kind of fertilizer to feed the flowers to protect them from viral and fungal infections?

"FlorHumate for ornamental flowering plants" provides good nutrition and development, is a growth stimulator, increases resistance to various diseases and frosts.

Helps to improve the decorative properties (including due to more intense coloring of the petals and leaves of plants, increasing the size of the calyx), stimulates the growth of plants and the development of their root system, provides long flowering, increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

What else can you fertilize flowers?

"FlorHumate Flower Universal" contains the following nutrients (g/1 l): humic acids - 2.0; nitrogen - 15.0; phosphorus - 1.5; potassium - 4.0; calcium - 0.35; magnesium - 0.08; sulfur - 3.0. Trace elements, g/l: boron - 0.1-0.3; molybdenum - 0.02-0.04; manganese - 0.4-0.7; zinc - 0.3-0.45; copper - 0.1-0.2; cobalt - 0.02-0.04; iron - 0.06-0.1.

If you do not know which flower fertilizer is better, use "FlorGumat": it is intended for pre-sowing treatment and top dressing of all types of house flowers and landscape gardening plants. Promotes lush and long-lasting flowering, improves decorative properties, stimulates the development of the root system, increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

"FlorHumate for bulbous" contains nutrients in the amount (g / 1 l): humic acids - 2.0; nitrogen - 12.0; phosphorus - 1.5; potassium - 3.0; calcium - 0.35; magnesium - 0.08; sulfur - 3.0. Trace elements, g/l: boron - 0.1-0.3; molybdenum - 0.02-0.04; manganese - 0.4-0.7; zinc - 0.3-0.45; copper - 0.1-0.2; cobalt - 0.02-0.04; iron - 0.06-0.1.

Designed for fertilizing and top dressing, gladioli, tulips, irises, daffodils, hippeastrums, as well as onions, garlic and others bulbous plants. Provides long flowering, high decorative properties, increasing yields and improving product quality. Increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Before gardeners involved in the cultivation of flower crops, sooner or later the question arises - how to properly feed them? What kind of fertilizer to use so that your flowers develop well and are healthy? Let's try to give some general advice on this topic.

The attitude to fertilization for flower crops should be similar to the nutrition of the person himself. After all, a person needs the whole range of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins ... And it is imperative that this diet be balanced, without excesses in one direction or another.

So it is with flowers. Their diet should also be varied and balanced.

nitrogen fertilizers

First of all, nitrogen fertilizers should be mentioned. They can be either organic or mineral.

As for organic matter, it is undoubtedly rotted manure, humus. At the same time, it operates general rule- fresh manure should not be used, because it may contain pathogens of fungal diseases of plants. Humus, as a rule, is introduced into the soil when planting flowers, it is added to the planting pits.

Speaking about mineral nitrogen fertilizers, first of all, azofoska should be mentioned. It is very good to use on early stages when planting flower crops. Here it should be said about carbamide (urea). These are exactly the fertilizers that plants need in the initial period of their growth, so that the aerial part develops well.

Carbamide is the most concentrated of all nitrogen fertilizers. It can be used as a basic fertilizer at the rate of 20-40 g per 1 square meter. In this case, the granules must be embedded in the soil to avoid nitrogen losses. Urea can be applied under plants and in dissolved form.

However, it should be remembered that thoughtless excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers under flower crops can disrupt the flowering process. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the plant will begin to “fatten”, that is, it will gain too much and abundant greenery, and the formation of inflorescences will be delayed. Therefore, it is said that nitrogen fertilizing is important precisely on the first, initial stage growth.

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers

The next to be mentioned are phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Phosphorus and potassium are needed for both bulbous plants and perennials. It is these two elements that provide abundant flowering.

Speaking of this type of fertilizer, it should be said about superphosphate, potassium nitrate, but especially about potassium monophosphate.

Potassium monophosphate is a concentrated phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. It is used to ensure good nutrition plants and is applied both in protected and open ground with irrigation. In addition, potassium monophosphate is also used for foliar top dressing.

It contains 33% potassium and more than 50% total phosphates. The nitrogen content here is minimal. The indisputable advantage of potassium monophosphate is that all the nutrients that make up its composition are perfectly absorbed by plants. This fertilizer is very convenient because it dissolves quickly in water.

For bulbous plants, potassium monophosphate is practically the main food. And for gladioli, and for lilies, and for tulips, it is extremely important. The fertilizer is very effective and highly effective. It must be paid attention to if you want your flowers to be healthy and strong.


Speaking of fertilizers for flowers, it is impossible not to mention biostimulants. For example, "Krezatsin" and "Epin-extra", I as plant growth regulators. They contribute to the production in plants of those substances that they need at each stage of development. These drugs allow plants to effectively overcome various stressful situations in a short time. They help to quickly recover from damage, survive bad weather situations without loss, whether it be a light frost or long rains. Do not be afraid to use biostimulants.

Summing up what has been said, denote sample diagram application of fertilizers in the cultivation of flower crops:

  • spring, planting and the beginning of growth - the application of nitrogen fertilizers, such as azofoska and urea;
  • summer, flowering period - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, such as monophosphate;
  • if necessary, during stressful situations - biostimulants, such as "Krezatsin" and "Epin-extra".

Such a scheme will give a good result both for flowering and for growing bulbs and tubers for the next year.

For proper growth, development and flowering, each flower in your garden must be nourished by certain elements from the soil. If such nutrition is insufficient, you will immediately notice it in the appearance of the flowers, which will grow poorly, lose their bright and lively hue, as well as pretty blooms. Therefore, if you want to keep every planting of flowers: flowerbed, rabatka or parterre in excellent condition, then do not forget to use fertilizer during care.

Depleted soil cannot provide plants with the required amount of nutrients, so if you plant flowers in one place for several years in a row, or this area has already been used for other crops, the land on it must be fertilized. It is noteworthy that even undepleted, “walking fallow” land is not always rich in necessary elements. Therefore, top dressing of garden flowers is required, only in this case they will delight you with an irresistible appearance.

When to Fertilize Flowers

According to experts, it is much easier with annual plants, which are enough to feed only 2 times a season: the first time - 12-15 days after planting the seedlings in the ground and rooting, and the second - during the formation of buds with flowers. This will be quite enough for the flowers to grow and develop, and also show exuberant color at a certain time. With perennials, the picture is slightly different, they need to be fed three times a year: the first time - at the moment when the earth begins to dry out in spring (it can be loosened and fertilized), the second - at the time the buds appear, and the third - after flowering. This is necessary so that the flowers stock up on strength for wintering and can lay strong buds for the next year.

Long-term fertilizers for flowers (video)

Organic fertilizers for flowers

The use of organic fertilizers for flowers is very important, since most of them prefer organic. It's very hard to imagine beautiful bushes and bright flowers roses, dahlias and peonies without fertilizing with manure.

The most suitable for fertilizing cow and horse manure. But, if it can be used fresh for top dressing, then the cow must definitely overheat. It is best to fertilize flower beds with liquid manure, which is not prepared special work. To do this, you just need to take 10 liters of clean water and insist 1 kg of manure in it. After a day, liquid top dressing can be used. To do this, it is diluted with water, 1: 2, and flower beds and other flower plantings are watered, depending on the type of plant, the soil after such watering can be loosened or mulched.

If we continue talking about organics, then the next the best fertilizer for flowers, chicken manure is considered. It is prepared in much the same way as an infusion of ordinary horse or cow dung, but it is insisted for about two weeks. After the expiration of the period, the slurry is diluted (0.5 l of infusion in a bucket of water) and the roots of plants are poured into it.

An incredible "delicacy" for flowers will be fertilizing with an ash solution, for the preparation of which wood ash and clean water, 1 cup per bucket.

Do-it-yourself fertilizers for indoor plants (video)

Mineral fertilizers for flowers

But, unfortunately, not all flowers are good for organic fertilizers. Among them are asters, marigolds, nasturtiums and almost all bulbs: hyacinths, daffodils and tulips), which either get sick or die from organic matter. It is in these cases that mineral fertilizers will come in handy.

At the very beginning of the season, you can use nitrogen fertilizers for flowers, which will make it possible to build up a dense and healthy green mass - strong stems and bright leaves. Next, you can apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, they will help the buds develop faster and bloom profusely. Potash fertilizers are well suited for perennial flowers, but only at the end of the season in order to lay flower buds for the next year.

But, sometimes, it is very difficult for a person without experience to choose the right fertilizer for garden flowers, especially when it comes to mineral ones. In this case, experts recommend simply using a complex fertilizer for flowers, which already combines everything necessary elements. You can buy complex fertilizers for flowers at any specialized store, so there should be no questions.

How to make fertilizer for flowers

Sometimes there are situations in which soil fertilization is almost impossible, but should take place. There are a huge number of examples: a person cannot afford to buy fertilizer, elderly people cannot bear heavy loads and deliver fertilizer from stores, they do not sell the necessary fertilizers in the dacha area or its environs. Shortly speaking, similar nuances a lot, but what to do in this case, if you want to grow on suburban area at least a small flower bed beautiful flowers? There is a way out, as usual, and now we'll talk about it:

  • With many flowers, ordinary coffee grounds are perfectly absorbed, and if you need to fertilize a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bflowers, then a portion of such fertilizer can be collected in just a week;
  • An infusion can be a source of calcium for your flowers eggshell in ordinary water, which further should be watered plants;
  • Some plants are even fine with sugar, which can be sprinkled on the surface before watering;
  • You can add tea leaves, a decoction of onion peel, an infusion on a banana peel and infusions from other food waste to the soil. Also, good compost can be prepared from this raw material, however, this will take a little more time.

Of course, this list is more like fertilizer for home flowers, but believe me, it is perfect for a small flower bed, where you don’t need a huge expense.

DIY fertilizer

Also, I would like to note that if it is not possible to buy a universal fertilizer for flowers or a special decorative fertilizer for flowers, then you can always use rotted weeds, rotted straw, wood ash, and also droppings of small pets for dressing, which will perfectly hide the deficiency. , say, manure, horse or cow. Perhaps these fertilizers will not be enough for the ideal cultivation of flowers, but any flower will be very grateful to you for such an amount.

Top dressing of flowers in July with liquid mineral fertilizers

Any plant, regardless of the time of year, needs moisture, air and a sufficient amount of nutrients. Even in the most fertile soil, nutrients are enough for 2-3 months for an adult plant.

After this period, the plant experiences a deficiency of nutrients, which can manifest itself in falling and twisting of leaves, slow growth of flowers, loss of color saturation, and the appearance of fungal diseases. To avoid this, you need to regularly feed the plants.

Feeding perennials after flowering

In July, some of the plants have already faded (roses, daylilies, peonies), and a dormant period has begun. For others, on the contrary, the second month of summer is a time of active growth and flowering. We can observe the riot of colors of some varieties of roses (Iceberg, Arctic Fire), gladioli, asters. Now for both types of plants, a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil is important.

perennial plants that have already faded should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer: double superphosphate, potassium chloride in a ratio of 2 to 1. These include lupine (lat. Lupinus), feverfew (lat. Pyrethrum), oriental poppy (lat. Papaver orientale), chamomile (lat. Matricaria), aquilegia (lat. Aquilegia).

How to feed flowering plants

For peonies (lat. Paeonia) use potash dry fertilizers (potassium salt, potassium sulfate): place 30-40 g of fertilizer in the groove next to the plant and fill it with water.

Roses (lat. Rosa) and dahlias (lat. Dahlia) feed well natural fertilizers once every 10-12 days. For example, humus from compost pit, or infusion of cut grass (soaked in water 2:1).

Dilute organics with water - 1 to 20 humus or 1 to 10 green infusion. A bucket is enough for 5 large or 10-15 small plants. If you have not previously subcorked with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, you can add 10-15 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate to the solution.

For feeding gladioli (lat. Gladiolus) use:

  • ash solution (100 g per bucket of water);
  • urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water);
  • phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (35 g per bucket of water).

Can also be sprayed with a solution containing boric acid, potassium permanganate, blue vitriol, soap.

Asters (lat. Aster) are fed with one of the following fertilizers:

  • organic humus, 2-4 kg per square meter;
  • mineral fertilizers are used: potassium chloride, double superphosphate, in a ratio of 2 to 1. Use 6-9 g of dry fertilizer per 1 square meter.
  • ammonium nitrate, 20-25 g per sq.m., also has a good effect on the growth of asters.

The soil where geykhera (lat. Heuchera), meadowsweet (lat. Filipendula), feverfew (lat. Pyrethrum) grows is well fertilized chicken manure and infusion of mullein. These organic fertilizers enrich the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and zinc.