The meaning of the name Inna, origin, character and fate of the name Inna. Inna (female name)

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Inna is sensitive, affectionate, sexy, gentle in communication with men and very jealous in a sexual-erotic way. She deeply and strongly experiences love's voluptuousness, but outwardly it hardly manifests itself. Due to her natural shyness, Inna is somewhat constrained in sexual behavior, therefore she prefers experienced men who know the technique of sex. Inna loves long lovemaking, kisses that cause sexual arousal; strong irritants for her are not so much a man’s hands as those hot love words that he whispers to her during erotic games.

Relationships and marriage named Inna

Some men expect an immediate reaction to their caresses, so if this does not happen to Inna, she believes that she has failed and begins to get nervous. She is simply impatient, it is not for nothing that Inna is a “stormy stream”, therefore she especially needs a friendly, attentive and sensitive partner. Listening to her own feelings and caring more about not remaining dissatisfied herself, Inna often forgets about the man, unable to understand what is interfering with his sexual well-being. If Inna sometimes learns to sacrifice her interests in order to better know her partner’s desires, she can become an unsurpassed lover.

In her family life, Inna is a very difficult person. She is overly jealous, adamant, wants to dominate in everything, including intimate relationships. Her marriage is often short-lived. Having separated from her husband, she no longer binds herself to marriage.

According to Higir

Starorusskoe male name, currently used as a feminine name, just like the name Rimma.

Innusya, Nyusya - this is how little Inna’s parents address her. Maybe the predominance of the sounds “nu”, “nu” or double “nn” makes this girl so stubborn? I don’t know, but many times I noticed that Inna, both in childhood and as adults, has a difficult character. Little Inna's stubbornness almost always results in tears - her own or, which is also not uncommon, her mother's. Having matured, Inna, out of necessity, will give up some of her things to a person she likes, but she will do this after overcoming internal resistance. She does not put up with even the small weaknesses of her friends, and she remembers the evil done to her all her life, although she herself is not vindictive. She is smart and amazes those around her with her bold and original statements. She is independent, has her own opinion and does not follow the lead of her friends. She loves to try out all kinds of recipes, and since she has been her mother’s favorite since childhood and spends a lot of time with her mother in the kitchen, she masters the culinary arts quite well.

They can be good journalists, photo reporters, and often work as store directors, hairdressers, and engineers. Many Innas try themselves in poetry.

Inna loves to sleep in the morning, but she successfully fights this sweet habit because she is hardworking and does not allow herself to spend idle time.

Marriage with Inna is difficult - she is also jealous. Only a person who is absolutely honest and completely frank can make her happy. In devotion itself. There is no doubt about Inna.

In Inna's marriage, girls are more often born. She loves children, she is enthusiastic about their upbringing, and in addition to school, she will try to teach her children in prestigious sections and give them a musical education. If she has talent, she will most likely devote her life to it, giving up family, everyday life, comforts and money. If talent has to be combined with family life, then Inna’s husband and children will be in the background. The husband will have to unconditionally listen to Inna and praise her, in addition, do almost all the housework. The mother-in-law may not like this, so Inna is better off living separately from her.

Compatibility of the name Inna

Inn with patronymics Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Nikolaevna, Vyacheslavovna have especially complex characters.

Inna will most likely be lucky with Alexander, Vladimir, Konstantin, Felix, Yakov. A marriage with Nikolai, Ivan, Vasily, Vadim may be less successful.

Inna- “floating” (lat.)

Innusya, Nyusya - this is how little Inna’s parents address her. Maybe the predominance of the sounds “nu”, “nu” or double “nn” makes this girl so stubborn? Many times it has been noted that Inna, both in childhood and as adults, has a difficult character.

Small Inna, for example, is perfectly oriented in the home world around her. She will never give up something that belongs to her; she will create a scandal if she sees that her mother gave her friend a beautiful plastic bag. Small Inna unable to overcome his stubbornness. A clash on this basis almost always ends in tears - her own, and often her mother’s. Having grown up, Inna if necessary, she can give up some of her things to a person she likes, but remember, this will cause her severe stress.

My mother's favorite since childhood, Inna Spends a lot of time with her in the kitchen, learning to cook and run the house with interest. She likes to try out all kinds of culinary recipes or invent something delicious. She has no inclination for needlework. Likes to sleep.

She is very strict with herself and those around her. Lies and inventions are not her role. She is thrifty and hardworking. Inna smart, amazes others with courage and original solutions and statements. She is independent, has her own opinion and never follows a lead. She approaches everything creatively, her imagination is inexhaustible - in spending money, in jealousy, and in work. If she has talent, she will most likely devote her life to it, giving up family, everyday life, comforts and money. If talent has to be combined with family life, then the husband and children will be in the background. The husband will have to unconditionally listen to Inna and praise her, in addition, do almost all the housework. The mother-in-law may not like this, so Inna is better off living with her parents or having a separate apartment.

She gives birth to daughters whom she loves. He approaches their upbringing with inspiration. Her children usually study in prestigious schools, and she strives to give them a musical education and teach them languages.

He often suffers from allergies and has a weak nervous system.

"Winter" Inna self-confident, quick-tempered, harsh.

“Autumn” is inquisitive, serious, thoughtful. Can work as a store or cafe director, accountant, engineer, operator, programmer. She is suitable for leadership positions. The name goes well with patronymics: Valerievna, Grigorievna, Mikhailovna, Lazarevna, Egorovna, Bogdanovna.

“Summer” is an intriguer, conflicted, stubborn.

“Spring” is extravagant and unpredictable.

Can work as a journalist, photo reporter, translator, tour guide, hairdresser.

The name matches patronymics: Vyacheslavovna, Olegovna, Ivanovna, Ruslanovna, Romanovna, Filippovna.

Meaning of the name Inna option 2

An Old Russian male name, currently used as a female name, just like the name Rimma.

Innusya, Nyusya - this is how little Inna’s parents address her. Maybe the predominance of the sounds “nu”, “nu” or double “nn” makes this girl so stubborn?

Innas, both in childhood and as adults, have a difficult character. Little Inna's stubbornness almost always results in tears - her own or, which is also not uncommon, her mother's.

Having grown up, Inna out of necessity, she will give up some of her things to a person she likes, but she will do this after overcoming internal resistance. She does not put up with even the small weaknesses of her friends, and she remembers the evil done to her all her life, although she herself is not vindictive. She is smart and amazes those around her with her bold and original statements. She is independent, has her own opinion and does not follow the lead of her friends. She loves to try out all kinds of recipes, and since she has been her mother’s favorite since childhood and spends a lot of time with her mother in the kitchen, she masters the culinary arts quite well.

They can be good journalists, photo reporters, and often work as store directors, hairdressers, and engineers. Many Innas try themselves in poetry.

Inna loves to sleep in the morning, but she successfully fights this sweet habit because she is hardworking and does not allow herself to spend idle time.

Marriage with Inna is difficult - she is also jealous. Only a person who is absolutely honest and completely frank can make her happy. There is no doubt about the devotion of Inna herself. In Inna's marriage, girls are more often born. She loves children, she is enthusiastic about their upbringing, and in addition to school, she will try to teach her children in prestigious sections and give them a musical education. If she has talent, she will most likely devote her life to it, giving up family, everyday life, comforts and money. If talent has to be combined with family life, then Inna’s husband and children will be in the background. The husband will have to listen unconditionally

Inna and praise her, in addition, she does almost all the housework. The mother-in-law may not like this, so Inna is better off living separately from her.

Inn with patronymics Dmitrievna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Nikolaevna, Vyacheslavovna have especially complex characters.

Inna will most likely be lucky with Alexander, Vladimir, Konstantin, Felix, Yakov. A marriage with Nikolai, Ivan, Vasily, Vadim may be less successful.

Meaning of the name Inna option 3

Sonya: shoot from a cannon in the morning - you won’t wake him up. Active in the afternoon, do not like physical labor.

Girls don’t get married for a long time, but they are “closed” to sex. Interest in this issue has increased since childhood.

They are good housewives, they love to create coziness, cook deliciously and beautifully. The natures are very contradictory.

Meaning of the name Inna option 4

Inna- from lat. a crying or stormy stream; the European version of the name is Inessa.

Derivatives: Innushka, Ina, Inusya, Inulya, Inyuta, Inyusha, Ineska, Inura.

Name days: February 2, July 3. The name was once masculine, which is why St. is mentioned in the Saints. martyr Inna.

Folk signs.

The second day of February predicts spring: if it’s sunny - for a red spring, if it’s cloudy - expect late snowstorms.


Inna- straightforward, stubborn, orthodox. Almost incapable of compromise. And if in rare cases she is honored to give in to someone, then it costs her enormous mental effort. But nevertheless, those around her cannot help but recognize her as an interesting person, capable of bold and original thinking.

Meaning of the name Inna option 5

INNA (INESSA) - stormy (lat.).

Name day: February 2 - Holy Martyr Inna, Slav, disciple of the Holy Apostle Andrew; died as a martyr in the 1st century.

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • Color - lemon.
  • Auspicious tree - lemon.
  • Treasured plant - Lemon tree flower.
  • The patron of the name is the dingo dog.
  • The talisman stone is opal.


Inna very stubborn, self-confident; if he makes concessions, then only after overcoming strong internal resistance. Inna does not put up with even the small weaknesses of her friends, she is vindictive, although not vindictive. Inna smart, amazes others with bold and original statements. She is very independent and has her own opinion on every issue.

Meaning of the name Inna option 6

Inna- a person with a complex character; too stubborn and overly principled. He cannot put up with the lack of commitment and unpunctuality of friends, or the negligence of colleagues. No explanation Inna does not take into account, it is easy to lose her goodwill. It is very difficult to achieve authority in her eyes. Inna does not forgive the insults inflicted on her, although she will not take revenge, considering it below her dignity.

Marriage with Inna is difficult, besides everything, she is also very jealous. Only a person who is absolutely honest and completely sincere can achieve her complete trust and make her happy. There is no doubt about the devotion of Inna herself.

Inna loves to sleep longer in the morning, but is so self-disciplined that she is able to overcome this sweet habit. Very hardworking, demanding of herself. Inna tries not to miss anything in life, strives to be on time everywhere. He knows what he wants, takes his choice of profession seriously, and has been preparing himself for his chosen specialty since school.

Inna She is purposeful and in everyday life she will definitely achieve her plans. He will be able to save money for a car, a dacha, and for the education of his children. Inna He is interested in alternative medicine, always looks through specialized literature, makes clippings from periodicals, knows many recipes for healthy plant foods, and adheres to a diet.

Her special passion is the car. Can drive a car better than many men, Inna understands the intricacies of its structure and is able to identify breakdowns. She would have repaired it herself if she had been able to do it. However, in childhood Inna More than once I received scoldings from my father for disassembling a bicycle, since I could not assemble it myself.

Meaning of the name Inna option 7

Inna translated from Greek it means “stormy stream”, and from Latin it means “floating”.

Since childhood Inna spends a lot of time with his mother in the kitchen, learns with interest to cook, lead household. She is very strict with herself and those around her. However, those around her cannot help but recognize her as an interesting person, capable of bold and original thinking. Thrifty and hardworking, smart. She is independent, has her own opinion and never follows a lead. He approaches everything creatively. If Inna has talent, he will most likely devote his life to it, giving up his family, everyday life, comforts and money.

  • The color of the name is lemon.
  • Auspicious tree - lemon.
  • The treasured plant is the lemon tree flower.
  • The patron of the name is dingo.
  • The talisman stone is opal.

The name Inna is of Latin origin. Derived from the word “inno” and translated means “turbulent stream”, “energetic”, “floating”. The secret of the name is that it used to be exclusively masculine, as evidenced by historical monuments.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: jade, amber, carnelian
  • Color: orange, green
  • Plant: forget-me-not, iris
  • Animal: seal, fallow deer, pigeon
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The energy of the name Inna contains such qualities of a feminine character as emotionality, sensuality, passion and honesty. Such a girl is very kind, sensitive to other people's grief and problems. She loves children, carefully protects her family, and painfully experiences personal failures. She has a creative perception of reality, a lively mind, and an observant character. She is an interesting conversationalist, well-read, and knows how to analyze and summarize information.

Inna is the beloved and most often the only child. She studies diligently at school, she is a very neat schoolgirl. Parents are trying to channel the girl’s uncontrollable energy into sports and dancing. She always remembers her studies with a sigh. Such a person does not tolerate narrow-mindedness, monotony and military obedience.

A girl named Inna finds herself in a trusting and friendly environment. In his youth he does not forgive unfair treatment of himself. Evil remembers and takes revenge. She is secretive by nature, but when it comes to defending principles, she can speak out unexpectedly sharply and firmly defend a fair decision. A character flaw is considered to be excessive adherence to principles and stubbornness.

Interests and hobbies

As a child, Inna was interested in creativity. She likes to draw and sculpt. Sometimes such a hobby becomes her future profession, if parents send their daughter to the appropriate club.

The adult owner of the name likes shopping most of all. She is a spendthrift by nature and loves to spend money thoughtlessly, buying unnecessary but beautiful things. She loves jewelry and high-quality cosmetics.

Inna is a great hostess. He is interested in preparing gourmet dishes and knows many ancient culinary recipes. Such a woman almost never has free time. She switches from one creative work to another, but is able to devote her only day off to routine household work.

She can’t imagine a vacation without her family; she likes to organize surprises for her children and husband and give gifts.

Profession and business

A girl named Inna is looking for an interesting and uncomplicated job. I am pleased to take part in family business, but does not agree to lead and be responsible for the results of activities. She does not consider work to be the main content of her life. At the same time, it can become indispensable office worker, bank employee, administrator, hairdresser, artist, fashion designer, dressmaker, pastry chef.


Inna is predisposed to vascular and spinal diseases. She needs constant cleaning of the stomach and lymphatic system.

Sex and love

Owner beautiful name Inna is shy and may seem too reserved. But sex, in her understanding and perception, plays a paramount role in love relationships. Therefore, she does everything possible to be irresistible and unique in the eyes of her chosen one. Such a girl loves beautiful and tender words, kisses, attentions and praise. Jealous. She will fight for her beloved man. She considers herself an unsurpassed lover.

Family and marriage

Inna marries for love. Her chosen one may be younger, but outwardly he has pronounced qualities of a strong young man. Such a woman needs a strong man’s back, help, love and understanding. In any case, she will try to control her husband. If she doesn’t succeed, she agrees to a divorce. Very rarely allows remarriage. Such a person is very worried about betrayal, adultery and family scandals. She doesn’t like it when friends and relatives interfere in her relationship with her husband and rejects their advice and help.

Inna raises her children strictly. Tries to instill in them good qualities, teach what she knows. The children are afraid of her, but they respect her and always provide her with support and help.

Short form of the name Inna. Innushka, Ina, Inusya, Inulya, Inyuta, Inyusha, Incha.
Origin of the name Inna. The name Inna is Russian, Orthodox.

The name Inna translated from Latin means “stormy stream”, “float”, “flow, flow”, “floating”. Previously, judging by Russian traditions, men were called this name, but now it is purely feminine. This was the name of one of the disciples of the Apostle Andrew, a native of Scythia Minor, a martyr - Inna Novodunsky, Slav. Together with Rimma and Pinna, they were tortured for their faith.

The diminutive Ina is an appeal to many names. For example, to the name Agrippina, Antonina, Karina, Ellina, Georgina, Dina, Zinaida, Inessa, Irina, Marina, Martina, Pinna, Sabina, Faina, Zarina and others. And here full name Inna is not an appeal to the name Inessa.

A woman named Inna is characterized by such qualities as lightness, simplicity, reliability, she seems to radiate light. She is rather sanguine, but does not know how to be assertive, but on the contrary, she is always cheerful and a little frivolous. Inna positions herself as an independent woman who always has her own opinion.

Inna knows how to adapt to changing circumstances. She is not inclined to harbor grudges, and this, as a rule, helps her avoid unnecessary difficulties and problems. Inna is often principled and even stubborn; she always strives to be punctual and will definitely do what she promises or has outlined. She never wastes time, as she does not want to miss anything important and interesting in her life.

Inna is an analyst by mentality, so she strives to choose a profession that would be to her liking. If Inna realized that she has some abilities, she will develop them, and they will become the meaning of her life. In this case, she may even give up the opportunity to start a family or have money and comfort. But if she nevertheless tries to combine talent and marriage, then close people will fade into the background. The husband will have to take on all the household chores, and also constantly show Inna how much he admires her. She can become an excellent medical worker, a journalist, an engineer, take her place in the trade or become a successful photo reporter. If Inna suddenly gets carried away by some kind of work, then she is able to relatively calmly change her previous type of activity and completely devote herself to a new one.

Inna is always very attractive. Treats men with tenderness and affection. Priority is given to men who have good life experience. She is very jealous, and in love relationships she prefers to occupy a dominant position. Having gotten married, she does not live family life for long, and after a divorce she will never become anyone’s wife. Inna can only become happy next to an honest and frank man. In the family, she strives to be devoted to her husband and caring towards her children. However, when the children grow up, Inna sometimes cannot be with them. common language. She will never live in the same house with her mother-in-law.

Inna is not at all prone to manifestations of depression. She is a completely independent person who absolutely does not need outside guidance. But he will never impose his opinion on others. Tries to show tolerance and condescension towards the vices and weaknesses of other people.

Inna's name day

Famous people named Inna

  • Inna Leman-Balanovskaya (née Leman; Russian astronomer (1881-1945))
  • Inna Churikova (Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985), People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  • Inna Ulyanova (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, performer of comic and character roles, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1989), laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2000))
  • Inna Bershtein (critic, literary critic, doctor philological sciences(born 1919))
  • Inna Vishnevskaya (literary critic, doctor of art history)
  • Inna Lyubimenko ((1879 – 1959) historian, archivist)
  • Inna Gaukhman ((1914 - 1997) Russian music teacher)
  • Inna Makarova (Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR, roles in the films “Young Guard”, “Girls”, etc. (born 1928))
  • Inna Volkova (Russian singer and songwriter, one of the members of the group “Kolibri”)
  • Inna Zhelannaya (Russian singer, founder of the group “Farlanders” (1994-2004))
  • Inna Ryskal (outstanding Soviet volleyball player, 2-time Olympic champion (1968, 1972), twice Olympic silver medalist (1964, 1976), has no equal in the world in the number of medals won at Olympic volleyball tournaments; Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1968). She became the first from Russia to be recognized as a volleyball player. Her name appeared in the Volleyball Hall of Fame, located in Holyoke (Massachusetts), which is considered the birthplace of volleyball.
  • Inna Gulaya (Soviet theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976))
  • Inna Lisnyanskaya (Russian poetess)
  • Inna Goff (Russian Soviet writer and poetess, co-author of the popular song “Russian Field” and many others)
  • Inna Gomez (maiden name - Churkina; Russian actress and fashion model, one of the twenty most famous Russian models)
  • Inna Vykhodtseva (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Inna Zhukova (Belarusian athlete, silver medalist olympic games, represents rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises)
  • Inna Alabina (Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (1994) (born 1939))
  • Inna Zagraevskaya (Russian and German poet and playwright)
  • Inna Suslina (Russian handball player, goalkeeper of the Russian women's handball team, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Inna Smidovich ((1870-1940) Russian underground revolutionary)
  • Inna Solovyova ( real name– Bazilevskaya; Russian literary and theater critic, theater historian)
  • Inna Vetkina (screenwriter)
  • Inna Zhiveteva (Russian writer working in the fantasy genre)
  • Inna Kabysh (Russian poetess)
  • Inna Lasovskaya (Russian track and field athlete specializing in the triple jump, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Inna Tsymbalyuk (fashion model, TV presenter, actress; gained fame by winning the Miss Ukraine-Universe 2006 contest)
  • Inna Druz (player of the television game show “What? Where? When?”)
  • Inna Osipenko-Radomskaya (Ukrainian athlete, kayaking, Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine)
  • Inna Koroleva (Russian theater and film actor)
  • Inna Kitrosskaya-Meiman ((1932 - 1987) activist of the refusenik movement, member of a group of refuseniks - cancer patients, author of textbooks in English for high school)

The name Inna means “float”, “flow”, “floating”, “turbulent stream”, “seething water”, translated from Latin. Interestingly, it was originally an exclusively male name. Many people confuse it with the name Inessa, but these are completely different names.

Brief meaning of the name: Ina, Inusya, Inulya, Inyuta, Inyusha. Today, the name Inna does not appear often, but it does not go out of use. Among its owners, actress Inna Churikova, Inna Makarova, and athletes Inna Lozovskaya and Inna Suslova immediately come to mind.

This name is in the calendar and is not changed at baptisms. Inna celebrates Angel Day twice a year: in winter - on February 2 and in summer - on July 3.

Inna Mikhailova

Patrons named after Inna

  • Zodiac – Taurus
  • Planet – Moon
  • Color – Lemon, blue with a hint of purple, matte blue
  • Happy time of year- Spring
  • Treasured plant– Lemon
  • Patron – Seahorse
  • Talisman stone – Opal
  • Totem – Dingo Dog

Inna's childhood

At little Inna's difficult character, she is quite stubborn, impatient, and can be capricious depending on the mood. But mostly it's light and cheerful child, very attached to his mother. From an early age, her observation, intelligence, originality, restlessness and curiosity are noticeable. Some girls are completely extraordinary and often cause confusion among adults with their unexpected questions. Personal space for Inna is a serious matter, and it is better not to interfere with her personal belongings and favorite toys. She feels quite comfortable at school, she has many friends and studies well, but she is more attracted to the informal, creative part of life, especially her favorite clubs and sections.


Inna usually chooses a profession she likes, and since she has good analytic skills, then the most popular choice lies in the field of medicine, journalism, trade, tourism. She also copes well in leadership positions, and often work overshadows family - and then her husband has to take on many responsibilities. As a leader, Inna is full of grandiose ideas and projects, knows how to present herself, communicates easily and makes business contacts, knows how to convince, persuade and is able to infect anyone with enthusiasm. It is advisable for her to just learn not to pay too much attention to little things, so as not to waste her energy.

Inna changes her job easily - if she is interested in something else, she will not hesitate for long and will change her field of activity without hesitation. She is a very persistent person who strives to learn a lot, so if she suddenly develops abilities for some business, she will persistently develop them and perhaps this direction will take a central place in her life.

Character of the name Inna

Some detachment from the external, self-absorption, internal integrity often leads to the fact that Inna seems to others a closed person, but in fact the main features of her character are lightness, simplicity, and reliability. She seems to radiate light and positivity, she is always cheerful, a little frivolous and not at all prone to depression. She has her own opinion on everything, she knows how to be assertive, principled and can insist on her opinion to the extreme. Life is not always kind to her, but she knows how to adapt to circumstances. She quickly forgives insults, and in general her lightness and spontaneity help her a lot. Inna likes to position herself as an independent woman with her own opinion. She doesn't like wasting time, and tries not to miss anything important and interesting in life. She is always impatient, it’s not for nothing that her name translates as “stormy stream.”

The disadvantages of Inna's character include hot temper, ambition, power, and often suspicion, which is why her character can often be described as complex. She really needs the support of loved ones and their attention. But she never imposes her opinion on anyone, she tries to show tolerance and condescension.


Love, family and marriage

Inna means a wonderful wife and mother, and she really needs worthy husband. Compliments, praise, attention from her husband, caresses, and kisses are vitally important to her. She quickly becomes offended by the lack of attention given to her. She expects honesty and openness from her husband, and she, in turn, does not hide anything from him. It is not easy for a man to be with her - she is quite adamant and nothing will force her to admit that she is wrong - she will stand like a rock.

Children for her are the meaning of life, she loves them madly and treats their upbringing very responsibly - she spends a lot of time with them, enrolls them in various clubs and sections, monitors their development, in short, does everything possible.

Inna has been an excellent cook since childhood; she likes to experiment in the kitchen and delight her loved ones with new dishes.