Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom: how to create silence and comfort. Wallpaper color: how to choose combinations and general rules for different rooms (119 photos) Cool wallpaper colors

Wallpaper for a small bedroom plays an important role; how comfortable it will be to stay and sleep in it will depend on the color and pattern. Khrushchev buildings, dormitories and old-type apartments rarely boast spacious rooms, simple techniques for decorating walls will help “stretch” narrow bedroom and adjust the height low, while maintaining its comfort and unique style.

Rules for choosing wallpaper to visually enlarge a room

There are a number of ways to visual increase rooms. In order to choose any of the options, you need to decide which of the parameters of the bedroom you are not satisfied with and would like to increase. However general rules remain unchanged and will help expand the boundaries of not only the bedroom, but also any other room.

  • Wallpaper with vertical or horizontal stripes visually stretches and expands the space of a small bedroom,
  • the lighter the tone of the finish, the more spacious the small room seems; white and blue colors cope especially well with this task,
  • Photo wallpaper with a perspective will visually increase the area of ​​a small bedroom, for example a road receding into the distance,
  • in a small room without windows, photo wallpaper with a picture of an open window and artificial daylight will help get rid of the feeling of enclosed space,
  • in a small bedroom located on the north side, it is better to use warm-colored wallpaper for decoration; they make up for the lack of sunlight.

Which wallpaper color is better to choose?

Everyone knows the rule: light colors make a small bedroom feel more spacious. However, this does not mean that the walls in the room should be exclusively white. Delicate shades will become the best solution for creating comfortable design. Colors such as beige, sky blue, light gray, cream or sand will refresh the interior or make it warmer, without compromising precious square meters.

Which shade to choose depends on the location of the room, more precisely on which side the windows face and how bright the lighting is in the room. Also, a small bedroom does not mean absence bright color and a large drawing, accent wall or a fragment of it will add color to the bedroom interior.

For a dark bedroom

The lack of light in a small bedroom can be compensated with artificial lighting, mirrors and the right color wallpaper The finishing should be in a light palette, and the priority colors are warm shades, sand, light yellow, beige, light green. These colors will fill a small room with warm colors and will be associated with the sun's rays.

For a bright bedroom

U bright bedroom There are more possibilities; you can use bright elements in it, but it is better to choose the main tone that is also light, but cold. Blue, gray, white, mint. These shades will refresh the bedroom by maintaining the balance of light.

What design or pattern should I choose to increase space?

The design of a small bedroom will be equally successful with plain wallpaper and patterned coverings, the main thing is to choose it correctly.

  • If the decoration of a small bedroom will be entirely done with one type of wallpaper, then it is better to choose a small pattern,
  • Three-dimensional images should be used to decorate only one of the walls of a small room,
  • for a small room with a high ceiling good option horizontal stripes or patterns will appear, they will “pull apart” the walls,
  • you need to take into account the future design of the room; if you plan to fill the interior with bright details and textiles, then you should choose plain wallpaper.

Large drawing or ornament

You can decorate one of the walls of a small bedroom with three-dimensional images and ornaments. This could be the head of the bed, the wall behind the TV, or a randomly selected area. It is better to decorate the rest of the bedroom with light, plain wallpaper or with a small, nondescript pattern.

This method helps to focus attention on one of the walls, making it voluminous. In a very small room large drawing may occupy only a small part of the wall, however, it will still be noticeable. The image should match the style of the room and reflect its mood.

Flowers and plants

Plant and flower themes look good in a delicate and romantic interior.

The photo shows a compact bedroom with a classic design. The soft blue tone of wallpaper and textiles in combination with white refreshes a small space and makes it more spacious.

For a small room, bright designs with rich shades are not prohibited; such wallpaper can be combined with other, calmer finishing methods, such as bleached brick, plaster or plain wallpaper.

The photo shows a small women's bedroom in the new classic style. Wallpaper with a beautiful floral print is pasted in such a way that it divides the room into several zones.

Flowers and plants in a light palette can occupy an impressive part of the walls, without concealing the space of a small bedroom.


Textured wallpaper enlarges a small space due to its irregularities.

In the photo, shiny gold details on the wall create the illusion of a three-dimensional surface and make a small room larger due to its reflective properties.

The light falling on the relief forms a “play of shadows,” thereby adding volume to a small room. Textured wallpaper goes well with other images and finishing methods.


Stripes help with visual adjustments small space, depending on their direction, the room appears higher or wider.

The photo shows a small bedroom in sky blue. The walls are decorated with wallpaper with a zigzag pattern. The horizontal direction makes the room wider.

In order to “stretch out” a small bedroom with low ceilings, wallpaper with a vertical pattern is suitable; even light stripes will change the perception.

The same technique is used for narrow walls V rectangular room The wider the strip, the stronger the visual effect will be.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small bedroom

Photo wallpaper can be a salvation for a small room. Visual techniques can significantly change the perception of space. The most effective technique is photo wallpaper with a perspective picture, that is, the image moves away into the distance, thereby creating the illusion of another space that opens up to the eye.

Small in the photo modern bedroom. Photo wallpaper in rich green color is illuminated by LED strip. This technique visually deepens the wall, moving it away.

Volumetric objects, such as a highway, city view or bridge, due to the contrast of scale, make a small bedroom appear larger. And a blurry image, such as a foggy landscape, acts on the subconscious, painting a picture beyond it.

3D Wallpaper

The realistic three-dimensional image fascinates with its scale. The space of a small room becomes more voluminous, as if removing a wall.

The photo shows a small bedroom in modern style. The decoration and filling are done in warm colors, which makes the room bright and cozy.

The pattern can match different styles, for the classical direction it can be an image of voluminous columns or flowers, for a modern style abstraction or a view of the metropolis is suitable, and for Provence lavender fields and a view from the window of the French village.

The photo shows a small bedroom with a minimalist design and decorated with 3D wallpaper. Elongated arched figures make the room visually higher.

Wallpaper design by style


To decorate a small bedroom in a modern style, you can choose wallpaper with geometric patterns, stripes, wallpaper with photo printing or imitation of any material, for example brickwork or wood panels.

You can also use different colors plain wallpaper, contrasting stripes create volume. Suitable for use in high-tech and minimalist interiors functional furniture, beds with built-in wardrobes, spacious chests of drawers and compact lamps.

The photo shows a minimalist small bedroom with colorful decoration on one of the walls, the colors are bright, but not flashy. The mirror insert increases the space due to its reflective properties.


Romantic Provence is most often made in light colors. Wallpaper with imitation plaster, painted brickwork, or a small floral pattern will look good.

Using photo wallpaper, you can highlight the area above the head of the bed, thereby decorating it and marking the central point in a small room. Light colors will look harmonious in a Provence interior pastel shades, mint, pink, white, light purple, blue and peach.


For a classic style in a small bedroom, you should choose calm and restrained colors. Floral patterns, monograms, plaster effect or stripes will look harmonious.

The color of the patterns should not stand out from the overall tone; the pattern can be complemented with shiny details, such as a gold or silver border.


The stylish loft design is filled with a variety of textures. Even in a small room, wood, brick and concrete can be combined.

A small room is not a reason to refuse a variety of contents. Using a light palette or a contrast of dark and light, you can combine, even in a small bedroom, bleached brick and an unevenly plastered wall, cold concrete and wooden panels. Wallpaper that imitates these effects significantly saves space.

Scandinavian style

Minimalistic and laconic interior, not overloaded with unnecessary details. Finishing and filling are done in light colors. Wallpaper can have either realistic images of forests, alpine mountains or wooden panels, or a fine pattern.

The photo shows a small bedroom in Scandinavian style. The finishing and filling are made in pastel colors.

How to combine wallpapers for visual expansion?

Contrasting colors and textures can make a small room feel bigger. Decorating one of the walls with bright wallpaper visually attracts it.

Using plain wallpaper of two different colors you can create volume in a small room, creating the illusion of a play of light and depth of space.

The photo shows a small bedroom with several types of wall decoration. The room is decorated in the same color palette, which makes it as spacious as possible.

Wallpaper companions also help to focus attention on one of the walls in a small room.

Features of choosing wallpaper for low ceilings in the bedroom

The best way to make a small room taller is to decorate it with wallpaper with vertical patterns.

These can be stripes, floral or floral patterns, located in the direction from the floor to the ceiling, photo wallpaper with a picture tending upward, or wallpaper with a gradient effect from dark to light.

Wallpaper design ideas for narrow bedrooms

For small, narrow bedrooms, the same techniques apply, only they work in reverse. Patterns and images should not be positioned vertically, but horizontally, thereby expanding the wall.

Wide stripes can frame one or more walls; wallpaper with an abstract image, a clear horizon line or corner wallpaper will help to visually enlarge a small, narrow bedroom.

Photo gallery

A small bedroom can also be stylish and comfortable. A competent combination of finishing, furniture and decor forms cozy room, in which you want to be, and the variety of choices allows you to choose the ideal option for yourself. Below are photo examples of small bedrooms decorated with wallpaper.

A bedroom is not only a room for sleeping. Many people are accustomed to combining a bedroom with a study, wardrobe, and sometimes a living room or library. In any case, the bedroom is a small little world of its own, in which you can relax comfortably, work productively, and read a book. Comfort is the main criterion in the design of such a room. On general form and the atmosphere can be significantly affected by the choice of wallpaper. There will be an article about how to do this correctly, armed with our advice.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

There are a great many types of wallpaper today! At first glance, it’s easy to get confused among all the diversity. But in order to understand which ones are best suited for your bedroom, you need to familiarize yourself with their classification.


They are also called washable. The basis of such wallpaper is paper or non-woven fabric, and the outer layer is polyvinyl chloride (PVC). By the way, this is the same polymer from which plastic windows and suspended ceilings are made.

How to successfully choose wallpaper for furniture

Wallpaper and furniture are the main design elements of any room. For the best final result, you should take care the right combination colors of walls and bedroom furniture. Thanks to harmonious combination the room will look beautiful and cozy.

Bedroom with light furniture

There can be many options. It all depends on the desired end result and the area of ​​the room.

If the room is small, then choose light wallpaper for light-colored furniture. This will keep the feeling free space. Otherwise, the room may turn into a dark “box”. White, golden beige, light green, ocher, muted orange - all these colors are excellent partners for a light furniture set.

If the room is large, then you can play with contrast and match light furniture dark wallpaper. Caution is important when choosing this design option.

To make everything look seamless and consistent, follow simple rule: choose warm colors for warm colors and shades, and cold colors for cold ones.

Bedroom with dark furniture

A wide variety of combinations are also possible. Most often, dark furniture is made in warm colors, so use the advice indicated above - warm colors and shades. Green, brown, beige, sand color options should first of all attract your attention among other options.

Successful solutions for choosing wallpaper in different styles


According to the chosen style of the room, the wallpaper in this case should:

A clear classic combination of wallpaper with furniture or a play of contrasts – it’s up to you. It is important to maintain the correct design balance: after all, the Art Nouveau style presupposes a competent combination of all interior components.


A bedroom in Provence style is cute cozy room with elegant (usually light) furniture and whimsical designs on textiles and wallpaper. There are many options for choosing wallpaper colors. Blue and its shades, white, beige, golden yellow, light green. It is possible that all the colors inherent in the style will be found in the wallpaper design.

It is only important to observe the measure: if the bedspread is already supposed to have a small pattern, then the wallpaper should become a plain background for all this.


A classic technique in the embodiment of the loft style is part of the walls in their “pristine form”, when the bricks are visible. We are talking about imitation brickwork (real naked masonry is unlikely to look aesthetically pleasing). The rest of the walls of the room should be decorated in a calmer and more neutral way (plaster or light wallpaper).

There should be no drawing as such on the wallpaper. In other words, choose wallpaper in one tone or with abstraction. If you want to see a pattern on the wallpaper, then it should be dim, better than a geometric shape, small and often repeated across the canvas.


Wallpaper for this style should be chosen according to the general direction - light, warm shades, often floral or checkered (it’s about them that you can say: “cheerful colors”). It is only important not to oversaturate the interior with small details and maintain moderation. After all, the bedroom is a place to relax. And your eyes should also rest.

An excellent choice would be plain wallpaper in a muted (even somewhat faded) tone with a discreet pattern.

Japanese style

In order to adequately embody this style, you need to adhere to its basic principles.

  • Laconic details
  • Minimalism in decoration
  • Use of natural materials
  • Interior decoration in neutral colors

Regarding the “clothing” for the walls, you need to make a choice: either it is wooden panels, or wallpaper with an ethnic pattern.



Because this style assumes the most laconic interior, then the wallpaper in the room must comply with this rule. The color of the wallpaper can be almost any (it depends on the overall chosen color scheme of the room). But it’s better to be careful with drawings. It is best to choose wallpaper without a pattern, in one color (the fine texture of the wallpaper will help compensate for the monotony) or with a dim abstraction. Alternatively, place it on one wall (or part of a wall) large image, which will play the role of an independent interior detail.

Wallpaper colors in the interior of a room: options and their features


Light and simple, limitless and light color. This is the choice of true romantics.

Its properties include, first of all, a calming effect. In contrast to its “relative” blue, it does not seem gloomy and even in abundance it will not oppress and oppress. Very good for small rooms, as it visually expands the space.


This color is very popular in the design of bedrooms. Helps cope with negativity and irritation, promotes rapid relaxation and favorable rest. Natural natural color that always pleases the eye. That is why it is used in the design of any room.


It is chosen by those who are confident, strong people. Regardless of the quantity, it dominates the interior design and sets the atmosphere for the entire room. This color is very good for decorating walls in living rooms and kitchens. It can also look good in the bedroom if you combine it correctly with other colors (light).

Popular cool color. At the same time, it is calming and reduces activity. It will look great in large bedroom(will help make it more comfortable), but is contraindicated in small bedrooms (as it optically reduces the space).


A very contradictory color in the design of a bedroom. On the one hand, it looks intriguing and even somewhat mystical, on the other hand, it “presses” with its richness. It is best used in combination with other colors. Most good option combinations are black and white.


A universal color in terms of freedom of action. After all, you can combine it with almost everything else. By itself, it conveys a feeling of openness and lightness, but without partner flowers it can look rustic and boring.


An accommodating partner for many other flowers. Good option for small rooms and rooms with insufficient natural light.


We can say that this is a timeless color in the design of bedrooms. All shades of brown have a calming effect on the psyche and help you relax.

Wallpaper color and cardinal direction

  • The windows face south. This means there is a lot of light in the room. Accordingly: you need to select wallpaper in rich, dark tones (purple, blue, dark blue, chocolate, muted terracotta).
  • The windows face north. The lack of lighting can be compensated by choosing wallpaper in warm colors: purple, yellow-green, light orange, golden yellow.

Combined wallpapers - bold solutions for excellent results

There are several options for combining wallpaper and stickers:

  • Horizontal arrangement
  • Vertical arrangement
  • Individual inserts

For successful results, follow important rule sticking combined wallpaper: When choosing different colors (shades), maintain a consistent texture.

Ways to combine wallpaper
VerticalThe vertical stripe can be plain or variegated (this depends on the color of the second type of wallpaper). The classic zoning of walls with a vertical stripe is when the width of the strip coincides with the boundaries of the bed. The height of the strip can be up to the ceiling or continue along the ceiling (and even go to the opposite wall).
HorizontalA fairly popular way of zoning walls using wallpaper. There are many combination options - both in terms of wallpaper combinations and in the method of dividing the walls into parts. Most often, the lower part of the walls is covered with wallpaper with a more saturated and dynamic pattern, the upper part - with more moderate colors and tone.
InsertsAs a rule, wallpaper inserts of a different color (different from the main one) are placed near the bed or table. For a complete effect, the inserts are most often framed with a baguette. The shape of the insert can be square, rectangular, or oval.
NicheIf a niche in the room is made for decorative purposes (and not for installing a cabinet in it, for example), it should be combined stylistically with the walls. To do this, the same wallpaper that was used to decorate the walls of the room is pasted inside the niche.

Photo wallpaper

Harmony is the most important rule for arranging photo wallpapers! It is recommended to use only one wall for the location of the photograph, otherwise the room will look overloaded.

Principles for arranging photo wallpapers:

  • "One wall." The classic option is to place the pattern behind the bed.
  • Minimum decor. The wall with the image does not need to be crowded with furniture, this will ruin the overall impression.
  • Harmony with the rest of the walls. Since photo wallpaper will be the most bright element walls, the rest of the room can be in one tone (they must be combined with each other!)

You should take the choice of image very seriously. Think about what you are willing to see on your bedroom wall every day.

Wallpaper for a children's bedroom

Rules for wallpapering

The variety of wallpaper choices amazes the modern consumer. This applies to both colors and abundance of species. However, there are a number of rules that can be called universal for any type of wallpaper. Below we present them in the order in which they will be useful to you when pasting.

  • To make old wallpaper easier to remove from the walls, moisten it with water. As soon as they are saturated with moisture, start “undressing the walls.”
  • Uneven walls must be eliminated before wallpapering. The putty should be applied with sweeping movements, and the excess should be removed. Plastered walls are sanded and primed. Then they must dry.
  • Choose an adhesive that is suitable for your wallpaper. This will affect the quality of the pasting result.
  • When wallpapering walls, there should be no drafts in the room.
  • Wallpaper must be applied end to end.

Despite all the variety of styles, classics continue to take first place when choosing materials for decorating walls and ceilings. In this case we are talking about wallpaper.

Most people are not prone to sudden changes interior design their apartments or houses.

The usual color monotony of the main background and the simplicity of the pattern are more acceptable for them.

This does not create difficulties in choosing pieces of furniture if they are intended to be replaced; the issue with internal lighting is quite simply resolved.

In addition, one of the main criteria of the classical style is its predisposition to combination.

Very often, when choosing household items, people lean towards colors that differ from the main decor.

The more preferable is the classic style, which allows you to combine different color structures, creating a single classic ensemble.

The design of the living room should be approached with special attention since it represents the central room among the overall layout.

This means that its visitors are not only the owners of the house, but also their guests.

Hence the increased demand for choosing wallpaper of the indicated style, despite the huge selection.

Most people choose wallpaper in neutral, light colors when decorating their living rooms.

Furniture, bedspreads and curtains are subsequently selected using the same principle. Such shades symbolize routine, calm and tranquility.

However, the classics also provide other directions.

Classic Baroque and Rococo styles

The classic style itself is divided into several directions. Among them, the most famous are Baroque and Rococo.

By decorating the living room with wallpaper with the colors of this direction, you can end up with a beautiful design option external background, saturated bright colors displaying numerous ornaments and patterns.

Of course, in this case, the furniture will have to be selected according to the style, but this will only increase the attractiveness of the design, permeated with the atmosphere of the magnificent decoration of palaces of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Baroque and Rococo are considered similar in appearance, however, Rococo, unlike the bombast and brightness of Baroque, can be made in softer, so to speak, feminine colors.

The classic style in this direction allows you to create wallpaper in delicate lavender, pink and mint shades.

However, the design traditions of the two indicated directions of the classical style provide for the same tendency, expressed in paintings on mythological themes, in various drawings on religious themes ( business card Rococo), in designs of flower ornaments.

In combination with a similar wallpaper background, any material is suitable for further finishing and design of the interior layout of the living room, including the type and color of furniture, bedspreads, curtains, and so on.

Options for contrasts are possible: from almost merging with the main background to sharp, but at the same time perfectly fitting into the overall picture.

Empire style

The next direction of the classical style is Empire. There is no need to waste time on trifles here. Wallpaper with colors in a similar style are expensive. And no wonder.

The fact is that this style is considered the personification of luxury. Otherwise it is called the imperial style.

The color palette is very rich; the external design contains victorious laurel wreaths, swords, sabers and other elements of military heraldry and coat of arms that are distinctive features of this classic trend.

In general, this wallpaper color should emphasize the high wealth in the house.

Stylish wallpaper

If the living room is large enough, then neutral and ordinary colors will get boring very quickly. In this case, they resort to various options registration, where main role plays style.

This can also be classified as a classic style, but the type of wallpaper represents a certain combination.

In addition to style to add originality, you can apply the following types design:

  • Cover some places on the walls with corrugated wallpaper. They do this to highlight small area living room. In addition, on the ceiling, along the line of intersection with the wall and vertically along the demarcation lines various wallpapers install moldings. Either regular white or patterned;
  • decorate part of the wall with wallpaper bright colors. Usually this top part. They prefer to decorate the lower one with darker solid colors;
  • apply wallpaper with silk-screen printing as a lower insert (from the middle of the wall to the floor). Additionally, you can glue a corresponding border tape with an ornament along the demarcation line;
  • alternate wallpaper on the wall that is outwardly similar in design, but different in color tone;

Basic colors and type of wallpaper for a living room in a classic style

Color in classic style rich in variety.

In addition to the above types of drawings, you can also voice some additional details for decorating the interior of the living room with wallpaper:

  • to add tenderness and romance, it is better to use light pastel colors;
  • for solemnity it is best to use bright shades;
  • adherents of traditional ideas in design will like beige, gold, and green. white, burgundy, blue and brown shades;

  • for a combined solution classic design no more than three shades of color with a strict pattern are suitable for the living room;
  • for amateurs original ideas You will definitely like wallpapers with patterns in the form of plaster, brick or stonework. Such wallpaper is perfect, for example, for decorating a wall where an electric fireplace is located.

The types of wallpaper are not as numerous as the designs. The most common ones used are:

Vinyl. Look great on walls, similar in appearance to fabric wallpaper, but unfortunately, they cause certain difficulties during pasting.

Non-woven. Great option for those who have not yet decided on the color, since they original appearance requires subsequent painting

Textile. Externally they look very beautiful, but they are afraid of moisture and fading. Therefore on sunny side It's better not to glue them.

Paper on a non-woven basis. The simplest type of wallpaper. Easy to stick to walls. They have a ready-made drawing.

As you can see, classic does not at all imply rigor and singularity of the image.

It is quite diverse in its areas and deservedly enjoys high popularity.

Photo of classic wallpaper for the living room

The psychophysical and emotional state of a person largely depends on the color scheme of the rooms in which he has to spend a significant part of his time. The choice of color, pattern is not only a pleasant creative process, but also extremely important in the situation.

Especially when it comes to a person’s home or office, production premises in which we spend half of our lives.

Color influence

It is important to understand that our psychophysical influence largely depends on the environment, and if you look at this in more detail, it is color that plays an important role. It would seem that wallpaper, interior items, accessories that have various shades build our mood, our emotional background.

Here is a small list of what shades of a possible color palette can influence:

  1. Human reflexes are unconditioned and conditioned.
  2. Physical state.
  3. Creating one or another emotional background is desirable:
  • Comfort.
  • Security.
  • Comfort.
  • Composure.
  • Confidence.

The entire gamut of colors and shades includes up to 1.5 million options that the human organ of vision and modern production finishing materials use this wealth 100%. The proposed color range of wallpaper is almost limitless, since a number of color combinations in various patterns and texture solutions are added to the million shades.

Features of choosing wallpaper color

When planning an apartment renovation with your own hands, first of all you take design solution basic and utility rooms. Of course, most people accept color solutions wallpaper primarily based on your own taste and the preferences of other family members ().

But in addition to personal color preferences, you will have to take into account the laws of the influence of color on:

  • Geometry of space.
  • Creation of a certain psychological microclimate.

Dividing the color palette

All the colors of the rainbow, including wallpaper, are conditionally divided into separate segments:

  1. Warm group colors– are represented on the chromatic circle with a palette from red-violet to yellow. So to speak, the degree of warmth of the same color can change when combined with colder or warmer shades. Warm wallpaper colors will create a comfortable atmosphere in living rooms, bedrooms, hallways, kitchens, and children's rooms.

Requirements for the interiors of a children's room directly depend on the age of its inhabitants:

  • For children under four years of age, pastel, blurry shades of decoration with medium-sized neutral patterns in the form of flowers and stars are suitable. It is advisable not to cover the entire surface of the walls, but only on borders or small inserts.
  • Children from 4 to 7 years old will love story-based wallpapers with animals or cartoon characters, or classic cars, airplanes for boys and dolls for girls.

Note! For teenagers, you should arrange a room divided into zones: relaxation (calmer wallpaper in warm colors) and active participation in lessons, sports, and games. Invigorating, tonic, bright and saturated orange, red, yellow from the intensely warm spectrum are appropriate here.

  1. Cool spectrum palette located between blue-violet and yellow-green shades.

Other nuances of color

In addition to dividing into two large groups, cold and warm colors are divided into subgroups:

  • Pale or light, with sufficient presence of white.
  • Dark, which in addition to the main one includes black or other colors.
  • Bright, in other words, saturated colors without foreign impurities.
  • Dull, diluted with gray or other additional color.

Now small instructions on the influence of interior color schemes on a person:

  • Blue color is associated with lightness, carefreeness, reduces appetite, and expands space.
  • Yellow is a symbol of wealth, light, vigor, cheerfulness, fertility. An effective brain stimulant. Expands space.
  • Gray is neutral and goes well with almost all other colors. Ideal for the bedroom.
  • Blue relaxes and calms. A room in blue tones will be elegant and even sophisticated. Suitable only for large rooms, as it narrows the space.
  • White is a symbol of purity, joy, innocence. Indispensable for expanding space. Combines with any colors and shades.

Interesting! Modern manufacturers do not stop there and offer us more and more interesting, sometimes unusual wallpaper options. Among these, it is worth noting wallpapers that change color.

A very interesting effect can create a unique atmosphere in a room where, under the influence of one factor or another, the wallpaper smoothly changes its shade. For example, flowers on the wall will change color as the temperature in the room changes.

Of course, color is not the only parameter that buyers pay attention to. Not unimportant here is the quality of the product and the price you are able to pay for the finishing material.


It is important to understand that only an interior that you have created “for yourself”, taking into account all the possibilities and features of finishing materials, can fill your home with coziness and comfort. But, as often happens, in the pursuit of fashion, people neglect their desires, giving preference to what is popular rather than what they like. Remember this, then your home will exude warmth and joy ().

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

The most important corner in every apartment is perhaps the bedroom. This is where you relax after a hard day's work. The bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for relaxation. The color scheme of the interior determines how peaceful you will feel while in the room.

This means that the choice of wallpaper color must be approached with all responsibility. From this article you will learn what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom. When planning a bedroom renovation, it is important to clearly understand the result you want to achieve. All interior details should be thought through.

The selected wallpaper should look harmonious and match the decoration, furniture and accessories of the room. Not everyone has a large number of square meters, so you have to combine the bedroom with others functional areas

- for example, with a worker. In spacious and well-lit rooms, you can use a closet or a special partition to separate zones. In the case of a room big size

we'll have to look for other ways. As an option, wallpaper can be hung using a combined method. This will help to visually make a cramped room a little larger, expand the space, make the ceiling lower or higher, and divide the room into zones (for example, a work area and a relaxation area).

To choose wallpaper for your bedroom, be sure to pay attention to its quality, the material from which it is made, the texture you like, as well as the color.

Kinds Worth considering existing types, their advantages and disadvantages,

They are also easy to glue and come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. Such wallpapers will last longer than paper ones, because they are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, and can be washed. However, vinyl wallpapers

  • They do not allow air to pass through, they accumulate moisture underneath, which can cause the appearance of mold and mildew. It is necessary to use special impregnation with them. They have a high degree of breathability and are very resistant to damage. They are quite easy to stick on and can even be painted several times. However, you have to pay for such advantages, and the range of colors and textures is very limited.
  • Textile wallpaper absolutely environmentally friendly, they look very beautiful and luxurious. They are resistant to damage, have good breathability, and provide sound insulation. But it will be quite difficult to glue them yourself; it is better to entrust this to professionals. In addition, such wallpaper accumulates dust on its surface, and will be quite expensive.

  • Liquid wallpaper– this is completely new fashionable look. Among their advantages are environmental friendliness, ease of use, the ability to repair damage, and sound insulation. They don't fade. On top of them you need to apply special composition so that the wallpaper lasts as long as possible and is not washed off by water. The price for them is quite high.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper They are environmentally friendly, durable, hide uneven walls, and are suitable for repeated painting. The assortment is not very wide, in addition, you will have to pay a lot.
  • Natural wallpaper created from environmentally friendly materials (bamboo, cork, linkrust). They are present on the market in very limited quantities. Such wallpaper will not fit organically into every bedroom.

Variety of textures

When buying wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types also has a variety of textures: drawings, patterns, imitation of materials. Most often, wallpaper creates an imitation of fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and other things.

If you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textured surfaces with different patterns. There is no need to be attached to the color - you can always get the desired shade.

Advantage texture wallpaper for painting is that they are very easy to care for - just wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.

Which shade should I choose?

Perhaps the most difficult, but interesting task is deciding on a color. Designers offer bright color solutions. However, a bedroom is a room in which the environment should be relaxing and peaceful, and not annoying. Psychologists recommend muted pastel colors. Fans of Feng Shui advise focusing on certain recommendations. It’s worth sorting everything out in order.

Color really has an impact on a person’s psycho-emotional and physical state.

Choosing the shade of wallpaper is an important step, which will subsequently determine the mood while staying in the room.

Many different wallpaper colors allow you to create unique interior rooms. Use your own instincts and individual preferences, but keep the following in mind: important nuances:

  • Wallpaper must be in harmony with the furniture.
  • If the bedroom windows face the north side, warm-colored wallpaper is more suitable; if the bedroom windows face the south side, then cool colors.
  • If you decide to use saturated colors, then they should be “balanced” with calm shades.
  • The color of the wallpaper should promote relaxation and sleep.

  • Uneven walls can be visually adjusted using a diagonal pattern.
  • Wallpaper with a glossy effect gives the bedroom a certain cool atmosphere.
  • Light-colored wallpaper will help visually increase the space of a small bedroom.
  • Combining wallpaper is great way, allowing you to zone a room, hide certain defects, and make the interior extraordinary.

A very good option for the bedroom would be to combine wallpaper of two shades. Be sure to consider the following nuances when combining colors:

  • Not all colors can go well together. Red and green will not look very good together. A combination of two shades of the same color looks great - for example, blue and light blue.
  • It is recommended to dilute a saturated color with a soft one; as an option, any dark color can be shaded with beige.
  • Cool tones (blue and white) look good.
  • Can be combined warm colors with cold ones (for example, green and yellow).
  • White will perfectly complement any other color. The combination of white and black is a very good option.

  • To light furniture choose wallpaper in light colors - this will visually increase the space in the room. For a large room, contrasting wallpaper would be a good option, but then you need to be careful with the choice so that the interior does not “crush.”
  • Under dark furniture Warm colors are suitable - both light and dark.

When deciding on a color scheme for the bedroom, be guided by the following features:

  • Blue-blue scale visually expands the space of the room.
  • Green and yellow revitalize the interior, restore emotional state and health.
  • Red creates an atmosphere of passion, so it is ideal for the newlyweds' bedroom.
  • White wallpaper suitable for everyone, but the abundance of this color can turn a recreation room into a hospital.

Popular options

  • Green has many shades and will fit well into any room style. This color helps you relax and get rid of irritation. Recommended for people engaged in intellectual work. Green looks best paired with yellow, discreet orange or red, white and all pastel colors.
  • Blue wallpaper has a calming effect, reminiscent of the sea and relaxation. Dark colors will “steal” the space of the room, so they are not recommended for small, dark bedrooms. Blue harmonizes with almost any other color - with the exception of black and purple.

  • Blue gives an atmosphere of lightness and romance and visually increases the area. It looks great in any room, with a variety of furniture. You can complement blue with different shades: gray, beige, white, turquoise and others.
  • White is ideal for small rooms. It can be used as a base tone and in combination with absolutely any other shade.
  • Beige wallpaper are also universal. They are suitable for any bedroom. Can be used alone or paired with richly colored wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper purple Quite rarely used for bedroom interiors. It would be better to take lilac or light lilac shade. Purple is recommended to be used to create accents. You can combine it with white and pastel colors.

  • Red wallpaper is a truly bold solution for the bedroom. This is quite a bright and heavy color. Not everyone will make a choice in his favor. If you still want to use red, take a closer look at its calmer shades. Complement red wallpaper with other muted tones.
  • Black wallpaper color is a rather non-standard option. It is not recommended to use it alone, but it is quite possible to make accents using this color. Be sure to combine black with other colors. For example, black and white will look very stylish.
  • Yellow will create a warm and cozy environment, especially in a small dark bedroom. Give preference to discreet light tones of this color.

  • Orange color cannot be called successful for a bedroom, as it is too catchy. Such an interior will be more invigorating than calming and promote relaxation. Unless you can create bright accents with his help. Or choose a muted shade of orange.
  • Brown wallpaper Great for the bedroom, they look stylish and “expensive.” The range of shades is very diverse, you can combine bright hues with dark ones. This range creates coziness and helps you relax.
  • Gray wallpaper– this is a completely neutral option that will not put pressure. Metallic colors look very fashionable. Calmer tones will perfectly complement any interior. Here you can also play with contrasts.