Words from the presenter: corporate party on the occasion of the company holiday. Corporate party script Corporate competition scripts

And a professional holiday. This, in fact, is how the corporate event scenario is built. In addition, it is necessary to clearly focus on the age category of the guests and, most importantly, their sense of humor.

For young teams, corporate scenarios can be relaxed, with a large number of sweepstakes and competitions. But it will be difficult to force respectable adults to bite off an apple in a bowl of water, or jump with a banana sandwiched between their legs. Traditional entertainment is more suitable for them: feasting, performances by artists and dancing.

For a successful party, everything needs to be thought out in advance: location, decoration, time and budget. This is where the corporate scenario, which is essentially detailed, comes to the rescue

It doesn’t matter who will organize the holiday: a professional company or the company’s team. The main requirement is maximum involvement of all guests, so that no one gets bored or sits separately. Therefore, select competitions according to the interests of employees, do not hesitate to supplement and change the plan, so that in the end you get a truly original corporate event scenario.

We suggest considering the most popular competitions for a fun corporate party.

"Wishes from a Hat"

One hat contains the names of the company's employees, and the other contains wishes. You need to simultaneously take out one piece of paper from each hat and read out what happened. For example: “We wish the head of the department, Ivan Ivanovich, to leave work at ten in the morning,” “We wish the cleaning lady Maria Petrovna to become the chief economist,” and so on.

"What's on the plate"

The presenter names any letter (except y, e, i, e, ь and ъ). Participants must name the item or food they have on their plate using this letter as quickly as possible. The first person to call becomes the leader. If no one could come up with anything, then the presenter receives a prize.

"Catch the Candy"

Participants quietly pass candy under the table (in a wrapper so it doesn’t melt). The presenter's task is to catch the one who is holding the candy at the current moment.


It is explained to several players that they must guess a secret fact by asking questions. Participants can only answer “yes,” “maybe,” and “no.” But in reality, no one made any secrets. If the question ends with a vowel, then the players answer “yes,” if the consonant ends, “no,” and if not a soft sign, then “I don’t know.” In the end, the “detectives” will figure out how they are being fooled.

"Money down the drain"

Players each take an identical banknote, place it on the table and blow on it. Each person has three attempts. Whose bill flies the farthest wins. This game can be played as a team relay race.

"Come up with a word"

Guests are divided into two teams and given sheets of paper with a task: come up with 10 words on a professional topic (for example, names of spare parts for car service workers, financial terms for, etc.). After that, choose an arbitrary letter and the game begins.

"Big races"

A “track” of bottles, glasses, plates, and napkins is prepared on the table. Two or three participants are given cocktail straws and table tennis balls. The goal is to get your ball to the finish line as quickly as possible. Others can place bets and root for the “favorite.” As an option, there is a knockout race, when a new contender takes the place of the last player.

Competitions that are included in the corporate event scenario usually do not require complex organization and excessive financial costs. But they really liven up the party, allowing you to have a carefree and fun time with friends and colleagues.

Finally, we want to give you some simple tips:

Be sure to choose a host who will ensure that the rules of the competitions are followed, otherwise the event will turn into chaos.

Don’t forget to include more dancing and dance competitions in your corporate party scenario.

Games are best held when interest in talking, eating and dancing is already fading, and guests need to be enlivened and amused with something.

For a small team from 10 to 40 people. This scenario is mainly for those who sit at the table throughout the holiday with short 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing.


The presenter begins:

On your doorstep all gray with a beard
The old year is old, very old,
He leaves us, he waves his hand at us
And wishes you good luck in everything!
But someone came - someone quietly called,
Three white horses at the door,
It's exactly midnight - the New Year has arrived.
Pour champagne into glasses!
I raise my glass - I congratulate you again,
My dears, Happy New Year!
Always do good and give love,
Despite the years and weather!

And now, dear friends, our respected head of the company, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, will tell us all about how we worked in the old year and with words of parting words for the coming year!!!

(Ivan Ivanovich says a short congratulation, everyone drinks and eats)


Presenter: (there is a small break between the first and second).
Dear friends, continue to have a snack, i.e. eat and listen. Now we have all witnessed the farewell of the old outgoing year. The new coming year brings a lot of unknowns and unknowns for all of us.

On New Year's Day, snow is quietly falling outside the window.
Let there be joy and laughter at our table,
Let enviable success await you in any business!
And happiness will enter your bright home without hindrance!
Let's drink to joy, happiness and success for each of you.


Let January dust any trouble with silvery powder,
We wish you all the best in the coming New Year!
I would like to congratulate you on these and other wishes (deputy head of the company, chairman of the trade union committee, or simply the oldest employee of the company)


The old year is passing. Leaves without return
The thread of worries that we don’t need is leaving.
And what we desired will sink into oblivion,
Who was in love and was loved.
Suddenly - unexpectedly, names go away,
Moments, looks, songs
. The times where it was so wonderful are passing away!
Goodbye, Old Year, goodbye, no goodbye!
The New Year is coming to us and making promises!

Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite everyone present to think of a wish, associate it with a number from 0 to 9 and pull out a piece of paper with a number from my hands (about a dozen of each number are prepared in advance, provided that there are 20...30 people present to celebrate, if there are more people, then you need to prepare more leaves, the size of the leaf is approximately the size of a matchbox). After everyone has chosen, the presenter says, “Who has number No. 1” and reads out the horoscope:

1 – act boldly and riskily today. To fulfill your desire you will need determination and assertiveness. It may come true, but you will have to fight for it.
2 – the wish will come true. It will bring joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Nothing will interfere with this.
3 – stands for a clear “NO”. This is also advice to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
4 – now the time has not yet come for our plan or aspiration. We need to wait, circumstances may change.
5 – indicates that there is every chance of getting what you want. This color inspires hope, predicts success, and promises good conditions for what is planned.
6 – categorical “NO” without any reservations. The path to fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want won't come true.
7 is the number of luck. But don't interpret it as a definite "YES" to your question. He suggests that a wide range of extremely favorable opportunities will be provided to fulfill a desire. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.
8 - what you wish for may come true, but on condition: for this you need to choose a rational, balanced decision. When achieving what you want, do not act headlong or spontaneously. The voice of reason will give the exact answer. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.
9 is “YES”, and your wish will come true without any effort. The whole situation has developed in such a way that there are no obstacles to your plan.


Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!
Everyone who is single should get married, everyone who is in disarray should measure up,
Forget about grievances, everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate. Everyone who is skinny should become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight. Too smart - become simpler,
Narrow-minded people need to wise up. To all gray hairs - to darken,
So that the hair on the top of the head of bald people thickens like the Siberian forests!
So that the songs and dances never stop.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! May trouble pass us by!

And now, dear friends, girlfriends, colleagues, let’s warm up a little. I suggest playing an old game, “FANTS,” without leaving the table. For a whole year you have been carrying out all sorts of orders from your immediate superiors, and now please carry out my, comic orders. Finally, I waited for the opportunity to give an order to the head of the company himself, and we’ll start our game with him. To simplify everything, I have already prepared forfeits (these are small pieces of paper with execution orders, they are shown below, if possible, you can change them, or add your own :)

Apologize to your neighbor and gain his/her forgiveness
Kiss a neighbor (neighbor)
Sing a very militant song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
Confess your love for inspection with gestures
Explain to your “blind” neighbor that you are very hungry
Depict Othello with your neighbor
Portray Chapaevets (Petka or Anka)
Have a brotherhood drink with your neighbor (neighbor)
Depict the flight of an eagle
Crow three times
Give (if you can) a penny to your neighbors
Picture a child lost at a train station
Picture an RTI inspector stopping a car
Compliment your colleagues
Say solemnly the phrase “I’ve been sitting at the table for four days and drinking.”
Depict the dawn in the village, after the hayloft
Make a scary face
Impersonate the voice of King Kong or a pig
Depict how you eat last year's cracker
Portray the President of Russia or at least the head of the Buro RTI
Express your love to your neighbor with your eyes or facial expressions
Propose a toast and congratulate everyone on their Anniversary
Depict someone who has been awarded an order or at least a medal for special merits
Try to persuade your neighbor to drink a drink (wine, vodka)
Who do you think completed the task, i.e. with the execution of orders better than anyone else. Everyone chooses the most efficient colleague. He is awarded the “RANK - the most executive in the company” and is given the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!


The old year is passing, its last page is rustling.
Let the best that happened not go away, and the worst cannot happen again!

Well, it's time for everyone to sing. But we will sing in turns. Let's everyone try to remember a verse or at least the name of the songs for the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzard and frost. The singing competition begins at the table. Conditions of the competition: In a clockwise direction, everyone in turn starts humming or says the name of the song, whoever remains silent is eliminated from the game, while only one winner remains, he is given the floor for congratulations.


I wish that Santa Claus brings you a bag of joy,
Another bag - with laughter, and let the third one - with success!
You put your sadness, your melancholy in his bag
Let him collect it all and take it away as quickly as possible!
It's the turn of the next competition, the POTOV Competition. Every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme. Don’t be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just have to come up with the last word; whoever comes up with the most will get a prize. All those present participate in the vote counting commission. So, let's begin:

1.To do modern makeup,
Acquired by a beauty... (trellis)
2.Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown... (swim trunks)
3.- I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point
Rybnikov in the comedy... (girls)
4.One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to ... (market)
5. The milk carton burst
I flooded my trousers and... (jacket)
6. It was known even to children
Under the mask of Fantômas - Jean... (Heat)
7. One blond guy wrote this for fun:
In the column, country of birth... (Angola)
8. Tell me, dear, frankly,
Was it on your part... (betrayal)
9. Russians have a wide range of names.
Voroshilov, for example, was... (Clement)
10. In Lukomorye the cat decided
That he is a local... (racketeer, rowdy, old-timer)
11. Grand stage and screen –
Italian... (Celentano)
12.The government spends billions
For shoulder straps, badges and... (cockades)
13. Once upon a time a new faith light
Lighted the Arabs... (Muhamed)
14. Scarier and more dangerous than a mine
For mountain climbers... (peak)

15. For a puritan, erotica -
And sin, and temptation, and... (exotic)
17. Is figure skating familiar?
To the people of the Kingdom... (UK)
18.Publications are stored in the library.
And dominoes and cards... (toy library)
19. Maybe the convict would go on the run,
Yes, not passable around... (taiga)
20.Is Russia now able to collect
Worthy for the Olympics...? (army)
21. I, like a karateka, will not calm down,
if they don’t give me a black one... (belt)
22. Both halves have already expired,
And the scoreboard still shows... (zeros)
23. Sumo champion for cargo
It's good to have a big... (belly)
24. In Salt Lake City, I'm afraid we're lousy
Performed in comparison with... (Nogano)
25. The sports elite is happy
Another one is coming again... (Olympiad)
26. Among sports destinies and legends,
Not everyone has a “happy - …” (end)
27. The wolf, after watching football, finally decided:
“Like me, they are also fed... (legs)
28.The peak was almost conquered,
But the snow... (avalanche) interfered.
When the votes were counted, he won... He got a prize and a word of congratulations.


Let the glasses clink, let the wine sparkle,
Let the night starfall knock on your window.
On this moonlit night you can’t live without smiles,
Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!
Let's all drink to the New Year (coming) and take a short break.
During the break, you can hold 3 or 4 outdoor competitions. (I don’t offer competitions, they can be found on various Internet sites)


Smoothing out the wrinkles in our foreheads, let’s make a wish for the holiday.
Let’s forget any bad weather, maybe it’s really not in vain,
Golden hope and happiness comes to us at the end of December!
What does the year have in store for us? So all doubts go away!
It's time to raise our glasses - to our health, love and aspirations!
So Happy New Year, friends! Hooray!


Host: (usually after the tenth glass, no one listens to the host, this is my experience, at this point it’s time for him to say goodbye and relieve himself of the duties of the host, or transfer them to someone else)
Without promising complete success, I hope that the New Year
It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits us all like never before.

The success of a corporate holiday depends on how it starts. Therefore, at the very beginning of the event, it is necessary to hold competitions that will help unite those gathered.


An interesting competition can be considered the holding of an unusual auction. The point is that no one sees the lots, they are wrapped in thick paper. This is how a “pig in a poke” turns out. This competition can be held during breaks between dances, playing out several things. You can use real money in the auction; whoever offers the highest price for an item takes it for themselves. You can do it differently by giving each of those present a pack of play money, so everyone will be on an equal footing. To make the lots more interesting, the presenter should offer tempting descriptions. It is better to alternate between valuable and humorous items, then the battle at the auction will be more lively.

    Examples of lot presentation:
  • - For those who want to leave their mark on history (colored crayons or fountain pen).
  • - An indispensable holiday attribute (a bottle of champagne).
  • - For determined women (large box of chocolates).
  • - The most important thing for a business person (notebook or diary).
  • - Symbol of the civilized world (toilet paper roll).
  • - Important decisions cannot be made without this item (a die or a beautiful coin).

Pair dance to changing music

Among those who dance, a competition can be held for the best pair dance in the category of originality of performance. Couples dance to constantly changing music. Dancers need to respond to changing styles in time and do it beautifully. Victory in the competition is awarded to the best couple according to the decision of the jury.

Natural selection

Have an elimination dance among the crowd. Everyone, the more of them there are, the better they start dancing, standing in a circle. At this time, the dancers are invited to pass each other a small object (an orange, an apple or something similar). If the music stops, then it is time for one person to leave the circle. This is done by the one who will have the item during the pause. The music is resumed and the competition continues until, as a result of “natural selection,” one participant remains. He will receive the prize.

A fun scenario for a corporate event

3 | Voted: 25

A cheerful scenario for a corporate party is the key to a bright holiday with colleagues. After all, it’s not the salads on the table and beautiful outfits that create the mood. We present an original and fun scenario for a corporate party, which is suitable for any office party.

This entertainment program can easily be interpreted to celebrate a company birthday or New Year. Just add appropriate congratulations. If you want to run more competitions, here is a selection of fun games and activities.


Hello colleagues!

For a cool corporate event

A friendly team gathered.

Everyone forgot about the dress code,

About reports and work.

We'll dance until the morning,

Sing songs and rock!


Are you ready to have a good rest? To take on work on Monday with renewed vigor? Then let's start our corporate party! You are a single team, and this is what makes the company successful. I suggest testing your ability to act together in the next competition.

Competition "Catch the Ball"

For the competition, those present are divided into two teams. Each of them chooses a captain. The captains stand opposite the team, at a distance of 2-3 meters (marked by a line), they are given large baskets. There are a lot of balloons near each team and a line that they cannot cross. The task is to throw as many balls as possible into your captain's basket. They, in turn, should help, but not step over the line. Captains are also prohibited from touching the balls with their hands. 3-5 minutes are allotted to complete the task, the team with the most balls in the captain’s basket wins.

At this stage of the corporate party, you can invite everyone to the table. But the fun doesn't stop. After the guests have had a little refreshment, the entertainment can continue.


I know your boss is perfect. Understanding, generous, positive. And all employees easily find a common language with him and understand each other perfectly. The next game will confirm this!

Game "Deaf Dialogue"

The manager and subordinate are invited. The boss puts on headphones, and the subordinate asks the boss questions.

For example:

  • Can I take tomorrow off?
  • When will the salary increase be?
  • Why am I going on a business trip, and not Ivanov?

The boss, of course, doesn’t hear the questions. He can understand what he is being asked about only by the movement of his lips and facial expressions. However, the boss must answer. As a rule, the answers are “off topic”, and the dialogue turns out to be very funny.

Then the subordinate puts on the headphones, and the boss asks the questions. For example:

  • When will the report be?
  • Why don't you go to work on Saturday?
  • Why are you late again?

Then a new subordinate comes out and the fun is repeated, only with different questions.

There are no winners or losers, but small prizes can be awarded for the coolest answers.


You are a close-knit team, almost like a family. I suggest checking how well you know each other.

Game "Who are you?"

The driver is blindfolded. One of his colleagues sits on a chair in front of him. The driver's task is to guess who it is by feeling only his head. To complicate the task, you can use glasses, wigs, earrings, scarves. Then the one who was guessed becomes the driver. This is not a competition, so there are no winners. But everyone will have a great time!

Game "Fanta"

This is traditional entertainment for the holidays, and we couldn’t help but include it in our fun corporate party scenario. The rules are simple: guests, sitting at the table, pass each other a small ball or some round fruit to the music. Suddenly the music stops and the one who has the ball pulls a forfeit out of the box and completes the task.

Forfeits with tasks must be prepared in advance. For example:

  • To say a tost;
  • Sing;
  • Dance, etc.

It all depends on the company and imagination, however, respect the chain of command.


You know how to work well and have fun! I invite everyone to the dance floor.

During the disco, you can hold a dance competition to keep the atmosphere festive.

Competition "Dance like..."

To play the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with descriptions of objects or phenomena of the same topic. For example, for a corporate party in winter the following are suitable: snowflake, snowman, blizzard, sleigh. All pieces of paper with inscriptions are put into a box. Each participant pulls out one card and dances like... a snowflake, a sled, a snowman. Then you can determine the most original performer and give him some kind of prize.

During the dance block, you can play a team game.

Competition "Company Treasure"

The players are divided into two teams. Props will include cocktail straws for each participant, two bracelets, and a pair of chairs. The first player puts a straw in his mouth and puts a bracelet on it. Then, at the leader’s signal, the participants run to their chairs (they are 4-6 meters away), run around them and return back. They pass the bracelet to the next player - hands-free! The winner is the team that passes their decoration from the first to the last participant faster and does not drop it.


We have a very fun and vibrant corporate party, right? But can there be a holiday without gifts? Let's play the lottery and no one will be left without a present!

The presenter invites everyone to take turns pulling out a ball with a number that corresponds to the gift from the drum. Presentations must be prepared in advance and numbered. It is important that they be universal; the presenter suggests finding a hidden meaning in each souvenir.

For example:

  • Notepad - career growth;
  • Candlestick house - buying a cottage or house;
  • A magnet with a beautiful landscape - a journey;
  • Keychain – buying a new car, etc.

This is the end of our fun corporate party. I wish success and prosperity to the company, achievement of your goals and inspiration to each of you.

We hope you enjoyed our fun scenario for a corporate event. We wish you a bright party!

Active holidays are best
alternate with passive labor.

Let's drink to those men who can stand up for themselves and lie down for others!

Let's drink to honest and modest people! Moreover, there are so few of us left...

There lived a pack of wolves in the jungle. The leader of the pack was very old. And when the pack had to go hunting, the leader said that he was not able to lead the pack. A young, strong wolf came out of the pack, approached the leader and asked him to allow him to lead the pack. The old wolf agreed, and the pack went in search of food. A day later, the flock returned from hunting with prey. The young wolf told the leader that they attacked seven hunters and easily killed them.

The time had come for the pack to go hunting again, and a young wolf led it. The pack was gone for a long time. And then the old wolf saw a young wolf covered in blood. He told the leader that the pack attacked three people, and only he was left alive.

The old wolf asked in surprise:

But in the first hunt, the pack killed seven armed hunters and everyone returned safe and with prey?

To this the young wolf replied:

Then there were just seven hunters, but this time there were three best friends.

So let's drink to friendship!

If a person drinks alone, it means he feels bad. If he drinks with friends, it means he feels good.

Here's to friends with whom it's a pleasure to drink!

A turtle is swimming along the river with a snake sitting on its back. The snake thinks: “If I bite, it will throw me off!” The turtle thinks: “If I throw it away, it will bite!” So let's drink to true female friendship!

Let's drink to the kiss that a man invented to shut a woman's mouth.

Let's raise our glasses to ensure that our children have rich parents! And our parents have rich children!

In the evening, a girl was walking down the street and heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw a handsome guy. When she looked back a second time, he continued to follow her. The girl decided to meet him. I looked back for the third time, and he was no longer there... So let’s drink to the plumbers closing the sewer hatches on time!

The satisfied lamb ran to the sheep:

Mom, the shepherd said that I am fit for barbecue!

What are you happy about, stupid?

Still, it’s nice that I’m good for something! Let's drink so that we, too, are good for something!

The jackal came to the lion and said:

Let's fight!

Leo didn't pay any attention to him. Then the jackal threatened:

I’ll go now and tell everyone that the lion was terribly afraid of me.

The king of beasts winced.

Let the inhabitants of the desert condemn me for cowardice - this is still more pleasant than they will despise me for fighting with a jackal.

I dedicate this toast to not humiliating myself before those who are unworthy of us.

So let's drink to what should be small, dark and wrinkled in every woman - to the zest!

Let's drink so that we can have everything and have nothing for it.

2. Table games

During periods of lull in general conversation, short table games can be played.

Game in a plate

The game is played while eating. The driver names any letter. The goal of the other participants is to name the object that is currently on their plate with this letter before others. Whoever names the object first becomes the new driver. The driver who says the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word receives a prize.

It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (е, й, ъ, ь, ы).

Game Sweetie

Participants sit at a table. A driver is selected from among them. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task is to catch one of the players passing the candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.

3. Game "Crocodile"

For those who are tired of sitting at the table, you can offer a more active game.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries, after three attempts, to guess which concept is being shown. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but it is possible to count points for guessed words.

You can make a wish:

  • individual words,
  • phrases from famous songs and poems,
  • Proverbs and sayings,
  • idioms,
  • fairy tales,
  • names of famous (real or fictitious) people.

A concept can be shown by one or several people.

4. Competition “Non-standard situations”

For those who want to practice themselves and demonstrate to others their imagination, resourcefulness and sense of humor, such a competition can be held.

The presenter offers participants various non-standard situations from which they try to find a successful way out. Based on the responses of the contestants, the audience chooses the winners.

Examples of non-standard situations

You wake up in the morning without clothes in an unfamiliar apartment.

There is a well-known anecdotal situation - you are in bed with your mistress, and your husband rings the doorbell.

You were walking home late at night and accidentally fell into a manhole.

When applying for a prestigious job, you significantly exaggerated your knowledge of French. You were hired, but a few months later you received the task of conducting very important negotiations with a supplier from Paris.

At the station, an unfamiliar woman asked you to look after her luggage. You were a little distracted, and at that time her bag was stolen.

5. Games

Think of something fun.

6. Short joke competition

If the main part of the holiday takes place at the table, to enliven communication, announce a joke competition. To protect participants from long and tedious entertainment, introduce a limit on the size of an anecdote. You can choose a narrower topic for jokes.

Examples of jokes

I’m in the second cast, the performance is in a week, and there HE is! He runs it through his hair, and there THEY are!

According to judicial statistics, not a single wife has ever shot her husband while he was washing the dishes.

Will you marry me?

Or maybe I should do something else for you?

For the last time I warn you: don’t awaken the beast in me!

Oh-oh-oh, I'm not afraid of your hamster!

Have you hidden my evening dress again?

I?! Nothing like this!

Yes? Come on, unclench your fist.

The postman does not dare to enter the yard, seeing a huge Great Dane. The hostess shouts:

Don't be afraid, he's neutered!

Yes, I actually thought that he might bite...

- “Delmi”, our boys are going fishing. What will we cook for them?

Dad, dad, mom is talking to margarine again.

I could never bring home a woman. First because of my parents, then because of my wife.

What's the difference between sex and playing soldiers?

Don't know.

So keep playing your little soldiers.

A month against alcohol was held in the city of N. In a bitter struggle, alcohol won.

Can I come to you in the evening, madam?

Do me the honor, sir.

To be honest, I have exactly the opposite intentions.