Blue rose plant. The symbolic meaning of white roses, how to give flowers. Green color of roses

All over the world it is customary to give flowers: birthdays, weddings and other holidays are never complete without this attribute. They are particularly solemn; their delicate petals not only have a delicate aroma, but are also able to convey the feelings of the giver, depending on the color or variety. What is the secret of the symbolism of this flower?

Where does the symbolism of roses come from?

This flower is majestic and mysterious, artists saw in its blossoming bud a sign of infinity or development in a spiral, poets sang the combination of delicate petals and sharp thorns. The symbolism of this plant is deeply rooted in history. IN Ancient Rome the flower was considered a symbol of high morality, courage and selflessness.
Much later, in the Victorian era, people started talking about the flower as a symbol of love, passion, and reverent friendship. With the development of selective floriculture, new varieties and colors have appeared, and, accordingly, the possibilities of expressing emotions with their help have significantly expanded.

Did you know? The name of this flower appears about 50 times in the works of William Shakespeare.

What do the colors of roses mean?

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of all flowers, and therefore is the most common flower symbol. Legend says that the flower acquired its thorns after the fall of man and that is why it combines a symbol of purity and tenderness, gratitude, friendship and fidelity, as well as unearthly passion and temptation.
The flower has strict elegance, so it is customary to give it, including to men, on certain special occasions - be it an anniversary or an award ceremony. To the stronger sex It is customary to present bouquets of simple bright colors: burgundy, dark red, scarlet. Delicate, pastel buds of peach, yellow, white shades are best left for the representatives fair sex.

The white buds of the flower symbolize purity and purity; as a rule, they are given to young girls. They can often be seen in wedding compositions, where they mean pure, young love.

Flowers of this shade will become in a great way express gratitude and appreciation without words. Their neutrality allows them to be presented on official occasions as a sign of the completion of an important matter. If a flower is intended for a girl, it is intended to emphasize her modesty.

Yellow roses

Among ignorant people there is an opinion that yellow flowers are given as a sign of separation, but this is not at all true. Solar, bright flower, on the contrary, means strong friendship, sincere affection, respect and admiration that lasts for many years.

The most elegant and insidious shade of roses. Bright burgundy flowers are undoubtedly a symbol of uncontrollable passion and the most ardent feelings of the giver, but dark burgundy flowers are usually presented to older women as a sign of admiration for their unfading beauty.

No other flower is capable of conveying a rush of feelings. No wonder red and scarlet shades are the colors of love. Truly royal flower They give to lovers, trying to express not so much passion as sincere, sublime love and affection. In addition, if red flowers are presented at a business meeting, then, as a rule, this means congratulations on success.

Such flowers are usually given to girls because they are a symbol of tenderness and modesty.

Important!It is necessary to distinguish shades of pink. Bright flowers are more suitable for an official bouquet, but soft pink buds will tell about your sympathy.

This unusual color of the petals has a meaning similar to the previous one - it is a sign of charm, first love. By giving such a bouquet to his beloved, a man shows how fascinated he is by her.

The orange color itself symbolizes cheerfulness and emotional uplift, which is why a bouquet of orange flowers will show your sincere and ardent feelings, emphasize positive attitude and best wishes.

Blue and light blue roses

This is one of the most mysterious flowers. Usually they are given with a certain hint of mystery or secret, and are also presented to extraordinary individuals who are able to appreciate the unusualness of the bouquet.

This novelty in the world of flora, unlike its other counterparts, is not intended to express passionate feelings. Rather, it is suitable for business people, successful in their endeavors as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and stability.

A gloomy, although elegant, flower is often perceived as a sign of sadness or grief, but this is not entirely true. This is a sign of a new beginning, overcoming obstacles, willpower and spirit.

Did you know? The world's first blue roses appeared in Japan at the Flower Show. Scientists have spent more than two decades on genetic experiments to achieve the natural blue coloring.

Varieties of burgundy roses

It would seem, what is the difficulty in choosing a beautiful bouquet? You have chosen traditional red-burgundy tones, however, as practice shows, there are a great many varieties of colors and, in order to decide, it would not hurt to get acquainted with the most popular ones.

Black Prince

This one is legendary hybrid tea variety, bred back in the 19th century, until recently it was considered the darkest colored flower. Its petals look like velvet in a burgundy-black hue with a shimmer. The buds are large, about 9 cm in diameter, with an intense aroma. This variety is resilient and will last in a vase for a long time.

The Grand Prix

Grand Prix roses are perhaps the most traditional representatives of the classics. Their dark red color is emphatically elegant, the buds are very large, about 12 cm in diameter, with velvety petals. They have a delicate floral aroma. This variety will last in a vase for up to 2 weeks.

Astrid Decanter

This is a flower of special, unusual beauty. The bud is bright burgundy in color, densely double, medium in size, with a persistent powerful aroma.

Blue roses have long excited the imagination of people around the world, including both romantic lovers and serious scientists. They were united by one thing - the alluring, exciting, unusual beauty of this flower. There were beliefs, legends, stories and even poems about the blue rose, but in ancient times it was considered a symbol of misfortunes and love tragedies, a sign of the otherworldly, mystical, mysterious. Rudyard Kipling, whose poems were dedicated to the blue rose, considered it the flower of death, which cannot be offered to a living bride. However, such gloomy prophecies did not frighten biologists and breeders, who, after many years, were still able to develop roses with such an original shade of petals.

Japanese researchers, having heard that blue rose meaning has an unreasonably negative meaning, they assure that everything will change soon. Such a rare, expensive, exclusive gift will become the lot of a select few, denoting luxury, strong feelings and the desire to lay the whole world at the feet of a loved one.

So, what do blue roses mean? Despite the fact that such a flower appeared relatively recently, it enjoyed special attention among many peoples in different time. Thus, the ancient Greeks, who dedicated white roses to the goddess of love Aphrodite, considered the blue rose a sign of her divine presence. And in the Middle Ages, a blue rose was listed in some dream books. Noble ladies interpreted its symbolism as follows: cutting a blue rose means being in sadness; to see a blue rose in the garden among the red ones - the girl suffers from loneliness or unrequited love; broken or withered blue roses - your romance will end unsuccessfully. If in a dream the gentleman gave a bouquet of blue roses, his love was supposed to bring incomparable happiness.

In the 21st century, shrouded in an unusually attractive, exciting aura of inaccessibility, blue roses are given to chosen ones who are credited with similar qualities. This is both delight, admiration, and a desire to get to know each other better, to look under the mask of mystery and inviolability. To uncover meaning of blue roses not at all difficult, they clearly indicate that the presenter worked carefully and diligently on choosing a gift, wanted to amaze, surprise, please and remain in your heart. Such unusual flower means fragility and rare beauty, seriousness of intentions and a desire to take care of you as if you were a sacred work of art. A bouquet of blue roses is not presented just like that, it is certainly full of deep hidden meaning, which can be most easily unraveled by carefully looking into the eyes of your chosen one at the moment when he presents you with this miracle of nature.

Man is characterized by symbolism - endowing the objects around him with a special, hidden meaning. This fate also befell flowers - bouquets presented by special occasions, could tell a lot about the donor, the recipient and the relationship between them. One of the most controversial flowers - yellow roses the meaning of which has changed over time.

Yellow rose meaning

Derived from the common prickly rose hip, the rose is considered the most prestigious and widespread gift. Refined aroma, simplicity and grace of lines, variety of colors make this proud beauty a desired gift for many girls and women. You may not love Rose, but you cannot help but admire her.

The generally accepted meaning of roses received as a gift is love story. Since the dawn of time, an ardent young man, wanting to win the heart of a young and fresh girl, like this flower itself, gave an inflorescence in the hope of reciprocity. They were presented to royalty and influential people - this emphasized their status in society. Warriors leaving the walls of their hometown wore a pink wreath on their heads: this symbolized fortitude and confidence in victory. Their dark glory did not pass them by either - several cases have been recorded in history when poisoners impregnated petals with poison and sent a deadly gift to an unwanted person.

Rose color meaning

According to the canonical rules for composing a bouquet, great importance has the color of the petals, the degree of maturity of the buds and the rest of the flowers of the composition.

The complexly composed bouquet was akin to a letter speaking the language of secret passions and affections.

Knowing the meaning of the color of roses, you can understand what your admirer means or create a bouquet for the special occasion yourself.

Purity and purity, admiration for perfection and sincerity of feelings.
Red roses Classical love symbol. A frenzy of feelings and a whirlpool of passion, a clear and vivid attachment to your soul mate.
burgundy roses Magnetism that turns your head. Charm, love and admiration.
pink roses Sophistication, tenderness, the origin of feeling. Sincere sympathy and innocence.
yellow roses Reconciliation after a quarrel, care, happiness from the shared path, success, radiance. Fixed, with light hand Catherine II, behind the yellow roses the meaning of separation and betrayal does not correspond to reality - modern tendencies They haven’t followed this archaism for a long time.
orange buds The color of energy, activity and determination. Emotions that completely engulfed me. Pride in your life partner.
peach roses Modesty, sophistication and elegance. Appreciation and gratitude.
green roses They don't talk about love - they mean jealousy. Second meaning: generosity, success, wishes for abundance and prosperity.
black roses Controversial: the long-standing symbol of mourning and grief has acquired a new interpretation over time. Such a bold choice testifies to the strength of spirit and wishes of good luck in difficult endeavors.
blue roses Mystery and riddle. Admiration for the object of passion, recognition of its uniqueness and freedom of choice.

Reason to give a yellow rose

The yellow rose is a unique flower. It can be given for almost any occasion, because one of the meanings of this color is a wish for success, wealth and prosperity, recognition of merit and talent. It is suitable for both men and women.

Often such bouquets are given to popular people: movie and theater stars, performers and artists. Creative energy is combined with the spirit of the flower - such a gift means a wish for fame and increased popularity.

In business bouquets, yellow flowers indicate recognition of merit. You can give them to a manager and a subordinate: this will indicate that you are proud and admire their talents.

In a family circle, yellow roses as a gift will help lift your spirits. Their strength and warmth will help you take your mind off problems and remind you that cloudy days are always followed by sunny days.

You can give flowers for no reason. For this, the main thing is the mood and the desire to do something pleasant - in this case it does not matter what color your bouquet is. If your gift comes from the heart, your loved ones will understand everything you want to say without words.

Each flower has specific value. Roses are no exception. People present roses to each other in different situations, showing your sincere attitude. The main principle of a bouquet of roses is their number, color, shape and type of buds.

One rose presented means love. And 12 red roses are a symbol of strong love. On the day of the funeral, roses express grief.

What does the color of roses mean?

The color of this versatile flower has its own associations, meaning and symbols.

White roses signify brightness and purity. They are presented to express their passion. Emphasize that the feelings are sincere. Traditionally, roses of this color are presented to newlyweds. This compliments the youth and purity of the bride and emphasizes the solemnity of the event.

A lonely rose presented by a young man will tell a girl about sublime feelings white.

A lush bouquet can emphasize a man’s strong feelings and confidence in serious relationship. The same bouquet can be given to an old friend or female boss as a sign of sincere respect and admiration.

Red edge on white petals- a signal for the start of peaceful negotiations after a quarrel with the woman you love.

Light shades symbolize friendship. Tea roses speak of the memory of past relationships.

A red bouquet expresses passion and absolute love. Flowers suggest romantic relationships and violent desires. They are considered a symbol of respect, admiration, and courage.

Rose buds - elegance, sophistication, sophistication. They talk about the beginning of attachment and awakening feelings. The different shades of colors are meaningful. Appreciation and sincere gratitude means pink color with a dark tint around the edges. Pink bouquet emphasizes pleasant memories, joy, tender emotions.

Orange color is ardent feelings, inspiration, good wishes, passion. An orange bouquet symbolizes the highest degree of pride. An orange bouquet can be given to anyone.

Blue (light blue) roses are a symbol of achieving the impossible, of mystery. They are presented to mysterious, inaccessible people. The lilac shade of the petals expresses charm, admiration and the beginning of first love.

How to give flowers?

According to the norm flower etiquette bouquet needed:

What does the number of buds in a bouquet indicate?

Number of buds in a bouquet- Very important point. This is the language of flowers. You can communicate your intentions and feelings without words. Girls attach great importance to the number of flowers in a bouquet. Therefore, a composition calculated incorrectly can lead her astray.

You only need to give an odd number of flowers. An even number of flowers is required to be brought to a funeral.

On the first date they usually give a bouquet of 5 buds. This bouquet is considered neutral. Suitable for unfamiliar friends or girlfriends.

Three flowers presented only to a loved one. Wives in a happy and long-lasting marriage are usually given a bouquet of 11 red flowers. Without words, you can confess your feelings to your loved one. Presenting 25 red roses.

29 buds symbolize eternal love. And if you really want to emphasize your lady’s adoration and admiration for her, then you should buy a basket with 101 roses.

For anniversaries and birthdays, bouquets are presented, the number of roses in which corresponds to the age of the hero of the occasion.

Is it possible to give one rose?

Can. In the language of flowers, a single rose means indecisive, shy and timid love. It is quite appropriate to give one flower on the first date. This will be a sign of the girl's charm and interest.

What color flowers should I give to girls and women?

Young girls are usually given light-colored flowers, pastel shades with half-opened buds. Elderly women are presented with blooming rosebuds bright color. The older the woman, the darker the color of the roses should be.

There will be no mistake if, when choosing a bouquet focus on the lady's hair color:

  1. Brunettes love large flowers and bright colors.
  2. Blondes prefer to receive white roses or light cream shades. But the buds should not be too large.
  3. Dark buds in blue and purple shades suit the face of red-haired ladies.

It is traditional to give flowers at a wedding. When choosing a bouquet, you should definitely take into account certain nuances.

Dark shades are not the best choice. This also applies to yellow bouquets. Popularly, yellow is the color of betrayal. But if the newlyweds are fans of Feng Shui, then the bouquet should only be yellow, because according to teaching, this color is a symbol of wealth and prosperity in the family.

Ideal for weddings all flowers are light in color. It is these shades that symbolize both tenderness and purity of relationships.

For weddings, white bouquets are brought without additional decorative elements.

The size of the bouquet also matters. It shouldn't be bulky. 5-7 rose buds with long stems are enough. A composition from light colors With additional elements wedding symbols.

It is common knowledge that a physical object called " blue Rose"is absent in nature..:) But in the cultural space, in art, design and in the symbolism of blue roses, there are simply entire plantations already..:) It’s difficult to say exactly when this began, since people communicated in the language of flowers back in antiquity, not to mention about romanticism or victorian era. And in all countries, at all times, roses decorated interiors and gardens like ordinary people, so it is with kings. Today, half the world speaks the language of manga and anime - and there the topic of roses pops up wherever feelings are discussed...)

And especially if we are talking about feelings that are unrequited or impossible in principle - roses with blue blood have already formed a lush rose garden..:) These fantastic aristocrats have gathered in me into a whole bouquet, or “wreath” of pictures..:), which I will be happy to share, and at the same time I’ll tell you a few stories about blue roses and roses in general..:)

Based on materials from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At one time, Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem about a romantic lover who gave his beloved beautiful roses - red and white. But the girl - probably in accordance with the fashionable trends of the era - asked to find a blue rose for her. Naturally, having gone around the whole world, he was unable to find anything like this, and when he returned he found out that the girl was no longer among the living... There are all kinds of morals here, but the fact is that the blue rose is recognized as an unattainable phenomenon...

"Blue Roses"
Red roses and white roses
I brought it for my beloved.
But she doesn’t like a magnificent fart -
Suddenly asks for a blue rose.

I've walked around the whole world,
After all, there is no such miracle.
This is a feat, and a big one,
But they laughed at me.

It's winter - I barely got there...
My fool is dead.
She won't be able to smell
Roses are those that Death gives.

Behind the grave, in the distance
Maybe blue in hand.
My vow was in vain -
There are no better reds or whites.

(From the novel "The Light Has Gone Out")

I personally really like Lewis Carroll, who made his Alice repaint white roses red - how many levels of meaning can be “increased” here!..:)))

And in the twenty-first century, anime people took on Alice and as a result, blue roses appeared for both Alice and other immortal characters from her company..:)

My favorite of the Mad Hatters is this one..:)

And on the teapot there are also roses, in my opinion..:)

There was also an unfinished novel by Novalis, Heinrich von Ofterdingen, which begins with the main character's dreams of a blue flower. This became the impetus for the subsequent use of this symbol in Europe, although it does not say that the blue flower is a rose:
"The work is based on the legend of the famous minnesinger of the 13th century. Heinrich von Ofterdingen. The external event outline is only the necessary material shell for depicting the deep internal process of becoming a poet and Heinrich’s comprehension of the ideal of life, allegorically depicted by Novalis in the form of " blue flower" The main semantic load is borne by Henry’s dreams, parables, fairy tales and myths told to him.

The novel consists of two parts. The first one, completed, is called “Waiting”. Twenty-year-old Heinrich, a chaplain's student, has a dream that he wanders through a dark forest, goes out to the mountains and in a cave finds a blue flower of indescribable beauty. The blue flower is a symbol of German romantic poetry, in other words, pure poetry and perfect life. He does not manage to see his dream to the end, because his mother comes into his room and wakes him up.

The second part of the novel (Novalis did not have time to finish it) is called “Accomplishment.” Before he even had time to formulate his idea that everything in the world: nature, history, war, everyday life - everything turns into poetry, since it is the spirit that animates everything in nature, and Henry finally had to pluck the “blue flower" from my dream."
More detailed content novel - here

"The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Williams details the life of the heroine, who suffers from pleurisy in adolescence. When a former classmate tells her that he interpreted the words as "blue roses", this becomes his nickname for her:
"Laura, while still a schoolgirl, was in love with Jim, who was always in the center of everyone's attention - he shone in basketball, led the debating club, sang in school plays. For Laura, seeing this prince of her girlish dreams again is a real shock. Shaking his hand, she almost loses consciousness and quickly hides in his room... The young man does not recognize Laura, and she herself has to reveal to him that they have known each other for a long time, Jim has difficulty remembering the girl to whom he gave the nickname Blue Rose at school... "

Further contents of the book - and the film of the same name - here, or look for the original works of Tennessee Williams...

In the books of the Saga of Ice and Fire series by John Martin, blue roses - or, as they were also called, " winter roses" - became a symbol of Lyanna Stark and the love of Prince Rhaegar, who was married, for her... Again - completely impossible, from a moral point of view, love... And it all ended in war and revenge - blue roses can be completely unhappy...:(

Blue roses are important elements in David Lynch's allegorical film "Twin Peaks", although their meaning is not always clear... (Yeah, I remember this series - everyone watched and argued, what is incomprehensible here? Although no one understood anything more than others..:)) Only I don’t remember what’s there about blue roses..:) - D.W.)

One version of Beauty and the Beast also shows the Beast giving Belle a blue rose when he returns to human form.

Blue roses also appear in the film I Know Who Killed Me with Lindsay Lohan.

Her friend gives her a bouquet of blue roses.

Blue color generally creates a mystical mood...

In the old movie "The Thief of Baghdad" (1940), blue flower introduced as the "Blue Rose of Oblivion".

In the Japanese movie Kamen Rider Kabuto: God Speed ​​Love, the golden rider Caucasus can often be seen with a single blue rose, which he uses as a weapon.

A television
In television series there is a blue rose in the name of the hotel - in "Supernatural", episode 2.10, and even
Marge Simpson ordered blue roses for her fourth wedding..:))

Use in graphic design
Blue roses have been used to decorate printed fabrics and ceramics since the 1700s, when blue glaze patterns were a common finish.
In the late 1960s, Wedgwood produced a collection of porcelain decorated blue roses, the so-called "Ice Rose" design.

Since the 1970s, the blue rose has predominantly graced bedding, lingerie, printed flannel, tablecloths, headscarves, handkerchiefs, tapestries, wrapping paper, and has far outpaced roses in more natural colors as a popular design motif.

Vintage necklace with tiny blue roses...

Rose for corsage...

Blue Rose was a popular psychedelic poster produced for a 1978 Grateful Dead concert.

Retrieved from"

And it all looks good right on the body..:)) We won’t talk about prison symbols, I hope this is the hand of just a beauty fan..:)

This prison tattoo features a rose with thorns and is inked by lesbians. Apply only to the thigh.

But all this is just bullshit, baby talk, compared to the flowering of blue roses in the anime era!!!..:)))

Hurray, finally I’ll show you my favorite pictures! Because all these arts and prints came from the East, just as at the beginning of the twentieth century Europe was “fascinated” by Japanese motifs in modernism, the beginning of the twenty-first century also passes under the expansion of the East, including everything Japanese and Chinese. I’m not talking now about the manufacturers of Thai plastic, which have conquered the Soviet markets..:), but about art, drawing, design and other beauty that cannot be taken away from Asia.

So, in the anime, it is believed that the blue rose first appeared in "BLOOD +". This mystical story about a girl who has the power to fight monsters.

But of course, feelings and secrets could not be avoided - and the blue rose began to denote precisely complex or impossible relationships, as well as secrets...

Blue roses are “tears of the soul” when it comes to feelings between the characters, in the plot, in general, not connected, but these feelings are visible in the works of fans, who apparently really want a different, happier fate and a stronger connection for their heroes favorite anime.

All kinds of ghosts are known to love roses, such as the Phantom of the Opera..

But in "BLOOD +" the rose was still blue, which added mystery...

And the creators of vampire anime - as well as art based on them - are well aware of this and use it to visualize those “offscreen” connections that the viewer can only guess about... It’s like a code that is very fun to solve if you have eyes that I'd like to see it, of course...)

From vampires, blue roses migrated to the clothes of fans of gothic art in general - little gothic Lolitas and princesses decorate their wrists, necks and belts with blue roses... Oh, my heart just breaks with sadness, looking at them..:)

And now blue roses have bloomed in lush bushes on the fertile soil of all kinds of fan art...

This is where the complete fantasy chaos is!..:)) But the language of flowers - and colors - is now alive again!..:)

At least for those who want to speak this language, and there are more and more of them, given that it is now easy and simple to draw and show your works on your favorite subjects using the Internet. I myself, looking at all this splendor, begin to nervously twirl my pencil in my fingers...:)) What can we say about those who have already mastered new computer drawing techniques and 3D graphics...

In the end, if we put all the hints and symbols aside, a blue rose just always looks good in graphics, especially in good color combination, for example - with red.. This is my favorite, by the way... :) If you don’t delve into the details of the plot and design, you can just admire the contrasting colors, both become stronger at the same time...

But, perhaps, solve the rest of the mysteries yourself if you like it..:) For example, what could a combination of blue and black roses mean? Oooh, this must be something very dramatic... :)

...because a black rose is an emblem of sadness, we know that..:)

The main thing is shhh, keep all the clues a secret, I didn’t tell you anything!!!...:)))

SUB ROSE...:)))