Silicone grease for rubber seals. Universal silicone grease: instructions for use. Selecting silicone grease for seals How to lubricate plastic window seals

Correct operation of windows PVC structures depends on regular and proper care after them. After prolonged use, the mechanisms require lubrication. How to lubricate plastic windows to extend their service life and ensure comfortable operation.

When cleaning the house, we do not forget about cleaning the double-glazed windows from dust and traces of rain. However, not everyone realizes that window care is not limited to external procedures. Over time, internal mechanisms and fittings begin to work incorrectly, and this is due to a decrease in the quality of factory lubricants. Dryness leads to the accumulation of dust from the street and metal particles. Malfunctions can be signaled by squeaks, rattles, clicking, or jamming of the door. When purchasing a new window, the manufacturer provides a 4-5 year warranty. This is exactly the shelf life of the factory lubricant. Unfortunately, not all sellers notify buyers about the need to carry out preventive work, and therefore situations are brought to critical moments. If you do not respond to the problem in time, the end may be sad. Lubricant for plastic windows performs the following tasks:

  • reduces the level of friction of metal elements, increasing their wear resistance;
  • makes it easier to close/open the doors;
  • protects against rust, creating protective layer on metal;
  • The rubber seal retains elasticity, does not stretch and ensures the necessary tightness of the sash.

All moving and rubbing elements, as well as seals on the frame and sash, are lubricated. On some models of PVC windows you can see the corresponding marking with an oil can. Thus, manufacturers give a hint which elements need lubrication.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the structures installed with the advent of the first PVC windows have fittings and fasteners, replacements for which are now difficult to find. Therefore, wear of one or another element leads to a complete replacement of the internal mechanism or the entire unit.

How to lubricate plastic windows, types of products

Not all products are suitable for lubricating windows. You can find ready-made care kits for sale. plastic blocks, but their cost is not affordable for everyone. It is better to purchase everything separately, especially since half of these sets may not be useful.

How to lubricate the mechanism of plastic windows

The best choice for lubricating window mechanisms would be the following:

  • Silicone-based products made specifically for window mechanisms. When applied to a metal surface, a thin, resistant film is formed. The lubricant is available in tubes or sprays. Both options will do;
  • universal lubricant, which contains the same silicone. She's identical special means, but can be used not only on windows. The consumption of the product is minimal, so one tube will last for a long time;
  • lubricating oil for sewing machines or bicycles. The product is similar to machine oil, but has better cleaning properties. It is easy to use and stays on the surface for a long time;
  • mineral or synthetic lubricants. The main thing is to choose products that do not contain acids, aggressive reagents and abrasives.

It is not recommended to use any vegetable fats, petroleum jelly, or shoe polish for lubrication. This is due to the fact that vegetable oils They leave a film on the mechanisms that takes a very long time to dry, about two weeks. During this time, it accumulates a large number of dust, which makes the fittings difficult to operate, accelerating their wear.

What should not be used to lubricate plastic window fittings? Products containing acids and chemicals destroy the metal surface, “eat” the anti-corrosion layer and oxidize parts. Gun and car oils are also not suitable. The former are expensive and do not provide protective functions for windows. The latter have a low degree of purification.

How to lubricate rubber bands on plastic windows

Seals also need maintenance. You can buy special lubricants, or you can use improvised means:

  • silicone-based lubricants;
  • silicone sponges;
  • pharmaceutical glycerin, but only in its pure form, without cosmetic additives.

Vaseline and baby powder should not be used. Also, do not choose products containing solvent, alcohol and alkali. They will lead to destruction of the rubber structure.

There is a controversial opinion regarding the use of WD-40. Some argue that the use of an aerosol will create a protective layer on the surface waterproofing film. Others say that when low temperatures The product can thicken and interfere with the operation of window mechanisms. If this is the only product on hand, it can be used to lubricate the seals.

Criteria for choosing window lubricants

You need to take care of window structures with high-quality and proven products. Poor lubricant quality will reduce the service life of the mechanisms. When purchasing, be guided by the region of residence, because some products tend to “tan” at low temperatures.

Consult with the store salesperson which lubricant is suitable for your plastic window model. Choose aerosol products. This is the most convenient type of lubricant with economical consumption. Using spraying you can reach the most inaccessible places in the mechanism. You don't have to buy expensive products. They often contain components found in inexpensive lubricants, and their operating principle is the same.

How to lubricate plastic windows yourself

You don’t have to be a specialist to carry out preventive maintenance on window fittings. To do this, you need to know the sequence of actions and have at hand necessary materials. Don't forget to remove all decorative trim from hinges and handles.

Cleaning plastic windows

Before you start lubricating the elements window design, you need to thoroughly clean them of accumulated dirt and dust. The window sashes open wide and are easily visible. All brackets, bolts and other moving parts need to be cleaned.

For cleaning, use a damp soft cloth, sponge or brush. Along with the dirt, a layer of old grease is also removed. After wet, use a dry cloth and wipe all parts dry. In warm weather, you can leave the window to dry on its own. Remember that you cannot use any detergents. You can use WD-40 on metal elements. The frame is washed with ordinary soapy water. For stubborn dirt, use a stiff brush, paying particular attention to where the door and frame meet.

Lubricating hardware

Before you begin the lubrication procedure, you need to understand where to lubricate plastic windows. The lubricant is applied to all elements that move during operation. If the work is done with an aerosol, the process is greatly simplified. It is enough to spray the product at a distance of 3-5 cm. It is necessary to lubricate with oils by dripping them onto the guide bars of the products, all rotary mechanisms and grooves. 2-3 drops will be enough. For convenience, oil lubricant is drawn into a syringe or small oil can, the tip of which is directed to the mechanism element. In order for the lubricant to penetrate well between the moving parts, the window sash must be closed. It is better to open and close in different modes several times. This will allow the product to spread quickly to all parts and lubricate them better.

Silicone is often used to lubricate windows. Before the procedure, the can is shaken thoroughly several times. The spray hole is directed at the element to be lubricated at a distance of 3-5 cm. By pressing the valve, release the product for about two seconds. This will be enough for the lubricant to get inside. Silicone in cylinders is good because, due to its transparency, it does not leave marks on the surface. After lubricating all elements of the fittings, drips of lubricant are wiped off with a clean rag.

Seal lubrication

To ensure that the sealing rubber on a plastic window does not dry out and ensure a tight fit of the sash, it must be lubricated regularly. Before lubrication, the window opens completely, providing access to all rubberized areas. The seal can be thoroughly cleaned using a brush to remove dust, and can also be washed using soap solution and left until completely dry.

Professional products or those that are suitable from your home arsenal are chosen as a lubricant.

The product is applied to the seals and, using a cotton swab, is evenly distributed over the entire surface. You can choose lubricant in a container with a roller at the end. It will be more convenient for them to apply the product.

Frequency of the procedure for lubrication of plastic windows

The frequency of lubrication of PVC windows depends on the frequency of their use. Living conditions also matter. For example, those windows that face the road will get dirty more and faster. Accordingly, they need to be cared for more often, about once a year. It is better to lubricate plastic windows in early autumn or late spring at above-zero temperatures. If you notice extraneous sounds emanating from the valves between periods of lubrication, then do not wait for the right time. Delaying the procedure can negatively affect the quality of fittings and sealing elements.

Silicone grease is not only a means for protecting and lubricating rubber surfaces, but also simply a universal substance. With its help, you can significantly increase the service life of many decorative and sealing parts in your car.

Silicone lubricant for rubber seals owes much of its property to chemical inertness. This property makes it universal. When exposed to rubber, it does not soften or loosen, and the plastic does not dissolve from it. All its versatility lies in the ability to be used in various fields.

When silicone gets on the surface of rubber seals, it forms a continuous polymer layer that imparts excellent water-repellent properties. The product also increases the slip of rubber seals and protects them from a number of external influences.

The operating temperatures of silicone range from -50 to +250 °C. In this case, temperature has virtually no effect on the viscosity of the substance. IN winter time Motorists use silicone lubricant to protect rubber seals from freezing to the car body. IN summer period it prevents rubber and plastic products from drying out, which makes them brittle.



Silicone lubricant comes in several types, each of which is used in a specific area. There are varieties for ease of use and application to different surfaces. Silicone rubber seal products are available on the market in the form of aerosol, liquid, gel, compound and paste. Each type has its own disadvantages and advantages.

For example, at first glance, aerosols seem to be the most convenient to use for a motorist: you just apply the spray to the surface, and that’s it. In theory this would be true, but in practice the situation is different. When applying the product in aerosol form to rubber seals, the substance enters not only desired area, but also on the environment.

Because of high pressure The spray sprays silicone onto clothing, leather, fabric and interior leatherettes, as well as glass and plastic surface. If you do not rub the lubricant immediately after application, grease stains will form.

The special properties of silicone allow the lubricant to be used in many areas. With their help, interior parts, interior mats, and wheel rims are processed. This makes their appearance attractive and protects them from moisture, corrosion and rapid contamination.

Lubricant in the form of a gel, paste, plastic substance and liquid is in some ways more convenient than aerosols. By applying these types of lubricant to a cloth or napkin, you can carefully handle the rubber seals without touching other surfaces. The problematic side of such silicone lubricants occurs when processing hard-to-reach places. It is almost impossible to treat lock mechanisms, door hinges and other hidden areas using pastes, gels and greases.

Some manufacturers of silicone aerosol products add a thin tube to the can. This is very good decision, allowing you to reach the most closed and inconvenient places in the car for processing.

Which is better

The basis of many silicone liquids for rubber car seals lies in mixing polymethylsilixane liquid and propellants and adding polymer compounds various types. It is difficult to perceive any particular difference between these liquids. All of them show excellent results in water-repellent and lubricating properties.

The main differences between such liquids are the presence or absence of a characteristic odor, ease of processing of rubber seals and application to other surfaces. Operating temperatures also vary slightly. Distinctive ranges: -30 to 200 °C and -50 to +250 °C. The solvents contained in polymethylsilixane fluid evaporate quickly, causing these substances to dry out very quickly.

Lubricants overview


A well-known American company producing car cosmetics. It has good water-repellent properties and protection against wear of rubber seals in doors, windows, trunk and hood covers. Available operating temperatures: -50 to +200 °C. Aerosol cans are complemented by a convenient thin tube.


Produced domestic company"Eltrans-N". Eltrans aerosols are suitable for protecting plastic rubber parts and seals in almost any temperature conditions. When applied to a surface it forms thin layer shiny coating that improves appearance details. It differs in that an aromatic fragrance is added to the substance, which eliminates the characteristic odor from the liquid. The canister is not equipped with a special thin tube.


Silicone product Russian production. The substance protects surfaces from corrosion and thermal influences. Has excellent water-repellent properties. When applied to the surfaces of parts, it covers them with a shiny film, giving rubber and plastic products their former color. The can is equipped with a very convenient sprayer in the form of a long spout. This allows you to deliver lubricant to the most distant and inconvenient places in the car.


Product made in Russia. Very well protects rubber and plastic parts from frost and moisture. By polishing the surfaces, they acquire a glossy shine. It is also good because the applied layer is very durable and is practically not washed off with water, both hot and cold. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the absence of a tube or spout on aerosols and the presence of a characteristic odor.


Silicon-Fett and Silicon-Spray products from noteworthy German company. LiquiMoly silicone liquids, like all products of this company, are different high quality. Thick gel lubricants come in tubes and are very good for coverage. door hinges, hatches and rods. Sprays have great penetrating properties, which reliably protects the surfaces of rubber, metal and plastic products. The can is not equipped with a spout tube. It also does not have a particularly characteristic odor. Operates over a wide temperature range -40 to +200 °C.


The VMPAVTO product is manufactured in St. Petersburg. Thanks to fluoroplastic, the substance is a good insulator and anti-friction polymer. Applying MS-Sport gel is quite difficult, but thanks to its thick composition, the silicone layer is very strong and durable. Working with this product is practically odorless. Does not leave greasy marks on unwanted surfaces. A small drawback is that hard-to-reach areas are difficult to handle.


Dow Corning 200/1000 - aerosols made in Belgium. Like the previous mixtures, it has good water-repellent properties and perfectly protects against high and low temperatures. Very easy to apply to surfaces. In this regard, it is the leader in strength and durability of the layer among aerosol forms of liquid. It is not washed off with water, it reduces friction well and eliminates squeaks in lock mechanisms, etc.

In modern times, everyone strives to quickly abandon the old wooden windows and install modern metal-plastic ones. And indeed, living with them is much easier. They save heat, provide excellent sound insulation, do not need to be painted, and provide insulation during the cold season.

However, like any thing or structure, plastic windows still require maintenance. To metal-plastic window remained sealed and did not blow through, it is necessary to properly care for the seal.

Let's look at all the features of caring for the seals of metal-plastic windows and doors. Why can a seal become unusable and can it be replaced?

The seal deteriorates from exposure external factors: direct sunlight, moisture and quick drying, free from dust and dirt. Without proper care, over time the seal loses its inherent elasticity. It may even begin to crumble and disintegrate. As a result, the metal-plastic window loses its sound insulation properties, begins to show through, allows dust to pass through and quickly becomes dirty. hard to reach places.

When replacing the seal, it is necessary to accurately calculate the distance around the perimeter of the window or door. It is unacceptable to use several pieces of tourniquet. There should be only one seal joint.

Any thing in our everyday life requires care in any case, and the window seal is no exception. Spend everything during necessary procedures, and metal-plastic products will delight you with high-quality operation and long service life.

Modern lubricants help rubber seals last much longer and more efficiently. However, our construction market is now very extensive, so figuring out what exactly you need is quite difficult. In this article you will learn what it is for, how it is used, what advantages and disadvantages it has.

What is the substance?

The presented product is an artificial lubricant that is made from organic and inorganic materials. The basis for manufacturing is to which other components are added. For example, viscous pastes are produced using a thickener. If it is necessary to make an aerosol, then propylene is added to the silicone oil.

It should be noted that the substance presented is chemically inert. That is, it does not interact with other elements, which could harm the product being processed. Silicone grease is used for rubber seals as a protective and anti-fraction layer. It has many benefits which you will look at later.

Areas of application of the material

Silicone grease for rubber seals is used quite often. However, there are a small number of alternative materials that can provide the same effect. Consideration should be given to where exactly such material is used. So, you can use lubricant for:

  • Coating of interior elements, the characteristics of which may deteriorate when exposed to external conditions.
  • Protects rubber seals from the influence of dust, frost, and rain. Moreover, you can use the substance both in the house and in the car.
  • Lubricating locks and hinges door frame. At the same time, the mechanism can last much longer; it will not creak or jam.
  • Processing of wood, leather, metal and other products.

In principle, silicone grease for rubber seals can be used anywhere. Versatility is one of the advantages of the presented substance.

Advantages of the material

Now we need to consider why the lubricant is so popular among consumers. The fact is that it has a lot of advantages:

  1. Versatility. Use this material possible in everyday life, in industry and in laboratory conditions.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. High quality and efficiency of the product.
  4. Reasonable price.
  5. Large selection of lubricants.
  6. The substance is not washed off with water, even hot.

Material Specifications

Silicone lubricant for a car will help you preserve all rubber gaskets and seals, preventing them from drying out and delaying the time when these elements become unusable.

Naturally, this substance has some technical characteristics that will help you decide whether you need to use this or that type of product. So, manufacturers claim the following features of the lubricant:

  • Inert to combustion. That is, you can use this product to treat those mechanisms that can heat up during operation. At the same time, you do not have to worry that a fire may occur. This feature allows the lubricant to be used in cars.
  • The substance can be used in sufficient quantities wide range temperatures: from -40 to +250 degrees.
  • Chemical inertness.

More detailed characteristics You can read the instructions for using the presented product.

Functions of matter

Silicone grease (reviews about it are mostly positive) are used almost everywhere. The fact is that it perfectly performs the necessary functions:

  1. Restorative. Lubrication helps seals maintain their elasticity. In addition, if these products begin to soften, the substance can quickly restore their previous appearance and functionality.
  2. Insulating.
  3. Lubricating. Thanks to this substance, the seals will adhere better to the surface.
  4. Protective. This function ensures long service life of the seals. The fact is that the lubricant not only repels water well and prevents corrosion of metal parts. In addition, the substance prevents dust from penetrating into the structure.

Types of product

It must be said that the market for modern lubricants is very wide. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose just one. In order to make this process easier for yourself, it is worth deciding what types of products there are:

  • Paste. This is a thick silicone lubricant that is very easy to use. However, its main disadvantage is that it cannot be used in hard-to-reach places.
  • Gel.
  • Liquid. This silicone-based lubricant can be used in complex mechanisms. However, its disadvantage is the property of spreading.
  • Aerosol. This type of substance is quite easy to use. However, it should be used to treat large surfaces. The fact is that the aerosol can simply fly away in different directions, getting on clothes, hands, and on those surfaces that do not need such a coating. And this silicone lubricant, the price of which ranges from 5 to 20 dollars and more, needs to be rubbed. Otherwise, you will have to deal with greasy stains on the surface being treated.

Features of choosing a product

In order not to waste money, you must definitely decide which product is better to purchase. To do this, you should be guided by certain criteria. Among them are the following:

  • Price. Naturally, this is not the main one, but very important factor influencing choice. It is advisable not to buy a product that is too cheap, as it may be of poor quality.
  • Availability. This criterion is also considered important, since there should be a store in your locality where you can quickly replenish your lubricant supplies.
  • Quality. Here it is better not to take risks, but to purchase the product at certified points of sale. You should not pay attention to those stores that do not have a license to operate or do not have all necessary documents for goods.
  • Type of product. Here you already need to decide what exactly you need lubricant for. If you need to protect your car, you can use a gaseous substance or gel. Naturally, the aerosol can be additionally equipped with a thin tube, which does not allow the product to be sprayed too much and makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach areas.
  • Specifications. You can read them in the store right on the packaging. They will also help you quickly decide what you need.
  • Manufacturer. Here you should already look at the ratings of manufacturers. Most popular on modern market The following brands of lubricants are: Eltrans, Bosny, Silicot, Verylube.

If you need silicone lubricant, the best one will only be determined during operation.

Features of using the product in a car

It must be said that the substance presented is very often used in cars. And not only for processing their external elements. For example, due to its chemical and thermal inertness, the lubricant can be used for seals installed in internal combustion engines. Moreover, the water-repellent function of the product prevents metal elements from rusting.

Will be useful for door seals and wipers. Thanks to the excellent properties of the product, the rubber does not loosen or become softer, which allows it to serve for a long time and reduces the cost of servicing the machine. Moreover, the substance can significantly update the appearance of seals.

As for the wipers, the lubricant, due to its resistance to frost, can ensure their excellent sliding on the glass even at low temperatures. In this case, the rubber does not freeze to the surface.

Features and benefits of grease

The presented material has a specific consistency. It must be said that thick silicone grease can be used to treat not only cars, but also underwater equipment. Due to its consistency, such a product does not spray onto other surfaces, so its use is very convenient.

Due to its environmental and organic safety, such a substance can be used to treat medical or household equipment. The thick lubricant adheres perfectly to the surface and is not washed off with hot or cold water, does not leave greasy stains. After processing, only a pleasant shine remains on the product. You can store the presented lubricant in a garage or storage room. It also has the property of being frost-resistant, so the room temperature does not matter significantly.

Universal lubricant: application features

Probably the most the best remedy is one that can be used in several areas of life at once. This substance is a universal silicone grease. She has it all necessary qualities: ease of use; resistance to water, dust and low temperatures; no greasy marks on the treated surface. In addition, it extends the life of mechanisms and products made of metal, plastic, and rubber.

This lubricant is used almost everywhere:

  • For processing and industrial machines.
  • For lubricating electrical equipment that is exposed to heat.
  • In working with door and car locks, hinges, seals.
  • For processing sanitary equipment.
  • For lubricating baby strollers, sports equipment, furniture, household appliances.

As you can see, the presented material can be applied in almost all areas of human life.

Features of use

In principle, applying the presented material is not difficult. However, you need to prepare for this action in advance. For example, before applying a layer, the surface to be treated must be cleaned of dust and moisture. This should be done especially in winter. In addition, the surface must be degreased.

Next, you can apply lubricant. This should be done carefully, wearing gloves and a protective mask (if you are using an aerosol). In some cases, the lubricant will have to be evenly distributed. It dries quickly enough and leaves no residue.

Remember, if you need to use a substance such as silicone lubricant: it is easy to use. So you can safely purchase this product, even if you have not dealt with it before. That's all. Good luck!

All system components that use fluids - oil, coolant, power steering lubricant, transmissions - are equipped with sealing elements. The presence and functionality of seals helps prevent leakage Supplies. However, to ensure proper operation The sealing components of the part must be lubricated periodically. From this article you will learn what the pros and cons of silicone grease for rubber seals are and what types of such products are available.


Composition and functions of the substance

Lubricating silicone for cars in the form of an aerosol or gel is an artificial substance developed on the basis of organic and inorganic materials. The base of the product is silicone oil or lithium grease and other elements such as hydrocarbon solvent, propellant, etc. Thickeners may be used in the lubricant.

What are the requirements for the substance:

  • must be compatible with the material from which the sealing elements are made, as well as the spare parts adjacent to them;
  • product performance is maintained over a wide temperature range;
  • the substance must reliably protect rubberized elements from rapid wear and cracking;
  • treating parts with lubricant should reduce friction;
  • one of the main requirements is that the product must provide a separating effect, that is, after its use, the parts should not stick to each other;
  • when treating seals, the substance should increase the tightness of the connection;
  • The product must be resistant to water so that the substance does not wash off if it comes into contact with lubricated parts.

Main functions of the substance:

  1. Restorative. The use of the substance should ensure that the treated elements retain their elasticity. If parts begin to soften during use, the product should quickly restore the elasticity, functionality and appearance of the seals.
  2. Insulating. Lubricant protects rubber elements from exposure to water.
  3. Lubricant. Treatment of parts with a substance allows sealing elements to better adhere to various surfaces.
  4. Protective. It consists in ensuring the long service life of parts. The lubricant must not only prevent water from attacking the seals, but also prevent the formation of corrosion on metal components. High-quality lubricants do not allow dust and dirt to get inside the structure.

Treating door seals with lubricant

Properties of the substance:

  1. Increased adhesion.
  2. The lubricant does not have negative impact on the surfaces that are being processed.
  3. Bioinertness. Due to this property, bacteria and harmful organisms cannot exist normally in a silicone environment.
  4. Increased dielectric and antistatic characteristics. This allows the product not to pass voltage and current through itself.
  5. Elasticity. One of the main properties.
  6. Product resistance to oxidative reactions. Allows you to increase its service life and ensure reliable protection details.
  7. Good anti-friction features.
  8. Environmentally friendly. The use of lubricant will not harm human health or the environment.
  9. Durability. High-quality products are characterized by a long evaporation period.
  10. Non-flammability. The substance will not flare up even when working at elevated temperatures.
  11. Resistant to alkaline elements and weak acid compounds.
  12. The lubricant is odorless and colorless. Thanks to this, its use will not spoil the appearance of the parts. In some cases, product manufacturers add flavorings to substances.
  13. The ability of a substance to transfer heat well.
  14. Wide operating temperature range. Thanks to its composition, silicone grease can retain all its properties and characteristics when working under extreme temperatures. On average - from 50 degrees below zero to 200 degrees Celsius.

Types and forms of release

Briefly about the varieties and forms of product release:

  1. Paste. The thick lubricant in the form of a paste is easy to use. The main disadvantage of such a substance is that when using it, the car owner will not be able to treat hard-to-reach places. We are talking about locks, hinges on doors, etc.
  2. Gel. Not much different from paste, except for the consistency. The gel is more liquid.
  3. Liquid. The use of liquid lubricants is important in complex mechanisms. The main disadvantage of the substance is that it can spread.
  4. Aerosol. This type of spray lubricant is easy to use. But it is best used for processing large surfaces. During operation, the spray will fly in different directions if the manufacturer has not provided a special tube in the kit. The use of lubricant may result in contact with a person's hands, clothing, or surfaces that do not need to be treated. The substance in the form of an aerosol needs to be rubbed during application. Otherwise, greasy stains may remain on the surface.

A Big Boys Toys user explained in his video how to use lube correctly.

Lubricants overview

Lubricants may differ from each other in area of ​​application, as well as in the presence of certain odors. Temperature ranges will vary depending on the product.

Available on the market big choice silicone lubricants for rubber seals, consider the most popular substances.


One of the most famous products is available in spray form. Initially, this type of lubricant was intended to remove corrosion on metal parts of a car.

Others were discovered during use useful characteristics. These include:

  • discerning ability;
  • creating a protective layer to prevent the negative effects of moisture.

In fact, WD-40 allows you to increase the service life of rubber elements. If the substance comes into contact with polystyrene or polycarbonate, it destroys these compounds. When using WD-40 lubricant, you must be careful not to let it get on your mucous membranes.


Characterized by:

  • low solidification temperature;
  • high hygroscopic characteristics.

Therefore, glycerin can be used to protect rubberized seals. As a result of processing, the lubricant softens the rubber and makes it elastic, which helps prevent cracking. The disadvantages of the product include the fragility of its action. For high-quality processing surfaces, the car owner will have to periodically use lubricant.

Very Lube

Used for processing plastic and rubberized parts and elements. The use of lubricant allows you to restore the color of components and also protect them from rapid wear. The main feature of the product is the availability cleaning characteristics. The lubricant allows you to penetrate deeply into scratches and microcracks, also removing dirt. By restoring the original color, the substance improves the appearance of rubber products. The lubricant prevents cracking of parts and prevents them from freezing during the cold season.

The main disadvantages include fragility protective coating. The car enthusiast will often need to use lubricant.


The lubricant has gained great popularity among consumers due to its characteristics:

  • moisture-proof;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • penetrating;
  • lubricating.

The use of substances helps prevent freezing of seals on moving components and mechanisms. The product performs well when used in the Far North, since its freezing point is -80 degrees. The substance completely pushes moisture out of microcracks on the surface being treated. Its use allows rubber seals to maintain their elasticity. Plastic, metal parts, paintwork is not destroyed as a result of using Nanoprotech. The use of a lubricant helps prevent the formation of an emulsion. The product does not contain rubber or Teflon.


As a result of application, the lubricant forms a polymer layer that provides water-repellent characteristics rubber products. The temperature range is from -50 to +50 degrees. The lubricant is considered all-season, so it can be used at any time of the year. One of the main features of the product is the increased content of silicone in the lubricant.

Compared to other sprays, its volume in Rezin base is five times greater. Thanks to the presence of a special dispenser in the form of a sponge in the kit, ease of use is ensured for treating hard-to-reach places. When used, the lubricant does not leak out and is not washed off with water. Since this type of product is not an aerosol, during operation it does not settle in the air, does not irritate human mucous membranes, and does not settle in the lungs.

Step Up

The product is produced well-known company from the USA, engaged in the production of car cosmetics. The lubricant has good water-repellent characteristics. Its use allows you to protect rubberized parts and elements on the doors and windows of the car, as well as components in the trunk and engine compartment of the car from rapid wear. The operating temperature range varies from -50 to +200 degrees. The spray comes with a thin tube that allows you to treat even the most difficult to reach surfaces.


The product is produced by the Russian company of the same name. Domestic lubricants are designed to protect plastic and rubberized elements. The use of the substance ensures the creation of a protective coating on parts, which not only improves their appearance, but also protects them from the negative effects of water and frost.

A distinctive feature is the addition of an aromatic additive to the lubricant, as a result of which the product does not have unpleasant odor. The main disadvantage, according to consumer reviews, is the lack of a tube in the kit, which makes the use of the substance impossible for processing hard-to-reach parts.

Liqui Moly

The Liqui Moly company produces Silicone-Fett and Silicone-Spray products. Reviews and numerous studies show that the lubricant from this manufacturer is of high quality. Thick substances are supplied to the market in special tubes; their use is relevant for processing door hinges. Sprays have penetrating properties, which ensures protection of parts located in hard-to-reach places. The product package does not include the tube. The temperature range of use is from -40 to +200 degrees.

Molykote Dow Corning 200/1000

Belgian-made products in the form of aerosols. Help prevent the negative effects of water on rubber and metal elements car. The lubricant effectively protects seals even at critically low subzero temperatures. Molykote Dow Corning 200/1000 is considered one of the best in terms of strength and stability compared to other lubricants.

Turtle Wax

Designed specifically for processing rubber and plastic elements. Turtle Wax can also be used to lubricate metal and textile components and parts. The substance is considered universal and allows you to reliably protect and isolate the rubbing parts of the car from negative influences. In the cold season after washing vehicle Turtle Wax prevents freezing of rubberized seals and gaskets, displaces moisture from them and significantly reduces the coefficient of friction. The product also effectively insulates high-voltage cables and the cover. switchgear ignition systems if there is high humidity outside.


Water-repellent substance produced by a Russian company. The temperature range of use varies from -50 to +230 degrees. The lubricant is characterized by an average level of viscosity; its use is more relevant on large surfaces and parts. The product also has high adhesion. Belongs to the category of universal products.

MS Sport

This Russian-made product is characterized by a high content of silicone and fluoroplastic in its composition. Thanks to this, operation of MC Sport is allowed in pairs, that is, in units where one of the components is made of steel or other metal, and the other of plastic, rubber, leather, etc. The use of the product is allowed not only for processing machine parts, but also in everyday life.

The structure of this lubricant is semi-solid, so its use is possible in bearing devices and other lightly loaded rolling and sliding mechanisms. Studies have shown that the product effectively protects treated parts from dirt, rust and liquids. MC Sport has water-repellent characteristics. This lubricant does not allow current to pass through itself, is not washed off by water, and effectively removes squeaks. Due to the formation of a frost-resistant layer on the surface of parts, the substance prevents the effects of corrosion on car elements.

Areas of application of the material

Lubricants can be used not only for processing automotive parts, but also in everyday life.

Using the product in a car

Which machine elements can be treated with lubricant:

  • plastic interior parts, for example, control panel or center console;
  • the substance is used for rubber bands and seals on car doors, luggage compartment, hood, windows, fuel tank cap, etc.;
  • hinges and locks on car doors;
  • starters;
  • electric windshield wiper motors;
  • guide bushings on seats, ventilation hatches, and window regulators;
  • rubber elements of windshield wiper blades;
  • end parts of car tires;
  • car wheel rims;
  • rugs;
  • bushings for stabilizers, cushions fixing the exhaust pipe, cooling system hoses, silent blocks, etc.;
  • places on the car body where the paintwork has chipped off, this helps prevent the formation of corrosion in the future;
  • plastic car bumpers if scratches begin to appear on their surface;
  • seat locks in the cabin;
  • seat belts.

From the video filmed by the Auto Chemicals and Auto Cosmetics channel in Kyrgyzstan, you can learn about the use of lubricants.

Features of lubricant selection

When purchasing a product, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Price. Very cheap products usually cannot boast good characteristics and high quality.
  2. Availability. It is important that in the city where you live there is a store where, if necessary, you can quickly purchase the substance.
  3. The main criterion is quality. We recommend purchasing lubricants only from trusted and certified stores. If a seller operates without a license, it is quite possible that he will buy low-quality and counterfeit products and pass them off as original ones.
  4. Type of lubricant. When choosing a type, you need to decide for what purpose the product will be used. To treat hard-to-reach surfaces, you will need a spray product. In other cases, you can buy a paste or gel.
  5. Please also pay attention to specifications. They are indicated on the product label. Taking into account technical properties and features, you will be able to choose a quality product that will suit your goals.
  6. Manufacturer of the substance. The products described above have proven themselves to our compatriots. We recommend choosing lubricants from famous brands so as not to purchase a low-quality substance.

You can learn about the use of lubricant from the video filmed by the bushkraftell channel.

What can be replaced?

Silicone Grease - universal product, which makes no sense to replace with other substances. The issue of replacing the product is faced by motorists who, for some reason, cannot buy a lubricant in stores. In such cases, instead of silicone agent you can use Litol-24.

How and with what to wash silicone grease?

To answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. If lubricant accidentally gets on clothing or glass, do not try to wipe it off immediately. This will only cause the greasy stain on the surface to increase. Depending on the composition of the substance, a solvent is selected that will help remove unwanted traces of liquid.

How to remove traces of silicone grease for rubber seals:

  1. If the main element in the base of the substance is acid, then vinegar (70 percent solution) will be needed to neutralize traces. A clean rag is moistened with vinegar, which is subsequently used to treat the contaminated surface. After treatment, you must wait at least half an hour. Then the acetic acid is wiped off with a rag.
  2. If the product is alcohol-based, an alcohol solution will be required to remove traces of grease. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is allowed to use technical or denatured alcohol. If you don't have it, you can use vodka. Soak a rag in the solution, then wipe the surface with it until the frozen silicone is removed.
  3. The base of the substance can be oximes, amides and amines. In such cases, gasoline, any alcohol-based solvents, or white spirit can be used to remove traces of contaminants. To remove the silicone, the area is treated, after which you need to wait half an hour. If you were unable to remove dirt the first time, repeat the procedure.

Learn more about removing silicone from different surfaces, as well as clothes, you can find out from the video filmed by the Miss Clean channel.

If you remove grease with vinegar or acetone, the procedure must be performed with rubber gloves. The use of acetone is not always allowed, it all depends on the composition. Be careful as this product may damage the paintwork on your vehicle. In some cases, traces of silicone grease can be effectively removed with glass washing liquid and ammonia. If necessary, you can use a special anti-silicone product, but its use is not relevant for all types of lubricants. The best option- go to the car wash. After listening to your problem, our specialists will select the optimal liquid or shampoo for removing silicone stains.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of silicone grease for seals:

  1. Product versatility.
  2. Safety from an environmental point of view.
  3. Most of the products on the market are characterized by high quality as well as performance.
  4. A price affordable for most consumers. It should be noted that price range silicone lubricants are large enough. Each consumer will be able to buy the product based on their financial capabilities.
  5. Wide range of substances. You can purchase products designed specifically for rubber parts or for plastic elements.
  6. Water resistance of lubricants. Even when exposed hot water high-quality lubricants do not wash off.

Disadvantages are typical for certain types of lubricants. The main disadvantage for many products is the need for regular use. Often, lubricants quickly lose their functions after application, so the car owner has to periodically reuse them.