The most ancient city in human history. The most ancient city on earth

The oldest cities in the world still exist today. These settlements have passed what is called the test of time.

History can be surprisingly unpredictable, but some of its monuments have been unshakable for several thousand years. Here is a list of the most ancient cities in the world that did not fall into decay and were not lost over the years, but were constantly inhabited by people. Find out which cities of the East, Europe and Asia are not only considered the oldest, but are still inhabited! You might also be interested in which civilization is considered the most ancient.

The most ancient cities of East Asia

Although Chinese civilization is rightfully considered one of the most ancient, the age of its oldest surviving cities is significantly inferior to the age of the first fortified settlements of the Near and Middle East. But even these numbers cause awe in a person who comes face to face with the legacy of time.


A country: China
Year of foundation: 1045 BC

Ancient name the current capital of China is Ji. The city, founded in 1045 BC, was the capital of the feudal principality of Yan for almost two thousand years, until in 938 AD. the Liao dynasty did not make it the second capital of Northern China. Beijing (also called Beijing and, subsequently, Beiping) was the most important state center during the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing eras, retained this status after the formation of New China. By the way, it was in the vicinity of Beijing that the remains of Sinanthropus, the so-called “Beijing man,” whose age dates back to approximately 600 thousand years, were found.


A country: China
Year of foundation: 1100 BC

For 3100 years, Xi'an (ancient names - Haojin, Chan'An), the most ancient city Of the currently populated areas of China, it has been the capital of ten major dynasties. The major cultural and political center was also famous for its production of bronze objects; some products have survived to this day and are now exhibited in local museums. The Tang Dynasty died out in 907, after which the city slowly declined. Subsequently he played a lot important role in the development of state trade, but never returned to its former greatness.

The most ancient cities of the Middle East

The ancient Near East, namely the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, is considered the cradle of human civilization. Mesopotamia is the largest ancient civilization, which, despite its greatness, could not withstand the onslaught of centuries. But, for example, neighboring Egypt still delights tourists with its ancient capital.


A country: Afghanistan
Year of foundation: 1500 BC

This city, located in modern Afghanistan, is often called the cradle of three religions: Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Buddhism. Balkh is considered to be the birthplace of Zarathustra, the founder of Zoroastrianism - the ancient religion world known to man.


A country: Egypt
Year of foundation: 3200 BC

Approximately XXII-XX centuries BC. Luxor was the capital of Waset (fourth nome Ancient Egypt), then became the main city of the entire kingdom of Egypt and remained so until the 10th century BC. It is also known to historians under the Greek name Thebes.

El Fayoum

A country: Egypt
Year of foundation: 3200 BC

Another ancient Egyptian city appeared on the world map in the 4th millennium BC. Faiyum is located southwest of Cairo, on the territory of ancient Crocodilopolis. This unusual name locality in honor of the cult of the sacred crocodile Petsuhos, which was worshiped by local residents. Now the city is quite modern, here you can visit large bazaars, mosques, baths, as well as the pyramids of Hawara and Lekhin.

The most ancient cities in Europe


A country: Greece
Year of foundation: 1400 BC

Exact date The founding of Athens is unknown. Written sources indicate that the states of the Ancient World knew about the existence of a settlement on the site of modern Athens already in 9600 BC. However, the city itself, which is rightly called the cradle Greek culture, arose only in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC.


A country: Greece
Year of foundation: 2000 BC

The founding date of the city of Agros (Peloponnese) is conventionally considered to be 2000 BC. – the first evidence of its existence found by archaeologists dates back to this period. Perhaps his story goes back much deeper. According to the ancient Greek epic, Agros was adjacent to Mycenae and Tiryns, now in ruins.


A country: Italy
Year of foundation: 2000 BC

Mantua – small town in the Lombardy region, founded by the Etruscans and Gauls. For most of its history, Mantua was located on an island on the Mincio River. Subsequently, already in the Middle Ages, residents blocked the channel and turned the island into a peninsula. As a result, the city was surrounded by lakes on three sides. By the way, the ancient Roman poet Virgil was born in the vicinity of Mantua.


A country: Bulgaria
Year of foundation: 6000 BC

The most ancient city in Europe is located in a picturesque place in southern Bulgaria, on the coast of the Maritsa River. Like Rome, it was built on seven hills - three of which can still be clearly distinguished today. Initially Plovdiv was small village called Tratian, which later became a major center of the Roman Empire. Before becoming part of Bulgaria, Plovdiv was also under the rule of Byzantium and Ottoman Empire. Modern Plovdiv is a thriving city with a rich cultural and social life.

The most ancient cities of the Middle East


A country: Lebanon
Year of foundation: 5000 BC

Once upon a time, on the site of modern Jebeil stood the ancient city of Byblos - the heart of all Mediterranean navigation, largest exporter papyrus to Hellas. In the sixth millennium BC, these places were chosen by nomadic tribes who made a living by fishing. After a couple of thousand years, the settlement, nicknamed by the inhabitants of Gubla, was overgrown with stone walls, and its inhabitants continued the traditions of their ancestors and turned the city into a prosperous harbor. In the 3rd millennium BC. Gubla passed into the possession of the Phoenicians - the sea people were attracted by its convenient location and developed water infrastructure. In the second millennium BC, the city acquired its own written language, which significantly increased its prosperity, which was entirely dependent on trade. And a little later he became the main exporter of papyrus to Greece. Papyrus on ancient Greek they knew it exactly as “bibl”, and the city, accordingly, began to be called the same.


A country: Palestine
Year of foundation: 6800 BC

Jericho (meaning a settlement with fortified walls) is considered the most ancient city in the world. Although the first human settlements arose here, on the west bank of the Jordan, back in the 8th millennium BC. The powerful walls of the Tower of Jericho still remind us of those times. By biblical legend, the walls of this city in time immemorial fell from the sound of the trumpet of Joshua. During excavations, which began in earnest in the middle of the 20th century, archaeologists discovered as many as forty so-called “cultural layers” under these lands!

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Every city has its own history of creation, but not every one of them can boast of centuries-old existence. Some settlements that exist today were formed a very long time ago. The age of many cities has been established with the help of archaeological and historical researchers, whose conclusions indicate the approximate time of their appearance. Based on these data, the rating was compiled: oldest cities in the world, where the most ancient urban settlements of our planet are considered.

This city is known to many residents of all countries, as it contains holy places of Jews, Christians and Muslims. It is also called the city of peace and the city of three religions. The first traces of humans on the territory of Jerusalem appeared already in 2800 BC. e., therefore it can rightfully be considered one of the oldest cities in the world.

During its history, Jerusalem has gone through multiple wars, two times they tried to completely destroy it, but to this day it delights us with its grandeur and beauty and happily welcomes pilgrims from all over the world. In Jerusalem there are amazingly mixed centuries-old traditions different peoples, which is expressed in historical monuments, the culture of local residents and unique architecture.

Beirut ranks 9th in the ranking of the oldest cities in the world. According to various sources, the city appeared 3000-5000 BC. e. During its existence, Beirut was destroyed several times, but it was always possible to restore it.

Excavations were repeatedly carried out on the territory of the Lebanese capital, during which various artifacts belonging to Phoenician, Ottoman, Roman and many other ethnic communities were found. According to research, written mentions of Beirut date back to the 14th century BC. e. Now the city is the tourist center of Lebanon. Its population is 361,000 people.

Gaziantep is one of the oldest cities in Turkey and the world. It is located close to the Syrian border. Its settlement occurred in 3650 BC. e. Until 1921, the city had a different name – Antep, after which the title “gazi” was added to it, which means brave. In ancient times, the crusades passed through the city, and in 1183, during the Ottoman Empire, mosques and inns began to be built in Gaziantep, and later it became a trade center.

The modern city is inhabited by Turks, Arabs and Kurds, their approximate number is 850,000 people. Every year Gaziantep is visited by crowds of tourists from different countries. There is a lot to see here: ruins of ancient cities, museums, bridges and other unique attractions.

The first settlements in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv appeared 4000 BC. e. According to some reports, it is the oldest city in Europe, which is why it is ranked 7th in the ranking of the oldest cities in the world. In 342 BC. e. Plovdiv was called differently - Odris. This name can be seen on ancient bronze coins.

In the 6th century the city was under the control of Slavic tribes; later it became part of the Bulgarian kingdom and was renamed Pyldin. During its subsequent history, the city fell under the rule of the Byzantines several times and returned again to the Bulgarians. In 1364, Plovdiv was captured by the Ottomans. The modern city is famous for its large number of historical architectural monuments and other attractions known far beyond the borders of Bulgaria.

This Egyptian city appeared around 4000 BC. e. It is located on the territory of another ancient city of Crocodilopolis, southwest of Cairo. The fact that it is one of the oldest cities in the world is evidenced by excavations that confirm the visit of the city by the pharaohs of the 12th dynasty. In those days the city was called Shedet, which translated means sea.

Currently, Al-Fayoum is filled with numerous markets, bazaars and mosques. The city has an unusual infrastructure with various attractions. Rose oil is produced here, Exotic fruits and cereal crops.

The oldest city in Lebanon began its existence 4000 BC. e. It is located 40 km from the capital. According to historical data, it is known that Jesus and the Apostle Paul visited it. During the time of the Phoenicians, it was the largest trading center in the Mediterranean. The seaport built in the Phoenician era has survived to this day.

Sidon was part of various states and empires many times. It was considered one of the most impregnable cities. Now about 200,000 people live here.

The very first settlements in Susa appeared in 4200 BC. e., the city is mentioned in the ancient Sumerian chronicles, as well as in the Old Testament and others scriptures. The city had the status of the capital of the Elamite Empire until it was captured by the Assyrians. In 668, a battle took place during which the city was sacked and burned. Ten years later, the Elamite Empire disappeared.

One of the most ancient cities of Susa suffered bloody massacres and destruction many times, but each time it was rebuilt. Currently, the city of Susa is called Shush; its population is about 65 thousand people, mostly Muslims and Jews.

One of the three oldest cities in the world is Byblos, not known as Jebeil. This Lebanese city was founded in the 4th-5th millennium BC. e. It was built by the Phoenicians and gave it the name Gebal. On its territory there are many Phoenician shrines, as well as the Church of John the Baptist. The city began to be called Biblios by the ancient Greeks, who visited the city and purchased papyrus here. In ancient times, Biblios was the largest port.

The Biblios writings have never been translated; they still remain a mystery left by the ancient city. They bear no resemblance to any of the writing systems of that time.

The second position is occupied by the ancient city of Damascus. The first mentions of it date back to the 15th century BC. e. During this period of time, it was dominated by egyptian pharaohs. Later the city was the center of the Damascus kingdom. During the rest of its existence, Damascus repeatedly became part of different states and empires. It is known that the Apostle Paul visited Damascus, and it was then that the first Christians appeared here.

Currently, Damascus is the cultural capital and the second largest Syrian city, with more than 1.5 million people living here.

The top of the podium rightfully belongs to himself oldest city in the world - Jericho. Historians have discovered on its territory the remains of ancient settlements that settled here back in the 9th millennium BC. e. The city is located on the banks of the holy Jordan River and is known to many from the biblical scriptures.

Modern Jericho is a real living museum of ancient monuments. Here you can see the ruins remaining from the palace of King Herod, visit the source of the holy prophet Elisha and visit various Orthodox shrines. Currently its population is more than 20,000 people.

Over the entire history of human existence, the world has seen both the rise and fall of millions of cities, many of which, during periods of special glory and prosperity, were captured, destroyed or abandoned. Thanks to new technologies, archaeologists are looking for and finding them. Buried under sand, ice or mud are former glory and former greatness. But many of the rare cities passed the time test, and so did their residents. We offer an overview of cities that have existed for centuries and continue to live.

Ancient cities withstood and survived, despite various difficulties - wars, natural disasters, population migration, modern standards. They have changed a little thanks to progress, but have not lost their originality, preserving both the architecture and the memory of people.

15. Balkh, Afghanistan: 1500 BC

The city, which in Greek sounded like Bactra, was founded in 1500 BC, when the first people settled in this area. The "Mother of Arab Cities" has stood the test of time. And indeed, from the moment of its foundation, the history of many cities and empires began, including the Persian kingdom. The era of prosperity is considered to be the period of prosperity Silk Road. Since then, the city has experienced both ups and downs, but is still a center of the textile industry. Today, the former grandeur is gone, but the mysterious atmosphere and timelessness have been preserved.

14. Kirkuk, Iraq: 2,200 BC

The first settlement appeared here in 2200 BC. The city was controlled by both the Babylonians and the Medes - everyone appreciated its advantageous location. And today you can see the fortress, which is already 5,000 years old. Although it is only a ruin, it is an outstanding part of the landscape. The city is located 240 km from Baghdad and is one of the centers of the oil industry.

13. Erbil, Iraq: 2300 BC

This mysterious city appeared in 2300 BC. It was the main center of trade and concentration of wealth. For centuries it was controlled by various peoples, including the Persians and Turks. During the existence of the Silk Road, the city became one of the main caravan stops. One of its fortresses is still a symbol of the ancient and glorious past.

12. Tire, Lebanon: 2750 BC

The first settlement appeared here in 2750 BC. Since that time, the city has survived many conquests, many rulers and generals. At one time, Alexander the Great conquered the city and ruled for several years. In 64 AD. it became part of the Roman Empire. Today it is a beautiful tourist city. There is a mention of it in the Bible: “Who determined this to Tire, who distributed crowns, whose merchants [were] princes, whose merchants were celebrities of the earth?”

11. Jerusalem, Middle East: 2800 BC

Jerusalem is probably the most famous of the cities mentioned in the review in the Middle East, if not the world. It was founded in 2800 BC. and played an important role in human history. In addition to being a world religious center, the city has many historical buildings and artifacts, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and Al-Aqsa Mosque. The city has rich history– it was besieged 23 times, the city was attacked 52 times. In addition, it was destroyed and rebuilt twice.

10. Beirut, Lebanon: 3000 BC

Beirut was founded in 3000 BC. and became the main city of Lebanon. Today it is a capital city renowned for its cultural and economic heritage. Beirut has been a tourist city for many years. It existed for 5,000 years, despite the fact that it passed from hand to hand of the Romans, Arabs and Turks.

9. Gaziantep, Türkiye: 3,650 BC

Like many ancient cities, Gaziantep has survived the rule of many nations. Since its foundation, which is 3650 BC, it has been in the hands of the Babylonians, Persians, Romans and Arabs. The Turkish city is proud of its multinational historical and cultural heritage.

8. Plovdiv, Bulgaria: 4000 BC

The Bulgarian city of Plovdiv has existed for more than 6,000 years. It was founded in 4000 BC. Before the control of the Roman Empire, the city belonged to the Thracians, and was later under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Different nations left their cultural and historical mark on its history, for example, Turkish baths or the Roman style in architecture.

7. Sidon, Lebanon: 4000 BC

This unique city was founded in 4000 BC. At one time, Sidon was captured by Alexander the Great, and Jesus Christ and St. Paul were there. Thanks to its glorious and rich past, the city is valued in archaeological circles. It is the oldest and most important Phoenician settlement that still exists today.

6. El Fayoum, Egypt: 4,000 BC

The ancient city of Faiyum, founded in 4000 BC, is a historical part of the ancient Egyptian city of Crocodilopolis, an almost forgotten city where people worshiped the sacred crocodile Petsuchus. Nearby are the pyramids and the large center. Everywhere in the city and beyond there are signs of antiquity and cultural heritage.

5. Susa, Iran: 4200 BC

In 4200 B.C. the ancient city of Susa, which is now called Shush, was founded. Today it is home to 65,000 inhabitants, although there were once more. At one time it belonged to the Assyrians and Persians and was the capital of the Elamite Empire. The city has experienced a long and tragic history, but remains one of the most ancient cities in the world.

4. Damascus, Syria: 4300 BC

The most ancient cities in the world - some of them disappeared from the face of the earth forever, leaving only ruins and memories. And there are settlements whose names have paved a long way in history and have survived to this day. Their streets are full of architectural sights, magnificent in their beauty and monumentality, looking at which you are mentally transported back to the depths of centuries.

Jericho is the oldest city on Earth

The Judean Hills dominate the West Bank. At their foot, at the mouth of the river flowing into the Dead Sea, is the ancient city in the world - Jericho. On its territory, archaeologists have discovered fragments of ancient buildings dating back to 9500 BC. e.

IN Old Testament The history of this settlement was described. It is also mentioned in Roman chronicles. There is a legend that Jericho was brought as a gift to Cleopatra by Mark Antony. But magnificent buildings in this city were built by King Herod, who received rule over this city from the Emperor of Rome, Augustus. It was during his era that many monuments of ancient architecture appeared, preserved in this city to this day.
There are also records that the Christian church appeared in Jericho in the first century AD. Constant raids by Bedouins and hostility between Muslims and knights led to the decline of the city by the 9th century. AD In the 19th century, the Turks destroyed the once prosperous center ancient world Jericho.

It was only in 1920 that the oldest city in the world, Jericho, received its second life. Arabs began to populate it. Now it is permanently home to approximately 20,000 people.

The main attraction is the Tel es-Sultan hill, on which stands a tower dating back to the 6000th century. BC.

Nowadays, military operations are constantly taking place in Jericho, a disputed land between Palestine and Israel. For this reason, the beauty of this place is hidden from tourists. At the very least, the governments of many countries do not recommend their citizens to visit it.

Famous surviving cities of antiquity

Over the course of many centuries, civilizations developed and cities appeared. Some of them were destroyed as a result of wars or natural disasters. Few of the most ancient cities in the world, which have survived multiple changes of eras, can still be visited today:

On earth, which are named as the most ancient cities in the world. Many of them are still being destroyed today, despite the establishment of special protection regimes. international organization UNESCO.

Many ancient cities lay claim to the right to be called the first city on Earth. But first of all, this definition refers to Jericho - an oasis near the place where the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea. The city of Jericho, widely known in the Bible, is located here - the same one whose walls once fell from the sound of the trumpets of Joshua.

According to biblical tradition, the Israelites began the conquest of Canaan from Jericho and, after the death of Moses, under the leadership of Joshua, crossing the Jordan, they stood at the walls of this city. The townspeople, hiding behind the city walls, were convinced that the city was impregnable. But the Israelis used an extraordinary military stratagem. They walked around the city walls in a silent crowd six times, and on the seventh they shouted in unison and blew the trumpets, so loudly that the formidable walls collapsed. This is where the expression “trumpet of Jericho” comes from.

Jericho is fed by the water of the powerful spring Ain es-Sultan (“Source of the Sultan”), to which the city owes its origin. The Arabs call the name of this source a hill north of modern Jericho - Tell es-Sultan (“Mountain of the Sultan”). Already in late XIX century, it attracted the attention of archaeologists and is still considered one of the most important sites for archaeological finds of objects from the early historical period.

In 1907 and 1908, a group of German and Austrian researchers led by Professors Ernst Sellin and Karl Watzinger began excavations at Mount Sultana for the first time. They came across two parallel fortress walls, built from sun-dried bricks. Exterior wall had a thickness of 2 m and a height of 8-10 m, and the thickness interior wall reached 3.5 m.

Archaeologists have determined that these walls were built between 1400 and 1200 BC. e. It is clear that they were quickly identified with those walls that, as the Bible reports, collapsed from the powerful sounds of the trumpets of the Israelite tribes. However, during the excavations, archaeologists came across a layer of construction debris that was of even greater interest to science than the finds that confirmed the Bible’s information about the war. But the first World War suspended further scientific research.

More than twenty years passed before a group of Englishmen led by Professor John Garstang was able to continue their research. New excavations began in 1929 and lasted about ten years. 1935–1936. Garstang had encountered the lowest layers of a Stone Age settlement. He discovered a cultural layer older than the 5th millennium BC. e., dating back to a time when people did not yet know pottery. But people of this era already led a sedentary lifestyle.

The work of Garstang's expedition was interrupted due to the difficult political situation. And only after the end of World War II did English archaeologists return to Jericho. This time the expedition was led by Dr. Kathleen M. Canyon, with whose activities all further discoveries in this ancient city in the world are associated. To participate in the excavations, the British invited German anthropologists who had been working in Jericho for several years.

In 1953, archaeologists led by Kathleen Canyon made an outstanding discovery that completely changed our understanding of the early history of mankind. Researchers made their way through 40 (!) cultural layers and discovered buildings of the Neolithic period with huge buildings dating back to the time when, it would seem, only nomadic tribes should have lived on Earth, earning their food by hunting and collecting plants and fruits. The results of excavations showed that approximately 10 thousand years ago a qualitative leap was made in the eastern Mediterranean associated with the transition to artificial cultivation cereals This led to drastic changes in culture and lifestyle.

The discovery of early agricultural Jericho was an archeological sensation in the 1950s. Systematic excavations here revealed a whole series of successive layers, united into two complexes - pre-ceramic Neolithic A (8th millennium BC) and pre-ceramic Neolithic B (7th millennium BC). Today, Jericho A is considered the first urban settlement discovered in the Old World. Here are found the earliest permanent structures known to science, burials and sanctuaries, built from earth or small round unbaked bricks.

The pre-ceramic Neolithic settlement A occupied an area of ​​about 4 hectares and was surrounded by a powerful defensive wall made of stone. Adjacent to it was a massive round stone tower. Initially, researchers assumed that this was a tower of a fortress wall. But obviously, it was not a special-purpose structure that combined many functions, including the function of a guard post to monitor the surrounding area.

Protected by a stone wall, there were round, tent-like houses on stone foundations with walls made of mud brick, one surface of which was convex (this type of brick is called "pork's back"). To more accurately determine the age of these structures, the latest scientific methods, for example, the radiocarbon (radiocarbon) method. Nuclear physicists, when studying isotopes, found that it is possible to determine the age of objects by the ratio of radioactive and stable carbon isotopes. Through sounding, it was found that the oldest walls of this city date back to the 8th millennium, that is, their age is approximately 10 thousand years. The sanctuary discovered as a result of excavations was even more ancient - 9551 BC. e.

There is no doubt that Jericho A, with its settled population and developed construction industry, was one of the first early agricultural settlements on Earth. Based on many years of research carried out here, historians received a completely new picture of the development and technical capabilities, which humanity had 10 thousand years ago. The transformation of Jericho from a small primitive settlement with miserable huts and huts into a real city with an area of ​​​​at least 3 hectares and a population of more than 2000 people is associated with the transition local population from simple gathering of edible grains to agriculture - growing wheat and barley. At the same time, researchers have established that this revolutionary step was taken not as a result of some kind of introduction from the outside, but was the result of the development of the tribes living here: archaeological excavations of Jericho showed that in the period between the culture of the original settlement and the culture of the new city, which was built at the turn 9th and 8th millennia BC e., life here did not stop.

At first, the town was not fortified, but with the advent of strong neighbors, fortress walls became necessary to protect against attacks. The appearance of fortifications speaks not only of the confrontation between different tribes, but also of the accumulation by the inhabitants of Jericho of certain material assets, attracting the greedy gaze of neighbors. What were these values? Archaeologists have answered this question as well. Probably, the main source of income for the townspeople was barter trade: a well-located city controlled the main resources of the Dead Sea - salt, bitumen and sulfur. Obsidian, jade and diorite from Anatolia, turquoise from the Sinai Peninsula, and cowrie shells from the Red Sea were found in the ruins of Jericho - all of these goods were highly valued during the Neolithic period.

The fact that Jericho was a powerful urban center is evidenced by its defensive fortifications. Without the use of picks and hoes, a ditch 8.5 m wide and 2.1 m deep was cut into the rock. Behind the ditch there was stone wall 1.64 m thick, preserved to a height of 3.94 m. Its original height probably reached 5 m, and above that there was mud brick masonry.

The excavations revealed a large round stone tower with a diameter of 7 m, preserved to a height of 8.15 m, with an internal staircase carefully constructed from single meter-wide stone slabs. The tower contained grain storage and clay-lined cisterns to collect rainwater.

The stone tower of Jericho was probably built at the beginning of the 8th millennium BC. e. and lasted for a very long time. When it ceased to be used for its intended purpose, crypts for burials began to be built in its internal passage, and the former storage facilities were used as dwellings. These premises were often rebuilt. One of them, which died in a fire, dates back to 6935 BC. After this, archaeologists counted four more periods of existence in the history of the tower, and then the city wall collapsed and began to erode. Apparently, the city was already deserted at this time.

The construction of a powerful defensive system required an enormous amount of labor, the use of significant work force and the presence of some central authority to organize and direct the work. Researchers estimate the population of this first city in the world at two thousand people, and this figure may be underestimated.

What did these first citizens of the Earth look like and how did they live? An analysis of the skulls and bone remains found in Jericho showed that 10 thousand years ago, short people - just over 150 cm - with elongated skulls (dolichocephalians), who belonged to the so-called Euro-African race, lived here. They built oval-shaped dwellings from lumps of clay, the floors of which were recessed below ground level. The house was entered through a doorway with wooden jambs. There were several steps leading down. Most houses consisted of a single round or oval room with a diameter of 4–5 m, covered with a vault of interlocking rods. The ceiling, walls and floor were covered with clay. The floors in the houses were carefully leveled, sometimes painted and polished.

The inhabitants of ancient Jericho used stone and bone tools, did not know ceramics and ate wheat and barley, the grains of which were ground on stone grain grinders with stone pestles. From rough food, which consisted of cereals and legumes ground in stone mortars, these people's teeth were completely worn out. Despite a more comfortable habitat than that of primitive hunters, their life was extremely difficult, and average age the inhabitants of Jericho did not exceed 20 years of age. Infant mortality was very high, and only a few lived to be 40–45 years old. There were obviously no people older than this age in ancient Jericho.

The townspeople buried their dead right under the floors of their homes, wearing iconic plaster masks with cowrie shells inserted into the eyes of the masks on their skulls. It is curious that in the oldest graves of Jericho (6500 BC), archaeologists mostly find headless skeletons. Apparently, the skulls were separated from the corpses and buried separately. The cultic beheading is known in many parts of the world and has been practiced down to our time. Here, in Jericho, scientists apparently encountered one of the earliest manifestations of this cult.

During this “pre-ceramic” period, the inhabitants of Jericho did not use earthenware - they replaced it with stone vessels, carved mainly from limestone. Probably, the townspeople also used all kinds of wickerwork and leather containers like wineskins. Not knowing how to sculpt pottery, the ancient inhabitants of Jericho also sculpted animal figures and other images from clay. In residential buildings and tombs of Jericho, many clay figurines of animals were found, as well as stucco images of the phallus. The cult of masculinity was widespread in ancient Palestine, and its images are found in other places.

In one of the layers of Jericho, archaeologists discovered a kind of ceremonial hall with six wooden posts. It was probably a sanctuary - a primitive predecessor of the future temple. Inside this room and in its immediate vicinity, archaeologists did not find any household items, but they found numerous clay figurines of animals - horses, cows, sheep, goats, pigs and models of male genital organs.

The most amazing discovery in Jericho was the stucco figurines of people. They are made from local limestone clay called "hawara" with a reed frame. These figurines are of normal proportions, but flat in front. Nowhere, except for Jericho, have such figurines been encountered by archaeologists before. Life-size group sculptures of men, women and children were also found in one of the prehistoric layers of Jericho. They were made using cement-like clay, which was spread on a reed frame. These figures were still very primitive and flat: after all, plastic art was preceded for many centuries by rock paintings or images on cave walls. The figures found show how much interest the inhabitants of Jericho showed in the miracle of the origin of life and the creation of a family,” this was one of the first and most powerful impressions of prehistoric man.

The appearance of Jericho - the first urban center - indicates the emergence tall shapes public organization. Even the invasion of more backward tribes from the north in the 5th millennium BC could not interrupt this process, which ultimately led to the creation of highly developed ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Middle East.

On this day:

  • Days of death
  • 1886 Died Friedrich Samoilovich Bayern- Russian naturalist and archaeologist, researcher of the Samtavra burial ground in the Caucasus.
  • 1960 Died: Leading English archaeologist of the first half of the 20th century; led excavations of monuments of material culture of Sumer, Ancient Egypt, Syria, Nubia, ancient Anatolia, researcher of Ur.
  • 1963 Died Konstantin Mikhailovich Polikarpovich- Belarusian Soviet scientist-archaeologist, founder of the study of the Stone Age in the Upper Dnieper region.