Crafts from glass bottles: what to do? DIY crafts from glass bottles at home

Every summer resident wants to have beautiful plot, where the mood is lifted. But there is no desire to spend a lot of capital on its arrangement. Is it really impossible to find a compromise between desires and possibilities?

This is quite realistic if you pay attention to the selection of crafts for the garden from glass bottles.

1. Spectacular flowerbed

Glass flower bed made from plastic bottles.

The bottles from which the unusual glass flower bed is assembled are fastened together cement mortar or construction glue. Dig the structure into the ground a little so that it is stable.

2. Unusual decor

Garden decor made from glass bottles.

Glass always looks attractive, no matter how old it is. Therefore, such decor made from glass bottles mounted on metal wire will last for many years.

3. For the original interior of the veranda

Wall of glass bottles.

One of the options for using glass bottles for a garden is to assemble an unusual fence from them. You can also make street lamps from bottles.

Street lights for the veranda.

4. A fence that will decorate the site

Fence made of bottles.

By drilling a small hole in the bottom, you can use bottles to make original decor for the most ordinary fence.

5. Wall with sunbeams

Wall with glass bottles.

Worth installing in a regular cement wall multi-colored glass bottles - and the area will be filled with many bright sunbeams.

6. Creative coffee table

Coffee table for the dacha.

A piece of plywood with holes corresponding to the size of the bottle necks, and the bottles themselves, is all that is needed to make a coffee table.

7. Sparkling lamps

Lamp from a bottle.

Several bottles with light bulbs inserted inside will make a spectacular garland. You can fix the light bulb using self-hardening plastic.

8. Floating vases

Glass vases for the garden.

Many glass bottles hanging on decorative ropes, become original floating vases.

Every family, especially after the holidays, accumulates glass bottles from different drinks. Some people simply throw them away, others hand them over to collection points, taking care of their safety. environment. You and I will create, because imagination and a little patience will find best use empty glass bottles.

The variety of colors, sizes and shapes makes bottles a fertile material for creativity. You can use them to make an incredible number of useful and beautiful things, such as stylish flower vases, candlesticks, glasses, and terrariums. Bottles can be turned into decorations and used to decorate a flower bed at the dacha. What space for ideas!

Crafts from glass bottles

  1. Flower vase - the most stylish thing in the interior.

  2. DIY candlestick - The best way create a romantic atmosphere. The easiest way to make it is from the bottom halves of bottles. To do this, just cut the bottle in half.

    If you don't have a glass cutter at home, cut the bottle using a rope. Soak the rope in acetone, wrap the bottle around the intended cut and set it on fire. Wait until the glass is hot, then dip the bottle into a bowl of ice water - the glass will burst exactly along the marked line under the influence of the temperature difference.

  3. When you are completely tired of the old lampshades, a do-it-yourself chandelier made from a wine bottle will be an elegant solution. Cut off the bottom and use the bottle as a lampshade. The chandelier will turn out to be royal!

  4. The most simple crafts from bottles is different types dishes. You can contact a glass workshop, where the bottles will be given the required form with help high temperature. You can cut the bottle vertically into two halves and sand the edges. Look how beautiful it turns out.

  5. bottle beautiful shape Can be used as a dispenser for liquid soap. All you need to do is buy a dispenser nozzle at the store and secure it tightly to the neck of the bottle.

  6. Another great idea would be to use empty bottles as racks in racks. Glass bottles are incredibly durable - they can easily withstand the weight of wooden shelves.

  7. Bottles can also be used in the hallway. Cut the bottle necks at an angle and use liquid nails mount them on a glass or mirror base. You will get a very stylish hanger!
  8. Coffee table from glass bottles will delight all your guests with its originality. Pick a board suitable shape and size. Drill holes in it for the necks of the bottles and insert the bottles into place.

  9. It’s very easy to make a home terrarium or flowerpot from a bottle. Cut a small hole in the side of the bottle, pour soil inside and plant a plant in it. Hanging, table, wall - all pots are good!

  10. Fill the bottle with grain or birdseed, turn it upside down and secure it in such a way wooden structure. Place a saucer or glass under the bottle. Install a feeder in the garden. The birds will peck at the food, and it will be added as needed.

Used bottles are big environmental problem for the environment, especially considering that a glass bottle takes . Clusters of plastic bottles on the planet are already forming real ones in the oceans.
The threat from plastic containers to the Earth’s ecology is not limited to this. It takes about .
These facts do not allow many people to sleep peacefully, and they come up with very original ways use of bottles in the household.

13. Bottle - tray

5. Plastic armor

Japanese Kosuke Tsumura “cuts” plastic outfits from plastic bottles. A durable, aesthetically pleasing plastic suit will protect your body from impacts.

4. Fantastic plastic boat

Source: A team of French researchers is set to sail from San Francisco to Australia (18,000 km) on an 18-meter boat made entirely of plastic bottles (except for the sail masts). The construction of the yacht took 16,000 two-liter plastic bottles, which were filled with dry ice (to give it hardness).

Another a budget option making a ship from plastic bottles.

Source: This is the “vessel” on which rugged Argentine fishermen go to sea. Our fishermen make rafts from plastic bottles a little more carefully.

For those who dreamed of their own island, I hasten to convey the good news. Becoming the governor of your own island is a reality.

Do you remember one of the Travelers Club programs about the inhabitants of the floating islands of Lake Titicaca? The program talked about South American Indians who, by piling reeds into huge piles, built large islands. These islands roamed the waters freely big lake Titicaca. On the islands, the Indians built huts, farmed, and raised livestock. Many inhabitants were born and died on such islands, never setting foot on solid land.

Why not use plastic bottles instead of reeds, British eco-pioneer Richart thought and set out to build his own island. To do this, he filled the networks plastic bottles. The British ecologist covered the surface of the island with plywood and bamboo, on which lay a layer of sand and soil. Mangrove trees were planted on the island to protect the island's inhabitants from the scorching rays of the sun. In addition, a two-storey house, a “solar oven”, a dry toilet, and three beaches have been “landscaped”.

1. A million bottles for the construction of a temple

Today, prices for beautiful trinkets are rising, but you still want to create comfort around yourself. Sometimes it's better to save a little money by doing some work with your hands. In the process, you will get a lot more pleasure from needlework. We offer you several ideas for “recycling” glass bottles that will undoubtedly decorate your home.

1. Beautiful frames for photo

First, wash the bottles with soap and warm water. This will be enough to remove the labels from them. You can use a little nail polish remover. Just make sure the bottles are already dry before doing this.

Now roll the photos you want to put in the bottle into a tube. To install them in in the right place, use a long brush, pencil or knitting needle. Open them up a little in the same way.

To complete the composition, add decorations (here everything depends only on your imagination). You can use pebbles, beads and shells. By the way, sand and shells will become a natural “holder” for photos.

2. Glass vases

Because alcohol comes in bottles of all shapes and sizes, they make great vases!

3. Holiday decoration

To anyone special occasion or you can do it for a holiday holiday decor. For example, this Christmas decoration It’s extremely easy to do and looks magical.

4. Convenient storage containers

What's not a storage bottle? bulk products? To create this you will need a wine bottle, tape, some chalk paint and chalk. The great thing is that you can store anything in it and change the inscription at will.

And having bought in hardware store components for creating a lamp, you without extra costs Get yourself a wonderful table lamp.

6. Here's how you can experiment with cuts

No one will immediately guess that this is a bottle of wine that you once drank for someone’s health. But no one will have such a vase, we give a guarantee.

7. Flower pots

Cutting the bottle in half and inserting the neck into bottom part, you can make interesting pots.

8. Candlesticks

Insert candles into bottles and they make great old-fashioned candle holders inspired by the Romantic era, pirate ships and creaking pianos.

- a very exciting and interesting process, thanks to which old items become eligible for new life and, often, become not just an interior decoration, but its main highlight.

All you need is an extraordinary look at things and an ordinary glass bottle can turn into original vase or exclusive lamps.

DIY crafts from bottles will fit perfectly into modern interior in the style of loft, Provence, minimalism or will complement a cozy mood country house or .

Due to the variety of shapes, sizes, color palette, glass containers have become good waste material for creatingdecorations from bottles . They are used to make dishes, vases and flower pots, candlesticks and lamps, various fences for flower beds and even for creating small pieces of furniture.

Ideas from bottles they know no boundaries, and the products that come out of them are not only beautiful, but also practical.

What can be made from glass bottles: video

Bottle products: original tableware

One of the most unusual homemade is dishes. By cutting the vessel in half and sanding the edges well, you will get original flat plates for serving snacks. They are very practical to use, and their interesting shape allows you to set the table beautifully.

Also, a bottle cut crosswise can be used as containers for spices.

How to cut a glass bottle, watch the video instructions:

How to make a vase from a glass bottle

Popular DIY bottle crafts and have always been and remain flower vases.

Also, airtight vessels are ideal for creating beautiful flower pots and pots.

Thanks to various methods of decoration, bottles acquire an elegant look and look good even in the most pretentious interior. To decorate containers, they use equipment, glass painting, ribbons, twine, rhinestones, etc.

Candlesticks and lamps made from bottles

Receive special attention decor from glass bottles , designed in the form of elegant candlesticks and luxurious chandeliers. The filigree play of light on the glass surface and beautiful reflections give such bottle products unique charm.

To make them, they use wine or beer containers, which are pre-cut to the desired configuration or decorated with improvised materials, depending on the idea.

Traditional incandescent lamps, LED elements, garlands are used as lighting elements, and candles and special wicks are used in candlesticks. Such glass bottle crafts look impressive and will become a real decoration of the interior.

How to make a lamp from a glass bottle: master class

Fences made from glass bottles

In addition to crafts for the interior, glass vessels actively used for decoration local area And . Due to their good performance properties, they are not susceptible to precipitation and retain their properties for a long time. attractive appearance. Despite their apparent fragility, the containers are quite durable and are even used to create fences, borders for flower beds, construction gazebos and even for construction houses from glass bottles.