Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic: Familiarization with the surrounding world “Migratory birds” (Preparatory group). Abstract of the educational activity "Migratory birds" in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

"Migratory birds"
summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory subgroup

Educational areas“Knowledge of FCCM”, “Communication”.

Lesson objectives:

To consolidate knowledge and give new ideas about migratory birds (appearance, habitat, nutrition, habits, migration);

To consolidate the ability to divide birds into migratory and wintering ones, based on the connection between the nature of food and the method of obtaining it;

Activate children's vocabulary (migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, predatory, waterfowl, songbirds, wedge, line, arc);

Learn to coordinate nouns with numerals;

Learn to coordinate nouns with verbs;

Develop coherent speech, visual memory, attention, fine motor skills;

To foster in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature, careful attitude to them.

Equipment: demonstration pictures “Migratory Birds”, audio recording “Bird Voices”, ball, cube with numbers.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

Educator. Guys, listen to E. Blaginina’s poem “They’re flying away, flying away...”

White snowstorms coming soon

The snow will rise from the ground.

They fly away, they fly away,
The cranes flew away.

Don't hear the cuckoo in the grove

And the birdhouse was empty.

The stork flaps its wings -

He flies away, he flies away.

Leaf swaying patterned

In a blue puddle on the water.

A rook walks with a black rook

In the garden on the ridge.

They crumbled and turned yellow

Rare rays of the sun.

They fly away, they fly away,

The rooks also flew away.

Educator. Guys, what time of year do you think the poem is about? Where are all the birds flying to?

Children. About autumn. About birds that fly to warmer climes.

Educator. Right. And today in class we will talk about migratory birds.

2. Conversation.

exists in nature great variety birds.

Wherever you walk - in a city park, along the seashore, in a village, in a forest - everywhere you will meet birds. Almost all of them can fly. Birds are animals with feathers and wings. Feathers help retain heat and give birds their unique colors. Birds often preen themselves, that is, they clean their feathers by rubbing their fat into them. They also pull out old feathers where new ones grow.

Birds live in nests. They usually build nests from leaves, grass, and twigs, but some birds live in piles of stones. The female lays eggs and then incubates them, warming them with her warmth until the chicks hatch.

In autumn, birds gather in flocks and fly south to spend the winter.

Educator. Guys, why do you think birds fly away in the fall?

Children. Because it's getting cold, there's nothing to eat.

Educator. Right. And the most important thing is that there is no food for life.

You know that in the fall many insects disappear: they either hide or die. This means that if birds eat insects, they will have nothing to feed themselves in the winter. What insectivorous birds do you know?

Children. (Make assumptions)

Educator. How to distinguish them? Do you know? The beak is straight, elongated or pointed to make it easier to catch insects. Look at the insectivorous birds: starling, swallow, cuckoo, oriole, nightingale, wagtail.

The wagtail is one of the most useful birds. She destroys flies and mosquitoes, which she deftly chases in the air. This bird is especially useful in the garden, where it quickly runs around the beds and pecks insects from the ground and plants. The wagtail is a very active bird. Even while resting, she wags her long tail every minute.

Have any of you seen such a bird? Can we call it migratory?

Children. Yes. Can.

Educator. The wagtail is one of the first to fly away, like all insectivorous birds. Then the granivores, that is, those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants, fly away. You know them too. Look at the picture of the bunting, siskin, and chaffinch. They fly away later than everyone else wild ducks and geese, swans, they get ready to travel when water bodies freeze, because they are waterfowl. Look at the pictures and compare with the wagtail.

Why does a goose have webbed feet, but a wagtail does not?

Children. To swim quickly and stay on the water.

Educator. There are many migratory birds. Name what other birds you know.

Children. (Based on the pictures, children name the birds).

Educator. Have you ever seen high in the sky how birds gather in flocks and fly away? We rarely get to see them fly away. Because they fly mostly at night: it’s safer. Do you know that during the flight, many birds adhere to strict order? Moreover, different birds have their own order: cranes, geese, swans fly in a wedge, herons, storks, ibises fly in a line, wing to wing, ducks, eiders, scoters, long-tailed ducks, gulls, waders line up in a straight line or form an arc. Starlings, thrushes and other small birds do not like order: they fly at random. And the big ones predator birds(eagles, hawks, vultures, falcons) do not recognize companies: they fly alone. Do you know where birds fly to?

Children. To warm countries, to the south.

3. Physical education moment

Outdoor game “Flies away, doesn’t fly away”

Rules of the game: The teacher lists the names of the birds, and the children run and flap their wings when they hear the names of a migratory bird. If they hear a wintering bird or a domestic bird, the children squat down.

Rules of the game : The teacher names the bird and asks the child how it sounds, then throws the ball to the child. The child catches the ball, answers the question and throws the ball back to the teacher.

Swallow... (chirps)

Crane... (crows)

Crow... (caws)

Cuckoo... (cuckoos)





5. Game for visual memory and attention “Who flew away?”

Rules of the game: The teacher attaches 5-6 images of migratory birds to the board (the number of pictures gradually increases) and asks the children to name all the birds. Then he says that one of the birds will fly south and asks the children to close their eyes. Removes one bird image. The first one to give the correct answer receives a prize token. The teacher ensures that the children answer in complete sentences.

For example: a crane flew south. The one with the most tokens wins.

6. Learning finger gymnastics “Ten birds - a flock”

Sing along, sing along:

10 birds - a flock.

This bird is a nightingale,

This bird is a sparrow

This bird is an owl

Sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing,

This bird is a crake,

This bird is a birdhouse

Gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle.

Birds, birds go home!(I. Tokmakova)

7. Word game"Count and name"

Rules of the game: The teacher hands out pictures of migratory birds to the children, asks them to look at them and name them. Then the children are asked to take turns throwing a cube with numbers written on the sides and make up sentences (following the example) using the bird and the number that appears on the cube. For example: “I have two storks”, “I have five rooks”.

8. Summary of the lesson

Educator. What birds were we talking about? What new have you learned about migratory birds? What games did you play? What did you like?

(Children's answers).

I want to give you this book - “The Life of Waterfowl”; by looking at and reading it, you will learn even more about migratory birds, including waterfowl.


1. Introduce children to the concepts: “flying in a wedge”, “chain”, “flock”.
2. Expand and consolidate children’s ideas about migratory birds: stork, cuckoo, nightingale; about the body parts of birds.
3. Exercise children:
- in the formation of complex adjectives;
- in composing complex sentences.
4. Cultivate in children a kind attitude towards all living things in nature.


Illustrations of migratory birds, audio recordings of bird voices and singing.

Preliminary work:

Bird watching while walking; reading poetry, stories about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

1. The teacher reads a poem by A. Pleshcheev:

Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch

Stunted rowan
Gets wet under the window;
Looks at the village
A gray spot.

Why are you visiting early?
Has autumn come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth.

Guys, please tell me what time of year the poem is talking about? /About autumn/

Please name characteristic features autumn? /The foliage turns yellow, it drizzles, the birds fly away/.
- What are the names of the birds that fly to warmer regions and those that stay? /Migratory and wintering/.
- Name the migratory birds? /Swallow, woodpecker, rook, heron, crane, starling, lark/.
- Please guess the riddles:

1. This bird never
Doesn't build nests for chicks.

Please listen to the cuckoo cry. /audio recording/. Guess the next riddle.

2. I make a nest under the roof
From lumps of clay.
For the chicks I put it on the bottom
Downy feather bed.
/Swallow/ /audio recording starts/

3. This is an old friend of ours:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt
for frogs to the swamp.
/Stork/ /audio recording/

You guessed right, these birds are also migratory.
The nightingale is a small bird with brown plumage, a small beak, tail and legs. The cuckoo is a small bird, but larger than the nightingale, has a variegated color, a long tail, and a small beak. The cuckoo, unlike other birds, never makes nests, but lays its eggs in other people's nests, so the birds are forced to hatch and raise cuckoo chicks. Stork is a big bird white, with a large beak.
- Please name the body parts of birds. /torso, head, tail, beak/.
- All birds have the same structure, but people call them differently, how do they distinguish them? /By plumage, appearance, size/
- Guys, why do birds fly to warmer climes? /Because it gets cold here, there are no insects in winter/.
- How do they find their way to the south and back here? /we don’t know/. It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make test flights, eat more than usual, put on fat - there is nowhere for them to eat during the flight. In flight, they are guided by the stars, and if the sky is overcast and the stars are not visible, then they are guided by the magnetic oscillations of the Earth.
Have you noticed that some birds fly away in “flocks”, all together; some, for example, cranes, line up in a “wedge” in the form of a triangle; others line up in a “chain”, in one line. It probably depends on the habits of the birds: some birds need leaders who show the way.

Physical exercise “Birds”

/fingers of both hands bend/

Sing along, sing along,
Ten birds - a flock,
This bird is a sparrow
This bird is an owl
Sleepy little head.
This bird is a waxwing,
This bird is a crake,
This bird is a birdhouse
Gray feather.
This one is a finch
This one is a swift
This one is a cheerful little siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle,
Birds, birds, go home.
/hands behind back/

Exercise “Guess and sit down”

Guys, now I will name migratory and wintering birds, if you hear the name of a wintering bird, then sit down; and if the name is migratory, then wave your hands. Crow, nightingale, woodpecker, magpie, dove, swallow, tit, rook, starling, bullfinch, stork, crane, sparrow, heron, etc.

Exercise “Say in one word”

Guys, please stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with an answer.

The stork has long legs, what is it like? ... /long-legged/.
The stork has a long beak, it is... /long-billed/.
The swallow has a long tail, it is... /long-tailed/.
The swallow loves warmth, she is ... /heat-loving/.
The swallow has sharp wings, it is... /sharp-winged/.
The nightingale has a ringing voice, he... /clear-voiced/.etc.

Exercise “Continue the sentence, find the reason”

Birds that feed on insects are the first to fly south in the fall, because... /insects are hiding and they have nothing to eat/.
The woodpecker can be called a forest doctor because .../he takes out bugs and insects from under the bark/.
The cuckoo does not hatch its chicks because .../it does not build its own nests/.
All people love to listen to the nightingale, because .../he sings beautifully, bursts into song/. and etc.
In the spring, migratory birds fly back because... /they need to hatch their chicks/.

Lesson Analysis:

Guys, please tell me what we talked about in class today?
- What new migratory birds did you learn about?
- What interesting things did we learn about the cuckoo?
- How do they find their way to warmer regions and back to us?
- Guys, I liked the way you worked in class: you listened carefully, thought, and answered. in complete sentences. Well done!
I give prizes to the most active guys.

Lesson notes in preparatory group. International Bird Day

Subject: Migratory birds.
Generalize children's knowledge about migratory birds, continue to introduce children to migratory birds.
Cultivate a love for birds, a desire to help them, take care of them.
Materials: cards with the names of the months of the year, didactic game “Migratory and wintering”, 2 hoops, pictures of the sun and snowflakes, table “Bird calendar”, video “13 facts about birds and their characteristics”. 1. Introduction to the situation.
Didactic objectives: to motivate children to engage in gaming activities.
- Guys, who knows what date it is today? (April 1). Who knows what holiday is today? (children most likely don’t know). Okay, I’ll help you guess, and to do this, guess the riddles.
Everyone knows this bird
On the fly she grabs
Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,
Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs. (martin)
In the spring, here and there
The song is merrily sung:
“Oh, swing, swing, swing,
The rooks have flown to us.”
It is important to walk on the ground,
It pierces the soil with its beak,
He'll eat the harmful ones, he's great!
And his name is... starling.
- Well done! Who were the riddles about? And what holiday is today? (children's answers) Today is International Bird Day.
- What kind of birds are these? (migratory)
If birds fly away from us in the fall, it means they must return to us someday! And this wonderful process occurs in a blessed spring. But not that spring, when everything around suddenly blooms and smells, and fresh leaves unfurl on the trees, and wonderful colorful butterflies flutter. And long before this - when there is still no hint of any warmth, when there is still snow and drifting snow - already then the first migratory birds appear in our country. And these birds are the surest sign of spring!
Let's make a bird arrival calendar with you.
- Want to? Can you?
2. Updating knowledge.
Didactic objectives: to update children’s knowledge about the names of the months of the year, to consolidate the ability to divide birds into wintering and migratory.
- I suggest you play.
Didactic game"Spring".
Task: find the spring months. Children are divided into three teams. Each team has cards with the names of winter, autumn, summer and one spring month. Children choose cards: March, April, May.
- Well done, guys, we have part of the bird calendar.
I suggest you find migratory birds.
Didactic game “Wintering and migratory birds”
Objective: to strengthen children’s ability to classify birds by species - migratory, wintering.
Description of the game.
On the table there are cards with images of birds: bullfinch, starling, tit, crane, sparrow, rook, cuckoo, woodpecker, swallow, crow, nightingale, swan, heron. The children’s task is to place migratory birds in a circle with the sun, and wintering birds in a circle with a snowflake.
- We did it! Now let's finish the bird calendar.
Children arrange pictures of birds by month.

3. Difficulty in the situation
Didactic tasks:
1) create a motivational situation to overcome the difficulty;
2) to form the experience of fixing a difficulty and understanding its cause under the guidance of a teacher.
Some birds are a problem for them.
- Why didn’t you sort out all the birds? (Because we don’t know when they arrive).
So what should we find out? (When these birds arrive).
- How can we find out? (ask the teacher, look in the encyclopedia, look on the Internet, etc.)

4. Discovery of new knowledge.
Didactic tasks:

1) to form the experience of independent discovery and emotional experience of the joy of discovery;
2) show the children the bird calendar;
- Look what I show you.
Children arrange the rest of the birds.
- Which bird is not on the calendar? (nightingale). The nightingale arrives in April.
- Well done! Now let's rest.
Physical education lesson about birds.
A flock of birds flies south
The sky is blue all around. (Children wave their arms like wings.)
To arrive sooner,
We must flap our wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.)
Swans are flying, flapping their wings (Children are waving their arms)
Bent over the water, shaking their heads (Shaking their heads)
They know how to stand straight and proud (Straighten their back)
They sit down on the water very silently (Sit down).

5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.
Didactic tasks:
consolidate children's knowledge about migratory birds and get to know new ones interesting facts about birds.

- so we have compiled a bird arrival calendar. What other interesting things do you know about birds? (children's answers). I invite you to watch the video “13 facts from the life of birds.”

6. Understanding.
Didactic tasks: to restore in children’s memory what they did, to create a situation of success.
Children gather around the teacher.
- Guys, what did you like in class today?
- What did we do today? What do you remember?
- What interesting things have you learned about migratory birds?
- You did great today. And now you guys and I will listen, and later we will learn a poem about our feathered friends
Take care of the birds.(Victor Korbolev)
I started drawing a bird
With soul, no matter what
After all, birds need to be protected,
There are so few of them in the world

Below I want to write:
Don't shoot at birds
No need to kill birds
And don’t ruin the nests!

They not only sing
And they just fly
They eat caterpillars
And the flies are destroyed

They sing for us in the spring
Let's help them guys
So that our garden shines with purity
And the beds turned green!!!

Irina Bychkova
Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Autumn. Birds of passage" (preparatory group for children with special needs)

Subject classes: « Autumn. Migratory birds»

Target: expand existing children's knowledge about migratory birds.



Pin views children about appearance migratory birds;

Give an idea of ​​the characteristics of departure migratory birds.


To develop word formation skills when working with diminutive meanings of words;

Correct and develop coherent oral speech children in the process of answering questions and making proposals;

Form artistic and aesthetic perception children based on listening to the text of the story, based on looking at the illustrations topic;

Replenish active and passive vocabulary children by introducing new words and concepts.


Develop skills in educational activities;

Develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: demonstration and silhouette pictures showing migratory birds, subject pictures with the image various types birds, animals, fish, insects.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. Topic message classes.

III. Articulation gymnastics.

IV. Learning new material.

V. Physical education minute.

VI. Consolidation of the studied material.

VII. Summarizing classes.

I. Organizational moment

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

Guys, what time of year is it outside the window now?

Look out the window. Name the signs autumn? - Now outside the window autumn.

- It gets colder in autumn, it rains often.

II. Topic message classes

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

Today we will talk about migratory birds. Why do you think they are called that?

That's right, because they fly away to warmer climates. What time of year does this happen? - These birds fly away to warmer climes.

It happens in autumn.

III. Articulation gymnastics

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

Let's do a few exercises: inflate/deflate cheeks; smile/pipe.

"Watch": Tick-tock, tick-tock.

The clock ticks - like this!

Left tick,

To the right like that.

The clock ticks - like this!

"Nuts": We are like squirrels without haste,

We deftly crack the nuts.

"Swing": On the swing

I'm rocking

Up down,

Up down,

And I rise higher and higher,

And then I go down.

Now repeat after me:

LI-LI-LI - the cranes flew away,

OL-OL-OL - it began to rain heavily,

AY-AY-AY - open the umbrella quickly. Children perform actions according to the teacher’s instructions.

Open your mouth wide. Tongue slowly horizontal move from side to side, pull your tongue to the corners of your mouth. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4 – 6 times.

The mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue with tension rests alternately on the cheeks, hard balls form on the cheeks - "nuts".

Smile, open your mouth, the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth, the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

IV. Learning new material

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

Do you know how birds fly to warmer climes?

That's right, in a flock, but they can also fly in a line, singly, or in a wedge.

Teacher's story.

Insectivores leave us first birds. The word insectivores hides two words: eat insects. Repeat: "insectivores". They are eating May beetles, butterflies, wasps, dragonflies and bees. And these ones fly away birds immediately after the first frost, as soon as insects disappear. The earliest birds to fly away are swallows, wagtails, thrushes, larks, buntings, and starlings. When bodies of water (rivers and lakes) freeze, waterfowl head south birds - geese, ducks and swans. The word waterfowl also hides two words - swim in the water. Repeat: "waterfowl". - Birds fly in a flock.

Pictures appear on the board with the image birds.

V. Physical education minute

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

Autumn is a bad weather,

The poplar has turned yellow.

Suddenly there is a squirrel on a branch

Sang a song.

The branch sways a little,

The rain doesn't stop.

The old skvorushka is with us

Says goodbye until spring.

We raised our hands up;

body tilts left and right;

hands to the side;

turns the body left and right;

arms extended forward;

bending back and forth;


VI. Reinforcing the material learned

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

1. Exercise "Finish the sentence" (drawing complex sentences).

The weather outside is cold and rainy because...

Swallows are the first to fly south because...

Last to fly away swans in autumn, geese, ducks, because...

- Birds needs to be loved and protected because...

2. Game "Call me kindly" (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes).

Bird -.

Wing - ...

Head -...

Tail - …

3. Game “Who has what body?”

Look, it's a starling. What kind of tail does he have?

So what kind of starling is it?

This is a swallow, it has a long tail. So, what kind of swallow?

This is a rook, it has a sharp beak. What rook?

– Does he have a black wing? So he...

4. Development fine motor skills and attention. Drawing in missing body parts birds, painting.

Physical education minute

Swans are flying

They flap their wings.

Bent over the water

They shake their heads.

Straight and proud

They know how to hold on

And very silent

They sit down.

5. Development of coherent speech skills. Making riddles.

This is an old friend of ours.

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-necked, long-beaked,

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp.

Everyone migratory birds,

He clears the arable land of worms.

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks.

There is a palace on the pole.

There is a singer in the palace.

6. Psycho-speech gymnastics “Hide the syllables in your palms”.

7. Game « Birds, animals, fish, insects".

Look, we have pictures of animals, birds, fish and insects. Now we are with you mix. Everyone must take one card for themselves. I'll call group, and those guys who have someone from this groups, must quickly put them on the table.

...has arrived autumn.

...they feed on insects.

... reservoirs do not freeze for a long time and provide them with food.

... they bring great benefits.









Starling. Children repeat the phrase and finish it to the end.

If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher provides assistance.

The teacher hangs the corresponding pictures on the board.

The teacher offers each child a silhouette birds with a missing body part.

Actions children according to the poetic text.

After each riddle, children explain: How did you guess?

Children clap out the syllable structures of the words rook, las-tochka, swan, etc.

During the game you need to pronounce the names groups of animals, discuss whether it turned out right group.

VII. Summarizing classes

Actions of the teacher Actions Children Notes

Which birds are called migratory?

Which ones do you know migratory birds?

How birds fly away to warmer climes?