On the study of foreign languages ​​in educational institutions. Learn German!

Help on Tele2, tariffs, questions “Learn German! Lern Deutsch! The number of people studying German in Russia has always been and still remains significant: today it is 2.3 million out of 15 million worldwide. However, German as the first foreign language is taught in Russian schools less and less often and is often replaced by English: this is a global trend 20 century Increasingly, German is taught as a second foreign language. However, not in all educational institutions several are offered foreign languages

, so this rise does not compensate for the decline in interest in German as a first foreign language “Learn German! Lern Deutsch! At the same time, in the 21st century, multilingualism is the key to success: in the era of globalization, those people and societies that succeed are those who have a large number of communication resources and opportunities to present and disseminate own ideas European reality is in this context interesting example not only because there are many official languages ​​represented in the EU, but also That's why

that multilingualism has become a standard here: in high schools they study at least two foreign languages “Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Anyone who relies only on the English language risks encountering difficulties in communication in certain situations; he will never meet his interlocutor in his native communicative space without an intermediary; he misses the chance to stand out from the general background due to exceeding the communicative norm. It is “German plus English” that is perfect combination

It is in Russia’s interests to add a second foreign language that is significant in the world to the educational portfolio of young citizens, since this step will contribute to their competitiveness in implementing plans, both their own and the country Strategic goal of this advertising campaign - the introduction of two compulsory foreign languages ​​in high school in Russian schools Studying the language of Germany - a country that is Russia's strategic partner in the field of modernization - would be a logical choice as a second foreign language

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Since the decision on the compulsory study of two foreign languages ​​in Russia is made not at the federal, but at the regional level, the given goal and the context for its implementation must be reasonably presented to the structures and persons responsible for making such a decision: Educational authorities at the regional and local level level To school management Parents and students

For each target group, it is necessary to select its own arguments, which are implemented in the three components of the advertising campaign. Slogans, color codes and “wordplay” of the three components of the campaign are connected with each other and structurally form each element of the campaign. The components of the campaign reveal the idea of ​​​​multilingualism, clearly demonstrating that German - in addition to the proximity with the English language, it is also connected with Russian, and that there are many opportunities to comprehend this linguistic connection

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! German words in Russian transliteration: the unusual attracts the eye, arouses curiosity, but with each subsequent poster it becomes clearer: German is understandable on its own (or even with the help of English) “Be in the know! Learn German! The yellow component awakens emotions

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! The advertising effect of the described components is based on their seriality: for example, a series of visually interconnected posters with a similar play on words, located on the wall along an endless metro escalator... Recognition is ensured by repeating the logic of the components in all elements. Thus, the film tells about three attempts to advertise the German language in a news broadcast: first, two announcers with a serious look present dry statistical facts about the German language and Germany; then, in a more free manner, they tell the story of two people whose successful careers depended on their knowledge of German; and finally, they “get used to” the German language, and that’s great!

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! The advertising campaign attracts attention due to the intensity of visual information; and then awakens, through the “unusuality” of the wording, the desire to study the German language. At the same time, the information is presented as if “by the way” and with a certain amount of self-irony in order to break precisely this – typically German – stereotype. The concept of the campaign is aimed, first of all, at a consistent long-term impact, which is ensured through measures that continue and after the campaign expires

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Affiliate programs - cooperation with business representatives German companies operating in Russia support the teaching of German at a school or university in the region in which they operate, thereby raising their image among employees and the population Options for partnership support, for example, assistance in equipping classrooms, provision funds for the purchase of educational materials, professional development of teachers and school exchange, proposals for production practice are compiled by the advertising campaign team into modules and provided to partners in the form of a “package of offers”

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Advertising kits “German as a foreign language” Distribution of 200 kits to German language teachers for them to carry out promotional campaigns at meetings with school leaders, with representatives of educational authorities and at parent meetings Provision of various information and advertising materials for display, distribution and decoration of premises in which promotions are carried out; detailed “instructions” on how to use these materials, guides to argumentation and answering questions (later on, training for animators of the advertising program “German as a Foreign Language”)

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! “Learn German by playing” competitions (from regional rounds to the finals in Moscow) are an integral element of the campaign, including the development of new formats (for example, nationwide tournaments in video bridge format or online) Launch of “viral” advertising in in social networks and awards for the best videos on the topics: “How the German language made me super smart, super rich, super beautiful”; “How many languages ​​does a person need?” Competition for mobile phone users “The most interesting German word in the Russian language”; photo competition “My Germany in Russia”

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Language festivals and educational conferences Language festivals in the three largest cities of Russia as cultural events advertising campaign. Attitude towards youth: fun - colorful - bright Two interconnected conferences with the participation of authoritative experts from Russia and Germany: “Modernization - Education - Communications” in Moscow (spring 2011) “Russian language in multilingual Europe” in Germany (autumn 2011 G.)

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! “Classic” advertising campaigns Intensive banner advertising in the metro - at stations and on trains - first in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk; further advertising in public transport in other cities Active participation in regional industry exhibitions, presentation of a new stand and promotional materials for an advertising campaign Placement of banners on the Internet, purchase of contextual advertising, advertising in print media; placement of an advertising film on local TV channels, as well as promotional videos on radio, etc. “Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Distribution as part of an advertising campaign; by direct mailing to decision makers; as part of the “German as a Foreign Language” program packages; in the form of advertising donations, at industry exhibitions and language festivals, etc. Various options

standard design information and educational material for decoration and distribution

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Information and educational materials Advertising brochures and cubes with arguments DVD with the film “News about German” and CD “Goethe.zip” Didactic and methodological materials and a reading book on the topic “German plus English” Special issue of vitamin.de magazine on the topic “Multilingualism” »

“Learn German! Lern Deutsch! Decoration of premises and distribution of materials Posters and postcards (4 different motifs for all three components of the advertising campaign) Stickers, bags, calendars, badges, candies, notepads, pencils 3 collages with different motifs “Germany in numbers / words / languages” To educate future active members of society capable of making an informed choice of profession, to help them develop and correctly apply their abilities to the maximum is possible only in an atmosphere of free personal development, universal access to education and respect for human rights and freedoms. First of all, the rights and freedoms of the students themselves, educated, prepared. At the same time, in the conditions of practical organization of activities of a general education institution, when it is necessary to find various pedagogical, psychological, economic and other aspects, it is often very difficult to stay within the necessary limits. Therefore, the legal guideline on this path should be the right of students to receive an education on the basis of equality of opportunity.
In this sense, the issue of choosing a foreign language to study is today one of the most subtle and at the same time significant moments in the field of primary and basic general education. Since it reflects not only the really available opportunities for students to develop abilities based on their own ideas and needs, but also a latent, not formulated for various reasons, conflict of interest on this issue between educational authorities, school administrations, on the one hand, and students and their parents, on the other hand.
In the practice of a general education institution (school, gymnasium, lyceum, hereinafter referred to as school), there are often cases when the administration, in order to preserve linguistic pluralism, considers it acceptable to refuse admission to school for children who do not live in a nearby microdistrict if they do not agree to study a certain foreign language. Moreover, already in the learning process for this category of children there is also no right to choose the foreign language they study. In this connection, if there are no free places for them in the group of the desired foreign language, the number of which is determined by the administration at its own discretion, they will be able to study this language only in on a paid basis.
It should be noted that in currently When resolving the question of which foreign language is the most attractive for learning, the objective trend in favor of the English language is characteristic of many countries of the world. This is due to geopolitical and socio-economic factors, including its widespread use V computer technologies and the Internet. Therefore, in this article, the “desired foreign language” primarily means English.
At the same time, according to the current legislation, dividing a class into foreign language groups is possible only in accordance with the free choice of the student to study one or another foreign language provided for curriculum. Thus, based on principle 7 of the “Declaration of the Rights of the Child”, Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every child has the right to receive education on the basis of equality of opportunity, universal access to basic general education in state or municipal educational institutions guaranteed. As follows from the “Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution” (clauses 2, 3, and 5), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 19, 2001 No. 196 (hereinafter referred to as the “Model Regulations”), the conditions for the exercise by citizens of the Russian Federation of the right to public education are created by a general educational institution , which in its activities is guided by federal laws, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, Model Regulations, as well as the charter of a general education institution developed on its basis. According to paragraph 31 of the “Model Regulations”, when conducting foreign language classes, it is possible to divide the class into two groups. At the same time, considering this norm in connection with paragraphs 4, 6, 10 of the “Model Regulations”, it should be noted that such a division of the class into groups cannot go against the inclinations and interests of students.
At the same time, it (this division) should be based on the principle of free development of the individual, as well as a guaranteed opportunity for conscious choice and subsequent development of professional educational programs. Therefore, each student, as a freely developing individual, when dividing the class into groups, should be given the right to choose one or another foreign language to be studied, provided for by the curriculum of a given educational institution.
In addition, this method of dividing the class into groups, enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation, is fully consistent with the basic principles of state educational policy in the field of teaching foreign languages, set out in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2000 No. 3131/11-13 “On the study of foreign languages ​​in general education institutions." In particular, paragraphs six and ten of this letter provide an explanation of the methods by which the school has the right to achieve the preservation of linguistic pluralism. We are talking about methods based on extensive explanatory work with parents, on proving to them the advantages of studying a particular foreign language in a given region, in a particular school, which cannot but imply the right to choose the foreign language being studied. If only because it makes no sense to attach such importance to explaining and proving something to parents if nothing depends on them. Finally, in paragraph five of the said letter it is directly stated that parents and students choose the language they are learning based on their interests and needs.
Thus, the student’s right to free choice of the foreign language being studied is component such rights as the right to access to education, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the right to free personal development, as well as the right to acquire knowledge and choose a specialization on the basis of equality of opportunity. It should be especially noted that This right of a student cannot be limited based on place of residence. According to paragraph 3 of Article 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen can be limited only by federal law and only to the extent necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, and ensure the defense of the country and state security. Based on paragraph 2 of Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended by the Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ) (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Education”), citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed the opportunity to receive an education regardless of their place of residence . At the same time, federal law restricts only the right of children who do not live near a given school to be admitted to it, and only to the extent necessary in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of other children living near a given school (clause 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law “On Education”, paragraph 46 of the “Model Regulations”). On the limitation of the right to choose a foreign language to be studied on the basis of residence or non-residence in a given territory in federal law nothing is said. Thus, by virtue of the law, all children who are already students of a given school (both living and not living near it) should be given the right to choose the foreign language they study.
Also, it should be recognized that the school administration’s references to the lack of free places in the group of the desired foreign language are not based on the law. The decision about which foreign language will be studied in a particular school, a particular class, as well as whether the class will be divided into groups, is made by the school administration, taking into account the current educational situation in a given school, namely, the presence or absence of qualified personnel in a particular foreign language, their traditions of teaching this subject. In addition, in accordance with paragraph three of paragraph 31 of the “Model Regulations”, dividing the class into groups for studying a foreign language at the first stage of general education (and today, as a rule, studying a foreign language begins in primary school ) is only possible if there is and funds. This means that when dividing a class into groups, the school is obliged to provide such guarantees of universal access to education so that all students have equal rights to learn the desired foreign language. Therefore, if the school administration for some reason does not have this opportunity, it should be recognized that the conditions and means necessary for dividing the class into groups are simply not available in this school. In this sense, it must be stated that there are no legal grounds for dividing the class into groups. Otherwise, if the school administration agrees to the specified division, it no longer has the right to refer to the lack of free places, the number of which it itself sets.
Since the administration’s right to divide the class into groups corresponds to its obligation to establish such a number of places in these groups that it ensures, as stated above, universal access to education, free personal development, as well as equal opportunities for students to gain knowledge and choose a specialization. In other words, in a situation where there are English teachers at school, English is taught, some of the students in the class (with whom other students in this class have absolutely equal rights during the learning process) are given the opportunity to learn English; and at the same time, there are not enough places in the English language group for everyone, it must be admitted that the school administration itself is primarily to blame for this. In this regard, she does not have the right to refer to the lack of vacancies as the basis for her actions to refuse to provide the opportunity for any of the students in the class to study English.
Thus, it is within the competence of the school administration to establish what foreign languages ​​the class will study and whether it will be divided into two groups, and the number of them, by virtue of the law, including constitutional principles, must be a reflection of the desires of the students and their parents to study that or another foreign language. Finally, under the above circumstances, offering a child to study the desired foreign language only on a paid basis is a gross violation of the state-guaranteed right of every citizen to free education (Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
In conclusion, we can say that the right to receive education on the basis of equality of opportunity is a limiting point in the competence of the school administration to organize the study of foreign languages. In this case, the limiting mechanism is expressed in the fact that students with the same status (same school, same class) should be given a real opportunity (the implementation of which would depend solely on their desire) to study any of the foreign languages ​​that are assigned to their class by the curriculum .

See: Paragraphs 4, 6 of the “Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution”, approved by Government Decree No. 196 dated March 19, 2001 (as amended on December 23, 2002) // SZ RF.2001. N 13. Art. 1252.
See: Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2000 No. 3131/11-13 “On the study of foreign languages ​​in educational institutions” // Bulletin of Education. 2001. N 1. P. 77.
“Declaration of the Rights of the Child” (proclaimed by Resolution 1386 (XIV) of the UN General Assembly of November 20, 1959) RG. 1993. N 237. December 25.
SZ RF.2001. N 13. Art. 1252.
See: Paragraph 43 decree. "Standard provision".
Bulletin of Education. 2001. N 1. P. 77.
See also: Zuevich “Is it possible to choose a foreign language?” // PravdaSevera.ru. 2002. June 20. Published: .
NW RF. 1996. No. 3. Art. 150.
See: Decree. letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
See also: “Submission to eliminate violations of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation” submitted by the prosecutor’s office of the Industrial District of Barnaul (ref. No. 216 zh/04 dated 06/11/2004). Was not published.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​makes it possible to enter a higher institution, find Good work and make a career. But the learning process must be approached responsibly and strictly, studying diligently from school.

Features of teaching at school

The place of the subject in the schedule is determined by the type of school focus. Regardless of the number of hours, a foreign language lesson has certain characteristics.
Most of the lesson is devoted to communicative activities: dialogues, monologues.

Grammar and vocabulary are studied from the initial stage, the material becomes more complex towards the end of school.

A mandatory home task is to do exercises.
Every school year, schoolchildren write and study topics, take main and intermediate tests.

Success in a difficult subject largely depends on the teacher, his teaching style, knowledge and approach to children. But even a talented and experienced teacher experiences objective difficulties in his work.

With only two hours a week, it is almost impossible to give correct pronunciation to each of the 15 children in the group. If a student missed a large number of classes, he will have to put in a lot of work in order to catch up with the class and go through new topics on his own.

Do you need a tutor?

Any student will benefit from lessons with a tutor. The resource deutsch-sprechen.ru/languages/repetitor/ provides a wide list of teachers. The best and most affordable option is a teacher via Skype.

The lesson is just as effective as a standard lesson, but the price per lesson is much lower. You no longer need to take your child to the other end of the area or welcome a stranger into your home. In any weather and time of day, he can study with a school or university specialist, or turn to a native speaker.

Second foreign language: the advantage of learning German

In the 5th grade, the student, together with his parents, chooses a foreign language that is mandatory for learning at school: French or German. It is worth listening to the child’s opinion, but children at this age make decisions without analyzing the advantages and thinking about their future, but with the goal of not being separated from their friend or girlfriend in class.

Parents should find the best option for a schoolchild, and motivate him to study.

Not easy to accept important decision, especially for those who did not study these subjects at school.

The choice in favor of the German language is worth making for several reasons:

  • The prospect of working in an international company - our country has close trade and scientific ties with Germany.
  • The German language is significantly different from English in terms of phonetic and grammatical structure; students do not experience confusion in words, and this is a huge plus. Children who choose French as their second language will have huge problems with pronunciation in both languages.
  • The language is still quite rare, and there are not many specialists who know it. Competition at the institute and at prestigious job for the “Germans” it is much easier, fewer people per place, more chances to get a good job.

By choosing German to study, you will provide your child with a starting point for obtaining higher education and start a successful career. Availability of literature, interesting presentation of material and well-designed lessons will instill in the student a love and interest in the subject, broaden their horizons and improve their overall attitude towards learning.

Explain with local population while traveling to another country, getting a position in an international company, watching foreign films and reading books in the original - knowledge of foreign languages ​​in modern times has become not just a privilege, but an urgent necessity. Nowadays, competent command of languages ​​is not only a useful skill, but also professional prospects.

Now, in an effort to provide their children with a better future, more and more parents are thinking about ensuring that their child begins to learn English, French or other foreign languages ​​as early as possible. As is known, it is school age- exactly this best time to acquire new knowledge, including learning other languages. The task of parents is to help with choosing the method of learning the foreign language itself.

What to study: choosing a foreign language

Most popular
to study are
English French,
german languages,
gaining relevance

Before enrolling your child in foreign language courses or sending him to a linguistic camp, you need to decide what exactly he wants to study and which language is most interesting to him. The most common language to study at the moment is English, with a smaller number of students choosing French, German, Spanish and Italian. IN last years The languages ​​of China and other eastern countries are gaining popularity.

  • English language. The leadership of English-speaking countries in the context of developing relations between countries makes this language international and the most relevant for study. It is spoken in all hotels in the world, contracts and business agreements are concluded. This makes English courses the most popular. It is the official language in the UK, USA, Canada, and Australia.
  • German. Along with English, German is a member of the group of Germanic languages. It is used as an official one in Germany, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg. It also acts as one of the main languages ​​of the European Union.
  • Romance languages ​​(French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese). French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian languages are considered the most aesthetically pleasing to the ear, which is why they are often called melodies of love and passion, and there is no decrease in those who want to study them. Romance languages ​​are spoken not only in Europe, but throughout Latin America, they are used in some countries in Africa and North America.
  • Chinese. Thanks to development international relations between Russia and China, Chinese is becoming increasingly popular to learn, even though it is difficult. In addition, Chinese is quite exotic for the Slavic population, which makes Chinese courses even more interesting.
  • Arabic language. Arabic has official status in many countries in Africa and Asia, and it also belongs to official languages UN.
  • Hindi. Mysterious and exotic Hindi language - official official language India and Fiji. It is spoken in India's neighboring countries, including Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The most budget
remains an option
foreign language:
the money will only go towards books,
discs and other materials

European and Slavic languages related, that is, they belong to a large Indo-European group of languages, which makes learning them easier for a Russian child. Whereas such exotic languages ​​as Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, Turkish, Arabic and many others, which differ in the rules of writing, reading and word formation, will be more difficult to learn.

How to learn: ways to learn foreign languages

Today, there are several most popular options for learning various foreign languages, which differ in organization and cost:

  • Self-study;
  • Tutor services;
  • Foreign language courses;
  • Language camp;
  • Study abroad.

Characteristics and abilities of the child, financial resources - the choice is influenced by many various factors. An individual way of studying is more suitable for introverts, while for extroverts a good option will be teaching foreign languages ​​in a group. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Independent study of a foreign language

Tutor services
suitable for individualistic children,
the child will not
classmates interfere
and he can do it himself
adjust the schedule

Most budget option is self-study foreign language, since the amount will be spent only on various textbooks, CDs and other educational materials. And thanks to the fact that we live in an era of development of new technologies and information, you can find everything you need on the Internet.

The main disadvantage of such training is the lack of opportunity to communicate with other students. However, certain programs will allow you to contact and talk with native speakers via the Internet. This type of foreign language teaching is designed for older adults; it is not suitable for elementary and middle school students.

One on one: tutoring services

Do you want your English or any other language lessons to be tailored specifically to your child? The services of a tutor will allow him to fully immerse himself in learning, without being distracted by classmates and other factors that interfere educational process, since all the teacher’s attention will be focused only on the student. Also, by ordering the services of a tutor, you will be able to choose the most suitable time for classes, and not depend on the schedule of a linguistic school or course.

The disadvantages of such training, as a rule, are its high cost: individual lessons with the teacher high level can cost you a pretty penny. Also, do not forget that this method of learning a language reduces the opportunity to communicate in it with other students, which is different from group classes. Tutor services are designed for teaching children different ages. How to choose a tutor, read on our website.

More fun together: foreign language courses and linguistic schools

Group classes
will help improve
speaking a foreign language
language thanks
communication with

Foreign language courses are an excellent learning option for children who learn better in a group: during lessons they will be able to communicate in a foreign language with their peers, and the spirit of competition in competitions and verification work will be an additional incentive. Professional translators and native speakers may be involved in the classes. Interaction with such people will allow students to improve their understanding and pronunciation.

Often courses and linguistic schools arrange various holidays and events dedicated to the speaking and culture of the country, the language that the group is studying, concerts can be held and performances can be staged. Creative work will make learning more fun and interesting for children of any age. Please note that some schools and courses may teach other classes in a foreign language, for example, your child may study biology, economics and other sciences in English, Spanish and other languages. This type of foreign language training is suitable for children who have already decided on their future profession.

When choosing foreign language courses, pay attention to the level of knowledge required, cost, age and number of people in the group. Lessons with a large number of students will be less effective and individual approach you will have to forget. It is also worth considering their age: lessons in the company of their peers would be a better option. Courses should be chosen according to the level of preparation: foreign language training should be carried out sequentially.

In many families, the cost of foreign language courses is often a determining factor. As a rule, it depends on the prestige of the linguistic school, the qualifications of teachers, the number of people and the level of courses. For example, business English will most likely be more expensive than lessons for beginners. Now linguistic schools, centers additional education quite a lot, so you can easily choose an option that you and your child will like.

Language camp - a synthesis of fun, communication and learning

What child doesn't love vacations?! The holidays can be spent usefully: at a language camp, your son or daughter can not only have a great time, but also improve their knowledge of foreign languages. The combination of fun activities, learning and socializing with other children makes these camps a great place to learn new things. At the same time, in many language camps classes are taught by native speakers, which also has a positive effect on understanding foreign speech.

You can send your child to a foreign language camp or choose a summer camp located in Russia. At the same time, studying abroad will be more productive, but it will be more expensive. Great option There will be a language camp near the sea or in the mountains, so the trip will become joyful and educational. When choosing a camp, you should pay attention to the living conditions and the group. If your child is surrounded by speakers of other languages, he will quickly learn to understand foreign speech and speak.

Total Immersion: Study Abroad

The language camp will be
great way to combine
fun and learning

It's no secret that The best way learning a foreign language means immersing yourself in a different linguistic environment. That is why, despite the high cost, many parents try to make sure that their child can study abroad. A trip abroad is an exciting journey, a sea of ​​impressions, getting to know another culture and, of course, communicating with foreigners. This option for teaching foreign languages ​​is suitable for middle-aged and older children who are quite active and easily make contact with peers and teachers.

When choosing to study abroad, it is worth considering that the child will not only study there, but also live there. It is necessary to provide for many details: place of accommodation, food, entertainment, pocket money for various purchases. As a rule, schoolchildren live in a specially designated dormitory or with a foreign family with whom a contract has been concluded. Abroad, the student will also be able to attend choreography classes, creative clubs and sports clubs for children. Be sure to check all documents when sending your child to study abroad. The cost of this method of education can vary greatly depending on the country, the prestige of the school and living conditions.

Learning foreign languages ​​- great prospects

The globalization of economic processes makes knowledge of foreign languages ​​today not only a pleasant and useful bonus to one’s knowledge base, but also a necessity. It will help you get a good job in the future or easily navigate when traveling in another country. Realizing this, many parents seek to send their children to foreign language courses.

Whether your child works in the field of politics, economics, tourism, or chooses another professional field, knowledge of a foreign language will always be his greatest asset. competitive advantage and will open up more opportunities for him. And thanks to the variety of ways to study, you can easily choose suitable option for you and your child.

State educational policy in the field of teaching foreign languages ​​is based on recognition of the importance of the development of all languages ​​and the creation of the necessary conditions for the development of bilingualism and multilingualism in Russia.

Linguistic pluralism in our country is a consequence of the socio-political and socio-economic transformations that have occurred in it. These include the increasing openness of our society, its entry into the world community, the development and strengthening of interstate political, economic and cultural ties, and the internationalization of all spheres of life in our country. This contributes to the fact that foreign languages ​​are becoming really in demand in modern society.

The educational policy of our state in relation to foreign languages ​​is also based on the idea of ​​pluralism. In the country's schools, not only the languages ​​of the leading countries of the world are studied, but also the languages ​​of the border regions - the languages ​​of neighbors (Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Bulgarian, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, etc.). The increase in the number of foreign languages ​​studied takes into account the socio-economic, cultural and historical ties of our country, as well as its ethnocultural realities.

Each region of our country has its own socio-economic specifics, its own priority international connections, its own educational opportunities, its own needs for personnel, for which a particular foreign language may be a priority. Thus, in Kaliningrad, in a number of regions of the Urals, the middle Volga, economic ties with Germany are traditionally close, there are many joint ventures, and the future specialist is required, first of all, to speak German.

Each specific school has its own educational situation: the presence or absence of qualified personnel in a particular foreign language, its own traditions of teaching this subject. Parents and students choose the language they study based on their interests and needs.

Currently, the ratio of foreign languages ​​studied at school has changed dramatically in favor of English. This can be considered as an objective trend, which is determined by geopolitical and socio-economic factors and is typical for many countries of the world. However, this leads to the displacement of other languages. We consider it advisable to take measures to preserve linguistic pluralism.

The transition from an industrial society to a post-industrial information society determines the importance of the comprehensive development of communication skills in the younger generation. It is no coincidence that UNESCO proclaimed the 21st century the century of polyglots. A second foreign language can be introduced in all types of schools (not only in schools with in-depth study of a foreign language or linguistic gymnasiums) as a compulsory academic subject or as a compulsory elective subject or, finally, as an elective.

Most often it is one of the above European languages or one of the neighboring languages. If a school can provide the study of two foreign languages, which includes English, then it is not so important that it must be the first foreign language.

The most common combinations of foreign languages ​​studied in schools are:

English (first foreign language) + German (second foreign language);

English (first foreign language) + French (second foreign language);

German (first foreign language) + English (second foreign language);

French (first foreign language) + English (second foreign language);

Spanish (first foreign language) + English (second foreign language).

Education authorities, taking these factors into account, should recommend that schools conduct extensive explanatory work with parents, proving to them the advantages of studying a particular foreign language in a given region, in a given particular school. The administration and teaching staff of the school also need to take the initiative in organizing such work, as well as emphasize the role of learning foreign languages ​​in the formation of the general level of education and culture. Parents should be aware of what educational services in relation to the study of a foreign language, this or that school may offer: one or two foreign languages, in what order, are school exchanges provided, what is the approximate effectiveness of teaching a particular foreign language, what are the prospects for further study of a particular foreign language in universities in the region, what are the opportunities employment with a given foreign language immediately after graduation from school or university, etc.

It is important that parents know that mastering a second foreign language on the basis of a sufficiently well-mastered first foreign language is, as a rule, much easier and more successful. Therefore, learning English as a second foreign language does not discriminate against it, but, on the contrary, creates conditions for easier mastery of it.

The beginning of learning a second foreign language depends on the type of school: with early learning of the first foreign language, the practice of studying a second one is common - from the 5th grade, in secondary schools when studying the first foreign language from grade 5, the second is usually introduced from grade 7, although there are cases of later introduction of a second language, for example, from grades 8, 10 with a significant increase in hours for its study (up to 4 hours per week).

Practice shows that a second foreign language is learned faster and easier if the first one acts as a support for it. To do this, knowledge of the first foreign language must be sufficiently strong, which must be taken into account when choosing the timing of introducing a second foreign language in a particular school.

What is punishable by means of teaching, at present, special educational and methodological kits have been created for the German language as a second foreign language, namely the series of teaching aids by N.D. Galskova, L.N. Yakovleva, M. Gerber “So, German!” for grades 7-8, 9-10 (Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye") and the series of teaching materials by I.L. Beam, L.V. Sadomova, T.A. Gavrilova "Bridges. German after English" (based on English as a first language foreign language) for grades 7-8 and 9-10 (publishing house "Mart"). Work is underway on the third part of this series. The development of the series of teaching materials "Bridges. German after English" is based on the "Concept of teaching German as a second foreign language (based on English)" by I.L. Beam (M., Ventana-Graf, 1997).

By French As a second foreigner, it is recommended to use the intensive course by I.B. Vorozhtsova “Bon voyage!” (Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye").

To study Spanish as a second language, the current series of teaching materials can be used Spanish as the first foreign language by E.I. Solovtsova, V.A. Belousova (Prosveshcheniye publishing house).

You can start studying English as a second language using the intensive course by V.N. Filippov “English Language” for grades 5 and 6 (Prosveshchenie publishing house).

Currently, special textbooks are being developed for all second foreign languages, which provide for the peculiarities of its study (reliance on the first, on already formed special learning skills, a faster pace of progress, etc.).

Head of department
general secondary education
M.R. Leontyev