Methods of combating horsetail. Horsetail and methods of combating it in the country

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Horsetail - composition and beneficial properties

​I’ve been fighting for 10 years and I can’t defeat him.... in my opinion, this is an eternal battle.... so that it doesn’t get boring!​

  • Pregnant and lactating women should be wary of taking the infusion orally.
  • ​B folk medicine The herb is used mainly in the form of decoctions. To do this, you need to take about 40 g of raw material (fresh) or 15 g (dried) and pour boiling water, the volume of which reaches 200 grams. Cover the container with the infusion and leave for a couple of hours. Strain.​
  • The accumulation of beneficial properties of the plant occurs during the period when it releases spores, usually the end of May. When the stem dies, thin sprouts of “Christmas trees” begin to grow. Both the inflorescences and its stems are useful.
  • ​neurodermatitis;​
  • ​tuberculosis;​
  • ​liver dysfunction;​
  • ​anti-inflammatory.​
  • ​antibacterial;​
  • ​flavonoids;​
  • ​A grass that is considered a difficult weed can actually be very valuable. In the plant family under consideration, horsetail is considered the most useful - medicinal properties its shoots have long been used in both folk and traditional medicine. With their help you can get rid of many external, dermatological diseases, as well as pathologies of internal organs.​
  • ​Somehow it won’t work out! Only deep digging with careful selection of all shoots and roots from the ground.
  • It is important to follow the dosage of raw materials. Otherwise, symptoms similar to food poisoning occur. And then a collision with the doctor cannot be avoided.​

Using prepared horsetail decoction, you can regularly wash fresh wounds. In case of immature boils, compresses can be made. It is important to warm the product a little. The healing properties of horsetail are difficult to overestimate. In case of a cold or sore throat, you can use the decoction. They are recommended to gargle or use the decoction as a raw material for inhalation.​

  • ​Experts have discovered that during the period of active growth, horsetail is able to accumulate silicic acid; over time, it accumulates in the cell membranes, concentrating in large quantities. Silicic acid is a necessary component of connective tissue, nails and hair. By using horsetail decoctions you can achieve excellent results by improving them appearance.​
  • ​trophic ulcers;​
  • ​intestinal disorders, especially diarrhea;​
  • ​gastritis;​
  • Moreover, it has been scientifically proven that horsetail is able to remove salt deposits and lead accumulations from the body. Therefore, it is often prescribed for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, as well as for severe poisoning with the specified metal.​
  • ​diuretic;​
  • Tannins, bitter substances;
  • ​The healing characteristics of this herb are due to its rich chemical composition green shoots and leaves of horsetail:​
  • I’m fighting with him myself, nothing helps. I made 2 flower beds from particularly dense and oily thickets, I plant annuals there and it turns out very nice)))​
  • ​Horsetail tea is an excellent immunostimulant. To prepare a healing drink, you need to take only 5 grams of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew a little. You can drink it after half an hour warm. Two cups of tea a day will saturate the body with valuable components for the health of the body.​

​During the period of vitamin deficiency, it can be taken as a prophylactic against anemia, saturating the body with useful minerals and strengthening the immune system.​

Medicinal properties of horsetail herb for internal use

​The unique component 5-glycoside luteolin helps prevent inflammatory processes. It also perfectly heals wounds and stops bleeding. Horsetail is an excellent antiseptic.​



  • ​bronchitis;​
  • ​For internal use, the herbal product is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, teas or extracts.​
  • ​hemostatic;​
  • ​potassium salts;​
  • ​vitamin C;​
  • ​Roundup is a herbicide, far from harmless, do not poison the soil, you will eat from it yourself. The presence of horsetail indicates that your soil is acidic. Personally, I collect horsetail as medicinal plant and in general, the so-called weeds are the same medicines, only natural. For me, weeds are not a problem at all, everything works. Dandelions, horsetail, coltsfoot, knotweed, celandine, nettle, chamomile, chickweed (or woodlice), wormwood, gooseberry, wheatgrass (one of the most wonderful plants for the treatment of joint diseases) and cultivated - 3 types of mint, valerian, lavender , echinacea, rhodiola rosea, calendula 6 types, Jerusalem artichoke. I love absolutely all plants. I am friends with them and they help me and my loved ones to be healthy and do without medications. There is a place for everyone on my site. Some is used for drying, some is used to treat the plants themselves, some is used as fertilizer.​
  • ​First lime, then remove when digging. I removed all the horsetail from two new beds in 2 years. I don't recommend Roundup. This is a herbicide that is prohibited for use not only in garden plots. but also on large areas. Very toxic.​
  • Children who suffer from bronchitis or acute respiratory infections can be recommended to bathe with the addition of horsetail decoction. You can take 15 grams of horsetail decoction a couple of times a day. It is important to take this before eating. But no more than 25 days.​
  • ​The plant has diuretic properties, thanks to flavonoids and saponins (like bearberry).​
  • Ulcerative lesions and erosions.
  • ​pancreatitis.​
  • ​atherosclerosis;​
  • ​Horsetail is effective in treating inflammatory diseases digestive system, especially the kidneys. Preparations based on the shoots of a herbaceous plant perfectly help stop the spread of infection, stop the proliferation of bacteria, reduce body temperature and help normalize organ function.​
  • ​astringent;​
  • ​aminoglycosides;​
  • ​saponins;​

Horsetail grows in acidic soils. We need to deoxidize.​

Medicinal properties of horsetail for external use

​ROUNDUP (for weeds and perennial grass).​

  • ​Place the plant in an enamel container and fill it with water, evaporate for several hours until an extract is obtained, which is then mixed with Vaseline.​
  • ​Horsetail renders positive influence on the skin and the entire body as a whole, providing stimulation of metabolism and acceleration of blood flow. If swelling or fracture occurs, you can take warm horsetail baths. During suppuration, baths have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • ​Treatment with local horsetail preparations is also recommended for deep, non-healing wounds, even if they have become infected. In case of bleeding, the herb quickly and effectively promotes the formation of a crust, further disinfecting exposed damaged tissue.​
  • ​It is worth noting that horsetail can stimulate the adrenal cortex, which has a very beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin in women.​
  • ​pulmonary hemorrhages;​
  • ​In addition, medicines from horsetail they cope with the following diseases:
  • ​antispasmodic;​



​From personal experience - lime for the winter and a little in the spring and you will forget about horsetail. Horsetail loves acidic soil, and lime neutralizes it. True, it helps a lot.​

​How to get rid of horsetail and field bindweed on your site

Horsetail: beneficial properties, use in folk medicine, storage and collection

​The presence of silicon in horsetail allows it to be used in polishing wooden products, as well as natural stone materials.​

​In most rheumatoid diseases and gout, baths from this plant are indicated. Their action is that silicic acid, dissolving, partially enters the skin, alleviating the patient’s condition.​

Useful properties of horsetail

  • ​Fresh juice from the shoots helps cell regeneration and healing of wounds, abrasions or scratches. Moreover, it eliminates skin irritation and itching after insect bites or contact with poisonous plants.​
  • ​Compresses and lotions using the described plant are good for getting rid of various infectious, fungal, inflammatory skin diseases. Among them are the most treatable:
  • ​stones, sand in the kidneys and gall bladder;​
  • ​rheumatism;​
  • ​wound healing;​

When to harvest horsetail

Oxalic, acetic acid.


​Deoxidize the soil. Autumn lime for digging, spring ash

The use of horsetail in folk medicine

​Along with beneficial properties this medicinal plant, there are contraindications, as well as general rules for using the infusion.

​To prepare herbs for medicinal purposes, it is important to choose the right period when the concentration of beneficial components reaches its peak. The optimal period is considered to be early June to August. The above-ground part of the plant is suitable.

After open fractures, regular washing with a decoction or infusion of horsetail is indicated. This procedure will ensure complete disinfection of not only muscle tissue, but also bones, preventing infection, proliferation of bacteria and their entry into the blood.​

Ointments from the plant


We use horsetail in household work


Who should not use horsetail decoction?


  • ​general strengthening;​
  • Thanks to the combination of the above components, horsetail has the following properties:
  • ​essential oils;​
  • ​To combat the named weeds in personal plots chemicals No. It is best to destroy weeds using an agrotechnical method - regularly harrowing and weeding.

Making healing tea

Is there any way to get rid of horsetail on the site?

Minina Tatyana

​People suffering from inflammatory kidney diseases. At a minimum, it is advisable to warn your doctor about consuming horsetail.​


​You need to dry the stems in the shade, in a well-ventilated area. The grass can be tied into bunches and hung or spread out thin layer. It is important that the grass dries quickly. Otherwise, there is a risk of stems darkening and loss healing properties.​


​You should remember that before using any horsetail products, you should definitely consult a doctor, because the plant has contraindications and is dangerous for pregnant and lactating women breast milk women.​


​heart pathologies;​





Svetlana Shibaeva

​silicon acid salt;​

Lyudmila Gushchina

The appearance of horsetail in large quantities indicates soil acidity: the area needs to be limed.


​I'm also very interested in this. Liming does not work, its rhizomes are very deep, at least half a meter, and it is impossible to pick it up. I settled under one raised bed (more likely, it remained from the virgin times) - and I can’t get it out.​


​Contraindications exist even if there is peptic ulcer stomach. Consumption of the decoction provokes irritation of damaged mucous membranes.

Lyudmila Kornienko

It should also be stored in a ventilated area. It’s better to place them in linen bags or paper bags. The shelf life of such a product is about four years. Properly dried grass should be hard and gray-green in color. The smell is barely noticeable.​

Weeds are a great nuisance to gardeners; the lion's share of garden maintenance work is taken up by the destruction of uninvited guests. One of the most insidious and difficult to breed is a representative of the ancient family of Horsetails. Having discovered it in the country, everything should be done possible measures to prevent the reproduction of horsetail and get rid of the weed faster. Otherwise, cultivated plants will begin to wither from lack of moisture and nutrients, and the soil will become fruitlessly depleted.

Horsetail (common) or Pusher is a perennial, herbaceous plant, reaching a height of up to 0.5 m. It is distinguished by a highly developed root system, located quite deep (0.6-1 m). Since the reproduction of horsetail and its development is very active, it can literally fill an entire plot of land in a short time.

IN wildlife prefers rather damp places (the banks of swamps, ponds and rivers) with fertile soil. This is why horsetail grows in the garden so often; the conditions there are simply ideal for it (fertilized soil and constant watering of garden crops).

Horsetails are higher spore plants; they can reproduce by spores or vegetatively. Green spores in the shape of balls ripen in huge quantities. During the life of a plant, there is an alternating change of sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte) generations, but asexual generations are more common and last longer.

The weed has two types of above-ground shoots:

  1. Spring ones are brown, chlorophyll-free (spore-bearing), erect, reaching 20 cm in height.
  2. Summer ones are green, segmented, branched, hollow and hard, about 60 cm high, with narrow underdeveloped leaves.

Appearance of a field weed

At the tops of spring stems, a large spikelet develops with spores that ripen in mid- to late spring and are easily carried by the wind. After which these shoots most often dry out. For the fertilization process, horsetail needs moisture on the surface, in inappropriate areas. external conditions more male specimens are produced.

Short spherical tubers develop on creeping rhizomes, thanks to which vegetative propagation of horsetails occurs. Thus, the field weed grows most quickly and successfully.

Therefore, the gardener more often has to deal with the manifestations of asexual reproduction of horsetail, which is a more labor-intensive process due to the great depth of its occurrence in the soil and the branching of the roots.

To prevent the harmful horsetail from reproducing sexually, it is necessary to carefully and regularly destroy spring period spore-bearing shoots, preventing spores from developing.

Sporangia pusher

How to get rid of horsetail

Depending on the terrain conditions, the size of the plot, the volume of weeds, the gardener’s capabilities and preferences, the most suitable control method should be selected. The main thing is that it is consistent, competent and methodical, since the noxious weed will not leave alone so easily. Sometimes you have to combine different methods to achieve complete success.

Pusher is used as a medicinal plant

Mechanical tillage

If horsetail is found on your site, in order not to lose the crop, not to deplete and not to dry out the land, you need to start fighting it immediately. It is important to prevent the invasion of new territories and the growth of the weed. One of the accessible, but rather labor-intensive methods is thorough soil cultivation.

In spring or autumn digging soil, there will be painstaking work to remove horsetail rhizomes at the greatest possible depth. You should also carefully check the new imported soil, especially if it comes from peat bogs, choosing all possible weed remnants (its roots are blackish and inconspicuous).

All selected plants should be removed from the garden and destroyed, without leaving a single piece. Since their rooting can occur very easily and quickly, reducing all efforts to nothing.

The next stage, which allows you to destroy horsetail, is to constantly remove young shoots sprouting from the remaining roots throughout the season (weeding). It is important to have time to get rid of the sprouts before green leaves form on them.

This simple method helps to permanently remove horsetail from the garden. Since the weed does not have the ability to accumulate nutrients through photosynthesis, its root, after sprouts are thrown out, is greatly depleted, weakens and dies.

This type of control is carried out over several seasons; weeds must be systematically destroyed down to the last plant in the entire area so that they do not multiply again.

Mechanical restoration beds

Reducing soil acidity

How to completely get rid of horsetail in the garden and prevent its reappearance - there is a method in which you need to change the acid-base balance of the soil. The appearance of a pusher on the site is an indicator that the soil is acidic, since the weed most often grows on such soil. Therefore, the pH should be reduced to a value at which it will be uncomfortable for the plant to develop.

That is why, when you see horsetail growing in your garden, you need to lime the soil. For deoxidation, not only slaked or not slaked lime, but also dolomite flour, ground chalk, calcite or wood ash. As a helper environmentally friendly material They also take crushed egg shells.

But in this matter it is important not to overdo it, since too alkaline soil is not beneficial for many crops, and it is difficult to obtain nutrients from it. First, it is advisable to determine the degree of acidity of the soil in the area (for satisfactory accuracy, you can use indicator paper, or even better, have it analyzed by specialists).

The dose of dolomite flour (lime) applied per 1 m2 depends on the pH value and type of soil:

  • for slightly acidic (pH = 5.1-5.5) medium loamy soils – 300 g;
  • for medium acidic (pH = 4.6-5.0) – 400-500 g;
  • for strongly acidic (pH = 4.0-4.5) – 550-650 g.

Soil liming

It is better to carry out liming work in the autumn; the deoxidizing material must be evenly distributed over the area and covered with soil (dug up). The main thing is that its particles are small (no more than 3-4 mm), otherwise the expected effect will not be achieved.

To remove horsetail from the garden and forget about the weed forever, you should not only reduce the acidity of the soil once, but also prevent it from increasing later. It is recommended to re-apply half the dose of lime substances after two years for preventive purposes. It is necessary to regularly check the composition of the soil and take necessary measures for its adjustment.

Destruction of horsetail using drugs

Effective method fight is chemical treatment, destroying weeds. To get rid of horsetail, suitable contact herbicides are often used, which after application have a depressing effect on the plant. They block the synthesis of amino acids and suppress vegetation, penetrating through the upper integument to the rhizome.

But not all remedies for horsetail are good enough to effectively get rid of it. Please note that this is a spore plant and not a flowering plant. Therefore, drugs such as Tornado or Roundup, which effectively destroy cereal and dicotyledonous weeds, are less helpful in the fight against horsetail.

Some gardeners advise using the improved Roundup Max. After spraying, the active substance very quickly penetrates the plant, getting into the rhizomes. Good results are little affected by weather conditions, and crops can be sown within 1-3 days.

Herbicide treatment

A powerful herbicide is also suitable for these purposes. continuous action"Glyphos". Complete elimination of weeds occurs in about a month; it should be used before planting in the spring or after harvesting. After the active period, it breaks down into safe components and does not harm insects and animals.

A drug such as Totril 225 also helps to get rid of horsetail chemically. It acts very quickly through the leaves, the first results are visible after a few hours, and the complete death of the weeds occurs in a couple of weeks. More effective when good performance illumination and humidity.

Secrets of efficiency and safety precautions

General rules herbicide applications are as follows:

  • Spraying is best done in the evening or early in the morning in calm weather, without precipitation and its possibility in the coming hours;
  • perform work in protective clothing, use respiratory and eye protection (respirator and goggles);
  • act carefully and carefully, trying not to fall on useful crops and not to miss weeds;
  • you should strictly follow all the requirements of the instructions for use and avoid harmful effects on environment.

A sign of high soil acidity

Neighborhood with cruciferous plants

There is a biological method that allows you to successfully get rid of horsetail in your garden beds. It is based on the fact that the noxious weed does not tolerate proximity to plants belonging to the Cruciferous family (oilseed radish, winter rye, arugula, white mustard, winter rapeseed).

If you sow such crops, you can remove horsetail from the garden quite easily and safely. During their life processes, the rhizomes of representatives of Cruciferous plants secrete substances that inhibit the development of the weed. As a result, he dies completely. Subsequently, the crops can be dug up before winter or early spring; they will enrich the soil with useful substances.

Beds with arugula as a way to combat weeds

The insidious horsetail does not allow many gardeners to sleep peacefully. However, methodical and systematic destruction of the weed will allow you to forget about it forever. You should familiarize yourself with agrotechnical methods, adopt positive experiences and not give up. The desired victory is guaranteed.

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Cat's eye, mop grass, broom, tin grass, horse tail... All these wonderful and very extraordinary names belong to such a plant as horsetail. Medications, produced on the basis of tin herb, can effectively combat diseases such as cholelithiasis, diarrhea, eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, lichen and other ailments. However, there is another side to this herbaceous plant. Horsetail is a garden weed, and difficult to remove.

Horsetail can get into the garden along with the applied soil. For example, this plant loves to settle on developed peat bogs, from where soil is often brought for garden plantings. Before adding soil to your plot, you need to make sure that horsetail rhizomes are not “hidden” in it. Calculating them is not so easy; to do this, you need to carefully sort through most of the soil.

It can be quite difficult to find signs of horsetail during the annual digging of the site (both spring and autumn). The fact is that the root system of this plant can lie at a depth of forty to sixty centimeters. Unfortunately, with the help of a shovel, it is simply impossible to reach the rhizomes, so this weed continues to live and develop quietly in the garden plot. To avoid its spread, you need to learn how to properly, and most importantly, deal with this plant in a timely and effective manner.

Methods for controlling horsetail

1. Chemicals

Horsetail is a herbaceous plant that does not have flowers but reproduces by spores. To destroy it, drugs such as Glyphos are suitable. This aqueous solution is used to destroy annual and perennial weeds. Belonging to class IV hazardous substances, Glyphos does not cause harm beneficial insects(such as bees). The action of the drug is aimed at blocking the synthesis of aromatic amino acids occurring in horsetail. The consequence of this is the gradual death and then death of the plant.

It is preferable to apply glyphos and other herbicides in the evening. It will be simply wonderful if the weather on this day is calm and windless. During processing, the gardener should protect his hands with rubber gloves. Do not spray during or after rain, or during periods of drought.

2. Undesirable neighborhood

There are plants that horsetail does not tolerate. These include almost all representatives of the Cruciferous family: oilseed radish, winter rape, white mustard and others. In those places of the garden plot where the appearance of horsetail was noticed, next year you need to plant any of cruciferous plants. The fact is that the root secretions of radish, rapeseed and other crops can suppress weeds. Such a neighborhood will lead to almost one hundred percent death of horsetail.

3. Reducing soil acidity

As you know, horsetail prefers to grow in soils with high acidity. Therefore, this indicator must be gradually reduced. By the way, the process of reducing acidity is a long one, it can take from six months to several years. In order not to act blindly, it is preferable to initially calculate the general acidity of the soils on the site. Lime should be added to the soil over several years. Calculation: two to three kilograms of lime per square meter in the first year and five hundred grams in the second and third years. If the procedure for reducing acidity is combined with regular weeding, then in a couple of years there will be no trace of horsetail in the garden.

In the fight against a weed such as horsetail, the main thing is to carry out work on an ongoing basis. Under no circumstances should you leave your garden unprepared after harvesting. The soil should be carefully dug up, and when the first shoots of horsetail appear, they should be destroyed immediately. Comprehensive measures will allow the gardener to forget about the weed plant for a long time!

How to get rid of horsetail? - answers from experts

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Dear gardeners and gardeners! Our site is located next to a long-vacant, neglected site on which horsetail has taken up permanent residence. And he persistently climbs towards us. We can't tell you anything!!! And ash was added in an attempt to reduce the acidity. And they used...

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How to get rid of horsetail in your summer cottage

In its ability to take nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from the ground, horsetail is noticeably superior to other weeds.

We are used to seeing these Christmas trees, but in early spring horsetail may not be recognizable. Juicy brownish-pink “candles” appear in damp meadows and wastelands, in ravines and abandoned beds. These first spore-bearing shoots are replaced by green, hard, thin branches at the beginning of summer.

The summer herb horsetail has long been used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Why is he dangerous?

And yet, despite these advantages, horsetail has a reputation as a nasty weed. In appearance it is inconspicuous and even boring: it has neither flowers nor spreading leaves. Loves high humidity, prefers light soils. However, I am ready to adapt to the most different conditions.

Like most weeds, horsetail is stubborn and resilient. Where the ground has not been disturbed for years by a plow or shovel, it does not send its black-and-white rhizome further than 40-50 cm. In crops, it sometimes goes 1.5 m deep into the soil. Imperceptibly, but very persistently, the weed depletes the bed, accumulating in the rhizome with small nodules located on it, there are reserves of sugars and starch.

Horsetail is especially successful in making its preparations on fallow lands or in a potato field, where it takes a hefty portion of mineral nutrition from the cultivated host.

Read also: To make beets sweet

If you decide to get rid of this green “predator”, do not hope to defeat it simply by weeding. Most likely, in a couple of weeks you will be disappointed to discover that there is even more horsetail on the site than there was.

And this is not surprising: the rhizome nodules remaining in the ground are organs vegetative propagation. By destroying aboveground part plants, you just forced it to vigorously fight for survival. That's when the weed needed nodules with a supply of nutrients.

How to get rid of horsetail

How to deal with this harmful plant?

Among other things, the presence of this weed is considered one of the signs increased acidity soil. It can be reduced by adding dolomite flour or crushed slaked lime under digging.

On a note

The herbicide Glyphos can be used against horsetail. It blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids in plants, as a result of which the weed gradually dies. It is practically safe for bees, but it limits their flight from 6 to 12 hours.

Biological method of controlling horsetail

Horsetail does not tolerate proximity to cabbage crops (formerly called cruciferous crops). Their root secretions are capable of suppressing weeds. Therefore, in places where the appearance of horsetail has been noticed, radishes, radishes, daikon, rapeseed or mustard should be planted next year.

Horsetail - traditional medicine recipes

In winter, you can prepare an infusion of horsetail to boost your immunity.

Read also: Beware of weeds!

Its use will help resist viral infections. 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink this amount of infusion in 3-4 doses throughout the day.

For exacerbation of cystitis, horsetail decoction is used. 2 tbsp. l. dried herb, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, let it brew in a warm place for 20 minutes, strain. Take 150-200 ml 2-3 times a day. Do not throw away the squeezed grass, but place it in a gauze bag and apply it warm to the lower abdomen.

Viktor Anatolyevich Krylov

How to destroy horsetail

According to agronomists, the infestation of vegetable gardens and fields over the past 15-20 years has increased from 55-60 to 80-85%. At the same time, experts are observing a steady growth trend. Among the most persistent and difficult to eliminate weeds is horsetail, which grows in abundance in damp acidic soils. Its roots go to a depth of half a meter, and individual shoots and rhizomes reach a length of more than a meter. Horsetail thickets dry out and deplete the soil, thereby making it difficult to care for cultivated plants and significantly reducing their productivity. However, people have found more effective ways to get rid of horsetail.

You will need

  • - gardening tools(shovel, hoe, rake);
  • - lime fertilizers;
  • - seeds of cruciferous plants;
  • - chemicals;
  • - respirator, gloves.


If you decide to fight horsetail mechanically, i.e. digging, weeding and loosening the soil, you will have to do this carefully. You should carefully select rhizomes and under no circumstances leave them within your plot of land, but take them outside its boundaries or place them in compost heap. (Weeds thrown to the ground can take root again and form new shoots). But even after the most thorough cultivation of the soil and “combing out” the rhizomes, you definitely will not get to the deep-lying roots; they, alas, remain in the ground and germinate with new strength. That is why the traditional method of weed control is weeding, i.e. surface tillage is ineffective. However, in early spring, still prune the horsetail shoots, which are brown spore-bearing shoots, with a hoe, without waiting for weeding cultivated plants, planted or sown in this place. Since horsetail grows in acidic soils, the acidity should be reduced. This can be achieved by adding lime materials to the soil. These include calcite, dolomite, limestone, sugar production waste, slaked lime, etc. However, with this method there is a risk of a significant decrease in nutrients in the soil, since the nutrients are not reproduced when applying lime fertilizers. If you decide to use this method, carefully read the instructions for using a specific lime material and strictly follow the proportions specified in it. Horsetail is not “friendly” with cruciferous plants, such as winter rapeseed, oilseed radish, white mustard, arugula and others. Their root secretions inhibit weeds and doom them to complete death. Sow brassicas at the end of harvest and then to prepare the soil for next year. If you don’t find the seeds of these crops, sow winter rye - it also has brilliant “sanitary” properties. Chemical method. Apply an aqueous solution of Titus herbicide to the soil (read the instructions carefully). Add to the solution as an “adhesive” laundry soap or the drug PARTrepd 90. These herbicides do not harm potatoes and other crops, while horsetail and other weeds (sow thistle, chickweed, galinsoga, wheatgrass) are destroyed well. Read the instructions about the timing of application of the drugs. An aqueous solution of Roundup will also help get rid of horsetail. This powerful drug is capable of destroying all weeds both on the surface of the soil and in the soil itself, because has the property of penetrating into the root system. This is especially important for the extermination of root shoot and rhizomatous weed species, which include horsetail.

Horsetail is a perennial rhizomatous plant up to 60 cm high. medicinal purposes vegetative shoots of the second generation are harvested during June-August. Proteins, bitterness, flavonoids, alkaloids, and mineral salts were found in the plant. And also acids - malic, oxalic and aconitic, carotene, vitamin C. Horsetail is considered a radical diuretic in the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by congestion.

You will need

  • - horsetail;
  • - boiling water.


To prevent infectious diseases and remove heavy metal salts from the body, prepare an infusion of horsetail. Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed horsetail herb into 0.2 liters of boiling water and, after steeping for an hour, drink in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. For rinsing during inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, treating long-term wounds and ulcers, prepare a decoction of horsetail. Pour 350 ml of chopped horsetail herb in the evening cold water. In the morning, put on low heat and simmer for half an hour. After cooling, filter. Apply lotions to damaged areas of the skin three times a day. The throat should be gargled 5-6 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-14 days, depending on the need. For illnesses Bladder, lung diseases, internal bleeding, cholelithiasis, malaria, rheumatism and gout, prepare an infusion of horsetail. Pour 4 teaspoons of chopped herbs into 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink the filtrate in small sips throughout the day. The course of treatment is up to three weeks. To strengthen hair, improve its structure and accelerated growth prepare a horsetail decoction. Take 30 grams of crushed herb and fill it with 500 ml of cold water in the evening and leave until the morning. In the morning, put on low heat and, bringing to a boil, cook for half an hour. Let it brew for 4 hours and filter. After every wash, rinse your hair for two months.


Horsetail is contraindicated in patients with nephritis due to irritation of the kidneys by silicic acid, contained in large quantities in this plant.

Helpful advice

Decoctions and infusions of horsetail have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, hemostatic and anthelmintic effects. Strengthens the body's immunity. The colloidal properties of horsetail prevent the formation of uric acid.

Among many useful plants Horsetail deserves special attention. This is absolutely unpretentious plant has many healing properties, which gives reason to use it both in folk and scientific medicine.

Horsetail – perennial grass, growing almost everywhere - both on black soil and on sandy soils. Since there are poisonous species of horsetail, you need to be able to distinguish between them. The first difference is the direction of leaf growth - up, not down. In place of the spore-bearing spikelets of horsetail, young shoots appear; in other species they are located at the ends of these same shoots. Horsetail contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants, have an astringent and antibacterial effect. Horsetail also contains phenolcarboxylic acids, which are known for their antimutagenic properties. Silicic acid, found in horsetail, is very important for the health of the skeletal system and epithelium. It accelerates wound healing and affects the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. Also, the glycoside luteolin secreted by horsetail has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

There are many beneficial properties of this plant, among which the following are especially important: removing lead and other toxins from the body, improving blood circulation, stimulating the functions of the adrenal glands, cleansing the body, slowing down the growth of tumors. Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for decoctions, tinctures, lotions and ointments based on horsetail for the treatment of diseases of the liver, heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, urinary tract, skin (eczema, lichen, etc.). It is recommended to drink horsetail decoctions for those suffering from diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and cholelithiasis.

Horsetail is a well-known weed that can send out spore-bearing shoots anywhere in the garden. Its active growth occurs in mid-May. It is necessary to fight this plant as fashionably before. Otherwise, you can forget about the high and high-quality harvest of the crops that grow on your site. To remove horsetail, you can use various methods struggle, among which there are biological, chemical.


Since horsetail is a weed, it is therefore very harmful to many garden crops. It lies in the fact that weeds suck out all the useful nutritional components from the soil.

This includes potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. He concentrates them in his roots. As a result garden crops do not receive the necessary nutrition, their growth and development is inhibited.

But besides harmful influence, horsetail is also a unique medicinal plant. It does not contain many useful components, including silicic acid. It is very necessary for the human body to function properly. She plays important role in the construction of the skeleton, the work of mucous membranes and wound healing. But this is a separate topic. If you don’t have any plants growing on your site, then you can afford to grow horsetail for medicinal purposes. It may also be useful for you to learn about what products should be used.


Most often, the weed starts when the gardener does not carefully cultivate the brought soil. To prevent this from happening, you need to immediately assess its condition immediately after the soil has been brought to the site. Make sure there are no black rhizomes there. Otherwise, rest assured that very soon horsetail will be showing off on your site. But getting rid of it will be much worse.

This weed also begins to grow in soils where there is high acidity. To avoid this, it is necessary to lim the soil. For these purposes, preparations that contain calcium are excellent. These include lime, ash, chalk and dolomite flour.

It will also be useful to learn about how tree roots are removed on the site, and what the problem is.

Dolomite flour remains the most popular and convenient means for liming soil. In addition to the fact that it reduces the acidity of the soil, it also improves its structure and saturates it with magnesium. Compared to lime, dolomite flour can be applied to the site at any time of the year.

In the video - prevention of the appearance of the plant:

Another preventative measure is timely removal of leaves. plant residues and weeds. Monitor soil moisture. It should not be too high, as this creates favorable conditions for the growth and development of horsetail. It is also worth paying attention to how it happens

How to get rid of horsetail

Decide today this problem Every gardener can do it if he chooses one of the proposed options.

Biological method

For the plant in question, proximity to cabbage crops is not acceptable. The fact is that their root secretions have a detrimental effect on the weeds, as a result of which they die.


Horsetail is herbaceous plant, which lacks flowers and reproduces by spores. To defeat this weed, you can use chemicals. There are quite a lot of them today, so gardeners use a product such as Glyphos.

chemical Glyphos

This is an aqueous solution that effectively eliminates both annual and perennial weeds. His danger class is fifth. The drug was developed in such a way that its components do not have a harmful effect on beneficial insects.

The action of the product is based on the fact that the synthesis of aromatic amino acids that occurs in horsetail is blocked. As a result of this, there is a slow death, and then the death of the weed itself.

Glyphos should be used in the evening, when the street is quiet and windless. In this case, the gardener must wear protective equipment such as gloves. It is not recommended to spray weeds after rain or during periods of drought.

The next effective drug remains Puma Gold. This herbicide is used to control annual and perennial weeds. The drug Furore Ultra remains no less effective. It is a selective herbicide that has a systemic effect. It can be used immediately after the first sprouts of horsetail have been discovered. By clicking on the link you can learn more about how to destroy it on the site.

Puma Gold

The wide range of influence and lack of phytotoxicity of the presented drugs is a merit of modern scientific developments. The presented chemicals can not only save the crop from weeds, but also prevent the development of new plants. Thus, it is possible to effectively increase the quantity and quality of products collected at the end of the season. The same means can be destroyed

Reducing soil acidity s

Every gardener should understand that the development of horsetail is associated with increased soil acidity. So to control the weed it is necessary to reduce this indicator. But it should immediately be noted that reducing acidity is a long process. It can last from six months to a couple of years.

To get a guaranteed result from liming, you must initially know the acidity level in your area.

So, if the indicator is exceeded, then it is worth adding lime to the soil. Approximately 2-3 kg of lime will be needed per 1 m2. This is for the first year. In the second and third years - 500 g. If liming is combined with regular weeding, then after a few years there will not be a trace of horsetail left on your site. In addition to lime, dolomite flour or ordinary ash can be used to reduce acidity. In exactly the same way you can derive

In the video - reducing soil acidity:

Every gardener will be interested in knowing how to remove it from the garden, and what chemicals should be used first.

When fighting a weed such as horsetail, you must remember that this is a long and regular process. You should not leave the area unprepared after harvesting. The soil definitely needs to be dug up, and if the first shoots are discovered, they should be removed immediately. An integrated approach will allow every gardener to forget about weed crops for a long time.

The war against weeds in gardens will always be relevant. That is why more and more chemical drugs are appearing on the markets. But, before purchasing them, you need to familiarize yourself with each weed separately so that the fight against it is effective.

Horsetail is known to many gardeners. This herbaceous plant has many other names. Among them: pestle, herringbone, tin grass, cat's tail, panicle, etc. In the garden, horsetail cannot be confused with other weeds because of its noticeable appearance.

How to get rid of horsetail in the garden is a question that worries many gardeners. It's definitely not easy. The whole point is that the plant can develop on the site long time, spread through spores, take powerful roots with tubers deep into the ground. Therefore, you can get rid of it by performing complex actions.

Horsetail is one of the oldest perennial plants. Its age is more than 400 million years. Grass covered part of the land even during the time of dinosaurs.

Among the characteristic features of the plant are its unusual appearance and methods of reproduction. It is noteworthy that horsetail shoots come in two varieties. The plant looks different in spring and summer. The only thing that spring and summer horsetail have in common is a jointed stem consisting of nodes.

Varieties of horsetail:

  • spring shoot is generative or spore-bearing. It ensures grass reproduction;
  • summer shoot is vegetative or photosynthetic. Its task is to stock up on nutrients and grow a long root.

Spring shoots are also called pistils. They are eaten. They taste a little like bread. There is no chlorophyll in generative shoots. Color - gray, slightly brownish, there are shades of dirty pink.

In appearance it is a straight stem without regular leaves. Instead of leaves, the stem is covered with girdling teeth. Top part shoot - ovoid spike or strobile. It contains millions of spores. They are very small and weightless. The wind carries them over long distances. Some disappear because they are viable for only two days. Where they fall into favorable moist soil, new horsetail will appear.

Freshly sprouted horsetail is completely different from its older brothers. It is a green stalk 2-4 mm long. This is a gametophyte. It contains an egg and sperm. When it rains, the egg is fertilized. Afterwards, a sporophyte appears in place of the gametophyte. This is already an ordinary horsetail.

The peculiarity of the spring shoot is that it lives for about a month or a little more. Then it dries up. In summer, a vegetative shoot of horsetail appears in place of the pistils. It looks like a dwarf Christmas tree or pine tree. Stem height is from 10 to 40 centimeters. Teeth and multifaceted side shoots develop on it. The color of the plant is rich emerald.

The lower part of the shoot is represented by a long rhizome. Its length can reach more than half a meter. There are small tubers on the roots. Nutrients are formed in them. The tubers separate from the plant and develop independently. That is why the weed is very tenacious.

Another one characteristic feature plants is that it can be found all over the world. It loves sun and moist, sandy, acidic soils. It tolerates drought or prolonged downpours without problems. He loves to settle on peat bogs. It is from these developed areas that peat soil is extracted for the garden, which is ordered by summer residents. Through the brought soil, horsetail ends up in the garden. In order to reduce this likelihood, gardeners need to carefully inspect the brought nutrient soil. The weed's long, strong, dark-colored roots are quite noticeable.

The composition of horsetail is rich. It contains fatty acids, glucose, lignin, pectin, vitamin C, and organic acids.

Why is horsetail dangerous?

This is a weed. Its danger is that, when it appears in the garden, it interferes with the full development of vegetable crops. The weed takes away moisture and nutrients that were intended for potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. As a result, summer residents receive a smaller harvest than expected.

Horsetail spreads very quickly, occupying a large area in the garden. It impoverishes the land, depriving it of fertility.

The unpleasant feature of horsetail is that it is difficult to fight. In order for the weed to disappear, it is not enough to treat the area with chemicals or plow it. We need an integrated approach.

The plant, despite the fact that it clogs plantings, is often used in folk medicine. Experts advise using decoctions of green shoots with caution. They can be dangerous. They have toxic substances, which accumulate in the human body. The result is poisoning. You cannot treat with horsetail for more than two to three weeks.

Decoctions should not be drunk by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or people with low blood pressure. The plant will only bring harm to these categories. It is better to consult a therapist before self-medicating with horsetail.

Vegetation control methods

How to deal with horsetail in the garden? Firstly, it is worth understanding that this needs to be done as early as possible. The property of the plant is an annual increase in number. Secondly, conventional methods, used in the fight against weeds, is not enough. Thirdly, you can only get rid of it through comprehensive vegetation control measures. Control measures should not be one-time, but permanent. You need to do this until the area is completely free of dangerous, annoying weeds.

Among the methods of struggle are:

  • Reducing soil acidity.
  • Application of chemistry.
  • Biological methods.

Some gardeners are not aware of the acidity of the soil they cultivate. Although it's quite important indicator affecting productivity and weed distribution. Typically, high acidity of the soil occurs where it is too humid, and there is often rainy weather. Calcium is lost due to water. She washes it off.

IN acidic soil horsetail will begin to spread very quickly, taking over the territory. It is this weed that will inform the owner of a field or plot about the increased acidity of the soil without any analysis.

To drive a weed out of the garden, soil deoxidation is required. In other words, you need to adjust the soil composition, making it neutral or slightly acidic. It is not difficult. However, the process is long. It can take from several months to 1-3 years.

Substances that help reduce acidity:

  • Ash.
  • Slaked lime.
  • Plaster.
  • Dolomite flour.
  • Special deoxidizers.
  • Cement dust.
Before adjusting the acidity of the soil composition, the area is measured and the places that most need deacidification are determined. Apply 0.5-0.7 kg per square meter of soil. ash. This is provided that isolation is carried out in the first year. In the second year, a smaller volume of ash can be used for the procedure.

If lime is taken, then about 0.6 kg is needed. per one square meter. The owner of the site scatters it evenly on the soil. Afterwards watering is carried out. It is believed that it is best to deoxidize the soil with lime in the fall, since in summer it can damage root systems vegetable crops. This procedure with lime is carried out every 3 years.

Chalk, dolomite flour, old plaster scattered throughout the garden in a ratio of 300 grams per square meter. Deoxidizing drugs, which can be bought in specialized stores, are used according to the instructions.

Reducing the acidity of the soil helps fight horsetail with constant weeding and digging of the garden.


In addition to soil deoxidation, gardeners can use various chemicals to combat horsetail. Herbicides are effective because they remove not only the plants themselves, but also spores and root tubers.

Herbicide Prima

A chemical made from powerful components. In a short period of time it penetrates the weed and stops its growth. Death will occur within 2 weeks. The advantages of the drug are that it is not afraid of precipitation in the form of rain due to its rapid penetration into horsetail or other weeds. At the same time, the chemical quickly disintegrates in the soil and does not affect its fertility. Does not affect insects. The disadvantage is that Prima's properties are reduced during frosts.


This is a continuous action herbicide. Kills like vegetable crops, and so are weeds. The advantage of the drug is that it effectively rids the garden of any harmful weeds, does not pollute the environment, and is safe for crops. This product has a significant advantage - it is not too expensive. The ground is applied in the spring, before planting, or after harvesting. It is sprayed over the soil. Can be applied directly to the weeds themselves. The disadvantage of Ground is that insects may suffer when using it.


A time-tested weed control product. Selective action herbicide. It only fights weeds. It can be used before planting and after the emergence of green shoots of agricultural crops. The drug is completely harmless to vegetables and poisonous to weeds. After the product penetrates the weed, the pest turns yellow, withers, and dies. The advantage of this drug is that it penetrates deep into the ground and has a detrimental effect on plant roots. Non-toxic for humans and insects. Among the disadvantages of Zenkor is the low effectiveness of the drug in greenhouses; in hot weather, the product can damage some hybrids.


Selective broad-spectrum herbicide. It can be used to control a wide variety of weeds. He will not touch vegetable crops. Its disadvantages are that in hot, dry weather the product will not penetrate to the roots of the weed, but will remain on the surface of the soil.


Effective against weeds and safe for other plants. Its active substance penetrates the weed, spreading along the stem, leaves, roots and destroys them. Agrokiller is sprayed onto the soil with weeds until other plants are planted. After 2 weeks, the garden can be planted. The disadvantage of the drug is that it is suitable for one-time use. Only if the product is sprayed once, it does not have a detrimental effect on vegetable crops or soil quality. In addition, the prepared solution cannot be stored. It must be used immediately for its intended purpose.


He is selective. Its advantages are: non-toxic, not afraid of rain, destroys harmful plants in a short period of time, penetrates into the roots. Lontrel-300 is profitable to buy. It takes very little to cultivate a large plot of land. One liter of product is used for 3 hectares of land. The drug is often used to feed beets. To do this, it is mixed with fertilizers. The disadvantages of the drug are that it is used only once.

Roundup, according to reviews, is considered effective in combating the most annoying weeds. It should only be applied to weeds. Otherwise it will damage garden crops. The advantage of the drug is that after it you do not need to carefully dig up the soil several times. Disadvantages - long-lasting effect. The weed begins to wither only after 4-5 days. The disadvantage of Roundup is that it is afraid of rain, which will wash away active ingredients from plants. In dry weather it is also used with caution. The procedure is best done early in the morning or in the evening.

Tornado is a continuous action herbicide, ideal for killing hard-to-eradicate weeds. Among which is horsetail. Two cultivations of the land are required. The first is carried out in the spring before vegetable crops are planted. The second is after harvesting. The advantages of the drug are that it does not accumulate in the soil and spreads throughout the entire plant - from leaves to deep roots. Disadvantages - it must be applied directly to the weeds; it will not penetrate through the ground to the roots.

Biological methods

A characteristic feature of horsetail is that it cannot grow next to some plants. For example, cabbage, mustard, radish, horseradish. Therefore, in addition to all other actions aimed at controlling the weed, these crops need to be planted on the site.

The listed methods will help gardeners master the science of how to get rid of horsetail in the garden forever. The main thing is not to give up, but to fight the weed. Then the result of the work will not be long in coming.