Linoleum types and characteristics. Types of linoleum. Linoleum from natural ingredients

The most popular type of flooring in Russia is linoleum. Among great variety finishing materials, he was able to win consumer trust primarily due to the reasonable cost, but the advantages of the coating do not end there. About the advantages and disadvantages of linoleum, about methods for selecting linoleum, as well as which color to choose - we will consider these and other questions in our article about linoleum.

Advantages and disadvantages of coating

As a study of consumer demand shows, people are most attracted to the following characteristics of linoleum:

    Huge range of designs and colors

    Availability of wear-resistant types of linoleum

    Fairly simple maintenance and cleaning process

    Easy installation, accessible to non-professionals

    Ability to hide floor defects

    High resistance to water

    Price availability – from 250 to 600 rubles/sq.m.

    Availability of linoleum for any type of premises

Meanwhile, many disadvantages are also attributed to linoleum, as opponents of this coating note:

    Irrelevance, “unfashionable”

    Risk of mechanical damage

    Pungent odor in the first few days after installation

    Slippery surface

    Unnatural composition

It is worth noting that most of the points listed may have been relevant earlier, but not now. Modern requirements for the production of linoleum ensure its safety for humans, for example, it no longer emits a chemical smell. And if we consider products from the middle price category, then they have additional advantages: the presence of a polyester base or antibacterial coating, high-quality imitation of natural materials. And mechanical damage can be avoided if, when choosing linoleum, you take into account the type of room, as well as the intensity of loads on the floor in it. Thus, you just need to choose the right flooring so that it has the characteristics you need - and then linoleum will not disappoint.

Subtleties of choice

Before purchasing linoleum, determine in which specific room it will be used. There are three types of premises in the classification: residential, office and industrial. Each type has its own level of floor load: low, medium or high. For each load intensity there is a different class of linoleum. Please note that within the same type of premises there are also zones with low, medium and high load. Let's take a look at living quarters as an example:

    Study, bedroom - living spaces with low loads, class 21 linoleum is recommended for them

    Living room, children's room - residential premises with medium loads; floor coverings of class 22 are suitable here

    Corridor, kitchen, nursery with active children - belong to residential premises with high floor load, where class 23 linoleum is required

There is also a separate classification of loads for office premises:

    Hotel rooms, offices without a constant flow of visitors - relatively low loads are observed here and class 31 linoleum is recommended

    Reception and meeting rooms in small companies, banquet halls - in these rooms the floor experiences medium loads, which means class 32 linoleum will be required

    Classrooms in educational institutions, corridors, trading floors - rooms with high loads, where a floor covering of at least 33, 34 class is required.

Of course, the higher the class and wear resistance of linoleum, the higher its cost, so when choosing, you should be guided by practical necessity and expediency.

In addition to the resistance class, there are other nuances that affect the price, but also make linoleum even more pleasant and comfortable:

    Special antibacterial coating that prevents the development of harmful microorganisms (especially important for classrooms and medical institutions)

    Additional protective layer– represents a durable varnish coating that protects against damage and dirt penetration into the coating, and therefore makes cleaning easier

    Linoleum with embossing and aesthetic relief - looks as close as possible to natural materials and provides the room with a noble appearance

    The presence of a double base - foamed along with a polyester layer

Having decided on wear resistance and additional options, we will study the types of linoleum - and there are a huge number of them, and each has its own individual characteristics and areas of application.

There are four main characteristics that differentiate the types of this flooring:

    by presence/absence of basis

    by composition

    by area of ​​application

    by structure

Linoleum with base characterized by the presence of a base layer, which is directly adjacent to subfloor. This type is considered more preferable, since it lasts longer and optionally has additional functions, for example, sound insulation, heat preservation, moisture protection and other nuances. The properties of linoleum depend on what material is used in the base and its thickness.

By type of base There are linoleum with felt, foam and woven base.

Felt base allows linoleum to perfectly mask non-critical imperfections in the floor, so leveling the rough surface before installation is not necessary. This coating is also soft, and thanks to the felt it feels comfortable and warm. But the softness of linoleum results in its disadvantages - furniture leaves noticeable, permanent marks on it, and it also allows moisture to pass through.

Foam base obtained from foamed vinyl. Thanks to this base, linoleum perfectly withstands the action of water, without allowing moisture to pass through at all - which means it is the optimal floor covering in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity. The advantageous advantage of linoleum is its good durability; by laying such linoleum, you will not have to think about replacing the coating for 10 years. Also, the product reliably holds its shape, so after rearranging the furniture, traces of it will soon be smoothed out. Linoleum with a foam base also has disadvantages, in particular, it loses its properties when high temperature, therefore unacceptable in combination with “warm floors”. Also, the small thickness of the base (from 2 to 3.5 mm) makes it quite rigid.

Linoleum with woven base also called alkyd or glyphthalic, since its base combines woven material with alkyd resins. These components are harmless, therefore, despite the “chemical” name, linoleum is environmentally friendly and safe for humans and animals. Other advantages of the coating are reliable sound and heat insulation, long service life, a large selection of colors and high wear resistance. At the same time, it does not tolerate moisture, since when wet the base undergoes rotting. Low temperatures are also contraindicated for alkyd linoleum.

Linoleum without a base is the most inexpensive and is also resistant to moisture, but these advantages hide their negative features. Due to its small thickness, the coating is completely unable to hide uneven floors, so it requires careful prior leveling. Moreover, the service life of such linoleum is only 5-7, so the savings are not so effective, because the coating will have to be changed more often. But there is a chance that you will not have time to get tired of the color scheme. Baseless linoleum is divided into colloxylin and rubber.

Colloxylin linoleum absolutely smooth and made from nitrocellulose. Resistance to high humidity is combined with good flexibility and a wide palette of colors. But this is where the advantages end and the disadvantages begin: linoleum becomes brittle at low temperatures, and it also burns easily, so it is absolutely unacceptable in residential premises, schools, and kindergartens.

Rubber linoleum (Relin) two-layer in structure - the bottom layer is made from a mixture of bitumen with crushed rubber, while the surface layer, one and a half millimeters thick, consists of rubber in combination with dyes. To prevent Relin from being too slippery, it is produced with a textured surface. The advantages of the coating include resistance to temperature changes, elasticity and resistance to moisture.

By composition linoleum is divided into synthetic and natural.

Synthetic or PVC linoleum consists of polyvinyl chloride, which means its main disadvantage is a pungent odor, especially in hot weather. On the other hand, its synthetic structure perfectly resists the negative effects of high humidity and is resistant to wear. In addition, the coating, unlike natural ones, is affordable, absorbs noise, does not slip and does not fade in the sun. A nice bonus there will be many options decorative design. Due to its heat resistance, it can be laid on a “warm floor”.

Linoleum with natural composition distinguished by environmental friendliness and excellent strength. It is based on a backing made of jute fiber, on which a surface layer is laid from a mixture of harmless resins, wood flour, linseed oils, mineral additives and balsa wood. This composition is pressed to the required hardness and dries at a certain temperature for two weeks. When the material is properly prepared, a synthetic polymer is applied to it, after which the natural linoleum is completely ready. The result is a wear- and fire-resistant coating that does not fade under sunlight and lasts up to 30 years.

On the other hand, the finishing material is afraid of moisture, it is expensive - from 600 rubles per “square”. At the same time, there are absolutely no decorative designs provided (however, in itself it looks presentable). Note that the coating is laid only on a perfectly flat subfloor and does not tolerate bending - this causes the linoleum to begin to crack.

Considering Areas of use, we can distinguish household, semi-commercial and commercial linoleum.

Household linoleum is produced with a three-layer structure: base, decorative layer and protective coating. The finishing material is used exclusively in residential premises, since it does not have enough wear resistance for other purposes. The advantage of this type of linoleum is its low cost, but at the same time it has a short service life and noticeably bends under heavy objects - traces of furniture will remain on it permanently.

Half commercial linoleum Its structure is similar to that of household products, but it has the advantage of a more durable protective layer. Thanks to this, it performs well in rooms with significant traffic, for example, offices, hotel rooms. The main advantage is a long service life, unlike household linoleum. At the same time, its price still remains reasonable, so it can be recommended for installation in domestic premises.

Commercial linoleum has the best strength characteristics and service life. However, it is not recommended to purchase it for residential premises - the coating has a persistent chemical smell.

Depending on the linoleum structures The following types are distinguished: homogeneous (single-layer) and heterogeneous (multilayer).

Homogeneous the coating is a solid layer of polyvinyl chloride, can be made with various patterns, and the decor penetrates the entire thickness of the material and therefore does not wear off over time. Due to its high strength and 25-year service life, it can be classified as a commercial grade and used in high-traffic areas.

Heterogeneous linoleum includes up to six different layers. Available with foamed PVC or fabric backing. The coating also consists of the back side, a layer of fiberglass (applied to the base), the front layer following it decorative pattern and a surface protective layer.

Separately, the decorative properties of linoleum should be considered. Choosing a design for the future floor is no less important, and in this matter this coating gives enormous scope for imagination.

Selection of future floor design\

Moving between shelves coated in a variety of shades and patterns, you understand that there cannot be universal solutions in the design of an office or residential interior. For example, in the rays of the sun, in artificial lighting and in the shadow the same color is perceived differently. Even the area and geometry of your premises matters - if one version of linoleum fits organically into a spacious room, then there is no guarantee of its appropriateness in small room. It’s not easy to take all this into account, but there are several interesting patterns that will make it easier to choose the linoleum you need and not regret your choice in the future.

Taking into account color associations will help you decide on the choice of color, for example, yellow and green will help restore strength when tired; at the same time, a muted shade of yellow along with beige color are responsible for the atmosphere of comfort and coziness. Blue relieves tension and calms, so it is often used in the interior of meeting rooms. Light blue goes further and can even make you feel drowsy, which explains its popularity in bedrooms. For a bathroom, you might want to consider a turquoise-colored finish, as it is associated with freshness. Neutral gray will help set you in a working mood; In contrast, red and orange create a positive mood and are a great tonic. White color without any contrasting pair can cause discomfort with its coldness, but it often becomes the basis for unusual experiments in design. Black color does a great job of accentuating individual areas, but is good in moderation. The interior will be interesting with a combination of black, red and white accents, which creates a “Japanese” minimalist style.

Color temperature is another tool for creating attractive interiors. Typically, white, blue and indigo are the coolest, with orange being the warmest at the opposite top of the scale. A skillful combination of warm and cold shades is used in many design techniques, for example, cool light shades are suitable for small rooms, as they visually expand them. Warm colors, on the contrary, will add coziness and intimacy to wide rooms.

If your living room is north facing and lacks sunlight, the best solution would be to add warm colors to the interior; they will also make the room brighter. Conversely, on a hot day, linoleum in cool shades will become a source of calm and coolness. Designed in warm and slightly muted colors is conducive to leisurely, intimate communication - in such an interior, flooring in warm shades without bright and contrasting elements would be appropriate. If the living room design is based on cold, rich shades, the logical solution would be to use linoleum in equally rich colors, with contrasting elements.

Color in children's rooms is a special topic. Using dim and gentle colors, you can easily calm down the most restless tomboy so that he gets a good night's sleep and gains strength for the new day. For game room in turn, will be more suitable emphatically bright colors, and linoleum in rich shades will invigorate the child and set him up for the harmonious development of creative inclinations and thinking.

In the case of office premises, there are certain patterns, for example, a meeting room in gray and cool blue tones will contribute to successful and productive business meetings. The optimal floor covering in such an interior is cool colors without dynamic patterns. A completely different effect is achieved in a room of dark, warm and deep shades - brown with accents of gold, burgundy. This solution will ideally set the stage for discussing issues in a closed format and one-on-one negotiations. It would be appropriate to finish the floor with linoleum with a high-quality imitation of natural stone, ceramic tiles or noble wood. It is worth giving preference to deep and rich colors.

Geometry in linoleum design

Visually improving a room and making bright changes to the interior is easier than it seems if you correctly use the geometric features of the floor covering. A narrow, cramped room is visually expanded when using flooring with the texture of wood or boards. Direct this pattern across long walls or diagonally across the room - and you will feel how comfortable it will be to be in the same room after updating the linoleum.

You can get a more refined and noble look without significant costs if you purchase a finishing material for the floor that adequately imitates a covering made of natural stone or wood, for example, a wide deck board or narrower parquet. The result will be not only a more expensive, but also externally “eco-friendly” interior, and warm shades will add calm and comfort to the space.

Tiled design, so appropriate in corridors and kitchens, can, with the right choice, both increase and decrease the area in visual perception. For example, in large kitchen linoleum with a large tiled pattern will further emphasize the scale of the room, but in a small kitchen it will be categorically inappropriate, since it will compress and “conceal” the already cramped space. In this case, small tiles would be appropriate; they will visually expand the small space.

Another interesting design trick - placing tile patterns diagonally also effectively increases the visible area of ​​your rooms. And linoleum with unusual abstract patterns will not only emphasize the merits of furniture and decorative elements, but can also set the direction for the style of the entire house. Even standard design in “tiles” or “boards” with decorative accents - seashells, floral patterns, geometric lines - will clearly distinguish your interior from many similar ones.

Linoleum laying technology

Before starting work on installing the coating, the subfloor must be leveled and thoroughly cleaned of household and construction debris. The room temperature is very important; it should be at least 10 degrees. If linoleum is supposed to be laid on a “warm floor,” then too thick will retain heat, so it is better to choose a thinner coating and additionally install a backing underneath it.

The purchased linoleum is spread on a flat floor surface and left in this form until straightened - usually no more than a day is required. After this, we cut out the desired shape of the canvas, while it is necessary to retreat a few centimeters from the “wall-floor” boundary.

When the linoleum sheet is ready for installation, you can then choose one of the following installation methods:

Installation without gluing usually used in small rooms with little traffic, for example, ideal for bathrooms, bathrooms

Installation with double-sided tape Suitable for rooms with average traffic. First, the tape is glued to the subfloor, but the top protective film remains on the tape. After this, linoleum is spread on the floor and folded in half. In the opened half, the top film is removed from the tape and linoleum is glued onto it and smoothed out manually. After this action is repeated with the second half of the linoleum.

Gluing with special glue It is carried out using the same technology as with double-sided tape, the only difference being that an adhesive composition is used instead of tape.

How to care for linoleum

Linoleum is unpretentious and does not require complex care - just wash it with moderate amount water, but without the use of solvent cleaning agents. Stains from iodine, for example, can be removed with soda, and traces of brilliant green can be easily wiped off with camphor alcohol.

From time to time, linoleum requires polishing; the floor covering is first washed and then wiped with an aqueous solution with a special polish. It is also necessary to take into account that it is not allowed to move heavy objects on the linoleum, so it is necessary to place pads other than rubber ones under the legs of heavy pieces of furniture.

So, as we found out, despite the opinion that linoleum is “unfashionable”, it is still a popular floor covering. Moreover, it is practical and affordable, and thanks to the large selection of colors, you can choose linoleum to suit any style and any type of room - from residential to industrial. The main thing is to choose a material that is suitable for the level of load and lay it on a perfectly leveled surface, in this case the linoleum will not disappoint you and will last for a long time.

Laying Linoleum - video

Linoleum has long gained popularity in the domestic market. It continues to hold its leading position to this day. This popularity is understandable, because it is quite easy to install, has high wear resistance, provides a huge number of textures and colors to choose from, and at the same time has an affordable price.

"Advantages and disadvantages"

The advantages of the material under consideration include:

  • Easy to install. This is one of the main “advantages” of this flooring. After all, thanks to it, the buyer can save additional money and do the installation himself.
  • Easy to care for. Traces of dirt on the flooring in question are less noticeable than on parquet or laminate, and even if they appear, they can be easily removed by wet cleaning.
  • High moisture resistance and resistance to acidic environments. Thanks to this property, linoleum can be laid in rooms where there is high air humidity, and it can also be wiped as often as necessary.
  • High level of thermal insulation.
  • Low sound transmission.
  • No need for an additional layer of protection.
  • Elasticity and non-slip effect, which ensures safe operation. This factor is especially important if there are children in the apartment.
  • The widest selection of textures and colors. This makes it possible to bring to life even the most unique design ideas.

Disadvantages include:

  • Harmful chemicals are used in production, but in general it complies with all established sanitary standards and rules.
  • If heavy objects are placed in the same place for a long time, dents may appear.

Types of linoleum

There are several classifications of the floor covering in question. Let's look at each of them.

Classification based on materials of manufacture

Linoleum from natural ingredients

For its production the following is used:

  • lime;
  • tree resin;
  • flax oil;
  • cork flour.

This type is the most environmentally friendly and safe for health. It is resistant to bacteria, has antistatic properties, does not absorb fat, and is also difficult to ignite.

Attention ! You should not lay such a coating in rooms without heating or with a high level of humidity, as it is susceptible to rotting and also becomes brittle at low temperatures.

PVC linoleum (polyvinyl chloride)

This type can be produced on a fabric, non-woven thermal insulation or foam base. Its structure can be single-layer or multi-layer. The main disadvantage is the presence of a pungent odor, which takes a long time to dissipate, as well as large shrinkage.

Rubber linoleum, or relin

It consists of 2 layers. It is based on bitumen or rubber, which has already been used. The outer layer is made from synthetic rubber, a specific filler and dyes. This type is very plastic and withstands high humidity well.

Nitrocellulose linoleum (colloceiline)

This is a thin coating made from nitrocellulose. It has a beautiful glossy shine, is very elastic and moisture resistant. The main “disadvantage” is the increased fire hazard.

Alkyd linoleum (hyphthalic)

Consists of fabric material, alkyd resins, dyes. It has excellent heat and sound insulation properties, but at the same time it is a rather fragile material.

Classification based on material structure


This type has a heat-insulating fabric or non-woven backing. It is very elastic, thanks to which it fits perfectly on any surface.


This coating is quite thin. Its thickness ranges from one and a half to three millimeters. Laying such linoleum can only be done on a perfectly flat surface. This cheap material, having a short service life.


Has a homogeneous structure. Consists of a mixture of polyvinyl chloride granules and pigments. The pattern is not located on its top layer, but completely permeates the entire material. Homogeneous linoleum is perfect for installation in rooms with high traffic levels, as it is very resistant to abrasion.


Can have up to six layers. Its base is fiberglass. The backing can be foam, woven or non-woven.

Classification based on application

When choosing linoleum, you should know that it is divided into classes. Thus, in European countries there are 21-23, 31-34, 41-43 classes of linoleum. They differ not only in appearance, but also technical properties. According to domestic standards, linoleum is divided into three types depending on the place of use, and each type is divided into classes. You can find the classes of linoleum and their descriptions in the table below.

Thus, depending on the place of application, there are:


Used for installation in residential premises. Has a wide selection of colors and decor. Most often, it is a heterogeneous coating with a protective outer layer of 0.15 to 0.3 mm. This type has low wear resistance, unlike semi-commercial and commercial analogues, but is more environmentally friendly.


Used in medium traffic conditions (cafes, shops, offices). According to the characteristics inherent in it, it is located between the household and commercial types.


Placed in areas with high traffic (manufacturing, large stores or offices). It can be either heterogeneous or homogeneous. The protective layer is approximately 0.8 millimeters and often contains additives (insulators, antistatic agents, and possibly corundum). It has high wear resistance and maintains its original appearance for a long time.

Linoleum brands PR, VT, M, TTN

For installation in an apartment, linoleum is considered the most suitable, which has the following markings PR, VT, M, TTN. Let's figure out what they mean.

Linoleum PR

The PR marking means that the linoleum was produced using the coating method. U foreign manufacturers This method is the most common. This is due to its simplicity and low cost. Floor coverings produced by the coating method meet all established standards.

According to the manufacturing method, there are also such types of linoleum as:

  • VK, or roller-calender;
  • PRP, or contact-promazny;
  • EC, or extrusion;
  • EKP, or extrusion, with a transparent PVC film on top.

Linoleum VT

The VT marking means that the coating has a needle-punched base, consisting of a mixture of synthetic and secondary fibers with a top protective cover of lavsan and other artificial fibers that prevent rotting of the base. Also, depending on the material used for the base, there are:

  • VTK - the underlying basis is the same as that of the VT, but has a frame;
  • C - the base consists of artificial fibers;
  • X - the base is also antiseptic, but consisting of synthetic fibers.
  • D (L) - antiseptic base, consisting of bast fibers or jute.

Linoleum M

“M” means that it is a single-color or marble-like linoleum that has several layers. In addition, according to the number of layers, linoleum can be:

  • MP - multilayer, coated with transparent PVC films having a pattern;
  • O - single-layer, with a plain or marble color.

Linoleum TTN

This is a baseless, flame retardant PVC coating. It is produced by the roller-calender method according to a recipe approved by the customer. It is divided into TTN-1 and TTN-2. The latter is characterized by high wear resistance.

When buying linoleum, you need to take into account the room's traffic, its humidity level and temperature conditions.

You can also help with choosing linoleum for each room in your apartment by watching the video below:

Linoleum is perhaps the most democratic type of flooring. You can meet him like in fashionable country houses, and in modest city apartments. It successfully harmonizes with both the luxury of a baroque interior and the laconic, restrained high-tech. It is chosen both for residential premises and for schools, offices and other public buildings. We are so used to this type of flooring and we can’t even imagine how many different offers there are on the market! Well, have you ever heard about homogeneous linoleum, or about alkyd? Not many will answer in the affirmative. Let's see what types of linoleum exist?

We closely associate linoleum with modern interiors, but few people know that this flooring is over a hundred years old! In 1864, Frederick Walton received a patent for the invention of linoleum, which was named after the main raw material - linseed oil. Every year production expanded, and now it has become a popular coating that amazes with a variety of colors and patterns. With its help you can imitate a plank floor, a natural stone, carpet and even metal.

Thanks to new technologies for the production of linoleum, a large assortment of these products has appeared on the market, which greatly complicates the choice. What kind of linoleum is there: technical characteristics, types and types - let's figure it out?

Varieties depending on the binder

When making any linoleum, a binder is used, depending on it, the following types of linoleum are distinguished:

  • Natural linoleum is a high-quality floor covering for domestic and commercial use. It is made from exclusively natural ingredients. The composition is a mixture of linseed oil, resin, wood and limestone flour, resin, crushed cork, etc. Natural pigments can be added. This coating can be used anywhere: from kindergartens to medical institutions and apartments. Its structure allows it to withstand a load of 160 kg per 1 cm square. The disadvantages include a rather meager color palette and high cost.
  • Polyvinyl chloride linoleum (PVC) - made from polymer materials. It is made from artificial materials, but undergoes strict quality control and is tested for safety, which allows it to be laid even in bedrooms without risk to health. It can have several layers, or be single-layer, with or without a base. The base can be foam, fabric and heat-insulating. The advantage of this linoleum is its affordable price and variety of colors, but the disadvantages include sensitivity to chemicals and temperature changes.
  • Alkyd or glyphthalic linoleum has good heat and sound insulation characteristics. It is most often produced on a fabric basis. Disadvantages include fragility, susceptibility to creases, deformation and poor response to low temperatures (loses elasticity, warps).
  • Relin(rubber linoleum) is durable, elastic and moisture resistant. It is made from synthetic rubber and bitumen. bottom layer- a mixture of bitumen and crushed recycled rubber, the top one is made of colored rubber. By virtue of hygiene requirements, it is not used in residential premises, but is excellent for industrial premises.
  • Colloxylin linoleum (base - nitrocellulose). This linoleum - the characteristics of which are moisture resistance and elasticity - has high decorative properties, beautiful shine, but, at the same time, fire hazard, prone to shrinkage, and sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

Homogeneous and heterogeneous linoleum

Homogeneous linoleum is a fabric with a homogeneous structure, thickness from 1.5 to 3 mm. It is not distinguished by a variety of patterns, most often monochromatic or with a simple pattern. Due to the fact that it has a uniform color throughout its entire thickness, it looks like new for a long time, and traces of abrasion on it are almost invisible. Due to its excellent performance characteristics and increased wear resistance, this coating is actively used in rooms with increased floor loads: in airports, public buildings, shops, hallways and halls. From time to time, this linoleum requires special care: it needs to be covered with mastic, which fills the pores. This prevents intensive contamination of the coating and allows it to maintain a presentable appearance for a long time. Some manufacturers immediately apply a special polyurethane film to the linoleum.

Heterogeneous coatings have a complex, multi-layer structure. Thickness can vary from 2 to 6 mm. This coating is more expensive to produce and requires more complex technologies. The composition of individual layers can vary significantly, as well as the thickness of the protective layer, which determines wear resistance and preservation of the brightness of colors and patterns. In addition to the fact that this linoleum can please you with a variety of colors, it is also practical and resistant to damage.

Types of linoleum depending on application

Depending on the area in which PVC linoleum is used, commercial, semi-commercial, household and special linoleum are distinguished.

In areas where the number of visitors is large (in shops, train stations, restaurants, cinemas, etc.) commercial linoleum is used, the characteristics of which allow it to cope well with loads. Commercial(or contract) linoleum was developed with the goal of creating an inexpensive, attractive and durable floor covering that would be as durable as traditional materials. Its significant advantage is price, ease of installation and ample opportunities for original design floor.

Domestic linoleum is used for flooring in residential premises, so its operational properties the requirements are not that great. But close attention is given to a variety of design solutions. These coatings do not have a very large protective layer, but they have excellent heat and sound insulation properties.

Semi-commercial linoleum has taken a position between commercial and household. Semi-commercial linoleum has very positive characteristics and will be appropriate where the load on the floor covering is not too high, but still significant.

Special linoleum is intended for premises that require special requirements. It is given certain specific properties: resistance to low temperatures, to an aggressive environment, etc. These coatings are used, for example, in hospitals, laboratories, gyms and other places.

How to choose the right coating?

So, you have firmly decided that you will have linoleum on your floor. All that remains is to choose the right one. It is clear that the color and design will first attract attention. But, before making a purchase, you need to determine whether the linoleum you like meets your requirements:

  • It would be a good idea to look at the hygiene certificate, or look for signs on the label that indicate that the product has passed an examination confirming its environmental friendliness.
  • Determine what class of coverage you need. You can find out about this from a sales consultant or in a special catalogue.
  • Pay attention to the thickness of the back layer of linoleum; sound and heat insulation and resistance to deformation depend on it. The thicker the layer, the warmer the floor; you can determine the thickness by eye. The density is determined by pressing the linoleum with your fingers; the less the thickness changes under pressure, the higher the density of the base and the more resistant to point loads.
  • Find out how wide linoleum is, because this determines whether you can do without seams. Typically, the width of a linoleum roll is from 2 to 4 m (less often 5 m). Standard sizes– 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 m. When choosing the width of linoleum, focus on the size of the room. For example, for a room 3x6 m, three-meter linoleum is ideal. And for a corridor 1.5 meters wide, even a narrow roll will need to be cut.
  • For summer residents perfect choice It will become linoleum with a PVC base backed with polyester. This is explained by the fact that PVC does not tolerate frost and temperature changes well, and polyester smoothes out this disadvantage.
  • When choosing linoleum for the kitchen, you should pay attention to samples with additional varnish coating, which greatly facilitates cleaning and prevents dirt from penetrating into the linoleum structure.
  • An antibacterial protective layer can be relevant both for the kitchen and for the nursery. Upon contact with moisture, it releases silver ions, which are known to have antibacterial properties.

Typically, manufacturers do not hide such advantages, so you should read the label carefully. Having decided on these parameters, you can focus your attention on color scheme and linoleum drawing. They must correspond to the purpose of the room. For example, a living room in warm, natural shades is conducive to relaxation and calm communication, while one made in intense cold colors gives energy and creates a cheerful mood. A bright contrasting pattern will invigorate, and a monotonous, unobtrusive pattern will calm you down. Cool and light shades will visually enlarge the space, while warm ones will make the room more comfortable.

Having learned a little more about linoleum: what it is, its characteristics and properties, I think you can easily choose the right one. After all, the use of linoleum provides very wide freedom in the design of any interior. Manufacturers are bringing to the market new and current collections that allow you to make any room unique.

Despite the fact that manufacturers have provided the flooring market with a diverse range that meets all requirements and building codes, when choosing a flooring for their home, the consumer still opts for traditional linoleum. This is due to the fact that using this flooring as an example, the manufacturer has the opportunity to demonstrate optimal combination price and quality, which is not always possible in relation to similar materials. In addition, linoleum is one of the most unpretentious and, unlike parquet, easy to install materials. It would seem that the choice is obvious, but there are pitfalls here too. The flooring market is developing, and linoleum also continues to improve. All this leads to the fact that the consumer has to deal with a large number of varieties of linoleum, each of which is characterized by its purpose, advantages and disadvantages. Faced with a choice, an inexperienced master who does not have theoretical knowledge O various types linoleum, are often unable to quickly navigate, which leads to various kinds of difficulties and errors when choosing a suitable material. To prevent them, and to help inexperienced craftsmen in the process of choosing a popular floor covering, our experts have prepared this article telling about the purpose, advantages and disadvantages of each type of linoleum.

Linoleum: main advantages and disadvantages

Linoleum, rightly called one of the most economical and popular materials among those offered by the construction market, is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages, which we will consider further.

Fundamental advantages of linoleum:

  • The ease of installation of flooring is one of the main advantages of linoleum, thanks to which you can install the flooring yourself;
  • Ease of operation and low maintenance, since, unlike laminate or parquet, traces of street dirt are less visible on linoleum, which is especially important for rooms with high traffic;
  • No application required protective coating, mandatory for parquet;
  • Moisture resistance and resistance to acids, which makes it possible to lay linoleum in rooms with frequent wet cleaning;
  • Elasticity and low slip level, ensuring the safety of people’s movement, which allows the use of linoleum as a floor covering in gyms and public places;
  • High heat and sound insulation characteristics, which is also important not only for residential but also public premises;
  • Thanks to the variety of decor and colors, designers have an inexhaustible field for realizing their most daring ideas.

Disadvantages of linoleum:

Before you lay linoleum, you need to make sure that the base on which you will lay the linoleum is perfectly level. But in general, this applies to any floor covering;

  • In the process of using synthetic linoleum, chemical components are used, but PVC coatings comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards;
  • If furniture is moved, you may find dents in the flooring left by the furniture.

Important! If you carefully analyze the disadvantages and advantages of linoleum, you will notice that the latter predominate and are more convincing, and therefore not every floor covering is able to compete with linoleum.

Scope of use of linoleum: main varieties

In the process of choosing linoleum for residential or public premises, it is important to take into account not only the external characteristics of the material, but also its physical properties. Elastic PVC coatings, in accordance with the degree of wear resistance, distinguish several classes of linoleum application. In accordance with European standards, linoleum is classified into 21-23, 31-34, 41-43 use classes. Russian standards suggest the division of linoleum in accordance with the scope of its use, that is, there are three main types of flooring, each of which includes linoleum of a certain class.

In accordance with this characteristic, household linoleum, commercial and semi-commercial linoleum are distinguished, each of which is intended for installation in rooms with varying traffic levels. In addition, special-purpose linoleum is distinguished separately.

Under the concept household linoleum This means a floor covering of class 21-23, made on a foam base and characterized by a multi-layer structure. Among the advantages of this class of material are high-quality sound insulation properties, environmental friendliness, high decorative characteristics and pleasant tactile sensations upon contact with the surface of the coating - these are the main characteristics that the manufacturer provides in the process of manufacturing cheap linoleum. However, it is impossible to create a material that meets all the requirements, and therefore the budget option is inferior to its more expensive counterparts. The thickness of the protective layer of household linoleum does not exceed 0.1-0.35 mm, as a result of which this material suffers from low wear resistance and an insufficiently impressive appearance. Used for residential premises only.

Commercial linoleum, also called technical, is a floor covering with increased wear resistance, belonging to application class 41-43. The manufacturer guarantees at least 10 years of service in areas characterized by high traffic. These include school corridors and classrooms, reception areas, shopping areas and even airports. The strength of such a coating is ensured in various ways. If the strength of homogeneous (single-layer) linoleum is ensured due to the density and uniformity of the material, then to ensure the reliability of the heterogeneous material, the manufacturer uses additional strengthening and stabilizing layers. Environmentally friendly technical linoleum in no way inferior household varieties, and therefore, it can also be used for domestic purposes, which is significantly limited due to the high cost of the material.

In addition to technical and household linoleum, there is a “golden mean” - semi-commercial linoleum, implying material with 31-34 application class. It is characterized by greater wear resistance compared to household linoleum, and less demanding installation than commercial flooring. Semi-commercial linoleum can be used both in domestic and public spaces characterized by average traffic.

Types of linoleum photo

Layer composition and technical characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum

This type of flooring consists of three layers:

  • PVC backing(for the semi-commercial variety, only foamed). Some models are characterized by the addition of glass fiber to the foam backing, which increases the strength of the material and allows it to avoid stretching. In addition, fiberglass performs heat and sound insulation functions, which even allows it to be separated into a separate, independent layer;
  • Decorative layer responsible for the appearance of the floor covering. It can be either monochromatic or include several colors, and also imitate any natural materials, including stone, granite or wood;
  • PVC or polyurethane protective layer, preventing premature wear of the coating. For semi-commercial varieties of linoleum, its thickness is 0.4-0.6 mm.

Technical characteristics of semi-commercial linoleum:

  • Weight 1 sq. meters - 2-2.5 kg, unlike household linoleum, weight 1 sq. meters of which does not exceed 1.2-1.8 kg;
  • When choosing semi-commercial linoleum, the width of which is from 2 to 4 meters, you should know that thanks to optimal thickness the protective layer is resistant not only to temperature, but also to mechanical influences;
  • The warranty for this linoleum is from 7 to 20 years.

Types of linoleum according to the material used

Taking this feature into account, the following types of linoleum are distinguished:

  • Natural linoleum;
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC linoleum);
  • Colloxylin (nitrocellulose linoleum);
  • Glyphthalic (alkyd linoleum);
  • Rubber linoleum or so-called relin.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Natural linoleum, the distinctive feature of which is the presence of only natural components, is considered an absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly material. For its production, wood and limestone flour, flour obtained from cork, linseed oil, natural resins of coniferous trees and natural dyes are used. Natural materials are also used to make the supporting base - most often jute fabric. Sometimes, to increase the wear resistance of natural linoleum, it is coated with a polymer, but you can purchase flooring without a varnish layer. Natural linoleum can be either baseless or fabric-based. Natural linoleum has the following advantages:

  • High wear resistance combined with a spectacular appearance;
  • Optimal fire resistance and resistance to flame spread in case of fire;
  • Easy to maintain, limited to dry or wet cleaning, and long-term preservation initial characteristics;
  • Bactericidal properties provided by linseed oil included in its composition;
  • No tendency to accumulate static electricity;
  • Resistant to ultraviolet radiation, non-concentrated acids and ethyl alcohol.

Important! Despite undeniable advantages, this material has one significant drawback - insufficient plasticity, and therefore, difficulties often arise during its transportation, since careless handling can cause kinks.

PVC linoleum, just like natural material, can be produced with or without a base. Natural materials are now rarely used as a basis, which have been replaced by synthetic ones. There are baseless synthetic linoleum, linoleum on foam, fabric or heat and sound insulating non-woven base.

Important! A popular representative of linoleum using a non-woven heat and sound insulating substrate is PVC linoleum on felt base, in the manufacturing process of which a thick artificial felt backing is used. Due to its unique structure, when laying linoleum on a felt base, there is no need to glue it or use a screed. This type linoleum, the dimensions of which vary from 1.5 to 3.5 m in width, has a transparent protective layer, as well as a needle-punched heat and sound insulating base made of polypropylene and lavsan fibers, and is used mainly for domestic purposes.

An important disadvantage of synthetic linoleum, with the exception of those models for which a foam or fiberglass base is used, is the large shrinkage when used at elevated temperatures and the presence of artificial components in its composition. Despite the fact that they meet all quality standards and are absolutely harmless, there is a stereotype in the world that the presence of artificial components in the composition of the material affects not only its quality, but also environmental safety. In addition, a characteristic feature of such flooring is a specific odor that disappears during its operation.

According to the number of layers, PVC linoleum can be divided into two groups: homogeneous, consisting of one layer, and heterogeneous, which includes several layers.

  • Homogeneous linoleum is a panel with a thickness of 1.5 to 3 mm, characterized by a monochromatic pattern. Limestone, talc and kaolin are used for its production. To prevent the fillers that make up linoleum from reaching its surface, polyurethane protection is applied to it. A significant disadvantage of such linoleum is the need to sand off the protective coating at least once every 3-6 months;
  • Heterogeneous PVC linoleums are a more versatile and practical floor covering with a multi-layer structure. The basis for this floor covering is fiberglass impregnated with polyvinyl chloride paste, covered on the front side with a PVC layer with a different composition. It is on this that the manufacturer applies a design, which is protected by a transparent high-strength polyvinyl chloride layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 0.15 mm.

Important! Linoleum, the pattern on which is applied mechanically rather than chemically, is more consistent with quality standards and is a more reliable floor covering.

In addition to fiberglass, the production of linoleum uses a backing that can be foam, polyester, fabric or jute. It is applied to the fiberglass base from the reverse side and prevents the linoleum from deforming when exposed to high temperatures.

Less common, but still used in construction practice, varieties of linoleum are the following types of flooring:

  • Colloxylin or so-called nitrocellulose linoleum, which is a thin baseless floor covering characterized by elasticity and high moisture resistance. But, despite these advantages, it is not resistant to fire;
  • Glypthal linoleum, superior to polyvinyl chloride varieties in terms of heat and sound insulation properties, is made using a fabric base. A characteristic feature of this variety is its increase in width and decrease in length of the stripes;
  • Relin - rubber linoleum is a material consisting of two layers, the bottom of which is made of crushed rubber bound with bitumen-containing materials, and the top is a mixture of synthetic rubber, fillers and pigments. A distinctive feature of relin is its elasticity and high moisture resistance.

Types of linoleum according to the type of base

To fully answer the question: “How to choose linoleum?”, you need to familiarize yourself with its varieties depending on the type of base used, systematizing the information already obtained previously. In accordance with this feature, there are:

  • Baseless linoleum, which is a thin single-layer coating without a base. It is characterized by low cost and is used for domestic premises with high humidity such as kitchens and bathrooms. Due to its small thickness, it should only be laid on a completely flat base;
  • Foamed linoleum It is a multilayer structure with a thickness of 2 to 3.5 mm and does not require gluing over the entire area of ​​the canvas, but only along the diagonals and corners. Just like the previous variety, it is used in domestic premises with high humidity levels, where the joints of the panels are welded hot welding or cold, using specialized liquid formulations;

  • Linoleum on warm basis is a floor covering consisting of a base made of natural or artificial jute or felt, and a top protective polymer layer. The thickness of felt-based linoleum is at least 5 mm. Due to its elasticity and ability to retain heat, warm-based linoleum is used in domestic premises with normal humidity levels. Experts recommend laying it in a single sheet, without joints, as this will prevent moisture from getting through the joint onto the base. Since it expands slightly during operation, this must be taken into account during the installation process, leaving a small gap between the coating and the wall, not exceeding 5 mm.

Special types of linoleum: brief description

Antistatic linoleum characterized by a structure that prevents the accumulation of static electricity associated with a large number of operating electrical appliances. Due to the fact that dust negatively affects highly sensitive devices, the antistatic coating of linoleum prevents its accumulation. Unlike other types of linoleum, antistatic linoleum can be used in rooms where high-precision equipment is located;

Sports linoleum- material intended for installation of flooring in sports premises. Due to the fact that high-strength polyvinyl chloride is used as the top layer of sports linoleum, it is able to withstand increased loads and at the same time maintain its original performance characteristics. It is characterized by strength, elasticity and safety;

Liquid linoleum, also called polymer self-leveling flooring, is an innovative development and does not differ in appearance from ordinary linoleum, but feels reminiscent of ceramic tiles to the touch.

What are its main advantages?

  • Due to the fact that the floor is poured at the same time, there are no gaps or joining seams;
  • You can use it in rooms with varying configuration complexity without wasting time on joining the pattern;
  • Due to the inclusion of various dyes and decorative pigments in its composition, it is characterized by the widest color palette;
  • High strength, reliability and impact resistance of the coating, due to its significantly greater thickness compared to other varieties (more than 1.5 mm);
  • Absolute waterproofness, ensuring the effectiveness of its use in rooms with high humidity;
  • Environmental safety, making it possible to use it in children's rooms.

3D linoleum- another innovative development of flooring manufacturers that allows you to emphasize unique style any room. The ability to visually increase the space of a room several times, thanks to 3D effects, is not the only advantage of this material. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, the manufacturer, taking into account the wishes of the customer, applies drawings with 3D effects to the linoleum, which, when viewed, will create the impression of volume. Like others innovative developments, 3D linoleum is characterized by high wear resistance, impact resistance and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Linoleum is a fairly specific type of flooring. In order not to be among those who have to complain about the fragility or impracticality of linoleum, let's look at the features of its use, why there are so many types on the market, and how to choose the material you need.

What is modern linoleum

The technology for making linoleum has been known for a very long time: a coarse woven fabric made from hemp or flax fibers was impregnated with polymerized linseed oil and dissolved pine resin, resulting in elastic and durable sheets.

Natural materials have not lost their popularity: chips of ordinary or cork wood are still used as a filler, and the fastening filler - linoleum cement - is made from rubber, specially prepared vegetable oils and tree resins.

Example of linoleum structure: 1 - non-woven base; 2 - foam layer; 3 — fiberglass; 4 — front layer with a pattern; 5 — main layer of protection; 6 - additional protective layer

The base can be synthetic fabric, fiberglass or polyester; cement is made mainly from polyvinyl chloride. Synthetic coatings can be single- or multi-layer, in technical language homo- and heterogeneous. Homogeneous linoleum does not differ in the variety of patterns and colors, but is characterized by increased wear resistance. Heterogeneous coatings are quite complex in structure; in cheap samples, artistic refinements almost always work to the detriment of physical and mechanical qualities.

Types and their application

Household varieties are characterized by high environmental friendliness and a variety of designs. High-quality natural linoleum is not inferior in its characteristics to newfangled synthetic ones, while it looks natural and very warm. Linoleum for residential premises can be either single or multi-layer, the latter for the most part refers to non-natural coatings.

"Commercial" linoleum general purpose, as a rule, synthetic. It is characterized by high wear resistance, which is useful for installation in areas with high traffic loads: office, industrial and retail premises, utility rooms or corridors. The colors of such linoleum are usually monochrome and have neutral tones. Single-color materials are of a homogeneous type; patterns and textures are characteristic of multilayer coatings.

There are also special varieties. These include heterogeneous linoleum with a polyurethane-reinforced surface, the purpose of which is sports and gyms, warehouses, and in some cases even parking lots and open areas. Due to its high density and strength, this linoleum tolerates both static and intense dynamic loads well.

Thickness and width of linoleum

The scope of application of linoleum is determined by its wear resistance. It, in turn, depends on the thickness of the protective coating, the strength of the base canvas and the elasticity of the filler. Linoleum up to 1.5 mm thick usually has only a thin (up to 0.2 mm) vinyl film on the surface, or is not protected at all. The other extreme is the absence of woven canvas in thin linoleum. This is the problem with baseless products, some of which, to be fair, really don’t need it. Thin coatings are completely renewed every 3-4 years during cosmetic repairs. The advantage is that it is cheap, plus there will often be an opportunity to “play” with the design of the room. This linoleum is ideal for bedrooms, but it can also be used in other rooms if the passage area is covered with carpet.

A good thick coating has linoleum with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. It is better to roll this out in the kitchen or in children's rooms, where there is a high risk of damaging the floor. It is not suitable for hallways and corridors; it is better to lay 3, 3.5 and 4 mm sheets in them with a layer of protective coating of 0.5-0.7 mm. Maximum thickness linoleum - 4.5 mm, these are already commercial options. The rule “the thicker the stronger” is almost always true, with the exception of some varieties of synthetic linoleum: due to more advanced production technology, they have high density and smaller thickness with the same strength.

Standard widths range from 1.5 to 5 meters, “adjacent” standard sizes differ by 0.5 meters. You need to choose so that the linoleum is wider short wall premises, that is, lay down like a solid canvas. If this is not possible, you will have to resort to soldering, solderless connection or zoning along the floor.

Texture, texture and color

In the abundance of artistic and design solutions, only laminate can compete with linoleum.

The simplest coatings are monochrome. Due to their single-layer nature, they represent a thick and durable film that is almost insensitive to mechanical stress. It rubs over time, especially in pass-through areas, but this can be easily eliminated by renewing sanding. It is used primarily in offices and public institutions, although when several monochrome coatings are soldered into a pattern, the floor acquires a quite prestigious look for a residential space. A subtype of monochrome coatings is grainy linoleum that imitates granite.

Almost everyone knows linoleum, its pattern imitates wood fibers. Quite often, for variety, they are decorated with floral or geometric patterns. Almost half of the “wood” varieties are coatings that imitate palace or artistic parquet. In any case, the design can also be accompanied by embossing; such linoleum looks even more natural.

Actually, it makes no difference to manufacturers what design to print, so their regional representatives are happy to take on exclusive orders. Options up to photo printing or applying a company logo are possible. This costs money, but also provides additional opportunities for large companies and individual design projects.

The main arguments against linoleum on the floor

In conclusion, we will consider the main excuses to abandon linoleum and how justified they are.

One myth is that linoleum flooring will be very cold. There is some truth in this, but in terms of thermal conductivity, natural linoleum is comparable to wood. Synthetic linoleum prevents the outflow of heat somewhat worse, but this is eliminated by foam or jute backing.

The second argument against linoleum is also related to tactile sensations: due to the soft glossy film, the floor literally sticks to your feet. This is true, although with embossed coatings this effect is less noticeable.

Linoleum is short-lived - another subject of ongoing debate. Cheap - of course, it all depends on the wear resistance class and proper installation; for some products, manufacturers call service life more than 10 years.

Finally, linoleum is often called a material hazardous to health. Judge for yourself: natural linoleum contains only natural components, while synthetic linoleum consists of very stable and chemically inert polymers. In the latter case, it can be given as a plus high level radiological safety: there are practically no impurities in industrial raw materials, which cannot be said with confidence about natural ones.

A completely fair drawback of linoleum is that it needs to be completely changed if damaged. For the most part, this happens when strong dyes, inks, or brilliant green are spilled on the floor. Stains and dirt really eat into linoleum, so it needs frequent wet cleaning.