How to properly plant sweet peppers in the ground. Growing pepper seedlings. Video “Planting peppers in open ground”

Sweet pepper is a popular vegetable among summer residents. The cultivation of pepper is simple, but it has its own characteristics, and the crop itself requires careful care. One of the important components in growing a crop is planting seedlings in open ground. The quality and volume of the future harvest depends on the success of this procedure.

When and where

Planting pepper seedlings in the ground should be carried out only when warm weather sets in, since frozen ground negatively affects the sprouts, slowing down their growth. Peppers should be planted at a constant air temperature of at least 15°, and a constant soil temperature of 10°.

The timing of agrotechnical measures depends on geographical and climatic conditions. Plants may die from frost. Therefore, in the Moscow region, sprouts need to be planted in the soil when buds appear on the seedlings. During this period, up to a dozen leaves are already present on the seedlings.

The process of transplanting pepper into greenhouse soil falls on the period 1–15 May, and in open ground – 10–30 May. Newly planted sprouts must be covered with cellophane, thus creating a greenhouse.

You need to choose the area for the pepper carefully:

  1. You cannot use soil for planting where eggplants, tobacco, or potatoes previously grew.
  2. The soil where cucumbers, cabbage, herbs and legumes were grown is also not suitable.
  3. You cannot plant peppers in the same area for 2 years in a row.

The soil must be cleared of weeds in advance, fertilized, loosened and prepared to retain water.

Landing technology

Planting seedlings in greenhouse soil is carried out only after preliminary preparation land.

The soil needs to be made soft by loosening it. This is the only way the soil will easily allow moisture and air to pass through. After loosening to a depth of 40 cm, manure is added to the ground and then leveled. tall plants should be planted according to the 50x80x70 pattern in the amount of 3 pieces per square meter. For small peppers the scheme is as follows: 60x30 in the amount of 4 bushes per square meter.

In the Moscow region, peppers can be planted in a strip method (in two rows) at a distance of half a meter from each other. The sprouts are placed in a checkerboard pattern, leaving a distance of up to 90 cm between them.

Planting a vegetable in unprotected, open ground involves hardening off the young shoots. This procedure is carried out by taking the seedlings to Fresh air. Their time on the street is gradually increased.

Bell pepper grown independently, subject to technology a natural vegetable with a wonderful unique taste that saturates the body with useful substances.

Soil preparation

Unfortunately, not every open ground is ideal for growing peppers. Therefore, the soil must be pre-prepared by loosening and fertilizing. For example, in Ukraine, sandy lands are fed with humus, sawdust, clay soil and peat. Loamy lands can be “rehabilitated” with rotted sawdust, peat and manure.

Peat-type soil needs turf and humus, while clay soil, on the contrary, needs peat, humus, sawdust and coarse sand.

Are you planning to land? A week before this, the open ground must be moistened sufficiently. The holes in the soil do not need to be made much bigger size than the container in which the sprouts grow. Sweet and bitter peppers should never be planted side by side. After all, self-pollination can occur between them, and the entire harvest will eventually taste bitter.

Bitter varieties of vegetables are grown at a distance of 25 cm between bushes, and up to half a meter between rows.


Planting seedlings involves seed treatment. There are several disinfection options:

  • 1% manganese solution followed by rinsing with water.
  • Treatment with drugs: “Zircon”, “Albit”.
  • Antifungal treatment with Immunofyte.

After the procedure, several more operations need to be performed:

  1. Preparation of a soil mixture (peat, humus, yellow sawdust treated with boiling water), which is treated with wood ash and a manganese solution.
  2. Fertilizing the land with superphosphate, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.
  3. Small containers (most often pots) are filled with prepared moist soil.
  4. The seeds are deepened a centimeter, 2-3 pieces in each hole.
  5. The containers are covered with film or cellophane, and the soil is watered by spraying water.

In a greenhouse, for seedlings to appear, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 25°-30° for 4 days. When the first shoots appear, the film can be removed and the temperature can be lowered to 18°. On the fifth day, the seedlings need to be watered with warm, settled water. After 7 days, you need to return the previous air temperature - 25°.

After the first leaf has formed on the pepper sprouts, the plants must be planted in larger containers consisting of peat or soil-soluble substances.

With the appearance of three leaves, the crop needs to be fertilized with a solution of urea, superphosphate and potassium salt. After feeding, the peppers need to be watered. The plants need to be fertilized again after the formation of the fourth leaf.

Pepper loves light, so after the second leaf appears, the daylight hours should be 12 hours. Artificial light sources can also be used for this purpose.

During the development of sprouts, it is necessary to add soil to the container twice to avoid starvation of the vegetable. Watering the crop should be carried out as needed, but avoid “flooding” the plant.

The correct way to plant peppers in unprotected soil is to carry out the operation after the buds appear (approximately 50 days after sowing the seeds). If the culture “outgrows”, it may lose immunity.

Video “Planting pepper seedlings in open ground”

Honorary gardener Klimtseva Luiza Nilovna tells how to choose the time to transplant pepper seedlings into a greenhouse, what fertilizers can be applied.


To achieve the expected results, you need to properly care for the planted peppers, depending on their growing conditions.

IN greenhouse conditions you need to systematically loosen the soil to a depth of 5 cm. The procedure must be carried out carefully, between seedlings, so as not to damage its roots. Also, in protected growing conditions for peppers, the soil must be fertilized with peat.

It is customary to plant pepper seedlings in the beds after 50-70 days have passed since the emergence of seedlings. Each sprout by that time should have from 8 to 12 leaves and a height of about 20 cm, the presence of the first buds is allowed. Next we'll talk about when to plant pepper seedlings into open ground, looking at the weather conditions. We will also consider the rules for planting and the features of agricultural technology.

How to understand when to plant peppers in exhaust gas?

Pepper is extremely heat-loving, and even slight frosts can destroy it. If the plant freezes immediately after transplanting into open ground, it may stop growing and become seriously ill. In view of this experienced gardeners they are not in a hurry with this event, not wanting to take risks.

It is best to plant peppers in the second or third ten days of May. The gardener should set more specific dates depending on the region and weather conditions of the current season. In the central zone and more northern regions, it is better to focus on the end of the month or even the beginning of summer. A guarantee that the culture will not be lost is provided by compliance with three conditions:

  1. average air temperature - 15-17 °C;
  2. temperature of the top layer of soil - 10-12 °C;
  3. the beds are under temporary cover.

There is no need to rush into planting peppers in open ground.

Selecting and preparing a site for pepper

Pepper loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts. This should be taken into account when choosing suitable place. It is better to make the beds high. Like others vegetable crops, peppers should not be planted in one place for two years in a row, or where its close relatives grew: tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes. But after beans, cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin and root crops, it develops very well.

Naturally, the piece of land chosen for the beds needs to be dug up and enriched in the fall. organic fertilizer. It would also be a good idea to add potassium and phosphorus fertilizer. In the spring, gardeners can still add ammonium nitrate. Before planting peppers, it is advisable to disinfect the soil. For this purpose, it is watered a week before. copper sulfate, diluted in water (1 tbsp/10 l).

Pepper is heat-loving and does not like drafts

The addition of additional substances to the soil should be done depending on its condition and structure:

  • Rotted sawdust, manure and peat must be added to clay soil. Compound clay soil Coarse sand will also improve.
  • A fertilizer consisting of manure and turf or clay soil is suitable for peat soil.
  • Clay soil, peat and sawdust will help adjust the composition of the sandy bed.

Advice! A week before planting peppers, fertilized beds should be watered generously.

It is better to plant peppers on a cloudy day. The holes should be made so deep that the plants are immersed in them to the same depth as before. The distance between them in the row depends on the selected variety:

  • short - 40 cm;
  • tall - 60 cm;
  • bitter - 25 cm.

You can place two sprouts in one hole at once. In this case, the planting pattern should be 60x60 cm. If you plant several varieties of peppers in open ground, break out the beds for each separately and plant tall tomatoes or sunflowers between them. This way you will prevent cross-pollination, to which the crop is extremely susceptible. This is especially important in cases where sweet and bitter peppers are placed in the same area.

The distance between the holes when planting peppers in open ground is 40-60 cm

Planting process in detail

If you grew the seedlings yourself, before moving them into open ground, water them thoroughly so that you can then remove the whole earthen ball. It is useful to spray peppers before planting with a solution of the drug “Strela” - this will get rid of aphids in the future.

Enough nutrient soil just water the hole and dip the pepper root into it. Otherwise, first add some rotted compost, ash and superphosphate, and only then water. Then roll over the lump or place the root of the sprout (if you bought it) in the hole and carefully cover it with soil. After this, mulch the ground.

Mulching the soil after planting peppers helps retain moisture and heat in the ground.

When planting varieties that will need staking, install a stake immediately after planting. Having completed the procedure, install the arcs and throw on the covering material. Until the weather completely returns to normal, it is better not to remove it.

Caring for peppers in open ground

The first days after planting, the seedlings will look as if they are sick. This is normal, because she was disturbed root system and the growth conditions were completely changed. It is very important to monitor watering at this time, since an abundance of water can easily cause rotting of the roots. The first week it is better to water a little every day.

Pepper seedlings adapt faster to new conditions if you regularly lightly loosen the soil at the roots. This will provide them with more oxygen, which will help them settle down. Properly applied fertilizing will also strengthen the plant. According to gardeners, pepper is especially responsive to the following types of fertilizers:

  • watering with a solution of chicken manure;
  • spraying with nitrophoska solution.

Pepper loves loosening and feeding

Gardeners advise planting pepper bushes in warm, humid weather. When it is hot and dry outside, additional leaves will create good shade, protecting the ground from drying out. Removing the flower at the first branch is believed to increase yield. You can protect peppers from many pests by spraying the bushes with an ash solution. You can also use whey against aphids.

Every gardener involved in growing this crop should know exactly how and when to plant pepper seedlings in open ground. The quality and quantity of the future harvest largely depends on this. Further care for the plant is also important, since pepper cannot be classified as an unpretentious crop. Only when the right approach you can count on success when growing.

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Peppers, both sweet and bitter (hot), I grow on summer cottage(Siberia, Altai) through seedlings in open ground using film covers.

Depending on weather conditions, seedlings are planted in our area in late May - early June. This season, for example, I planted peppers on May 28th. Unlike the tomato seedlings, which were slightly overgrown by the planting date (May 16), the peppers, on the contrary, turned out to be just normal. They have already formed the rudiments of buds, some hot peppers have even opened flowers - this is the most suitable state of the plants at the time of planting.



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Sweet pepper seedlings before planting


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Hot pepper seedlings before planting

I already had pepper seedlings transported to country house and placed on a sunny windowsill and, in the end, some pests (apparently double-tailed earwigs) had already scouted out a path to it - slight damage to the leaves appeared on some plants.




Damage to leaves of pepper seedlings by pests

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This also served as another reason not to delay planting peppers any longer.

The weather on the landing date, as often happens at this time of year, was not very favorable.

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Strong spring winds are common in our area.

A strong gusty wind kept me from working all day, but by evening it calmed down, and I immediately began planting pepper seedlings in the ground.

My beds have been prepared for a long time, arcs for securing the covering film in place, the film itself is also ready, so the planting process went smoothly and quickly. I don’t have many peppers - only about 50 roots in two beds. One bed is prepared for hot peppers, and the other for two varieties of sweet peppers (Kupets and Morozko). These varieties are proven, reliable - they are distinguished by good productivity, unpretentiousness and good quality fruits I use my own seeds, so all the plants grow healthy and strong. To exclude the slightest possibility of cross-pollination of sweet and bitter peppers, just in case, I place their beds away from each other (30 meters away).

The beds for the peppers have been filled with humus since the fall, so I don’t apply any fertilizer in the spring. Planting seedlings of sweet and bitter peppers is very simple, and everything is done practically the same as with tomatoes.

First, with an ordinary spatula, I mark holes for seedlings in two rows (50 cm between the rows) in the garden bed, so that there is a distance of 25-30 cm between the plants in the row (a little less than for tomatoes).



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Holes for planting seedlings in the garden bed have been dug


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For convenience, I lay out the seedlings along the bed

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Then I remove the plants from the cups, lower them into the prepared holes and immediately fill them with soil. To ensure that the plants are extracted better and the soil does not crumble, I water all the seedlings the day before planting.

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Planting pepper seedlings

Unlike tomato seedlings, I do not bury peppers when planting them, but plant them at the same level as they grew in cups. It would have been possible to immediately install support pegs for the plants, but I simply did not have enough time for this - the wind did not provide such an opportunity. But, never mind, this can be done later, when the weather gets better. Some plants for the experiment, like tomatoes, I planted two in one hole to see what would come of it.

After the bed was completely planted, all the peppers were carefully and abundantly (10 liters for 8-10 plants) watered from a watering can with warm water heated in the sun.


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Pepper bed planted and watered

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Hot pepper plant after planting

Then I covered the beds with peppers with prepared strips of covering fabric and carefully secured it to the arches, because in the morning the wind would start to play tricks again, which means everything must be done firmly!



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The shelter in the garden bed is securely fastened

This completes the work of planting pepper seedlings. They didn’t require much time or effort.


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Now you can not touch anything for a week, do not water, do not loosen, but just make sure that the plants are not too cold at night, and if frosts come, then be sure to additionally cover the plantings with a second protective layer- already from polyethylene film. And if the bright, burning spring sun appears during the day, then, on the contrary, you have to lift the beds so that the peppers are not too hot. All these troubles last in our area until June 10-15, when the threat of frost completely recedes, and the winds also subside.

Then you will need to take care of the peppers - watering, loosening, weeding, fertilizing, and so on until harvest time!

But the peppers will always thank the diligent gardener for his care with magnificent, beautiful, excellent, juicy fruits! And very useful!



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Hot peppers are ripening


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Ripe sweet peppers, fruits slightly damaged by hail

And the taste of the freshest, just picked ripe pepper is simply excellent!

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A wonderful vegetable - pepper!

Pepper fruits in all types will perfectly decorate any table!

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Victor Sergeenko

As it turns out, it is a perennial plant, capable of bearing fruit for many years without annual sowing and the troublesome cultivation of seedlings. But our climatic conditions are not favorable for this. Therefore we are forced to carefully raise planting material on sunlit window sills until the time comes to plant it in the soil of the garden.

From the history of pepper

We used to call it sweet pepper, but in fact it came to Europe from Mexico and Guatemala thanks to Christopher Columbus’s ship doctor, who drew attention to the native red salt. More than six thousand years ago, the ancient Aztecs added spices to their food from crushed pods of hot red pepper dried in the sun.

As an expensive exotic gift, Columbus presented the Spanish king with a bag of pungent Indian red salt. Pepper arrived in Russia from Turkey, which is why it was called Turkish for a long time. And it became sweet as a result of five hundred years of work by European breeders, who turned the burning bitterness into juicy sweetness.

It's better to be late than to hurry

Detrimental to pepper low temperatures, even slightly frostbitten plants can be safely discarded. Taking correct solution When it comes to planting peppers in , you need to be guided by the following rule: it’s better a little later, when the threat of frost has passed, than to rush and destroy the entire future harvest.

To be on the safe side, you can build wire arches over the pepper beds so that, if necessary, you can quickly stretch the film over them. Later it will be your turn new problem– too active sun can burn even well-hardened pepper seedlings. Pepper does not like drafts, so it is advisable to make the beds protected from wind blowing.

Where and when to start

In general, it takes up to two and a half months to fully grow pepper seedlings, which is why we begin seasonal sowing of vegetables with peppers. It is better to sow using the surface method, lightly sprinkling the seeds with soil. You can spread them on a ten-centimeter layer of snow, then they will smoothly enter the soil along with the melting snow. This method is also good because the seeds go on sale too dry, which reduces their weight, but requires additional moisture.

How and where to plant

All plants are very sensitive to moisture, pepper is no exception, reacting even to slight drying out of the soil. But having properly planted the plant in open ground, you need to refrain from watering for a couple of weeks so that the root system strengthens. Its condition is monitored by observing the top of the plant: if the greenery is light, you should refrain from watering, and if it has darkened, you should slightly moisten the soil.

Plants with the first flower bud already formed are transferred to the soil. It is advisable not to damage the clod of earth when removing it for planting. To protect the bushes from mole crickets, when planting them in open ground, it is recommended to pour wood ash or a little crushed eggshell into the hole.

Planting Bell pepper for the first time, you should take into account the soil of which predecessors it is planted on. Perfect suitable soil after, pumpkin, legumes and all kinds of root vegetables. As a rule, peppers are planted in open ground as ready-made seedlings.

When to plant peppers

When should you plant peppers in the ground? It is necessary to choose a time of year so that the average daily air temperature is not less than +13-15 degrees, in addition, do not forget to exclude night frosts. In practice, this is approximately mid-to-late May.

Holes for planting sweet peppers are made according to the pattern 70x30-45 cm (depending on). The depth should correspond to the depth of the container in which the seedlings grew, a deviation of 1-1.5 cm is acceptable. Before planting, the hole must be well watered, and after planting, cover the soil with peat so that moisture does not evaporate. To plant a plant, it is better to use the evening or cloudy days, so that the seedlings are well established and the plant begins to actively grow.

Plant care

Peppers like adequate watering, especially on dry, hot days. Remember - when watering, do not touch the leaves and fruits; try to water directly under the root. After this process it is necessary to slightly and carefully loosen the soil without damaging the roots that are not so deep.

Do not forget also: the first must be carried out after 10-15 days, the second should be carried out 10-15 days after the first ovaries appear.

When asked when to plant peppers in the ground, many gardeners talk about the estimated date of May 15. Previously, few people risked planting a plant in open ground. It should also be borne in mind that planting different varieties preferably at a distance to avoid cross-pollination, because modern plants- These are hybrids with very unstable characteristics of properties.

Despite all its vagaries, peppers remain the most popular among vegetables after tomatoes and cucumbers. It is also very nutritious and useful product, so it’s worth making the effort to grow it on your site.


Tenderness, Suite, Pinocchio are varieties of pepper that are best grown on the site using seedlings. How to plant seeds and care for seedlings? In our material you will find answers to all questions.

Thanks to the successes of modern breeders, gardeners have a wide selection of varieties bell pepper. When choosing a variety to grow, consider, first of all, the climatic conditions of your region. For example, in the southern regions the choice is unlimited, since everything is available here the necessary conditions for the growth of any varieties, even the most capricious. But in the north, where summers are usually short, it is better to plant early ripening and hybrid varieties.

Varieties of bell pepper

For planting in open ground, it is better to choose mid-early varieties: Tenderness, Sturdy, Shooter, Suite. The list of hybrid and early ripening varieties is even wider: Pinocchio, Health, Rhapsody, Orange Miracle. Most best option– purchase and sowing of several varieties with different ripening periods. Thanks to this, you will be provided with a harvest throughout the season.

When to sow seeds? This depends on the time of planting the crop in open ground. Most often, work is carried out between January 20 and February 10. After purchasing the seeds, you need to prepare the soil for planting the seed. To do this, mix the purchased soil, add vermicompost and a little disinfected sand, watering it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Another option is the use of peat tablets.

Planting seeds in peat tablets

In this case, the seedlings along with them can be immediately planted on permanent place without picking, which minimizes the risk of damage to the root system. Pour a layer of soil into the prepared boxes (about 10 cm) and leave them on the windowsill for a couple of hours so that the soil warms up. After this, level the ground and compact it a little. Make small furrows at a distance of 5 cm. To disinfect the soil, pour it with a solution Agricola Forward. Pepper seeds should be placed in a row and sprinkled thin layer soil of 1 cm, while a distance of about 2 cm must be maintained between the seed.

But if you use it as a container for peppers plastic cups, the preparation will be a little different. Fill them with small pebbles, which will act as a drainage layer, with soil mixture to a depth of 75% of the container volume and water thoroughly. We place about three seeds in each glass and cover it with dry soil on top. If you want to prevent the soil from drying out, after sowing the seeds, cover the cups with film or glass. After this, place the containers in a warm (up to +25 °C) and dark place, water the soil with warm and settled water as necessary.

To grow healthy pepper bushes, you need to properly care for it. Approximately 10 days after sowing, the first shoots will begin to appear. After this, immediately transfer the containers to sunny place without removing the film yet. The air temperature must be at least +18 °C. If there is not enough light, you cannot do without additional artificial lighting. A week after germination, remove the film.

Regular watering is another important step when growing crops. Water the seedlings at intervals of two days, making sure that the soil in the containers is always moist. It is advisable to water in the evening or early in the morning. In the first days, the water should be warm - about +30 °C. When the seedlings become stronger, the temperature should be gradually lowered to +20 °C. Do not forget about loosening the soil - this activity is carried out before watering the seedlings. Loosen the soil to a depth of about 5 cm so as not to damage the root system. Also, do not forget about the need to harden off seedlings during cultivation. This is a very important stage, since hardening will help the seedlings to quickly take root in open ground..

Watering sweet pepper seedlings

The process of hardening peppers begins by opening the window for a couple of hours in warm weather - the seedlings will quickly get used to the new conditions. After 2–3 weeks, you can transfer the seedlings to the balcony. Another hardening option is to simply put some snow in the container with the pepper. This way you will water your seedlings with melt water, which will harden the plant. Remember the importance of fertilizing. When growing seedlings, they are fertilized about three times. The first time feeding is carried out 14 days after the formation of the first shoots, when 4 leaves appear on the seedlings.

This time we will have to provide the seedlings with nitrogen, which the peppers need for normal growth. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of urea in a bucket of water and pour the resulting solution over the seedlings. Some vegetable growers additionally sprinkle the plant with ash.

The second feeding is carried out three weeks after the first. The feeding scheme is the same. True, the second feeding is not mandatory, so it can only be done if the seedlings grow very slowly. The third time, the seedlings need to be fed for about 5 days before planting the plants in the beds. In 10 liters of water, mix a spoonful of superphosphate and urea.

Picking is the process of transplanting seedlings to another location. The main goal of this event is to expand the space for plant nutrition. In addition, this process partially slows down the growth of the crop for some time, which is why peppers are often carried out if the seedlings begin to stretch out. True, unlike tomatoes, the root system of peppers has a fibrous appearance, which means that when correct implementation work, the growth of the plant will slow down for a very short time.

It is very important not to miss the deadlines for the work, because picking will provide the seedlings with the necessary nutrients and lighting. If you miss the deadline and do not provide the plants with everything they need, the pepper will grow frail and weak. The first thing to do is to choose containers or cups that are suitable for the size, the diameter of which should not be less than 10 cm, and the depth - about 15 cm. And remember that for picking peppers it is better to choose individual containers for each seedling. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize risks.

Picking seedlings

Plastic cups are suitable, but do not forget to make a hole at the bottom of the container to remove remaining moisture. We fill the containers with a mixture of soil, humus and peat and fill them almost completely, leaving only 2-3 cm to the edge of the glass. The timing of picking depends on the development of the seedlings - it is best to carry out the work when 4 leaves appear on the seedlings. When picking, remember to be very careful not to damage the cotyledon leaves.

The seedlings are picked to a certain depth - when transplanting, make sure that the cotyledon leaves protrude about 2 cm above the ground. You cannot plant peppers lower, because if the growth point is below ground level, the seedlings will simply die. A day before work, water the soil with water to place the seedlings in moist soil. Picking must be done fairly quickly so that the plant does not wither.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Make a hole in the ground with a pencil.
  2. Taking the plant by the stem with two fingers, carefully remove it from the ground and lower it into the recess so that the cotyledons are located at a height of about 1 cm from the ground level.
  3. Without letting go of the seedlings, pour soil into the hole made, then lower the seedling there, compact the soil around it and water the seedling well.

To get a good result, as well as to achieve rapid survival of seedlings, you should properly prepare the beds for planting peppers. So, the area should be warm, bright, cleared of weeds and protected from drafts. It will be great if you decide to plant peppers where crops such as beans, cabbage or carrots previously grew. But the bad predecessors of pepper include tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants.

Preparing beds for planting seedlings

Peppers can be planted in the beds where these crops grew only 3-4 years after the previous harvest. If you are preparing a bed in the fall, add additional phosphorus fertilizers to it. If you missed this event, in early spring add some humus to the garden bed. But you cannot add fresh manure before planting seedlings - you will simply burn the seedlings. After adding all the fertilizers, dig up the soil, form a bed, level it and prepare the planting holes. Now you can start transplanting bell pepper seedlings.

Some tips for growing peppers:

  • To increase yield, the flower that grows from the first branch should be pruned.
  • Peppers are a pollinated plant, so if you want to have sweet and bitter varieties in your garden, they should be planted as far apart as possible.
  • To repel insects, basil, calendula or marigolds should be planted between the rows of the beds.
  • After planting in open ground, try to shorten very elongated shoots of seedlings located below the main fork of the stem. They will not bear fruit, but at the same time they draw part of the plant’s strength onto themselves.
  • Regular harvesting of bell peppers will lead to the formation of new ovaries - the more often you harvest the peppers, the larger the harvest will be.