How to quickly cool a room without air conditioning. How to escape the heat if you don't have air conditioning. How to choose and install a mobile air conditioner

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Zharkikh summer days We all look forward to it with great impatience, but when thermometers show more than 35 degrees, you already dream of coolness. Undoubtedly, the best option will purchase an air conditioner. What if it’s not possible to do this, and the heat in the house makes it hard to breathe? There is no need to despair, there is plenty different ways cool the room without the help of an air conditioning system.

It would seem that this is simple, but ventilation must be done wisely.

Open windows and doors to “let them in” to the apartment Fresh air, you need from 4 to 7 am. If you can hardly be called a “lark”, then leave the windows open all night.

It would be a good idea to ventilate your closets and chests of clothes at this time by opening them, then you can put on cool clothes in the morning.

Hiding the house from the sun

But when the sun is already ruling the sky, you need to carefully close not only windows and doors, but also curtains (especially if the windows face south). White thick linen curtains perfectly reflect sunlight.

Air humidification

High temperatures quickly destroy moisture, making it more difficult to breathe into the room.

  1. Therefore, you need to either purchase special moisturizing sprays in the store, or make them yourself: pour plain water into a spray bottle, humidifying the air with it every hour.
  2. You can also wet the curtains, which, when dry, will give up their moisture.
  3. In addition, it is worth placing vessels with water in each room, adding refreshing aromatic oils to them: lavender, mint or citrus.

But you don’t need to overdo it with moisturizing, so that later you won’t.


This is definitely a source of cold. Not only can it cool many water bottles, freeze ice, but also take care of your dreams. How? You can cool your bed linen in it. In the morning, carefully fold it into a bag and put it in the refrigerator. In the evening, make the bed, but you should only go to bed after 20-30 minutes. After all, if you lie down immediately on such a “frozen” sheet, you can catch a cold.

To make it easier to breathe at night, you need to put cold water bottles on the chair at the head of the bed.

Many people are surprised, but foil copes well with the heat in the apartment. You can stick it on window glass, as well as walls. This will be especially necessary in those rooms whose windows face south or southwest. The material reflects heat very well. This cooling method is very effective; interior elements do not heat up, which means the air does not heat up.

Window tinting will help counteract the sun's rays. Through the darkened film you will be able to see everything that is happening on the street (although not in the usual colors), but bright light will not enter the room.

When choosing a tinted film, you should choose green or blue.

If you don’t want to buy foil or cover your windows with darkening film, then you should install blinds.

When the blinds are closed, they block out 90% of the sun's rays.

With their help, you will not only be able to cool the apartment, but will make the interior more fashionable and modern.

But, like curtains, they need to be taken care of carefully.

Frequent wet cleaning gives good results in hot weather. By wiping furniture, window sills, doors and especially the floor with a damp cloth, you can easily reduce the air temperature in the room by several degrees.

Also, fighting dust and increasing humidity will make it easier to breathe.

Wet sheet

A wet sheet can be hung on a door or window. The main thing to remember is that the larger the sheet, the faster the heat exchange occurs. Some cover themselves with a wet sheet at night.

It is preferable to use fans with automatic change of air flow direction. After all, there is a high probability of catching a cold. For cooling, you can use both tabletop and floor-mounted or ceiling fans.

Cold water

If you open the door to the bathroom, where the flow of water is noisy in the shower or the bathtub is filled with cold water, the whole apartment will become cooler.

Regular ice will help make the room temperature cooler. It should be thrown into any wide container. Soon the ice will begin to melt, releasing cold and cooling the air.

With the onset of summer, unbearable heat comes to our house. Survive it if there is an expensive air conditioning equipment, allowing you to cool the air in the room is not difficult. But what should those who have to live and work in the heat without air conditioning do? There are several ways in which you can reduce the temperature and significantly increase the level of comfort. Let us list the most basic and effective of them.

Preparing the apartment correctly

Beautiful sunny weather makes us happy. It allows you to open the windows wide and let fresh air into the house. Anyone who has to put up with cold and inclement weather most of the year dreams of this. Therefore, you can see how in the summer the wind blows freely and fills the entire space of the living rooms.

In hot weather this approach is inappropriate. Heat flows along with the sun's rays, so the rooms quickly heat up. To reduce the temperature without using air conditioning, you need to learn how to properly ventilate your apartment in the summer. You can effectively cool it without air conditioning if you open the windows in the early morning from 5.00 to 8.00 and let in the cool air. It will allow you to maintain comfortable temperature indoors in residential areas during the day without air conditioning. In hot heat, one more evening ventilation is simply necessary. It must be done after 22.00. It is better to keep the windows closed during working hours.

Artificial dimming instead of air conditioning

Residents of southern regions have to prepare for the heat more carefully. Very often, in such geographical areas, when the sun is at its zenith, the air becomes very hot. high temperatures. Then morning and evening ventilation does not allow for proper cooling of the premises. You have to use additional protection from the heat.

Experts advise owners of apartments without air conditioning to cover windows located on the south side with foil for the summer. This is the most cheap way fight the heat. For the indicated purposes, it is allowed to use ordinary baking foil. You can buy it at any grocery store. Its surface perfectly reflects the sun's rays, preventing them from penetrating into the room and heating the air in it. Sticking it on windows is as easy as shelling pears. To do this you need to use regular tape. If you want to cool a room without air conditioning in this way, you need to remember that foil does not allow air to pass through. daylight, so after pasting the rooms will become dark. And the window itself from the outside will not look very decent.

How to cool a room using a special film without air conditioning

There is another solution to the above problem that can cool rooms without air conditioning. There are special curtain films on sale that are easily attached to a plastic frame by gluing. They are more expensive than foil, but the product described has a number of advantages. They fully compensate for material expenses. The material from which the films are made is much stronger and more reliable than fragile foil. Therefore, it will be easier to darken and cool a house without an air conditioner: there is no need to be afraid that one careless movement will damage the base. The described products are sold in rolls.

It is possible to choose the desired width (60 cm or meter). The length of one roll is three meters. If you install the film carefully, the window will look quite presentable from the outside. It effectively reflects the sun's rays without limiting the view of the street from the inside. Thanks to this property, it is possible to close all the windows in the picture, providing maximum protection of living spaces from the sun. Using this technology, it will be possible to cool the air temperature by three to four degrees without air conditioning.

Blinds instead of air conditioning

If you want to simultaneously darken the apartment, hide it inner space from prying eyes, it is worth choosing and purchasing specialized systems. Sun blinds are very popular. They come in several types: roll, horizontal, vertical. All designs are very convenient to use, all of them will help to effectively darken and therefore cool the temperature in a room without air conditioning.

Manufacturers offer different variants execution of the described products. There are blinds made of plastic, wood, and woven material. Buyers are presented with a very wide range of colors, so it will not be difficult to choose something that best suits the design style and make darkening part of the interior.

Fabric curtains place air conditioner

They can also be used for shading and sun protection. To do this, you need to sew them from a dense material that does not transmit light. It is not cheap, so you will have to spend a lot. And this is the main disadvantage of the described choice. Anyone whose main factor is not saving can afford to elegantly decorate their windows by combining different types designs. Designers prefer to create complex drapery structures that can emphasize the style of the design and help reduce the temperature inside a room without air conditioning.

Roman, pleated, French, Austrian, heavy London - the aesthetic component comes first in this type of darkening. To prevent the room from being overloaded with heavy, dense material, you will have to purchase a veil, organza or tulle to go with it. This will significantly increase the darkening estimate. This must be taken into account when choosing this method of sun protection.

Regular humidification instead of air conditioning

Experts, talking about how you can cool a room without air conditioning, advise constantly humidifying the air in the apartment. This can be done using mechanical devices (steam, ultrasonic installations) or regular spray. It’s easy to make it yourself using a glass cleaner container.

First, you need to wash it thoroughly and fill it with cool water. running water. To cool the room a little, it is enough to spray moisture every forty minutes. If you want to completely eliminate the factor of human presence, you just need to place pots filled to the top with water in the corners of the room. Regular humidification will eliminate the dryness of the air space, prevent dust from flying throughout the apartment and cool the air in an apartment without air conditioning.

Making an air conditioner out of a fan

A regular fan does not clean or humidify the air. It only ensures its circulation within one enclosed space. And this really helps to feel quite comfortable in hot weather. Everyone knows how they work and how such installations are designed. But if you try to combine their operating principle and the functions of a humidifier, you can effectively cool the air without an air conditioner.

To do this, you need to arrange in a line in front of the device plastic bottles filled with ice water. Practice shows that this is very effective way, allowing you to very quickly solve the problem.

Another model helps to increase operating efficiency and provide air conditioning throughout the entire apartment. To make it, you need to take a garden hose and wrap it around the fan grille so that there are gaps for movement. air flow. One end of the hose is then connected to the cold water supply, and the other goes down into the sink or bathroom. It is enough to turn on the fan and a small pressure of water so that the room is filled with cool air. If you replace the rubber hose copper tube, price homemade installation will increase, but its efficiency will increase. In this way, you can cool an apartment without an air conditioner in a few minutes.

How to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning with ice

You can enhance the effect of the fan if, instead of eggplants with cold water, you place a container filled with ice in front of it. When heated, it will evaporate and release a portion of cold air into the room. The fan will blow it throughout the room.

You can freeze water and ice in eggplants, and then put them in front of a fan. Anyone who has tried this method says that it actually works very well. Alternatively, if the heat makes it difficult to sleep, experts recommend putting a heating pad with ice in bed, first hanging out the bedding in the air, and then making the bed with it. It will be much easier to sleep without air conditioning.

We use wet sheets - we forget about air conditioning

Those who do not have air conditioning at home can use another simple technique. To implement it, you need to moisten it in water. bed dress, fold them neatly into a bag, place them in freezer. After a few minutes, take it out and hang it in the room. It will immediately become several degrees cooler. While some sheets are hanging, others need to be put in the refrigerator. And then alternate.

If you point a fan at the laundry, you will be able to cool the room faster and let in cold, moist air. It will immediately become easier to breathe in the apartment. The main thing is not to direct cold air on yourself, otherwise you will quickly catch a cold.

Other ways to cool your home without air conditioning

Exists a large number of tips that can be adopted by all those who want to know how a room without air conditioning should be cooled. Let's list the most effective ones.

  1. In the thick of it, you need to keep not only the windows locked, but also entrance doors. This will block the entry of hot air from the outside and cool the area around by a couple of degrees.
  2. If there is no air conditioning, it is useful to keep the entrance doors of apartment buildings locked.
  3. When the apartment is on the first two floors, it is useful to plant climbing green plants or trees nearby on the street, which, when they grow, will cover the windows from sunlight with their crown.
  4. It is useful to minimize the use of incandescent lamps and any heating devices (iron or kettle, for example). You need to prepare food early in the morning, while it is cool outside. When this is not possible, you can have cold okroshka for lunch or dinner.
  5. The temperature in a room without air conditioning will drop if you do wet cleaning more often and wipe the floors twice a day. It is better to roll up the carpets for the summer and take them to dry cleaning, and walk barefoot on the floor.
  6. A bowl of cold water placed near the bed and a clean cotton napkin can help cool the room in the hottest weather. Before going to bed, you need to moisten it and wipe your face, neck, and hands. You can cool a clean, dry sheet in the refrigerator, and then just cover yourself with it. This is exactly what our grandmothers did, who lived and did not know what air conditioners were.
  7. A wet towel wrapped around the neck and wet wristbands will allow you to safely endure the hottest period.
  8. Turn off heated towel rails in the bathroom. They heat the air very much. Watch less TV and computer. During operation, any household appliance heats up. This causes the temperature to rise by a couple of degrees.
  9. Cool your body from the inside, drink more soft drinks, treat yourself to ice cream, chilled fruits and berries. Always keep ripe watermelons in the refrigerator.
  10. If you live without air conditioning, sleep on the floor in the summer. By the evening hot air accumulates under the ceiling, and below it is much cooler. Therefore, it makes sense to throw a mattress and pillows on the floor and spend the night while the heat hovers outside the window. If you leave the windows open, you can easily enjoy a restful sleep. Night is the coolest time of the day. Even a small temperature difference will allow the living space to transfer excess heat to the street.
  11. Walk around the house in loose clothes made from natural fabrics. It absorbs excess moisture well, allows the skin to breathe, and the breeze from the fan to blow through the body.
  12. Learn from animals that live without air conditioning. In extreme heat, they prefer to sleep more, move little, and walk measuredly and slowly. If there is such an opportunity, this is exactly what you need to do: spend most of the day in a horizontal position.
  13. Switch to a night work schedule: stay awake at night and rest during the day.
  14. Keep yourself in good physical shape, choose foods that cook quickly and are well absorbed by the body. Exclude from your diet hot foods and drinks that can warm the body from the inside (pepper, alcoholic drinks, lard, garlic and ginger).

The ability to adapt plays a big role in maintaining health in the hot summer. After all, our ancestors somehow lived without air conditioning and cooled their living spaces using improvised methods. Today, millions of people live in the equator belt, not everyone has climate control equipment (air conditioners) in their home, but they somehow survive and lead an active lifestyle. They are helped by the ability to adapt to existing circumstances. No one gets depressed about the heat or panics when it’s more than 45 degrees outside. The human body is capable of surviving even in more extreme conditions. The main thing is to be able to adapt to them, using the usual methods at hand. The most effective ones are listed in this article. And they don't have air conditioning.

Summer finally remembered its responsibilities and turned on the sun to the fullest. The streets are melting from the heat, and there is not the slightest breeze in the air that could somehow cool the hot streets of the city. It is especially difficult for those who cannot afford to get out into nature, but are forced to spend the summer in our cramped and stuffy stone boxes. And if the room is not equipped with air conditioning, then it’s a complete disaster.

However, there are several proven ways to keep cool even in this case. In this article you will find instructions on how to survive in the city even in the most brutal heat.

Keep your blinds or curtains closed

Very simple advice, as it may seem, but in fact, up to 30% of the heat comes from your windows. Close shutters, blinds or blackout curtains, and you will immediately feel that it has become much cooler. This is especially true for rooms whose windows face the sunny side.

Switch your ceiling fan to summer mode

Whether you know it or not, ceiling fans usually have two modes of operation: clockwise and counterclockwise. When it works counterclockwise, the blades rotate faster and create a stronger air flow. The clockwise direction has a slightly lower speed and serves to ensure circulation warm air in winter.

Worry about cooling the person, not the house

Our ancestors lived for thousands of years without any air conditioning and during this time developed many ways to survive in hot weather. We just need to take advantage of this and start cooling our body, and not the room around us. Cold drinks, special loose clothing, and bandages on the head and wrists moistened with water are used.

Turn on the hood in the kitchen and bathroom

if you accept hot bath or cook in the kitchen, be sure to turn on the hoods in these rooms. They will help you get rid of steam and hot air, and with it additional degrees.

Open all windows at night

In the evening the temperature usually drops slightly, and in some places the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures can reach ten degrees. Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of this and try to accumulate the coolness of the night for the entire first half of the day. To do this, open all the windows in the house when evening comes; you can even create a kind of wind tunnel using a draft. Just be sure to close everything before sunrise, before temperatures start to rise.

Turn off unnecessary lights

If you want to know how much heat one ordinary light bulb generates, just try holding it in your hand. To get rid of these heat sources in your apartment, turn off the lights you don’t need, or better yet, switch to modern energy-saving lighting sources that emit much less heat.

Make a long-term investment

If heat is a common seasonal phenomenon in your area, but for some reason you are opposed to air conditioning, then there are some measures you can take in advance. For example, surround your house with trees that will give you shade, install special canopies over the windows, or at least splurge on modern heat-reflecting films that serve to create an effective heat shield for your room.

Cooling the air in the summer is one of the top priorities for homeowners. This article will tell you how to use the energy around us for this purpose and make air conditioning practically free.

The importance of ventilation cannot be overestimated. We will not repeat what has been described many times and will focus on our own task - to cool and refresh the air in the house. Traditional systems ventilation can be quite expensive to install due to the cost of components and assemblies, as well as the cost of qualified installation work.

During operation, they consume a significant amount of electricity, especially for cooling the air mass, emit a lot of heat and create noise. The system described in this article is easy to install, energy efficient, does not require special skills and is intuitive. It’s worth noting right away that due to its simplicity, it has limited functions, but it provides for modernization in any area at any convenient time.

In our case, the term “recovery” is a synonym for the word “heat exchange”, therefore the concepts “recuperator” and “heat exchanger” are interchangeable. On physical level the process consists of cooling/heating the air, changing its temperature due to the consumption of thermal energy, and then mixing. How and why this happens, we will look further.

Stable Energy Source

Pursuing the goal of lowering the room temperature in the summer, it is reasonable to ask the question: “Where to give the energy of the heated atmospheric air? How to cool it? Here the forces of nature come to our aid. The fact that at a certain depth the soil temperature is constant will be our main argument when justifying the energy efficiency of the system.

The soil is capable of endlessly exchanging energy - cooling and heating any medium (air, water), but only to its own temperature at a given depth, which remains constant due to the relative stability of the earth's core.

International practice

Of course, we are far from the first who decided to use the endless and free energy of the Earth. In European countries, which are usually called developed (Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc.), they have been using this energy since the beginning of the last century. The successes achieved in this field are impressive.

Heat exchange systems for water below ground level are called “heat pumps.” These underground and underwater devices heat and cool the entire home. Standard projects have been developed for any building and it is possible to convert the house from a traditional (gas, electric) air conditioning system to heat pumps. In a similar, but more primitive way, this energy is used in our country by arranging underground food storage facilities (cellars).

What is good about a natural heat exchanger?

The operation of our recuperator is based on the same physical process as in heat pumps. Focusing on savings, we use this principle, adapting it to our own needs and local realities.

Problems that an adapted autonomous recuperator can solve:

  1. Constant natural ventilation behind closed doors and windows.
  2. Quickly replace indoor air with fresh air.
  3. Cooling the air in the room.
  4. Preparing the air mixture for subsequent actions.


  1. Absolutely environmentally friendly. During installation and operation basic system no toxic materials are used and no heat is released into the atmosphere.
  2. Safety. The recuperator does not use electric motors (with a power of more than 100 W), chemical agents, or high voltage.
  3. Simplicity and cheapness. Only a few are used for forced ventilation powerful fans power 100 W. Ventilation occurs naturally.
  4. Oxygen is not burned during operation.
  5. Low noise level.


  • the basic system does not provide for filtration, humidity control, heating or other processing of the air mixture (but allows for the possibility of installing appropriate equipment later).

Simple and clear system

Autonomous heat exchanger for country house is a system of ventilation ducts, partially laid underground, included in the supply and exhaust ventilation circuit. In order to create such an “air conditioner”, it is not necessary to understand the intricacies of physical phenomena. Just knowing that it works is enough. You can verify this by going down into any basement, well or subway in the heat.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Atmospheric air passes through pipes laid in the ground at a constant temperature (usually from +4 to +10 ° C).
  2. In the underground part, cool soil absorbs thermal energy heated air.
  3. Cooled air is delivered through ventilation ducts to the premises of the house.
  4. Simultaneously exhaust fan removes saturated and heated air mixture (“old air”) from the room.

According to the principle of construction, such systems are divided into two main types: pipe and bunker.

Pipe - consists entirely of pipes. The design can be varied depending on the conditions of the site. Suitable for reconstructing a house without a spacious basement, but it will require a lot of work earthworks.

Bunker or stone - the heat exchanger is a bunker filled with large stones. Occupies less area than a pipe one (you can arrange it in the basement of the house). Requires a basement or underground space. The best option during new construction.

We create an internal system of ventilation ducts at home

In both cases, the ventilation ducts inside the house will be located approximately the same. Let's start with them.

A primitive supply and exhaust ventilation system consists of external and internal ventilation ducts connected into one network. Air outlets are located in the upper diagonally opposite corners of the rooms. In one there is an inflow, in the other there is an exhaust. In a one-story building, the main air ducts may be located in attic. In a two-story building, supply and exhaust ducts the first floor will be held in boxes inscribed in interior decoration, second floor - in the attic. The location of the main air ducts should be determined for each house individually, taking into account the layout (location of walls and partitions).

Advice. Premises where it is recommended supply and exhaust ventilation: living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, dining room, offices, pantry, recreation rooms, gym. In bathrooms and restrooms there is only an exhaust fan. Not needed at all in corridors, vestibules, halls and loggias.

Rules for calculating the internal ventilation duct system:

  1. Sewer pipe with a diameter of 250 mm for the distribution inlet and combined outlet channels. Approximate consumption- two lengths of the house + height along the upper floor + 20%.
  2. Sewer pipe (gray) with a diameter of 150 mm. Approximate consumption is three times the length of the house + 20%. For two-story house With equal area floors + 50%.
  3. Pipe fasteners (based on the wall material) at the rate of 1 pc. by 70 cm.
  4. Insulation (roll mineral wool) - 1 roll.
  5. Foam, sealant, decorative grilles.
  6. Elbows, revisions, couplings (1 piece per 70 cm).

Attention! Do not use 90° elbows, this will impede the passage of air and create noise. Combine 45° elbows (following the sewer example).

If it is planned to install a pipe heat exchanger in a one-story building, the supply channel will exit from underground into a heat-insulated box outside the building and enter the attic. In a two-story building, it is better to bring it into the building at the bottom of the first floor and install an internal vertical (distribution) channel, which will then be led into the attic space.

When installing a bunker option in the basement of a building, the vertical distribution channel will exit from the bunker directly into the room. It is also possible to mount it outside.

An example of calculating the consumption of materials for installing internal channels at home

Let's take as an example cottage with a calculated ventilated area of ​​60 m2, which will have approximately 100 m2 of total area and approximate dimensions of 8x12 m:

  1. Pipe 250 mm: 2 x 12 + 3 + 20% = 32 m.
  2. Pipe 150 mm: 3 x 12 + 20% = 43 m.
  3. Fasteners: 32 + 43 / 0.7 = 107 pcs.
  4. Elbows, revisions, couplings - take as 1 piece per 3 m: 32 + 43 / 3 = 55/3 = 20 pcs.
  5. Grates: 8 pcs. (2 for each room).
  6. Switches: 4 pcs.
  7. Foam, sealant.
Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Pipe 250 mm linear m 32 200 6400
Pipe 150 mm linear m 43 150 6450
Elbows, revisions, couplings PC. 20 40 800
Fasteners PC. 100 30 3000
Lattice decor PC. 4 100 400
Switches 2-cl. PC. 4 120 500
Insulation pack 1 1000 1000
Foam, sealant, etc. 1000
Total material 19550
Job 5000
Total material and work 24550

Tube heat exchanger

In order not to complicate the calculations with mathematical calculations, we will provide data from tests already carried out in average form, or rather their results.

The basic principle that must be observed when creating a pipe system is that there must be at least one underground channel pipe per room. This will facilitate the operation of the fans due to atmospheric pressure. Now all that remains is to place required amount pipes in the underground part of the site. They can be laid separately or combined into a common channel (250 mm).

In this description, we propose to take into account not the maximum load, when all rooms are forcedly ventilated at the same time, but the average load, which will be supplied during regular periodic ventilation different rooms(as happens in real life). This means that there is no need to output a separate channel for each room. It is enough to connect 150 mm air ducts from each room to one common 250 mm channel. The number of common channels is taken at the rate of one channel per 60 m2.

Creating a recuperation field

Diagram of the tube recuperator: 1 - fan; 2 — channel in a trench ∅250 mm; 3 — rows of pipes ∅250 mm; 4 - recovery field.

First you need to select the location of the pipes (recovery field). The greater the length of the laid pipes, the more effective the air cooling will be. It should be noted that after the work is completed, this area can be used for planting plants, landscape design or a children's playground. Under no circumstances should you plant trees on the recuperation field:

  1. We excavate the soil to a freezing depth of plus 0.4 m.
  2. We lay 250 mm pipes with a pitch of at least 700 mm along the axis.
  3. We bring the air intakes to a height of 1 m. It is advisable that they be located in a shaded but well-ventilated place.
  4. Using elbows and adapters, we combine them into a common 250 mm channel, which connects to the house ventilation system (see above).

Attention! In the underground part, use special soil sewer pipes with a thick wall. They do not need to be thermally insulated, but simply covered with soil and spilled with water. Only concreting is allowed if necessary.

Calculation of the amount of work and material consumption:

  1. For a recuperation field we take an area measuring 15x6 m with an area of ​​90 m2.
  2. The volume of excavation soil at a freezing depth of 0.8 m will be: V cat = (0.8 + 0.4) x 60 = 72 m 3.
  3. Volume of a trench 40 cm wide (10 m from the house): Vtr = 1.2 x 0.4 x 10 = 4.8 m3.
  4. Total volume of earthworks: V total = V cat + V tr = 72 + 4.8 = 77 m 3.
  5. 15 m sections: N neg = a / 0.7 = 6 / 0.7 = 9 pcs., where a is the field width.
  6. Total pipe length: L = N negative x 15 + 10 = 9 x 15 + 10 = 145 linear. m.
  7. We accept the consumption of elbows, couplings, adapters 2 pcs. x 15 m = 30 pcs.

Advice. The deeper the heat exchanger is installed, the more efficient its operation will be. More than one tier is allowed.

Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Sewer pipe 250 mm ground linear m 150 250 37500
Elbows, couplings, adapters PC. 30 50 15000
soil development cube m 77 300 23000
backfilling cube m 70 150 10500
Pipe installation work 3000
Total material 52500
Total work 36500
Total work and material 89000
Cost of 1 sq. m 89000 / 60 1500

Bunker heat exchanger

If there are unoccupied basements, they can also be used to construct a hopper (air or heat exchange tank) for a stone heat exchanger. Its action is based on the energy intensity of the stone - it gradually gains temperature environment and balances the flow of passing air. With absence free space in the basement, the bunker can be arranged in an area outside the house.

Schematic diagram of the bunker heat exchanger: 1 - fan; 2 — pipe Ø250 mm; 3 - protection; 4 — stone Ø200-450 mm; 5 - brick walls; 6 - cover

At a certain place, a pit measuring approximately 2x3x3 m is dug. A trench is made from the exit point of the common channel of the house ventilation system to the pit of the future tank, and a 250 mm pipe is laid into it to a depth of 140 cm, through which cooled air will be discharged from the bunker. Along the wall to which the trench approached, a vertical groove is laid to the bottom for a pipe with a diameter of 250 mm. Then the bottom is laid out with bricks or concreted. The bottom of the air tank must be at least 1 meter deeper than the soil freezing level.

Attention! After installing the bottom of the bunker, a 250 mm outlet pipe should be laid.

The beginning of the outlet pipe protrudes from the wall 1/3 of the distance to the opposite wall and is lined with brick protection. A protective grill is installed at the inlet opening.

Filling the tank

It is better to lay the walls out of brick or cast them from concrete (without slag!), since these materials conduct temperature better than others. Cinder block is not suitable due to its thermal insulation properties. The walls and bottom must be carefully waterproofed (roofing felt) on the outside and plastered on the inside to prevent the penetration of organic matter or moisture. The height of the walls is up to ground level minus 20 cm. An inlet hole is made at the top of any wall and air intake pipes are installed. To facilitate the operation of fans, we recommend installing 3 pcs.

After the solution has hardened, the bunker must be filled with large pebbles. Sizes from 200 to 450 mm in diameter. The stone must be clean of organic matter and washed.

The tank is covered with a “lid” made of solid plank flooring on wooden beams, covered waterproofing materials. Turf is laid on top. Then the outlet pipe is connected to the house ventilation system (to the common ventilation duct) and backfilling is performed.

Calculation of the volume of work and consumption of materials:

  1. With an air tank size of 2x3 m and a depth of 3 m, the volume of soil (excavation and stone for filling) will be: V = 2x3x3 = 18 m 3 + V tr = 22.8 m 3.
  2. Volume brickwork: V treasure = S walls + S bottom x 0.125 = ((2x3) x 2 + (3x3) x 2 + 2x3) x 0.065 = 36 x 0.065 = 2.34 m3.
  3. Total pipe length (10 m from the house): L = (10 + 3) + 10% = 15 m.
  4. Number of elbows - 6 pcs.
Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Red solid brick cube m 2,3 7000 16000
Pipes 250 mm linear m 15 250 3750
Knees PC. 6 50 300
Stone cube m 18 1500 27000
Cement/sand/treasure. net - - - 2000
Lid - - - 1000
excavation cube m 22,8 300 7000
tank masonry cube m 2,3 1000 2300
pipe laying linear m 15 100 1500
cover device PC. 1 1000 1000
Total material 50000
Total work 12000
Total material and work 62000
Cost of 1 sq. m 79550 / 60 1000

The cost of stone for filling a tank may vary depending on the region of construction.

As can be seen from the calculations, the final cost of air conditioning 1 m2 differs for both options. The main selection factor is the level of occurrence groundwater. If it is high, less than 3 m, then it will not be possible to build a bunker heat exchanger. The pipe one is suitable even with a groundwater level of 1.5 meters.

Installation of fans

The system presented here provides for the synchronous operation of two duct fans- supply and exhaust - installed in each air outlet of the room. This makes it possible to quickly deliver cool fresh air into the room and remove heated air. For effective ventilation, a fan power of 100 W each is sufficient. When choosing a fan, pay attention to the noise level when it operates.

Approximate cost of operation

If you ventilate each room three times during the day for 20 minutes, then we get 1 hour of operation of 8 0.1 kW fans. This is less than 1 kW/hour per day. Per month - 30 kW. At a price of 5 rubles/kW this will be 150 rubles/month.

The service life of recuperators and ventilation ducts at home is limited by the service life of the material. For underground elements - from 50 years, for internal - unlimited.

The system does not require maintenance (except for fans - once every 5 years).


The described scheme can become the basis for more complex system conditioning. It can be gradually included additional elements— filters, heating and cooling elements, more powerful fans, blocks automatic control and others. The air mixture prepared underground has a stable temperature not only in summer, but also in winter, so it can also be used for heating.

Vitaly Dolbinov,

Can a mobile air conditioner replace an expensive split system? Is it worth purchasing and how to install it, say FORUMHOUSE users

Everyone needs comfort. Especially when it’s hot outside the window.

In such weather it is impossible to create an optimal microclimate without air conditioning.

Readers are well aware of the advantages of modern split systems, consisting of two blocks - internal and external.

However, air conditioners of this type are expensive, and their installation can cost a pretty penny.

What if you need an air conditioner but don’t have enough money to buy it? Forget about comfort?

Not at all, the solution may be to install a so-called mobile air conditioner.

And although this climate control equipment has a number of disadvantages, it often becomes optimal choice for summer residents or people renting rental apartments.

What is a mobile air conditioner?

The mobile air conditioner is a monoblock device, similar to the well-known window air conditioner.

The main difference is the vertical arrangement of the units in the mobile air conditioner.

In the upper compartment of the housing there is an evaporator and ventilation unit, and under them, in the lower compartment, there is a compressor, a condenser and a fan that removes heat from it.

The principle of operation of a mobile air conditioner is as follows: the air in the room is pumped through the air intake into top part housing, where it is filtered, cooled and again released into the room through openings covered with blinds.

The air is cooled in this way: the compressor “compresses” the refrigerant and takes away the heat that the refrigerant received from the air.

The compressor is also cooled by air, which, passing through the condenser radiator, is heated and discharged into the street through a flexible air duct (similar to a corrugated hose of a vacuum cleaner) with a diameter of 150 mm and a length of 1.5 meters.

Having figured out general principles operation of a mobile air conditioner, you can understand what its advantages and disadvantages are.


Among the disadvantages of a mobile air conditioner are:

Increased noise during operation associated with the operation of the compressor and fan;
- through leaks and cracks in the hole under the hose, street air can be sucked in;
- lower efficiency than split systems;
- takes up space on the floor.

Strekoza User FORUMHOUSE

In the heat of the summer of 2010, I thought about buying a mobile air conditioner, but after weighing the pros and cons, I decided against it. In my opinion, it works too loudly, the hose that removes the air heats up during operation and, accordingly, increases the temperature in the room. To seal the hose well, you will have to drill a hole in the wall. And the dimensions of the mobile air conditioner are quite large, so you can’t easily hide it in an apartment. But I consider it unprofitable to use it only 3 months a year, in the hottest weather.

However, there are models that, in addition to cooling, also heat the room. These air conditioners are equipped with heating elements. In addition, more expensive models can operate in heat pump mode, removing cold air from the room and replacing it with warm air.

ametistov User FORUMHOUSE

Although split systems can also work to heat a room, at low temperatures, for example -25°C, they no longer work, but a mobile air conditioner equipped with a simple heating coil will cope with the task, heating the room in fan heater mode. So a mobile air conditioner can help out both in winter and summer.

The advantages of a mobile air conditioner include:

  • low cost;
  • easy installation– all work can be done independently;
  • there is no need to conduct communications through the wall and, accordingly, additionally pay for the installation of an air conditioner, like with a split system;
  • the facade of the house does not spoil external unit, like a split system;
  • mobility - the air conditioner can be taken to the dacha or moved on wheels between rooms;
  • Mobile air conditioners can filter, dehumidify air, heat rooms and operate in ventilation mode.

Stranger User FORUMHOUSE

The mobile air conditioner easily and quickly cools a room of 20-40 square meters. m to a comfortable 20-22°C.

Often a mobile air conditioner is chosen for seasonal installation to the dacha, because it is not visible, it will not attract the attention of thieves, who will immediately notice the external unit of the split system hanging on the wall.

You can only install it in the summer, when it is really needed. Split system hanging on the wall all year round, and the external unit may be forced to be removed. The main disadvantage of a mobile air conditioner is high noise.

And although a mobile air conditioner has many advantages, one of its significant disadvantages is the presence of condensate, which must be constantly drained. The condensate is collected in a special container located at the bottom of the monoblock. The average capacity of the container is 5 liters. If the liquid is not removed in time, the air conditioner will turn off.


U expensive models condensate is pumped out drainage pumps. Liquid drainage can be arranged through a window or vent. The capacity, on average, lasts for 7-9 hours of continuous operation.

How to choose and install a mobile air conditioner?

The maximum area that the air conditioner can serve is indicated in the product data sheet. Based practical experience, we can say that it is better to take power with some reserve.

In this case, the air conditioner will not constantly operate at maximum mode, which will extend its service life and reduce noise levels.

Stranger User FORUMHOUSE

It is better to choose the most powerful mobile air conditioner. It will cool the room faster. And they all make the same noise.

In addition, you need to remember a few standard requirements:

  • Hot air should be released through a specially drilled hole in the wall or through a specially prepared window opening.
  • If you simply “throw” the hose out the open window, then all the work of the air conditioner, due to the air coming from outside, will be reduced to “no”.
  • Do not cover the air intake openings with anything.
  • You can turn on the air conditioner 2 hours after installing it.

One of the most common questions related to the installation of a mobile air conditioner is where and how to route the hose that removes hot air?

Stranger User FORUMHOUSE

I think the best way is to drill a hole in the wall. Some models have an adapter strip with round pipe on a flat bar. The strip is inserted into the crack of the slightly open window.

Some manufacturers supplement the mobile air conditioner kit with a special window plug with a cut-out hole for the air duct.


I have a mobile air conditioner near the loggia door. I cut a hole in the door into which I inserted the plastic door that came with the air conditioner. There are no drafts. The air conditioner cools a room of 15 square meters. m. Within 5 hours of operation, the temperature drops from +35°C to +26°C. But it makes a lot of noise, making it impossible to sleep.

You can also drill a hole in the hole with a crown brick wall and lead the air duct through a flat pipe 200x60 mm.


Flat pipe fits well under window tint and stays out of the way.

An interesting method for installing a mobile air conditioner, suggested by a forum member Mikhail Kuprikov .