Chrysolite olivine. Chrysolite as an object of study. The magical and healing power of chrysolite

The chrysolite stone has occupied a special place in jewelry art since ancient times. His beauty earned him fame and praise among poets. Often there is a name such as “evening emerald” or “golden stone”. It received this name due to its unusual color. It will be impossible to immediately determine the shade of the mineral, since with natural sunlight it shimmers and combines light gold tone and color of young grass. IN Ancient Greece it was very popular: the ornamental stone chrysolite was used to make expensive jewelry.

Chrysolite is formed during the deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma

It is noteworthy that when artificial lighting the golden hue disappears, becomes invisible, and the stone appears to be a rich emerald color. In nature, there are several shades of the natural color of this mineral; it can be yellow, golden, light green, emerald, pistachio, olive and dark green. It is worth noting that all the colors of this stone are always pale, they do not have bright richness and saturation, but nevertheless they are very dense and pleasant.

Chrysolite is formed during the deep crystallization of mineral rocks in liquid magma. This is an unusually complex and lengthy process for obtaining this type of stone. It belongs to the orthosilicate class of fossils. If we consider its chemical basis, it is a complex compound of iron and magnesium. Its structure can be heterogeneous, which significantly complicates processing and also affects transparency and gloss.

Peridot is a fragile and sensitive stone

The characteristics of this mineral show that it is durable. The density is 3g/cm3, its hardness on the Mohs scale varies between 6-7 units. Depending on chemical impurities and inclusions of other rocks in its composition, the main characteristics may vary slightly. Peridot's hue, brilliance and transparency vary accordingly. Based on this data, it is determined whether it is precious or semiprecious stone. Its estimated value is determined by its specific composition, which gives the stone unique properties that are so valued by jewelry masters.

Chrysolite as a mineral is most often called olivine among scientists, but jewelers prefer a different name - peridot. Therefore, you can find several names for this gemstone and each of them will be correct.

The most large deposits Countries such as Mongolia, Russia, USA, Brazil, Australia, Myanmar and Zaire are considered peridot. Often other stones that are very similar to it and also belong to the class of orthosilicates also fall under the name chrysolite. Most often, this gemstone is combined in its name with the following minerals: tourmaline, topaz, beryl and chrysoberyl.

The largest specimen of olivine is located in the USA, weighing 310 carats, but the second largest stone weighs 192.6 carats and is stored in Russia.

Features of chrysolite stone (video)

Application of peridot

Its most important purpose is to decorate jewelry. Its beauty was appreciated in ancient times; it was most often used in the form of talismans and amulets. It is believed that green chrysolite can protect you from troubles. Over time, ancient jewelers were able to create items of extraordinary beauty that were inlaid with this mineral. Imperial tiaras, tiaras and royal crowns decorated with chrysolite, today these are pendants, earrings, bracelets, rings and tiaras, which can be purchased by anyone. The cost of these products is rather high, but the value of the stone is quite consistent with this.

When purchasing peridot chrysolite, you should immediately ask how to properly care for it, because some properties of the mineral may be lost, for example, its shine and transparency.

To clean the product, just rinse it under running water running water and let dry in the sun, then wipe with a soft cloth. Peridot is a fragile and sensitive stone: should be avoided mechanical damage, sharp changes temperature. It reacts negatively to chemical acids.

Gallery: chrysolite stone (50 photos)

Mysterious properties of chrysolite

Olivine is credited with some extraordinary properties. Since ancient times it was believed that magical properties Peridot stone can bring good luck and success to its owner. Amulets and amulets were made from it; its effect, according to ancient magicians, was very great. Men had to present their lady as a gift of jewelry with this mineral, then their feelings grew stronger and they were inseparable. In other words, the stone was credited with the ability to strengthen mutual feelings, with the help of the magic of this “golden stone”.

Merchants wore amulets that protected them from attacks by robbers and helped increase wealth. Small amulets were specially made for warriors; they were supposed to protect them from death and give them strength and courage. Greater value The chrysolite stone was attributed precisely to good luck, because even today, when it is most often called peridot, which from Greek means “giving abundance,” it serves precisely as a symbol of wealth.

The magical properties of chrysolite were sung by poets, and archaeological finds in the form of these amulets and bracelets have been preserved in many institutions around the world, which confirm them mysterious meaning ancient times.

The healing effect of peridot

Based on the recommendations of lithotherapy, it is worth using, namely wearing products with this stone on your body if you have problems with circulatory system, as well as with reduced immunity. It is believed that he suitable for those who have suffered serious illnesses and need to recuperate. One of its main features is its ability to help remove toxins from the body and speed up the process of assimilation of nutrients from food. Therefore, in ancient times they decorated bowls and cups for noble people. It is believed that peridots generally have a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract and on gallbladder function.

Interaction with zodiac signs

Some astrologers believe that you should be careful with this mineral, since it does not suit every person’s horoscope. Brilliant olivine will bring good luck and success to those whose zodiac sign is in the constellation Aquarius, Libra and Pisces. But for everyone it has its own meaning. For those who are suitable for olivine, it will bring not only wealth, but also strong family relationships.

These green minerals will bring Leos not only good luck, but also the ability to achieve their goals, be strong in spirit, easily and successfully establish contacts and conclude contracts. Talismans with this stone will bring great victories in business and other financial matters.

Libra, with the help of peridot, will be able to improve their communication with the opposite sex, relationships in the family, have good health and peace of mind. Products made from olivine will help such vulnerable Libra to find harmony in their inner world, get rid of fears and apathy. It is believed that such amulets give vitality and the necessary energy for a person.

Olivine will bring the greatest luck and success to those whose star is in the constellation Pisces. Jewelry with peridot they will attract not only success in business, but will also reveal unusual abilities in the person himself. It has often been said that owners of these products can develop strong intuition and a sense of foresight. Good luck and prosperity await Pisces in all areas.

As a gift, unusual products in the form of miniature figurines or figurines with this mineral are given to people doing business as a symbol of wealth, prosperity and prosperity.

One important note is the following:

  1. You should only wear new jewelry on your body that will contain only your energy.
  2. Periodically, the stones need to be properly cleaned, allowing them to remove the accumulated negativity. Cleaning should be carried out correctly so as not to damage the olivine.
  3. You cannot let other people, even close relatives, wear your personal chrysolite products.

If these rules are followed, the stone will be able to truly demonstrate its properties and provide the necessary protection for the owner. Any mineral carries the most powerful energy earth and can bestow it on those who come into contact with it.

Money stones (video)

There are many interesting facts about chrysolite. For example, it was used to decorate the Russian crown not only because of the beauty and brilliance that it possessed, but also for the purpose of protecting and patronizing the royal person.

This unusual stone shrouded in mystery and aristocracy. Its subtle beauty deserves special attention. Products made from peridot today are presented in the widest possible range: from miniature brooches, earrings, bracelets to massive necklaces and necklaces. There will always be fashion for this mineral. Peridot is the embodiment of something noble and sophisticated.

Attention, TODAY only!

Chrysolite is a mineral that is difficult to confuse with any other. It stands out for its bright green or emerald color. What are the properties of the chrysolite stone, and which zodiac signs is it most suitable for?

Peridot: general characteristics of the stone

Peridot widely represents the entire palette of green colors

Peridot is a natural and very beautiful stone, distinguished by a rich range of colors: from soft gold to dark green. A distinct glassy sheen, expressive shades (olive, pistachio, etc.) - these are character traits color of this mineral.

The word "peridot" has Greek origin and can be translated as “golden stone”. The mineral has been familiar to humanity for a long time. According to legend, the birthplace of this stone is considered to be Snake Island in the Red Sea.

Today this stone is mined in several places on the planet. Its largest deposits are located in Mongolia (Khangai massif), Norway, USA, Australia, Russia (Yakutia), Brazil, Tanzania, Republic of South Africa and some other countries. The largest specimen of peridot on Earth is kept in the Smithsonian Institution Museum in Washington. The weight of this stone is 310 carats.

Stories and legends about the stone

Before the 1968 jewelry conference, some other minerals were also classified as chrysolites: for example, peridot. In 1968, it was decided to consider only those stones that have a golden or green hue to be considered chrysolites.

Peridot gained its first popularity in Paris

The mineral gained enormous popularity in the mid-19th century. It happened in Paris. However, in those days in Europe it was considered fashionable to use chrysolite in moderation: the presence of only one pebble in jewelry or interior. The second powerful wave of popularity of this stone was observed already at the beginning of the twentieth century.

There are many stories and legends associated with this mineral. One of them tells about the cruel Emperor Nero, whose constant companion was a chrysolite monocle. Through him, the ruler loved to look at the 30-meter statue (of himself, his beloved), erected in the Temple of the Sun. Through the same monocle, Nero watched Rome burn, which he had set on fire.

Genesis, features and varieties of chrysolite

Peridot is very rare in large quantities.

The origin of this stone is volcanic. It is with magmatic rocks(basalt and kimberlite), geologists associate chrysolite and minerals close to it. Most of these stones are small in size, so they are extracted from placers. Large accumulations of this mineral in nature are very, very difficult to find.

If we talk about the chemical composition of this mineral, then it is dominated by magnesium and iron silicates. Peridot crystals, as a rule, have a prism-shaped or pyramidal shape. Thanks to particles of chromium and nickel, the mineral is distinguished by the bright shine of its surface.

Jewelers value peridot for its strong, rich color.

It is thanks to the brilliance and saturation color range, the stone is very valuable in jewelry. In addition, it almost never contains any third-party inclusions. The value of a stone depends on its size: the larger an individual specimen, the more expensive it is, and vice versa.

When processed, stones are given a round or oval shape, less often - a square or polygon shape. One of the characteristic properties of the mineral is a fairly large internal stress. Therefore, aggressive methods of jewelry cutting can lead to splits and other damage.

The value of peridot depends on the degree of saturation of its color

The value of a stone also directly depends on the degree of saturation of its color. In nature, most often there are specimens of light green tones. Such stones, as a rule, are of little interest to jewelers.

The most valuable for jewelry craftsmen are two types of stone:

  • peridot Mass;
  • starry chrysolite.

Messa chrysolite is mined on the San Carlos Apache Indian Tribal Reservation. The dimensions of these stones do not exceed 13 millimeters in diameter. The extraction of this type of mineral is carried out exclusively by Indians, and they do it manually.

Star chrysolite is considered the most rare species this mineral. Its main feature is the effect of light diffusion, which is observed on a perfectly smooth, but not very transparent surface of the stone. Exactly for this unique property Star chrysolite is highly valued by jewelers.

Magical properties of chrysolite stone for zodiac signs

Peridot helps to reveal the creative side of personality

Scientists, inventors, artists and creative people - this is a list of people for whom peridot is ideal. A talisman made from this stone will help protect your home from fires and thieves.

If we talk about zodiac signs, then chrysolite is a stone whose properties are best suited for and. But astrologers do not recommend representatives to get involved with this mineral.

The stone is ideal for practical Virgos. It will help this zodiac sign develop their intellectual and creative abilities. In addition, for conservative Virgos, the stone will add progressiveness in life, perseverance and patience.

Leos strive to be winners in any life situation. But for this they often lack confidence in their abilities. This is exactly the problem that a stone can solve. With this mineral, Leos will be able to more easily gain the respect of other people and win them over. The stone will contribute to the development of sociability and communication skills among representatives of this sign.

The healing properties of chrysolite

Chrysolite is widely used in lithotherapy

Lithotherapy did not bypass this mineral either. The stone has been used for a long time folk healers. Alternative healers effectively use it in the treatment of various diseases and disorders of the human nervous system: insomnia, neuralgia, nightmares, etc. Many healers are confident that this stone has a beneficial effect on the stomach, kidneys and vision of a person, improving its acuity.

Chrysolite is also widely used to treat colds and relieve pain in the spine. Some experts believe that the stone helps relieve a child from fears and stuttering.

One way or another, chrysolite has all the healing properties that are characteristic of stones green shades. Lithotherapists recommend not only carrying the stone with you, but also consuming it internally, in powder form. The crushed mineral can relieve stomach pain, relieve inflammatory processes in the cecum and even disinfect the blood in the body.

Amulets and talismans made of chrysolite

Chrysolite protects against envy and evil intentions

The stone has certain magical properties, which our ancestors have known about since time immemorial. So, even in ancient times, people were sure that chrysolite protects against envy and evil intentions. Products made from this stone will bring harmony and mutual understanding to your home.

Medieval alchemists believed that a bright green stone was able to fight evil spirits, protecting its owner from the evil eye and various conspiracies. At the same time, jewelry made from the mineral should be worn exclusively on the left wrist.

Chrysolite – reliable amulet from fire element. The owner of this stone, as well as his property, are not afraid of fires and burns. Peridot decoration will protect you from external negative impacts, and will also attract the attention of the opposite sex. In addition, the stone helps to awaken and develop a person’s ability to clairvoyance.

Peridot is capable of removing Negative influence, protect from the evil eye

Various amulets and talismans made from this stone have proven themselves to be excellent. They contribute to the development of intellectual and creativity, add courage, sociability and self-confidence to a person. A talisman made of chrysolite is an excellent amulet against the evil eye.

Thanks to its exceptional magical properties, the peridot stone is ideal for two zodiac signs: Virgo and Leo. It will add patience to the first, and self-confidence to the second. But, according to many astrologers, this mineral is categorically not suitable for Pisces.

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Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Chrysolite is a silicate of magnesium and iron and belongs to the olivine group. Green peridot is a gemstone loved by jewelers for its beauty and unique ability to double-refract a light beam.

The name of the mineral can be translated from ancient Greek as “chrysos” - golden and “litos” - stone. Later, peridot became associated with the Greek solov, meaning “giver of abundance.” Having a bright juicy green or golden yellow color, the mineral has long attracted people with its joyful energy and extraordinary magical power.

The mineral chrysolite has been known to mankind since the earliest times. There is an assumption that its beauty and properties have been known since the 4th millennium BC.

In the Bible you can find mention of the mineral as one of the “Bible Stones”. Josephus, in his work dating back to the 1st century AD, described these gems in the clothes of the first preachers. This stone is also mentioned in the historical works of the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.

The chrysolite stone and its properties were valued by many peoples. Indian traders believed that the mineral could bring them good luck in trading matters and protect them from thieves and loss of goods. It was also believed that it would make it easier for them to communicate with members of the other sex. In Mongolia, people especially valued this gem and associated it with the Dragon, as they found the mineral in the heart of volcanoes.

Peridot was also valued in medieval Europe. Him from trips to large quantities Christ's soldiers brought them as trophies. It found its application in religious church objects and stained glass. Ancient Russians also used this semi-precious stone in clothing and church utensils.

In the 19th century, the mineral regained its popularity. Particularly they began to appreciate the magical properties of chrysolite associated with its ability to enhance the love power of men and identify creative possibilities and promote their development.

Due to its emerald color - a religious symbol of Muslims, peridot was especially revered in the East. In Turkey, the sultans decorated their hats with it. This symbolized the wealth and nobility of the family. The Turks collected one of the richest and most extensive collections of this mineral.

Nowadays, chrysolite gemstones are valued no less than in past centuries. They decorate jewelry, it is used in medicine, and the magic of the stone is still in demand.

Development sites

Chrysolite is found quite widely in nature, but not all stones are suitable for jewelry purposes and such deposits are rare.

In Russia, chrysolite stone with high jewelry characteristics is developed in the area of ​​the Yenisei River, and is also mined in northern diamond mines and in the mountains in the Urals.

Mongolia, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Zaire, South Africa, Brazil, and Egypt have significant developments. The field in the Red Sea on the island of St. Johns, known since ancient times as Zeberget, has also not exhausted its reserves to this day. New deposits have recently been discovered on the Indian Peninsula.

Use of the mineral in the treatment of diseases

Lithotherapists are specialists who use stones in the treatment of diseases, widely use chrysolite and the properties of this stone in medicinal purposes. For example, it is used in the treatment of various eye diseases and to improve vigilance.

Experts use the mineral for diseases such as colds, stomach, and kidneys. It will help with problems with the spine and heart. Chrysolite is useful for neuralgic diseases and endocrine system failures.

The magic of peridot

In a modern interpretation magical meaning Astrology experts classify the chrysolite stone as a part of human relations. The gem attunes its owner to romance and love, makes him sentimental, and brings poetry into relationships. The stone is considered a talisman for couples in love, which preserves and develops them love relationship. The magic of chrysolite harmonizes feelings within a person and helps strengthen family ties.

The ornamental stone chrysolite is popular in jewelry. The owner of jewelry with this mineral is not afraid of disagreements. The stone has the ability to smooth out misunderstandings and eliminate contradictions. These magical abilities extend to acquaintances and those around the owner of the mineral.

Chrysolite will allow its owner to gain confidence in actions and help restore peace of mind after love failures, it will smooth out stress and open up new colors of life. The mineral may be suitable for people whose profession is related to finance. Even now, as in ancient times, it will protect you from financial losses and dishonest partners.

The chrysolite stone is suitable for travelers. On the way, the mineral will help you restore strength and protect you from dangerous encounters. If the stone remains in the house, then you can have peace of mind while traveling. The house will not be attacked by thieves and fires will bypass it.

It is believed that the magic of the mineral is enhanced if the jewelry is chosen with love. Chrysolite is a monogamous stone, and its amazing abilities are manifested only for the first owner. A gold frame can enhance the magical effect of chrysolite. When the owner changes, amazing properties are not inherited.

Impact of the stone on the zodiac signs

It’s easy to choose peridot for your Zodiac sign, because it can be worn by any sign, both without a frame and in jewelry. But highest value it has for people born under zodiac signs Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius and Libra. And for those who have a patron sign of Cancer, it is the most significant.

The gem will allow Pisces to avoid controversial life situations, and if they arise, it will prompt the right and rational decision conflict. Also, the mineral will instill in Pisces confidence in their actions and increase their assessment of their personality.

Since Leos really value the attention of others, chrysolite will help them be in the center of events. In addition, the stone will strengthen you along the way in achieving your goal.

For those born under the sign of Virgo, the presence of peridot will help them treat people with more patience and understanding. The stone will contribute to their self-improvement and the accumulation of new and useful knowledge.

But for those people who are Capricorn according to their horoscope, it is better not to wear or purchase products with chrysolite.

In addition to matching the mineral according to the zodiac sign, it can be recommended to those women who bear the names Angelina, Alevtina, Karina, Lyudmila, Marina, Renata. The stone is favorable for men with the names Alexey, Maxim, Gleb, Semyon.

What is fayalite

Fayalite chrysolite as a mineral also belongs to. It was first discovered in Germany on the shores of Lake Faial. This is where its name comes from. But the stone does not come from these places, but most likely was brought.

The color of fayalites is brown-red, yellowish-green or black. The mineral has a luster similar to glass or a so-called resinous luster (greasy).

The stone is quite hard, but not durable. For this reason and because of the way the mineral looks (not very aesthetically pleasing), it is not used in jewelry. It found its application in the metallurgical industry.

Care and storage

It should be borne in mind that chrysolite, which is fragile and intolerant of chemicals, needs special conditions, namely:

  • It is necessary to protect jewelry from various physical damages and impacts;
  • Do not expose the stone to chemicals when cleaning;
  • When cleaning, use only soft cloths;
  • Remove jewelry at different housekeeping work to protect the stone from adverse influences;
  • You can remove dirt using clean water, and subsequent drying.

Jewelry with lush green or lemon yellow chrysolite has long found recognition throughout the world. This stone of the Sun is able to surprise its owner, help him discover new colors of the world, inspire love and help in communication.

Olivine is a rock-forming mineral, a magnesium-iron silicate with the formula (Mg,Fe)2. The content of Fe and Mg varies between the two end members of the continuous isomorphic series of olivines: forsterite Mg2 and fayalite - Fe2. Olivine composes mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks and is very widespread in the mantle. This is one of the most common minerals on earth. The hardness of it and all its varieties is 6.5 - 7.0.

The name “Olivine” was first proposed by Werner to designate the green inclusions he encountered in basalts.

An extremely small number of olivines are suitable for jewelry - something like one millionth of total number. The rest lies in the aggressive environment of the earth's depths.

The term “olivine” in jewelry is used in relation to, as a rule, dark and not very beautiful samples, which only conditionally fit the definition of “precious”. Actually, there are two recognized varieties of olivine for jewelry: peridot and peridot. By chemical composition they are identical in appearance very similar.

There is currently no precise, generally accepted international nomenclature for separating olivine varieties. Some nationalities recognize only olivine and peridot (Germans), others recognize only olivine and peridot. In Russia, both are accepted, or even they write “olivine” on the labels, which is incorrect, or they get off with the term “jewelry variety of olivine.” Olivines are a rock-forming mineral, and under its name they may well sell a piece of rock that has absolutely no aesthetic value. You can often find an indication that chroisolite is a synonym for peridot and vice versa.

There are signs that separate peridots from chrysolites. They have a slightly different crystal structure.

Peridot, (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. The name goes back to Greek word peridona - giving abundance. Other names: forsterite, Kashmir-peridot. Color: olive green, yellow green, brownish green, lime green (most valuable). Has a pronounced hallmark: severe bifracture. It can be seen even with the naked eye with normal vision (under a magnifying glass for sure). Bifraction looks like a bifurcation of crystal faces opposite from the point of view.

Chrysolite (from the ancient Greek χρυσός - gold and λίθος - stone) is a transparent jewelry variety of the mineral olivine from yellow-green to dark chartreuse color, with a characteristic golden hue. Another name: evening emerald. Chrysolites are generally considered to be more yellowish stones with a lower index of double refraction of light.

In Russia, in the trade sphere, all green stones from the olivine family are called chrysolites by default; there may be a clarification, but not always.

In any case, both peridots and peridots belong to the group of green-yellow relatively soft minerals (hardness lower than quartz). They are common, and therefore are not of particular value as rare minerals. In addition, both peridot and peridot are soft, which means they are easily damaged and, over time, lose the clarity of their polish from abrasion from the quartz dust that is present everywhere.

It's rare that a chrysolite "survives" to its fifth birthday without any scratches at all. The only way to protect products with green stones from damage is to store them in a display case with a transparent lid. Peridot should be worn with caution; it is not suitable for everyday use.

Peridot is mostly intended for the amateur rather than for the connoisseur of exquisite beauty. Found in almost any form. Beads made from small green stones can be bought for a meager price - 100 - 150 rubles. Silver ring with a medium-sized insert (5 carats) - and for 600 rubles. Even large peridots are cheap and rarely cost more than $5 per carat.

Chrysolite beads can cost from 500 to 5000. The price depends on the cut and size of the stones.

Peridot looks so much like green garnets (grossular, demantoid, tsavorite and others) that sometimes only special diagnostics help. They are similar in hardness and range. In addition, not all chrysolites have strong bifraction. Until recently, when spectral and chemical analysis appeared, it was difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to distinguish between these two types of completely different minerals. This is where the widespread myth comes from that chrysolites are green garnets.

In particular, there is a well-known myth that the ring of the “false John” (he was born under the constellation Pisces) - the impostor Giannino de Guccio Baglioni - contained green garnets. There are serious reasons to believe that cheap peridot was more accessible at that time than green garnet. In addition, green garnets began to be used as jewelry raw materials much later. Based historical events- the troublemaker never achieved anything - green garnet was banned for the zodiac sign "Pisces", although it would be more correct to ban peridot.

Another historical peridot is Nero's green glasses, or rather his lorgnette. The emperor's contemporaries described it as "a green stone set in a frame." IN different time the stone was considered emerald and green garnet. It is quite obvious that this stone could not exactly be an emerald: such large emeralds do not exist without flaws and internal cracks. Green garnets are also rarely of this size, but peridots are just right. There is reason to believe that it is the chrysolite that now lies in the Diamond Fund of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. It is one of the seven historical stones.

To a lesser extent, chrysolite is similar to yellowish

The chrysolite stone has been known to mankind for a very long time. This is a beautiful mineral. From ancient Greek its name is translated as “gold and stone”.

Due to the fact that under artificial light the gem becomes a rich green color, it is commonly called the “evening emerald”. Interesting fact is also the presence of the mineral in meteorites that fell to Earth.

The ornamental stone chrysolite also has another name – peridot.

Place of Birth

The mineral is quite widespread, especially a lot of it is mined in Russia, the USA, Egypt, Vietnam, Mexico, Australia and other countries.

History of the stone

The first mention of the stone dates back to the 4th millennium BC. It is believed that this is one of the Bible stones - it was inserted into the monocle through which the cruel ruler Nero watched the torment of the first Christians in the fire he himself caused in Rome. The Bible contains an interpretation according to which the gem is a symbol of true spiritual preaching.

In Egypt, where the mineral was first mined, it was believed that it could not be found with daylight and all mining work was carried out only at night. In addition, it was Cleopatra’s favorite stone.

Indians have long believed that the stone gives male power, treats impotence and helps to find mutual language with the opposite sex. This rumor was widespread in France in the second half of the 19th century, thanks to which it became extremely popular.

Description of peridot

The mineral chrysolite is a valuable variety of olivine; its chemical composition is iron and magnesium orthosilicate, with possible impurities of chromium and nickel.

Peridot chrysolite is a fairly hard but brittle mineral.

Usually light green, pale olive in color. The Diamond Fund of Russia stores a huge olive-green chrysolite, which is a historical landmark.

Varieties of peridot

Lithotherapists believe that the gem can provide healing properties for the following diseases:

  • eye diseases - just look at the stone;
  • reduction of pain in the stomach, kidneys, liver, gall bladder and spine;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • endocrine diseases
  • neuralgia and speech problems (stuttering) - it is enough to constantly wear jewelry with peridot;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • recovery after serious illnesses and operations
  • reduction of pain during childbirth;
  • treatment of headaches, relief from insomnia.
  • treatment of psoriasis and skin diseases - ointment with stone powder will help.

The healing property is a noticeable increase in the effect of antibiotics, especially in the treatment of infections of the housing and communal services or urinary system.

Lithotherapists especially emphasize the ability to bring a person’s mind and feelings into balance by influencing the nervous system and increasing mental abilities.

Magic properties

It is believed that the magical properties of chrysolite are due to the special influence of the Sun on it. The strength is especially evident when the mineral is framed in gold. What is the energy of the stone?

  • Strengthens relationships between people - especially friendships, because it helps in mutual understanding.
  • Eliminates nervous tension, and also extinguishes feelings of envy.
  • Increases self-esteem and self-esteem.
  • Helps you get out of difficult life situations with honor, find a solution, and come to a compromise. For example, in legal disputes.
  • Strengthens sleep, gives good dreams. To do this, place a decoration with peridot under the pillow.
    It is a talisman against fires.
  • Helps to get rid of rashness when making decisions and brings good luck.
  • It is a talisman against enemy forces and troubles.
  • Increases male attractiveness and strength.
  • If you give a stone or jewelry to another person, it may break, and if it does not break or get lost, it will not have magical properties; it is a gem of “one owner.”

Peridot helps to be more caring and kind, attracts good luck (especially in gold), makes a person friendly and eloquent.

Gold earrings with peridot Silver earrings with chrysolite

Those who want to attract good luck with the stone should wear it in a gold ring on their left hand.

The stone is well suited for traders, bank workers and astrologers - it will contribute to successful transactions and implementation in their professional activities.

Peridot is perfect married couples, as well as those who want to start a family. To attract good luck and prosperity to your home, you should place mineral figurines (figurines of animals or fish) in the hallway.

Gem products also reliably protect your home from fire.

Zodiac signs and chrysolite

Which zodiac sign is peridot suitable for? Almost all signs are in Gorosky, but it is especially recommended for, and. Some astrologers believe that chrysolite is not entirely suitable.

– in addition to the magical properties of avoiding conflicts and being more friendly, representatives of this sign become more decisive and confident under the influence of the gem.

The help of the stone is to accept right decisions. Leos, as a rule, have no problems with confidence and high self-esteem, but impulsiveness and hot temper can prevent them from thinking and choosing correct solution. Jewelry with chrysolite affects Leo in such a way that representatives of this predatory sign reveal their positive traits, attract positive emotions and the attention of the right people into their lives.

They become more attractive in the eyes of others if they wear jewelry with chrysolite. The stone also helps them cope with excessive demands on others, makes them more attentive and improves memory.

They are characterized by excessive stubbornness and selfishness, so they are recommended to wear peridot jewelry to become more compliant and generous. A silver frame is best.

They often don’t know what they want, it’s difficult for them to make a decision, and their mood is changeable. To overcome negative traits character characteristic of Gemini, “gold and stone” is well suited; it will make them more balanced and calm.

They can use the magical properties of the “evening emerald” to reduce temper and become more reasonable.


The stone is precious, but is not expensive, and therefore it is not so profitable to counterfeit. However, there are cheap fakes made of plastic or glass. Mineral, unlike plastic, cannot be scratched by any sharp object. And you can distinguish it from glass if you hold it in your hand - glass heats up quickly and remains warm for several seconds, while a natural stone– at first it remains cool, and then retains the warmth of the hand for quite a long time.

In addition, large gems are very rarely found in nature, and in jewelry stores you can find jewelry with small inserts.

Below you can watch a video selection of photos of the “evening emerald”.