House made of timber: pros and cons. Advantages and disadvantages of timber houses Advantages of timber houses


100% solid wood. The basis is timber made of dense-fiber pine/spruce, cedar or Siberian larch, processed using modern imported equipment.

0% glue. Environmentally friendly wood.

It has smooth surfaces lateral sides. A house made of such timber has a neat and attractive appearance.

Warm. The profiled beam, due to its fit with a gap of 3 mm under the self-expanding tape and seal, a wide cold bridge, and a complex “labyrinth” (that is, offset) lock in two planes, is significantly superior to a rounded log in terms of heat conservation. Thus, a profiled beam with a cross-section of 190x190 mm is equivalent to a log with a diameter of 320 mm and 240x190 mm - 420 mm.

Economical. To achieve the same heat saving indicator, profiled timber on the walls of a house uses up to 40% less volume than rounded logs, and it is almost 2 times cheaper than laminated veneer lumber, which makes profiled timber the most profitable building material.

Minimum timber shrinkage natural humidity. In production, timber with natural moisture is used. In accordance with GOST, the shrinkage of timber with natural moisture to operational humidity (16-18%) is only 3.5% for pine/spruce and cedar and 4.5% for larch. Eg, laminated veneer lumber shrinks up to 3%. Almost identical indicators.

No caulking required after shrinkage. Unlike rounded logs, where after shrinkage it is necessary to caulk the entire house, and especially the cracks in the cups, the design of the lock in the timber and the use of a special German self-expanding tape and seal eliminates blowing, which provides additional cost savings.

Water does not flow into the walls. The profile shape is designed so that rainwater does not fall between the beams, which in turn protects the walls from rotting.

Fewer cracks on the sides. There is no tree without cracks, but in houses made of profiled timber the possibility of cracks appearing is much less, since the timber has been relieved of tension on four sides.

The possibility of impregnating timber (at the factory) in an autoclave (under pressure) with fire retardant fire retardants is a much better (much more durable) option compared to impregnation from sprayers.


Houses made from solid, undried timber require a lot of time to shrink, which significantly lengthens the construction period [you can wait a year and a half - no big deal].

Practice shows that despite modern technologies preparation of a rounded log, the cracks in it will eventually be wider than those of a debarked log. Okay, along the body of the log. And in the castle? Plus, cutting leaves the pores of the wood open, creating a gateway for microorganisms, mold and insects to penetrate into it [impregnation with fire retardants in a pressure autoclave minimizes the risk of fungal diseases].

Do houses made of timber often warp due to natural moisture?
Do you need highly qualified builders when assembling a house from profiled timber?
Is a house made of profiled timber worse in terms of performance compared to a house made of laminated veneer lumber?

Houses made of timber certainly deserve significant attention.

This technology is quite well developed in Russian practice, so modern construction practices have made such buildings not only quite cheap, but also comfortable for living in all respects.

It is quite difficult to convince many old-school enthusiasts: they perceive natural wood as the only the right decision, capable of competing with even the most advanced materials.

Such houses are really good, but they have quite obvious disadvantages that are discovered both at the construction stage and during operation.

Pitfalls are inevitable, but having reliable knowledge, it is much easier to reduce all such effects to a minimum.

You cannot ignore them if you are seriously concerned about construction and want your home to serve you for a really long time.

Key Features

It's no secret that the overwhelming number of houses in this category are economy class solutions. Behind the warmth and low cost of such buildings lies a lot of nuances that can become a headache. First of all, the specificity of the material itself plays a role.

Most often, when building a house, we use the most familiar timber of natural moisture, which, like any tree, is not very impressive in some properties, first of all, we are talking about strength and elasticity. Further, timber, both profiled and edged, requires time to shrink; in the future, you can wait a year or even a year and a half.

After this, if all technologies are followed, the material dries out to a certain extent, as a result of which cracks appear, the size of which is unpredictable and often exceeds the permissible limit. At a certain point, the need for additional maintenance arises: cracks should be caulked, window and door frames should be adjusted to the changed terrain. The deformation itself due to weather phenomena usually does not frighten owners, but for some, and this is understandable, this type of house seems somewhat unaesthetic.

A wooden house significantly changes its geometry: it dries out by 10% in winter and swells by 15% by summer. This problem should be taken into account when forming gaps and door hinges. If the calculation is incorrect, the door may well stop opening by summer.

All this is extra hassle, to which the owners of such homes are already accustomed. It is worth noting, however, that edged timber is much more susceptible to the appearance of large quantity cracks.

The profiled analogue is, of course, more expensive, but behaves much better in practice. Overpaying a certain amount for it is a fairly good idea, since over time it will become obvious that this expenditure was not in vain. Despite the fact that timber in the form of timber retains heat perfectly, modern frame houses often in no way inferior to similar competitors.

With the help of insulation, you can achieve excellent properties in maintaining a favorable temperature indoors. This is why the demand for frame houses today is simply huge; unlike wooden ones, they require much less work force for construction.


Any material of wood origin is very strongly affected by water and steam. On an intuitive level, it is quite difficult to understand exactly what processes are responsible for destructive impact However, the obvious need to insulate the tree is beyond doubt.

One of the most interesting effects in this regard is the dew point. This is a specific physical phenomenon when, at sub-zero temperatures outside, a layer of space appears in the walls of the house, in which ice turns into water due to the difference. Rotting inevitably occurs, which leads to rapid wear of the wood. To neutralize this process, it is recommended to first completely insulate the walls of the house from moisture from the inside. This requires the painstaking work of a person with experience.

Poorly sealed cracks can also lead to the house being blown through by the wind, which can significantly disturb residents during a snowstorm. Strict adherence to this simple but rather specific technology is important.

Timber is a fairly universal material, it is considered convenient to work with it, most often it is considered as eco-friendly option, completely safe for human health. It is worth noting that all of these statements require significant qualifications.

Modern store-bought timber is dried in a not entirely natural way: in a very short period of time it is dehydrated in ovens at high temperatures.

Externally, the material looks almost the same, but the internal properties deteriorate: this process Resin crystallizes in the wood, which negatively affects strength and resistance to decay.

Environmental friendliness is a relative concept, since wood remains completely safe for human health no longer than before the first treatment with impregnations and fire retardants. Varnishes are also synthetic substances, and such construction is extremely rare without them.


Today many construction organizations look at this parameter especially strictly, since it really affects the quality of living. In a completely wooden house, external sounds can behave completely differently, but most often you have to deal with the phenomenon when they are not only not damped, but are also enriched with new overtones and noise. How bad it is is difficult to say, but for some owners, the creaking of floorboards and the howling of the wind are exactly what can irritate and bother them.


Unfortunately, every log home has a risk of fire. To avoid such incidents, you should carefully consider the electrical wiring in accordance with all standards.

The wiring must be carried out in special channels made according to the standard at the manufacturer's plant. Again, it must be installed by a knowledgeable and responsible person. Open wiring was good decision 15 years ago, but today this is absolutely not the same quality standard.

Cost of houses made of timber

It is worth recognizing that modern frame houses are often cheaper. A good wooden hut made from laminated veneer lumber is often expensive due to materials and finishing.

Materials of artificial origin will likely continue to push analogues out of the market. Edged timber is more economical, but it is extremely problematic to make a luxurious house from it in a short time with a small team.

When trying to pay less there is always a risk of losing in quality. It is typical for Russian practice when defective timber, purchased at a low price, eventually begins to delaminate due to the fact that low-quality glue was used in it. It is strictly recommended to take materials only from trusted suppliers.

Differences in materials

Almost always, only the use of profiled timber makes it possible to quickly and efficiently adjust all elements. In addition, quite intricate structures can be made from this type of material, which is problematic when working with ordinary timber.

Glued laminated timber is ideal from the point of view of construction productivity and at the same time the least environmentally friendly: almost all impregnations that prevent rotting in it contain phenol.

Ordinary timber is subjected to minimal chemical treatment, but due to the lack of grooves for fixation, the technology becomes significantly more complicated, assembling the house will take much longer. When using it, you will have to take thermal insulation much more seriously.

Trying to save on one thing when building a house from timber, it is very easy to burn out on another - all expense items are significantly interrelated.

Heating specifics

Taking into account the fact that the house has had time to settle, and the density of the tree has returned to normal, additional monitoring of its condition is required in the first winter.

First heating season is carried out under careful control: the temperature inside should not exceed 20 degrees, otherwise deformation is possible.

The building needs to be warmed up slowly and gradually, sharp changes can provoke the appearance of cracks in the timber at an extremely inconvenient moment in time. Installation of heating systems must also take into account the specifics natural wood and its possible deformations.

It has long been proven that living in a wooden house brings its inhabitants a special state of mind and excellent health. You can admire the wonderful appearance of the wooden hut endlessly. However, in order to live in such a mansion, you need not only certain means, but also important knowledge about the differences between one type of timber and another. Glued or profiled timber, price, amount of material, finishing methods and type of foundation - everything matters. For profiled timber, the price can vary from 1000 to 2000 rubles for one log 6 m long.

Why are wooden houses popular?

It's hard to argue with the fact that natural wood has many advantages over stone, brick, and even more so concrete materials. The fibrous-cellular tubes are located along the entire length of the trunk. This makes the material non-thermal conductive, lightweight, breathable, durable and resilient.

The thermal insulation properties of wood are several times superior to concrete and brick. In summer, such a house breathes cool, and in winter it is perfectly preserved. comfortable temperature. Natural qualities materials do not allow air to stagnate in the house, it occurs natural ventilation, therefore mold and dampness are not life companions for residents. On the contrary, house kits made from profiled timber are built exclusively from coniferous species wood This helps create a certain microclimate with special air quality in the home. Evaporation from coniferous resins has positive impact to improve people's health and strengthen immunity.

What are modern towers made of?

For the construction of wooden houses, not only round traditional logs and ancient technology. The construction of houses from profiled timber has proven itself well. What can you build from today? wooden house:

  • from raw, untreated timber of minimal cost;
  • from calibrated, which has more accurate geometric dimensions and high quality appearance;
  • made of profiled timber, which differs from the previous one in threaded connecting elements that simplify the assembly of the hut;
  • from laminated veneer lumber, which is obtained by joining lamella boards under the influence of high pressure and temperature, which makes these blanks quite expensive, but durable and lightweight.

The technologies for constructing houses for each of these materials are similar in the main stages. The differences are only in the time of natural shrinkage of structures, insulation methods and finishing options.

Glued laminated timber does not require external grinding of the walls, and there is no need to wait for the structure to shrink. Even the inside looks great without any additional finishing.

Consequences of using unseasoned wood

Construction from profiled timber has its own characteristics. First of all, the material has a certain degree of moisture, one might say “dryness”. Ideally, this figure should be close to 14-15%. Basically, wood of natural moisture is used for construction, that is, it is not dried at all after sawing. This option is much cheaper than timber additionally processed in the workshop’s heat chamber. When assembling a house, profiled dry material will exhibit minimal shrinkage, which greatly speeds up construction time.

Under-dried logs are more susceptible to biological damage by fungi and mold; even antiseptic impregnations help little. The walls of a house built from such wood, giving off moisture, can be severely deformed, which will lead to cracking of glass, broken doors and damage to the roof. Is it worth saving initially only to end up with such problems in a couple of years?

Profiled timber: pros and cons

Is there an alternative? Among all types wooden materials, used for rapid construction modern and beautiful buildings, profiled laminated veneer lumber is most widely used. How is it different from other varieties?

From the name it becomes clear that this is not an array, but a texture consisting of several layers. The density of the perfectly dried material is such that you can move into a house built from it immediately after completing the finishing work. Whereas projects made from conventional profiled timber are built in several stages:

  • first, the main frame of the house is assembled on the foundation;
  • then work stops for almost a year;
  • after the final shrinkage of the log house, installation of floors, roofs, communications, internal and exterior finishing.

This length of construction cannot be considered a plus. However, the production of profiled timber is progressing at a good pace, which indicates the demand for the material on the market.

Significant advantages

weighty positive thing use of this material in construction can be called a simple high-quality assembly with minimal costs for insulation of premises. For finishing outer surface On the walls, it is enough to sand the wood thoroughly so that the structure glows in the sun like a fairy-tale tower.

Profiled timber (there are always pros and cons) is a universal building material if you want to have a bathhouse or an additional guest house on the site. The technology for assembling a small building differs little from assembling a large mansion.

Nothing is eternal under the Moon

Rain, snow and frost have the same effect on both concrete and profiled timber. Pros and cons of the consequences of these natural phenomena become clear only during the operation of the home. The house will be warm without acceptance additional measures, if it is located in the southern regions of the country. Where the frost reaches too low temperatures, profiled timber (dry) must be insulated with outside Houses. This can be done by additional wall cladding with mineral wool and clapboard or siding.

The tree is organic material and is subject to burning and rotting. Fire retardant impregnations can only temporarily protect against fire from an open fire. To protect it from fungi and mold, profiled timber (photo) must be regularly treated with antiseptics, which sometimes complicates living conditions.

spruce or cedar?

Pine and spruce trunks are the most accessible and cheapest raw materials for producing timber. Cedar wood is about one and a half times more expensive and is considered elite not so much because of the price, but because of its density and healing properties. In addition, it is a very durable and moisture-resistant material.

Larch lumber is distinguished by its amazing resistance to moisture. Such logs do not rot even after several years of being under water. That is why, in accordance with technology, the bottom row of the crowns of the house is laid from this wood. Larch timber is the most expensive, but if you save at this stage, in a few years you will have to dismantle and rebuild all the walls of the house.

Pine logs are least susceptible to cracking both at the drying stage and during the process of many months of natural shrinkage. Upper part it is quite possible to build a tower from this material. One of important conditions when assembling walls, the moisture content of the timber is approximately the same different wood. Otherwise, the entire structure may become distorted. It is the danger of such an event that is the main disadvantage when constructing wooden houses. Experts say that the result of all work depends on the ability to handle moisture in logs.

In the old days, a roughly folded log frame had to stand in this form for at least a year, exposed to all the winds, rains, sun and hurricanes. Only then was the workpiece disassembled into logs and reassembled into permanent place. Next came the work of caulking, laying the floor and erecting the roof.

Modern production of profiled timber is organized in such a way that when proper drying logs in a warm chamber, they go on sale in a state of the required humidity. If such material is purchased, then all construction can be completed in one season.

Constructed house: what you need to know

Profiled timber (price depends on several factors) is produced using the following technology:

  • a blank made from a single tree trunk (a whip) is cleared of branches and bark;
  • the array is processed from four sides until it is given the correct geometric shape with a certain number of spikes on two sides.

The transverse dimensions of the workpiece must be the same along the entire length and larger than the calculated ones, since they decrease by several millimeters during the shrinkage process. For example, to obtain a profiled beam 200x200, the cross-section of the workpiece must be equal to 210x210 mm.

The standard length of the timber is 6 meters, the cross-sectional shape is trapezoidal. On the top and bottom sides there are groove connections type "mom-dad" in full length. When laying logs one on top of another, such tenons and grooves do not allow them to move from their place, which guarantees the construction of strong walls.

Due to the possibility of fairly simple assembly, house kits made from profiled timber are sometimes called “constructors”.

In the corners, at the doors and window openings It is necessary to fasten the beams together. To do this, through round holes are drilled at the joints. After this, special birch dowels (stakes) of square cross-section are inserted and finished off with blows of heavy hammers. During the process of natural shrinkage of the wood, the timber “tightly” adheres to the dowel, which ensures the reliability of the walls for many years.

Wooden tower: where to start?

It is clear that you cannot build a house in the air. The first thing you need to take care of is a piece of land. The next step is to select a project and design design and estimate documentation, which includes an engineering component with full calculations and an architectural and construction component with details and details of the future home.

Projects made from profiled timber have a pre-compiled indicative estimate, which indicates required quantity materials. When making calculations, the dimensions of the construction and

At the next stage, a foundation is installed under the structure. It is recommended to do either a pile or a pile-tape version of a shallow (55-70 cm) fill. Individual details of the choice depend on the location and topography of the land plot intended for construction.

Waterproofing, a layer of insulation, and then the first row of logs are laid on the strengthened foundation, which are attached not only to each other at the corners, but also to the concrete base. Further construction is carried out according to the project from the selected material. If profiled laminated timber is purchased, the house is assembled immediately “for finishing”: they are laid between the logs thin layer linen insulation, install windows and doorways, make and close the roof.

A common mistake during assembly wooden buildings is a rigid fastening and medium ridge girders until shrinkage. What could this lead to in the future? In the process of natural drying of the wood of the walls, the angles of the connections between the elements change. As a result, the crossbars holding the roof slopes may break. As they say, “if you hurry, you will cry later.”

Is it possible to reduce the cost of construction?

Among the most budget options construction of a wooden house can be called the following kit:

  • screw pile foundation;
  • thin 100 mm profiled timber (the pros and cons are clear without further ado) of natural humidity;
  • minimal insulation of floors and roofs ( mineral wool up to 100 mm thick);
  • simple wooden frames;
  • refusal of “casing” when installing windows;
  • use of ordinary metal nails and pins for fastening crowns;
  • minimum finishing materials;
  • roof covered with slate or ondulin.

Using the most available funds, you can, of course, build a house. How long this home will stand and serve its zealous owner will remain a question that only time will answer. The truth has long been known that “the miser pays twice.” So is it worth saving on your own comfort if saving money and reducing costs can be achieved in other ways?

There are other saving options in which you can save your budget by using solid materials for construction. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the number of halls and corridors in the project. When purchasing a flat plot of land, a noticeable reduction in basic costs is possible. If the landscape is complex, it is worth taking into account its features and using height differences when drawing up a project.

Construction costs can be significantly reduced by purchasing finished design from glued or profiled timber. The peculiarity of this option is that the house is delivered to the buyer disassembled, with numbered elements and detailed instructions on assembly. Anyone who has ever been to school can understand it. In addition, most companies, using their employees, install the entire structure and hand it over to the owner, as they say, “turnkey”.

If you decide to build a house from timber, you should first study the reviews. After all, it is consumers who are most accurately able to assess the quality characteristics of this material.

Advantages of building from timber

Most often, a modern buyer chooses a home made of timber for the reason that they can move into it immediately after completion of construction. Among other things, you shouldn’t burden yourself with repairs in the first months of living in such a house, since it’s impossible to do it anyway, because the walls will continue to shrink for some time. This also applies to exterior decoration. It should not be done until the complete shrinkage of the building is completed. If you decide to buy a house made of timber, reviews will help you make right choice. One more advantage of building from timber can be highlighted, which is expressed in the fact that the absence of the need for finishing allows for significant savings. This is also appreciated because most often wooden houses are chosen by those people who want to save money, because such buildings turn out to be much cheaper compared to those built from other materials such as brick. If you are considering a housing option such as a log house, you need to read the reviews in advance. By studying them, you can also be convinced that insulation of the house can be done only after some time, which allows you to save not only cash, but also your strength.

It is also worth noting that internal and external finishing may not be done at all, since the timber looks quite attractive. Over time, the material can be coated with tinting, which will extend the life of the walls and also make the structure of the wood more expressive.

The ability of walls to breathe

If you have long dreamed of buying a house made of timber, you need to consider reviews about it in advance. According to them, another advantage of wooden houses made from the described material is that the walls are able to breathe. This allows you to obtain a favorable indoor microclimate, thanks to which living in such a building is not only pleasant and comfortable, but also beneficial for health. Fresh air will penetrate through the timber from the outside, which will allow for air exchange, which is so necessary for humans. In other buildings, the wall materials of which do not breathe, expensive ventilation systems, the operation of which costs an impressive amount. The ability of the material to breathe allows moisture to escape from the room to the outside, which eliminates the formation of fungus and mold on the walls.

The ability of timber to retain heat

If you are considering purchasing a log home, owner reviews will serve you well. Highlighting positive sides of this material, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that solid wood has a unique heat capacity, which makes it possible to smooth out temperature changes outside. In addition, thanks to this, wooden houses have unique features, which consist in the ability of walls to retain heat indoors, even when the temperature outside the window reaches extremely low levels. In summer, the quality of wood is also excellent. Reviews indicate that the heat does not pass through the walls, and the rooms are always cool.

Disadvantages of timber buildings

There are also disadvantages to houses made of timber. Reviews also let you know about them. As the most important disadvantage What makes wood stand out is that it burns. For private homes this risk is highest. However this feature material can be considered relative, because stone houses, or rather their contents, also burn quite often. It is only necessary to remember that wood easily catches fire, but manufacturers have provided for this feature: at the stage of manufacturing the timber, they treat it with fire retardants, which reduce the risk of the material igniting.

Safety rules in a wooden house

If you decide to purchase a house made of timber, the pros and cons (you should carefully study the reviews in advance) of such a building must be carefully weighed. Another disadvantage of the described structures is that the installation of wiring requires compliance with strict rules. This is due to the fact that wiring is the main source of ignition. Thus, hidden wiring, laid in the ceiling, floor, as well as boxes, must be protected iron pipes, which is very often a rather difficult task to implement. Among other things, it is quite expensive. Most often, the wiring is laid in an iron corrugation. However, this approach is unacceptable in some cases. If you do not have enough experience and knowledge in this field, then you will have to take the help of professionals, which involves additional costs. This can be considered a disadvantage of wooden houses.

It is worth mentioning that styling electrical wires inside timber walls considered quite challenging task. To do this, it will be necessary to drill channels during the construction of the house, and then install pipes in them, taking into account the future shrinkage of the building. The average person can't handle this House master. Therefore, the construction wooden structure most often trusted professional builders. If you decide to buy a house made of timber, reviews and price, of course, interest you. As for the cost, it can be equal to 400 thousand rubles. If you want to reduce the cost of construction, you can build the foundation yourself. Returning to the issue of electrical wiring, we can highlight another disadvantage, which is expressed in the fact that the wiring to sockets and switches is most often open in wooden houses. This provides a not very aesthetic appearance of indoor walls.

The unattractive appearance obtained after laying the wiring can be corrected by installing a plasterboard false wall. However, it is necessary to take into account that in this case the usable area of ​​the house will be somewhat reduced, which quite often does not please the modern consumer. However, in this case it will be possible to hide the wiring between the drywall and the timber.

The need to protect wood

If you are interested in houses made of timber (Pestovo), reviews will help you study all the shortcomings of the material; for this you only need to read them in this article. It is important to take into account another disadvantage of wood, which is that it is undesirable to expose this material to excessive moisture, in which case the walls will begin to rot, bugs and all sorts of harmful microorganisms may appear in them. Manufacturers, however, have taken this feature of the timber into account; they treat it with antiseptics during the production process. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of the owners of which you will read in the article, are also treated with special substances. The consumer must take into account the need proper ventilation walls so that they do not become saturated with moisture. The disadvantage of wood treated with antiseptics is that such substances are not very beneficial to health.

The downside is the shrinkage

When choosing a wooden house, you need to remember that it will shrink. This may lead to some consequences. One of them is that the house will become lower. However, this circumstance is taken into account by builders when designing. But the formation of cracks between the beams cannot be avoided; you will have to get rid of them before the onset of winter, since such grooves can cause condensation and subsequent destruction of the wood. After the house settles, which will happen in about 2 years, the walls will still continue to move, absorbing and releasing moisture, swelling and drying out. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of which are often positive, dry out less. But in ordinary timber houses, shrinkage significantly complicates finishing. It will be necessary to insulate the walls using the caulking method; this will be especially difficult to achieve in the corners. Using tow, you attract birds to the walls that will steal insulation material, destroying the thermal insulation layer.

Using natural moisture timber

Depending on the production technology, the timber can be dried under natural or forced preparation conditions. In the first case, the material is cheaper, but during operation it will dry unevenly, which means it will become covered with cracks. This not only looks unaesthetic, but also leads to faster deterioration of the material. In this case, you will have to finish the inside.

Advantages of a house made of laminated laminated timber

If you are considering purchasing a log home, owner reviews will no doubt be important information. Thus, among the advantages we can highlight the fact that such houses are almost not deformed during operation; although the wood dries out, its geometric dimensions remain the same. Thanks to the manufacturing method, profiled glued material has excellent thermal insulation properties. The product has special grooves. If you are interested in houses made of profiled timber, reviews from the owners should help you make the right choice. Such material has correct form, and the presence of grooves makes assembly quite simple. This leads to another positive feature, expressed in the minimum construction time. Such products are more resistant to fire, as they are treated with synthetic impregnations at the production stage. If you have chosen a house made of profiled timber, customer reviews will provide you with invaluable help. They say that such buildings practically do not need additional finishing, and the cost of the foundation turns out to be very small.

Disadvantages of houses made of glued profiled timber

A house made of profiled timber, the reviews of which we are considering, may have certain disadvantages. One of them is that all kinds of resins are used in production, which can be toxic. It's important to choose quality material, as some manufacturers use treatments that release phenol.

If you are considering houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews from owners should not be ignored. After all, it is important to know the disadvantages of this material. Many consumers say that if you do not take care of such a building, it will begin to rot over time. In addition, by purchasing untreated profiled glued material, you expose your home to a fire hazard.


Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reviews of which you had the opportunity to read in this article, have a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. Each of them must be studied before construction begins.

Today, a huge number of people prefer to build a house rather than buy a home in apartment building. Their foresight does not surprise them: own house has many advantages. Main question, which should be decided before starting construction work– this is the choice of material for the construction of a future home.

Markets building materials filled with various goods, the main issue of quality is its environmental friendliness, thermal insulation and reliability. The timber meets all requirements according to its characteristics. Better material for building a house does not exist.

Timber can be divided into several types:

  1. Glued.
  2. Profiled.
  3. Unpolished (regular).
  4. Planed.

Timber, like other materials, has its disadvantages and advantages. It is made from rocks coniferous trees. For construction load-bearing walls Larch or pine are used; they are least susceptible to rotting. The resin present inside protects the structure from the negative effects of natural factors: mold formation, rotting, dampness.


The advantages of timber include the following:

  • Low price.
  • Easy to install walls.
  • Easy finishing after construction (after construction the wall is smooth and can quickly be finished with plasterboard or profiled sheeting).
  • Strength (at proper care behind the house, it can last up to 80 years).
  • Thermal insulation (timber made of wood can not only “breathe”, but also retain heat well).
  • Fast turnaround times (wood is processed very easily; building a house can take less than a month).
  • Savings on materials for the foundation (timber, compared to concrete blocks, is much lighter and houses built from it do not require the installation of a solid foundation).
  • Possessing decorativeness by nature.
  • The use of timber and other wood materials reduces the cost of finishing with inside, because The wood is aesthetically pleasing and very practical in execution.
  • During the period service life, wood material does not lose its basic properties.
  • In structures built from timber, shrinkage, twisting and deformation of the material will not occur.
  • Manufacturing takes place in production, and each element has a smooth and even surface.
  • In buildings constructed from laminated veneer lumber, the humidity percentage does not reach 14%, due to which cracks do not occur in the material and the surface remains undamaged. When producing laminated veneer lumber, defective fragments are removed, and good ones are aligned with each other and gluing is performed.
  • Due to the fact that wood is environmentally friendly pure material, people living in these buildings feel much better. This especially affects patients with allergic diseases.
  • From the point of view of architectural design, the material is convenient and it is possible to produce the most intricate structures.


If the material is manufactured correctly, according to technology, it has practically no disadvantages.

The disadvantage can be considered the fragility of buildings, because... they are susceptible to rotting and fire. Impregnation can solve this problem special compounds, such as antiseptics. For example, laminated veneer lumber goes on sale already treated with these compounds.

When purchasing regular timber, you need to clarify this point with the seller. However, if the owner is interested in doing the impregnation with his own hands, he will carry out the work using antiseptics High Quality, and they are not cheap. Manufacturers, when performing such work, use inexpensive analogues, this, in turn, affects the environmental friendliness of the material. Ordinary timber shrinks, cracks and deformation can form on it.

Glued laminated timber does not have such disadvantages, but subject to correct technological manufacturing. This timber is manufactured in lengths from 6 to 20 meters. It will not be possible to publish such material on your own; you will need to attract help.

There is an opinion that when laying profiled timber there is no need to insulate it. However, insulating pads will not hurt. When installing a structure made of ordinary timber, insulation is considered necessary.

Each type of timber has its own pros and cons, so when choosing materials to build your home you need to be careful. For example, many woodworking companies sell their products in violation of manufacturing technology, most often the material is under-dried. Its price will be significantly lower than others.

In this case, there is no need to save on materials: a house built from low-quality timber will immediately have many defects: flat wall It won’t work and the structure may become deformed. To prevent this from happening, there is no need to save on the cost of materials. Wood elements good quality won't be cheap.

The process of drying wood requires special attention. If you do not pay attention to this, the material will develop many cracks during use, and the shrinkage of the house will continue for a very long time. The moisture content of the timber affects the development of fungal formations and rotting. Flammability wood material- the most significant drawback. However, all the listed disadvantages do not outweigh the advantages and a house built from timber is one of the best buildings.