What flies across the sky at night. That night, residents of Ukraine and the European part of Russia saw strange objects in the sky

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. UFO - Patrols. Automatic tracking devices. “Eye of God”, “All-Seeing Eye” - this is what flying spy droids are called in science fiction.

But sometimes reality gives us surprises that we have no idea about. Many people are now seeing UFOs. There are so many of them lately.

But they've been here for a long time.

It’s just that the new vision of the world is difficult to comprehend. Look at the sky more often, and unknown wonders will open to your eyes...

So what are "patrols"?

Patrols are alien drones that can scan space. They appeared here in the fall of 2010 and have been flying above our heads around the clock since then, but people are not used to looking at the sky often.

These devices monitor the Earth, track all events occurring on the planet and transmit this information to the main “headquarters”, where it is analyzed and, as necessary, decisions are made to “intervene” in the affairs of earthlings.

Patrols are only scouts; everything is divided into blocks and regions.

The main feature of patrols is the flight time.

They appear in the sky every day. At 15 minutes from each hour and at 15 minutes to the next hour. They fly one at a time, less often two at a time. Patrols fly in every city and every country in the world. Information about this has been confirmed repeatedly, along with this time. Every day, at exactly 15 minutes of any hour of the day or night, portals in the air “ON ENTRANCE” (entry into the Earth’s atmosphere) open, and at 15:00, portals “OUT” (exit from the Earth’s atmosphere) open.

Always in the same place (it is different for each region), not very high from the ground, somewhere at the level of a tall tree.

The opening of the portal looks like a flash of light at one point, and then patrols appear from it. They do not shine with an even light, but blink periodically. Their color is blue, white or red-orange.

Blue and white - "star" or "ball" type. Red-orange - "balls" and "cylinders" type.

Note: The video shows white and red "ball" patrols. I have chosen the types of patrols conditionally, in order to show how it looks when observed with the naked eye. If you look through a video camera, when you zoom in you can see elongated shape objects and a luminous protective field:

These devices do not fly all the way, but appear in the sky at approximately one point, fly a certain distance and just as quickly disappear. The flight lasts approximately 3-5 minutes; it is rarely possible to observe them longer.

Despite the fact that patrols are unmanned vehicles, they are able to “hear” your words, thoughts and emotions. And react to them accordingly. We experimented this spring.

For example, an acquaintance of mine said out loud: “Yes, this is an airplane - can’t you see?” And then the object instantly slowed down, and sometimes even turned towards us. He seemed angry that he was considered an airplane. And it went down sharply.

If you yourself witness patrol flights (and not noticing them in the evening is very problematic, and yesterday’s video from Moscow is proof of this), try to treat what you see calmly and without emotion - unless, of course, you want to observe this phenomenon in the sky longer.

As I already wrote, patrols are able to hear your thoughts. And if they don’t like something, they will turn on the disguise and disappear from sight. This doesn't mean they have flown away, they will still be here, but the camouflage will prevent you from seeing them. By the way, they have the same reaction to the video camera. If you want to film, do not stand in their sight and try not to think “loudly” while recording.

Otherwise, they will spot you instantly. And they will extinguish their “lights”.

I understand that this information seems very contradictory and seems like a fantastic story - but you can check it yourself.

Simple - look at the sky in the evening (since it is very difficult to see them during the day), at 21:15, 22:15, 23:15, 00:15.

This is the time for the opening of the “ENTRANCE” portals.

And at 21:45, 22:45, 23:45, 00:45 - the opening time of the “EXIT” portals.

Every day - 15 minutes from any hour and 15 minutes from the next.

Approximate direction of patrol flights: southwest - northeast and vice versa.
(but it may be different, each area has its own characteristics).

In general, we look into the sky and admire the daily flights.

What constantly flies across the sky?

(post too old to reply)

2006-08-15 13:25:15 UTC

Hello All

very different directions, satellites? Enlighten the teapot that can fly
August is possible
witness this wonderful phenomenon. Dozens of glowing objects

They fly at high speed, flash and disappear.

2006-08-15 11:26:00 UTC

Hello Vasily!
VS> Hello All
VS> And the directions are very different, satellites? Enlighten the teapot that
VS> can fly in zigzags? And what is star rain, for example, on
VS> Hello All
VS> Baikal, in August you can witness this wonderful

VS> flash and disappear.
actually a UFO. Of course, it could also be some kind of “fy-fighters” like
project "Aurora".
I am sure that such things are no less developed here than in the USA.
And hiding government-military secrets works much better

if necessary.

2006-08-15 19:26:33 UTC
EK> There is so much garbage in orbit that it has long become a threat in itself

EK> for earth.

do they glow?... (I'm a teapot too)

I recommend listening to: Digital Emotion - Go go yellow screen

2006-08-15 15:48:56 UTC

Hello Pasha!
EK>> There is so much garbage in orbit that it has long ago become a threat in itself
EK>> for earth.
PM> That’s interesting, does the garbage glow? Do the satellites glow, and if so,
PM> then

PM> why do they glow?... (I’m also a teapot)
“Lights” is an elastic concept. After all, even the rocket/station/satellite does not glow
but rather they reflect light just like many other things.
Some kind of flashing lights are not enough for this to happen, IMHO.

visible from the ground.

Bye._______________________________________Evgeniy aka Katsu__

Vladimir Osokin

2006-08-16 17:21:24 UTC

Hello Pasha!
EK>> There is so much garbage in orbit that it has long ago become a threat in itself
Hello Pasha!
PM> then

Have a drink, maybe it will help

...You will find your goodness

2006-08-16 16:05:28 UTC

Hello Vladimir!
I am responding to your letter dated August 16, 2006, then written by Vladimir Osokin
to Pasha Musalov, and then it was 21:21:24.
PM>> That’s interesting, but does the garbage glow? Do the satellites glow, and if so, then

PM>> why do they glow?... (I’m also a teapot)

VO> It can burn in the upper atmosphere.
By the way, you can see a lot of satellites. If on a cloudless night you look at
take a closer look at the sky, then flying satellites will be visible almost 100%
in the form of "small stars" moving from a large

They don't glow - they reflect light, which is why they are visible. :)
Best wishes,


2006-08-16 06:15:53 ​​UTC

<00:26>Greetings, Pasha!

Pasha Musalov write to Evgeniy Kudas:
PM> then

PM> That’s interesting, does the garbage glow? Do the satellites glow, and if so,
red-hot. And the satellites _reflect_ sunlight, that's why sometimes
are visible. Space debris is also capable of reflecting light...

2006-08-18 23:58:20 UTC

PM>> That’s interesting, but does the garbage glow? Do the satellites glow, and if so,
PM>> then why do they glow?... (I’m also a teapot)

IM> They don't glow. Only teapots that are left unattended are lit.
IM> on the stove and red hot.

And the gurus also glow if they are thoroughly coated with transformer oil and
set it on fire.... What?

IM> And the satellites _reflect_ sunlight,
IM> that’s why they are sometimes visible. Space debris is also capable of reflecting light...

Are the satellites big on their own or not? What size is it approximately?

I don't recommend listening to anyone.

2006-08-19 05:55:39 UTC

2006-08-16 06:15:53 ​​UTC

<04:58>Pasha Musalov written to Ivan Mak:

PM> It’s not clear to me why their light is visible at such a great distance?..
PM> then

ISS - like, 200 meters in span of solar panels... at a distance of hundreds
km, it is approximately 1 millimeter at a distance of several meters. Solar
the reflection from such an object is very clearly visible even to a blind person like me.

The Protoss have fled. The zerg dug in. It's time for me to call it a day. Ivan.

Divorce the scheme, big and small... Sprinter-II

... ***@mail.ru * http://winglion.ru * http://www.petersplus.ru

Yuri Grigoriev

2006-08-22 03:55:33 UTC

PM>> It’s not clear to me why their light is visible at such a great distance?..
PM>> Are the satellites themselves big or not? What size is it approximately?

IM> ISS - like, 200 meters in span of solar panels... at a distance of
IM> hundreds of km, it is approximately 1 millimeter at a distance of several meters.
IM> The solar reflection from such an object is very clearly visible even to such an object
IM> blind like me.

In the book of P.V. Makovetsky “Look at the root” data was given that the usual
a brown soccer ball placed at an altitude of 160 km can be seen
to the naked eye as a sixth magnitude star. A sheet of A4 paper will be visible
from a distance of 550 km.

Yuri Grigoriev.
Website: http://grigorew.narod.ru

Sent via the server [email protected] - http://talk.mail.ru

2006-08-19 11:29:36 UTC

PM> Do the satellites glow, and if so, why do they glow?... (me too
PM> kettle)

They themselves do not glow, but only reflect the light of the sun.

2006-08-19 11:22:10 UTC

2006-08-15 19:26:33 UTC
EK> for earth. There are a lot of options. From a screwdriver lost by an astronaut, to
EK> actually UFO.

Do you think a screwdriver lost in orbit would emit something like this when falling?
glow? Meteors that enter the atmosphere have firing rates of the second
cosmic and higher.

2006-08-23 11:25:08 UTC

Hello Juriy!

EK>> There is so much garbage in orbit that it has long since become
EK>> a threat to the earth. There are a lot of options. From a lost astronaut
EK>> screwdrivers, up to the UFO itself.
JG> You think that a screwdriver lost in orbit will erupt when falling
JG> such a glow? Meteors that enter the atmosphere have speeds
JG> order of the second cosmic and higher.

Well, here I am saying... who knows what it is. There are many options.
And about the screwdriver, this is just an example.

visible from the ground.

Bye._______________________________________Evgeniy aka Katsu__

2006-08-15 17:31:31 UTC

Hello Vasily!

VS> at night in the sky, if you look closely, something is constantly flying.
VS> And the directions are very different, satellites? Enlighten the teapot that
VS> can fly in zigzags?

Can I have a photo? Preferably more clearly...
And anything can fly: from airplanes and helicopters to asteroids.
PS Does this by any chance look like ordinary stars? And sometimes they freeze and then
continue moving again?

VS> And what is star rain, for example, on
VS> Baikal, in August you can witness this wonderful
VS> phenomena. Dozens of luminous objects fly at high speed,
VS> Baikal, in August you can witness this wonderful

Sorry, but can you be more specific?

Have a drink, maybe it will help

2006-08-15 19:26:48 UTC

VS> at night in the sky, if you look closely, something is constantly flying. Moreover
VS> very different directions, satellites? Enlighten the teapot what can
VS> fly in zigzags?

These flying ones, blinking or non-blinking, flying for a long time or through
15 seconds disappearing always interested me too. I don't know what it is either

VS> And what is star rain, for example, on Baikal, in
VS> August you can witness this wonderful phenomenon. Dozens
VS> luminous objects fly at high speed, flash and disappear.

But meteorite rain doesn’t necessarily happen on Baikal, it seems. Just
Every year the Earth enters the belt of small meteorites and they burn up in the atmosphere.
True, I don’t remember specifically what the belt was.

I recommend listening to: Falco - Vienna calling

2006-08-15 15:52:32 UTC

2006-08-15 15:48:56 UTC

VS>> And what is star rain, for example, on Baikal, in
VS>> in August you can witness this wonderful phenomenon.
VS>> Dozens of luminous objects fly at high speed, flash
VS>> and disappear.
PM> But meteorite rain, it’s not necessarily on Baikal, it seems.
PM> It’s just that every year the Earth enters the belt of small metiorites and they burn
PM> in the atmosphere. True, I don’t remember specifically what the belt was.

Seasonal phenomena. Leonids, Persiids... something else.
The names of the streams are derived from the names of the constellations from which
these "guests" have arrived.

visible from the ground.

VS>> Dozens of luminous objects fly at high speed, flashing. For example, on the night of August 12, one could see the Perseids. Occasionally the Earth encounters such bodies and they enter it with very
high speed. As a result of such contact, they completely lose their
mass (ablation), burning in the atmosphere. This causes the glow followed by

Useful tips

Absence scientific knowledge about the sky not only gives rise to the most unusual fantasies and assumptions, such as belief in UFOs, but can also lead to panic fears, similar to what some of us experienced in December 2012.

Due to the unclear understanding of the Mayan calendar, the end date given in the records of this tribe was interpreted as the date of the end of the world, which caused great panic and fear among the people.

We often see strange lights in the sky. What is their origin? This question is asked quite often, since identifying night objects other than the Sun and Moon seems very difficult for most of us.

To help all those interested in the sky, NASA employees have published a special diagram that should help us understand the mysterious lights.

Thanks to observations and some basic knowledge, shedding light on the mysterious lights in the sky becomes easier.

Pay attention to whether the light moves and blinks. If so, you live near the city, as a rule, the light in the sky is an airplane. Very few stars and satellites are bright enough to be seen through the haze of artificial lights.

If you live far from the city, a bright light in the sky is most likely a planet. Perhaps you see the outlines of Venus or Mars.

Venus typically appears near the horizon just before dawn or just after sunset.

Flying lights in the sky

Sometimes it is very difficult to determine whether the light is the trajectory of an airplane at low altitude near the horizon or whether it is a bright planet. Sometimes, even after looking closely for a few minutes, you are not sure what those lights are in the night sky.

The above diagram gives a sometimes humorous, but very accurate definition.

A slow moving object with colorful lights is an airplane. Those that move slower and calmer are satellites. An object that moves very little during the night is a planet, and if the object does not move anywhere at all, it is a star.

Insufficient information about the sky, as mentioned earlier, can lead to paranoid thoughts and conclusions.

Many people remember very well the panic associated with the planet Nibiru, when thousands of people believed that our Earth was in danger of colliding with this mythical planet and that humanity would have to endure enormous casualties and destruction.

Astronomers who tried to calm fearful people were called liars.


Nibiru is a mythical planet located on the edge solar system. Scientific proof this planet does not exist.

The ancient Sumerians allegedly predicted that Nibiru would invade the Earth's orbit in December 2012, causing chaos and widespread destruction.

NASA scientist David Morrison is confident that Nibiru does not exist. If it existed, it could cause the displacement of other planets.

Another source of danger is allegedly the Great Rift, where the Milky Way divides in the constellation Cygnus. According to some other beliefs, this is where the danger lies. The earth will be swallowed up and “the dark gods will devour the degenerate peoples.”

Such not-so-rosy predictions are attributed to the ancient Mayans. However, evidence of their involvement in this idea has never been identified.

The Great Rift is like a black river that stretches from the bright star Deneb in the constellation Cygnus in the southwest to the constellation Sagittarius at the center of our galaxy. The river itself consists of an incomprehensible dust that looks mysteriously black.

The night of September 11 will provide an excellent opportunity to see the world of the “ice giant” Uranus. At 2 am it will be close to the Moon, the visibility of which will gradually weaken.

Uranus and Neptune are called ice giants. They are much further from the Sun than the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, so the two planets are much cooler and their gaseous atmospheres contain more “ice,” similar to frozen water, as well as methane and ammonia.

Space records

The fastest planet is Jupiter. It rotates faster than other planets around its own axis. The rotation period is 0.41 Earth days. Thus, a day on Jupiter lasts less than 10 Earth hours.

Venus is the “slowest” planet in terms of rotation speed around its axis. It completes a full revolution in -243 days. The minus sign in this case means that Venus rotates clockwise, while our planet rotates counterclockwise.

On the night of August 2-3, residents of the European part of Russia, as well as Ukraine, observed strange objects in the night sky. Stanislav Aleksandrovich Korotky, a Russian amateur astronomer and popularizer of science-intensive observations among astronomy enthusiasts, reports this.

A swarm of debris from the Kosmos-903 satellite. Photo: Victoria Lobaneva (Lobnya, Russia)

"Reports of sightings were received from the European part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kuban) and from Ukraine (Kyiv) today on the night of August 2/3, 2014 unusual cloud stars in the form of an elongated ellipse consisting of hundreds of objects with a magnitude of -1 magnitude. led They moved slowly from west to east,” writes Stanislav in social network "In contact with ".

In his opinion, observers of the mysterious cloud saw nothing more than the wreckage of the Soviet satellite Cosmos-903, which is completing its journey in low-Earth orbit. Most likely, when the spacecraft collapsed in the upper atmosphere, a lot of debris stretched out into a long swarm, which continued to move in an elliptical orbit around our planet.

A swarm of debris from the Kosmos-903 satellite. Photo: Matvey Luzyanov (Moscow, Russia)

Meanwhile, reports of sightings of a swarm began to appear on the night of August 1-2. Later, the messages were confirmed, therefore, this suggests that the satellite collapsed a day earlier.

Below are some comments from eyewitnesses who observed the wreckage of the Soviet spacecraft "Cosmos-903" (the spelling and punctuation of the authors of the messages have been preserved).

Anastasia Yarovskaya (Krasnodar, Russia) : Good evening. While walking around the city, we noticed something interesting. Some objects flew in the sky at enormous speed, clearly greater than that of an airplane. In one direction. They looked like stars, that is, they glowed with bright white light. No extraneous colors, like those of the same aircraft, were visible.

Alexander Gureev (at the time of observations was in the near Moscow region, Russia) : Many bright points, similar to stars only larger in size, they slowly moved from west to east, there were more than a hundred of them!!! No, these are not flashlights! They didn't twinkle, the color was like stars! We flew slowly, the distance between the extremes was about 130 degrees! There were a lot of them! The brightness of the objects is approximately -1m, they moved very slowly - one degree in a few minutes, the brightness is uniform, bluish in color, similar to stars. They were not evenly distributed across the sky, they did not move parallel to each other...

I observed it for about 40 minutes, during which time the brightness remained virtually unchanged. The sky was cloudy, the stars were practically invisible, unlike stars they did not twinkle!

They appeared at an altitude of 35-40 degrees, flew through the zenith and began to disappear above the eastern horizon at an altitude of 60 degrees! and that’s because of cloudiness...

Danila Zavodovsky (Kyiv, Ukraine) : Today (08/02/2014) I saw a UFO at about 22:00 over Kiev. Flew, approximately, from Maidan towards the Central Railway Station. Looked like barely glowing cloud(although perhaps it was a barely illuminated huge building) there were a lot on/in the cloud (about a hundred at a glance) glowing balls(in brightness slightly exceeding the brightness of the most bright stars in the sky) which randomly changed places, the trajectories of their movement were in no way connected with the direction and trajectory of the cloud itself. At the far end (not at the very end but closer to it), in relation to the direction of movement of the object, there was a dense cluster of a couple of dozen luminous balls that formed a stationary bright spot irregular shape on the object. Behind the UFO stretched a thin “tail” of luminous balls (about 50), mutually moving back and forth along the tail, and along the direction of movement of the object. I observed the UFO for about 20-30 seconds until it disappeared behind the roof of my house.

The Kosmos-903 spacecraft was launched into orbit using the Molniya launch vehicle, which launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome on April 11, 1977. The satellite worked for a little while more than a year: in July 1978, its period of active existence expired. "Cosmos-903" was part of the missile attack warning system.

If among the readers of the Pulsar - Astronomy and Cosmonautics News website there are eyewitnesses of this event, then please: unsubscribe in the comments (it is advisable to immediately indicate the place and time of observation), and, if possible, provide photographs. We will be very grateful to you!

Some of his colleagues observed, as many as 10. Hundreds of non-scientific observers in the wide vicinity around Lubbock saw as many as three flights of mysterious crescent moons in one night.

Carl Hart Jr. On the night of August 30, an attempt to photograph the light was made by 18-year-old Carl Hart Jr. He used a Kodak 35mm camera at F3.5, 1/10 second. Working quickly, Hart managed to obtain five exposure flights.

The photographs exhibited by Hart as a result of these efforts show 18 to 20 luminous objects, more intense than the planet Venus, located within one or a pair of crescents. In several photographs, on one side of the main flight, more luminosity is visible... like the mother of the craft hovering next to its aerial brood.

The photos were taken at 5:30 pm and 10:37 pm. Three Texas Tech professors examined the 18-year-old photographs but could not find any explanation for the photographs. Witness Roger Dods heard a slight rustling or whistling sound, like objects being passed over his head. He reported seeing them at 10:37 p.m. In late September, a report of the Lubbock lights reached the Air Force.

The BBC examined the photographs in great detail and could neither prove nor disprove their authenticity. Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, an Air Force officer who became the first director of Project Blue Book, traveled to Lubbock to investigate the case. Rappelt later wrote very good book about his experiences as a UFO investigator entitled "Unidentified Flying Object Report".

It was Ruppelt who was interviewing an elderly rancher in Brownfield. The ranchers claimed to have heard of the "unmistakable call of the plover," a water bird with a one-foot wingspan and a fat white chest that "could easily ward off city lights."

But the gamekeeper said that the phenomenon could not have been caused by plovers (birds the size of quails), since these birds never fly in flocks of more than three.

T. Snyder, Jr. reported: "I saw something that people were seeing, and it was definitely a duck." While it doesn't account for incredible speed, the reflection from the Western Drive-In Theater has raised some ducks that need to be covered. Everyone seems to point to bird flights as an explanation for the mysterious phenomenon dubbed the "Lubbock Lights," and yet there are those who disagree.

Witnesses say they saw "dots" of lights flying in "U" and "V" shapes, passing at two and three second intervals. The number of points reported in the strata ranges from eight to nine to 20 to 30. The lights appeared in the northeastern part of the sky and proceeded in a straight line to the southwest.

The color of the lights was "oh, like stars, only brighter," and others said they were either blue or white with a slight yellow tint to them. Others described them as appearing "like beads," moving in about a semicircle, and "soft, luminous, bluish-green."