What to do if you no longer have the strength to fight life’s circumstances. I have no strength to live. How to cope with lack of strength

In the modern world, a person has much more free time than his fellow man, for example in the 18-19th century, this prompted the so-called mental view of the world around him.

Previously, a person did not have any extra energy left for nonsense, like thinking about the meaning of life, about the meaning of existence, but now, please, think as much as you want. As a result, a person became dissatisfied with the benefits that he had, he began to want to possess something more, but he did not understand what he wanted. Paradoxically, the person did not begin to have more energy and enthusiasm as a result of the freed up free time; on the contrary, due to its excess, he became much weaker, largely due to depression and apathy caused by mental reflections about life. Yes, this is precisely the situation in which most representatives of the human race find themselves.

Is there a solution to the problem?

Of course, there are two types of solutions to this difficult problem. The first method is short-term, but short-lived, and the second is the opposite.

In the first case, it is enough for a person to give up all the benefits he has for a while. It would be just right to buy a tent and go hiking. Just don’t take food and water with you; in this situation of loss of vitality, you absolutely don’t need these aspects. After 1-2 days spent in a cold forest, hungry and thirsty, you will probably rethink what you had before. You will find energy and a goal to strive for, I guarantee that. True, this state will not last long and you need to do something similar again. How can I say anything, this is some deprivation, fear. For example, you can jump from a parachute or engage in extreme sports.

Now it’s worth explaining the second method, which, as already mentioned, is long-term. You need to find a one and only hobby, or an interesting activity in Russian. This could be studying astronomical bodies with a telescope, biking, picking up trucks, rummaging through antiquities with a metal detector, knitting, professional cooking, or any other activity. Here everything depends only on your fantasies, listen to yourself, remember what you wanted to do as a child, and make them come true real world. As psychologists have established, a hobby helps a person gain energy, meaning in life, and a desire for life. You will not have free time to think about bad things, you will be busy with something exciting for you.

In the life of almost every person there is a period when the strength to live becomes less and less, perhaps the strength leaves completely. I want to give up, give up everything and hide deep under the blanket, or even deeper - under a meter layer of soil. But we all understand perfectly well that going out the window is not an option, and we should look for a new path in life, and perhaps repair the old one. So where do you start on this path of spiritual restoration?

First you need to find out where the legs grow from, that is, find the cause of this problem. Often this problem lies on the surface. This could be the loss of a loved one, physical disabilities, financial problems, drug or alcohol addiction, perhaps something else, too many to list. Or perhaps the essence of the problem lies within a person, it is possible that in the world around him everything is quite sweet and smooth, but the hands themselves give up every day more and more and the strength becomes less and less.

If the problem is obvious

If the problem is obvious to you, or perhaps it is a whole mountain of troubles that has piled up over a certain period, then you need to start solving it, and even think about what to do. Yes, they are difficult life situations, but everything in our world can be solved. First, you need to understand what mainly led to such a state when you give up. Then you need to understand what to do next, gain optimism and meet difficulties halfway. Yes, it is not easy, but it is in such situations that character is strengthened and the will to live is manifested. It is also necessary to enlist the support of truly close people. We need to admit to them and to ourselves that there are certain circumstances that need to be overcome. It may be worth asking them for some help or at least moral support.

After you start solving your external problems, you need to remember that not everything always works out right away. Perhaps the difficulties will not go away immediately. It is likely that this will be a rather difficult battle with a pile of life’s troubles. But don’t give up just at the first failure. Really strong and successful people always struggled with a pile of problems at the beginning of their journey, and did not even think about retreating. Desire and perseverance are the foundation for overcoming the crisis of life circumstances. You just need to set a goal and start moving towards it. Nothing can stop a person who knows what he wants, and the main thing is to focus on his goal.

If the problem is inside

If the problem lies within, then starting to move towards its solution is somewhat more difficult. Often a person cannot understand without outside help what is wrong with him, and yet nothing works out in business. It seems like there are arms and legs, and the head is also in place, but I’m unlucky in life, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to deal with it. This requires specific self-analysis; of course, you can go to a specialist, but saving a drowning person is the work of the drowning person himself, and you will have to get out on your own. A specialist will help and this is important, but your work will be the main one.

First you need to understand the essence of the problem, find out what is missing inside and start working on it. Perhaps you lack self-motivation for something, but this is a trait that needs to be trained like a muscle. Perhaps there is a lack of determination; this trait also needs to be trained. Great solution all internal problems will be studied thematic literature in those areas in which there are problems. Indeed, what could be better than reading books where it is written in detail how to live, how to become happy and achieve success in your endeavors. It is this method, combined with introspection, that will help change your views on certain things and improve your quality of life.

How to give yourself strength

But without small joys it is difficult to build real happiness, which is why you need to periodically pamper yourself. You should reward yourself from time to time with things that truly bring you pleasure. Having climbed another mountain, it’s worth stopping and having a bite of your favorite ice cream or watching your favorite movie. Indeed, these little things work effectively, the brain begins to understand what it is working for and what it is striving for, and it itself is in a good mood. This method has been known for a long time and is called “Carrot and Stick”, using it is quite useful, but the hardest thing is to find it within yourself effective leader, who will both customize and encourage on time.

Thoughts are material

If you imagine your future filled with life, success, joy - that’s exactly what it will be. If you think that another portion of failures awaits you next, then this is destined to come true. Those thoughts that
live in our heads and are realized over time. If you have absolutely no strength left to live, remember what you have been thinking about lately? Most likely, your thoughts were completely negative, and you used them to consume your life energy every day.

The solution to this problem is obvious! You need to set yourself up for the best every day. At first it may seem stupid and pointless, but this is only because negative thoughts have been controlling you throughout the last time. Then more and more often you will notice the appearance of Have a good mood, and increase positive energy. As a result, positive thoughts will naturally come to your head, and you will have a lot of strength to overcome life’s troubles.


As a result, we can draw the following conclusion : to deal with all external and internal problems Mainly you need to take a closer look at yourself and do it better with the help of a specialist.

Indeed, all problems are within us; another question is how difficult it is to break this vicious circle of troubles in order to allow yourself to breathe freely and enjoy life. To do this, you should use all the above actions together, because it will be easier to overcome difficulties if you use several levers of pressure on them at once. In the life of every person, from time to time there is a certain crisis in relationships with society or with oneself.

In any case, the main thing is never to give up, never give up, and look into the future with optimism!

How to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything? Determining how to live can be quite easy if you have desires and goals, but the same question is perplexing if you lack desires and motivation. Such a condition can be temporary and occur quite easily, or it can take on a chronic form called apathy - it is a medical term that reflects disorders in the mental sphere. There is no need to immediately diagnose yourself; for many people, apathetic moods are a periodically encountered norm, and these problems can be solved quite independently, without turning to doctors or medications.

It is important not to confuse the lack of desires and strength with simple laziness. This can be easily distinguished - it disappears as soon as a sufficient stimulus appears, followed by a surge of strength and activity, the person’s eyes light up. In a state where there really is no strength, not a single stimulus will make a person jump, and when the sphere of needs and desires is frustrated, there will simply be nowhere for the motivational component to arise.

In case of malfunction of any organs, starting viral disease or at the time of exacerbation of a chronic illness, the body’s reserve reserves are aimed at eliminating these problems, so there may simply not be enough energy for everything else. Lack of vitamins winter period, chronic lack of sleep undermines the body's strength. Moreover, it will not be possible to fight such problems with promotions and work through willpower - the lack of sleep will need to be compensated by establishing a routine long time, not one night, but a disadvantage nutrients restore after consultation with doctors. Physical exhaustion from prolonged work requires rest for the body, otherwise more serious health problems will occur after a lack of strength and desire.

Often you don’t want anything and the presence of a feeling of powerlessness is due to a feeling that is characteristic mainly of people in helping professions or workaholics, while it is often reflected precisely in the professional sphere, without affecting the rest of life. In the case of emotional overload during communication, powerlessness in any form of contact may occur, and prolonged monotonous work can completely kill aspirations and creativity. and moments of crisis can plunge a person into a similar state with the same ease as physical disorders. Among the many reasons, it is necessary to single out the one that sucks all your strength and initially concentrate on eliminating it.

How to live further if there is no strength and meaning

It is loss that deprives you of your main strength, so instead of pumping yourself up with energy drinks, it is more logical to understand your basic life-giving meanings. Such conditions arise from crisis and traumatic moments, when a person loses loved ones, faces serious illnesses, and is forced to radically change his life. Then the previous guidelines collapse, and new ones have not yet been formed, and it becomes completely unclear how to live, and there is really no strength, since exactly as much energy appears as is necessary to realize aspirations. Some can afford to travel to deal with a change in direction, understand where difficulties came from and set a new course, but not everyone can leave their everyday life for introspection inner world. Then the question arises of how to live further if there is no strength and money to provide such a retreat. Fortunately, it is continuity with your usual life that is the key to overcoming this condition.

Spiritually strong people they perceive everything philosophically and as temporary categories, having internal meanings of something imperishable and without an end point - this could be self-development, improving the world, helping those in need. When the meaning is limited to some specific relationships, people, type of activity, then the likelihood of its loss is high, and the more specific and stronger the attachment, the greater the crisis awaits. As you continue to perform your usual activities, examine your life for the presence of such eternal meanings, having value even after your death, even after everything disappears and changes. During this time, you can automatically go to work and cook soup, while mentally noting to yourself whether it makes sense to paint your lips or feed the homeless, go to church or buy a dress - by analyzing such little things you can come across their relevance, despite the changes that have occurred. Following this, an understanding of energy will begin to increase for the performance of such actions that you yourself assess as important - this will be the new course of your life.

If the meaning of life was lost after a certain event, then it happened because of a strong stress that the nervous system was unable to cope with. Then it will fade away and become less of a concern, but the feeling of not being completely alive may remain, so it’s worth contacting a psychotherapist to work through the situation as quickly as possible - the older the injury, the more difficult the rehabilitation will be later. If there is no opportunity to use help, then try not to hold back your negative and uncomfortable emotions - cry while you cry, scold the world order while a cry breaks out, kick the walls of the institution where it was painful. Everything is fine, as long as these emotions do not remain inside you, because it will take all your strength to contain them.

How to live on if you have no strength and nothing works out

There are periods when you work so hard that you no longer have the strength, but there is no result, and you get the deceptive feeling that you need to try even harder. It is necessary to slow down and do everything calmly and slowly, reducing the priority of what is being done. Shift your attention to your own condition and, above all, take care of rest, emotional relief and breaks, and only in your free time do what you so zealously strived for earlier. The secret is quite simple - the more you take care of yourself, the more resource condition you are and then new ideas may be born to optimize the process to introduce new ways of achieving, instead of punching a wall with your forehead when there is an open door a meter away from you.

In developing a strategy for how to live further if there is no strength and money, many begin to diligently save and force themselves to work more - the system is a failure, since it leads to a deterioration in physical condition, emotional well-being, and to the cessation of any progress in business. If you are tired, then you are going the wrong way - you are wasting a lot of energy, working in the wrong places where you can be useful, and not using optimization. If you notice that it’s not working out, then it makes sense to change the strategy for achieving it or the goal itself (well, you don’t teach a parrot to swim, or you teach a dog or a parrot to talk).

Exceeding expectations and impatience can lead to such conditions, so before setting deadlines and hoping for stunning results, monitor the situation regarding what you have in mind. Even a round-the-clock effort may not be enough due to the specifics of the activity being performed; perhaps it would be more important to relax and wait in inaction (remember that you cannot pull grass out of the ground). It is better to do something constantly and in small doses than to try to complete what you have planned in one moment, because both quality and your sense of self suffer from such an approach.

Another point leading to exhaustion internal resources and the destructive result is control. The more processes you try to control, the more nervous you become about the inconsistency of small details, and you lose energy. At the same time, control over everything does not allow you to navigate the situation and change the concept of action in time; it does not allow you to rely on the opinions of others, which takes up your time for constant checks; as a result, you do not respond to changes adequately.

How to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything - psychology

Any problem must begin to be solved by defining it and identifying the causes, and therefore reducing energy resources and the absence of desires is worth doing the same. Initially, it is necessary to exclude physiological causes by undergoing an examination. Next, you need to adjust your daily routine and the pace of life in general, so that it becomes fulfilling rather than exhausting, and only then begin to analyze the psychological components. Except in cases where the cause of such a condition is known - if it began after the loss of a person or high paying job, during divorce or illness. In some cases, it helps to mentally bring the situation to the most negative level, i.e. illness to death, quarrel to separation, etc. Looking from a different scale of values, it may turn out that the reason is not so critical; in addition, such an exaggeration shakes up nervous system and revives values.

But not all situations can be adjusted so easily, and if the worst happens to you, then you need to find support in what remains. If you have children (your own, friends, brothers, nephews), then spend more time with them, it would be good to fulfill those promises that you made to them, but still didn’t have time (to go to the movies, fight with lightsabers) - such communication will make your soul feel better is unfrozen, various emotions can be actualized. In addition, communication with children is the most sincere - they will ask you direct questions, and sometimes give you advice that works.

When heavy thoughts and meaninglessness prevent you from living, and you don’t have the strength to go to work, then it’s worth changing the environment as much as possible (at least moving the furniture and repainting the door). Minimize contacts with unpleasant people, the same applies to news coming to you. It is better to remain for a certain time in an information vacuum than to waste crumbs of energy on useless information - at this time it is better to remember what brought you joy, what were your old dreams and begin to realize what even quietly resonates in your soul. In addition to such positive excavations, look for negative ones - old grievances, long-standing, unspoken reproaches. Such things, having accumulated over the years, slowly eat up your energy, so by forgiving the offenders, transforming anger into active actions, you remove what was absorbing your resources.

Are you sad and have no energy at all? There is a way out. Even three.

1. Find a new meaning in life

Light up, believe, explode yourself from the inside. And go achieve this goal, while experiencing childlike joy from the process, from small steps. The danger here is that if you don’t fully recover along the way, the energy will run out again. By the way, here it is.

2. Completely change your lifestyle for a while

Find a place you are drawn to, ask for blessings from your loved ones and go there for about a year, live there as best you can, find joy in little things, look for yourself, wait until the desire to actively live and achieve again appears.

Danger: not wanting to come back at all. Unnoticed by yourself, you pass the point of no return and, instead of finding yourself, completely lose yourself. Man is still a social being and cannot live without society for long.

The second risk is to choose wrong place. It is only in theory that if a person is cold, he will seek warmth. If 1/4 of the body and soul is frozen, it will want warmth, but if at least half is already cold, it will want cold. The cold itself will already possess him. He will acquire his own will, he will be afraid to melt.

Try to offer the criminal a good but honest life. Would you like it? In principle, the same here. You need to think carefully before choosing insulation. And if you choose, then set yourself a deadline for when you will return. No "how will it go". Literally day after day.

3. Accept the situation and remove the burden that has accumulated throughout your life

Three things need to be cleaned:

  1. relationships with people (not to break, but to understand, evaluate, think).
  2. Resentment, because everyone modern man a lot of them. Individualism has played a cruel joke on us; we have completely forgotten how to calmly express grievances. We accumulate them and accumulate them until a huge “offended” ego grows. And then from its top we are afraid to step again towards people. To those we love and appreciate.
  3. Plan expectations and goals. The fact is that by the middle of life, each of us accumulates a huge number of all sorts of unrealized ideas. We get excited, and then we put off and put off the birth of a second child, climbing Elbrus, buying a house in our parents’ homeland, traveling to places of childhood, creating a website about our favorite hobby, etc.

And all this accumulates and gives rise to a residue of unfulfillment. And so you go to work, where you basically have to give your all, and your website and your house are sitting “on your hump”, and in the evening you’re drunk again at work, which means you can forget about “making children” for the next week.. And so it is for everyone, for any of us.

Therefore, you need to set aside a day one day, rent a room in country hotel and sit down and write down all your goals on a piece of paper, including those that have long been half-forgotten and discarded with the thought “this is not for me.” (You can also work with , it works great!)

For each purpose, “smoke” separately, and decide what to do with it. Write, tweet diagrams, sketch out a business plan, and then collect all this pile of papers and just burn it. And in the morning, wake up and start realizing your first immediate goal.

How to continue to live if you have no strength - many people are looking for the answer to this question. The problem is so urgent that it occurs in almost every tenth person. Depletion of the spiritual world brings even greater discomfort than physical health problems. Modern world often drives a person into a vice. Problems in personal life, at work, with finances and the environment often lead to apathy and a number of mental illnesses.

A strong personality in most cases copes with such problems. A small series of downs gives way to ups. A psychologically stable person quickly gets out of unpleasant situation and finds the strength to move forward, which cannot be said about weak people who are accustomed to shifting responsibility onto the shoulders of others.

Sometimes strong personalities fail and fall into the trap of a temporary psychological crisis. This is where the question arises of how to find the strength to live on. A long-term apathetic state can be provoked by a number of factors that make a person experience loss of strength and uncertainty in tomorrow. You can recover using special methods of modern psychotherapy and other equally effective approaches.

How to continue living if you have no strength?

How to find the strength to live on? First of all, you need to identify the cause of your condition. Often the trigger is some kind of problem, trauma or loss. For example, an unloved job that takes a lot of time often leads to weakness and loss of taste for life. In this case, it is recommended, if possible, to change the type of activity or try to diversify your leisure time. These changes will help you get out of a difficult mental state.

If there is no strength left to live, then the problem may lie in psychological trauma. The death of a loved one, a serious illness, etc. can cause such damage to one’s mental state. Getting rid of psychological trauma on your own is sometimes very difficult. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist. Additionally, you should focus as little as possible on negative thoughts and memories. Replaying it in my head obsessive states, thereby you can only worsen your mental well-being and completely exhaust yourself. When a traumatic memory or thought comes to mind, you should switch to any other fantasy. If this cannot be done, then it is recommended to occupy yourself with something.

Where to find the strength to live if you die close person, is interesting to many, because coping with such an injury is very difficult. First, you should give yourself a certain period of time to throw out all the surging emotions, sadness, tears, etc. Under no circumstances should you suppress your feelings. Otherwise, they may turn into a serious illness in the future. It is necessary to survive the loss. But for this you should give yourself a certain period of time, no matter how strange it may sound.

The subconscious will definitely fit into these time frames. After this it is recommended to start active life. At first this will be difficult. But even if there is no desire at all, it is recommended to force yourself through force. You can get a dog, start jogging in the morning, draw, embroider, etc. During this period, it is advisable to communicate and meet with friends as much as possible.

Personal traumas, which often devastate a person’s soul, leaving no strength to continue living, can also be worked through independently or with the help of a psychotherapist.

Where and how to find strength?

If you no longer have the strength to live, then it is recommended to use techniques that allow you to find motivation. Without a core goal, finding meaning is very difficult. First of all, you should no longer shift responsibility for your life and for the ups and downs to someone else. It is recommended to fantasize about what you would like to have or change. It is better to write down your desired goal on a piece of paper. There may be several of them. If there are no more options left, then just one goal is enough.

Next, you should mentally imagine yourself from the outside. At the same time, you need to see yourself already achieved goals, happy and satisfied. You need to literally feel this state. If you do this periodically, your motivation increases, and the question of how to live on, where to find strength, no longer arises.

One woman lived in solitude, and in order to find meaning for her further existence, she simply revised her attitudes. Such a simple method can radically change the usual course of things. It is necessary to write down on a piece of paper everything that burdens life and everything that fills it with meaning. Negative aspects should be tried to be eradicated or corrected. Positive ones - bring them to life. This way we gain motivation.

It is very effective to display target slides in a prominent place and review them regularly. The more you do today, the better the result will be tomorrow. The next thing you need to do is reconsider your activities - you need to literally get inspired. Ineffective behaviors should be replaced with more productive ones.

Additional Information

To live on and find the strength to do so, you can use NLP methods. Neurolinguistic programming allows you to gradually displace a negative attitude and change it with the help of positive attitudes. This is far from the only method of finding meaning in life, but it is very effective.

Find a point on your body. This can be any area: knee, neck, wrist, etc. Then you need to apply pressure on it. After this, you should remember the moment of some good event, experience and feel a feeling of happiness. At the moment of peak fantasy, you should press harder on the point. You need to do this 7 times in a row.

You can find and use any points. The subconscious mind remembers the sensations, and the next time you press on the point, a feeling of elation and happiness will literally envelop you.

If you live in a large locality, then you can sign up for some section or go to a fitness club. It is necessary to analyze what you do best and constantly move forward in this matter. If you set a clear goal for yourself and increase motivation with the help of slides, then the meaning of life will appear by itself.

It is also necessary to increase reserves of positive energy daily. In apathetic people this is often practically zero. To increase energy, you should engage in special practices. Meditations with sound will help partially solve the problem. While falling into a pleasant slumber or just before going to bed, you need to imagine yourself in some good location. You can just fantasize abstractly. Imagine the streams of vital energy that flow into the body.

It is very important to avoid negative emotions: despondency, anger, envy, etc. You need to fill yourself with kindness and love. After some time, it will be possible to notice the first changes. The slides will become reality, and your state of mind will improve, meaning will appear, and motivation will increase. Live in accordance with your own guidelines, and your mental health will be fine.