Earn money by viewing captcha for 5 rubles. How to withdraw earned money? Withdrawing funds and ordering payment

Greetings, friends and readers of the ilife.ru blog! Today we will talk about another simple one, which does not require special skills and everyone can understand it. If you are a beginner, then today’s method of making money on captcha will allow you to get your first money remotely.

Captcha is a test that allows you to determine who an Internet user is: a human or a bot (computer program). Used to protect against computer programs.

A simple example: on most sites, when registering, you are asked to enter a captcha. This is done to prevent attackers from using various automated programs to create new users and send spam.

But there are also useful tools on the Internet, for example, a program that allows you to determine the uniqueness of text, which, using a special script, analyzes thousands of text matching requests throughout the Internet. Due to the large amount of access this program makes to search engines, captchas automatically block.

Those who perform such a text check with this program can decide to enter the captcha manually themselves or, in order not to waste time, entrust this work to special paid services for automatically entering the captcha.

These services employ ordinary people who solve captchas for money. It turns out that the program sends a captcha to the service, a person solves it, sends it back, and the analysis of the text continues. The user of the program pays the service, and the service pays the workers for each solved captcha.

There is absolutely no catch or scam here.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of earning money by entering captcha, I can highlight the following:

  • Does not require any special knowledge or skills.
  • No investment.
  • You can work from the comfort of your home and in your free time. You decide when to work and when to rest.
  • Earned money can be withdrawn immediately.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Low income and no development.
  • Routine work.

A selection of the best sites


RuCaptcha.com- the most popular Russian site that pays for captcha recognition.

To start earning money, you need to register and select the “I am an employee” tab in the upper right corner.

You will find more detailed instructions in the Rukapchi review article.

  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Payment depends on the complexity of the task - from 1 to 35 kopecks for one solved captcha.
  • There is a tutorial for beginners.
  • A rating system that will allow responsible and experienced employees to receive more expensive captchas.
  • RuCaptcha Bot is a special program that will help you earn more by solving not only regular “picture” captchas, but also “checkmark” captchas.
  • Instant withdrawal of earned money. The minimum amount (minimum) for withdrawal is 15 rubles.
    Works with payment systems: WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Payeer, Bitcoin and mobile phone account.

After talking with experienced workers on Ru captcha, I found out that in order to earn more here, you need to work at night. The system is designed in such a way that the more active workers, the lower the rate for 1,000 solved captchas.

On the main page of the service you can find “System Statistics” for the day and see the most profitable time with high rates on the chart.


2captcha.com— English version of Rukapcha. A completely identical interface is only in English. It is intended for a foreign audience, so payment here is in dollars.

  • The average rate is 0.0004 - 0.0005 $ per 1 captcha.
  • To withdraw funds, systems such as WebMoney (minimum 50 cents), PayPal, Payza are used.


Kolotibablo.com- another popular service where you pay for entering captcha. As I understand it, the employees of this site solve the captcha for the service Anti-captcha.com.

  • Convenient and functional interface.
  • Plugin for solving recaptchas.
  • Constant updates and addition of new features.
  • The opportunity to earn money not only by entering captcha.
  • To withdraw, you need to solve 500 captchas and accumulate a minimum amount of $1.
  • Systems for withdrawing money: Yandex Money, Qiwi, Bitcoin, PayPal, Payza, Okpay USD, W1 RUR.

Read the separate instructions for using the Kolotibablo service.

Analogues are worse

I tried to work on these services, but they are not so popular and there are either no tasks for them at all or very few.

  • Leowork.ru- a new platform that is just gaining popularity.
  • Megatypers.com(to register you need to enter the invitation code - DISH).
  • Protypers.com- twin brother of the previous site, you can even use the same login and password to log in. They have a combined account (for a new registration, also use the code - DICH).
  • Socialink.ru— look for a job in the “Anti-capturing” section.

How much can you earn?

Let's figure out how much they actually earn using captcha. The reviews that some people write are a scam. I showed you the real rates that services pay. If you count 1,000 solved captchas, then on average it costs 20 - 50 rubles. No one will pay you 1 ruble for a captcha.

To recognize a thousand captchas, a beginner needs 2–3 hours. It turns out that in 2 - 3 hours you will earn 20 - 50 rubles, and in 4 - 6 hours (almost a working day) you will earn 50 - 100 rubles. In total, working 6 hours a day, 7 days a week, your income will be:

50 - 100*30 (days) = 1,500 - 3,000 rubles per month.

Here, watch this video about one of the services.

Secrets to increasing your income

What can you do to increase your income from entering captcha? A few of my recommendations.

  1. Choose a favorable time to work. From midnight to morning the stakes are highest.
  2. Master it. This will allow you to enter characters faster and will take you less time to work.
  3. Increase your rating in the system.
  4. Don't make mistakes, it's better to skip tasks. If you make too many mistakes, you may be banned forever.
  5. Invite your friends and acquaintances to the system using your link. Explore the materials on my blog. By inviting a friend, you will earn a percentage of his income.


As you understand from the above, you can’t make a lot of money on captcha, but if you don’t know how to do anything else, then this is a good way to profitably spend time on the Internet.

I wish you success! Below, leave your reviews and comments about this method of receiving money online. I will be glad to chat and suggest something.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I will talk about this type of earnings as input (a little earlier I wrote about that). I'll do this using the site as an example. ruCaptcha(or 2captcha- to receive income in foreign currency).

The Ru-Capcha service is considered one of the best in this area. It has been working steadily for several years, is constantly developing and regularly pays the money it earns. And just the other day she appeared in it possibility of automatic earnings— a lazy person’s dream (install the program and mind your own business while the money drips in).

Automatic earnings on ReCaptcha through the RuCaptcha Bot X program

If you're lucky, your passive income from using this program will range from $0.5-$2 per day.

Review of ruCaptcha (2captcha) and what is entering captcha for money?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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One of the most unusual and simple ways that brings stable income on the Internet is making money by entering captcha. All the relevant specialist needs to do is decrypt captchas every day, and in order for your earnings to be substantial, you should devote a lot of time to work and manually recognize thousands of captchas. Be that as it may, earning 500 rubles in one day is real, although it is an extremely difficult task in this area.

    • What is a captcha and is it difficult to enter?
    • The most popular sites for making money on captchas
    • How to get up to 500 rubles per day by entering captcha?

What is a captcha and is it difficult to enter?

Captcha is the most common form of verification on the Internet that establishes the reality of the user. It is with the help of captcha that sites distinguish people from bots and programs.

You've probably come across a form more than once that asks you to fill out a field by specifying characters from a given image. Usually these characters are distorted or encrypted so that they are difficult for a robot to recognize, but they are almost always understandable to a human.

Read the article on the topic: How graphic captcha works - what you need to know before you start making money on captcha

Entering a captcha, in general, is not a difficult task - in rare cases, the characters on the captcha turn out to be difficult to recognize, but almost always the captcha offers the opportunity to reload the picture and enter other characters. It usually takes a person from 5 to 20 seconds to enter one captcha. The simplest captchas are an image with numbers, the most complex ones contain many symbols and letters, and sometimes even offer a solution to a small mathematical problem.

If for commercial purposes you need mass distribution of information on websites or multiple registrations, entering captchas yourself will be too labor-intensive. That is why there are services that offer a paid solution. By becoming an employee of such a service, you can earn money yourself, but keep in mind that earnings by entering captcha rarely exceed 500 rubles per day and often turn out to be much less.

The most popular sites for making money on captchas

In order to start earning money by entering captchas, you first need to register on a special website. Today there are many domestic and foreign resources on the Internet that offer earnings through multiple captcha entries.

One of the most popular domestic sites is antigate.com. This site employs thousands of captcha entry specialists, but earning 500 rubles a day on this resource is almost impossible. For entering 1000 captchas you get about 0.7 dollars, so in a day to earn 500 rubles you need to enter more than 10 thousand captchas, which is almost impossible.

Another domestic resource that offers earnings by entering captcha - kolotibablo.com. It is also very popular, has a high reputation, since it has been working on the market for a long time, but only the best specialists who make few errors when entering and have earned a high reputation receive 500 rubles for one day of work here. In principle, if you take captchas seriously, then in a few months, having gained experience, you will be able to get closer to the coveted amount of earnings.

Among the foreign resources that offer to earn money by entering captcha, we should highlight first of all megatypers.com. The site pays a fairly high reward, which allows the best specialists to earn 500 rubles per day and even more. Some service workers receive$250 per month or more.

How to get up to 500 rubles per day by entering captcha?

If your goal is to earn 500 rubles a day, then, first of all, you should tune in to long-term work, perseverance and patience. The biggest difficulties that workers in this field face are the amount of work and errors when entering captcha. As for volumes, everything is clear here; in one day you have to enter 6-10 thousand captchas, but over time, experienced workers perform the entry almost automatically. The best specialists enter one captcha in an average of 5 seconds.

Watch the video -Earnings by entering captcha RuCaptcha 500 rubles per day

The second difficulty in working is the mistakes made. Each site allows you to make a certain number of mistakes per day; if you step over this line, you can be blocked for incompetence.

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about a new way to make money - captcha. Find out what it is, and consider in detail the essence of work on one of the projects. I’ll tell you how much money you can earn this way, and also give you some important tips. Let's begin!

With the advent of spammers on the Internet (people engaged in mass mailings, registrations, etc.), many sites began to be cluttered with unnecessary information and useless registrations. Due to the fact that most spammers use automatic programs in their work, captcha was invented to counter them and cut off the lion's share of requests from these automatic programs (robots, bots).

What is captcha?

Captcha(in English Captcha) is a fully automated test that allows you to determine whether you are a person or a robot. A captcha is a picture with different letters or numbers, or both.

Why is captcha needed?

Captcha allows you to successfully fight the majority of spammers, preventing the Internet from turning into a big garbage dump. When a spammer program tries, say, to register on a forum or website, 90% of it will be cut off by a captcha.

On the one hand, captcha is good, but on the other hand, captchas can be so difficult that it is difficult even for a person to recognize it, not to mention programs. In fact, you can write a huge article or even a book about captcha, so I won’t delve too deeply into this topic, but rather tell you how you can make money on captcha.

Why is making money on captcha so popular?

There are many ways to make money on the Internet. Many of them will require certain knowledge and skills, so if you are a beginner, you should pay attention to the available ways to earn money, one of which is making money on captcha.

Working on the Internet “Capcha for money”. Here are some advantages:

  • No investment or start-up fees.
  • You can earn money immediately after registration.
  • It’s very easy to make money from captchas, anyone can do it! Entering a captcha does not require any special knowledge or skills; you just need an Internet connection.
  • In the future, this method of earning money may become passive for you and bring constant profit.
  • Most importantly, there are no restrictions on the amount of income. The more time you spend, the more money you will earn.

Who benefits from working with captcha?

  • The benefit for customers is that they do not need to enter captcha in the programs they use. Some people enter the captcha themselves, while others find it easier to pay money to have other people enter it.
  • The benefit for users is to earn money by entering captcha.

How to make money on captcha? The essence of the work:

The point of making money on captchas is solving (recognizing) symbols in pictures. Pictures (captchas) can be completely different: consist of numbers, letters of the Russian and English alphabet, or include everything at once.

After you have recognized the received captcha, you need to type it into the appropriate field (we will look at how this is done below using the example of one of the projects).

The faster you can recognize captchas and enter them, the more you can earn. In fact, the speed builds up very quickly. Just a couple of hours and you can do it like a machine gun =)

Important! In pursuit of speed (and money), remember that you won’t get money for an incorrectly guessed captcha, and what’s worse, if there are a lot of errors, your account can also be blocked for some time. Therefore, we also do not forget about attentiveness.

Earning money by entering captcha with the site Rukaptcha (Rucaptcha),
Entering captcha for money with instant payouts:

Project Ru captcha allows webmasters to recognize captchas for a fee, and users to earn money by solving and typing captchas.

My payment from this project, as proof that the project is reliable and pays:

The registration process is very simple, I think you can handle it yourself =) To register in rucapcha, click:

So, by this moment I am sure you have already registered, if not, then be sure to do so in order to immediately hone in practice the knowledge that you will receive below in this article. Let's start studying the system and its intricacies.

In fact, the interface of the Rukapcha website and the work process itself are very simple and understandable. It’s easy to make money here and there is no need for any special knowledge.

RuCaptcha interface: Let's get acquainted with the site!

When you log into your account for the first time, you need to accept the terms of the user agreement, then go to the “Start Earning” menu, and the main work field will open in front of us. Before we get started, let's figure out what's what:

Window " Earned per session» - Shows how much money was earned during the current session, bonus money and the number of captchas entered.

Button " Start» ↔ « Stop» - Enables and disables captcha output for recognition.

Button " Unmute» ↔ « Mute» - Sound when captcha appears.

In field " Receive captchas“You can choose which captchas will be displayed for you to guess: “Russian + numbers”, “Latin + numbers”, or “All captchas”.

Advice! Working in combination: “Russian + numbers” is much more convenient, faster and more productive, you don’t need to constantly change the keyboard layout, and English captchas are much more difficult to solve, but at the same time, the waiting time between the appearance of new captchas may increase.

So, let’s start making money on captchas in Rucaptcha:

  1. Click on the “Start” button → A window with a captcha and an input field will open in front of us, as well as a “Bid” - the cost of a correctly recognized captcha.
  2. Let's solve the captcha that appears.
  3. Enter in the appropriate field and click “Submit”.

Button " This is not captcha"- needed if a picture appears that is clearly not a captcha. It is better not to use this button unless necessary, as this may lead to account blocking.

Button " Captcha in English» is needed if, for example, you have the mode for receiving captchas “Russian + numbers”, and the captcha is in English for recognition. By clicking on this button we inform the system about an error on its part.

Below there is green stripe, which decreases during idle time. When typing a captcha, it is restored with each key pressed on the keyboard. If the bar reaches the end, the “Stop” button will be pressed and you will be in sleep mode until you start working again.

It is impossible to completely control all captchas received for recognition by the ru captcha system, so there is a database of “verified” captchas that are periodically inserted for recognition. If someone tries to deceive the system by entering anything, using this database, captcha will quickly identify the offender and block him.

Therefore, try to carefully solve and enter the captcha for money. Of course, no one will block you for several incorrectly entered captchas, but if you make systematic mistakes, then a ban is guaranteed!

Captchas arrive mostly without delay, but sometimes the waiting time can be 5-10 seconds.

Advice! If you cannot quickly understand the captcha or it is too complex, then click on the “Show another captcha” button; it is better to solve several simple captchas during this time.

Secrets of making money and working on Rucaptcha!

Friends, now let’s look at some features of working in the Rukapcha system:

  1. Employee reputation and bonus for complex captchas.
  2. Blocking of funds for errors in recognition.
  3. How to withdraw earned funds?
  4. How to earn more?
  5. Is it possible to make money on captcha automatically?

1) Employee reputation (rating) and bonus for complex captchas

  • Reaching 10 points opens the possibility of obtaining complex and expensive captchas.
  • Having reached 20 points, you can completely disable English-language captchas (but sometimes they still slip through).

Bonus for complex captchas- Once you recognize a complex captcha, you will be awarded a bonus. It can be seen next to the amount earned for the current work session, however, how the system chooses whether your captcha is complex or not remains a mystery =)

2) Blocking of funds for recognition errors

At the end of the working session, some earned money may be blocked if captchas were entered incorrectly.

The system’s decision can be challenged; if you are sure that you recognized the captcha correctly, then click the “Entered correctly” button. The administration will conduct another check of this controversial captcha and if it is indeed solved correctly, the money will be credited to the main balance.

3) How to withdraw earned money? Withdrawing funds and ordering payment:

You can use several methods to withdraw money:

  1. WMR wallet of the WebMoney system ().
  2. Yandex.Money (only for citizens of the Russian Federation).
  3. Payeer.
  4. QIWI.
  6. Top up your mobile phone account (Russian numbers only).

The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 15 rubles. Payments on WebMoney are completely automatic and money is credited to your account instantly. Money is transferred to your phone on certain days. The site does not pay out in hryvnias or dollars, payments are only in rubles!

Advice! Pay attention to the commission when withdrawing and choose the method where it is absent or minimal, so as not to lose money when paying out.

To order a payment, you need to click the “Withdraw Funds” button or go to the “Affiliate Program” → “Payments” section.

First, you will be asked to indicate your WMR wallet (this is done one time).

Then you need to select a withdrawal method, indicate the amount and click on the “Order” button. So we’ve sorted out the withdrawal of money, let’s move on.

4) How to earn more by entering captcha?

To do this, you need to know what the price of recognition depends on. And it depends on these two factors:

  1. Number of employees working online- the fewer workers, the higher the rate (price) of the recognized captcha.
  2. Number of tasks from customers- the more tasks from employers, the higher the cost of captchas.

With this everything is clear, you will say, so what time is it better to work? After analyzing the statistics, I can draw the following conclusion: the best time to increase your earnings on captcha from 0-00 to 8-00, and the peak of the most expensive captchas is from 2-00 to 4-00.

5) Is it possible to make money on captcha automatically?
Is there a program to enter captcha automatically?

The answer is No! There are no programs for automatic captcha recognition. If there was a bot or autoclicker that deciphers captchas automatically, then webmasters would immediately install it for themselves, and human help (us, trying to make money) would not be needed at all.

By the way, I saw a video on YouTube that shows how a specially created bot for hand captcha auto-enters captcha. It seems like this is a gold mine, many thought!? =) Not so! This is a scam and a pure scam: you buy a program that has ready-made captchas built into it, the program works with them for 1-2 minutes and then stops safely =)

Therefore, friends, do not fall for this kind of program, not only will you lose money, but you also risk catching some kind of virus!

BUT! I hasten to please you, the official program (bot) - RuCaptcha bot - has recently appeared. Read below why it was created ↓

How much can you earn from captcha? Rucaptcha reviews:

The cost of each correctly recognized captcha is 0.01-0.02 rubles (1-2 kopecks), in addition, bonuses are awarded for solving extremely complex captchas. And recently, expensive recaptchas with a check mark have appeared, the cost of which is 0.065 rubles (6.5 kopecks).

I decided to analyze how much I can actually earn in a day. I looked at the TOP100 workers at the end of the day, the first 10 per day solved 3000 captchas on average, which is a rough calculation: 3000 x 0.01 (minimum captcha price) = 30 rubles.

BUT I repeat, this is a very rough calculation; in my experience, working for 3-4 hours, almost every second or third captcha costs 6.5 kopecks. Taking this into account, we will average the price of one captcha to 0.03 rubles (3 kopecks). We do the calculation again: 3000 x 0.03 = 90 rubles. Here, solving captchas for money at night, when the price increases 3 times, was also not taken into account! Taking this into account, the amount turns out to be about 150 rubles per day.

Many will now think that you need to sit 24 hours a day to earn some 150 rubles, but let’s count again: the average time for recognizing one captcha is 8-9 seconds, let’s take even 10 seconds for the convenience of calculations. So, if a person solved 3000 captchas in a day, then we get 3000 x 10 = 30,000 seconds or a little more than 8 hours.

Summarizing: in 8 hours you can earn 100-150 rubles on captchas, in terms of a month about 3000-4500 rubles. And take into account this calculation only if you work on the Rukapcha website, below there are foreign sites that pay more, your earnings will be higher there.

Of course, by recognizing captchas you are unlikely to save money for a car, but after sitting for 2-3 days, you can transfer money to your mobile phone and pay for the Internet.

If, of course, you get the hang of it, then you can earn more, while spending only 3-4 hours, but to get to this point you will need to gain a lot of experience, in this regard, making money on captchas has a huge advantage in that you don’t need any work skills, everything is as simple as two and two: Logged in → Recognized → Earned. All!

Is it possible to make money on captchas: 1 captcha - 1 ruble
or even for 2 rubles and more?

Is it really possible for captcha entry to cost so much? I have very big doubts about this and now I will explain why. Often on forums I see how they create topics with names like this: “A site where they pay a lot - as much as 1 ruble for a captcha!”, and after a while I see how people unsubscribe in the same topic, saying that “I collected the amount for withdrawal and I was blocked” or “worked normally, almost earned a payment and suddenly got banned.”

There are many such examples, and all because there are simply no paying projects with such a high fee for entering a captcha, well, think for yourself: if there are people ready to enter a captcha for 1-6 kopecks (and there are many of them), why pay more? It’s another matter if no one worked for that kind of money, then the captcha rate would increase very quickly. Have you ever wondered why they pay more at night? Because there are many times fewer people solving captcha!

Where can you make money by entering captcha?
Best sites (list):

There are quite a few sites on the Internet that deal with captcha recognition, but not all of them are good. Some sites may not pay you the money you earned, and some may even block your account as soon as you reach the minimum amount for payment. I only use one site at the moment (if worthy projects appear, I will definitely add them here):

Sometimes I meet people for whom it is important that their earnings are in hryvnias or dollars. I have not seen such decent paying sites, but if you really need to receive hryvnias or dollars, then nothing prevents you from working on entering captchas for rubles, and then simply exchange them at the best rate into the currency you need or withdraw them immediately to a bank card.

11 min. reading

Updated: 03/05/2019

Have you ever encountered captcha? Have you entered “symbols”, “hieroglyphs” from images? Do you easily overcome this “bot check”? This is one of the types of earnings without investments on the Internet. I am sure that if you have a free minute, you can devote it to a useful activity. But is it really useful? And how much can you earn on captcha?

I often have to deal with captchas. When checking text for uniqueness, it is necessary to recognize from one to three or four images. I heard earlier that you can make money from this. There are sites where performers do the “work” of recognizing captcha, and customers pay for it. But are there many such sites? And how many of them pay the money honestly?

These and other questions are the subject of my article, in which I will talk about making money on captcha. You will learn about the pitfalls, secrets, tricks and all the other things that a beginner in this field needs to know.

Captcha is an image with distorted text that allows you to determine who is at the computer - a person or a program. A living person can easily understand what is written in the picture, but a bot cannot. At least that's what was intended in 2000, when the term "captcha" was first mentioned.

What is it for? Mainly to protect websites. Malicious programs can send numerous requests to the site, blocking its operation. Captcha helps to cut off such requests and reduce the load.

Let's look at another example of using captcha. There are special services on the Internet with which you can earn small money by performing simple actions, such as clicking on advertisements, viewing websites and videos, and writing comments. A smart programmer can easily write a program that will automatically perform the above actions and automatically earn money for its owner. It would seem that what's wrong with this?

And the fact is that bots are still far from perfect; they are primitive programs that do not have intelligence, which means they cannot find solutions in non-standard situations. Robots can misinterpret a task and make mistakes, which will ruin the reputation of the service with customers who post their tasks there. Therefore, the owners of such sites install captchas in order to prevent robots from completing tasks.

Who pays money for captcha and why? Webmasters pay money for captchas, or rather, for other people to solve and enter them for them. They use special software to promote websites on the Internet. This software connects to search engines (Yandex and Google) through proxy servers to read various statistics. Search engines, in turn, periodically show captchas to weed out bots. The software sends the captcha to special services that we will talk about today. These services employ people who solve captchas for money.

Before we move on to the review of services, let's look at what types of captchas there are.

For better protection, several types of captcha have been invented:

1 Captcha question. The user needs to correctly answer the question;

2 Few words;

3 Images. You need to select those images that meet the conditions. Here's a simple example

Sometimes it seems that it’s simply unrealistic to parse something like this:

However, the system is confident that this task can be completed, because before this at least one person solved the captcha and received money for it. In such cases, click on the button Update and then you will have a new captcha that will be clearer.

The essence of making money

Let's imagine that you are a website creator who wants to provide maximum protection to your project. Before implementing a captcha on your resource, you need to check whether it can really be parsed? If the user cannot recognize the captcha, he will no longer have the desire to continue his activities on the resource.

Therefore, developers first check the captcha using special sites (RuCaptcha, Anti-Captcha, SocialLink and others), and the performers receive money for solving it.

The essence of making money consists of retyping symbols from images or selecting the desired image depending on the conditions. The “work” undergoes automatic verification, so the contractor immediately receives funds into the account after its completion. The process takes on average from 5 to 20 seconds.

There is a lot of work, but sometimes there are times when the number of performers significantly exceeds the number of customers. In this regard, temporary “downtime” may occur, but there is no need to stress. At this time, it is better to rest and do other things. Making money on captcha quickly tires you: your eyes get tired, your hands start to hurt. After an hour of work, my letters became blurry, and my productivity sharply decreased.

Withdrawals are made to electronic wallets. The most popular systems are: PayPal, Payeer. If you don’t have accounts in this system, I strongly recommend creating one (it’s free). With their help, you can withdraw funds earned on the Internet (not only through captcha), make purchases, transfers, and pay bills.

Do you need investments?

To make money on captcha, you don't need to invest money. Earning money depends only on you. If you can devote 1-2 hours a day to this activity, and really work, Without being distracted by social networks and other matters, you will have a small but stable profit.

What is required from performers? Availability of a browser (Chrome, Opera, FireFox) and access to the Internet. It's good if you can type quickly without looking at the keyboard. This will only increase your earnings. To make money on captcha, an employee does not have to have special skills or education.

By the way, you can work on some resources (for example, RuCaptcha) from your phone. Therefore, having a computer is not at all necessary. However, I find it more convenient to work from a laptop/PC (it’s faster and more productive).

How much can you earn?

I hasten to disappoint people who believe that making money on captcha can replace a full-time job. Here you will not be able to get 10,000 - 20,000 thousand, even if you work 8 hours a day. But the funds are quite enough to top up your phone account or pay for the Internet. However, this does not mean that making money on captcha is a waste of time.

At the beginning of the “path” it is always difficult - cheap tasks, low ratings. At this stage, 90% of people who decide to start making money on the Internet lose their desire to continue. But once you get involved in the work, get your first withdrawal and understand all the “secrets” of making money, it becomes much easier.

Let me give you a simple example. When I started making money on the Internet, I tried to try out all the resources. Accordingly, my goal was high earnings in a short time. I created accounts on review sites, bookstores, content exchanges and constantly rushed from one to another. The earnings were meager, which did not satisfy my goals. Therefore, without understanding the principle of this or that income, I quickly abandoned it.

But, having returned, for example, to and starting to work hard, I quickly delved into the earning scheme. I won’t say that I managed to find a “gold mine”, but I had a stable income. Experience, in my opinion, is the most valuable thing a person can acquire. I recently restored my account from the RuCaptcha website, and below you will find out how much I managed to earn.

Personal experience

The first thing I started doing on RuCaptcha was working hard. It would seem that this cannot be an error. But, spending 1 hour entering captchas, I felt my eyes getting tired, and the desire to work was disappearing every minute.

I set up an "experiment". I worked for 20 minutes at different times of the day. And here’s what I managed to find out (let’s take the RuCaptcha website as an example). At night and in the morning, captcha is several times more expensive than during the day. The cost depends on the server load - the fewer performers, the higher the price of the captcha. At night and in the morning you will be paid 3 kopecks for one solved image, in the afternoon and evening - only 1 kopeck.

As a result, after a couple of hours of leisurely work, I managed to earn the minimum amount for withdrawal - 16 rubles. Not enough, you say. And I agree. Making money on captcha does not require special skills and knowledge, and, accordingly, it is low-paid.

But, to be honest, I liked the earnings. Monotonous but simple work, which you can devote 20 minutes a day to, and eventually earn money to pay for mobile communications or the Internet.

1 Don’t consider making money on captcha “serious work.” At a minimum, you will be upset by the profit - it is impossible to live on this money or buy anything. Think of it as a “hobby” that brings in a small income;

2 Spend time earning money on captcha in the morning or at night. The load on the server is minimal, so earnings increase significantly. I noticed low activity on captcha recognition services from approximately 01:00 to 10:00 Moscow time;

3 Work in the background, for example, when you take public transport to study. Making money on captcha is easily simplified if you install the appropriate program on your PC or application on your phone. They can be found on the sites where you are going to work. For example, SocialLink has an application for smartphones, and RuCaptcha offers a choice of three programs (RuCaptchaBot (for PC and Android), 2Captcha);

4 Don't overwork yourself. Give your eyes and hands a rest, because constant work at the computer can lead to deterioration in health and well-being;

5 Don't forget about the affiliate program. With its help, you can increase your earnings many times over without having to enter captchas. How to do it? Find out below.

Where can you make money on captcha?

I tried to work only on the RuCaptcha service. There are few trusted sites on the Internet that pay for captcha recognition. After studying several of them (list below), I came to the conclusion that they all have the same structure. The most popular in RuNet is RuCaptcha, but we will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of other services.


Anti-Captcha, Kolotibablo

The interface is similar to Anti-Captcha. You can work in a browser or applications (for PC or Android). Payment is made in dollars, there is a “development” system. That is, for a certain number of captchas you increase your “level”, which opens up access to higher paying tasks (for example, at the first level you receive a +2% payment bonus, and so on up to 25%).

This is what the working window looks like:

Withdrawals are made to the following wallets:


Another English-language site, but not associated with RuCaptcha. When registering, you must indicate your email (registered not on Russian sources (for example, gmail will do)), wallet, and invitation code (Invitation Code). You cannot register without it. Enter the code: DPI2. Afterwards you will be taken to the menu, and by clicking on "Start working" on the right side of the screen, you can start solving captchas:

Earnings can be withdrawn to WebMoney, PayPal, Western Union, Bitcoin, Perfect Money and Payza. Payments are made every week, but please note that the details cannot be changed; they are indicated once during registration.


  • High payment (from $0.60/36 rubles for 1000 captchas);
  • User-friendly interface;
  • User statistics (TOP employees, personal statistics).


  • English only. You can translate the site using Google's built-in technology, but the sentences are displayed with errors.
  • There are downtimes at work.

Affiliate program, or how to increase income

I did not mention the presence of affiliate programs when describing sites that make money on captcha, having decided to include this information in a separate paragraph. Let’s figure out what a “referral” is on sites that make money on captcha.

And it is banal and simple - you are invited to register people using your referral link, and you receive a certain percentage of their income. Let's see what the “affiliate” program offers, for example, on the last site I described – Kolotibablo.

That is, you will receive money passively, and you don’t even need to enter captchas. But attracting active partners is quite difficult. From my own experience, I will say that while working on the ETXT content exchange, I managed to attract more than 30 people, but only one girl is actively working to this day. And she has already brought me several thousand rubles. Not bad, right? And making money on captcha is much easier than making money, so the activity of “friends” will be many times higher.

How to attract partners? Here are a few methods that I have personally tested:

1 Social networks, YouTube video hosting. You can post information on these sites for free, and, accordingly, attach your link for registration. Try to maximize the advantages of the site you are describing, tell us about your results and pitfalls. And most importantly, mention that there is minimal risk of being deceived by scammers. Cons: low response.

2 Books (, WMmail, SeoFast), paid banners. By investing 50-100 rubles, you can create a task and, excuse the rudeness, “force” people to work for you. But, they will receive a reward, and perhaps become interested in the resource. Pros: high response, guaranteed earnings. Cons: requires investment.

It is no secret that earnings from an affiliate program can exceed the main income from introducing captcha. And this applies not only to this type of earnings on the Internet - almost any such site has an affiliate program. As proof of the effectiveness of the referral program, I went to YouTube and found this video:

RuCaptcha - How to earn 1600 rubles on a captcha without entering it?

While working on captcha recognition services, I was able to identify the main advantages and disadvantages:


  • Simple work that does not require special skills and professional knowledge;
  • Availability. You can work on websites, in PC programs and in applications on smartphones;
  • Good income from the affiliate program. For example, on RuCaptcha and Kolotibablo you will receive 10% of the income/expenses of the invited user;
  • Small payment threshold (from 10 rubles);
  • Various ways to withdraw money (Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Payeer, Bitcoin).


  • Relatively small income. There are many other ways on the Internet (for example,) to earn more and faster;
  • In the process of entering captchas, your eyes quickly get tired from constant strain;
  • Incorrect blocking. Sometimes, your account may be blocked for incorrect solving, but the mistake is not always made by the performer. Customers who leave difficult-to-read captchas (or give the wrong answer) are often to blame.


Making money on captcha is one of the lowest paid activities on the Internet. Let's be honest, you can't make a lot of money by constantly typing text from images or selecting pictures. But you don’t need to treat this as a full-time job. It is enough to spend half an hour or an hour a day to get money to pay for mobile communications or the Internet.

On the other hand, they don’t demand absolutely anything from you. The task is to simply enter characters from images. And anyone can handle this. All you need is access to the Internet, a browser and, most importantly, desire.