Growing oyster mushrooms at home on stumps. Growing oyster mushrooms. Ready-made mushroom blocks

How to properly plant oyster mushrooms on stumps.

Despite the fact that there are many publications on the Internet on the topic of planting oyster mushrooms, it seems that people who have never dealt with it write about it. We will tell you in this article how to plant oyster mushrooms correctly and simply.

Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps is one of the most effective and simple ways. It is best to plant mushrooms in the spring. To plant oyster mushrooms (or as it is called in Ukrainian “glyva”, and in Polish “boczaki”) you will need mycelium. You can easily get mycelium from us, for example, by ordering it on the Internet.

More for more rapid growth mushrooms, you need to give mushrooms bait. In this case we will use wheat. In order to use wheat as a fertilizer for mushrooms, you need to boil it a little. To do this, you need to bring it to a boil over low heat, drain the water, and dry the wheat on a mesh, cloth or table. Wheat is prepared at the rate of 200 grams per 1 stump. During cooking, the wheat grain is disinfected from foreign molds and fungi, which will subsequently protect the planting mycelium from infection by harmful fungi from the soil.

Oyster mushroom mycelium in the photo

The place where oyster mushrooms are planted is very important factor. Oyster mushroom does not really like places where there is too much sun or large open space. Therefore, it is better to plant oyster mushrooms next to trees in the garden. Thus, the trees will darken the oyster mushroom plantations with their crowns. Moreover, oyster mushrooms planted in a visible place can spoil the aesthetic appearance of your site. So it is better to use those places that are hidden for planting oyster mushrooms
away from the eye, and where no other plants grow: areas along barns and other buildings.

"The best place to plant oyster mushroom stumps is in the shade. The sun will dry out the wood. Remember that the planting site for oyster mushrooms should be open to rain. This will save you the trouble of watering the mushroom bed."

For direct planting, prepare a stump. The length of the stump is 30-40 cm, the diameter is 20-40 cm. If the diameter of the stump is smaller, use several trunks in one hole to get the same 20-40 cm in diameter. It is advisable to use not very old stumps for growing oyster mushrooms. Let's say, if the stump has been lying there for 1 year, then it has already noticeably dried out. In this case, it must first be soaked in some container with water. You can use a regular bucket for these purposes. We soak the stump for one week, after which it will be ready for planting mushrooms. But, of course, it is better to use freshly cut stumps for growing oyster mushrooms. Then a successful result will be guaranteed.

Stump sizes for growing oyster mushrooms

"You also need to remember that oyster mushrooms are not suitable for planting conifers wood The best trees for planting are deciduous trees: apple, cherry, oak, alder. Oyster mushrooms grow especially well on walnut stumps. The harder the type of tree, the longer the stump will last, and the more mushroom harvests will grow on it. There is a high probability that fungal spores will land on old stumps that remain in the ground, and self-seeding will occur. Which of course makes me happy."

Then clear a place to install the stump. It is necessary to dig a hole. The hole should not be too deep, only 10-15 cm will be enough, because below that the temperature drops significantly. We compact the bottom of the recess a little. Pour wheat bait into the hole.

Then the mycelium is immersed in the hole. We divide a standard 4 kg bag into 10 parts, and each part is poured into the ground.

After laying the mycelium, we place the prepared stump (pre-soaked in water) on top, and cover the entire recess with soil. Lightly tamp - do not overdo it, the mycelium must receive oxygen.

There is virtually no need to care for your oyster mushroom plantation. Nature will take care of itself good harvest. However, if the landing was made in wrong place, for example, too sunny - periodic watering will be necessary.

Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps will allow you to get a harvest in the same season. Moreover, you will receive mushrooms all year round- from the end of May to December. Each stump will bear fruit until it completely disintegrates into pieces.

Many summer residents are faced with the problem of removing stumps from felled trees. fruit trees. There are dozens of methods for getting rid of tree debris, but most of them either require significant male power, or may cause damage to the ecology of the site. On the other hand, growing mushrooms on stumps allows you to safely, profitably and easily remove them from the site!

Mushrooms in the garden are easy

Today, amateur mushroom growers successfully grow many types of mushrooms at their dachas - porcini, chanterelles, boletus, saffron milk caps, champignons, shiitake, oyster mushrooms and honey mushrooms. All these fungi are wood destroyers. That is, their main function in nature is to process the wood of dead trees, during which it turns into fertilizer for other forest plants.

By the way, wood dust, which appeared after the destruction of a stump by mycelium, contains a huge amount of natural phosphorus and can be used to feed any garden and garden crops. Here's another benefit from growing mushrooms on garden stumps.

In principle, you can buy mycelium of all the mushrooms mentioned above in gardening stores, but if you are just learning the basics of home mushroom growing, I recommend starting with the most unpretentious oyster mushroom.

Which mycelium is better: grain or on sticks?

Grain mycelium and mycelium on short wooden sticks are found on sale.

Grain mycelium consists of wheat or oat grains infected with mycelium. It can be painted either light yellow or whitish (if it is already overgrown with mycelium). Such planting material Can be stored in the refrigerator at temperatures close to freezing for 6 months.

When purchasing, pay attention that there are no signs of gray-green mold on the grain - this indicates a low quality product.

Wooden blocks infected with mycelium may look like fresh wood or be covered with a light waxy coating, indicating the presence of mycelium. Mushroom sticks are stored in the refrigerator for two years, and one such stick is enough to infect 5 kilograms of wood.

Mycelium on grain is better than wooden sticks, not only because its quality is easier to control, but also because it germinates faster and takes over the wood.

Planting mushrooms on stumps

The stumps of any trees are suitable for growing mushrooms. hardwood. In this case, it is advisable to use fresh hemp with a diameter of 25 to 70 centimeters. If you want to grow mushrooms on old stumps, make sure that no other mushrooms grow on them.

It is also advisable that there are no old or unkempt fruit trees near the stumps. The fact is that fungal spores are able to migrate to the dying roots of such plants. To prevent this from happening, you need to bleach the trunks regularly. garden trees lime and carry out sanitary pruning in a timely manner.

You can inoculate (infect) stumps with mycelium at any time of the year, but it is best to do this in the fall or in April-June.

Sowing of mycelium is carried out as follows:

  1. On the sides of the stump (as low as possible) holes are drilled in a checkerboard pattern with a diameter of about 1 centimeter and a depth of 5 to 7 centimeters. The distance between individual holes should be from 10 to 15 centimeters.
  2. The stump is watered generously and wrapped in film.
  3. After 1-2 days, the shelter is removed and the mycelium (grain or in the form of wooden blocks, manually or using a sterilized hammer) is pushed into the holes. Infection is done in sterile gloves or with very clean hands.
  4. Each hole is sealed with a cork made from a piece of wood, paraffin, pieces of cotton wool, moss, garden pitch or plasticine.

How to grow mushrooms on stumps

For successful cultivation mushrooms on stumps require three conditions:

  • high air and soil humidity (at 90%);
  • air temperature +14…28 degrees;
  • lighting and ventilation.

Mycelium extracts nutrients exclusively from an aqueous solution, so when the wood moisture content drops below 30%, the mycelium stops growing.

To reduce moisture evaporation, stumps need to be shaded from direct sunlight. And in dry weather, you can use the following simple watering method: place bottles of water with holes in the bottoms on the stumps. The liquid will gradually come out of the holes and wet the wood.

The mycelium will also not develop if the air is too dry. To stimulate the appearance of mushrooms in hot weather, you can install a garden sprinkler around the stumps and turn it on for several days or nights (water should irrigate the area around the stumps).

When growing mushrooms outdoors, there are usually no problems with ventilation and lighting. Just keep in mind that the stumps must be under diffused light and under no circumstances under the scorching sun.

The mycelium penetrates the entire volume of the stump in 3-6 months or even later (depending on the conditions created). And only after this the rudiments of fruiting bodies begin to form on the stump. The fact is that mushrooms, like the fruits of plants, serve the purpose of reproduction. Then why should the mycelium look for a new nutrient medium until all the possibilities of the old feeding place have been exhausted?

Up to 100 mushrooms can grow on one stump, and the fruiting period can range from 30 to 50 days (depending on the prevailing weather). Fruiting occurs in waves with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. The mycelium completely destroys the wood in 6 to 8 years, and from each stump you will get from 1.5 to 3 kilograms of delicious mushrooms!

Growing mushrooms on stumps is simple and universal technology, allowing you to try your hand at amateur mushroom growing.

How do you usually get rid of stumps on your property?

Olive-white hygrophorus (Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus)

Russula hygrophorus (Hygrophorus russula)

Oyster mushroom. Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)

Autumn oyster mushroom. Willow pigwort (Panellus serotinus)

Oak oyster mushroom (Pleurotus dryinus)

Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus cornucopiae) › Edible ➨mushrooms ➨+ ›

Oyster mushroom is a mushroom that, like champignon, is associated with the store. The mushroom is fleshy, quite weighty and has its fans, of which I include myself. So the idea came to grow oyster mushrooms at home, and at the same time make the nearby American maple thickets useful. And what? There is always shade there and it takes a long time to dry out after the rain. Fabulous conditions for mushrooms. Why not try it? no sooner said than done. After searching on the Internet, I found mycelium. It was at the end of June and the store said that in August oyster mushrooms would delight me with their abundance. Looking ahead, I’ll say that we made a mistake by a month.

Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps

You should not expect extra yields when growing oyster mushrooms on stumps. Still, a lot depends on the weather and there is no such stability as in the basement outside. But this is the simplest and most unpretentious way, which is suitable for those who are simply interested in growing oyster mushrooms in their dacha and enjoying fresh mushrooms a couple of times a year, rather than caring for them every day, in order to achieve maximum results.

To grow oyster mushrooms you need:

  • 10 freshly cut meerschaums with a diameter of about 25 cm;
  • Oyster mushroom mycelium (6 liters);
  • Half a bucket of wheat;
  • Shovel;
  • Hose with water;

First of all, I’ll tell you about mycelium.

What is sold in beautiful bags with a picture of an abundant harvest of mushrooms is a complete scam of the population. Normal mycelium is a healthy, 6-liter, transparent bag with an air valve and something incomprehensibly white inside. To the touch, this is grain; it is visible here and there among this incomprehensibly white.

Next, about the technology of growing oyster mushrooms on stumps. Hemp is needed fresh from deciduous trees. I also chose sedge, which grows in our swamp not far from our house. I cut it down and chopped it into stumps about 30 centimeters long. Sap was flowing from the stumps, the tree was so wet. This is what we need to successfully grow oyster mushrooms.

To make life easier for the mycelium and feed it, we need boiled wheat. It is not difficult.

How to grow oyster mushrooms on stumps at home

Half a bucket of wheat should be boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled.

We dig holes, a little more than half a spade deep. Fill with water. We wait until the water goes away. We pour wheat into the hole, about 1/10 of what is available. There is also 1/10 of the bag with mycelium. We place the stump on the mycelium and bury the hole. The exercise must be repeated 10 times, or how many stumps do you have there?

At the end of September, delicious oyster mushrooms crawled out from under three stumps! It was nice!

All that’s left to do is cut it and cook it deliciously!

One year later

No matter what the mycelium producers write, but in summer time I didn’t really see any oyster mushrooms on the stumps. Why really? Because a couple of mushrooms climbed out, which for some reason turned out to be wormy, but warm, rainy September pleased me with the first shoots. What’s especially cool is that there are a lot more mushrooms.

Here are some more photos of the harvest of oyster mushrooms grown at home.

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We grow oyster mushrooms on ordinary stumps

In the previous article about oyster mushrooms, we wrote about how to grow them in an intensive way.

That is, indoors in plastic bags on a straw substrate.

But not everyone has the opportunity to grow oyster mushrooms in this way.

Some people don't have suitable premises, and for some - a suitable substrate, like, for example, one of our readers.

Don’t be upset, you can resort to an extensive method of growing oyster mushrooms - growing them on stumps in the open air.

Material and labor costs with this method are minimal, so this is an ideal option for beginning mushroom growers.

But the harvest will be seasonal, because...

it will completely depend on the climatic conditions in your area.

Preparing stumps or logs

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms begins in late winter - early spring. If there are stumps left from felled trees on your site, you can use them, but you should sow them with mycelium only in April-May, when the temperature is above zero.

If not, you can take scraps of hardwood: beech, chestnut, ash, maple, poplar, birch, aspen, etc.

The sizes of the cuttings can be different - from 30 to 50 cm in length and in diameter from 15 to 30 cm. The main thing is that the wood is healthy and there are no signs of infection molds.

Before adding mycelium, dry logs should be soaked in water for 2-3 days to create high level humidity, so necessary for the development of mycelium. Fresh wood does not need to be soaked.

Methods for sowing mycelium

There are several ways to add mycelium:


In the hemp, holes are sawed or drilled in a checkerboard pattern with a depth of 5-6 cm and a diameter of approximately 10 mm. Grain mycelium is poured into the resulting holes and covered with adhesive tape or moss. The rod-shaped mycelium is simply inserted into drilled holes and cover with plasticine.


A disk of small thickness (2-3 cm) is sawed off from the log, the end is covered with a layer of mycelium and covered with this disk on top, fixing it with nails.


The end of the log is covered with a layer of mycelium 1-2 cm or 100-150 g thick. A second one is placed on top, the end of which is also sprinkled with mycelium.

Then the third, etc. Such a column can be grown up to 1.5 m and even 2 m. To make the column more stable, the diameter of the cuttings must be at least 20 cm.

After sowing the mycelium, the logs must be stored somewhere in a barn or basement, where the temperature is kept at 15 °C.

If the mycelium was introduced using the first two methods, then the logs can be stacked horizontally on top of each other and covered with perforated film or matting or burlap.

The third method involves a vertical arrangement of logs. Such columns are installed in several rows with small intervals, which are covered with wet sawdust or straw. The top of the columns is covered with the same sawdust, and the sides are covered with film or burlap to maintain high humidity.

The logs should remain indoors for 2-3 months. At this time, it must be regularly ventilated, but without drafts, and the air must be constantly humidified.

Planting stumps in the ground

When you see that the stumps are covered with a white coating, it’s time to plant them in the ground. This is usually done in May.

Growing mushrooms on stumps at home

For fruiting, choose the most shaded place on the site, for example, under the crowns of trees or under a canopy.

The logs are buried in the ground in rows to a depth of 10-15 cm, and the bottom of the holes is covered with wet leaves or sawdust.

The distance between the stumps should be 35-50 cm. Further care consists of carefully watering the soil around the stumps in dry weather.

Oyster mushrooms appear on stumps in August-September, and during a prolonged autumn, the harvest can be harvested until November. For the winter, the stumps are well covered with spruce branches, straw or leaves.

Now you know how to grow oyster mushrooms on stumps. Such a mushroom plantation can feed you for 3-5 years, but the most big harvests occur in the second and third years.

Oyster mushrooms are successfully grown on outdoors, in natural natural conditions. But growing oyster mushrooms indoors with an air temperature of +10...+27°C allows you to obtain a harvest of fresh mushrooms throughout the year, regardless of the season.

To grow mushrooms on stumps (logs) you will need:

— ready-made oyster mushroom mycelium (on wood sticks);
- wood base - a log of any deciduous species (poplar, birch, maple, rowan, willow), which must be healthy, fresh, moist, with bark, but without branches;
polyethylene film;
- sterile gloves.

Mushroom planting dates:

outdoors - in spring (from April to June inclusive) and in summer (from August to September);
V indoors- in any season.

Holes are prepared in the log using a drill (0.8-1 cm in diameter and 4 cm deep) at a distance of 10 cm, which are placed in a checkerboard pattern.
Using gloves, carefully remove the mushroom sticks from the bag and insert them into the holes until they stop.
The log is wrapped in polyethylene. After wrapping the log, you should make several small holes for air to enter. Then the logs prepared in this way are placed in a dark place with high humidity to become overgrown with mycelium.
Formation rate white plaque(mycelium) on the surface of the log depends on the temperature regime. At a temperature of +10°C this process will take 3-4 months, at more high temperature+20 °C – 2-3 months.
After the mycelium has appeared on the surface of the logs, the next stage begins. In the garden, choose an area protected from the sun and wind, where the hole is prepared. The depth of the hole should be approximately 10-15 cm. Its bottom should be watered and then a log overgrown with mycelium should be placed in it (vertically).

Growing oyster mushrooms on stumps

The log is covered with earth for a third or half of its length.
It is recommended to sprinkle the soil around the log with wood ash. This will help control pests such as snails.
Watering is carried out once a week. The irrigation rate is 5 liters per 1 m2. In late autumn, before the onset of frost, the log is covered plant residues(fallen leaves, straw).
In the spring of next year, the planting is freed from leaves and regular watering begins. First, every week, when the period of ripening of the fruiting bodies begins - every day.
Fruiting of mushrooms occurs in waves and depends on the type of deciduous species and the type of oyster mushroom. So, when growing oyster mushroom on soft wood (birch, willow, poplar), fruiting occurs after 4-6 months and lasts up to 4 years, and on hard wood (maple, beech, rowan), fruiting occurs after 8-12 months and lasts 5- 7 years.

Temperature +15…+25°C is optimal for the formation of fruiting bodies. The yield of oyster mushroom is 20-50% of the total weight of the log.

Well, there is some information on how to grow oyster mushrooms and now all that remains is to try to apply it.

Try it, maybe your hobby will lead to a mushroom business and will bring you not only pleasure, but also profit.
Now all that’s left to do is to select the mycelium (there are quite a lot of species of these mushrooms), prepare necessary materials and start growing oyster mushrooms.

Many mushroom lovers dream of having an unlimited supply of their favorite product, but they are not always delivered to stores, and sometimes they are sold out even before a person has time to make a purchase, and this causes significant disappointment. There are some mushrooms that need to be collected only in the forest and similar places; they are practically not sold in stores. This kind of mushrooms can only be found in canned form, because most can be stored from a few hours to several days after collection. That’s why they are not sold fresh in stores.

But there are mushrooms that you can grow yourself if you wish. If you live in an apartment, but have space to create a mini garden, then in such conditions you can grow oyster mushrooms. In order to do this, you need to know certain growing technologies.

In the same case, if you are lucky enough to have a dacha, then this is generally an ideal case. In order to learn how to grow oyster mushrooms in the country on stumps, the best option is a training video in which you can watch the whole process in detail and receive step-by-step instructions.

Growing on stumps

In order to properly grow mushrooms using stumps, you need to know exactly what kind of tree you need to use. The most suitable are deciduous trees, such as aspen, birch, poplar, maple, ash, chestnut, beech, and others. It is best to make stumps thirty or fifty centimeters long. As for the thickness, it depends on the wood itself that is used. It will be most comfortable to work with hemp with a diameter of fifteen to thirty centimeters. Before preparing a stump for growing mushrooms, it is important to take a good look at it so that there are no diseases on it and there is no mold.

In order to properly prepare the bars, they must initially be dry, and only when working with them is a three-day soaking in an aqueous environment required. During this time, a piece of wood absorbs as much moisture as it needs in order to provide food for future mushrooms. If you decide to use a fresh tree, then it will have enough juices on its own; there will be no need to soak it in water.

When everything is ready, holes are cut or drilled in the prepared stump; most often they are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The depth of such pits should be approximately five centimeters. The mycelium grains are placed in these holes. When this part is also finished, then each window is closed with moss, or regular tape. If you use mycelium in the form of sticks, then after you insert it into the hole, you will need to seal it with plasticine.

The next step will be sawing off a small disk from the hemp, most often they take two or three centimeters for the cut. The remaining block also needs to be smeared with mycelium, after which the same sawn piece should be placed on top. In order for both parts to sit tightly and not move, they are knocked together.

There is another option for growing oyster mushrooms using logs. The decks are placed perpendicularly, on top part you need to apply mycelium, the amount of which should be about one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams. If you do not have the opportunity to weigh the mycelium, then focus on the thickness of the layer, which should be from one to two centimeters. After the application procedure is completed, place the second one on the first log. Everything that happened with the first one is repeated with him. The third log is placed on the second log, and so on. The height of such a structure can be from one to two meters. In this case, it is important to ensure that the stumps are not too thin, otherwise the structure will collapse.

Using the first sowing option, when holes are made in the log and the mycelium is placed there, and then sealed, does not end with these actions. Finished logs should be stored in a basement, if you have one. You can use a barn or even a garage, the main thing is that the conditions are proper. The main location criterion for bars with future oyster mushrooms is the air temperature, which should be fifteen degrees. The stumps are stacked on top of each other and covered with either burlap or perforated film.

If the method of growing using columns is used, then the stumps are placed in the same barn or similar room in one row from bottom to top. There should be several such columns. The distance between them should be small. Hay should be placed in the spaces between the columns. The top of the logs is also covered with hay. The same procedure is repeated on the sides. And only after that all this needs to be covered from the sides with foam or burlap. All these measures are taken to ensure that the decks are maintained required level humidity, and the mycelium was properly preserved until the time when it needs to grow.

With the coming warm spring, namely in May, a coating appears on the stumps white. It is he who indicates that the stumps are ready to be planted in the ground. Future mushrooms need to be planted in the shade. A depression of about ten or fifteen centimeters is made in the ground, where the stump is placed. The bottom of the pit should be covered with sawdust or wet leaves. All stumps are buried in one row. The distance between them should be approximately fifty centimeters. Approach is allowed to a distance of thirty-five centimeters, but not closer. When the weather is clear and dry outside, the soil with mushroom mushrooms should be watered constantly. Water should not be introduced under the log itself, but not far from it, so that the soil absorbs it.

Hangers on tree stumps!

The appearance of oyster mushrooms

Using this method, in the near future you can observe how oyster mushrooms begin to appear and grow on stumps. With such cultivation, you can achieve very good results in terms of yield. finished products, however, they will never be equal to the quantities received by special enterprises involved in growing oyster mushrooms.

Such enterprises use intensive cultivation methods, when mushrooms grow indoors: greenhouses, basements. People who want to get mushrooms for themselves use the extensive method. It is with this method that mushrooms grow in their own natural environment, they are grown in open soil.

Having planted all the stumps in the ground, you should wait for the mushrooms to appear by the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. At different conditions environment, for example, in a long autumn, mushrooms can be collected from stumps until the very end of October.

It is not so difficult to grow oyster mushrooms on stumps at home, and the main thing is that your mushroom mushroom will bear fruit for more than one year. After the mushroom picking season has ended, the stumps should be well covered with leaves, spruce branches or straw. Such blocks will bear fruit for at least three years, and maybe even five years. This is what makes growing oyster mushrooms on stumps so attractive for lovers of this food. Interesting fact is that the most mushrooms can be collected in the second and third years of the functioning of wood myceliums. The amount of mushrooms that is collected from one stump is equal to fifteen or twenty percent of the mass of the stump itself.

It is better not to use softwood trees for growing mushrooms, because they deteriorate and rot faster, which reduces their service life.


Extensive and intensive growing methods

An extensive option for growing mushrooms is suitable for those who are not chasing a huge amount of finished products. With this method, several growing techniques can be used. These include: growing on sawdust, shavings or other wood waste, and on the pieces of wood themselves.

The simplest option for how best to grow oyster mushrooms is the tree stump method. Often trees are cut down in the forest, after which stumps remain, and these are the ones that can be used for growing mushrooms. The same situation can be observed at your dacha or in the garden, when work is taking place to change the garden, and similar activities, as a result of which stumps remain in the ground. It is in them that the mycelium is placed, after which they wait for the appearance of mushrooms. The mycelium should be applied to the surface of the stump in a layer of one and a half to two centimeters, then covered with polyethylene and sprinkled with earth. In dacha conditions, these actions are carried out around April. In addition, you can make cuts in the stump or cut out holes where the mycelium is placed. These containers with mycelium are sealed, and the stump is wrapped in polyethylene, after which soil must also be poured on top.

With this method, the mushrooms grow for three to four months and by autumn they are fully grown. September is the most comfortable month for oyster mushrooms, because daytime temperatures are no longer so high, and at night the temperature drops below ten degrees Celsius. When the oyster mushrooms begin to actively grow, the film and soil are removed from the stumps. Such a stump will delight its owner for five, and maybe seven, years, and after that it will completely turn into dust. If you want to smartly get rid of the stump, then this option will be the most suitable.

It is believed that a person who has never dealt with growing mushrooms will be more comfortable growing them in a bag for the first time. This method will require a substrate in an amount of seven to ten kilograms. It needs to be crushed so that only small pieces remain. After which all this is poured into a pan, where water is poured, and put on fire. You need to boil for about fifteen minutes, maybe twenty. We are preparing one kilogram of mycelium, and two bags in which we will plant it. The bags need to be crushed well before planting. You need to pour five kilos of wet substrate into each bag. You need to make small holes in the bag itself, one to two millimeters, at a distance of four to five centimeters. Once everything is ready, you need to place the bag in bleach. We leave them there for two hours. After this, everything needs to be drained, cooled to twenty-six or twenty-eight degrees and placed again in the bag, but at the same time a quarter kilogram of mycelium is added. The package is closed and placed in a place where temperature regime will be within twenty to twenty-two degrees. The packages lie there for twelve to fifteen days. The room in which the packages will be placed must be ventilated four times a day. In about ten days, the mycelium will be on the surface of the substrate. After another three days, the air temperature should be reduced to twelve to fifteen degrees, while artificial lighting. When mushrooms begin to appear, the film should be cut. If there are a lot of them, then it can be removed altogether. Mushrooms need constant watering, which should not be forgotten.

As for the intensive option for growing oyster mushrooms, it is carried out using waste Agriculture. The room is closed. Mushrooms can be grown using sterile and non-sterile technologies. At first, you need to have necessary equipment, and maintain sterility. With a non-sterile method, you can grow mushrooms on farms and similar farms, using large bags of waste from your enterprise, which is good for the growth of oyster mushrooms. This option allows you to profitably use raw materials that are not suitable for any other purpose.

Today I want to show you how I grow oyster mushrooms at home.

It's very simple and not troublesome. Once you sow the mycelium and collect mushrooms for 3-5 years. With this method of growing, the mushrooms turn out to be very aromatic - like those grown in the forest and are radically different in taste from store-bought ones.

Each of you has the opportunity to grow eco-mushrooms on garden plot on the stump.
The first time I sowed mycelium 3 years ago - today is already the fourth spring. This spring I decided to expand my plantations and at the same time tell everyone - because I always get asked a lot of questions.

Coniferous wood is NOT SUITABLE for planting oyster mushrooms. The best types of trees for planting are deciduous trees: poplar, apple, cherry, oak, alder, beech, chestnut, ash, maple, poplar, birch, aspen, walnut.
Oyster mushrooms grow especially well on walnut and poplar stumps.
The harder the type of tree, the longer the stump will last, and the more mushroom harvests will grow on it.

The location where oyster mushrooms are planted is a very important factor.
Oyster mushroom does not really like places where there is too much sun or large open space. Therefore, it is better to plant oyster mushrooms under trees in the garden. For example, oyster mushrooms grow well under spreading walnut, or under other trees. The trees will shade the stumps with their crowns. Remember that the oyster mushroom planting site must be open to precipitation. This way you will save yourself from having to water the mushroom bed.

You can use areas along barns and other buildings on the north side.
Initially, I placed stumps along the fence - between the building and the fence. There the distance is about half a meter. It's enough. The main thing is not to place it under a canopy - so that the stumps are watered by rain.
To populate the mycelium, we need stumps of deciduous trees - the sizes of the trimmings can be different - from 30 to 50 cm in length and from 15 to 40 cm in diameter. The main thing is that the wood is healthy and there are no signs of infection with mold fungi.

For direct planting, prepare a stump. It must be freshly cut, not old (dried out). If the hemp is about a month old, place it in water for a day so that it becomes moist. But, of course, it is better to use freshly cut stumps for growing oyster mushrooms. Then a successful result will be guaranteed.
We take stumps and drill holes in them with a diameter of about 1-2 cm. You can do less, but the smaller the diameter, the more difficult it is to pour mycelium into it. The number is in random order: 6-8 holes on top and 4-6 holes on the side. IMPORTANT: The stump must stand vertically with the top up, i.e., as the tree grew in nature, place the stumps, do not change the direction by turning the stumps upside down.

We fall asleep the mycelium. For convenience, we take a pencil (or other tamping device), pour the mycelium into the holes, tamping it tightly with a pencil (stick, mortar, suitable in size) - don’t worry, nothing will happen to the mycelium. The holes must be closed. You can close different ways- you can use plasticine, moss, adhesive tape, or most conveniently - garden varnish. Some are even covered with cement. Mushrooms do not necessarily grow from these holes; they grow inside the stump and come out anywhere

To install a stump, dig a small hole - approximately 5 centimeters deep, place the stump in the holes and sprinkle the sides with earth. This is so that the stump stands more stable and draws moisture from the ground. Grass may grow around the stump. Possible for higher humidity sprinkle fallen grass around autumn foliage etc. to keep the soil moist longer.

They planted it, watered it around and that’s it. We are waiting for the harvest.
If the summer is dry, the stumps can be watered. But do not pour water directly on the stump; the mycelium does not like direct contact with water, only moisture. That is, you can water the stumps with a fine sprayer

This year I decided to increase my mushroom plantation.
My husband just howled at my message that we needed to “prepare” the stumps again. By the way, drilling them is not easy at all.
While purchasing mycelium from a mushroom growing society, I got into a conversation with their technologist (butted with questions) and he suggested to me a less labor-intensive way to populate stumps with mycelium.

Everything ingenious is simple.
We dig a hole - a little smaller than a bayonet - 15, well, 20 centimeters.
The width is slightly wider than the prepared hemp.

We put a pillow on the bottom - about 5 centimeters. You can do it a little more - it doesn’t matter.
This could be sunflower husks, dry moss, shavings or sawdust from deciduous trees.

We generously water the hole with the cushion and pour mycelium on top - about 2 centimeters. About a handful grain mycelium on the stump.

My mycelium is colonized on a grain base (wheat). I bought this mycelium from a mushroom growing society in our city. A pack of mycelium - 2 kg costs 106 rubles today. This pack is enough for 5-6 stumps. You can search for mycelium in an online store or look for a mushroom growing society in your area.

Prepared hole

We place a stump on the mycelium.

Sprinkle the sides with earth (no need to tamp) and water around generously.

This general form The places where I “planted” the stump this year are along the fence under the raspberry bushes; the crowns of large cherry trees provide shade from above.
An excellent place for stumps is under spreading walnuts.

There is virtually no need to care for your mushroom plantation.
Nature itself will take care of a good harvest. However, if the planting was done in the wrong place, for example, too sunny, periodic watering will be necessary.

This method of growing oyster mushrooms will allow you to harvest mushrooms in the same season. Moreover, you will receive mushrooms all year round - from the beginning of warm days to December (in the conditions of the south, when there is no frost). Each stump will bear fruit until it completely disintegrates into pieces. Such a mushroom plantation can feed you for 3-5 years, but the largest harvests occur in the second and third years. There are more than enough mushrooms from 10 stumps for one family - we fry, pickle and preserve them for the winter.

If there are stumps left from felled trees on your site, you can use them, but you should sow them with mycelium only in April-May, when the temperature is above zero.

Oyster mushrooms on tree stumps spring planting appear in August-September, and during a prolonged autumn, the harvest can be harvested until December. In cold regions, stumps are well covered with spruce branches, straw or leaves for the winter.
I don't hide anything.

Now you know how to grow oyster mushrooms on stumps.