How do ballerinas eat or the diet menu of ballerinas. Effective diet for ballerinas for weight loss

What kind of bread do they feed little swans and can a sophisticated prima afford a vulgar Big Mac?

We look at the ballerinas with admiration and a bit of envy. Even in their old age, they look stunning: stately, fit ladies, their hair pulled back into a tight bun, and their gaze straight and firm - imprinted with years of severe discipline. And not an extra gram on the waist. No looseness of the adductor muscles of the thigh, no saggy butt or swollen tummy. This is understandable: they feed on cabbage leaves. We couldn't do that.

Ksenia Ryzhkova, 20 years old

Parties: Nikia (“La Bayadère”), Masha the Princess (“The Nutcracker”), Fleur De Lys (“Esmeralda”), Vilisa (“Giselle”), Dryad (“Don Quixote”).

Weight: 45-48 kg.

Height: 168 cm.

Breakfast: porridge (about 2 tbsp.)/coffee with glazed cheese.

Dinner: fruit/chocolate.

Dinner: meat and salad/ vegetable stew/ after the performance - salad and dessert / pasta

choreography classes and rehearsals from 2 to 6 hours a day + performances. Pilates, Gym. Trains 7 days a week.

Vitamins and dietary supplements: B vitamins, amino acids, vitamins with ginseng extract, effervescent vitamins with taurine and l-carnitine.

If you need to lose weight: reduces portions, limits the consumption of carbohydrates, sweets, does Pilates and goes to the gym.

Prohibited products: allows himself everything.

Favorite dish/cuisine: Dessert.

Always have in the refrigerator: cheese, meat, vegetables, fruits, sometimes sausage.

“Ballerinas eat everything. Very often before performances I treat myself to something that I really love. I can afford a cake in the evening and a plate of pasta in the afternoon to recharge my energy. But if I feel like I’m getting out of shape, I try to limit myself and don’t eat in the evening. But with our workloads, there is no point in going on a very strict diet - everything burns out. Ballerinas rarely have lunch, this is due to their schedule. If there is less than half an hour between rehearsals and you eat, then the food will not have time to be digested in such a short period of time, and then you feel discomfort, dancing with a full stomach.

Once upon a time - while still in college - I gained a lot of weight and had to lose weight. I pulled myself together and tried to eat in small portions - literally 2-3 tablespoons of food at one time. But at the same time, she allowed herself everything: she could come home at lunch and eat soup, meat with buckwheat. She ate at a measured pace - about an hour.

At the ballet school, our weight was strictly controlled and we were weighed once or twice every six months. Now, in the theater, no one especially watches this, my form is on my conscience. But, of course, if the ballerina has let herself go, then she can hear comments from the artistic director or teachers about this.

In quite early age I started having problems with my stomach and intestines. At the ballet school, the girls are trying to lose weight with everyone possible ways, and I was no exception. Sometimes I didn’t eat after 14:00. There were breakdowns, then another diet. And this, of course, affected the gastrointestinal tract.”

Tatyana Melnik, 27 years old

soloist of the Musical Academic Theater named after. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko

Parties: Kitri (Don Quixote), The First Shadow (La Bayadère), Masha the Princess and the Doll (The Nutcracker).

Weight: 43 kg.

Height: 161 cm.

Breakfast: black coffee and glazed cheese.

Lunch (13:00 – 14:00): coffee with a small cake/chocolate/piece of chicken with salad.

Dinner (21:00 – 24:00): meat (often chicken or chicken hearts) with salad/spaghetti.

choreography classes and rehearsals from 2 to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week + performances.

Vitamins and dietary supplements: “Energy tonic.”

If you need to lose weight: he simply tries to eat less, especially if during this period of time there is less pressure on rehearsals.

Prohibited products: flour, including bread.

Favorite dish/cuisine: Russian kitchen.

Always have in the refrigerator: glazed curds, sausage, cheese, fruit

“To be honest, I don’t weigh myself at all. My body burns everything unnecessary while working. I track my shape by the reflection in the mirror. When there is little load, I can gain a little weight. But this is noticeable only to me; those around me do not see the difference.

I can’t eat much in the morning because then it’s hard to work out with a full stomach. Lunch itself is also rare. Often there is no time for this, and the workload of rehearsals makes you want to drink more than you eat. The main meal of the day is dinner.

A standard working day for a ballerina looks like this: class starts at 11 o’clock, where we warm up for an hour; then a short break and start rehearsing - solo, with the masses (ballet) or with a partner. The performance starts at 7 pm, usually these days after classes we are free and we manage to eat something light, such as chicken, in the cafeteria. There are still two hours left to sleep before the performance, and you have to run to make-up and hair. After the performance, dinner happens around twelve o'clock in the morning. I don’t feel any particular feeling of hunger – I feel adrenaline and I’m really thirsty. I love the “nasty” thing – Coca-Cola.

At one time I had stomach problems; after eating salty or fatty foods, pain began. I had to undergo a course of treatment. The diet of ballerinas is not ideal; we do not eat only spinach. We love cakes, chocolate, sweets and indulge ourselves with pleasure.”

Elizaveta Misler, 39 years old

prima of the Rostov State Musical Theater

Parties: Snow White (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs), Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Giselle (Giselle), the Sugar Plum Fairy and Clara (The Nutcracker), Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty).

Height: 163 cm.

Weight: 47-50 kg (before and after birth).

Breakfast: bran flakes with milk/buckwheat flakes with milk, coffee with cream and a lump of sugar, bun with butter/pancakes with sour cream, soft-boiled egg/bran bread with feta cheese and boiled pork/caviar.
Second breakfast (until 12:00): cheesecakes with sour cream / cottage cheese casserole.

Dinner: soup and vegetable salad.

Dinner: meat or fish and vegetable salad.

An hour before bed: kefir.

choreography classes and rehearsals from 2 to 6 hours a day, 6 days a week + performances. Before pregnancy – modern dances 2 times a week.

Vitamins and dietary supplements: before childbirth - a complex of multivitamins for people with increased physical activity.

If you need to lose weight, you go on the diet of Irina Viner, a renowned rhythmic gymnastics coach, for two weeks. Diet: buckwheat porridge, white poultry (boiled or baked), lean fish, seafood, 5 cups of green tea a day, green vegetables. The diet is aimed at accelerating metabolism and should be combined with active physical activity.

Prohibited products: soda. He also limits himself to flour and sweets, fried foods, meat and fatty cheeses, and ice cream.

Favorite dish/cuisine: Italian Cuisine(Caprese salad, lasagna, Bolognese pasta, salmon carpaccio with capers, fettuccine in creamy mushroom sauce, tiramisu, Caesar salad).

Always have it in the refrigerator: vegetables, green salad, kefir, milk.

“I have a son, Renat, he is 1 year and 2 months old. During pregnancy, I didn’t change my diet much, I just didn’t eat meat at all - I didn’t want to. I ate a lot of fruit every day - buckwheat porridge. During pregnancy I gained 9 kg.

My normal weight returned already in the maternity hospital - 50 kg. With the birth of Renat, I adjusted my diet and eliminated allergens since I was breastfeeding. In general, the usual diet of a nursing mother. I immediately put on comfortable heels and began to walk the streets for a long time. Walking in heels tones the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Only two months after giving birth, the doctor allowed me physical exercise on the back, abs, stretching and exercises in the ballet room. After 3.5 months, I already started rehearsals for the play “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs.” With the birth of the baby, the figure did not undergo any changes, except for the breasts, which increased by two sizes. But I think this is a temporary effect while I feed.

I can completely control my desires, but in principle I do not deny myself my favorite food - I just eat, combining foods correctly, and right time. Until 12:00 you can eat everything (flour, sweets, cakes, butter, and bread). Carbohydrates (pasta, cereals, potatoes) are allowed until 17:00. And after this time it is better to focus on protein foods and fresh vegetables.”

Yulia Griboedova, 24 years old

teacher of classical choreography, Body Ballet and Booty Barre at the Ksenia Belaya Choreographic Studio; ex-soloist of the Classical Russian Ballet troupe under the direction of Khasan Usmanov

Parties (before retirement): Russian bride (“Swan Lake”), sister (“Cinderella”).

Weight: 50 kg.

Height: 175 cm.

Breakfast: tea, scrambled eggs, bread, lettuce, piece of chicken.

Lunch (16:00): soup, salad, sometimes main course.

Dinner: optional - depending on the degree of fatigue and hunger: pasta with meatballs / dumplings / tea with cake, or no dinner at all - go straight to bed.

Body Ballet, classical choreography, Booty Barre 5 times a week.

Vitamins and dietary supplements: does not accept.

If you need to lose weight: gives preference sports nutrition, which helps build muscles and get rid of excess fat - a strict balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, an emphasis on dairy products and fruits, flour and sweets are excluded.

Prohibited products: fast food.

Favorite dish/cuisine: Italian cuisine (spaghetti, lasagne).

Always in the refrigerator: cheese, sausage, meat, vegetables.

“My build doesn’t allow me to gain much weight. I was born this way, I have the same figure as my mother, who, by the way, has four children and is in good shape. I eat very little. But I still had problems with being overweight in school. We were weighed every week and forced to sit literally on water and tea. We were treated especially harshly during puberty, when girls naturally began to gain weight. The fact is that in the “duet dance” discipline the boys lift us up, the main load falls on their backs, and they also grow at this time, and excess weight partner may cause injury. At this age, with a height of 175, I managed to lose weight to 49 kg 200 g. I still remember this figure. All my food was limited to cheese and green tea. I was constantly dizzy and my stomach refused to accept food. There was a girl who studied with us who suffered from anorexia.

After graduating from college, I was accepted into a troupe that toured all over the world. Two months of rehearsals, and I went on my first trip - to Germany, for three months. There my diet changed significantly. Germans eat mainly sausages, fatty schnitzels, potatoes, and sandwiches. On this diet, I suddenly gained weight to 57 kg. My breasts have grown to size 4! The artistic director treated this with understanding and did not fine me, because I was only 17 years old - a growing organism. Girls aged 20-23 who danced with me were given fines for gaining weight. Touring means constant stress and irregular nutrition. Stabilizing weight is extremely difficult. Only after 1.5 years I managed to regain a comfortable 50-52 kg.

Since I ended my career as a ballerina and began teaching, my physical activity, oddly enough, has only increased. I started burning more calories. Working with children requires a lot of dedication, we work 10 hours a day - such an active schedule does not allow me to gain too much.”

If girls floating around the stage in tutus and pointe shoes have aroused your admiration since childhood, then welcome to our club. At the same time, ballet dancers not only look amazingly beautiful on stage, but in life they can boast of ease of movement, natural grace and flawless figure. Of course, more than half of the success of the campaign depends on regular training with an emphasis on cardio and stretching.

However, if you are convinced that when exercising at such intensity, ballerinas feed exclusively on dew, then this big mistake. Joy Bauer, official nutritionist for the New York City Ballet, reveals the secrets.

Bauer says she always advises ballerinas to eat grains for breakfast. “Forget about sugary cereals—they're mostly simple carbs, which will spike your blood sugar and make you sluggish (and hungry) a couple of hours later,” she continues. “Buttered bagels and fruit juice are also pure carbs.” and fat. Where is the protein?

For a healthy breakfast worthy of a ballerina, she suggests focusing on the "dynamic duo" of protein and fiber. “Protein helps wake up your brain cells and speed up your metabolism, while fiber will keep your energy levels up and keep you from feeling hungry until lunch,” explains Bauer. Here are a couple good options: eggs with whole grain bread or Greek yogurt with berries and granola.


Do you think that ballerinas chew a leaf of lettuce for lunch? Whatever the case. Bauer admits that salads are important because they are rich in vitamins and minerals, but they must be combined with proteins and antioxidants. "Vegetarian salad in company good source protein, such as grilled chicken, fish, eggs, tofu or black beans, provides the added benefit of phytonutrients and antioxidants needed to keep you energized cellular level", she says.

Another lunch option? Rolls, but made from whole grain tortilla. It's best to fill them with turkey, avocado, tomatoes and lettuce. If you're looking to fill your belly with something heartier, Bauer recommends lentil, minestrone or chicken noodle soups. “In addition, you can indulge in peanut butter with bananas, apples and berries as a recharge,” the expert adds.


"Dancers try to eat less throughout the day to minimize bloating during rehearsal, so their dinners tend to be larger," Bauer explains. Ideally, your evening meal should be balanced, with plenty of lean protein for muscle recovery (chicken, fish, pork, lentils or tofu), rich in antioxidants to relieve soreness (broccoli, peppers or carrots) and whole grains for fuel. the next day (quinoa, brown rice or whole wheat pasta).


Oh this one amazing world snacks. What do ballerinas eat when they feel hungry during the day? "I recommend healthy options under 200 calories, such as an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter, bell pepper with 1/2 cup hummus, Greek yogurt with banana, or homemade granola with almonds,” Bauer lists.


When the craving for sweets becomes unbearable, Bauer advises his wards to make banana ice cream with chocolate glaze. To do this, dip the banana in melted dark chocolate, then put the fruit in the freezer for 20-25 minutes. Great option There will also be frozen fruit slices.

What about those times when ballerinas crave truly unhealthy food? “I promote the 90/10 food philosophy among girls, where 90% of the time they should eat healthy, and leave 20% for all sorts of gastronomic indulgences,” admits Joy Bauer. “Be picky, choose the delicacy that you really like, savor every bite and don’t feel regret! Even ballerinas sometimes break their diet, but this does not prevent them from returning to full training and proper nutrition.”

Over one year old

Nutrition secrets of ballerinas

1. Less is better, but more often!

2. Good morning!

3. Studying the enemy

4. Testaments of Mendeleev

5. Steamer is our everything!

Golden mean

Famous ballerina Ilze Liepa

poultry (white), and sea ​​fish

Health comes first

Maria Allash

The nutrition system of ballerinas was built over a long period of time, because for a ballerina, compliance proper diet nutrition is, first of all, a professional necessity.

The ballet dancer's extraordinary plasticity, grace, ease of movement and flexible figure are called the result of hard work on herself. Most of us cannot repeat the dance steps, but everyone can take an interest and put into practice information about the dietary secrets of ballerinas.

Nutrition secrets of ballerinas

The diet of a ballerina is of genuine interest for good reason, because the weight of ballerinas is strictly fixed, usually not exceeding 50 kg.

How to choose a menu in such a way as to remain slim and light, but at the same time get energy for long hours of physical activity?

1. Less is better, but more often!

The first rule is to eat often, but in small portions. Avoid acute hunger, eat every one and a half to two hours, no less than 6 times a day.

2. Good morning!

Breakfast is a must! One option: a quarter pack of low-calorie cottage cheese, diet bread, a slice of cheese and a cup of coffee (coffee can be replaced with tea). Sugar is excluded, the source of necessary carbohydrates will be... honey! Not a lot, just a spoonful in a glass of warm water.

3. Studying the enemy

We ruthlessly exclude sweets, potatoes, baked goods and even bread from the diet. Only sometimes can you allow a piece of dark chocolate, as a pleasant exception.

4. Testaments of Mendeleev

In order to maintain the necessary elasticity of the ligaments and the ballerina’s weight remains unchanged, it is necessary to include various vitamin drinks, nutritional supplements, and soy products in the menu. Most elements of the periodic table are necessarily present in the diet as special additives.

5. Steamer is our everything!

You should definitely get a steamer and a blender if they are not available in your household equipment. kitchen appliances in your house. It is advisable to eat only freshly prepared food: boiled, but better baked without oil or steamed.

6. Night watch at the refrigerator

Even a late dinner is not considered a crime. Steamed fish or vegetable salad will help restore strength after an eventful day.

Golden mean

Famous ballerina Ilze Liepa recommends that you adhere to the norm in carbohydrate consumption. For 1 kg of weight, 2 g of carbohydrates per day are recommended. You cannot neglect the needs of the body, because the consequences are extremely unpleasant: headaches, irritability, fatigue, loss of strength.

The consumption of vegetable and animal fats is also recommended. It is advisable to consume unsaturated fats of animal origin. Their sources are poultry (white), and sea ​​fish. Vegetable fats are high in calories. Seeds and nuts are very healthy, but they should be consumed in moderation, as well as foods containing a large number of glucose and fructose, due to their ability to cause swelling by retaining water.

For this reason, excessive consumption of salt, various hot sauces and vinegar should be avoided. Better to replace harmful products useful, for example, use lemon juice instead of vinegar.

Health comes first

According to the Honored Ballet Artist Maria Allash, her weight remained unchanged for a long time - 50 kg (height 170). After the birth of the baby, she quickly returned to her usual weight, even without adhering to a strict diet, allowing herself fried or sweet foods from time to time. It's all about a busy work schedule. Do you want to know how ballerinas eat to maintain weight?

The menu of the famous ballerina: breakfast consists of a cup of cottage cheese or porridge, hot soup is required for lunch, and dinner can be varied with a fish dish with vegetables or cooked meat. Throughout the day, you can allow yourself light snacks: an apple, yogurt, sometimes a handful of nuts or a banana. Does it seem to you that giving up delicious food in favor of healthy and low-calorie food is unbearably difficult?

Healthy food can be very tasty! Several recipes specially designed for the diet of ballerinas, low-calorie, healthy and easy to prepare, are worth taking note of every housewife.


  • 2 zucchini squash
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 10 g each parsley and basil
  • 5 g garlic

Thinly slice the zucchini and grill without using oil. Bake the tomatoes in the oven, then remove the skins.

Cut the pulp and add finely chopped herbs and chopped garlic to it. A little spice and a little olive oil (no more than a teaspoon) will give the dish a special taste. All that remains is to place the tomatoes on the zucchini and serve the dish!


  • 300 g pumpkin
  • 100 g onion
  • 100 g almond flakes
  • 10 g pumpkin oil

Boil the peeled pumpkin (seeds and skin should be removed) with onions, then puree in a blender to a creamy consistency, adding required quantity broth for vegetables. A spoonful of pumpkin butter and the final touch is the decoration with almond flakes.


  • 200 g oyster mushrooms
  • 100 g celery
  • 100 g potatoes
  • 50 g onion

Lightly fry the peeled mushrooms on the grill and then finish cooking in the oven. Spices to taste.

Cook the peeled celery along with the onion until soft. The next step is grinding in a blender. You should get a puree-like mass of medium thickness. Garnish the dish with parsley and serve as a side dish for mushrooms!

6 useful products

  • Tomatoes useful for its high content of lycopene (it tones and quickly relieves muscle fatigue).
  • Mint and basil promote speedy recovery after exercise.
  • Artichoke accelerates metabolic processes due to the high content of enzymes.
  • Parsley helps fight swelling.
  • Tuna necessary to strengthen ligaments and joints.
  • Spinach It is characterized by a high content of iron and vitamins, necessary for increased loads.

In contact with

Slender, light as feathers, ballerinas are a dream for men and the envy of women. To be so thin, but at the same time to train actively, is the responsibility of a ballerina. Light weight is needed not only for the beauty and ease of movement of the ballet dancer herself, but also for their stage partners, who are required to perform lifts during the dance.

The slimness of ballerinas is not only the features of their constitution. Equally important for maintaining the graceful forms of a ballerina is her daily work on herself. Regular training and a diet that they adhere to throughout their lives help them to always maintain a constant weight.

Basic principles of the diet

The main principle of this diet, according to the brilliant ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, is a strict limitation of the menu and portion sizes. Her phrase: “We need to eat less!” has long gone “to the people.” The diet of ballerinas will be effective if you strictly adhere to the basic dietary principles.

Fractional meals

It is necessary to adhere to five meals a day. You cannot combine meals, as this will increase the portion size, which is extremely undesirable for effective weight loss. You should eat every 2-2.5 hours. You should not increase this time or skip meals.

Menu calorie content

Daily caloric intake should not exceed 1200 kcal. This calorie content allows you to maintain metabolism at a level sufficient for normal life. It cannot be reduced, since those losing weight will experience an acute feeling of hunger and severe weakness.


You can eat no more than 250 ml of food at a time. Thanks to this volume, the stomach does not stretch. According to Maya Plisetskaya, a ballerina needs to eat only half a portion (meaning the usual portion of 400-500 ml).

It is not recommended to combine and in one dish, therefore meat, fish dishes and eggs should be taken in separate doses, without a side dish or salad. Proteins of different origins must also be taken separately. This means that it is not advisable to combine fish, meat or eggs in one meal. You cannot wash down your food with water or another drink (unless another option is provided).

You can't eat in the evening after six o'clock. If the daily routine is designed so that the person losing weight goes to bed in the middle of the night, then the last meal can be postponed to a later time. The main thing is that there should be at least 4 hours between food and sleep. At the last meal, you need to eat something light, for example, a glass or small.

Drinking regime

You can drink no earlier than an hour after a meal or half an hour before it. Then the water will stimulate digestion and improve the digestion of food, rather than diluting it. To help you remember to drink water, you can place glasses of water throughout your home and near your work area. I just came across a glass of water - I need to drink it.

Liquid dishes

Liquid dishes (soups, smoothies, juices with pulp, kefir) are considered a separate meal. Soup speeds up metabolism and improves the process of burning fat reserves. The time from eating soup to the next meal is at least 2 hours.

Food should not be sweetened or added salt during cooking. There is enough salt in the foods themselves, and due to the absence of additional salt in the diet, the body does not retain excess fluid.

Absence from dishes reduces the calorie content of the diet. Desserts can be replaced with fruits. Those who have a sweet tooth are allowed to eat half a bar of black natural instead of dessert, but only in the first half of the day.

By following these basic principles, ballerinas keep themselves in great shape for many years. These weight loss rules must be followed by them all their lives and become, literally, their life credo.

Permitted and prohibited products

When preparing your diet in advance, it is advisable to think about what dishes will be present in it. It is necessary to include products from the list of permitted products and avoid prohibited products. If you neglect this rule, the effectiveness of the diet will decrease significantly.

Approved products for consumption are:

  • lean white meat (,);
  • white fish;
  • eggs (better);
  • dairy products (low-fat kefir, or low-fat hard cheese);
  • cereals;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • fruits (exception -,);
  • spices (except salt and sugar);
  • marinades (, apple cider vinegar, );
  • dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows (in limited quantities).

Products prohibited during the diet include:

  • fatty meat and meat with refractory fats (, fatty,);
  • red fish, caviar;
  • pasta and other flour products;
  • bakery products;
  • sauces, marinades, ;
  • fried foods;
  • pickles, canned food;
  • sausages, frankfurters, smoked meats;
  • fast food;
  • cookies, cakes, sweets.

While on a diet, it is advisable to avoid companies with festive feasts and alcohol, as this increases the possibility of breaking the diet. To lose weight, it is better to choose days between major holidays so that there are fewer temptations.

Pros of the ballerina diet

The diet for ballerinas allows you to quickly lose weight. Weight loss in the first days is mainly due to the removal of excess fluid. In the future, weight loss occurs due to the fact that the volume of incoming food decreases. The stomach becomes smaller in size and the body does not need a lot of food to satiate.

A not very strict restriction of products allowed for consumption and the absence of a mandatory menu allows you to choose your own best option diet, including your favorite dishes.

A sufficient amount of carbohydrates in the diet allows you not to change your usual rhythm of life. Moreover, with this regime and diet, moderate physical exercise even recommended (gymnastics, fitness classes, cycling, dancing).

Cons of losing weight

The main difficulty of losing weight on this diet is that you need to eat small and often. This rule can be a big obstacle for working people. It is impossible to increase the duration of breaks between meals: this is fraught with overdistension of the stomach at the next meal, as well as breakdowns (due to a pronounced feeling of hunger). If it is not possible to eat so often, it is better not to practice losing weight with this diet.

Along with the diet, it is recommended to take multivitamins and mineral complexes to prevent deficiency of these substances. This rule is especially relevant for winter and spring periods when the body is already in a state of seasonal vitamin deficiency. By this time, there are few vitamins and minerals left in vegetables and fruits, since when long-term storage they are destroyed. Therefore, to compensate for their deficiency through increased consumption plant products It works out poorly.

The diet of ballerinas is very similar to the diet of medical nutrition: it does not overload the digestive system and kidneys. For this reason, there are no strict contraindications to its use.

It should be borne in mind that restricting the diet can cause an exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the digestive system, so people with such diseases need to consult a gastroenterologist before losing weight.

Pregnancy and the postpartum period are not best time for weight loss using the ballerina diet. During these periods of life female body spends a lot nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Their deficiency can pose a threat to the development of the baby and worsen the health of his mother.

Stages of weight loss

The actual diet of ballerinas includes two stages. The first of them is losing weight, and the second is maintaining a constant weight. It is not advisable to use only the first stage without the second, since returning to your usual diet will quickly return your previous weight, maybe even with interest.

The goal of the first stage is to reduce the body's need for food, reduce stomach volume and gradual weight loss. You can’t suddenly stop eating: this can disrupt your metabolism. In addition, in such a stressful situation, the body can mobilize its strength and stubbornly prevent weight loss.

The duration of the first period of the diet can be from 4 to 10 days. Nutritionists have developed three menu options: for 4, 5 or 10 days. The duration of the weight loss stage depends on how many kilograms the loser plans to lose. From the diet of ballerinas, you can expect a weight loss of 12-14 kilograms in 10 days.

The second stage of the diet can last as long as you like. It depends on the desire of the person losing weight. For ballerinas, the second stage lasts throughout their lives.

Its goal is to rearrange energy metabolism in such a way that the body has enough food that comes in during the day for active life.

Preparing for weight loss

Before you start losing weight, it is recommended to prepare your body for this important step. Nutritionists recommend combining tomato and kefir fasting days before the ballerina diet. For each of these days, several dietary options are proposed.

Anyone losing weight can choose the most convenient menu for themselves.

Tomato fasting day

For a fasting day, it should be freshly squeezed and prepared only from ground tomatoes (you cannot squeeze juice from greenhouses), without salt. To prevent the juice from being bland, you can add bell pepper, herbs (,), spices (, coriander, ground black or red pepper).

The first option for a tomato day involves dividing the daily diet into 4 doses:

  • breakfast - 2 medium tomatoes with a small slice of hard cheese;
  • second breakfast - 200 ml of tomato juice with a teaspoon of sour cream;
  • lunch - soup of tomatoes, onions, olives, balsamic vinegar (can be replaced with apple vinegar) and grated hard cheese;
  • dinner - 200 ml of fresh tomato juice.

The second version of the tomato day consists of 3 meals. For breakfast and dinner on this day you need to drink a glass of tomato juice, for lunch - 2 glasses with a slice of black bread. The third option - the strictest - only involves drinking 1.5-2 liters of tomato juice.

Fasting kefir day

For this fasting day, low-fat kefir is required (no more than 1% fat content). You can add herbs (dill, parsley) to kefir to taste.

The first version of the kefir day is not strict and is designed for those who do not have iron willpower. During the day you need to drink one liter of kefir and eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese: 100-150 g of cottage cheese and a glass of kefir - for breakfast, lunch and dinner (you can add some fresh or frozen berries to the cottage cheese) and a glass of kefir - for second breakfast and afternoon tea

The second option for unloading on kefir consists of 1 kg of fresh and 1 liter of kefir 5 times during the day. The third version of the kefir day, like the tomato day, is the most strict and includes taking a glass of kefir every 3 hours. You can drink the last glass of kefir an hour before bedtime.

4-day diet of ballerinas

The four-day weight loss menu involves alternating contrasting diets:

  1. Rice-tomato, milk, meat and day.
  2. Tomato, dairy, meat-rice and kefir.

A tomato fasting day corresponds to any of the options for a tomato fasting day, which is described above.

Rice day

The rice-tomato day menu consists of 0.5 kg, boiled in water without salt and spices, and 1.5 liters of tomato juice. This amount of food should be divided into 5 meals. The meat-rice menu includes eating a serving of soup 5 times a day, which consists of 1 teaspoon of boiled rice, 50 g of chicken, 1 tablespoon of grated chicken, poured with 150 ml of vegetable broth.

Milk and kefir day

You should drink up to 1.5 liters of low-fat dairy products without additives per day. This may be (if it is tolerated), kefir,. Cottage cheese lovers can eat 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese per day, washed down with a liter of liquid dairy product.

On kefir day you need to drink only one and a half liters of kefir. Drinking water or other liquids on this day is prohibited.

Meat day

On this day, you need to boil 500 g of any white meat and eat it 5 times. You need to boil the meat without salt; you can season it with mild spices or herbs to taste.

Wine Day

This is a day of relaxation. On this day, drink only dry white or red wine (but not more than one bottle) and eat hard cheese. In this case, water should not be consumed. There are no restrictions on the amount of cheese eaten per day, but it is still advisable to limit yourself to 200 g.

Between meals, it is recommended to drink green tea, to which you can add jasmine, or (if there are no restrictions on fluid intake that day). Green tea speeds up metabolism, vitamins the body and increases endurance. If desired, it can be replaced with a decoction or linden infusion.

The beauty, grace and elegance of the ballerinas are simply mesmerizing. Most women think that it is impossible to have such an elegant body like a ballerina. After all, they are constantly hungry and do grueling exercises, and for most women this is not possible. However, this is not quite true The secret to keeping ballerinas slim is to follow a special diet. There is no universal diet that would suit all ballerinas, so it is created individually. The most common diets for ballerinas are those that provide for the loss of up to four kilograms in a week. These diets are based on the consumption of low-calorie foods and exercise.

Rules that ballerinas must follow during a diet:

  1. Food portions should be small. This helps reduce the number of calories consumed and does not harm your health.
  2. Particular attention should be paid to breakfast; it should be the most satisfying. After all, it is in the morning that the metabolism is better, which does not contribute to the deposition of extra pounds. Be sure to read the very fascinating article “proper nutrition for ballerinas”
  3. You can eat one type of dish at one meal. If this is the first course (soup), then there is no need to supplement it with other dishes, drinks, or buns. The first course is enough for the body to receive the necessary nutrients and function normally.
  4. Ballerinas should consume foods high in carbohydrates every day. They provide the body with the energy necessary for the active work of ballerinas. That's why You need to include oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge, fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  5. In order for food to be well digested and absorbed, which is so important for ballerinas, there is no need to mix proteins. Therefore, it is necessary to separate the consumption of meat, fish and cheese.
  6. It is necessary to include in the diet foods in which the fat content does not exceed 2.5.
  7. Ballerinas should completely eliminate salt from their diet. It can be replaced with spices and soy sauce, lemon juice, which must be added immediately before use.
  8. Ballerinas should forget about dishes containing mayonnaise. This is very high-calorie product, which also slows down the digestion process.
  9. Ballerinas must follow a special water intake regimen to speed up metabolic processes. You need to drink water half an hour before meals or an hour after meals. Ballerinas should drink up to two liters of water throughout the day. Water helps reduce appetite and improve metabolic processes.
  10. You need to exclude from your diet all sweets, processed foods, carbonated drinks, spicy, pickled and salty foods.
  11. The daily diet of ballerinas should be rich not only in basic nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins), but also in minerals and vitamins.
  12. The last meal of ballerinas should not concern the generally established framework. After all, ballerinas' performances can be late in the evening, after which they must definitely restore strength with the help of food. However, dishes should be light and low in calories.

Diet of ballerinas

Ballerinas must consume foods daily that provide them with essential nutrients. The diet of ballerinas must include foods that are rich in:

  • carbohydrates (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge, fruits and vegetables);
  • proteins (low-fat dairy products, sea fish and chicken);
  • fats (fatty sea fish and unrefined vegetable oils).

Ballerinas need carbohydrates for a constant supply of energy. Proteins for building muscle fibers and cell repair. Fats are necessary to maintain the elasticity and firmness of ligaments.

Ballerinas should definitely exclude from their diet foods that retain water in the body and contribute to weight gain. Therefore, their menu should not include processed foods, sweets, pastries and carbonated drinks.

During the day, ballerinas should eat at least five times (you can read in detail about the diet in this publication). The daily diet should contain a variety of healthy foods which contain all the nutrients.

Thus, the supply of nutrients will be constantly replenished. Breakfast should be the most high-calorie meal. After all, metabolism is highest in the morning and gradually decreases throughout the day. Therefore, you need to build your diet in accordance with your metabolic rate.