How a Leo girl loves. Guide to the female zodiac sign Leo - how to keep a Leo girl. Leo woman: characteristics of the sign, compatibility, eastern horoscope

Fully corresponds to the queen of all animals, the lioness, and her fiery temperament. Leo women are proud and walk through life with their heads held high. The phrase “a cat walking on its own” perfectly characterizes such a woman.

Characteristics of the sign. Leo woman

The fire endowed her with vital energy, determination, and the ability to get out of life’s troubles with dignity. They walk through life like queens, proud, not allowing anyone to cross their own principles. The characteristic of a Leo woman is like a torch. She will burn and waste her energy both on her home and family, and on her career and society. From childhood, the little Lioness most likely was a leader among her peers, and the adult elegant lady retained the same status. On a subconscious level, they feel their undoubted superiority, but the fact that she was born a special royal is not at all her fault. The main characteristic of a Leo woman is her egocentrism and pride, sometimes even excessive. If you just want to meet her, you should stock up good compliments and expensive exquisite gifts. It will be much easier for you to marry her if you are a crown prince or a purebred nobleman. Such a woman must be treated like a queen, put above her, respected and emphasized.

But still, if you are an insecure person and also a man of few words, you will have to choose a simpler and less companion like a Leo woman. The characteristics of the sign sometimes make our heroine become a victim of her own illusions. They are extremely susceptible to flattery, even that which is too obvious. But this happens only because she is unshakably confident in her merits.

Characteristics of a Leo woman in the family

The man she chooses must undoubtedly be higher in social status and stronger than her. She is a passionate person and gives herself completely to love without fear of judgment, but she takes marriage very seriously. The husband of a Lioness woman can consider himself truly lucky. Behind her fortitude lies a selfless and gentle nature. Family comes first for her. She is not inclined to cheat on her husband, except in situations where a breakup is already inevitable. She is affectionate with her loved ones, but maintains a distance from other people. She will support her husband in any critical situation. Like a real one, she will never hurt her children, will provide them with everything they need, but will not compromise on her personal principles.

Characteristics of the Leo woman and compatibility with other signs

A good union will be achieved for Leo women with a Gemini, Cancer, Taurus man. They have a similar lifestyle with the first, and the second and third are quite patient, economical and know how to earn money. Leo and Virgo cannot get along together under one roof, because... Virgo will not withstand the personal pressure of the Lioness. Pisces and Capricorns are absolutely not suitable for the ardent Lioness. They are silent, love solitude and are not at all inclined to give gifts to the opposite sex

To conquer this woman, you need to approach her like a high and impregnable rock, having carefully prepared and gathered your strength.

Passion and tenderness, pride and fragility, greatness and modesty - all these qualities are inherent in the Leo woman. Representatives of this sign are always joyful, cheerful, attractive and satisfied with themselves. No one and nothing can convince these women to give up their decision. However, more details about everything in our article.

Character and temperament

The characteristics of a Leo woman are quite varied. And although not all representatives of this sign are similar to the king of beasts, they all have his ambitions.

Leo women are fiery and passionate, refusing to participate in minor roles. They consider themselves the center of the Universe, even if those around them are convinced of the opposite. Such ladies are eager to lead, dominate, inspire, protect, give joy and have fun.

Quite often, Leo women can be magnanimous and generous to the point of recklessness. They don't feel danger. Frank, loyal, open, they simply cannot exist in moral denial. Leo women demand explanations even with the slightest doubt. The secret of their strength is truth and faith.

What else can a horoscope tell us? The Leo woman does not like the dark. She lives in harmony with light, fire, struggle, wars, disasters, which she most often creates herself.

Leo women do not respect pride, especially if it is absolutely unjustified. They love to attract attention and worry if they are not noticed. To attract male attention They prefer to show not their intelligence and inner beauty, but clothes, silks, jewelry and bright makeup.

The Leo woman (Tiger, Dog, Dragon) does not follow fashion, she introduces it herself. If possible, the representative of this sign will spend fabulous sums on clothes and jewelry, and if there is no money for such purchases, then she will prefer to replace an expensive wardrobe with a cheaper one, purchasing all kinds of fakes and costume jewelry.

The characteristics of a Leo woman are like a torch, because this person is quite hot-tempered, temperamental and impulsive. She has enormous inner strength, but quite often she is characterized by vanity.

The Leo woman is sometimes naive, childish and often falls under the influence of another person. Such women have almost no psychological sense, which is why they can find themselves in a trap, which sometimes leads to irreversible consequences.

The zodiac sign Leo (woman) is distinguished by its love of life. She never despairs, even when going through a bad period. Leo women hate betrayal most of all in people.

Friendship, relationships

The Leo woman is quite fickle. She is generous, loves wealth and luxury. That is why for a long time she has been searching for the very man who will provide her with all this. In relationships, she is very sincere, generous and impulsive. Doesn't tolerate cheating.

Despite the fact that she loves to have fans around her, she does not dare to have casual relationships.

Leo woman (compatibility with other signs is almost perfect), does not appreciate female friendship. She is more inclined to be around men. Best friend considers her husband.


The professional characteristics of the Leo woman fully correspond to her royal idea. From the very beginning, she realizes the importance of choosing a profession, thinking that society has great expectations for her. The stake is your entire career. Leo women are not ready to work for someone, preferring to rule and lead. They never go into detail, so they “make their way” to their goal without paying attention to anything.

As leaders, Leo (Dragon Woman) does not tolerate poor assistance, interruptions in work and ineptitude of their subordinates. Therefore, it is better for representatives of this sign to do something for themselves (entrepreneurship, art, intellectual work), or achieve a high position in administrative activities.

Leo women are also good in politics, show business, culture, and jewelry. They make excellent actresses, directors, administrators, presidents, directors, decorators, stage managers.

What else can this zodiac sign tell us? The Leo woman loves to earn a lot, but she likes to spend even more. She often lives beyond her means.


The Leo woman, as a rule, is looking for a man who could elevate her to a pedestal. She is sure that this is exactly what she deserves.

Most often, this woman gets married too late, spending a long time in search of a handsome and wealthy man who would allow her to look great and spend money left and right.

But soon this marriage comes to naught - when she finally meets someone she truly loves. The horoscope tells us this.

The Leo woman considers love a holiday. She is desirable, reverent, persistent, sensual, often capable of cruel acts for the sake of love.

If a Leo woman falls in love without reciprocity, she may reproach herself for a long time for her choice.

At work she is strict and domineering, at home she is affectionate and loving. This rule is observed by all Leo women.

If she makes a choice in favor of love, then family conflicts, quarrels and problems will be resolved with her help. This is what she is - a Leo woman!

Compatibility in love is good with Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries, Libra.

She is completely incompatible with Taurus and Scorpio.


This zodiac sign (Leo woman) is incredibly resilient. Such people have excellent health. But excessive overestimation of one’s strengths sometimes leads to irreversible consequences.

The most vulnerable spot- heart. Stress, emotional shocks, depression, and various obstacles affect the condition of this vital organ. Hence anemia, arthritis, gout, nervous breakdowns, phlebitis, spasms, etc.

The illnesses do not last long, but the symptoms are usually the most severe.

The main thing for this sign is not to waste energy, and also to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.


She is far from having a lion's temperament in this regard, although she is quite attractive and can turn any man's head. Her feelings always remain calm and reasonable. She shows these qualities in any situation.

Even during intimacy, the partner feels her impassive gaze. This is partly due to the Leo woman's physical coldness and weak interest in sex. She is quite practical and everyone sexual partner evaluates him as a future husband. She was destined to be a wonderful mother and an excellent wife. This is where her lion's nature manifests itself.

Her sexual indifference haunts her husband, which is why many problems arise in the couple, including infidelity. The characteristics of the Leo woman in this case are unambiguous. As a rule, she does not forgive infidelity, even if her husband still loves her.

Leo Woman. Compatibility with other signs

The union is absolutely unfavorable with Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio.

Love and friendship can be with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius.

There is quite a lot in common with Aries, especially with regard to character and temperament. As a rule, love quickly arises between them, but it fades away just as quickly.

A strong union and marriage is possible with Taurus. Despite the fact that the Leo woman is most often irritated by his stubbornness, she still tries to smooth out conflicts and reduce the problem to nothing. Due to the tolerance and wisdom of the Leo woman, feelings can arise between her and the Taurus man that will not fade away until the end of their lives.

Relationships with Virgo practically do not work out, both in love and in friendship. The fact is that Virgos are rather fastidious and gentle men. The Leo woman does not accept this at all.

Leo women have a lot in common with Sagittarius, but the similarity of their characters often leads to a break in relationships. In this tandem, you should learn to give in to each other.

Leo women are unlikely to succeed with Capricorn. Only friendship and professional relationships are possible.


As you can see, Leo women are quite versatile personalities. In the profession they are powerful and occupy the highest positions, and in love they become affectionate and soft. How to understand them, of course, must be figured out by the man who met this beautiful woman.

The lioness knows her own worth, she clearly understands that she is worthy of herself. best man. She has many fans, but she is in no hurry to choose a chosen one. The one who will ultimately be next to her must understand that he is truly lucky - he passed a very difficult selection.

Those born under this sign are accustomed to always getting what they want. If any man rejects her, her anger can become destructive.

Often the Leo woman experiences difficulties in choosing between a high position in society and real feelings. She is vain, and this sometimes prevents her from being happy.

She has a calm temperament; even when she falls in love, she does not lose her head. But without love, her existence turns into hard labor. She considers any man of hers as a potential husband. But, unfortunately, quite often Lionesses destroy family life with their pride and thirst for superiority.

Compatibility of Leo with other zodiac signs

Most woman born under fire sign Leo, with an Aries man. Aries attracts her attention with his eloquence, good financial prospects and ambitions. These are two stubborn and narcissistic signs. The desire for leadership does not interfere with their relationship, but becomes a common interest. Such a couple has an understanding - the most important thing for a successful coexistence.

The Lioness has a very beautiful union with Gemini. She loves passion, a storm of emotions, love experiences, and it is the Gemini man who is able to give her all this drive. The family life of such a couple will not be complete without noisy scandals involving breaking dishes. But their reconciliations will also be bright. Leo will love Gemini's romanticism and their desire to take crazy risks. Such a man will generously give her gifts and let her reign a little.

A Sagittarius man is not the height of a Lioness’s dreams, but his talent for making money and living to the fullest often becomes the reason for marrying her. Their union is quite strong, but due to the fact that Sagittarius is the most popular macho in the entire zodiac, Leo often has to suffer from jealousy.

The union of a Leo woman with a Leo man can also be magnificent. They are both passionate, generous and generous. If they can make compromises, they will family life will be happy and harmonious.

A Lioness is incompatible with a man born under the sign of Cancer. Cancers are too slow, they cannot keep up with the frantic rhythm of the Lion Cub's life. The Lioness will admire her Cancer husband’s homeliness, but his lack of independence, thriftiness and lack of energy will soon begin to irritate her greatly.

Also, Taurus and Aquarius are not suitable for Lioness. Taurus will be too economical and down-to-earth for her, and Aquarius will be too proud and original.

The Leo woman looks the most attractive and bright against the background of other zodiac signs. Heaven generously rewarded her with many virtues. The result is an elegant, charming, smart and graceful queen, always surrounded by fans. Representatives of this sign are always joyful and satisfied with themselves. Let's take a closer look at what the life of such a woman is like and what facets of personality predominate in her.

The main character traits of a woman born under the sign of Leo are high self-esteem, boundless egoism, pride, self-confidence and an unshakable sense of self-worth. She often puts herself above others and expects constant approval from others. A woman should be careful with such traits as unreasonable pride and vanity. If she does not control them, then the risk will turn into an arrogant grump with unsatisfied ambitions. Leo woman has strong character and is able to convince anyone that she is right. She loves social entertainment and expensive things. She was born for a luxurious existence. Whatever the situation in her life, she always looks perfect.

Along with this, such women can be generous and generous to the point of recklessness. They are frank and open; moral denial is not their lot. Their strength is in truth and faith, they are fair and persistent. The character of a Leo woman resembles a torch. She is quick-tempered, impulsive and temperamental. At the same time, naivety and infantilism are not alien to her. She does not have a psychological sense, she is easily influenced and trapped. It is also impossible not to mention the great love for life that such a woman is endowed with. She does not despair, even when faced with a dark streak. She only does not put up with betrayal and completely excludes from her environment the people who brought her pain.


A woman under the sign of Leo has a bright positive energy that simply has an effect on men. magical influence. A retinue of admirers is important to her, who in every possible way confirm her greatness. She loves compliments and expensive gifts, but remains very cold. Many Lionesses do not hide their mercantile interest and pay attention only to successful men. But when true love bursts into her life, she forgets about her past demands. The power of her love, dedication, and devotion begin to surprise her. If she is unlucky and the man does not reciprocate, then she is capable of the most decisive actions. The Leo woman approaches the love issue creatively. Often she tries to change her partner, bringing him to her ideal. The man next to her should allow her to dominate, but not be henpecked. For this, he will receive a sensual and reverent partner who will bestow him with great affection and love. It is she who will be the source of reconciliation in any disagreements.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The degree of compatibility of a Leo woman with other zodiac signs:

  • Aries. An alliance can be strong and long-lasting, but it cannot be avoided without conflicts. Despite the many bumps in a relationship, a couple will always find mutual language. Both signs adore a passionate life, full of storms and experiences. They are never bored with each other.
  • Calf. The horoscope promises these two signs a fun, but very shaky union. It will be difficult for a Taurus man to put up with the regal inclinations of a Lioness. At first he will be proud of his beautiful wife, but over time he will be overcome by terrible jealousy. He will start quarrels and give ultimatums. Marriage can be saved by the desire of both spouses to seek compromises.
  • Twins. The romance will quickly flare up, the partners will be very passionate about each other. A woman will desire a constant, reliable companion, but a Gemini man is unlikely to be capable of this. The horoscope recommends this relationship as a fleeting romance rather than a serious marriage.
  • Cancer. The partners are very different from each other, but their union can be very happy and harmonious. Cancer is highly moral and has excellent intuition. He will be able to deftly control the Lioness, who will not even suspect it. All areas of their married life will be comfortable and rich.
  • A lion. This union must initially decide on the roles of the spouses. Lovers will often quarrel, but also passionately and reconcile. A woman should remember her natural essence and become a reliable companion to her Leo. A successful marriage will be one in which the spouses are tactful and have unlimited respect for each other.
  • Virgo. Marriage is fraught with many dangers, but after passing all the tests, the spouses can be happy. The Lioness wants to see a subordinate, and Virgo perceives her beloved as an equal. But the wisdom of both partners will help create a successful marriage.
  • Scales. The Leo woman and the Libra man have very similar personalities. Their marriage can be quite strong, where each will complement the other. Respect and acceptance of each other will become the right decision on the path to a happy union.
  • Scorpion. These two signs are capable of creating a union in which love and respect will reign. But there is also a risk of turning marriage into real war. Both are strong leaders striving for leadership. They need to focus on like-mindedness rather than competition.
  • Sagittarius. The partners are truly in the same element. Marriage will be based on respect, sensuality and endless optimism. The compatibility horoscope promises them an ideal union filled with tenderness and love.
  • Capricorn. Partners may well become interested in each other, but they are unlikely to be able to develop their union into a reliable marriage. It will be difficult for a hot, emotional Leo to put up with an indifferent and despicable Capricorn. The future of the couple will depend on the woman’s behavior tactics.
  • Aquarius. In such a marriage there will be a real volcano of passions. A passionate and impetuous woman will tire a calm man who desires privacy. The union may turn out to be extraordinary, but quite successful. To do this, Aquarius should reconsider their life principles.
  • Fish. The union of these signs has the right to exist, but it will not be easy. If the expressive Lioness can control her character, then Pisces will feel quite comfortable next to her.


Many Leo women dream of living in royal chic. When they understand that the sweet life must be paid for, then for the sake of financial independence they can build a great career from scratch. If from her youth the Lioness understands how important the choice of profession is, then she will be persistent and tolerant, and will complete any of her goals. She will cope well with the role of authority in her professional field.
The Leo woman calmly endures the initial stage of submission. But even in the smallest position, she will make decisions independently. The patron of this zodiac sign is the Sun. If the woman herself is ready to play main role in its professional activity, then the Sun will provide her not only with the necessary qualities, but also with luck. Her self-confidence and Inner Light allows her to penetrate where the road is closed to others. With her royal bearing, she sails past the “lackeys” and enters the elite of society. Most suitable professions are those that are associated with social and public activities - show business, theater, cinema. Women under this zodiac sign are magnificent actresses. Their career will also be successful in the beauty and entertainment industry.


The Leo woman is rarely an equal friend. She always strives to take a leading position. A sign who is friends with Leo does not have to obey in everything. You just have to agree with the opinion and do it your way. It is very important for a lioness to be in a society where she is valued and praised. A person who does not give this to her cannot become her friend. Also, someone who hates criticism and prefers to defend his opinion cannot be next to her. Usually the Lioness chooses as friends those who have a light and cheerful disposition, who are ready to praise and give gifts. Best signs according to friendly compatibility - Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Pisces. Signs with which a woman is unlikely to be friends: Taurus, Leo, Virgo.

Thus, the personality of the Leo woman appears to us as very multifaceted and vibrant. It is not so easy for a representative of this zodiac sign to go through life, given her emotionality and love for justice and truth. But wisdom and the desire to live in harmony will completely help her build happy relationship in all areas of life.

Leo (lat. Leo) is the fifth sign, whose element is fire, the planet is the Sun. Representatives of this zodiac sign are the most colorful and vibrant people, ruled by ambition, pride and often self-esteem bordering on a pathological state. It is Leos who more often than other signs strive for power, recognition, wealth and luxury. At the same time, despite the love for everything beautiful, expensive and chic, the main thing in Leo’s life will always be an incredible passion for leadership and vanity. Weak side strong and powerful Leo is flattery, to which representatives of this sign are extremely susceptible.

Leos are passionate and generous people who live widely, on a grand scale, thereby emphasizing their status and special position. They rarely fuss and serve others, preferring to accept honors graciously. Behind this imposing positioning of themselves as the master of the situation in the retinue of friends and admirers, Leos often allow extra people, mistaking helpfulness for loyalty, and confusing uncomplaining agreement with love and sympathy. For Leos, it is vital to be a leader, a master of the situation, and that is why they are so natural in leadership positions and so unhappy if they turn out to be socially unsuccessful. Leos live for praise, encouragement and endless emphasis on their superiority.

Leos are incredible hedonists, while their love for luxury is a latent confirmation of their material and social status. They care about the strength of the brand and the feeling of owning the best.

Leos are great egoists, and even in love they evaluate their partner through the prism of their love for themselves - for some Leos, even in a relationship, unquestioning worship is important, while for others it is important to choose an object of universal admiration, in order to thereby once again emphasize their own exclusivity.

Selfishness and desire for recognition and glory - driving force Lviv. It is ambition and social approval that push them to develop, and the main criterion is the fear of not living up to trust. Being one of the most energetic and charismatic signs, Leo has an original creativity and needs to satisfy his ambitions. If he does not receive the desired return in work or love, he loses interest in his endeavor. In addition, Leos love to be the center of attention so much that they subconsciously avoid companies where they fail to shine even as first violin. More than anything else, Leos love it when people turn to them for advice - being an expert on any issue or a confidant is their favorite pastime.


Leo is a masculine sign because its emphasis shifts to the side leadership qualities and energy of power. Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and macho men, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

The Leo man is pathologically jealous - he not only flares up as soon as his woman pays attention to another man, but also does not accept if social behavior his chosen one is contrary to his concepts. He is one of those men who dictate to their women what to wear, how to behave and what time to return home. Moreover, during the courtship period, Leo is incredibly generous and gallant, but even at this stage he does not hide the fact that he is looking for a submissive wife, a housewife, devoid of professional ambitions. Leo Man – perfect option for driven women who are discreet and see their happiness in the comfort of family life.

A man born under the sign of Leo is so possessive that he is sometimes ready to go to great lengths for the sake of the woman he loves. He will never quietly suffer and regret lost opportunities - Leo always acts actively and sometimes aggressively. The most primitive of Leos sometimes do not neglect brute physical strength, while more refined natures come up with various options to conquer a woman. Leos are passionate natures, greedy for external beauty and go to extremes - they work like true workaholics, party to the fullest, and love until they lose their pulse.


Leo women are a contradiction in nature, whose strength and pride resonate with sentimentality and the need for love and admiration. The Leo woman is almost physical level needs not just attention, but love on the verge of a foul, renunciation, sacrifice and the desire of a partner to dissolve in her interests. The desire to lose one's head in love and self-realization in strong feelings lead Lionesses into the wilds difficult relationships, where a man is given the only role - a man who puts his royal chosen one on a pedestal. Fulfilling her whims leads to the appearance of an almost cartoonish imperiousness that can ruin any relationship. Often, the Leo woman herself suffers from her manner of making decisions on her own and considering her opinion to be the ultimate truth - for the sake of balance, she even has to artificially feign weakness.

The ability to put herself above others and the regal manners of the Leo woman hypnotize many men. At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, of whom timid men are simply afraid. Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself completely. In their work, Lionesses are real pros, reaching any heights with charisma and hard work. Great lovers of luxury, Leo women are more likely than others to spend money on shopping, pleasure, entertainment, personal care and gifts for loved ones. They are also excellent hostesses and lovers of throwing parties and receptions, thereby emphasizing their status and ability to shine as the hostess of the evening. and completely unsuccessful - with Taurus: both are fixed signs, where perseverance and unwillingness to give in rule the roost.


Leo Men
Alexander the Great, Grigory Rasputin, Bill Clinton, Alfred Hitchcock, Louis Armstrong, Mick Jagger, Robert De Niro, Patrick Swayze, Antonio Banderas, Barack Obama, Ben Affleck.

Leo Women
Coco Chanel, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Audrey Tautou, Charlize Theron, Halle Berry.