How to get rid of bedbugs at home - general rules, folk and chemical remedies. How and how to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself, reviews

You can remove insects from the apartment yourself. In the early stages, it will be sufficient simple ways without the use of special drugs. You can use the following:

Such methods are great for cases when there is a child, pet or allergy sufferer in the house. These methods are completely safe. But they will only help if there are very few bed bugs. In other cases, it is better to use special insecticides.


At home, you can destroy bedbugs using special insecticides that are sold in hardware stores. They can be purchased in this form:

  1. 1. Emulsion. Liquid substance. It is diluted in water in certain proportions, which are indicated on the packaging.
  2. 2. Aerosol. One of the most convenient options. It is enough just to spray the substance in the place where insects accumulate.
  3. 3. Powder and pencil. The product must be scattered in places where bedbugs appear. Only suitable for initial stages when there are still few insects.
  4. 4. Gel with microcapsules. It contains poisons that are fixed on the bodies of individuals and spread throughout the colony.

Names of drugs that are considered the most popular:

  1. 1. Karbofos. Cheap and accessible remedy. The powder must be dissolved in water and sprayed in certain places. Repeat the treatment after a week.
  2. 2. Raid. It comes in the form of a spray. The drug is not very toxic compared to other drugs.
  3. 3. Microphos. Poisoning bedbugs with this drug is carried out very quickly. The product contains microcapsules. A 1 liter bottle is enough for 3 rooms.
  4. 4. Tetrix. Sold as an emulsion. This substance is extremely toxic for humans and pets, so we must not forget about protective gloves and a mask. The product has an unpleasant odor.
  5. 5. Clean house. Refers to dusts. To treat a room, 4-5 such packages are required.
  6. 6. Mashenka. Sold in chalk form. There is no smell. It can be used as a means of prevention. Thick continuous lines are drawn on the floor, in cabinets and other places where bedbugs accumulate.

All of these drugs are considered quite effective. After treatment with sprays and emulsions, it is necessary to close the room for a while (several hours), and then ventilate and clean thoroughly.

Available means

Folk remedies also help get rid of bedbugs or prevent their appearance. Such mixtures are supposed to be processed various surfaces indoors (you can do this with a brush, a soft sponge, or spray it from a spray bottle), leaving the rooms closed for several hours. Then ventilate everything. The products cope not only with adults, but also with larvae and even egg clutches. The following substances can be used:

  1. 1. Turpentine and kerosene. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. both components. Then add 30 ml of liquid soap and 70 ml of clean water.
  2. 2. Turpentine and carbolic acid. You will need 3 tbsp. l. both substances. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add another 1 tsp. salicylic acid.
  3. 3. Turpentine and naphthalene. For 0.5 liters of the first component, 50 g of the second is required. Then add a cup of kerosene and half a glass of vodka and water.
  4. 4. Kerosene and cresol. For 200 liters of the first component you will need 150 ml of the second. Then it is recommended to add another 10 g of naphthalene.
  5. 5. Kerosene in its pure form. He is also effective means.
  6. 6. Denatured alcohol in its pure form.
  7. 7. Vinegar. You will need to mix 1 tbsp. l. this component, as well as naphthalene and denatured alcohol. This treatment will have to be carried out every 2 days.
  8. 8. Alcoholic drinks. They are less effective against bedbugs, so surface treatment will have to be done several times a day.

Laundry soap is also effective - it creates an alkaline environment. Soap should be grated before dissolving in warm water. Then the product should be applied with a sponge to all surfaces and not rinsed off. This solution can also be used to fill cracks where bedbugs are hidden.

You can use Vaseline. They just need to smear the legs of a sofa or bed. The bugs will stick and get stuck, and in the morning all that remains is to collect and destroy them.

As a preventive measure, special herbs with pungent bitter aromas are suitable - tansy, wormwood, chamomile, wild rosemary, calamus. Because of their smell, bedbugs will not want to settle in the house. They can be crushed and the powder scattered around the perimeter of the room, into the mattress and sofa. Usually only above-ground parts of plants are used. You can simply tie them into bundles and place them around the room. You will have to periodically update the bouquets when the smell disappears.

A blood-sucking bug that has settled in a residential apartment can provoke many small and large troubles. Itchy bites on the skin, allergic reactions, damage to repairs, infestation of bedding and furniture with larvae, eggs and excrement. The steadily increasing number of bed bugs can do all this. What and how to poison these insects that have spread throughout the house must be decided by each owner himself, but the most important thing that needs to be observed is to buy the drug that will be most effective.

When choosing means to combat insects, it is necessary to take into account all the features of their living and reproduction near humans. If you do not pay attention to these nuances, then you can poison bedbugs an infinite number of times, and the result will not be completely satisfactory.

How to properly poison bedbugs

All you have to do is choose the most effective means of combating bedbugs. Special pest control services working with private individuals can also poison domestic insects. There are similar companies in almost any big cities and their services are sometimes much cheaper than constant independent, but ineffective processing.

When choosing a remedy against detected bedbugs, keep in mind that it must act for a long time. Since the eggs do not perceive modern insecticides, and after some time they emerge as completely viable individuals capable of further reproduction.

Buy a drug to combat bed bugs It is possible in hardware stores, markets and kiosks selling products against garden and other pests. You can buy a powder or liquid product, an aerosol, a spray, that is, you can buy the form of insecticide against insects that suits you. Before purchasing, be sure to ask whether this drug can be used where animals and small children live, how long does the main ingredient last? active substance and whether reprocessing is necessary. Don’t forget to immediately buy a protective kit for yourself; it must include goggles, gloves, and a respirator.

Which drug to choose

It is necessary to poison bedbugs strictly according to the attached instructions. It is necessary to observe the concentration of the solution and its holding time. It is also necessary to take into account when it will be possible to move into the apartment again after treatment. Judging by the responses, Internet users identify several liquid and powder preparations among the most effective and fast-acting remedies against blood-sucking bedbugs.

A wide variety of industrially produced insecticides allows you to find the product that will be the most effective and at the same time safe; it is recommended to choose the most toxic substances for bedbugs when they multiply in large numbers in an apartment.

A bedbug trap may also be of some benefit. This device was invented to attract insects and then delay or destroy them. The trap can be very different. The most primitive of them is double-sided sticky tape; it can be stuck on bedside tables, beds, next to the bed. That is, such a trap will detain insects and limit them motor activity. There are traps that work based on carbon dioxide, which is the most attractive to bedbugs. You can either buy or make such a device yourself; just make a small hole in a closed box and put gas-producing yeast dough inside it and stick it with tape. The bedbugs will follow the smell, but will not be able to get back out.

What to consider when processing an apartment yourself

Self-extermination of bedbugs will take place quickly, effectively and without consequences for the health of people living in the house, if you always follow a few simple rules of disinfestation.

  • It will be necessary to remove everything before disinfestation. bed dress, remove from closets outerwear. It is also necessary to pack children's toys in tight bags.
  • All items to be washed must be washed at a temperature higher than 50 degrees. If the temperature outside reaches more than 21 degrees below zero, then clothes and toys can be frozen for several hours.
  • It is imperative to protect dishes, personal hygiene items and food from exposure to chemicals.
  • Bed bug repellents must be diluted and used strictly according to the included instructions.
  • Before residents return to the apartment, it must be ventilated, and all surfaces and floors must be washed with water and soda.
  • If you are using a drug with a short mechanism of action, then after 10-15 days you must carry out repeated sanitation.

You can poison bedbugs in city apartments from month to month, since these insects can constantly migrate from neighbors. Therefore, it is always necessary to carry out disinfestation simultaneously for all apartments located on the same staircase.

If you found only one or two small nests in the sofa, you can cope with this task without the help of the SES. To do this, you will only need to carry out several treatments of the apartment. by special means to completely get rid of pests.

How to prepare a room for treatment

In order to carry out sanitization effectively, it is important to know how to properly prepare the room for it. To do this you need:

  • Remove absolutely all food and dishes from the apartment. If you are unable to do this, you must store it in a remote location and be sure to completely cover it with an impervious material.
  • Move all furniture away from the walls at a distance of at least 10-15 centimeters. This is necessary in order to provide yourself with full access to all corners, baseboards, and crevices in which pests can hide.
  • Remove all contents from linen drawers and soft corners.
  • Wash bed linen, as well as clothes that may be contaminated. hot water. Please note: it cannot be treated with insecticides together with furniture.
  • Remove other family members and pets from the premises. This rule should be followed even if you use folk remedies for bullying. (more details)

Important: before you start working with any chemicals, you need to take care of personal protective equipment. At home in mandatory you need to use a respirator, gloves, and goggles. All this is necessary in order to protect the skin and mucous membranes from harmful effects, on which chemical burns from insecticides may remain.

Only by following all the above rules can you be well prepared for further processing of the room. It can be done using various means.

Method 1 - special aerosols

How can you poison pests quickly and effectively? Special aerosols cope well with this task; these products are best used if you know where exactly the pest nest is located in the house. They need to be sprayed directly on adult insects, as well as on larvae. Aerosols cause paralysis when in direct contact with pests nervous system in insects, which is why they die very quickly. Most effective means This type is considered to be Raptor, Combat, Raid, Dichlorvos.

It should be noted that it is necessary to treat the apartment with dichlorvos or any other similar product not once, but 2-3 times with an interval of several days. What is it for? During this time, new eggs will have time to hatch, which could not be destroyed during the previous disinfestation.

Important: this type of chemical should be used in areas where the number of pests is small and their nest is easy to find. Only in this case will they help you get rid of house bugs in just a few treatments.

Method 2 - powders and crayons

What is the best way to destroy such pests if you do not know where exactly their nest is located in your house? It is best to use powders or contact crayons for this purpose: Mashenka, Neoprin, Chlorophos. These remedies usually give a fairly long-lasting effect and allow you to get rid of not only adult insects, but also insect larvae. They are also often used to protect your home from such pests.

The principle of using these funds is quite simple. They are applied to those places where bedbugs can live: behind baseboards, near cracks, near entrance doors. Insects come into contact with these agents and quickly die from paralysis of the nervous system.

Important: it is necessary to remember that many products from this category are dangerous not only for pests, but also for humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them if you cannot leave your home for the entire period of disinfestation.

Method 3 - liquid products

When the level of infestation of an apartment by such pests is high, specialized liquid products, as well as powders for preparing the solution. They are effective against both adults and larvae. The most popular products presented in this category are Karbofos, Forsyth, Get, Clean House.

Video: five effective remedies:

Method 4 - temperature treatment

How to remove pests if you do not have the opportunity to treat your home with specialized chemicals? This can be done by using too high or low temperatures. Steaming things gives a good effect. This effect kills most of the adult pests, as well as many larvae.

If you do not have the opportunity to go over all surfaces with a steam generator, you can do it simpler: you just need to pour boiling water over the areas where bedbugs are likely to accumulate and move. If the apartment is not heavily infested, this technique allows you to quickly and easily get rid of them.

Method 5 - denatured alcohol

Tip: instead of denatured alcohol, you can use aviation liquid - it has the same principle of action on insects. Just be very careful when using it, as it belongs to the group of flammable substances.

Video: rules for preparing and destroying bedbugs:

Method 6 - vinegar

Mixtures of vinegar with other chemicals also have a good effect. So, for example, a mixture of wormwood decoction and vinegar in equal parts repels pests very well. It is advisable to use this recipe if one of your neighbors poisons bedbugs, and you do not want them to move in with you.

Method 7 - ammonia

To get rid of bed bugs once and for all, you can use a special liquid based on ammonia at home. To prepare it you will need:

  • 40 grams of benzene;
  • 10 grams of ammonia;
  • 150 grams of denatured alcohol.

All of the above components will need to be mixed until smooth, poured into small saucers and placed around the apartment. In just a few days, this poison will destroy most of the insects.

Important: remember that this liquid is extremely toxic. It can harm not only insects, but also pets. Make sure that it is completely inaccessible to them.

Important: if there are quite a lot of bedbugs in your home, using this method of fighting them may not give you good results. To significantly increase its effectiveness, use it as preparatory stage before further chemical treatment premises.

Method 9 - dust soap

How is it safe to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself? You can use a product based on dust soap for this purpose. To prepare this, take:

  • half a glass of water;
  • 10 ml turpentine;
  • 20 ml kerosene;
  • bar of dust soap.

You need to dilute the soap in water, after which turpentine and kerosene should be added to the mixture. The resulting mixture should also be applied to all places where bedbugs may be hiding. After some time, be sure to ventilate the room well and wash off any remaining poison from the surface. This must be done because it is toxic not only to insects, but also to pets and humans.

Important: work with this recipe very carefully; under no circumstances allow this mixture to come into contact with your skin. It can cause serious chemical burns.

Method 10 - turpentine

  • 6 grams of salicylic acid;
  • 80 ml turpentine;
  • 40 grams of phenol.

The presented components must be mixed until smooth, and then poured directly onto the bedbug nest. There is no point in wiping surfaces with it - the poison will still need to be washed off so as not to accidentally poison the people living in the house. When working with such chemicals, it is imperative to wear personal protective equipment, including respirators or at least medical masks.

Method 11 - herbs

You can use this method of fighting bedbugs only if the insects have just begun to crawl to you from your neighbors. In other situations, it will simply be ineffective. They use it like this: wormwood or tansy are laid out near the cracks and at the entrance, the smell of these plants repels pests, thanks to which they quickly leave the home.

How SES destroys bedbugs

If all of the above methods did not help you get rid of these pests, you should seek help from specialized services. To understand whether such a solution will give the desired effect, you need to understand how the SES poisons bedbugs. In most cases this happens according to the following scheme:

  • Initially, the service conducts an inspection in the apartment to identify all places where insects accumulate. Often, representatives of such organizations insist on conducting an inspection of not only the home of the person who called them, but also the apartments of their neighbors. After all, it often happens that the SES is called by residents of relatively safe apartments, to which pests flee from their neighbors.
  • Based on the results of the housing inspection, insect baiting agents are selected, and the timing and cost of treating the apartment are also determined. All this is recorded in the agreement between the SES and the residents. The latter are tasked with preparing the room for treatment, since there should be no children or pets in it during disinfestation.

  • Next, the apartment is directly processed. It includes the treatment of contaminated clothing, furniture, and surfaces.
  • After the disinfestation is completed, residents are invited to inspect the property and also sign a work acceptance certificate.

Important: if bedbugs do not appear in the house within two months after such treatment, disinfestation is considered successful. If it was not possible to get rid of the pests the first time, the SES must be called again.

It’s worth saying a few words about what specialized services use to poison bedbugs. These organizations are allowed to use in their activities only those drugs that cannot cause significant harm to human health. Usually this is Tetrix, Bioprin, Sinusan, Extermin. All these funds correct use allow you to get rid of pests after the first treatment of your home.

Video: how to disinfest a room when exterminating bedbugs:

Consumer Opinion


I believe that success in the fight against bedbugs depends entirely on the efforts of homeowners. Simply treating the poisonous surface is not enough. When I myself encountered this problem, I called the SES several times in a row, but could not achieve the desired result. Only when I went through all the things myself, threw out the mattresses and pillows, dismantled the baseboards, and finally found all the nests of pests and destroyed them.



I got these pests from a neighbor. I called the SES to exterminate them from my place, as a result they crawled into my apartment. I had to fight them with Karbofos, I treated not only the furniture with this product, but even all the sockets and cracks. I suffered, of course, but still got rid of the pests.


I advise everyone not to experiment with home remedies, but to call the SES directly, since only they can rid you of pests once and for all. I tried everything I could to fight them, I used vinegar, dichlorvos, and various expensive chemicals. I spent a few thousand rubles in total, but didn’t see any effect, so good feedback I can’t support these methods of pest control in any way. But I called the service once, and after treating them, no insects bother me.

Video: effective measures combating bedbugs in an apartment:

Bedbugs are small beetles that can feed on human blood. An adult (hungry) is pale brown in color; a satiated bug can even be black. The insect is flattened, the larvae look like white grains. Active reproduction of pests leads to the rapid filling of space in the house.

Before you start fighting bedbugs in your apartment, study the ways bedbugs enter the room. In most cases, the owners of the house themselves are to blame, but sometimes neighbors and pets are to blame.

Where do bedbugs come from in an apartment? Experts identify several of the most popular ways for bloodsuckers to enter a human home:

Look at the review of the most effective ones in the apartment and find out the rules for their use.

Bed bugs are unpretentious, love secluded places, and can live throughout a person’s home. Insects feed exclusively on human blood, so they choose secluded places closer to the victim’s resting place. In order to feast on the blood of a sleeping person who does not pose any threat to the bloodsucker. After all, during a bite, a bug secretes a special anesthetic liquid, which causes discomfort.

At first, uninvited guests are difficult to notice. A few bites after a night's sleep can be considered mosquito bites. Only with an increase in the population and regular feeding of your blood does the presence of pests become noticeable.

Typical signs of a home being infested with bedbugs are the following:

  • bites on the body, women and small children are at risk. One bite is not an indicator; the bloodsucker makes up to seven holes in the skin in one meal, then hides in a dark corner. Therefore, the bites line up in a small stripe;
  • an unpleasant odor that is difficult to remove. The aroma is similar to the smell of rotten berries, bad cognac;
  • the presence of adults or larvae on the bed;
  • remnants of chitinous cover (dark brown plates on the bed, in the area of ​​the baseboards). Also noted a large number of excrement;
  • blood on the sheet. The bug injects saliva, which prevents blood clotting, so after bites characteristic brown dots remain on the bed.

Important! If you find bedbugs, immediately begin exterminating them. Ignoring pests will lead to a noticeable increase in their population, a sharp deterioration in sleep and overall well-being.

Fighting bedbugs at home

How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment yourself? It is not necessary to call exterminators to your home. Hardware stores sell a lot of drugs that can kill uninvited guests. Also in the human arsenal there are folk remedies for bedbugs in the apartment, which are safe for all residents in the house, except for bloodsuckers.

Preparing the room for processing

How to remove bedbugs from an apartment? Before starting disinfestation, be sure to prepare the room for treatment. Non-compliance simple rules can lead to negative consequences for people, pets.

  • For high-quality treatment, move away all large objects in the house (beds, sofas, bedside tables). This way you can easily find secluded habitats of pests;
  • remove all food products and things that could be adversely affected by the insecticide. Pack all things in plastic bags, food - in special containers;
  • Before disinfestation begins, take all residents and pets outside. This also applies to indoor plants;
  • Most chemicals are recommended to be applied with special gloves and a gauze bandage to prevent the substance from entering the respiratory tract or on the skin.

Boil bedding and wash all contaminated items at temperatures above 60 degrees. This applies to any decorative pillows, children's toys, other products made of fabric, fur, foam rubber.

Necessary means for killing bedbugs

All preparatory operations have been completed, proceed to the processing itself. Prepare a solution in the proportion specified in the instructions for the chemical. After mixing the product well, place it in a spray bottle. Chemicals, sold in cans with a spray bottle, simply shake before use.

Carefully treat baseboards, headboards, all interior parts of furniture, carpets, and the area underneath. Don’t forget about the corridor, balcony, pantry, also go into the kitchen, some bloodsuckers can live under the windowsill, in household appliances. After the procedure, leave the room for several hours, then ventilate the apartment well.

How to get rid of roses and others indoor plants? We have the answer!

General rules and effective methods The fight against whitefly is described on the page.

Go to the address and read about the reasons for the appearance of woodlice at home and about methods of exterminating the insect.

Preventing home infestation

You can prevent the invasion of bloodsuckers by blocking all the cracks in the house and installing ventilation grilles. Regularly steam your pillows and mattresses or take them to the dry cleaner. For preventive purposes, place bags of essential oils peppermint, lemon balm. Strong aromas will repel bloodsuckers.

More useful tips on how to get rid of bedbugs in the house with your own hands in the following video:

Attention! Only today!

In these cases, they come to the fore traditional methods, based on the special properties and odors of individual plants and liquids. But you should understand that fighting bedbugs at home folk remedies This is a long and not always effective way of getting rid of it.

Folk remedies for bedbugs at home

Today we will talk about how to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies, what bedbugs are afraid of - bedbugs, etc. What is the best way to poison bedbugs?

Essential oils

Tea tree oil

Is very effective remedy in the fight against bedbugs. It has a repellent effect, forcing bedbugs to leave their habitable places. Oil tea tree good to use as aid- after carrying out high-quality cleaning, it is necessary to wash all things and bed linen, adding a few drops of it to the water.

To treat furniture, you need to prepare an oil-based solution - in a container For every half liter of water add 18 drops of oil tea tree. The resulting mixture is sprayed from a spray bottle onto all interior items in the apartment, beds, carpets.

ATTENTION! For getting quick effect It is recommended to treat all places where bedbugs may live at least 2 times a day.

Boric acid

Boric acid - oldest remedy from insects. She It has low price, practically non-toxic, easy to use, can be used in rooms with small children and pets.

Boric acid has a contact and intestinal effect on pests. In the first case, when it comes into contact with the body of an insect, it dries it out and corrodes it; in the second case, the poison affects.

Since it is almost impossible to force bedbugs to eat it, they are completely indifferent to baits with boric acid, it must be used only in dry form.

To do this, you need to carefully inspect the room, furniture, interior items, and if you find a nest, immediately cover it with powder.


Turpentine is transparent flammable liquid, which is the result of resin processing coniferous trees. It contains a large amount of essential oils, which are unpleasant to bedbugs. In the same time turpentine is very toxic, and you cannot work with it without gloves.

The resulting composition should be used to treat infected areas. After use, the room must be left for 1 day, leaving the windows open for ventilation.


Kerosene is a clear liquid that is a by-product from the distillation of petroleum. This is one of the popular pest control products that has wide application in everyday life, for example, to kill lice. The operating principle of kerosene is based on insect poisoning, which leads to their suffocation. By permeating the body, the substance penetrates into respiratory system, blocking the flow of oxygen.

ATTENTION! Kerosene must be used with great care due to its high flammability.

The substance is used both in its pure form by applying it to the site of the nest, and as part of prepared solutions. For example, you can mix 1 part naphthalene, 4 parts laundry soap and 5 parts kerosene.

Camphor oil

You can fight bedbugs with a mixture based on camphor oil and turpentine, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. In order to prepare the composition, you need mix a bottle of camphor oil and a tube of turpentine ointment.

The resulting substance is used to coat the legs and frame elements of sofas, beds and other furniture. Also required to be processed Bottom part mattress, and the part of the bed on which he lies.

However The disadvantage of this method is the strong smell, which will remain indoors for many days and will require careful ventilation of the room.

Tansy, wormwood and other plants

Bedbugs cannot tolerate the pungent odor emitted by bunches of wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary, and chamomile.

Tansy flowers are scattered in places where insects may appear. You can rub your skin with them before going to bed to protect against. An infusion based on tansy, when exposed directly, can cause paralysis in a bug.

Ledum is used in dried and crushed form - such powder is sprinkled on possible habitats. Greatest effect plants collected in August - September have an effect.


This is a popular folk remedy for bedbugs in the apartment. However, it has a repellent property - this acid can kill a bug only if it gets directly into the jar. The disadvantage of this method is that the apartment will have specific smell of acetic acid.

To combat bedbugs in an apartment, folk remedies use bunches of wormwood or tansy flowers, treating furniture frames with essential oils or boric acid, creating mixtures based on kerosene, turpentine, and others.