Elite living room design in a classic style. Living room in classic style. Current design and photos of interiors. Blue living room in classic style

Currently, there are a huge variety of options for creating a living room interior design in the “classic” style. However, often, when deciding to make renovations, people are faced with a serious problem - the lack of space to implement their ideas. Don't rush to despair. This article will help owners of small apartments create a living room interior in classic style.

So, first you should determine the six main components of the interior: colors, materials used to decorate the room, lighting, furniture, windows and doors.

Choosing a color

The classic style of living room design dictates to us certain limits in the choice of colors. Bright, contrasting combinations contradict the chosen style. You should also not give priority to too dark shades: deep blue, dark eggplant.

  1. Eternal classics: white and black. This color combination doesn’t even need any comment. After all, it is ideal for creating an interior in any style: from classicism to post-modern.
  2. Tender pastel shades- the basis classic interior. Peach, beige, pistachio, cream, all shades of pink (from dirty pink to beige), light yellow tones will help create a pleasant, calm atmosphere in your living room.
  3. An excellent solution could be to choose cool shades. Blue, mint, blue will help visually enlarge the room, make it fresh and spacious.
  4. Warm, “autumn” colors will make a small living room truly cozy. This group includes: coffee, golden, sand, bronze and brown shades.
  5. To create a truly majestic living room, bright colors are suitable: scarlet, purple, gold, burgundy.

Important! Don't be afraid to use bright shades. It is generally accepted that they visually reduce space, but this is not always the case. When used correctly, “flashy” tones will highlight the advantageous features of the room. But! There is no need to focus on black, although it is at the very beginning of the list. Black interferes with the spread of light in the room, making it visually narrower. It is uncomfortable to be in a too dark small living room. An example of using black/dark blue colors in the interior is the creation of black window frames, curtains or textiles.

Options for creating small living rooms in a classic style can be seen by looking at the photographs below:

Let's decide on finishing materials

Traditionally, expensive fabrics, natural materials and finishes are used to create an interior in a classic style. self made. However, there are more modern and budget options for living room interior design in a classic design.

  • Wooden panels for walls. Such panels can be either dark or light. It depends on the color scheme already selected. Natural material will emphasize nobility and also make the living room more comfortable.

  • Decorative plaster. There is currently a huge selection decorative plaster On the market building materials. When choosing it, you just need to arm yourself with patience and money.

  • Painting. The most expensive option for wall decoration. You need to find a master whose work you trust, and also buy quite expensive materials for painting. When the work is finished, you will be amazed by the elegance and elegance of the room!

  • Textile. Upholstering the walls with fabric will give the room warmth and comfort.

  • Wallpaper. The most common option for everyone nowadays. The choice of wallpaper on the market is simply huge. When purchasing, you should carefully monitor the quality of the material, the thickness of the wallpaper and the accuracy of the design.

Important! In order for solid wood panels to retain their original luster, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. Wet cleaning should be carried out without the use of aggressive detergents (it is enough to wipe the panels with a slightly wet cloth). Recommended to use special means to ensure shine and smooth texture: polish and wax. This treatment can be carried out at a fairly large frequency - once every 3-4 months. This will help get rid of minor scratches and surface damage.

Successful solutions for wall decoration are presented in the photo :

Ceiling must be decorated with stucco or painting. Even in a small living room of a small apartment you can make the ceiling luxurious! The materials used for stucco molding are standard: gypsum, polystyrene foam.

Floor It is best to finish it with natural materials: wood or stone. However, if you are interested in more a budget option, then you can use laminate or tile. Having chosen the right color scheme, it is recommended to lay a carpet, since the classic style implies its presence.

When creating the style of windows and doors, you should pay attention to wooden doors with painted finishes or steel elements.

Lighting selection

Particular attention should be paid to lighting the living room. For small living rooms in small apartments, massive chandeliers with crystal shades, which are characteristic of classicism, are not suitable. Unfortunately, they have to be abandoned in order to avoid a sharp visual reduction in space. However, there should be a lot of light, because it visually expands the space.
There are several recommendations for lighting a small living room:

  • Recessed lamps. Unobtrusive, inconspicuous lighting devices built into decorative elements or furniture are perfect for small rooms. They create the effect of “omnipresence” of light, but do not make it too intrusive.
  • Desk lamp. Table lamps are an integral element of the interior of any room designed in a classic style. Their selection is huge. There are no specific recommendations - everything is in your hands. You just need to follow the chosen color scheme and your taste preferences.
  • Wall sconces. An elegant element of decor and good way space lighting.

Advice! In order to focus attention on certain “highlights” of the interior, you can use LED backlight, hidden, for example, behind a picture or mirror.

Examples of a successful choice of living room lighting can be seen by looking at the photographs:

Furniture and accessories

When choosing furniture, you should not stop at massive cabinets or sofas. Neat and elegant armchairs and sofas are ideal for such a room. Sideboards and chests of drawers must be placed around the perimeter of the room. This will help divide the space into 2 zones: functional and relaxation area. Accessories should be chosen in accordance with the classic style, but you should not opt ​​for bulky items. Paintings, bookshelves, animal skins and mirrors are good choices for decorating floors and walls. Furniture can be decorated with beautiful pillows or covers.

We wish you good luck in creating the interior! And remember that limited area is not an obstacle to limitless imagination.

In the photo: Living room design in a classic style

1. Classic symmetry in the arrangement of furniture and decor

In the photo: An example of a neoclassical living room design with symmetrical lines

Classic living room interiors do not tolerate chaotic arrangement of furniture and decorative elements. Symmetry is one of the main principles that guides classics and neoclassics. Therefore, for classic interiors, it is better to buy many items in duplicate: a pair of sconces, floor lamps, armchairs, etc. The photo of the living room interior presented above clearly demonstrates how the principle of symmetry is implemented in practice. Here, on both sides of the sofa, there are small consoles with absolutely identical table lamps.

2. Classic zoning - highlighting zones using furniture

13. White and golden beige

In the photo: The design of the kitchen-living room uses gold accents against a white background.

In classics, shades of gold are especially valued. However, they are used there very sparingly, usually in the form of accessories. The classic-style living room shown in the photo above serves as an example good combination white and golden shades. In this interior, the golden palette is muted, so it does not cause dissonance and a feeling of flashy luxury.

Furnishing a classic living room

Classicism in the interior of the living room is formed with the help of appropriate furniture. As a rule, these are sofas decorated with a “carriage” screed, built-in wardrobes with laconic facades, glass inserts and sometimes pilasters. Furniture for classics and neoclassics must be of very high quality. Ideally, for its manufacture it is necessary to use exclusively natural and durable materials such as oak or larch. After all, classics are usually created with a long service life in mind. Don't forget about antiques. The interior of a classic living room includes items with rich history can give a special charm.

14. Chesterfield sofas and armchairs in the living room

In the photo: An example of an English-style living room design with Chesterfield furniture

Chesterfield sofas and armchairs are associated primarily with English classics. Such furniture is particularly respectable. It is not without reason that it is often used in furnishing the offices of British lords. Chesterfield sofas and armchairs can be recognized by the screed and high armrests that go into the backrest. The upholstery can be either leather or textile.

15. Bookcases and shelving

In the photo: Living room design with built-in bookcase

Bookcases, which many of us have already been forced to forget about by modern gadgets, can be used in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style. After all, having a small library in your home will probably instill a love of reading in someone in your family. Fears that bookshelf will deprive you of valuables square meters, are without foundation. In the end, you can always use narrow built-in shelving that does not “claim” your space.

16. White consoles and tables

In the picture: The design of a living room in a light classic style uses a white table and console

Consoles, tables and other small-sized furniture in classic living rooms have a rather specific configuration. On the one hand, the furniture elements in the classics are distinguished by their simplicity, on the other hand, by their elegance borrowed from French interiors. Tables and consoles usually have long curly legs. As for the palette, preference is given to light, and often white, furniture, although, of course, there are also models of other colors.

17. Antiques

In the photo: An example of a living room design with antiques

Modern ideas presented in the photos of 2017 interiors promote the use of antiques in the design of classic living rooms. Tables from the Nicholas era, consoles that once adorned the palaces of the St. Petersburg nobility, armchairs from the early 20th century - all these furnishings fit well into the classics, giving it a resemblance to interiors from the past.

18. Open bookshelves along the fireplace

In the photo: An example of a living room design with a fireplace, on both sides of which there are bookshelves

If the interior of a living room in a classic style does not have room for a large bookcase, then you can limit yourself to built-in shelving, the equipment of which does not require much space. Shelves with books are now often placed on both sides of the fireplace portal. You can find a place for them in the TV zone.

19. “Carriage” screed in furniture finishing

In the photo: Design of a neoclassical living room with a “carriage” screed in the decoration upholstered furniture

Screed in upholstery of upholstered furniture is one of the most common decorative solutions found in classic living rooms. This technique, also known as the “capitonné effect,” adds texture and volume to the sofa area.

20. Furniture made from expensive natural wood

In the photo: Living room design with wooden furniture

It is not customary to save on classic furniture. The same cabinets, chests of drawers and tables designed for arranging classic interiors, despite their laconic design, cannot be cheap. After all, this furniture is most often made according to individual parameters and from expensive natural wood.

21. Furniture upholstery with floral patterns

In the photo: Floral patterns are used in the upholstery of upholstered furniture in the living room.

Classics, both in their traditional and lightweight modern interpretation, love monochromatic solutions. However, this does not mean that some designs and patterns should be avoided here. The upholstery of the sofa and armchairs does not have to be monochromatic. Among the photos of classic-style living room interiors in 2017, there are often compositions where material with floral patterns is used in the upholstery of upholstered furniture.

How to spice up your living room interior? Classic decoration

The decor of a living room in a classic style is usually very conservative. There are certainly expensive crystal chandeliers placed in molded rosettes. The composition is completed by paintings, candlesticks, and vases of flowers. In classic living rooms, of course, it is difficult to imagine modern posters, an abundance of metal surfaces or plastic. But the columns look organic here - architectural elements that have come to us from ancient times. Classic living rooms almost always have fireplaces. When thinking about the decor of such rooms, do not forget about moderation. Classics do not tolerate excesses. Therefore, to decorate a classic interior, a couple of lamps, a painting above the fireplace and matching textiles are usually enough.

So, in 2017, in the interiors of living rooms in a classic style, you can often find the following decorative ideas:

22. Stucco on the ceiling

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-living room with ceiling moldings

Stucco elements mainly decorate ceilings. Thus, in the design of classic living rooms there are often high stucco cornices, designed to visually slightly increase the height of the room. Sockets for chandeliers are also supplied with stucco molding.

23. Lamps in the form of spotlights on tripods

In the photo: An example of a living room interior with lamps in the form of spotlights

Lamps on tripods, reminiscent of spotlights, cannot be called characteristic elements of the classical style. They can equally decorate neoclassical, loft or art deco. Spotlight floor lamps add a touch of modernity to a classic interior. Such designs do not burden the space and fit quite harmoniously into strict classics, where everything is initially subject to the rules of symmetry.

24. Carved door frames

In the photo: Living room design with doors framed with carved trims

The doors of a classic living room can resemble a real work of art. And a true masterpiece needs an appropriate frame. Therefore, if you use doors with complex carvings, patterns and stained glass in the living room, then you will have to take care of the decor of the platbands framing door frame. In classic living rooms, wood carving techniques are often used to decorate door frames.

25. Fireplace in the white portal

In the photo: Living room design with a fireplace in a white portal

It’s hard to imagine a classic-style living room design without a fireplace. As for the portal under the hearth, it usually has a laconic, strict shape. In modern interiors that gravitate towards the classics, white fireplace portals are often found, which are quite versatile, as they fit harmoniously into almost any space, regardless of the chosen color palette.

26. Mirror in golden baguette

In the photo: An example of a living room design with a mirror in a golden baguette

Many of us are well aware of this useful property mirrors, as the ability to visually enlarge a space and improve its illumination. In the interior of a classic living room, the mirror surface can be decorated with bevel. However, if you use a simple mirror, then it will have to be placed in a massive baguette. As a rule, in the classics this frame for the mirror becomes a frame of a golden hue.

27. Busts and figurines

In the photo: Living room design with a bust on a pedestal

In one of their recent home design projects with antiques, Olga Kondratova Studio specialists used busts and figurines as decor. The use of these decorative elements was predetermined by the classics. It is this style that serves as a good platform for the use of busts and figurines.

28. Columns

In the photo: An example of a living room design with black columns

Another characteristic element decor of a classic living room. Columns help organize space. In living rooms they are often used as zoning elements. In home design, they can, for example, play the role of support for a staircase. However, we should not forget that columns do not look organic in every living room. These architectural elements require high ceilings and, ideally, spacious rooms. If your living room is limited in space, then you can use pilasters to enhance its classicism.

29. Tall white double doors

In the photo: Design of a living-dining room with double doors

Tall white double doors with glass inserts can easily be considered one of the elements by which a classic is recognized in the interior of the living room. The living-dining room in the house shown in the photo above serves as the best confirmation of this. Here, with the help of such doors, a whole suite of rooms is built.

30. Pilasters and moldings in decoration

In the photo: An example of the interior of a neoclassical living room with moldings and pilasters

When decorating a living room in a classic style, moldings and pilasters are often used. They make the space more organized and emphasize the symmetry of lines. Pilasters are perceived in some way as lighter and miniature copies of the columns that are associated with the classics.

31. Natural wood finish

In the photo: An example of a living room interior decorated with natural wood

In living rooms in a classic style, such as in the interior shown in the photo above, natural wood trim is sometimes used. This is especially true for country houses. Wooden walls can bring a little country style motifs into the space without disturbing the classic nature of the composition.

Most often, people use a classic style when decorating their living rooms. The comfort and coziness that emanate from the interior, its traditional nature attracts people with warmth and grace.

Even a person without a design education can decorate a living room in a classic style.

This style is unique in its simplicity, large number of possibilities and room for imagination within the style. There are also a number of nuances and features that must be observed when decorating a room.

The list of features applies mainly to close-up. Deviations from the regulations are not permitted. This style has its own canons that must be adhered to.

Classics are primarily conservative. This is expressed in strict adherence to geometric lines.

They should be smooth, without kinks or indistinguishable patterns. Simple ornaments and patterns can serve as wall decoration, flowers are possible. A mirror with a beautiful frame can serve as a means of expanding space.

The rule of conservatism also applies to internal fullness. Interior items should not differ from each other in color and finishing method.

Furniture from natural material- wood, glass, in the tradition of good quality and quality. When organizing the interior of a living room in a classic style, you should create a harmonious picture of objects, walls and colors.

Particular attention should be paid to decorating the room. Standard decorative elements for a classic living room include plaster or marble columns.

This color can be used when choosing curtains, picture frames or to frame a fireplace. In a living room with a fireplace in a classic style, using the light glow effect for which this finish is famous, you can bring a little antiquity into the interior.

Small decorative elements include decorative figurines and vases, candlesticks and paintings. In a classic interior, genres of paintings such as landscape, portrait and still life will look best.

Living room decor

To add elegance to the interior, it is possible to have forged candlesticks on the walls, finished in brass or bronze. Porcelain figurines will also contribute to this. The highlight of the interior can be various stained glass windows.

The main rule when decorating in a classic style is not to overdo it with small decorations. Behind their heap, the main idea of ​​the style may disappear. An example of a living room in a classic style can be seen in the photo below.

The color scheme is also a distinctive feature of a living room in a modern classic style. The basis is most often taken White color. It expands the space and fills the room with light.

This color looks best in dining rooms and small living rooms. Best combination with a white base - the presence of warm shades in the design - gray, green, brown colors will fill an overly austere space with warmth.

In turn, light blue or light green will become a source of freshness and liveliness. The color of the furniture depends on the color of the textiles: the darker the items, the cooler the shades should be.

Bright and flashy colors are unacceptable for classics. Such an interior should evoke feelings of sophistication and nobility.

The choice of things that fill the room is a separate design point. Living room furniture in a classic style should reflect the features of the style - quality, conservatism and beauty.

Straight lines, clear shapes, naturalness of the material. Standard furniture upholstery is thick fabric or leather. Skin tone should be darker than the walls.

Lighting for a classic living room

There are several options for lighting: a massive chandelier, wall sconces and a fireplace. Most suitable materials for lamps - bronze and crystal.

The chandelier can have several tiers, but such sizes are not suitable for small living rooms in a classic style. Using sconces, you can divide a room into zones: for relaxation, work or receiving guests.

Leading designers give some advice on how you can most accurately trace the classic style in the interior.

If the ceiling in the room is high, it would be best to paint it matte white. In this case, a multi-tiered chandelier will fit into the interior most appropriately.

The best wall covering is paint or wallpaper with a dense texture. If there is not enough space, a kitchen-living room combination in a classic style can be made. In this case, it is best to cover the floor with parquet, and then varnish it until it shines.

This will give the room a touch of sophistication and luxury. If tiles are used as floor covering, then symmetry of the pattern should be achieved.

Doors and windows made of wood will look best in such a room. Various patterns and classic ornaments are elegantly combined with small decorative elements.

You should not overfill such a living room with modern items. high technology. A plasma screen will fit best into the interior.

Photo of a living room in a classic style

13.07.2017 Read in 11 minutes.

Classic style plays one of the leading roles in modern interior design. He often performs solo, sometimes “performs a duet” with art deco, modern and even loft. This style direction is associated with solidity, prosperity, and a consistently high position in society. Classic is ideal for decorating offices and living rooms. This style in a modern interpretation can also be safely used in the design of children's rooms. This way you will contribute to the formation of good taste in your child.

Today we will talk in more detail about how classics are implemented in living room interiors. By what signs can you immediately determine that this is a classic style? What conditions must be met in order to get that very noble classic, and not a cheap fake? You will find answers to all these questions, as well as a list of finishing materials, furniture and decor necessary for a classic interior in this review.

Living room in classic style. Photo after renovation

In the photo: Design of a beige kitchen-living room in a classic style. Photo after apartment renovation

Renovating living rooms in a classic style begins with redevelopment. You can add a kitchen or dining room to the room, which is especially important for small apartments. Classics still look more presentable in large spaces with high ceilings. Therefore, when renovating a classic living room, it is important to use all available ways to increase living space: adding a loggia, part of a corridor, or the same kitchen. Wide cornices extending to the ceiling, enlarged door portals or a dark floor that contrasts with the ceiling will help to visually lift the room. light walls.

1. Living room with fireplace and stucco decoration

In the photo: Fireplace and stucco decoration in the living room in a classic style

And one of the main elements of this interior composition is a lush fireplace decorated with stucco. A significant part of the room's square footage is occupied by upholstered furniture, upholstered in textiles with a damask pattern characteristic of the classics. Looking at such an interior, one inevitably remembers the era of Pompadour and Marie Antoinette. The elegance characteristic of French houses and mansions of that time is embodied here in the ornate curves of stucco moldings, and in the forms of upholstered furniture with screeds, and in the softly falling folds of golden curtains.

2. Orchid shades in the living room interior

In the photo: Design project of a living room in a classic style in a 2-room apartment

In the photo: Bright living room in a classic style

Sofas with capitonné effect, beige walls with inserts fashionable shade creme brûlée, large chiming grandfather clock, furniture made using carving techniques in color Ivory- this spacious, bright living room exemplifies classicism in its pure and modern concept. The interior seems to be suspended between two eras: the 19th century with its aristocratic salons and the 21st century, where the emphasis is on comfort and practicality.

Features of modern living room interior design in a classic style

As we know, initially the classical style was based on antique forms and solutions. But in the modern world, classics also borrow the experience of the 18th – 19th centuries, and therefore they may contain elements of Baroque and Empire style. The classic living room is characterized by expensive and lush decoration: boiserie panels, moldings, plaster stucco. The furniture here is good quality, antiques can be used. A mandatory attribute of the classics is a huge, often multi-tiered, palace chandelier with pendants. In this style, lambrequins are acceptable, which in other directions are almost out of use. If we are talking about a living room in a private house, then there is a fireplace as a symbol. hearth and home and continuity. As a rule, parquet is used as a floor covering, which in neoclassical style can be replaced with modern laminate.

4. Front doors and moldings

In the photo: Living room interior in a classic style with moldings in the wall decoration

Due attention is paid to the design of doors in classic living rooms. As a rule, these are double-leaf structures increased in length. In the interior shown in the photo, the doors are finished according to the same principle as the walls with moldings. This solution gives the space volume.

5. Molded cornices

In the photo: An example of a living room design with stucco ceiling cornice and green curtains

As we have already said, wide cornices extending to the ceiling have a very positive effect on the visual perception of space: thanks to them, the room seems much higher than it is in reality. So in this small living room in the apartment, white ceiling skirting boards help to visually increase the height of the room. Narrow pilasters also stretch out the space.

6. State chandeliers with pendants

In the photo: Classic golden chandeliers in the decor of a living room in a classic style

It’s hard to imagine a classic living room without a lush chandelier, like those lamps that decorated ballrooms in past centuries. Preference is given to models that resemble candlesticks. In rooms with high ceilings, multi-tiered chandeliers can be used.

7. Column in the interior

In the photo: Column with mirror and flutes in the living room design

For classic living rooms, a column is as common and constant as a beveled mirror for Art Deco. The purpose of such an architectural element is not only to decorate the space. Columns are often used as zoning elements. An example of such a planning solution is the interior of this living room with a vintage corner sofa. pink shade. Here, a column with a mirror insert divides the living room and kitchen into two functional areas.

Light beige tones in the interior design of a classic living room

If speak about color palette, then in the classics the undisputed favorite is beige. All shades of gray and chocolate are also popular. But the light palette is not limited to just the usual nude shades. Creamy, cappuccino, coffee with milk, creme brulee, vanilla ice cream - by playing with all these tones, you can create original composition.

8. Shades of creme brulee in a classic-style living room

In the photo: Bright classic living room with creme brulee tones

Shades of airy and light creme brulee create a warm atmosphere in the room, which, like fresh aromatic pastries, envelops you in home comfort. Such tones are associated with delicate desserts and festive tea parties.

9. Creamy tones and dark gray accents

In the photo: The interior of the kitchen-living-dining room is designed in creamy tones

Creamy shades visually make this kitchen-living room room more spacious. Dilute this monochrome range Can bright accent. For example, a carpet with a red London bus in the design. The designers of the Fundament group of companies also added some dark gray tones, which act as a contrast to the light palette.

10. Banana-peach color scheme

In the photo: Living room in warm banana-pearl shades

Pompous classics with their crystal chandeliers, glass cabinets with stucco and lush sofas in the style of Madame Pompadour's palaces can look very warm and cozy if you choose the right color scheme. In the interior in the photo, the designers use a banana-peach palette, which the rays of daylight make sparkle with a pearlescent sheen.

11. Shades of vanilla ice cream in the living-dining room

In the photo: Shades of vanilla ice cream in the design of a classic living room

Warm shades vanilla ice cream evoke pleasant allusions, evoking memories of a summer evening in a city park or branded confectionery shops, where pieces of marzipan are buried in chocolate glaze, and colorful balls ice-cold treats are waiting their turn to be packed into a waffle cone. A living room designed in such colors will always look festive. Unlike white, vanilla ice cream tones do not appear cold.

12. White marshmallow tones

In the photo: Living-dining room in white colors

All perfection is concentrated in the crystal whiteness of marshmallows and marshmallows. Therefore, if you borrow the color from this sweet, the interior of the living room will seem ideal. Perfect solution for those who love minimalism and order. In this living-dining room, white tones are combined with shades of light wood.

Living room furniture in classic style

The modern interior market offers a wide selection of furniture for classic living rooms: all kinds of sideboards, stylized as antiques, bergere chairs, Chesterfield sofas, reminiscent of England. The furniture elements here are quite decorative. Wood carving is actively used in the design of cabinet furniture. As for armchairs and sofas, they can be upholstered in textiles with a damask or floral pattern.

13. Built-in shelving

In the photo: Built-in shelving in the living room interior in a modern classic style

Agree that it is difficult to imagine a classic living room without books. Moreover, if the apartment does not have a separate office with a library. Instead of the usual bookcases, which take up a lot of space, you can install a couple of built-in shelving in a small reception room. This way you will get additional shelves for storing books, candlesticks and other souvenirs.

14. Wooden cabinets and sideboards

In the photo: Living-dining room with solid wooden furniture

Wooden cabinet with drawers and a couple of buffets or display cases will be an excellent addition to the TV area. Such furniture will allow you to display family sets, antique clocks, candlesticks and other decorative elements on public display. At the same time, if you are creating a dining room in the living room, then it is important that the tabletop and chairs are from the same or similar collection as the sideboards with a cabinet.

15. Voltaire's chair

In the photo: Voltaire armchair in the fireplace area of ​​the living room

Today there are many variations on the theme of the Voltaire chair. One of them is shown in the photo of the interior of the fireplace area above. This cozy deep chair with “ears”, originally intended to protect against drafts, - perfect place in order to enjoy reading or simply relax while watching the “dance” of the flames in the hearth.

16. Bookcases

In the photo: Thanks to the bookcase, the living room turns into a home library

If the space of a classic living room allows, then you can install a bookcase here, which will turn the room into a real home library. And don’t forget about the fireplace and a pair of Voltaire armchairs, where it will be convenient not only to read the masterpieces of world classics, but also to talk for hours with a friend on philosophical topics.

17. Light upholstered furniture

In the photo: Design project of a beige room for receiving guests

Upholstered furniture in a living room in a classic style does not have to be luxurious, with expensive upholstery or “carriage” decor. Neoclassicism involves the use of fairly simple minimalist sofas and armchairs of modern minimalist shapes. It can be practical models beige colour. At the same time, such upholstered furniture can look no less pompous and elegant than the same bergere armchairs or Chesterfield sofas, if you equip it with suitable accessories in the form sofa cushions, For example.

18. Antique display cabinets

In the photo: Living room interior in a classic style with display cabinets

These rather massive sideboards, stylized as antiques, have many historical features: it seems that they recently decorated the living room in some noble estate. Such cupboards will be a worthy place to store expensive antique vases and tableware inherited from your grandmother.

Decorative solutions and finishing elements in classic living rooms

The interior of the living room in a classic style is distinguished by quite specific finishing and decor. Although this does not mean at all that you will not find the same columns characteristic of the classics in design projects in the spirit of Art Deco or Art Nouveau, for example. Neoclassicism uses quite a lot simple materials. White ceiling with a molded rosette, light-painted walls with moldings outlining wallpaper inserts, parquet or laminate flooring - when renovating a living room in a classic style, you can quite limit yourself to these components. As for decor, in this matter a considerable burden falls on lamps and textiles on the windows.

19. Moldings for wall decoration

In the photo: Room in light colors with moldings in wall decoration

Thanks to the moldings outlining the lilac inserts, this classic living room turned out to be more “voluminous” and expressive. This wall decoration visually slightly resembles boiserie panels. With the help of moldings, the area for the television panel is also highlighted in this interior. Thus, these decorative frames help organize the space.

20. Sconces with glass pendants

In the photo: The beige living room is decorated with a pair of classic sconces with glass pendants

Golden sconces in the shape of antique candlesticks with iridescent glass pendants, when placed on mirror surfaces, become even more expressive. These wall lamps can be used in conjunction with a classic chandelier. In the presented example, the sconces conditionally “outline” the area of ​​the sofa, decorated with beige wallpaper with a damask pattern.

21. Textiles as a color accent

In the photo: The interior of a beautiful living room in the neoclassical style with flowers in a vase and mint-turquoise curtains in the decor

As we have already said, textiles play an important role in the decorative design of the interior of a classic living room. If your room tends towards classicism, then you can pay attention to curtains with tassels, fringes and lambrequins. Those who prefer a lighter neoclassic style will most likely choose simple hanging curtains, as in the photo above. In the example presented, curtains of a refreshing mint shade also become a color accent, helping to add variety to the monochrome light composition.

22. Contrasting wallpaper and photo collage

In the photo: Gray-gray wallpaper on a light background is perceived as an expressive contrast

And in this living room in the style of modern classics, the walls are painted with light paint. To avoid a feeling of monotony in the interior, it was important to choose a bright color accent. And the solution to this problem was an insert of bluish-colored wallpaper outlined by a molding. In this way, our designers created a contrast in the room. The insert also served as a platform for a photo collage and sconces. And thanks to the pattern on the wallpaper, the interior as a whole has become more comfortable.

23. Mirrors and tall candlesticks

In the photo: Living room in a classic style with mirrors in the decor

Long beveled mirror inserts in the wall decoration highlight the bay window area where the dining room is located. Tall golden candlesticks “echo” the moldings and decor of upholstered furniture. Such unusual floor lamps add palace splendor to the space. The beveled inserts on the walls are continued in the ceiling decoration, which creates an interesting optical effect in the room.

24. Chandelier in a socket

In the photo: In classic interiors, chandeliers are usually placed in molded rosettes

When working with classics, you will have to place each chandelier in a special socket, which can be either absolutely simple in decor or have exquisite molded contours. In some way, this finishing element is also a means of zoning: accompanying the ceiling lamp, it focuses attention on a particular functional area in the studio space.

25. The role of the hearth in a classic living room

In the photo: Interior of a neoclassical living room with a fireplace in a 3-room apartment on General Kuznetsov Street

It doesn’t matter which fireplace you ultimately choose: a simple electric one, modern model, running on biofuel, or a classic hearth with a chimney. In any case, your apartment will only benefit from the presence of this element of furniture. In the interior of this living room, the fireplace becomes part of the TV area. By decorating the hearth portal with mirror inserts, our designers brought sources of additional “artistic” highlights into the space.

26. Carpet as decoration for a classic space

In the photo: The interior of a small living room with a fireplace and a blue-blue carpet in the decor

Another decorative element without which it is difficult to imagine a classic. In this case we are talking about a large carpet with an oriental pattern. This floor design element, along with the fireplace, will guarantee you home comfort. Don’t forget about such useful functions of the carpet as softening steps and insulating.

27. Classic floor lamp and patterned curtains

In the photo: Caramel-colored curtains and a classic floor lamp in the interior of the kitchen-living room

The interior of this kitchen-living room uses curtains of a caramel-chocolate shade. Intricate curls in the textile pattern are quite a characteristic pattern for the classics. In this case, it also helps to emphasize the classicism of the space. stylish floor lamp with beige lampshade.

Current interior design of a living room in a classic style is an issue that requires very careful professional study and fresh ideas for decorating the space. When working with classics, you should not take risks by turning to inexperienced designers. After all, mistakes in this case are fraught with serious additional costs due to the high cost of finishing materials. Classics require from performers good taste, technical knowledge and excellent erudition. From the designers of the Fundament Group of Companies

Today, studio apartments are one of the most popular housing formats. Both classic open-plan properties, popular among young people and people of creative professions, and apartments with separate bedrooms are in demand.

Classic interior design shows the refined taste of the owner and his high intelligence. This style also suggests a certain conservatism and indicates a high level of income. However, design development in this direction requires the most balanced approach so that the room looks elegant and harmonious. In this article you will learn how to properly decorate a small living room in a classic style.

Luxurious living room in classic style


The undoubted advantages of a classic interior include the richness and elegance of the furnishings. It is always comfortable to be in such a room. The living room, stylized as a classic, looks very colorful and has noble features. The design, for the most part, uses calm and unobtrusive color shades, which is why this room always looks like new.

The classic style is time-tested and stands apart from changing fashion trends, so this trend will be relevant and in demand at all times.

Small living room in classic style

Luxurious sofas in a classic living room

Antique clock in the living room with fireplace

Disadvantages and options for eliminating them

The main disadvantage of the classics is the large financial expenses. When decorating a living room, you will need expensive high-quality furniture and certain Decoration Materials. However, there are ways to save a lot if you can do some of the work yourself. For example, you can significantly reduce costs if you install parquet yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists. The same applies to wallpapering or leveling the ceiling.

It should be noted that when the efforts of the owner of the premises are applied to the interior design, the environment inevitably acquires individual features and is filled with a special atmosphere. Of course, you can’t make antique furniture yourself, but you can build some decorative elements with your own hands. They can be used:

  • colorful covers that can be sewn for pillows;
  • fabric lampshade for floor lamp;
  • knitted blanket for a sofa or chair;

The most important thing here is not to overdo it with decorative elements. Otherwise, the living room will look like a museum room rather than a living space. Examples of proper room decoration can be seen in the presented photos.

Living room decor in a classic style

Cozy bright living room

Living room in soothing colors

Living room design in a classic style

Interior of a small living room

Principles for a small living room

It is quite difficult for designers to develop a classic design for the living room small sizes. The main difficulty is to achieve harmony, when every detail matches each other. However, experts have developed several principles that greatly simplify this process:

  1. Competent zoning. In a small living room, it is better to place the main emphasis on one area (for example, on a sofa and a nearby table).
  2. Lighting. The classic style requires lighting that can highlight different areas. In this case, the shadow zone will create the necessary contrast to visually expand the space.
  3. Minimum furniture. There should not be a lot of furniture in the living room, since the classic style is heavy. You should not give up the soft corner, but if possible, do not use cabinets, racks and various walls.
  4. In a small living room you can place a fireplace. Of course, it will be very small, but it will give the room a unique atmosphere.
  5. For walls, experts recommend choosing paints of predominantly light colors. However, you can also use darker color shades if the furniture is too light.
  6. Furniture located along the walls should not be placed close to them.

Amazing fact: if you leave a small gap between pieces of furniture and walls, the space of the room will visually expand.

Room height

The classic style is most used in spacious rooms. With small living rooms everything is a little more complicated. There is a risk of overloading the space, so it is necessary to think through every detail of the situation.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the height of the living room. For classic design, high ceilings are more suitable, but not every apartment has a room height of 3.5-5 m. If the ceilings have standard height, glue a cornice that runs around the entire perimeter of the room. Under the very eaves, approximately at a distance of 15-20 cm, there is a frieze. These elements are decorated in slightly lighter colors compared to the rest of the walls, which allows you to visually increase the height of the room. Modern fashion trends suggest sticking mirrors near the frieze, but this technique is used in avant-garde directions and does not suit the classical style.

In some cases, you can use the proven English method: cover the room with wallpaper with a pattern of vertical stripes. However, there are also limitations here. Avoid using colors that are too bright or saturated. It is advisable that the stripes do not bring a sharp contrast with the main background of the room. Vertical stripes will create the effect of a high ceiling, but will make the space appear narrower. This design is not entirely suitable for small living rooms, so it is better to use other options to visually expand the space.

Vertical stripes on wallpaper in the living room


A desirable attribute for a small living room in a classic style are mirrors. They have been used in interior design since ancient times to provide visual spaciousness to long and narrow halls. Placing mirrors on opposite walls expanded the space to limitless limits. This technique can also be used for a living room decorated in a classic style.

Advice! To add sophistication to the decor, mirrors can be placed in colorful, intricate gold-colored frames.

Large round mirror in the living room

Mirror decor in a classic living room

Mirror in the living room in a classic style

Mirror above the sofa in the living room

Large mirror above the fireplace in the living room

Decorating the living room with mirrors in a classic style

As an additional attribute, it is allowed to use candlesticks or a system spot lighting, which will hide the small dimensions of the room, and the reflection of light in the mirrors will make the atmosphere truly cozy.

Designers advise equipping multi-level ceiling. Even with the help of one step, you can intelligently divide the room into zones. The preferred material is plasterboard.

If the room is small in height, it is recommended to make stretch ceiling. To best match the classic style, it is better to choose ceilings in light colors that have a glossy effect. In this case, the height of the room will increase due to two factors at once: bright lighting and a mirror surface.

The ceiling can be covered with light wallpaper or simply painted white. Any available solution will do here. The main thing is that the ceiling is designed in light colors. In the photo of a small living room in a classic style you can see various options good design ceiling.

Ceiling decorated with gold in the living room

White ceiling in the living room

Ceiling decoration in the living room

Ceiling in a classic living room


A classic living room requires certain lighting. The chandelier and other lamps should match the style of the era in which the interior is decorated. You should not overuse it with elaborate forging. It is better to choose more discreet options. The chandeliers and lamps themselves should also be used in moderation.

Very important! There is one mandatory rule: the chandelier in the living room must be placed strictly above the seating area, which can be located either in the geometric center of the room or outside it.

WITH clear examples Competent and thoughtful lighting can be found in the photo.

Chandelier and wall lights in the living room

Floor lamp, table lamp, chandelier in the interior

Classic style living room lighting option

Room lighting in a classic style


Walls are one of the essential elements when decorating a living room in a classic style. For their harmonious finishing you can follow the following rules:

  • Both wallpaper and light paint will look equally good on the walls;
  • it is better to avoid wallpaper with large patterns, since they do not correspond to the classic style;
  • preference should be given only to small patterns;
  • Garlands or floral patterns are acceptable;
  • the walls must be decorated with various accessories: paintings or panoramas in which the paintings will be placed. They must be maintained in the same style;
  • Photo wallpapers with landscape motifs are not suitable for classics;
  • A good solution would be to decorate the walls with columns, and in a small living room it is preferable to use half-columns.

Classic living room in soft colors

Wallpaper in the living room with a corner sofa

Wall decoration for a classic living room


Among all varieties floor coverings Classic style is most suitable for parquet and laminate, as well as ceramic tiles.

Advice! It is advisable that in small rooms the pattern on the tiles or parquet should be minimal.

The flooring should be designed without frills and kept in a traditional style. In the classical direction, plinth is always used. Using ceramic tiles Additionally, you will have to install heated floors. For carpet special requirements does not exist. It can be placed strictly in the center of the room or in a recreation area. The photo shows the most successful examples design of floor coverings in a classic style, which are definitely worth adopting.

Decorating the floor with tiles in the living room

Laminate flooring in a classic living room

Parquet in the living room

Windows and doors

Only suitable for a classically decorated living room wooden door. It is completely unacceptable to use plastic options. It would be nice to additionally decorate the doorway with an arch. Decorative elements in the form of cornices and columns are welcome.

The style and shape of the windows must fully match the doors. Luxurious curtains with a large number of folds or draperies are used as decoration. As for the cornice for attaching curtains: it should always be visible and consistent with the surrounding environment, since it is important decorative element in a classic style. There are forged and wooden cornices.

Living room in yellow tones

Bright curtains in the living room

Window decoration in a classic living room

Door in a classic living room

Solid wood door


Each piece of furniture must fully comply with the classic style. Given design decoration involves the use of expensive, luxurious furniture made from natural materials. For example, install chairs with beautiful carved legs and buy sofas with expensive upholstery.

Antique furniture is perfect for the decor, which will emphasize the elegance of the classic style. Designers recommend not using straight geometric shapes in the form of squares or rectangles, since they are inherent in modern trends. For a classic living room, furniture without sharp shapes is ideal, so a sideboard or an old chest of drawers will fit perfectly into it. The photo shows how exquisite furniture can radically transform the living room space.

Decorating the living room with paintings

To highlight the advantages of the classic style, complement the decor with various accessories for living room decor. Paintings in exquisite carved frames or antique clocks will look great on the walls; antique vases, etc. can be placed on the floor.


As you can see from the article, the classic style allows a large number of variations when designing a living room interior. Every person will find a design to their liking. It is only important to follow simple principles and recommendations of experts, then your living room will turn into an elegant corner, with individual features and a unique atmosphere.

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