Dmitry Anokhin who. Isa Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo. Isa Anokhina. Star Love Story on MUZ-TV

    Dmitry Anokhin is new husband Aiza, former Dolmatova. Previously, she was married to the famous rapper Guf, now to Dima, a businessman.

    Judging by Aiza Anokhina’s Instagram, they live quite well.

    And they don’t quarrel with Guf, here’s proof:

    Aiza Dolmatova is vacationing in Bali with Dmirty Anokhin.

    There is a suspicion that the couple has already gotten married and is now spending their honeymoon together.

    It is known about Isa’s chosen one that he is 36 years old and a businessman. But as a recreation, he goes surfing.

    Romantic photo on vacation.

    Dmitry Anokhin - 36 years old, businessman.

    He is seriously interested in surfing.

    He probably gained his popularity because of Aiza Dolmatova, whose new boyfriend he is.

    Now the couple and Aiza’s son are vacationing in Bali.

    Dmitry Anokhin is the second husband of Aiza Dolmatova. He is thirty-six years old. In addition to his business, he enjoys surfing, jazz, and boxing. And in addition to all of the above, he is interested in sex, Dmitry once admitted in a recent interview.

    After he dated Isa for about six months, both decided to legalize their relationship on October 10, 2015 in Las Vegas.

    Dmitry Anokhin is the current husband of Internet star Aiza Dolmatova. The couple got married in 2015 on October 10. It is known that he surfs and Dmitry loves this activity. He has his own business.

    By the way, he will soon become a happy father, since his wife is in the last stages of pregnancy. Dmitry is still raising his six-year-old son Aiza from his first marriage.

    Dmitry Anokhin is the new husband of Aiza Dolmatova, whose wedding took place in early October of this year. What is known about Dmitry is that he is a businessman, goes in for surfing, and is thirty-six years old. Isa met him shortly after breaking up with rapper Guf, whose wife she was. Here you can find out more about the development of their relationship. And here - about a wedding in Las Vegas.

    Dmitry Anokhin is a businessman, and is also the husband of Aiza Dolmatova, at the moment he is already 37 years old, and is also not only an amateur, but also a professional surfer. Recently in Bali this couple had a very good vacation with the son of Aiza Dolmatova

    37-year-old businessman, surfer Dmitry Anokhin became the second husband of the famous Aiza Dolmatova, who has a son from her first marriage.

    The wedding took place in the second half of 2015.

    Unfortunately, there is very little information about Dmitry, since he is not a particularly public person.

    Dmitry Anokhin is a businessman who surfs. He's 37 years old. He became famous after he began dating and later married Aiza Dolmatova, the ex-wife of rapper Guf.

    Isa has a son from her first marriage. While on vacation in Bali, she meets Dmitry.

    Here is a photo from the wedding, which was celebrated in the American city of Las Vegas:

    Recently it became known that Aiza Dolmatova is dating a new boyfriend, Dmitry Anokhin. It is known that he is 36 years old.

    Dmitry is a businessman, but also enjoys surfing. He even has his own nickname - Chuva.

    Groom ex-wife rapper Guf turned out to be 36 years old successful businessman Dmitry Anokhin is a successful businessman and the husband of Guf’s ex-wife Aiza Dolmatova. He is 36. Isa admits that she has been wooing him for a long time, and that he is the man of her dreams.

After the divorce, Isa and Guf continue to communicate solely for the sake of their common son Sam. The boy lives with his mother and her husband Dmitry Anokhin in Bali. His father comes to him occasionally for the holidays, during which he spends all his time with the child. It is not surprising that Isa’s new boyfriend has become very close to the baby, because he lives with him every day, studies, plays, and takes care of him. In general, he performs the daily duties of a dad.

During next vacation Gufa in Bali Isa published family photo, in which she poses with her ex-husband, as well as her new husband and baby Sam. Such an idyll then evoked the brightest feelings in the star’s fans; they rejoiced for the wisdom and love of all family members.

However, the appearance of happiness dissolved in last post Guf, which he published on Instagram upon returning home. The rapper hinted that the new boyfriend of his ex-wife, who will soon give birth to a second child, is showing aggressive behavior.

“I’m leaving with a lump in my throat. I am absolutely not happy with what is happening there. God grant that she be happy with him, but I’m worried about my son. I didn't rest, I didn't tan. I lay with a concussion for a week, without leaving the house, and realized that I was out of place. At that time I thought, it seemed to me, this time I’m sure,” Guf wrote in his characteristic manner. - Okay, time will tell. But God forbid I should hear that someone is offending my son.”

The ex-wife’s reaction to the rapper’s offensive words was not long in coming. She published an emotional response to Gufu on her Instagram page. Isa told how much Dmitry does for little Sam, and how much he and the child love each other. She also shared that real father the baby does not pay him due attention and is not able to spend more than a couple of days with him. Anokhina suggests that Guf’s criticism of her new husband is caused by jealousy of the baby, who is drawn to Dmitry, since he is constantly next to him.

“Yesterday, when Dima and I came to say goodbye to the guys, everything was great, everyone was laughing and joking, but there was one minus, Sam played with Dima, climbed towards him, and Dima pushed Sam away so as not to upset Lekha, but there was a reaction! A father’s jealousy of another man, a man who does not claim to be a father for Sam, but he loves me and knows that my son is my universe. Which means him too! – Isa wrote to Gufu. - My man is a mature, loving and caring person, capable of accepting someone else’s child as his own! And instead of thanking him, you blame him here! Not in person, but here! Don't anger God! Don't talk."

Isa Anokhina, the ex-wife of rapper Guf, lives in grand style. The 30-year-old beauty recently married surfer Dmitry Anokhin and seems to have found her happiness. The couple constantly travels: at the end of October, Isa, her husband and son flew to Bali, in the summer the couple vacationed on another Indonesian island, and at the beginning of autumn they visited the USA. Fans of the Internet star are wondering where Isa gets the funds for entertainment.

“A lot of people are interested in what we live on, where we get our money from, and how it happened that we always travel. I will answer your question, I am open to you. A little about myself... I stopped believing in luck the moment I realized that without work it means nothing! Work loves hard work! From 2013 to 2015 I worked hard seven days a week, 22 hours a day, doing what I have now! Not counting on anyone, but only recruiting a cool team! And I’m lucky (again, luck is hard work), I have a great team! Everyone puts a piece of their soul and talent into it! Next... of course I didn’t finish working! And even being 10,000 km from Moscow, every day for several hours in touch with the whole team! Thanks to technology for this opportunity! Everyone decides for themselves what to do with the money they earn. Right? Someone buys houses, cars, apartments, clothes, shoes or all of this together, this is the moment of earning money, I don’t earn enough to get everything at once, so I choose what’s important! Travel is important to me! Today I won’t buy shoes, but in a month I’ll fly with my family to new country for new knowledge) because it’s so wonderful,” Isa said about how much she invested in her business (Isa owns several beauty salons, one of them she inherited from her ex-husband; Anokhina also owned her own clothing store and dance studio).

The 30-year-old beauty also told subscribers about her husband’s income.

“I’ll continue, I got married, and I married a man, but what does that mean? This means that he took full responsibility for me and my son. For which I respect him very much! Often their own fathers do not do this for their children, as Dima does for Sam. Dima is an adult and smart person who manages his finances correctly! Without relying on luck, not on daddy’s money, but only with his work and intelligence, he was able to organize his life so that he lives by the ocean, doing what he loves and is not in Russia! Not because he doesn't love her! But because he fell in love with surfing many years ago! And another important point. Desires are different, even the pictures on Instagram are different for everyone, for some Monte Carlo, Maserati, clubs, champagne, and for others Asia, the ocean, the beach and family, and believe me, this doesn’t require much, although my Brazilian ass (as her husband calls her) loves to eat and loves to eat deliciously,” continued Isa.

However, the ups and downs in the relationship between Isa and her ex-husband Alexei Dolmatov, or rapper Guf, who is the father of 6-year-old Sam, do not end to this day. Aiza and Alexey quarreled and made up many times, and when Anokhina moved to Bali, it became difficult for Dolmatov to see his son. Sometimes he comes to his island, but these moments do not always bring only positive emotions. After Alexey left Bali once again, the following entry appeared on his microblog: “I actually had a very difficult vacation. The only good thing about this whole trip is Sam. We spent a lot of time together, discussed a lot of things, and I once again reminded who the dad is. But for three weeks I never felt like I was on vacation. Most likely, my ex will ask me to delete this post and I will delete it, but at least someone will see it. I wish her nothing but the best, she's mine dear person and it will always be so. Yes, we broke up.

Guf spent a lot of time with his son, but did not feel at ease

And now we are united only by our son. But while we were together, I did my best to keep her from being sad. Time passes, everything is as it is... But since things have gone that way, I still want to see her happy. Who cares, this woman deserves happiness. Maybe I’m wrong that I’m interfering where I shouldn’t and it’s all my fault, but this is the second time I’ve come to check, like a little kid, and I understand that everything is not very good... I fly away with a lump in my throat. I am absolutely not happy with what is happening there. God grant that she be happy with him, but I’m worried about my son. I didn't rest, I didn't tan. I lay with a concussion for a week, without leaving the house, and realized that I was out of place. At that time I thought, it seemed to me, this time I’m sure. I wanted to cut Sam’s hair at 0.3 on the last day, but I feel sorry for her... But God forbid I hear that someone is offending my son. Yeti doesn't have an insta. Aziz, tell him that a track about him has already been written. I thought that your guy would show himself and it wouldn’t be necessary, but during this trip he added another verse.”

Dmitry Anokhin and Guf even took a group photo

Isa did not remain silent and responded to her ex-husband’s post on her Instagram. “I’m ready to give Sam to his father now, but in a couple of days Sam will end up with my parents! And I don’t blame Lekha! He can't! I didn't want to study! I didn’t know how either, but I wanted to be a mother! The best for your child! Yesterday, when Dima and I came to say goodbye to the guys, everything was great, everyone was laughing and joking, but there was one minus - Sam played with Dima, climbed towards him, and Dima pushed Sam away so as not to upset Lekha, but there was a reaction! A father's jealousy of another man, a man who does not claim to be a father for Sam, but he loves me and knows that my son is my universe. Which means him too! Am I unhappy? Because I didn’t want to kiss my ex in front of my ex, and in general it’s indecent and stupid! Why am I unhappy? Because I live in villa 500 square meters with an ocean view? Eating delicious food, looking beautiful, pregnant, dressing up, doing what I love? And my husband helps me with this, supports our entire family! Which you shouldn't contain! And you think I'll let someone hurt Sam? Even to the person you love most? Never! What about dad? Dad misses you beautifully. I repeat again, I can send Sam to him, but everyone knows the outcome of events. I won’t talk about the financial side of the whole story and stoop to a wretched level, but everyone who knows us all knows how things are! And I’m disgusted that this is all coming up for the hundredth time, but there’s no other way!”

Lyubov Novoselova / Photo: Instagram

Modern television and the Internet can make a person famous, even if he does not have any achievements in any area of ​​life. True, a happy accident in the form of a marriage with a celebrity is not a guarantee that the fairy tale will last long, and many young men and women, after a celebrity divorce, disappear from the media horizon as quickly as they appeared there. One of them, of course, does not include Aiza Anokhina, whose biography and personal life this article is devoted to.


Little is known about the girl’s childhood, and the available information is quite contradictory.

Aiza Vagapova was born in 1984 in Grozny. It is difficult to say exactly what her nationality is, although many sources call her a Chechen. Isa herself does not comment on this information. Regarding nationality, the girl told her fans literally the following: “I’m not entirely Russian. As is customary among us, my place is next to a man shorter than himself.”

In the capital

When Aiza Vagapova was 16 years old, her family moved to Moscow, and the girl began to study at health school No. 1941. However, the heroine of our story often traveled to her homeland with her mother. In 1994, they found themselves in the very epicenter of hostilities and were able to escape unharmed to Moscow only thanks to the determination of Aiza’s mother.

Life in the capital without the prohibitions that Chechen society imposes on girls turned the beauty’s head. She often disappeared at parties and indulged in carefree fun. To be fair, we note that Isa did not forget about her studies, so she was able to enter the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State Linguistic University.

Student life turned out to be even more reckless. If you believe the publicly available information, one day Aiza even woke up on the Russian-Finnish border in the company of a gay friend. Moreover, neither she nor he could remember how they got there.


Aiza Anokhina’s far from exemplary behavior caused a lot of trouble for her dad and mom, although the future TV presenter still did not forget about decency and did not allow herself to appear in front of her parents with a cigarette or while drunk.

By the way, not many people know that the girl’s father, Vitaly Vagapov, is a retired FSB general. As Isa herself claims, she never tried to resolve issues by “trumping the shoulder straps” of her father. She knew perfectly well that he would not interfere if she was detained for racing around the capital or other “arts” that are considered signs of “coolness” among golden youth.

Meeting Guf

As already mentioned, Aiza Anokhina in her youth loved to spend time in nightclubs. One day, rapper Alexey Dolmatov, better known to the general public as Guf, saw a girl near one of them. At that time, the young man was the lead singer of the group CENTR. It turned out that the young people had a mutual friend, so they exchanged phone numbers. After this meeting, Antokhina met several times in different companies. One day, the rapper accidentally walked into a meeting of snowboarders, although he did not know how to use this equipment at all. Alexey's helplessness made Aiza want to teach young man ride on the snow-covered slopes, which made an indelible impression on him.

Bright romance

Returning home, Guf realized that Isa should become his girlfriend. He dedicated the song “Ice Baby” to her and decided to invite the beauty on a date. As Aiza Anokhina later recalled, at first she perceived Guf only as good friend, with whom she always felt comfortable and pleasant to communicate. However, his persistence took its toll: the girl fell in love, and the song “Ice Baby” became one of the hits of 2010.


Oddly enough, the retired groom liked his daughter, and he did not interfere with the marriage of Aiza and Alexei. True, neither Vitaly Vagapov nor the bride knew about the young man’s addiction to drugs. Be that as it may, the wedding took place in 2008, and in 2010 a baby was born - Sami Dolmatov. The child's name was not chosen by chance: Chechen language it means "close to God."


Soon the life of Aiza Anokhina and Guf turned into a nightmare. The young man adored his family, but could not hide his drug addiction for long. The girl did everything to cure him. However, despite all her efforts, Aiza Anokhina’s husband kept breaking down. The last straw in the girl’s cup of patience was betrayal, which was repeated with enviable consistency. When the beauty realized that there was no hope for her husband’s correction, she decided to divorce. In 2013, it became known that Aiza Anokhina and Guf broke up.

Attitude of relatives

The girl’s parents did not support their daughter’s decision and refused to give Sami not only her to the unlucky ex-husband, but also to herself. The Vagapovs made this decision because they believed that neither one nor the other was able to provide the child with appropriate living conditions. In addition, Dolmatov argued that Aiza behaved unworthily in her marriage. Apparently, he was able to present arguments that seemed convincing to Vitaly Vagapov, and he showed his daughter to the door.

Isa's parents returned their son only after she proved her worth as a mother. They even bought their daughter separate apartment and helped her financially.

Work on television and film

After the divorce, Isa decided to start new life and started her career. In 2013, she first appeared on TV, replacing Roma Acorn on the popular show “Nonformat Chart”. In a new field, Aiza Anokhina showed herself with best side and gained new fans.

In addition, the beauty blogger played in the film “Gas Holder”, took part in the dubbing of the cartoon “Olly and the Pirates’ Treasures” and presented to the public her debut video for a joint song with rapper Kravets.

Second marriage

Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina did not remain alone for long. In 2015, in Bali, she met businessman Dmitry, who, like the girl, was fond of surfing. After a candy-bouquet period that lasted 6 months, the young people got married. The wedding of Aiza and Anokhin took place in the same Las Vegas church where Frank Sinatra, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley and other celebrities once got married.

Aiza Anokhina’s second husband was not a public figure before this event, but he does everything to make the girl feel happy and confident in the future.

Girl's life today

At the beginning of 2016, Isa took part in the television project “The Young Lady and the Peasant”. She went to sell milk at the Orenburg market, changing places with a girl from the Ural outback, who temporarily took her place in a house on the island of Bali.

In October of the same year, Isa became a mother for the second time. She had a son from Dmitry, whom the couple named Elvis. The birth took place in live one of the domestic TV channels.

Now you know who she is personal life and the girl’s career interests many of her fans. We can only wish that the girl pleases them with new works on television and in the field of design.