Dioscorea Caucasian rhizome with roots. Tincture of Dioscorea Caucasica: recipe for use for blood vessels. For the cardiovascular system


Doctor's advice

Name in Latin: Dioscorea caucasica

Synonyms: wild yam

Dioscorea Caucasica is a herbaceous perennial dioecious liana-like plant from the Dioscoreaceae family. Used in official and folk medicine for the treatment of heart diseases and atherosclerosis.

Dioscorea has a thick, long, horizontal rhizome, from which hard, thin, cord-like roots extend. The stem is curly, simple, and can reach 3.5 meters in length.

The leaves are oval-shaped, pointed. Their top part green, naked, lower part – densely pubescent, gray-green. The upper leaves are opposite or alternate, the lower leaves are whorled.

The flowers are small, yellow-green, collected in axillary spikes. Dioscorea blooms in May-June, the fruits begin to ripen in September. The fruit is a winged, triangular capsule with a brown color.

The plant can be found in Abkhazia, Krasnodar region. Dioscorea grows on rocky slopes, screes, deciduous forests, and bushes. This is a rare plant that is listed in the Red Book. Dioscorea is cultivated as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

The homeland of the plant is India, Indochina, China. The name of the family, genus and species is a tribute to the famous ancient physician Dioscorides, who first described healing properties many medicinal plants.

The plant has been used in folk medicine for many centuries; official medicine in the Russian Federation recognized Dioscorea as a medicinal plant only in the middle of the last century. By the way, the famous “Kremlin herb” that was used to treat many rulers of the USSR is Dioscorea.

Preparation and storage

For medicinal purposes, the rhizome of the plant is used, the age of which should be 10 years or older. It is carefully dug up with a shovel or pick, cleaned of dirt and soil, the above-ground part is cut off, cut into small pieces and dried, spread out on cloth or paper under a canopy or in special dryers at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees Celsius.

Chemical composition

The plant contains a large number of biologically active substances. Highest value have the following:

  • steroid saponins - have a wide spectrum of action, remove harmful cholesterol from the body, preventing the development of atherosclerosis, destroy existing atherosclerotic plaques
  • phytoestrogens - similar in structure to female hormones, have a complex effect on the body
  • glycosides – improve the functioning of the heart muscle
  • vitamins, minerals – take an active part in metabolic processes, have antioxidant and immunostimulating effects

Application in medicine

Preparations created from the rhizomes of Dioscorea Caucasica have the following effects on the body:

  • hypotensive
  • restorative
  • vasodilator
  • immunostimulating
  • diuretic
  • sedative
  • choleretic

The plant is used as part of complex therapy for the following pathological conditions of the body:

  • diseases of the digestive system associated with impaired motor function
  • chronic stress, nervous tension
  • headaches of various etiologies
  • decreased immunity
  • decreased memory and concentration
  • adrenal gland dysfunction
  • increased irritability, depression
  • noise in ears
  • conjunctivitis, blepharitis
  • dermatological diseases (including psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema)


You should not take plant-based products if you have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance
  • pregnancy, lactation period
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer

Be careful, Dioscorea Caucasica is contraindicated for:

Before use, consult your doctor!

For heart attack, stroke, cardiosclerosis, Addison's disease, tinnitus, headache, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, mastocytosis, xanthomas, eczema.

1.5 grams of crushed roots pour into 1 glass hot water in an enamel bowl, cook in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 45 minutes, strain, bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The course is 20 days, 7 days break and repeat the course. Conduct courses for 3-4 months.

For inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), gout, arthritis, retention of uric acid in the blood, multiple sclerosis, nephritis, diabetes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, intracranial pressure, allergies, high cholesterol.

Pour 10 grams of crushed root into 200 ml. boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 6 times a day.

For atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, general atherosclerosis, hypertension, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, dysfunction of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries and immune system, hormonal disorders, abnormal metabolism.

Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed root into 1 glass of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. The course of treatment is 30 days, break is 7 days. Conduct at least 3 courses.


Grind the root to a powder. Take 1/3 teaspoon of powder 3 times a day after meals, with 1 teaspoon of honey. The course is 10 days, then a break of 5 days. Conduct 4-5 courses.


Pour 100 grams of crushed root into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally, and strain. Take 25-30 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals. The course is 30 days, a break of 7 days and the course is repeated. Conduct at least 3 courses.

Ointment. For atherosclerosis of the legs.

Pour 100 grams of crushed root into 400 grams of unsalted pork fat in a glass jar. Boil in a water bath for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, leave for 30 minutes. Keep refrigerated. Rub the resulting ointment into sore legs before going to bed, starting with the toes and moving upward. After application, wrap your feet in a warm towel (hold over steam).

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Thanks for the answer. My blood pressure is normal, even low, one might say. Pressure: morning - 115/76-78, lunch - 96/68-66, evening - 102/72-76. With the spine - I try to relieve the pain on my own - I use the Lyapko applicator and practice according to Bubnovsky - we purchased his exercise machine. I try to help myself too.

Please, write how to properly prepare a decoction of Caucasian Dioscorea? There are a lot of recipes on the Internet, but what is the right recipe preparing a decoction? Alcohol tincture - I can’t take it, I can’t stand alcohol.

Thank you for your attention and kindness.


I conclude that you don’t need Dioscorea at all! It lowers blood pressure quite significantly. Add dandelion root to your collection, 1 tbsp. and monitor your blood pressure.

Consider taking Vitaprinol, 1 capsule 3 times a day for 1.5 months.

Cholesterol will successfully lower everything taken together.

Dioscorea Caucasica is a herbaceous perennial vine that can reach three meters in length, having a horizontal thick rhizome. The leaves are heart-shaped and oval in shape, reach 15 cm in length, pointed at the ends, densely pubescent below. The flowers of the plant are small, green, unisexual. They can be collected in clusters or spikes. The fruits are boxes, mostly triangular and round. The seeds are volatile. Dioscorea Caucasica begins to bloom in late spring, with the fruits fully ripening in September.


This plant is rare - it was listed in the Red Book. It can only be found in Abkhazia and the Krasnodar region.

Dioscorea Caucasica: medicinal properties

This plant is considered medicinal. It is used to treat various diseases. An excellent tool are preparations made from the rhizome of Dioscorea Caucasica. The root is best collected in early autumn or spring. The raw materials should be thoroughly dried and then stored for no more than three years. Infusions and decoctions of dioscorea are immunomodulatory, sedative, restorative, choleretic, and diuretic.

This plant contains various chemical components, including steroid glucosides - with their help you can cope with excess cholesterol. Dioscorea also contains starch and fat.

Chemical composition

Dioscorea Caucasica is the most valuable species from the genus Dioscorea, since it contains much more steroid glycosides in the rhizome than Dioscorea nipponensis. Everyone knows that the saponins contained in Dioscorea combine with blood proteins and cholesterol. Due to this, the protein-lipoid complex, which is the basis for the development of atherosclerosis, is destroyed.

Procurement of raw materials

Not all Dioscorea Caucasica is used for medicinal purposes - only rhizomes with roots are taken. Harvesting is carried out at the end of the growing season in autumn, as well as in early spring. The rhizomes are freed from the above-ground part, completely cleared of adhering earth, cut into small pieces, and then dried in a heated, dry room or in an attic with normal ventilation. It can also be dried in dryers at a temperature of about 70°C. The shelf life of finished raw materials is 1 year.


As the others medicinal plants, Dioscorea Caucasus has a wide variety of uses and contraindications. Preparations prepared from this plant will help cure atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, rheumatoid arthritis, and also relieve inflammation from the trigeminal nerve.

Dioscorea-based products will improve cardiac, hepatic, mental and renal function, and normalize sleep. With the help of the plant you can restore vision and cure headaches. In addition, Dioscorea Caucasica has found application in relieving irritability, fatigue, and tinnitus; it perfectly lifts a person’s mood.

Medicines made from the plant prevent lipids from depositing in the arteries and liver, and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. With their help, you can dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and also get rid of attacks that occur with angina and tachycardia.

Dioscorea extract and infusion provide motor and secretory function of the intestines and stomach. It is recommended for diabetic patients to take them to improve lipid metabolism and normalize blood glucose levels.

Scientists have proven that Dioscorea Caucasus (its use is described in this article) is used in combinations with other plants. These mixtures are used to treat various diseases, including lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis, multiple sclerosis, glomerulonephritis, and scleroderma.

The root of the plant contains up to 30 percent of saponins; dioscin, protogracillin, and protodioscin are especially useful. Dioscorea Caucasica, the use and contraindications of which are described in detail in this article, is a very rare plant, so you only have to use one that was grown by humans.


To prepare a tincture of dioscorea, you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka, 100 g of crushed dry root, pour everything in and leave for about 10 days.

After a stroke, as well as other heart diseases, it is necessary to use the following infusion: take 8 tablespoons of dry, thoroughly crushed root, pour 1.5 liters of vodka over it, then infuse for two weeks. It is better to add the tincture to hot tea, and just one spoon is enough - morning, afternoon and evening. It is necessary to be treated in four courses, with a break of 1 month.

Tea from the collection

In order to cope with bloating, you need to drink tea from the following collection of herbs - peppermint, ginger, fennel, dioscorea root, chamomile. Should be consumed only after meals.

If you are concerned about a disease such as atherosclerosis, you can try the following mixture - powder, which is prepared from the rhizome, wash down warm water with honey dissolved in it (1 teaspoon). It is enough to take 2 g of powder 3 times a day. This combination of components has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, nervous system. This mixture is absorbed without problems and does not affect the gastrointestinal mucosa. This plant contains a huge number of different useful vitamins and microelements, including phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron, sodium.

Root tea

Tea made from the root of this plant is considered healing. To make it, you need to mix green tea with finely chopped root. It should be drunk only once a day (after meals). With the help of tea, you can normalize cholesterol in the blood, improve memory, concentration, and bring sleep back to normal.

This is a wonderful preventive measure for atherosclerosis and hypertension.


The rhizome and root are used to create a dry extract of the plant. Dioscorea Caucasica is sold in pharmacies under the name “Polysponin”. This remedy allows you to cope with lipid deposition in the liver, blood vessels and heart.


Dioscorea is a unique plant that is included in some birth control products, and creams that contain it help cure eczema. Decoctions and infusions are the best antirheumatic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory drugs. This plant is a godsend for women during the premenstrual period. Medicines prepared on its basis dilate blood vessels, relieve cramps and spasms.

Dioscorea is rich in phytoestrogens, including diosgenin. If infusions and decoctions from the root are used during menopause, you can protect yourself from diseases such as osteoporosis, as well as improve the functioning of the sex gland. With the help of drugs that include this plant, you can cure cystitis and other inflammatory processes occurring in the urinary tract.

Precautionary measures

The indicated dosages cannot be overestimated. Treatment must begin with minimal doses. It is advisable to start taking half of the indicated dose during the first week. At the same time, you should carefully monitor your own well-being and respond to any changes. If necessary, reduce the dose to an acceptable level.


Dioscorea Caucasica also has contraindications for use. Preparations based on this plant should not be taken during pregnancy or bradycardia. Saponins can negatively affect the intestinal and gastric mucosa, so all medications should be taken only after meals. In addition, when taking such drugs, a person may experience itching of the skin, problems with appetite, increased sweating, and intestinal upset. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the dosage.

Dioscorea Caucasica: reviews

Reading reviews about this plant, you can find out that with its help, many have achieved some improvements in diseases such as scleroderma, sarcoidosis, glomerulonephritis. TO negative reviews One can attribute people's dissatisfaction to the fact that this plant, as well as preparations from it, are very difficult to find on the open market.

Recently, vines have become popular in landscape design. But few people know that many of their representatives are not only beautiful, but also useful for humans. One of these specimens is Dioscorea Caucasica, and what kind of vine this is and why it is so useful for the human body, we will now find out.

Botanical description

Dioscorea Caucasica is a representative of perennial herbaceous vines of the Dioscoreaceae family. Its length can vary between 2-4 m. The root is thick and long. Heart-oval shape lower leaves resembles a whorl, while the upper ones are slightly pointed, with arched veins.

Unisexual flowers have a characteristic green color. Dioscorea is dicotyledonous plant, in the racemes of which there are up to three flowers (this is the maximum). Its fruit is a box with three nests and the same number of sides. The flowering period is from May to June, fruiting period is from July to September.

Distribution and habitat

This is an endemic plant of the Caucasus. It is found in the west of Transcaucasia, living in oak groves, as well as among shrubs and in the mountains (at an altitude of up to 1 km).

Important! Dioscorea Caucasica is included in the Red Book.

Chemical composition

The plant contains steroid glycosides. Dioscin, which is the main component, can be broken down into components such as glucose, rhamnose and diosgenin. In addition, Dioscorea contains starch and fat-forming substances.

Beneficial features

Dioscorea Caucasian has a positive effect on humans:

  • binds and reduces cholesterol levels;
  • eliminates pain;
  • relieves fatigue and reduces fatigue;
  • prevents uric acid from remaining in the blood;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves memory and mood;
  • activates cardiovascular, renal and hepatic activity;
  • helps in the fight against excess weight.
It has immunomodulatory, restorative, sedative, diuretic and choleretic effects on the human body. In addition, the plant acts as an anti-inflammatory drug, reducing blood clotting.

Application in medicine

Preparations containing dioscorea are often used to treat various diseases: gout, arthritis, rheumatism, cataracts, atherosclerosis, sarcoidosis and others.

For the respiratory system

Dioscorea is used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia. The plant is consumed in the form of tea to:

  • increase blood circulation in the respiratory organs;
  • outflow of mucus;
  • increase the level of protection of the entire body.
Regular use of this drug allows a patient with bronchial asthma to improve overall well-being. In addition, Dioscorea helps fight allergic manifestations.

For the nervous system

To improve the functioning of the nervous system, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with decoctions. It is continued for 1 month, after which sleep will become complete, arterial pressure will return to normal, headaches and tinnitus will disappear.

For digestion

The root of the plant can also be used to treat gastritis (in its early stages), and also enhances the motility of the entire gastrointestinal tract. To do this, prepare a drink from crushed dioscorea root, ginger, fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, mint with the addition of boiling water. It is recommended to use the product immediately before meals.

For the cardiovascular system

Dioscorea is very useful for older people, as it is able to cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol. Taking remedies prepared from the root of the plant relieves the symptoms of atherosclerosis, improves the post-infarction state, and mitigates the consequences of stroke, high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis.

Dioscorea increases blood supply, dilates blood vessels, saturating cells with oxygen and nourishing them with nutrients, which helps reduce the likelihood of tachycardia and angina. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to take alcohol tinctures from the dry root.

For reproductive system functions

This herb is also used to treat diseases caused by hormonal imbalance. It is able to stop excessive estrogen synthesis, maintaining the condition of endometriosis patients. In addition, preparations from Dioscorea help preserve the fetus and support a woman during pregnancy. They treat hypogonadism, osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities, pain and cramps, vaginitis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes and endometritis.

Dioscorea can reduce the risk of cancer in women. It prevents the development of fibroids.

For the visual organs

A collection of dioscorea, sweet clover, sage, cumin and hawthorn treats cataracts, myopia and farsightedness, but only in the early stages. The duration of the course is three weeks.

Harm and side effects

Side effects from taking products containing vine root may include:

  • intestinal disorder;
  • itching on the skin.
In this case, it is worth reducing the dosage.


It is prohibited to take the above medications if the patient suffers from:

  • bradycardia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the plant.
Stroke is also a contraindication for taking Dioscorea Caucasica.

Recipes for preparing healing potions

For cooking medicines It is better to use roots older than 25 years. Decoctions, tinctures, ointments and other medicines are prepared from them.

Important! Dried roots of the plant can retain their properties for three years.

Alcohol tincture: how to take

To make a product such as alcohol tincture, you will need:

  • dry root of dioscorea - 50 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.
The root must be finely chopped and poured with alcohol (vodka). The product must be infused for 1 month. As soon as it acquires an orange-golden color, you can strain the tincture and begin therapy. For 4-12 months, take no more than 60 drops of the drug at a time and strictly after meals.

It is effective in combating allergic manifestations and inflammatory processes in the body. To carry out rehabilitation measures after a stroke and other heart diseases, the tincture is prepared according to a different recipe: 7 tbsp. 1.5 liters of dry rhizome of the vine are poured. alcohol and infuse for 10 days. Drink 1 tsp. with tea after meals. Course duration - 1 month.


You can also take the root of Dioscorea Caucasica, crushed to a powder form, for atherosclerosis. Take the powder, one-third of a teaspoon, with honey. After 10 days of therapy, you need to take a break for a week. This treatment should be continued for no longer than 4 months.


Dioscorea in the form of a decoction is used to treat atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, impaired pituitary function and sexual diseases, as well as metabolic disorders and hormonal problems. To prepare such a miraculous decoction you will need:

  • 1 tsp crushed plant root;
  • 1 tbsp. boiling water
Pour boiling water over the root and place on water bath for 25 minutes. Once the broth has cooled, strain it. Take 3 times a day strictly after meals. Single dose - 1 tbsp. Duration of treatment is 3 months (a week break is needed after each month).


The ointment is used to treat atherosclerosis of the legs. To do this, 100 g of crushed roots are poured into 400 g of pork fat. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 2 hours, remembering to stir. Next, you need to infuse the product for half an hour, then place it in the refrigerator for storage. Lubricate your feet with the prepared mixture before going to bed (be sure to wrap it in a towel afterwards) or hold it over steam.

Did you know? Dioscorea has estrogenic activity, but does not contain hormones.

Growing Dioscorea is quite easy. Liana is suitable for both street and apartment conditions. The main thing is to know all the needs of the plant.

Choosing a location and lighting

The place should be well lit, sunny or with slight shadow. The best option- light and diffuse light.Recommended temperature:

  • in summer - not lower than +20⁰C;
  • in winter - not lower than +13⁰C.
The plant tolerates dry conditions tolerably, but high humidity air will have a positive effect on its growth.

Substrate and fertilizers

Dioscorea loves neutral soils that are not heavy in nature. mechanical composition. A mixture of turf and leaf soil, coarse sand and humus is suitable.

During the growing season (from spring to autumn), it is worth fertilizing the vine every 2-3 weeks. For this you can use liquid mineral fertilizers for vines and ivy. Always follow the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Sowing and propagation

Dioscorea reproduces very poorly from seeds. To get a positive result, you need to support high temperature(about +30⁰C) air for a long period of time. Growth occurs very slowly.

It is best to propagate the vine from cuttings. In the spring, cut off the top specimens and root them in a peat mixture. Wrap in plastic to create a greenhouse. Just don’t forget to ventilate it and water the plant. As soon as the cutting grows and gets stronger, it can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Watering and humidity

In summer, Dios needs abundant watering. In autumn, the amount of water should be gradually reduced. With the arrival of winter and dormancy, watering becomes even more rare. This moment is determined by yellow color foliage. As soon as the leaves begin to turn green in the spring, the frequency of watering is increased again.


If the winter in your region is quite cold, the vine is insulated with the leaves it shed. In warm climates it does not need shelter.

Diseases and pests

The main pest is red spider mite(the leaves begin to dry and curl). You can get rid of a small number of these insects by washing the foliage soap solution or by spraying the plant with a tincture of onion peel. In case of severe damage, it is worth using the drug "Aktelik".

Dioscorea Caucasica - herbaceous plant, a representative of the rather numerous genus Dioscorea of ​​the Dioscoreaceae family. In some countries and various medical sources it is found as wild yam. Due to the valuable medicinal properties of the plant’s root, it is popularly called the “root of youth.” Remedies based on dioscorea root help with atherosclerosis, headaches, hypertension, and tinnitus.

This type The genus Dioscorea is endemic and occurs mainly in the Caucasus and the western part of Transcaucasia. His natural reserves very limited. Previously on the territory former USSR Only selected people could be treated with it, which is why Dioscorea Caucasica was sometimes also called the “Kremlin herb.” Currently developed effective methods cultivation of the plant, so it is no longer such a shortage and is available to everyone.

Botanical description

Dioscorea Caucasica is a perennial vine with a lifespan of more than 40 years. Under natural conditions, it grows in oak and oak-hornbeam forests, clearings, slopes, and bushes. Neutral, clay and rocky soil suits it. Reproduction is carried out vegetatively and by seeds.

The rhizome is powerful, thick and long, located horizontally, and has a brownish-brown color on the outside. Along its entire length it is covered with numerous hard roots. As the plant grows, it goes into the soil to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m.

The stems are climbing, unbranched, their length can reach 2.5 – 4 m.

The lower leaves are whorled, and the upper leaves are alternate or opposite. The leaves are petiolate, heart-shaped, oval, 6–15 cm long, pointed at the apex, with slightly notched edges, separated by arcuate veins. They have pubescence on the underside.

Interesting: The name of the genus Dioscorea comes from the name of the ancient Greek military doctor, naturalist and pharmacologist Pedanius Dioscorides, who described this plant in his writings.

The flowering period is from May to July. The plant is dioecious. The flowers are small, inconspicuous (only 3–4 mm in diameter) with a simple perianth of 6 petals, unisexual, yellowish-greenish in color. Staminate flowers are located 1–3 in a bunch in axillary racemes, and pistillate flowers are arranged singly in racemes.

The fruits ripen from July to September. They are triangular, three-lobed boxes measuring 2.5–3 cm with three membranous wings. The seeds have flat, wing-shaped projections, which provide them with good volatility.

Chemical composition

The rhizomes and roots of Dioscorea Caucasica contain up to 10% of the total amount of steroid saponins, derivatives of diosgenin, the most significant of which are dioscin, protodioscin and protogracillin. These compounds have a wide spectrum of activity. In particular, they are able to bind to cholesterol and remove it from the body, as well as destroy complex complexes of proteins and lipids that form on the walls of blood vessels and are the basis for the further formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition to saponins, wild yam contains fat-like substances, trace elements chromium and selenium, and starch.

Medicinal properties

Remedies based on Dioscorea Caucasica are especially effective for older people, as they:

  • have an antisclerotic effect;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • dilate peripheral vessels and improve coronary circulation;
  • normalize blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduce blood clotting.

Listed medicinal properties Dioscorea Caucasica is successfully used in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disorders, and hypertension. With its use, there is an improvement in general well-being, mood, memory, quality of sleep, cardiac activity, and the disappearance of tinnitus and headaches. The plant can be used to prevent heart attacks and strokes, and to improve the condition after them.

Interesting: Thanks to its beautiful bright green leaves in summer and golden yellow leaves in autumn, Dioscorea Caucasica has found application not only in folk medicine, but also in landscape design. Its stems can be used to decorate gazebos, fences, fences.

Dioscorea root also has the following medicinal properties:

  • exhibits a diuretic effect;
  • stimulates the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the functions of the liver and biliary tract;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects;
  • improves general physical condition, helps with fatigue;
  • has a sedative effect on the nervous system, relieves irritability.
It is effective for adrenal dysfunction, autoimmune diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis.

The plant is successfully used to restore vision in case of cataracts and other eye diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis). Decoctions and infusions of the plant are taken orally for certain skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis. Externally, powder from the root is used for frostbite and furunculosis.

Dioscorea Caucasica contains the compound diosgenin, which is a precursor of the steroid hormones cortisol and progesterone, and has estrogenic activity. Wild yam for women can be used for certain hormonal disorders, premenstrual syndrome and to reduce unwanted clinical symptoms during menopause.

Based on the roots of the plant, a new galenic preparation is made - Disponin tablets, which contain at least 30% water-soluble steroidal saponins. It is prescribed in the complex therapy of cerebral atherosclerosis, general atherosclerosis in combination with hypertension, and cardiosclerosis.

Procurement of raw materials

The roots and rhizomes of the plant are harvested as medicinal raw materials. It is believed that plants that are 25 years old are most suitable for medicinal purposes.

Collection can be carried out from the end of April to the end of October. They do it as follows. The rhizomes are dug up, separated from the soil and the remains of the stems, and then cut into pieces, washed cold water and dry, distributing thin layer, in air or in dryers at a temperature of no more than 50 ° C.

Dried rhizomes and roots of Dioscorea Caucasica have a bitter, slightly pungent taste and are odorless. At the fracture they are whitish, and the outside surface is light brown. Finished raw materials should be stored for no more than 3 years in a ventilated area in paper bags, boxes or boxes.

Important: Wild yam is a relict plant listed in the Red Book; therefore, only plants grown specifically under artificial conditions are currently used for medicinal purposes.

Methods of application

Vodka tincture, decoctions, teas, infusions, and dry powder are prepared from the roots and rhizomes of Dioscorea Caucasica. Considering that the plant is listed in the Red Book and its independent collection and preparation in special places can be difficult, for the preparation of folk remedies, you can use ready-made medicinal raw materials of Dioscorea, which are sold in pharmacies.

Warning: Dioscorea root preparations should be taken orally after meals, as they have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Vodka tincture for heart disease and post-stroke conditions

Dry crushed roots (7.5 tbsp) are poured into 1.5 liters of vodka and left for 10 days in the absence of light. Use 1 tsp. three times a day with warm tea. When all the prepared tincture of Caucasian Dioscorea is finished, its use is continued again after a month's break. Treatment consists of 3 – 4 such courses.

Tea to improve memory, sleep, prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension

Crushed dry dioscorea raw materials are mixed with green tea leaves in a ratio of approximately 1 to 2. The resulting mixture is brewed like regular tea. Take in the morning once a day.

Remedy for atherosclerosis

A powder is made from the dried rhizomes of the plant by grinding them in a coffee grinder or in some other way. Three times a day for 10 days, take 0.2 g of the resulting powder, seizing it with a teaspoon of honey. Treatment is continued for 3–4 months, with one-week breaks between courses.

Remedy for various chronic inflammatory diseases and allergies

The crushed raw materials (50 g) are poured into ½ liter of vodka and the resulting composition is infused for one month, shaking regularly. After time, filter and drink the resulting vodka extract of wild yam three times a day, 30-60 drops, diluting them with water. Depending on the severity of the disease, the treatment period can range from 4 months to one year.

Root decoction for hormonal problems and cardiac disorders

Powder prepared from the dry root of the plant, in an amount of 1.5 g, is placed in a saucepan, poured with a glass of hot water and placed in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then cool, filter, and bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1 tbsp for one month. l. three times a day. After a three-week break, repeat the dose. Treatment consists of 2 – 3 courses.


When using products from Dioscorea Caucasica, contraindications are also taken into account. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • bradycardia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy;
  • low blood pressure.

Despite the relatively small list of contraindications, before starting treatment with this plant, it would not be superfluous to consult a doctor.

It is very important to strictly follow the dosages specified in the recipes, since exceeding them is fraught with acceleration of heart contractions and the appearance of edema. Side effects may include loss of appetite, itchy skin, excessive sweating, and intestinal disorders in some people. The appearance of these symptoms requires temporary cessation of treatment or dosage reduction.

Appearance of medicinal raw materials and medicinal properties of Caucasian Dioscorea:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Instructions for use:

Dioscorea Caucasica is a relict perennial herbaceous vine belonging to the genus Dioscorea of ​​the Dioscoreaceae family. It is found mainly in the Caucasus and the western regions of Transcaucasia. Due to its low prevalence, this plant was listed in the Red Book in 1979 and is currently cultivated for medicinal purposes.

Chemical composition

The main biologically active substance contained in the rhizomes of Dioscorea Caucasica are saponins. The main steroidal saponin, dioscin, is broken down during hydrolysis into glucose, diosgenin and rhamnose.

The roots of the vine are also rich in fat-like substances and starch, and can concentrate selenium and chromium.

Beneficial features

Preparations of Dioscorea Caucasica have diuretic, choleretic, hypotensive, sedative, analgesic, antisclerotic and antimicrobial effects.

  • dilate peripheral vessels;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduce lipoid deposits in the arteries and liver.

These properties determine the anti-sclerotic effectiveness of Dioscorea preparations, their ability to improve hemodynamics and thereby stimulate cardiac and brain activity.

Saponins also deepen breathing, increase the amplitude of heart contractions, have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, activate bile secretion, increase diuresis, and enhance the motor function of the stomach.

Indications for use

In folk medicine, Dioscorea Caucasica is used to cleanse the affected liver in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction.

Liana is taken to improve vision and cardiovascular activity, for arthritis and gout, as a general strengthening and immunomodulatory agent, for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with impaired bile secretion, urination and impaired blood flow.

Dioscorea helps reduce the frequency of epileptic attacks.

Decoctions, infusions and extracts of the plant improve general physical condition, help fight irritability, insomnia, and fatigue. They are recommended for headaches, eye diseases and diabetes mellitus, after strokes and heart attacks, are widely used in dermatology. Preparations of this vine are taken internally for psoriasis, neurodermatitis, xanthomas, eczema, and mastocytosis.

Infusions and decoctions of dioscorea help normalize the functioning of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, the activity of the adrenal glands and ovaries.

There is an opinion that Dioscorea Caucasian preparations can overcome certain types of cancer by destroying the affected cells and preventing the formation of new ones.

The rhizomes of the vine are used for the production of new galenic preparations “Polysponin” and “Diosponin”. “Polysponin” is a lipid-lowering agent that lowers cholesterol levels, increases the level of phospholipids in the blood, lowers the cholesterol/phospholipid ratio, and lowers blood pressure. “Diosponin” is an anticholesterolemic agent that has a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect, reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, increasing the lecithin/cholesterol ratio, thereby reducing the risk of cholesterol deposition in arterial vessels and the formation of cholesterol plaques. Diosponin also dilates peripheral blood vessels, improves heart function, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood clotting, increases diuresis, and increases bile secretion.

Dioscorea preparations are used for rheumatoid arthritis, tinnitus, headaches, cataracts, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

Dioscorea Caucasica is used not only as a remedy, but also as a preventative. Liana preparations are used to prevent general, coronary and cerebral atherosclerosis, to improve vision and memory, enhance immunity, strengthen the heart, and prevent liver and kidney diseases.

Infusions and extracts of the plant are taken to improve sleep and mood, combat increased fatigue, and stimulate activity gastrointestinal tract.

In pharmacies, Dioscorea Caucasica is sold in the form of crushed raw materials, alcohol tincture and in granules.


  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • younger children;
  • individual hypersensitivity to the plant.

Dioscorea preparations should be used with caution in hypotensive patients (due to the ability of Dioscorea to lower blood pressure).

The plant can irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, so drugs should not be taken orally on an empty stomach.

Dioscorea caucasica can cause the following: side effects: itching, increased sweating, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders. If they occur, you should consult a doctor.

Home remedies from Dioscorea caucasica

  • tincture for the treatment of allergies and chronic inflammatory processes: 50 g of dried crushed rhizomes, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, close the container tightly, leave for 4 weeks in a cool, dark place, strain. Take 30 drops, diluted in ¼ glass of water, 3 times a day after meals for 3 months;
  • remedy for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and brain: grind dry rhizomes to a powder, mix 10 g of powder with 1 spoon of honey. Take 3 times a day for 10 days;
  • migraine infusion, chronic fatigue and tachycardia: 15 g of crushed rhizomes, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 spoon 2 times a day;
  • remedy for improving sleep and memory: mix 1 spoon of crushed roots with 2 spoons of green tea, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos for an hour. Use instead of tea;
  • ointment for the treatment of atherosclerosis of the legs: grind 100 g of dry root into powder, place in glass jar, pour in 300–400 g of melted unsalted pork fat. Boil in a water bath for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, and cool. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Use the product to rub the lower extremities before bed, starting with the fingers and gradually moving upward. After applying the ointment, it is recommended to wrap your feet;
  • tincture against atherosclerosis for oral administration: 50 g of fresh or 100 g of dry root, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for a month in a dark, warm place, shaking the container periodically. Take 1 tsp after meals. 3 times a day for 1 month. If necessary, repeat the course after 15–20 days.