Decorative plaster with a textured fabric roller. Rollers for decorative plaster. Tool for decorative plaster. Types of relief rollers

Rollers for decorative plaster somewhat different from most other rollers. The fact is that the decorative effect of the material lies in its special texture, thanks to which the finished room looks unique and stylish. To achieve the desired effect, it is important not only to choose correct plaster, but also choose a suitable roller, and also use correct technique application. All this is worthy of closer consideration.

There are at least two varieties of this instrument. Rollers for decorative plaster are most often classified according to the material of the working surface and the type of result obtained.

What is the working surface of the roller made of?

There is no specific standard for what a roller for decorative plaster should be made of. At the same time, applying different types rollers will definitely give some special, characteristic effect. The most commonly used materials are:

  1. Rubber. The rubber coating of the roller is specially made uneven, with certain bulges and depressions, in order to achieve the required texture. As a result of working with this tool, you should get a fairly even, unusual pattern.
  2. Wood. It is very similar to the previous option in terms of its purpose, but it is easier to work with - during application the plaster does not stick to its surface. Natural material completely harmless in the sense that it does not enter into any chemical reactions with plaster and can be used for finishing any premises. Due to the characteristic way wood reacts to water, the tool must be thoroughly cleaned and dried after each use.
  3. Plastic. In terms of its characteristics, this is an almost exact copy of its rubber counterpart, but this option is cheaper. Plastic has not replaced rubber only because it is relatively short-lived - it cracks and deforms quite quickly. Accordingly, it can be purchased for a one-time DIY repair, but it is unlikely to be of much help to a professional who works constantly.
  4. Leather. Such rollers for smoothing plaster are among the most expensive, and are usually used for the most expensive work - for example, applying Venetian plaster. The end result is very reminiscent of marble in its smoothness; it is almost impossible to achieve a similar effect with another roller. Genuine leather will last longer and give better results than artificial leather.
  5. Pile. The working surface of the roller is made of natural or faux fur. You need to choose such a tool according to two main criteria - the length of the pile (directly affects the smoothness or roughness of the surface; the shorter, the smoother it will be) and the reliability of its fastening (hairs that come out will remain in the plaster and ruin appearance).

A little less often, foam plastic, fabric and foam rubber are also used as materials for the working surface of the tool - each of these materials gives a special roughness.

How to choose a roller based on the type of final pattern?

Rollers for decorative plaster are usually designed for a specific effect. Usually they are all divided into two large groups:

  • Rollers for textured plaster are focused on creating an original, non-repeating pattern, thanks to which a wall finished with plaster is very reminiscent of the design of some other material - for example, wood or marble, fur or even textiles. Moreover, to imitate each of these materials, you need a special roller: for a “fur coat” - a fleecy one, for marble - a leather one, and so on.
  • Structural rollers also give a relief result, but their goal is uniformity and repeatability of the final pattern. The working surface of such a tool must be hard enough so that its relief does not change during operation.

Structural beads create a uniform repeating pattern

How to use a roller correctly?

The features of applying plaster with your own hands depend on the tool itself, since each of its varieties requires special handling. General recommendations for all types of rollers is the absence of strong pressure on the tool and smooth movements with easy gliding.

It is highly advisable not to tear the tool away from the surface of the wall being finished while working, because the “joints” will be very noticeable.

Rollers are available in various widths - they can be either short (up to 30 cm) or long (more than 50 cm). Obviously, size affects the speed of work - the larger the width, the faster you can “roll up” the wall, however hard to reach places Can't get into it with a bulky tool.

  • The large width of the roller helps to obtain a good result.
  • The convexity or recess of the future pattern on the wall is opposite to the convexity or recesses of the working surface of the roller.
  • The plaster on which the textured tool is used must first dry out a little, otherwise relief surface the roller will simply “scatter” the future pattern.

Working with a structural roller has fairly similar recommendations, but there are also differences - for example, the layer of plaster to which the pattern is given should be thinner and applied on top of a ready-made surface of paint or plaster.

When applying plaster with such a tool, it is extremely important to monitor the evenness of the passes; it is extremely undesirable to be distracted and abandon the strict geometry of the work.

In any case, applying plaster with your own hands is done strictly from top to bottom, without overlaps, in an even layer.

Is it possible to make a roller with your own hands?

Rollers for applying plaster are usually relatively inexpensive, but it’s not always possible to find exactly the one you want. If the person doing the repairs has his own design vision of the final result, but there are no suitable rollers in the store, you should try to make the tool yourself - in this case you can achieve the desired effect, and the likelihood of the finished pattern being unique increases.

To create a special roller with your own hands, a simple rubber or plastic roller, which can be found in any hardware store. Imitation of another material is usually done this way:

  1. A wood texture can be obtained by wrapping an ordinary roller with a rubber band. The resulting texture depends on how the individual turns are made. For greater durability, it is advisable to glue the harness to the base.
  2. By analogy, you can make a textile roller with your own hands, only instead of a rope it is covered with fabric. Each fabric naturally ends up with its own pattern. After conducting some experiments, you can get a much larger assortment of products. available options than in most construction supermarkets.
  3. A curious effect is achieved by wrapping the roller with polyethylene. Here the result strongly depends on how tightly the synthetic material fits the roller - if you glue it well and tightly, you will get more smooth surface, while a simple winding will give a blurry effect.
  4. Alternatively, you can not wrap the roller with anything, but simply cut out the texture directly on its surface. For these purposes, rubber or foam tools are usually used, since in both cases the material from which the working surface is made is easily self-processing with a knife.

Plastering work is an important stage of finishing work. Not only plaster aligns and protects surface structural elements buildings, but also gives them certain texture and color.

Creating a plaster layer requires skill and knowledge, in particular about the available arsenal of materials and tools, their properties, functions, as well as when and in what combinations they are used.

Special rollers are used as hand tools during so-called “wet” plastering work. With their help, the master creates the last layer of coating on the surface, performing protective and decorative functions.

What kind of instrument is this?

A decorative roller is a working part of a tool that is rotated by the clutch with the surface being treated.

Is used for:

  • applying paints and plasters in layers of unequal thickness;
  • to give decorative unevenness to laid but still wet plaster.

Roller rotates around a metal rod, connected to the handle (the entire base structure is called the “handle for rollers”).

The roller consists of a rigid (usually plastic) base - a cylinder with a through axial hole and a working surface, giving the roller elasticity, as well as the properties of the decorating tool.

Types of rollers by material type

The name of each decorative roller includes the following information:

  • about the material of the working surface;
  • about the effect it will create;
  • and, sometimes, about the properties of the recommended plaster composition.

More often the rollers are removable and characterized by their length and diameter(sometimes diagonally), as well as the thickness of the shaft of a suitable handle.

The soft working cloth, which absorbs the plaster mass, is often called a “fur coat”. This is what they say about pile and foam rubber.

Hard and elastic rollers, the pattern of which leaves a clear imprint, made of rubber, wood or plastic.

Skin and tissue form a soft, flexible fabric with changeable outlines. The stiffer the roller, the higher the requirement for the evenness of the wall.


Rubber - chemically resistant and non-toxic material, easy to clean, does not absorb moisture, and lasts a long time. Rubber products are inexpensive.

On the smooth textured plaster that has not set, a rubber roller with a convex pattern is pressed into the pattern. From impressions made with any other instrument, the result has the same depth and uniform distribution of pattern elements.

The wider the roller, the greater the step of the ornament (the width increases due to the diameter of the base).

There are rollers made of rubber sponge with large porosity. They doing well with the application of plasters with decorative filler.


The contact surface of a decorative wood roller is formed either by gluing the parts to a flat cylinder, or cutting holes in it.

Due to the hardness of the material, excessive force applied to the wooden roller will may leave a mark not only from the drawing, but also from the “background”. This is not bad for border design, where border imprints are not only acceptable, but also form part of the design.


Molded plastic produces surfaces for embossing, and gas-filled plastic produces foam “coats.”

The molded plastic working surface of the plaster roller is easy to clean, but sometimes “inaccurate” in work with some compositions due to their hardness and adhesion to working mixture. In terms of service life, plastic is inferior to rubber, but has a lower cost.

Made of thin plastic, soft or hard, compressed, twisted or otherwise folded and wound on a rigid elastic roller, get a working surface for easy embossing with an unobtrusive pattern.

Soft perforated plaster roller - means creating a fine-grained surface, the relief of which is formed more by the decorative filler than by the shape of the tool surface.


The decorative ability of a leather roller is achieved material arrangement on a base with the formation of folds.

Depending on whether the folds are fixed with glue or freely arranged, the pattern, unique in itself, will appear on the wall regular or as natural as possible.

The last one is the “free” option indispensable when creating marble texture. But without meeting other additional conditions, such an effect will not happen; the roller will create an equally interesting, but more “cozy” pattern.

Hard fixed leather “wrinkles” will leave embossed unidirectional pattern, similar to a rubber print, but softer.


Roller with a fluffy working surface applies plaster coating with roughness the smaller and more often the shorter the pile.

The surface may become slate-like., or covered with openwork non-woven fabric. The effect depends both on the thickness and material of the pile, and on the type of plaster.

The pile can be made of polyacrylic, polyester, polyamide, and is also found natural fur. Such rollers are often used for painting rough surfaces and to create a plaster coating with an unobtrusive texture that does not focus on the volume of the room, masking the unevenness of the wall.

By type of drawing

To determine the type of decorative roller pattern for plastering works It’s better to focus on its appearance than on its name.

Descriptions of this instrument always contain the words “textured” and “structural”, despite the fact that these are not synonyms, the same tool can be found called one way or another, or even two words at the same time.


Even with the existing confusion with terminology, it is not difficult to notice that the word “structural” is usually present in the trade names of foam rollers.

It is the spongy surface and captures filler commensurate with pores and without dragging, “puts it in place.” The decorative effect is created by the structure of the plaster.

Most of those rollers that apply plaster directly to the wall are suitable for structural compositions. Their folds are designed not to interfere with the work of the coarse aggregate and, if desired, to add relief patterns, imitating natural material.


Textured soft roller can visually imitate the presence of inclusions in the plaster - that is, to create a coating with the texture of structural plaster.

The purpose of using textured rollers is give the surface the appearance of some material: natural stone, tree bark, leather upholstery, patterned wallpaper and much more. etc. An example can be seen in the photo.

Undoubtedly textured - solid rollers with embossed or convex details. Their property is the predictability of the result. On a fresh plaster layer they leave a clear pattern of equal depth over the entire area.

To maximize the decorative effect, the plaster filler must be thin.

These same rollers leave a colored pattern of paint on the dried plaster. Such rollers are especially it is important to roll exactly in a straight line.

How to do it yourself?

Design paint roller simple and familiar, but there is no need to make it in a homemade way. A convert work surface, or create a new one - a feasible task, not expensive and win-win.

  1. Wound on a smooth roller rigid waterproof fabric(or wet, but dense), crumpled or twisted, will add a tool to the master’s arsenal for creating a natural pattern on plaster.
  2. If the cover of the pile roller is “interrupted” by a string wound at a noticeable pitch, you can achieve different levels of roughness with a directional pattern. You can also cut out spots or grooves, then the “fur coat” relief pattern will become more complex, and the “cobwebs” will become more delicate.
  3. Small smooth objects, glued to a roller with a thin working surface (for example, velor), or to a rubber one (for wallpaper), will leave a clear rhythmic pattern on the plaster.
  4. They will add additional surfaces, periodic relief level“gaps” cut out in the foam roller or a rope wound around it with a large pitch. And by wrapping it around a smooth roller, you can easily obtain a tool for clear embossing with a unique pattern.
  5. Mastery of wood carving techniques will allow you to create a cliche with a complex and readable design. Copy paper will transfer the contours from paper to wood.

How to apply decorative plaster “fur coat”?

A plaster composition, including cement and fine sand (1:3, 1:2, 1:1), forms a “fur coat” coating if diluted to the consistency of thick, viscous flowing paint and applied with a long-nap roller.

The preferred choice is slag or pumice sand (then the mixture is mixed for at least 2 minutes).

A solution that is too thin will drain from both the tool and the wall, and a solution that is too thick will not cover the entire depth of the roller pile.

In the second case you can apply the mixture with a spatula, and the roller will become a tool that gives the layer of slightly set plaster the texture of a “fur coat.”

Mixture with the addition of coarse aggregate requires the use of a short-hair roller, and diluted with water in the ratio specified by the manufacturer.

Decorative facade plaster roller includes the following steps:

  1. The surface is cleaned of foreign materials and loose layers, of oil stains and exposed salts, and uneven areas are filled with leveling plaster.
  2. Using a hard, sharp instrument, notches in the form of an oblique mesh are applied to the wall.
  3. The entire surface is wetted and primed twice (with a brush).
  4. The plaster is picked up with a roller from a paint bath and applied to the wall, without pressure, in the longest parallel strips possible, without gaps.
  5. To apply the second layer, you do not have to take a 1-2-day break for drying; it is enough to slightly level the set previous layer.

Leveling the coated layer of “fur coat” plaster will give the surface the texture of cork coating.

When choosing decorative rollers for plaster, it is worth remembering that different patterns They don't look nice next to each other. Upon completion of work, both the roller and the rod require thorough cleaning and drying.

Applying decorative plaster fur coat: video instructions.

The decorative roller is constantly used for finishing works using structural plaster. In addition, it can be improved or made with your own hands. Homemade roller - a budget option, with which you can qualitatively finish the walls yourself and to your taste.

Using a homemade roller you can make original decor on the walls

Renewed old roller with your own hands

Making a modernized decorative roller is not difficult, especially if you have an old foam roller lying around the house; you have a simple cord, a clothesline (50 cm is enough), a plastic bag, scissors, a knife and tape. On a separate section of any of the walls, after covering it with decorative plaster, you can try the following options and choose the appropriate one:

  1. To improve the appearance of plaster, create on it decorative pattern, a cord and clothesline are wound around the old roller. The type of pattern will depend on their thickness. A distinct rhythm will appear on the wall. Its regularity can be controlled by the number of passes, frequency of turns and direction. Unusual pattern appears from the depressions on the roller.
  2. An old foam roller will also come in handy. With its help you can make a patterned design with bulges. First, cuts are made with a knife, then with scissors, cuts of any diameter are made. A wide bulge will appear from the thickness of the cutout, which will build the pattern.
  3. The roller will look textured if you put a soft sleeve on it, rewound with thread.

Any of these rollers can be used finishing layer add plaster to the walls beautiful shape, attractive depth or completely change the interior of your house or apartment.

If there is no old roller, you can easily make a new one with your own hands.

Roller made from scrap materials

Roller design for painting walls and ceilings For the future decorative roller, you must first make a base - a cylinder. There are several options for obtaining an elongated item cylindrical

  1. required for the base:
  2. Rolling pin for dough. Since it is wooden, it is easy to drill a hole in it along its entire length. A thick wire or metal rod bent into the shape of a handle is inserted into the hole. You can use a handle from an old roller.
  3. Plastic pipe (d=5 cm, l= 10 cm). To close the side holes in the pipe, plugs are cut out of plastic, which are placed on glue, and holes are made in them for the handle. If there lathe

, you can machine a roller from metal, rubber, plastic, or wood on it, and then attach a handle to it.

Once you have the base, you can start making a decorative roller. A randomly twisted cord on the prepared layer of plaster will create a one-of-a-kind relief pattern.

From a plastic bag, an ordinary vegetable net, wound on a base made by yourself and secured with tape, a pattern with winding folds and uneven wrinkles will appear on the wall. Cellophane can be replaced with any fabric material. Foam rubber lying around the house is also used. After fixing it with tape on homemade instrument

, drawings are cut out on it. The process of making such a roller is labor-intensive, but as a result the wall will be a real decoration of the room. If you don't have foam rubber, you can find a piece of rubber. Of course, it is more difficult to cut on rubber, but the quality of the pattern will be noticeably higher. To obtain a longitudinal structural pattern, a tool is made with convexities on the surface.

Decorative roller made from scraps of fabric and foam rubber

Correct application of plaster

  1. Using a roller, which you can make yourself, will be advisable if you follow all the rules for applying decorative plaster to walls: The surface that you intend to renew must be prepared - cleaned of old decoration
  2. (paint, wallpaper), degrease and coat with primer. If the master is going to apply two layers of plaster, then first a smooth layer is made with flat surface
  3. Afterwards, a rich structural second layer of plaster is applied to the wall. If the interior requires it and it is necessary to clearly delineate the layers, special tape is used. For arbitrary shapes, a self-adhesive sealant is used, which is used on windows.
  4. It is worth considering that the plaster has a quick-drying property, so the textured pattern should be applied quickly.
  5. It is undesirable to press the tool on the plastered surface; you can accidentally ruin the intended texture. Movements should be light and sliding.
  6. After decorative layer applied completely, (after about 20 minutes) a wet mesh is used to polish the protrusions on the finished relief surface.
  7. After two days (this is the optimal time for the walls and plaster to dry completely), the entire surface is completely cleaned of defects. After which it is covered with paint of the required color.

Choosing a variety of things for the roller textured coating, it is necessary to present the final result.

If you put a sleeve with a pile on the base of the roller, you can create a structural relief “like a fur coat.” It is more often used for concrete and brick exterior walls. In this case, the pile must be at least 18 cm long.

Working with a hand-made textured roller is suitable not only for creative people. Anyone who has the desire to create a home original interior, can make it from ordinary scrap materials.

Decorative plaster or paint in Lately is especially popular, as it allows you to give the room a stylish, original interior. And to work with these finishing materials, a textured roller is used. And what types of them exist and what their features are, we will now try to find out.

Textured rollers and features of their use

To work with a textured roller, you do not need any special skills or knowledge. It is enough just to prepare the paint and roll the tool in a special ditch. This must be done in order to avoid smudges when painting the surface. And in this case the paint will lay down in an even layer. And the plaster is free of clots and lumps on the surface.

Note! It is highly undesirable to use the same tool for various types coatings That is, for textured paint we use one type of tool, and for plaster, respectively, another. You can buy such tools in a store or make your own.

Materials for the manufacture of decorative rollers

Modern instruments differ in the type of material they use. Today the following types of decorative rollers are available on the market:

There are also analogues with a base made of foam rubber, polystyrene foam and fabric. Foam rubber options are used for priming the first layer for subsequent application of decor. They are also great for creating bubbles on the surface. Fabric analogues, for the manufacture of which plush soft fabric is used, form relief marks (patterns) on the wall. Devices with a foam base resemble a rubber counterpart. But you need to remember that polystyrene foam is short-lived.

Classification of decorative rollers by pattern texture

Each tool has a different structure that produces the final design. It could be an imitation natural materials or arbitrary ornaments. All instruments are divided into two types.

Types of tools:

Also, the tools are divided among themselves according to the width of the roller. The minimum width reaches 30 centimeters. The wider the roller, the faster it is to apply textured paint. But a narrow roller allows you to create a clear, original structure.

How to make your own decorative roller

Some finishing tools are quite expensive. Therefore, making a roller with your own hands from scrap materials will be an excellent and inexpensive way out of this situation. And now you will find out how to do it.

First method

In this case, we will need: a clothesline and an unnecessary old roller with a strong handle and a reliable roller. Wind the rope around the roller and secure the ends. Please note that depending on the frequency of the winding, you can adjust the texture of the stripes and patterns on the wall.

Option number two

For this method we need an old foam roller. We make cuts on the foam rubber in several places with sharp scissors and get a texture tool with an original effect.

Third way

Another method is to wrap the roller with polyethylene and then secure it with thread. And to give the marks texture instead of polyethylene, you can use regular tape.

Fourth option

Skilled craftsmen offer to make a structural roller yourself, the creation of which will require some imagination and a little patience and perseverance. And in order to achieve high-quality coverage, you need to think through your idea in detail. You can also use templates when covering the surface with finishing material. So, to obtain structural plaster, it is worth considering the following option for creating a tool yourself:

In a word, you can create absolutely any structure on the wall using available materials.

Technique for applying plaster with a structural roller

In order for the plaster to last long, you need to pre-treat the surface. If you plan to use a textured roller to paint the surface, then there is no need to paint the surface in the main color. However, it must be remembered that when working with a structural analogue, such a procedure is mandatory. Otherwise, the pattern on the roller will stretch the finished mixture in the wrong direction.

Painting the surface correctly

To achieve optimal results, you should use the following tips:

To create a texture simulating “fur coat”, textile fibers and marble chips, you can use a textured roller to apply paint with a textured base. It is recommended to apply the finishing material to the walls by first rolling the tool in a container with paint. If excess begins to form during the work, it must be removed with a spatula.

Using decorative rollers, you can create original design, which will be in no way inferior to the work of a professional. And all that is required of you is to choose an instrument with the desired structure and turn on your imagination - and the result will certainly delight you with its splendor.

Decorative plaster is widely used in interior decoration. For many years it has been used both for interior work, and for external ones. It has wear-resistant properties, is waterproof, and after application to the surface forms a durable layer. This type finishing material allows you to use many different design solutions, gives the room texture and originality color design. Various designs are applied to the surface using decorative plaster rollers. Having studied the technology, finishing with such material will not be difficult. special labor. You can do it yourself without involving expensive professionals.

Decorative plaster

Before you learn how to apply different patterns to a layer of decorative plaster, you need to become more familiar with this material. It is a particularly durable coating that contains certain fillers. For example, pebbles, chips of marble, granite, mica, quartz, wood fiber. Such a solution must contain polymer and acrylic substances; they are responsible for the binding functions. Thanks to them, the plaster acquires elasticity and sets after a certain period of time. It is quite enough to apply a pattern to the surface using textured rollers.

Types of plaster

There are two main types of decorative plaster:

  1. Textured. This solution forms a relief immediately after application. This is due to the presence of granules in it. Based on their size, the mixture is divided into large-, medium-, fine- and fine-textured.
  2. Structural. Forms an elastic and smooth layer; rollers for decorative plaster are used to apply the relief. The color of the solution is predominantly white, tinted by adding special dyes.

Types of rollers for decorative plaster

Peculiarities of this material allow you to create a unique and original relief on the surface. Each of them corresponds to a specific type of roller. Let's look at the most common of them:

Rollers for textured plaster: selection rules

In order to apply the necessary relief to the surface of decorative plaster, the main thing is to choose the right roller.

How to create complex patterns on the surface of decorative plaster?

Natural patterns on a plastered wall look very beautiful. In order to create it, it is enough to use a relief roller and a not very thick solution. It is necessary to apply the mixture in the chosen direction, which is not recommended to be changed later.

The situation is much more complicated with complex artistic patterns. Of course, there are rollers for decorative plaster with certain reliefs. However, it is impossible to use the technology described above, since in some places the mixture will be applied in a very thick layer, and other areas will be left without any finishing material at all. In this case, it is most important to first apply the plaster with a spatula, and only after that go over it with a shaped roller. The speed, pressure and direction of movement should be the same throughout the entire area. After the first strip is laid, all subsequent ones are carried out end to end with the previous one; overlaps and indentations are not allowed.

DIY roller

Rollers can be purchased at any hardware store. However, if you want to give the finish a truly individual and unique look, then you can make such a tool yourself. For these purposes, a wallpaper rubber roller, a thick rope, strips of rubber or leather (sometimes you can use regular erasers) and glue are perfect.

It is necessary to cut out some kind of shape from leather or other materials described above. Its form is chosen in individually. The figures need to be glued at a certain distance so that a clear relief appears on the surface of the plaster. It is advisable to decorate the edges of the nozzle as equally as possible, so that when working with a roller there is no difference between the sides.

Applying decorative plaster with a roller

So, let's get acquainted with detailed technology applying ornaments to the surface of the plaster.

Other methods of applying patterns

Rollers for decorative plaster are not the only tool for applying designs to the surface. For these purposes, you can use a foam sponge, a brush, a stiff brush, or a rough cloth.

With the help of rollers for decorative plaster you can give the room an original and unique design. Don't be afraid to experiment and make unconventional decisions.