What is envy? The energetic nature of envy and the mechanism of its influence. Why is envy dangerous and how to overcome it?

When a person is emotionally aroused, energy is produced (released). The feeling of envy causes a certain emotion and, accordingly, leads to the release of energy of low vibration frequency. The release of energy occurs through human energy centers - chakras. The three lower chakras relate to the animal essence of man and are responsible for instincts. They produce low vibration frequency energy.

Envy comes from the animal sense of competition, the progenitor of which, in turn, is the survival instinct. Therefore, we can say that envy is part of the survival program in this world.

Envy is a program - a mechanism for eliminating the advantageous qualities of an opponent at a subtle energy level.

When you experience a feeling of envy, energy is released into the energy-informational field (aura) of the person you envy. An energy strike occurs, blocking the normal functioning and interaction of the chakras and human energy bodies. If a person has weak energy and does not have any energy protection, then he may soon begin to have problems with his health, as well as in work, creativity, finances, relationships with loved ones, because we are talking about pressure on the psyche.

Example: one of my friends writes poetry. And then one fine day he decides to display the results of his creativity on one popular portal on the Internet. The next day his voice disappears. Fifth energy center(chakra), responsible for creativity, is located in the throat area. I think you understand how everything happens. Popularity is a thing. Almost every public person has people (psychics, healers) who advise them on issues of energy protection.

Man has powerful psychic abilities. There is a type of fighting called non-contact fighting. Masters of non-contact combat neutralize the enemy without even touching him, and do not allow him to touch himself. The fight takes place at the energetic level with the help of psychic energy. No matter how technically prepared and physically “pumped up” the opponent is, he will not be able to resist the onslaught of an invisible psychic attack.

It is not for nothing that all spiritual teachings and teachers say that envy enslaves and destroys a person’s soul. Develop spiritually, know yourself, control thoughts, desires and actions. The feeling of envy is characteristic of every person; it is embedded in our animal basis. Only self-knowledge and self-improvement will allow you to get rid of this feeling that destroys your soul and the energy of other people. Get out of the imposed patterns of thinking and behavior, try to look at things from the outside with an “uncluttered” look. This will allow you to see this world as it really is, and not as it is presented to us.

Be careful! The feeling of envy is often hidden under the guise of a sense of justice.

Be careful! A sense of fairness should play a role when you give something, but not when you receive something, otherwise it can develop into feelings of resentment or envy.

Be reasonable! If every person begins to work on himself, on the qualities of his character, then this world will be doomed to prosperity.

Why does envy arise? Can envy really harm a person? And how can you get rid of the influence of envious people?

Recently, social envy has begun to arise more and more often (to material well-being, to human achievements). Envy has become a key object of research for a huge number of scientists, psychologists, and sociologists, who in their works highlight different types envy.

It is interesting that the envious person does not realize that he is envious. And all researchers agree on this. That's why an envious person is dangerous. He sincerely believes that he is driven by some noble motives - the desire for justice, the desire to punish vice, to “take and divide everything.” In fact, the envious person is driven by envy. This is noticeable to everyone except himself.

There are three stages of envy.

  • At the first stage, envy occurs at the level of consciousness - a person is still a little aware of it and tries to cope with it.
  • Then envy turns to - this is a feeling of anger and hatred towards those who have something that the envious person does not have.
  • And finally, the third stage of envy is the stage of real behavior - causing harm, action. The envious person is forced to act.

As the famous psychoanalyst Peter Kutter writes, the envious person feels unwell: his blood pressure rises, vasospasm occurs, bile flows, the color of his face changes, because destructive biological processes begin in his body. Envious people live poorly and poorly, but at the same time they manage to harm a huge number of people.

Envy is destructive and what is popularly called “damage” or “ the evil eye" - this is our psychological reaction to us. Any person feels how they treat him and experiences strong emotional stress, overcoming envy and ill will. And in the end it is exhausted psychological protection, psychic powers, psychic. A person begins to get sick, and sometimes even dies. This is the phenomenon of “damage” with psychological point vision.

We often encounter manifestations. Envious people, by and large, would like to destroy not only the property of the object of envy, not only his property, but his actual personality. Only this will bring them complete satisfaction. It should be said that envy is very a large number of of people. Another thing is that for some, envy does not go beyond the conscious level, acquiring the nature of competition - to achieve, achieve, learn. And for others it switches to emotional level and to the level of actual behavior (causing harm). A striking example is slander, denigration of a person’s reputation. People are often horrified to find out what is being said behind their back.

Researchers write that envious people themselves get sick. But this does not make it any easier for those who are envied. Thus, knowing that a robber or rapist feels bad does not provide any moral satisfaction, since the object of envy wants not to be harmed TO HIM.

Many questions relate to envy within the family. How so? Does envy come from family and friends? The ancient Greek thinker Aristotle answered this question. He believed that people envy those who are close to them in time, age, social status. Naturally, envy among people takes on the most dangerous and ugly forms.

Remember! An envious person is dangerous precisely because he is not aware of the reasons for his behavior. He pours out negativity on an innocent person just because he considers himself unsuccessful. By how the attacks of envious people intensify and become more and more brutal, you can check how close we are to success. We must fight envy. An envious person is dangerous at the stage of real action. Good psychological defense helps a person not only resist envy, but also use the energy of envious people as fuel in order to achieve even greater success.

In all religions of the world, it is no coincidence that envy is considered one of the deadly sins. But envy also harms those who envy, and this greatly affects the health of the person with envious eyes. So how does envy affect our body?

Back in the 19th century, German doctors came to the conclusion that the cause of all human bodily illnesses is related to the psyche. There is no illness of the body that is not associated with an illness of the soul. Therefore, there is no point in treating the body separately from the soul. Recently, more and more scientists have begun to argue that any infection in the human body occurs because too much resentment and anger has accumulated in his soul. Such a person gets sick more often, his immunity is greatly reduced. Under the influence of negative emotions, a person is very much at risk of contracting not only a common cold, but also cancer.

Of all the negative emotions, the most dangerous is envy. It does not have such a vivid manifestation as fear, anger, rage. It does not splash out, but remains inside a person, in his soul. Gradually accumulating, envy undermines your health very quietly and imperceptibly. It can be compared to the effect of rust.

Very often, envy takes on a benevolent character. An envious person never admits not only to others, but also to himself that he is jealous of someone. It seems to him that he is no worse than others, that he works no less, but for some reason his neighbor’s car is imported, and his is Russian, his neighbor’s cucumbers in the garden are a couple of centimeters larger, and his daughter went to university, and his child There’s no way he’ll finish school. Such a person constantly experiences emotional powerlessness in the face of circumstances, and this leads not only to a loss of mental strength, but also physical strength.

Loss of strength, not only physical, but also mental, often causes melancholy, bad mood, and sometimes depression. The stomach reacts most acutely to envy in the human body. Even without food coming in, it actively throws out hydrochloric acid, this is where heartburn and pain begin, and over time this gradually turns into gastritis, and sometimes into a stomach ulcer.

Well, the thirst to get what the neighbor has, and if possible, even better, does not allow the body to relax at all, keeping it in constant tension. And such a person does everything possible and impossible in order to catch up with his neighbor, and sometimes even surpass him. And then he begins to wonder where he got it at the age of thirty high blood pressure or stomach ulcer.

There is also quiet envy, a person is simply envious, but he doesn’t even think about catching up or overtaking his competitor. Such a person simply suffers in silence, he may lose weight, he has attacks of apathy, he constantly feels tired and overwhelmed, nothing interests him.

So is there a cure for envy? How to get rid of this silent, but such a terrible disease? Firstly, you need to realize your envy and understand that all diseases in the body began precisely because of this vice. And secondly, just stop comparing yourself to other people. You have your own life, your own destiny, you are the person you are. Just accept it and move on with your life.

Today we’ll talk about a common and very painful illness - envy. Why is there an illness - because it can be cured. True, only with a very strong desire and tireless work on oneself. Painful - because it causes suffering. And the one who envies, and those who are the subject of envy.

Envy comes in different forms. The most obvious and negative is the first type. People call it “black” envy. This is very specific and does not need additional characteristics manifestation that provokes a person to negative emotions and actions. This is exactly what makes people slander, show vindictiveness and in every possible way put a spoke in the wheels of the subject of their claims. Envy is one of the basest feelings that destroys a person, lowers him to the darkest energy levels and forms the strongest karmic attachments, knots, which are then very difficult to untangle. However, for those individuals who are still fast asleep in unconscious negativity, it is too early to talk about this. We can only explain that envying someone is extremely dangerous for your health - both physical and the health of your wallet. Diseases will appear, and money will disappear.

There is also “white” envy. At first glance, it seems more like admiration and, as it seems to the person experiencing this feeling, it is quite harmless. But actually it is not. Yes, its manifestations cannot be called so base, but they also negatively affect the consciousness and personality of a person, because they are always associated with comparing oneself with other people who seem better or luckier than us. And most importantly, this emotion forms low self-esteem, a feeling of infringement of oneself and the superiority of others, forcing a person to become increasingly bogged down in the swamp of failure and insolvency.

There is a third type of envy, the so-called “gray”. This is an implicit feeling and therefore the most insidious. It is quite difficult to identify it and evaluate it. And if the enemy remains unnoticed, then eliminating him becomes extremely challenging task. Gray envy is an invisible thing, the presence of which a person often does not even suspect, considering himself free from such manifestations. How to identify her? For example, you sincerely love your friend and support him in every possible way in all his endeavors, and are even proud of his achievements. But every time he tells you about his successes, you feel feeling light regrets in the style: “But I’m unlikely to have time to do anything... My time was lost, my talents remained unrealized... But I’m no worse...” What remains is fleeting sadness, dissatisfaction, self-pity and a spoiled mood. One has only to hint that perhaps this is a destructive feeling of envy, such a person will become indignant and give a thousand arguments against it, because he is simply not capable of such a thing! And most importantly, he is truly sincere in this confidence. In addition, negativity accumulates over time and, sooner or later, will result in conflict as soon as a suitable reason appears.

What are people jealous of? Yes to everything! Success, beauty, intelligence, achievements, talent, wealth, luck. You dream about something, and someone nearby takes it and makes your dream come true literally before your eyes. And sometimes even with your easy feed))) You get upset, experience negative feelings and... you're jealous. But who is stopping you from showing insight and enterprise? “The fast eat the strong” - there is such an expression, and it perfectly characterizes this situation.

They envy the fact that someone's children are more developed and talented. That someone's pets are more well-groomed and purebred. Friends envy their friends wives-husbands, parents to children. Yes, don’t be surprised, this happens too. And much more often than is commonly thought! They envy self-confidence, strength and resilience. In short, everything that they themselves do not have.

What to do in such cases? Well, first, you need to realize and accept the fact that you are experiencing envy. This is very unpleasant and often painful, but absolutely necessary for your healing. Especially in the third option, when identification is the most difficult. Awareness and acceptance are the main step on this path and half the solution to the issue.
Secondly, and I will reassure you, almost all people, even the most spiritually developed, experience envy to one degree or another. It’s just that some people have already worked significantly on themselves, while others haven’t even started. The exception is the lightest and most advanced units. But they themselves often fall under the blow of someone’s envy.

After awareness and identification, you need to start main job. It is not easy, but absolutely necessary for your further development and purification of consciousness. You need to understand once and for all that you won’t always be the most beautiful, the smartest or the luckiest. There will always be someone who will be cooler than you! What's the point of tormenting yourself because you didn't stay at the top or didn't reach it at all? In addition, everything is very relative, and a person who seems like a standard to you personally will seem completely mediocre to someone. All these are illusions and mind games, understand!

It is much more important to direct efforts to find and realize your life, to identify your strengths and talents, and bring them to perfection. Don't compete with others - their achievements can only motivate you. But it’s very useful to compete with yourself! Live by the principle “Overtake the self of yesterday” - it is much more productive and expedient.

The reasons for envy most often lie in various kinds complexes and a person’s dislike for himself. This dislike stems, as a rule, from childhood, and most various reasons. Well, life has given you the opportunity to develop one of the most important skills - skill love for your beloved self. People who sincerely love and value themselves simply do not think of envying anyone; they have the rare gift of inner balance and peace. I wrote about what is meant by self-love in a separate article. Thank the Universe for this hint and start working in this direction too!

Another important thing that needs to be realized: if someone suddenly appears in your close circle whose achievements are higher and better than yours, this means that, according to the law of attraction, you have allowed luck or wealth into your life, or whatever else this person is strong in. Human. If you make it a habit to look at such things from a positive perspective and thank the Universe for them, then they will appear directly in your life. The speed at which they manifest depends on many aspects of existence, but the very fact that they are already in your inner circle seems very good sign! All you have to do is cultivate wealth or health in your mind by deliberately paying attention to such thoughts!

A reminder that negative thoughts must be carefully monitored and “caught”, replacing them with positive attitudes, it seems to me that there is no need for additional pronunciation at all, but one more reminder will not hurt. Being in a constantly conscious state and not allowing yourself to “fall asleep” to the insidious lullaby of pendulums is a very difficult, but still feasible task.

It often happens that serious difficulties are hidden behind the external shine and gloss. For example, a friend bought a business class car, but by taking out a huge loan. Was the game worth the trouble? Either he earns serious money, but works for it for days and days and does not see his family at all, is deprived of the opportunity to rest and will have health problems in the future, or personal relationships, which is far from uncommon. Haven't you heard about millionaires who commit suicide because they are actually deeply unhappy and lonely? Everything, I repeat, is very relative in this life. If you are aware of such things, then you will quickly understand that, in principle, there is nothing to envy.

The most important thing is not to compare yourself with anyone. Each person is unique in himself and is capable of making himself a diamond of the highest cut. Yes, this will require effort and great desire, but nothing is impossible. Here lies another danger - often, in the event of failures or deprivations, a person is inclined to blame other people or external circumstances. “I’m too young or too old, my parents didn’t give me a decent starting point, the government is unfriendly economic policy"and another million different options and ways to feel sorry for yourself and explain to others why you still haven’t done or achieved something.

As in the case when there is bound to be someone cooler than you, and in the opposite case, there are always those who are worse off and more difficult than you. But quite often children from poor families become financial geniuses, disabled people make incredible creative progress, and ugly ones get married successfully and create happy families. At the same time, the offspring of wealthy parents become drunkards and become marginalized, beautiful film stars get divorced and suffer from loneliness, and the healthy and strong do not value their capabilities.

Here two more principles come into force: “Lucky is the one who is lucky” and “No one is given more trials than he can bear.” For motivation, watch a movie. And for working through karmic difficulties, I highly recommend K. Tipping’s book “Radical Forgiveness.”
And most importantly, we stop feeling sorry for ourselves, getting angry at others and start taking active action! In the process, you simply will have no time to envy, you will get carried away by this work and you won’t even notice how your life will change for the better! Then they will envy you. But that's a completely different story!

© Evgenia Dovzhenko. 2017. All rights reserved

Why does envy arise? Can envy really harm a person? And how can you get rid of the influence of envious people?

Recently, social envy (of material well-being, of human achievements) has begun to arise more and more often. Envy has become a key object of research for a huge number of scientists, psychologists, and sociologists, who in their works identify different types of envy.

It is interesting that the envious person does not realize that he is envious. And all researchers agree on this. That's why an envious person is dangerous. He sincerely believes that he is driven by some noble motives - the desire for justice, the desire to punish vice, to “take and divide everything.” In fact, the envious person is driven by envy. This is noticeable to everyone except himself.

There are three stages of envy.

  • At the first stage, envy occurs at the level of consciousness - a person is still a little aware of it and tries to cope with it.
  • Then envy turns to level of emotions is a feeling of anger and hatred towards those who have something that the envious person does not have.
  • And finally, the third stage of envy is the stage of real behavior - causing harm, action. The envious person is forced to act.

As the famous psychoanalyst Peter Kutter writes, the envious person feels unwell: his blood pressure rises, vasospasm occurs, bile flows, the color of his face changes, because destructive biological processes begin in his body. Envious people live poorly and poorly, but at the same time they manage to harm a huge number of people.

Envy is destructive and what is popularly called “damage” or the “evil eye” is our psychological reaction to attitudes towards us. Any person feels how they treat him and experiences strong emotional stress, overcoming envy and ill will. And, in the end, his psychological defense, psychic strength, psychic energy are depleted. A person begins to get sick, and sometimes even dies. This is the phenomenon of “damage” from a psychological point of view.

We often encounter manifestations terrible negativity. Envious people, by and large, would like to destroy not only the property of the object of envy, not only his property, but his actual personality. Only this will bring them complete satisfaction. It should be said that a very large number of people are susceptible to envy. Another thing is that for some, envy does not go beyond the conscious level, acquiring the nature of competition - to achieve, achieve, learn. And for others it moves to the emotional level and to the level of real behavior (causing harm). A striking example is slander, denigration of a person’s reputation. People are often horrified to find out what is being said behind their back.

Researchers write that envious people themselves get sick. But this does not make it any easier for those who are envied. Thus, knowing that a robber or rapist feels bad does not provide any moral satisfaction, since the object of envy wants not to be harmed TO HIM.

Many questions relate to envy within the family. How so? Does envy come from family and friends? The ancient Greek thinker Aristotle answered this question. He believed that people envy those who are close to them in time, age, and social status. Naturally there is envy among loved ones takes on the most dangerous and ugly forms.

Remember! An envious person is dangerous precisely because he is not aware of the reasons for his behavior. He pours out negativity on an innocent person just because he considers himself unsuccessful. By how the attacks of envious people intensify and become more and more brutal, you can check how close we are to success. We must fight envy. An envious person is dangerous at the stage of real action. Good psychological defense helps a person not only resist envy, but also use the energy of envious people as fuel in order to achieve even greater success.