DIY plywood boat drawing: patterns of motor boats for self-building, manufacturing, video review. Homemade plywood boat - instructions for making it with video at home Homemade plywood mini boats

You can find anything you want in fishing and hunting stores, and boats are no exception.

But many people want to make a swimming device themselves, because it is interesting and inexpensive.

Do-it-yourself boats have a number of advantages over factory-made options:

  • Lightness of design. Such a device made of plywood will be much lighter than wooden or metal structures;
  • Stability on water. For such a boat, solid sheets of plywood are used, and its shape is ideal for launching;
  • Low cost. You will only need to spend money on pieces of plywood, glue, varnish and boards;

To ensure the safety of the structure, you should only use quality materials. The plywood must be solid and without damage. The price of the first varieties is slightly higher, but reliability is also important.

For people who are skilled in carpentry, the work will not be difficult. It will take a week and a half if you make the boat in free time, then a couple of full days.

But only a professional can do the design with his own hands, because you need to accurately calculate the load capacity, capacity, nose shape and other nuances.

Assembly of the structure

When you have the materials and drawings, you need to start working. The first step will be cutting out the parts from plywood. For this, it is best to use a jigsaw. It is important to cut exactly to size, otherwise the design will not fit together.

Then the frames are glued to the rear side; these parts will be very heavy. If the watercraft requires a motor, then the rear side is strengthened.

The next step will be to attach the transom to the sides and bottom. The sheathing parts must be secured with glue.

After assembling the structure, you need to prepare aerosil and epoxy resin. These substances are mixed 1 to 1. The resulting substance is used to seal seams. Also for this purpose, inside the boat, the seams are sealed with strips of fiberglass.

Important: this work uses very toxic substances, so you need to work outside, or in a ventilated area, and using special means protection.

When the glue dries, you need to install the frames. Then you need to install seats, luggage compartments and other elements. After the vessel has dried, it is necessary to proceed to the final stage, which is sanding and sealing with fiberglass and epoxy mortar.

This is followed by the process of painting the structure, this will help further protect the vessel from the influence of water and give it a good appearance.

Painting consists of:

  • Degreasing of all parts of the vessel;
  • Treatments wooden elements impregnation;
  • Surface putties. This will mask all defects;
  • Primers. To do this, you can use boiled drying oil;
  • Application paint and varnish materials. To do this, you can buy any paint, but special waterproof materials for plywood will help increase the service life of the boat;


Building such a craft with your own hands is an interesting and creative activity for people who like to do things themselves. The main thing is to adhere to the dimensions indicated by the drawings.

It is possible that during this process there will be mistakes that need to be redone. But the result will be an excellent and inexpensive boat. It is best to store this product on dry land. This boat is perfect for use on calm lakes and rivers.

Going out to sea or rafting down mountain rivers is prohibited. You also need to carefully monitor the seams and the integrity of the structure; if there are problem areas, they need to be sealed.

If treated with care and properly stored, such a watercraft will last a long time and will help you have a great time fishing, or just while walking along a pond.

Many men love fishing, and most prefer to fish from a boat. Now, when the choice is so great that your eyes run wide. It would seem that come and choose. But many fishermen want to build a motor boat with their own hands from plywood or other material. Some people are not satisfied with the prices, others simply like to do everything themselves. Is it realistic to build a motor boat with your own hands from plywood?

Of course yes. Moreover, designs for similar boats have already been developed, just take it and implement it! “Sew and Glue” type projects such as “North 520”, “Breeze 26” and “Breeze 42” have gained well-deserved popularity among fishermen. The plans for building these boats are sold in real scale, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing process. At the same time, you should definitely remember that a professional can handle the design: the need to accurately calculate indicators, taking into account the slightest nuances, dictates its own rules. In general, you can build a boat with your own hands from plywood, you just need to find the drawings and the desire. Of course, at least a little carpentry experience wouldn't hurt. If you do construction only in your free time, it will take about 10 days, but if you do it without interrupting other things, you can do it in 2-3 days.


You can purchase them at any hardware store. But don’t forget that they must be of high quality!

1) Plywood. For building a boat with your own hands, only one type is suitable - “sea”, 4-5 mm thick. It is made from hardwood wood, this means that the boat will be built from birch veneer. The plywood sheet must be undamaged. The price will be slightly higher than usual, but quality is very important here, since the reliability of the product depends on it. The average cost of one such sheet is 250 rubles.

2) Planed boards 25-40 mm thick. The price of such a board starts from 11,000 rubles. for 1 sq.m.

3) Reiki. They will cost you about 2000 rubles.

4) Electric jigsaw. Price from 3000 rub.

5) Steel wire. It costs from 80 rubles. per meter

6) Epoxy resin. A bucket of this material will cost from 4,500 rubles.

7) Varnish. Costs from 300 rubles. per jar.

8) Fiberglass tape (thick T11 or thin T13). From 200 rub. per skein.

9) Drill and screwdriver. From 2000 rub. for each of the instruments.

10) Screws, self-tapping screws, brass nails and various clamps(useful for gluing boat elements with your own hands). All together will cost you about 1000 rubles.

11) Set of clamps. You will need to spend about 1,500 rubles on them.

12) Sander(from 2000 rub.) or sandpaper(from 50 rubles per meter).

The structure of the future vessel

The main element is the keel. It's like the backbone of a boat. Frames are responsible for transverse rigidity. Their Bottom part- this is the bottom of the boat. The top of the boat frame is covered with plywood.

Construction algorithm

Despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in building a boat with your own hands, we offer a list simple actions, thanks to which your boat will last for many years!

1) Look through different boat plans and choose the one you like best.

2) Transfer the contours of the pattern to plywood sheet. To do this, you can use ready-made patterns made to order or make them yourself.

3) The blanks are cut out very carefully with a finishing file. We cut the edges of the parts at an angle to reduce gaps. Sand all parts with a grinding machine or sandpaper.

4) Assembly. Connect the cut out boat blanks with your own hands so that the sides and bottom of the future vessel are formed. Connect it all with screws and epoxy.

5) Sew all seams using wire. Connect the ends of the workpieces until they completely coincide along the seam. Shape the hull using spacers installed between the sides.

6) On both sides of the middle of the boat, 2 frames should be installed at a distance of 3 cm from each other (there will be 9 pairs in total). 4 are installed on the nose connecting elements for fastening sheets and 2-3 elements will be needed for the stern..

7) Turn the boat over with your own hands. Use a milling machine to go along the seam connecting the halves of the boat hull. The result is an even gap for gluing the halves.

8) Taking out the frames one by one, pull together the halves of the hull, then install them on the pulled sheets, in the holes already made.

9) Glue the seam and the places where the frames are attached with epoxy glue.

10) Adjust and glue the horizontal seams.

11) Connect the vertical seams of the sides.

13) A partition is installed between the frames, and support strips are attached to them. Then the gaps between the frames are sewn up, resulting in bow, rowing and stern cans.

14) All joints of the boat are puttied and glued with fiberglass with your own hands.

15) The keel and longitudinal steps are attached.

16) Finishing: the entire surface of the boat is sanded and painted, inside and out.

This completes the construction of the boat. It turns out to be light, maneuverable, inexpensive and convenient. It is better to store it on land and use it on calm lakes and rivers. It is necessary to carefully monitor the seams and integrity of the vessel. Having built a motor boat from plywood with your own hands, operating it in the future will not be difficult. Transporting this boat does not pose any problems: it is lightweight and can even be transported on the roof of a car.

Caring attitude, proper storage and control will help to extend its service life for a long time. And many pleasant memories associated with her will brighten your life. All I had to do was make up my mind and build a motor boat out of plywood with my own hands.

According to the proverb “Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter,” it’s a good idea to think about building a good and reliable boat with your own hands. We present to your attention a master class on how to build a small practical boat with your own hands from ONE standard sheet waterproof plywood. Moreover, the design is not some plywood or wooden punt, but a boat with correct contours that improve its seaworthiness and course stability. The boat project was implemented, the boat was manufactured, tested and showed decent seaworthiness for its size. There is a drawing of the boat. The boat is steered and propelled by a kayak-type oar. Transporting a homemade boat does not cause any problems; this boat does not require a trailer :).

How to make a boat out of plywood with your own hands

As shown in the video, to make a homemade boat you need to have some experience in carpentry. List of basic tools: jigsaw, screwdriver, manual frezer, grinding machine, set of clamps. Materials for making a boat - a sheet of waterproof plywood 4-6mm thick and 2500x1250 mm in size, planed boards ~25-40 mm thick, slats, brass nails, self-tapping screws, epoxy resin, varnish. The main dimensions of the future boat are as follows: boat length 3480 mm, boat width 747 mm.

Step-by-step instructions for building a plywood boat

1. Transfer the contours of the pattern to a sheet of plywood, this is easy to do according to the ““ pattern.

Cutting contours

2. Use a jigsaw to cut a sheet of plywood into four pieces. We cut carefully with a jigsaw finishing file.

3. We fold the symmetrical sheets in pairs and check the size matches, if necessary, eliminate inaccuracies.

Sheets connected

4. We connect the four hull blanks in pairs, forming halves of the bottom and sides. We connect using an overhead strip, brass nails and epoxy resin. The strips must be in the inside of the body. We carry out the connection with full responsibility - forever.

5. Further work will resemble the work of a surgeon. We sew all seams with wire in increments of 300-350 mm. To do this, in the place of each stitch, we drill two holes at a distance of 20 - 30 mm from the edge of the sheet. Insert the wire staple and twist the ends until the sheets of plywood are joined at the seam. Using spacers between the sides we give the desired shape to the boat hull. A narrow hull will reduce the boat's carrying capacity. A hull that is too wide will reduce the boat's stability on course. It is recommended to make the width of the housing as in the drawing.

6. Manufacturing of frames. Two frames must be made at a location with a step of 300 mm from the middle of the boat in each direction. There will be nine frames in total. You will also need four sheet connecting elements at the bow and 2-3 elements at the stern of the boat (these elements form the stern and stem of the boat). To obtain even cuts when preparing frames, it is better to use a circular saw.

7. The frames are installed on the bottom using self-tapping screws. Do not glue the frames!

8. Turn the boat hull over and use a manual milling machine with a 6-12 mm cutter we go along the seam connecting the hull halves from bow to stern. Depth of routing to bottom edge of plywood. It is clear that the result will be an ideal gap with smooth and parallel cuts for high-quality gluing of the body halves. Look at the photo.

9. Sequentially removing the frames, we tighten the halves of the body and install the frames on the pulled sheets, using the same holes for screws in the plywood for fastening. As a result, the seam will be very tight.

All photos from the article

A do-it-yourself plywood motor boat is of interest to many of our compatriots for two reasons - creative nature and lower cost. Despite the apparent complexity of the project, it can be understood and brought to life.

But for this, a factor such as your desire to do this is extremely necessary. In addition, what you did yourself will be more valuable to you morally, so stay with us and we will show you a video in this article.

We make a small-sized watercraft

Note. We will not consider a specific design, for example, do-it-yourself drawings of a folding plywood boat.
Our goal is to tell you about general principles and methods for making small watercraft.

Required materials and tools

Plywood selection:

  • to make a boat from plywood with your own hands, you will naturally need this same plywood, only of different thicknesses;
  • for the hull you will need a sheet thickness of 5 mm, but for the keel and frame you will need 10-15 mm thickness(select the length of the panel depending on the length of the case);
  • as you understand, high-quality products are needed here, therefore, you will have to choose either elite E or 1st grade for work– the price, of course, will be higher, but the quality will rise along with it;
  • in addition, it is important, on which the water resistance and strength of plywood depend - the most the best brands here we can call FSF or FSF-TV (flammable), FB and BS (aviation - also used in shipbuilding).

Solid wood:

  • to decorate the sides, install seats and arrange spacers inside the boat hull, you will need solid wood;
  • best suited for this purpose edged board made of pine - it is lighter than larch, but due to its resin content, it tolerates wetness well.

Suture material:

  • to tighten the body and connect other parts into a solid structure, you will need suture material;
  • for this you can use thin knitting steel or copper wire, thick nylon fishing line or plastic clamps.


  • in order to prevent the boat from leaking, all seams need to be sealed with water-repellent glue - there are a lot of them on sale at the moment;
  • as practice shows, compositions based on polymer resins are best suited for this purpose;
  • To seal seams, fiberglass is also used - a tape made from it is placed on the glue along the joint;
  • You can also use fiberglass for this purpose, covering the sides and bottom with it;
  • to protect against swelling, water-repellent varnishes and adhesives are used, impregnating the body and jumpers with them - for this you can, for example, use bakelite varnish or glue;
  • In addition to impregnation, you will also need polymer paint, which will complement moisture resistance and decorate your boat.


  • to make a boat with your own hands from plywood, you will, of course, need tools and, first of all, this Circular Saw and/or electric jigsaw(a hacksaw will also come in handy);
  • a set of hand carpentry tools in the form of a hammer, chisels, pliers, etc.;
  • disc or belt sanding machine;
  • tape or steel clamps;
  • paint brushes for applying impregnations and paints and varnishes.

Select a drawing

Before you start assembling, find drawings that are suitable for your case - how to make a boat out of plywood with your own hands, this may be flatboat for fishing, which you will use on weekends or a kayak for hiking during your vacation.
But if you are already experienced in “shipbuilding”, then you can try to draw such a project yourself, but here it is very important to calculate the carrying capacity so that the watercraft does not capsize during operation.

Despite the abundance of fishing and tourist boats in specialized stores different forms and sizes, many are still interested in how to make a homemade boat from plywood. main reason Such interest lies, perhaps, in the ineradicable craving of our compatriots for creative work.

Even though you can buy anything today, there is some indescribable charm in a homemade dinghy or dinghy, made according to drawings almost from the magazine “Rybolov”.

In the article we will give some tips, using which you can quickly learn how to make homemade boats from plywood.

Materials and tools

Not so long ago, homemade mini plywood boats were very popular. This made it possible to work out methods for their production, as well as determine the most suitable materials.

Of course, today the list of available varnishes, impregnations and adhesives for plywood is much wider than it was even ten years ago - but to make a small-sized watercraft with our own hands, we don’t need anything complicated:

  • Plywood is the most important component. For the manufacture of boats, sheets of glued natural birch veneer with a thickness of about 5 mm are most often used. Individual parts, such as frames or keels, are cut from thicker (10 - 15 mm) material.

To ensure sufficient reliability for the sides, only high-quality plywood should be used for cladding, without cracks, delaminations, knots, etc.
Of course, the price of first or second grade material will be higher, but you will be confident in the safety of your boat.

  • Wood is used to install internal struts, decorate sides, and seats etc. It is advisable to use edged planed boards made of light wood.
  • Suture material is used to connect individual cladding parts into a single whole.. Seams can be made using fairly thin and flexible wire, plastic clamps, thick nylon fishing line, etc.
  • Glue is needed to ensure proper sealing of the seams. Today, craftsmen have practically abandoned natural casein-based compounds and prefer modern polymer resins.

In addition, we will need special varnishes and impregnations that protect the wood from swelling and rotting. It is also worth stocking up on fiberglass or similar material for gluing all seams. As an alternative to fiberglass, you can use fiberglass - then the entire bottom and sides will be covered with it.

Well, don’t forget about the paint - after all, we want our ship to be beautiful!

As for the tools, the set will be almost standard:

  • Saw on wood.
  • A jigsaw with a set of blades of different lengths.
  • Sander.
  • Hand tool(hammer, pliers, chisels, etc.)
  • Clamps for clamping plywood when gluing.
  • Brushes for impregnation, varnishing, etc.

Making a boat

Drawings and layout

Before we start work, we decide what kind of vessel we need. Today, on the Internet you can find a variety of drawings of homemade plywood boats, so nothing is impossible either in building a fishing punt or in assembling a tourist kayak.

If none of the found drawings suits us, we can start designing ourselves.

True, in this case you will need certain skills to calculate the carrying capacity, otherwise the boat may turn out to be purely decorative.

  • Having studied the available designs for homemade plywood boats, or having made your own, we transfer the outlines of the main parts onto paper.
  • Using paper templates, we draw lines on the plywood sheets along which the frames and sheets for sheathing will be cut.
  • If the factory length does not suit you (and this happens in 99% of cases), then it is necessary to splice them. To do this, we cut the ends of the plywood at an acute angle so that the length of the resulting bevel is 7-10 times the thickness of the sheet itself.

  • Having attached the beveled parts to each other, coat them with glue and clamp them with clamps. This technique is called a “whisker” connection.
  • At the same time we prepare wooden beams, from which the frame of our future boat will be made.

To make work on the project easier, you can assemble special trestles from beams with a section of 50x50 mm.
It will be much more convenient to place all the parts on these sawhorses during the joining process, especially if you work without assistants.

Housing assembly

When everything is ready, let's start working:

  • Using a wood saw or jigsaw, . The deviation from the design size should not be more than 1 mm, otherwise the sides will not “converge” when sewing.
  • We glue the transom parts (rear side) and frames to obtain required thickness and strength. The glued parts will be a little heavy, but that's okay!
  • If you plan to install a boat motor, then the transom should be additionally glued with fiberglass and reinforced with a hardwood board.

To increase the strength of the connection, the frames and transoms can be additionally secured with self-tapping screws.
In this case, the length of the screws should be such that the tip does not pierce the part through.

  • We install the transom on pre-made trestles and begin to attach the bottom and sides to it, bringing them together at the bow.
  • We fasten the sheathing parts either using suture material (if not very thick plywood is used), or exclusively with glue, cutting off the edge of the plywood at an angle.

  • At this stage, it is very important that all elements match in size, since to reduce the gap you will have to disassemble the entire structure and partially trim the frames.

After the “rough assembly” you can start gluing.

Glue works

The instructions for gluing and sealing our vessel are as follows:

  • Prepare a mixture of epoxy resin and aerosil (silicon dioxide). Mix the components in a 1:1 ratio using a drill attachment. The optimal consistency of the mixture is like thick sour cream.
  • We strengthen the corners between the bottom, sides and transom using wooden fillets - small corners that ensure the rigidity of the connection.
  • We glue strips of fiberglass and fiberglass onto all the seams from the inside, thoroughly coating the joints with epoxy-aerosol compound.

Since the majority adhesive compositions contain volatile toxins, all paint and varnish works must be performed using respiratory protection!

  • After the glue has dried, we install the frames in the selected places.
  • To fix the frames we use the same glue. If the dimensions of the vessel are large enough, then in order to strengthen the structure, the frames should be additionally fixed on the bottom and sides with overlapping strips of fiberglass.

  • We lay the flooring on the bottom, fasten rowlocks, seats and other parts provided for by the design.
  • If you plan to equip the boat with a cockpit (a closed space in the bow), we install a cover, fixing it on the sides and frames.

After waiting for the entire structure to dry, we remove the boat from the trestles, turn it over and sand the outer surface. Then we treat the seams with an epoxy mixture and glue the bottom with fiberglass.


At the final stage, we need to provide our boat with protection from moisture and give it an attractive spring look:

  • First, thoroughly degrease all parts.
  • Then we treat the wood with impregnation. The composition for sea or river vessels from Tikkurila is quite suitable here.
  • We putty all surfaces, masking cracks and irregularities, and then treat them with a special primer.
  • Paint homemade plywood boats You can use almost any paint, but if you want to ensure durability of the vessel, it is better to use special pigment mixtures designed for processing wooden vessels.

  • The average paint consumption is 1 – 1.5 l/m2. It is best applied with a brush, but a spray gun can also be used.


Homemade boat plywood made using this technology will be quite suitable for fishing trips, family walks, etc. Of course, you shouldn’t go out into the open sea in it, but as practice shows, for large rivers and lakes in our country such a design is quite reliable. In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

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