Exercises for a big butt: how to quickly enlarge your buttocks at home. How to pump up your butt at home (video) The fastest way to pump up your butt

Thanks to Beyoncé, J.Lo and Kim Kardashian, very large butts are no longer a disadvantage. These women prove what some nations have known for a long time: a big butt is sexy.



Do squats . Any personal trainer or fitness enthusiast will tell you that squats are the most important exercise for the glutes. You can do them with a barbell or dumbbells, whichever you prefer.

  • Squats:
    • To begin, place the barbell on a rack 8–12 cm below your shoulder level. Lift the barbell off the rack and step back slightly (don't use your neck). Place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with your knees and toes pointing out to the sides. To avoid overextending your knees, make sure they are directly above your toes.
    • Squeeze your glutes and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Using your gluteal muscles, return to the original position. With a larger weight, do 8 repetitions, with a lighter weight, do 2 sets of 8 repetitions.
  • Squats with dumbbells:
    • Hold a dumbbell in your hands and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees so that they are directly over your toes and do not roll forward. The thumbs and knees should point outward, but not too much.
    • Squeeze your gluteal muscles and lower your butt. Your knees will bend, but they should still be over your toes and not protruding forward. Keep your back as straight as possible. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. When returning to the starting position, try to primarily engage the gluteal muscles, not the thighs. Do 2 sets of 8 repetitions.

Do some cardio exercises . Getting your heart and lungs working is the fastest way to start burning fat. You don't just need a huge butt, but a round and beautiful butt. Try the following exercises with and without machines:

Do deadlifts . Add weight to the bar, but be careful and learn how to perform this exercise correctly before using heavy weight. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart under the barbell, with the insteps of your feet positioned exactly under the bar. For added stability, turn your toes and knees slightly outward.

  • Squat down and grab the barbell. The grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Lower your hips a little lower until they are parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight and look straight ahead to get into the correct position.
  • Raise the barbell off the floor. Stand up, lift your hips and shoulders at the same time, while keeping your back straight.
  • Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position. Use your glutes and, as you lower yourself, stick your butt out as if you were about to sit down in a chair.
  • Do 8 reps. Increase the load over time.
  • Do lunges and reverse lunges. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in your hands, arms relaxed at your sides.

    • To perform a forward lunge, step forward with your right foot. Bend your right knee so that your thigh and calf form a right angle. Make sure your knee is not in front of your toes. Push forward with your forward leg and return to the starting position. As you rise up, tighten the muscles of your buttocks, calves and thighs and return to the starting position slowly and calmly.
      • You can either repeat the lunges on the right side, or move your left leg forward and lunge, continuing to alternate sides. Do 2 sets of 8 repetitions: 8 for the right leg and 8 for the left.
    • To perform a reverse lunge, take your left leg one step back. Lower your hips until your left calf is parallel to the floor and your right knee is bent at a right angle. Push off with your right foot and rise up. Keep your back in line with your hips and use your glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads to lift yourself up. Return your left leg to the starting position. Now step your right leg back and repeat the exercise on the right side. Do 2 sets of 8 repetitions, 8 on each side.
  • To work your outer gluteal muscles, do leg raises. To begin, get on all fours. It's best to do this exercise on a soft surface, like a yoga mat.

    • Keep your leg bent at a right angle and lift the outer part of your right knee towards the ceiling until your inner thigh is parallel to the floor.
    • Stay in this position for 5 seconds, lower your knee to the starting position. Do the same with your left leg.
    • Do 8 repetitions for each leg. To increase the load, do more repetitions or keep your leg in the air longer.
  • Add back swings. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward for balance. Let's take flight!

    • Step your right leg back as high as possible while maintaining balance. You should feel tension in your right buttock.
    • Hold this position for 5 seconds, then lower your leg to the starting position. Do the same for your left leg.
    • Make the exercise more difficult over time. Do more repetitions or hold your leg up longer.
  • Do the fire hydrant exercise. Get on all fours, preferably on a yoga mat or other comfortable surface. Keeping your knee bent at a right angle, step one leg out to the side so that your knee is parallel to the floor.

    • Hold this position for 2 seconds, then lower your leg.
    • Do 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions for each leg.
    • To make the exercise more difficult, you can hold your leg up longer and increase the number of repetitions.
  • Try the speed skater exercise. This exercise allows you to work not only the buttocks, but also many muscles of the legs. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Step your left foot diagonally behind your right leg and lunge until your knee almost touches the floor. Then return to the starting position.

    • Repeat the same for your right leg, moving it diagonally behind your left. Do 3 sets of 15–20 repetitions for each leg.
    • Three approaches may be too many to begin with. Do as many as you can, gradually working your way up to three sets.
    • If you want to make the load more intense, pick up a dumbbell.
  • Rest at least one day between workouts. Give your muscles time to recover if you don't want them to shrink - you want the opposite.

    • Muscles need time to recover, since intense training causes microdamage to appear in them. You may think that for faster results you need to go and go forward without stopping, but this will only burn muscle tissue.


    1. Don't listen to the slogan “Eat more protein!"Even if every sweaty jock in the gym is loading up on protein bars, shakes and powders, research proves that's a myth. Moreover, excess proteins can harm the body.

    2. Change the carbohydrates you eat. Avoid white sugar. Eat brown rice, lentils and beans. These "persistent carbohydrates" will help you lose fat around your waist and belly, making your butt appear bigger.

      • Processed and refined foods are something that anyone looking to improve their body should avoid. For good carbohydrates, eat grains, oats, beans and nuts.
    3. Increase your daily calorie intake depending on your body type. If, as a rule, your fat is stored in the thighs and butt area, then increasing the number of calories will greatly help to significantly increase your butt. If you store fat in other places, for example in the abdomen and waist, then by increasing the number of calories, you will gain weight in the wrong places.

      • If you have fat stored in your arms, belly, and legs, cutting calories and losing weight can help make your butt appear bigger. You may need to follow a diet that restricts your calorie intake.


    1. Choose the right jeans. Flared or slightly flared jeans will suit you. You can also wear tight capri pants with heels. Well-fitted pants can work wonders. Before you buy, walk around in them and look at them from all angles.

      • It is worth giving preference to models that fit your figure. A baggy cut will inevitably hide all the shapes and curves of your body, so that they are simply not visible. Tight skinny jeans will help you achieve your goal, but any other model that tightly fits your butt will do.
      • Consider the location and color of the pockets. Small, high-positioned pockets, as well as pockets with trim (embroidery, appliqué, etc.) will visually enlarge your butt. Avoid jeans with large pockets or no pockets at all.
      • Jeans with both high and low waist will suit you. The first ones focus on the waist, and in comparison with it the butt seems larger. The latter sit on the hips at the widest point and immediately attract attention to it.
    2. Wear push-up panties. Try wearing panties with replaceable inserts that add volume to your butt.

      • You can also try a slimming corset. It tightens fat around the belly and waist, placing it where it belongs and giving you an hourglass figure.
  • Today, a large number of different techniques are known that can be used to tidy up a woman’s figure. The main place is occupied by exercises that allow you to pump up your gluteal muscles. After all, every girl dreams of a beautiful butt, and this is not always possible without intensive training. Many people ask the question: how to pump up your butt in a week at home? It is worth noting that this is not easy to do quickly. More precisely, full effectiveness will not be achieved in such a short period of time, but the forms can be slightly adjusted.

    Is it possible to pump up a girl's butt in 1 week?

    The consequences of poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle are reflected in appearance, in particular the condition of the gluteal muscles. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, they sag and lose their elasticity. In addition, due to improper nutrition, a layer of fat grows on them. All this negatively affects the figure, as well as health.

    Important! Returning to the main question, is it possible to pump up a girl’s butt in 1 week, it is worth answering that those who do not have significant fat deposits have a chance. Overweight women will have to put in a lot more effort and spend a lot of time to get the desired shape.

    Exercises for a firm butt in a week

    How to pump up your butt in a week? Of course, the best option is to visit the gym. It is equipped with special equipment that will make exercises for a firm butt more effective and will give you the opportunity to pump it up in a week. However, not every girl has the opportunity to exercise on exercise machines. In this case, you will have to perform exercises for a firm butt at home, following photo and video tutorials. They will also be effective if done correctly.

    Important! It is necessary to first prepare the body for the upcoming loads. You can go for a short jog, jump rope or dance. This will warm up the muscles and reduce the likelihood of injury.

    Squats for a firm butt

    Experts recommend including squats in your workout routine. This exercise works the gluteal muscles and thighs. While squatting, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your butt to below your knees, and then return to the starting position. For greater efficiency, you can hold a dumbbell in each hand. First you need to do about 15 squats, and then gradually increase the load.

    “Bridge” for a firm butt

    Besides squats, other exercises will help. The following exercise also helps to achieve the desired shape, make your buttocks beautiful and toned. Its essence is to lift the body up from a supine position. In this case, you need to bend your knees and press your feet completely to the floor. Hands can be on the lower back or lie along the body. Lifting the buttocks is carried out slowly; you should linger for a few seconds in the “bridge” position, and then take the starting position.

    At the first stage, 20 repetitions with two approaches with an interval of 5 minutes are enough. In the future, the number of approaches increases.

    Leg swings for a firm butt

    To pump up your gluteal muscles in a week, you can do regular leg swings. To do this, you need to stand up straight, lean one hand against a wall or chair, and move the opposite leg back to the maximum possible distance. Repeat the same manipulations with the other leg. This exercise requires up to 25 repetitions in two sets.

    Also, to quickly pump up your butt, you can perform side swings to pump up your butt and make it beautiful. In addition, the inner thighs are subject to stress. You need to take the starting position: get on all fours, resting your knees and elbows on the floor. First, one leg is moved to the side, bent at the knee, and then the second. Each limb requires about 10 repetitions in two cycles. Then the load gradually increases. How to perform this exercise correctly can be seen in the photo.

    Another type of leg swing is lateral. You need to lie on your side, resting your head with one hand. The second arm is extended along the body. The legs bend slightly at the knees. One leg rises up, forming a right angle with the floor. After completing this exercise 20 times, you need to change position, lie on the other side and repeat the swings with the other leg. To begin with, it is advisable to do 3 approaches.

    It is worth noting that leg swings help get rid of fat deposits on the sides, which are also problem areas for girls.

    Lunges for a firm butt

    To do lunges, you do not need to use machines or special equipment. It is enough to devote a little time to the exercise while at home. At first, lunges may not work, but with practice, they will be performed automatically.

    It is necessary to place your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms forward or lower them along your body. With one leg you need to lunge forward, trying to step as far as possible, bending the knee. Thus, you should sort of sit down on one limb. The second leg should be parallel to the floor at this time. After staying in this position for about 5 seconds, you can safely return to the starting position. The same should be done with the second leg.

    This exercise activates the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, tightening them and making them elastic.

    Do not forget! After a set of exercises for elastic buttocks, you need to consolidate each workout with a jog or just a brisk walk. It is enough to make 10 minutes of active movements. Such loads on the gluteal muscles will help make your butt pumped up and beautiful, which will cause envy among other women and admiration among the opposite sex.

    Video: how to pump up your butt in 1 week

    By following the photo and video tutorials, you can improve the shape of your butt in just a week.

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    Simple and effective exercises to pump up your butt at home. 2 complexes for increasing the volume of the gluteal muscle with complication options for physically fit people.

    The buttocks are considered one of the most problematic areas for most women and girls. A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work and passive rest sooner or later lead to a decrease in the volume of the gluteal muscles and loss of their tone. Therefore, in order to have beautiful seductive forms, the fair sex must constantly work on their body. And it is recommended to start with home workouts. Simple exercises to pump up your butt, listed in our article, will help you get rid of figure problems in just 1-2 months.

    Complex for training without equipment

    Any girl or woman can perform these effective exercises for the butt at home. They are simple even for a physically unprepared person and do not require the use of additional equipment, exercise equipment or special equipment.

    Training with a chair to pump up your butt at home

    This small set of exercises for the butt is aimed at correcting the shape of the buttocks and hips. Daily training with a chair will help you achieve good results after 3-4 weeks of training.

    What attracts men's attention? Of course, a beautiful and toned butt. But not all women can show off their buttocks. Unfortunately, for many they do not have sufficient volume and a beautiful shape by nature. So what should we do? Is it possible to quickly enlarge the buttocks at home? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary! There are many ways to do this, which we will talk about now.

    If you are interested in how to enlarge your butt without surgery, then you should understand that realizing your dream is not so easy. You'll have to sweat a lot. It is simply impossible to do this without special physical exercises. And even with their help, you won’t be able to instantly change the shape and add volume to your buttocks. This will take at least 6-8 months. And during this time you can only pump up your butt a little, increasing its volume by 3-5 cm.

    Genetics is to blame for everything. If you naturally have “flat” buttocks, then it will be very difficult to change it. But this does not mean that it is impossible to do this. According to fitness trainers, our body depends only on us and if we want to change it, then go ahead!

    But before we talk about how to increase the volume of your buttocks through exercise, we should first tell you some tricks that will visually make your buttocks look a little bigger.

    • "Cat Walk" gait. It is inherent in many models and can visually give your figure beautiful outlines. Its essence lies in the correct rearrangement of legs when walking. They need to be placed on the same line. In this case, you first need to move your foot forward, and then only your body. The important point here is step length. It should not exceed the length of the foot.
    • Reducing waist size. To focus the attention of others on the buttocks and hips, you need to reduce your waist. To do this, you can use several methods - wear shapewear or follow a diet that prevents the deposition of fat in this area.
    • Choose the right clothes. The right wardrobe can do wonders for your figure. To highlight your buttocks and make them appear larger, you should wear tight-fitting jeans with large back pockets. High-waisted jeans are also ideal for these purposes, but they must be light in color. And on top you can wear some T-shirt or jacket in a dark shade. If you have an important meeting coming up in a couple of days and you urgently need toned and larger buttocks, then use special underwear that has gel inserts.
    • Wear high heels. It helps to change the curvature of the spine, which visually increases the volume of the butt. But you shouldn’t wear high heels too often, this can lead to various diseases, for example.

    To increase the size of your buttocks, you need to eat well. It is necessary to increase the calorie content of your diet by 200-400 kcal. However, this does not mean that you can eat everything you can get your hands on. Otherwise, you will not only have a big butt, but also a belly, which will definitely not add attractiveness to your image.

    Answering the question of how to make your butt big, it should be noted that the main part of your diet should be protein foods. They will help you increase the volume of your buttocks and at the same time reduce your waist.

    The following foods must be present in your diet:

    • dairy and fermented milk products, the fat content of which does not exceed 1.5%;
    • fish, preferably river;
    • meat, only lean (chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit, etc.);
    • nuts (you can eat them in small quantities);
    • vegetables (except potatoes);
    • fruits;
    • freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.

    Such foods should become part of your diet. And their use must be combined with physical exercise.

    You can use fish oil as additional fat that will be deposited in the buttocks. No, you don't need to consume it by the spoonful. Fish oil is sold in pharmacies in capsule form. Take only 1 piece per day.

    It will also be very good if you start taking Tyrosine. This is a natural amino acid that is produced in our body. Its deficiency leads to disruption of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland and pituitary gland. Tyrosine itself does not affect the process of buttock growth. But its use promotes the production of growth hormones, which will affect the shape of your butt.

    If you want to not only increase the size of your butt, but also give it a sexy look, then you should once and for all give up the following products:

    • bread, especially white;
    • buns, pies and other flour products;
    • sweets (of which you can only consume dark chocolate and then in very small quantities);
    • fatty meats and fish;
    • canned food;
    • smoked meats;
    • pickles;
    • all types of sausages;
    • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

    All of these foods contain easily digestible carbohydrates and cholesterol, which, when entering the body, are almost instantly converted into fat. Moreover, it appears not only on the stomach and sides, but also on the buttocks in the form of cellulite. And its presence on the butt gives it an unattractive appearance.

    Exercises to “pump up” your butt

    If you are looking for a way to get a bigger butt, then you need to pay attention to exercise. Whatever one may say, this is the only method that really works. If you don’t like sports, then you won’t be able to make your butt better at home. In this case, to make your dream come true, all you have to do is go to a plastic surgeon.

    Of course, it will be much better if you join a gym and work out with a fitness trainer. But if this is not possible, then if you really want to, you can pump up your butt at home. To do this you need to do the following exercises.

    Exercise No. 1

    Squats. This is the best and most effective exercise that will help you quickly change the shape of your buttocks. But you need to squat not just like we all did at school, but to do deep squats, spreading your legs as wide as possible. At the same time, when you squat, your knees should create a right angle of 90 degrees. You need to perform the exercise slowly, fixing your body in each position for a few seconds. At first, you can simply do deep squats 15-20 times in several approaches, but then you will need to use weights, such as dumbbells. Also, every day the number of squats should be increased by 1-2 times.

    Exercise No. 2

    Walking on the wall. If we talk about how to increase the volume of the butt, then we cannot help but mention this simple but very effective exercise. It is done as follows: lay a rug on the floor near the wall and lie on it, bending your legs and resting them against the wall. Your knees should create a 90 degree angle. Now you should take two steps up, then two steps down. With each movement you need to lift your buttocks off the floor. To begin with, this exercise can be performed 15-20 times, doing 2-3 approaches. But then the number of repetitions should be gradually increased, bringing up to 100 repetitions in one approach.

    Exercise No. 3

    Exercise with a ball. It helps not only to increase the volume of the buttocks, but also to strengthen the inner thigh. To make your butt beautiful and attractive, take a chair and a children's rubber ball. Sit on a chair, your knees should create a right angle. Press the ball with your knees so that you feel tension in your buttocks and thighs. Freeze in this position for 20-30 seconds, and then relax your muscles and repeat the exercise again. In total you need to do at least 15 repetitions. Further also on an increasing scale.

    Exercise No. 4

    Walking on the floor. A very interesting and at the same time effective exercise. At first glance it seems that it is very simple to do, but in reality it is not so. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, put your hands on your waist, and straighten your legs forward. Now start moving forward/backward on the floor using your buttocks. You cannot help yourself with your hands or feet, otherwise the exercise will not give the desired effect.

    Exercise No. 5

    Swing your legs. This exercise can be done in different ways. For the first one you will need a chair. Stand behind him and lean on his back. Now start swinging your legs back, raising them as high as possible. 15-20 repetitions should be done on each leg, then this number should be gradually increased. For the second version of this exercise, you need to get on all fours, keeping your back straight. Now lift one leg up as high as possible, hold it in this position for 10-15 seconds, and then bring it to your chest without bending your back. Do the same with the other leg.

    Exercise No. 6

    At home, you can enlarge your buttocks using the following exercise. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along your body, and bend your legs at the knees so that they create a right angle. Now take a deep breath and lift your butt off the floor, strongly tensing its muscles. Fix your body in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. In total, you should do at least 15 repetitions.

    Exercise No. 7

    Without changing the starting position, raise your legs bent at the knees up, and then straighten them so that they “look” at the ceiling. After this, straining your abs and buttock muscles, slowly begin to lower your straight legs down, but do not place them on the floor. Hold them suspended at a distance of 5-7 cm from the floor, and then repeat the exercise again.

    Exercise is the most effective way to enlarge your butt at home. Perform them regularly, every day, increasing the number of repetitions by 1-2 times. Within a couple of months you will notice the first fruits of your efforts. Your butt will become firm and attractive, and its volume will increase slightly.

    Exercise No. 8

    Plank. This exercise will help you not only enlarge your buttocks, but also strengthen all muscle groups. To do this, take a pose as if you are going to do push-ups, and stand in it for 1-2 minutes, while straining your abs and butt. You need to do the plank correctly. Your legs, buttocks, back and head should create one straight line. But your hands should be at shoulder level. Once you can easily hold a stand for 1-2 minutes, begin to gradually increase this time.

    Video with exercises for beautiful buttocks

    Nutrition for muscles

    In fact, all exercises for the buttocks are aimed at gaining muscle mass in this area. Properly selected sports nutrition will help you achieve results from such training faster.

    First of all, this is and. You need to drink them before training. They promote the gain of “lean” (that is, without fat) muscle mass. Moreover, such preparations are sold in a wide range of flavors, so you can choose a protein with the taste of your favorite sweet.

    In addition, amino acids are important. For example, and. They allow you to quickly gain muscle mass where you need it (that is, in the area that you will pump up).

    Well, an important point is recovery after training. If you want to pump up your butt quickly, then your workouts should be quite intense. Muscles unaccustomed to stress can react painfully to this. Branched chain amino acids will help speed up muscle recovery. To gain muscle mass, they are drunk before training, and to restore muscles - after it.

    Cosmetics for buttock enlargement

    If you are interested in how to make your buttocks bigger, then you should pay attention to cosmetic products aimed at increasing the volume of your butt. There are a lot of them today. These include various creams, sprays, and gels. They all operate basically the same way. They contain various herbs that have a warming and stimulating effect.

    When they are used, blood circulation improves, as a result of which the skin cells begin to receive all the necessary nutrients, are restored and saturated with moisture. At the same time, the skin itself becomes tightened and elastic.

    All these creams contain herbs that promote the synthesis of growth hormone in the body. As a result, the effect of buttock enlargement is achieved. But it should be noted that if you use these creams without proper nutrition and physical activity, the result will be small and will not last long. But they should still be used. In just 2-3 weeks you will evaluate the condition of your skin and the result will definitely not disappoint you.

    Beautiful buttocks They should not only have an attractive round shape, but also always remain elastic. To achieve this you need to exercise at home or in the gym. So, how to quickly pump up your butt at home? To achieve the desired goal, you need to perform various butt exercises.

    Butt exercises for girls

    First of all, you need to know that the buttocks are a set of paired muscles that include only three groups:

    • Large;
    • Average;
    • Small ones.

    The gluteus maximus muscles are responsible for a toned appearance and shape. The gluteus medius and minimus muscles form a beautiful hip line.

    Exercises for the gluteus maximus muscles

    Your feet should be positioned slightly wider than your shoulders, and your toes should be turned at an angle of 45 degrees. Next, you need to slowly squat and also slowly return to the starting position, while keeping your back straight. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions.

    Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat as deeply as possible, moving your butt back. Keep your back straight. Perform 3 sets of 25 repetitions.


    Stand straight and place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width. Take a step forward and squat, your thigh should be parallel to the floor. Your arms should be lowered and your shoulders should be straightened. Return to the original position. The exercise can be performed with dumbbells. Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

    Lie on the floor, bend your legs and place them shoulder-width apart. In this position, you need to raise and lower your pelvis. You can also place some weight on your hips to make the exercise more challenging. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

    Take a chair for balance and, holding onto it, perform powerful swings of your legs back, one at a time. Perform 4 sets of 20 repetitions.

    Exercises for the gluteus medius and minimus muscles

    Kneel down and place your palms on the floor. You need to move your leg to the side and linger a little at the extreme point. Perform 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions with each leg.