Isolation of formations with explosive packers. Explosive packers (VP, VPM, VPSh, VPTs), their purpose, design, standard sizes. Safety rules for handling explosive packers. Axial-action cumulative torpedoes See what an "Explosive packer" is in others

Explosive packers, to simulator torpedoes, detonating cords

Explosive packers

Explosive packers are installed in wells secured with casing pipes to isolate layers in an exploration well during their alternate testing from bottom to top (BO), isolate an interval or part of it in production and injection wells, and create an artificial bottom in the well.


Explosive packers have a body made of aluminum alloy, which at a given well depth, when triggered, is deformed under the action of powder gas pressure until it firmly adheres to the walls of the casing pipe. Explosive packers are equipped with an automatic release unit from the geophysical cable with a cable head, weight and adapter, which are removed from the well and used repeatedly. The parts of the explosive packers remaining in the well, if necessary, are eliminated by drilling out. Black powder is used as a charge, the mass of which for each type of packer size is calculated according to special graphs depending on the internal diameter, casing wall thickness and hydrostatic pressure in the installation interval. The charge is ignited using an EVPT electric igniter.

Specifications explosive packers





Outside diameter, mm

Minimum internal diameter of casing, mm

Maximum internal diameter of casing, mm

Maximum pressure, MPa

Maximum temperature, gr. WITH

Minimum weight of one charge, kg

Maximum weight of one charge, kg

Type of hammer used as a load




HEAT torpedoes

Axial-action cumulative torpedoes of the TKO type are designed to destroy bits, couplings, pipe adapters and other parts of the drilling apparatus remaining on the bottom or in the wellbore that interfere with the normal drilling process. Torpedoes can be used when crushing boulders and hard rocks that make drilling difficult, in cases of eliminating stuck bits and a number of other “non-standard” accidents, for example, to destroy failed valves in pipes.

Axial-action cumulative torpedoes

Torpedoes of the TKO and TKOT types (Fig. 5) consist of a sealed housing and an explosive charge with a special cumulative recess lined with a metal funnel. The manufacturer supplies the torpedoes equipped without initiation means, complete with parts that ensure the launch of torpedoes into the borehole on a geophysical cable.

The final loading of torpedoes - installation of the initiation means - is carried out immediately before lowering into the well.

Rice. 5. Axial-action cumulative torpedo. The torpedo is lowered on a geophysical cable; an electric detonator is used as a fuse, to which an electric wire is connected.

The shaped charges of torpedoes differ from the shaped charges of perforators by the smaller (30-35°) angle of the metal funnel cone, significant size and higher blasting (crushing) effect. The explosive charge is initiated with an explosive cartridge of the PG type or an electric fuse V-473A (maximum permissible pressure 100 MPa, temperature 150 ° C).

TKO-type torpedoes are assembled immediately before lowering into the well. A weight with an adapter is attached to the cable. An electric fuse B-473 A or a fighter with an explosive cartridge of the PG type is screwed into the torpedo socket. The torpedo is connected to the adapter. The conductive core of the cable is brought out through the window in the adapter and connected to the conductor from the fuse. After connection, the wire is placed in the internal cavity of the adapter and tied to its walls to protect it from breakage when lowering the torpedo into the well.

To initialize PVA charges, detonating cords and explosive devices are used. Let's take a closer look at them.

Detonating cord

The cord is designed to initiate detonation in shaped charges of open-frame hammer drills and cord torpedoes operating in wells in direct contact with the well environment. Cords of the brands DShT, DShT-200, DShTV-150/800 are used. The core of the cord consists of a high explosive - heating element.

Cords must be used in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6196-78 at a temperature specific to each type of cord.

The cord is detonated by an electric detonator or detonator cap. Up to six ends of a detonating cord can be attached to one electric detonator or blasting cap. If there are a larger number of ends, the cords should be tied to a block of explosive material, and the block should be detonated with an electric detonator or detonator cap.

When laying out the cord, kinks, sharp corners and intersections are not allowed. Connect two pieces of cord maritime hub into an overlay over a section of at least 1 m in length.

The sections of the detonating cord are connected to the line so that the direction of detonation along the connected section coincides with the direction of detonation along the line.

Detonating cords that serve as branches should be laid from the connection points to the charges so that they do not touch or intersect with one another, do not form loops, and are stretched tightly.

The cord is cut clean into pieces of the required length sharp knife on a wooden base without nails or foreign objects.

Installation of the explosive chain must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Safety Rules for Blasting.

From each batch received at the consumer's warehouse, two boxes are selected, from which the cord is subjected to external inspection. Boxes must be sealed, clearly marked and undamaged. When inspecting the cord, it is established that there is no missing core.

Minor defects in appearance are allowed, namely minor dents, roughness and peeling of up to three strands of braid over a length of up to 50 mm.

Technical characteristics of DShTV-150/800:

- linear density of the cord core is 35 g/m


  • Lukyanov V.G., Komashchenko V.I., Shmurygin V.A. Blasting (Document)
  • Abstract - Axial-action cumulative torpedoes (Abstract)
  • Sukharevsky M. Explosives and blasting. Volume 1 (Document)
  • Sukharevsky M. Explosives and blasting, Volume 2 (Document)
  • Popov D.V. Electronic textbook on simulation modeling of economic processes (Document)
  • Kutuzov B.N. Blasting (Document)
  • Matveychuk V.V., Chursalov V.P. Blasting (Document)
  • (Document)
  • Matveychuk V.V., Chursalov V.P. Imploding works. Tutorial (Document)
  • Popov A.N. Control of an asynchronous electric drive when stabilizing the motor EMF (Document)
  • Kutuzov B.N. Methods of blasting. Part 2. Blasting in mining and industry (Document)
  • n1.doc

    6.2. Slip-on explosive packer type VPSh

    Slip-on explosive packers of the VPSh type (Fig. 6.2, Table 6.2) consist of a packer part and a chamber with the help of which the packer is installed in the well. The packing part is connected to the chamber using threaded rod, made of aluminum alloy, the diameter of which is designed for a certain breaking force. The packing part includes a rod with a rubber collar, cones, dies and locking elements mounted on it. The chamber consists of a body, a movable sleeve, a tip and a plug with sealing rings and an electrical input. A ZVPSh charge is connected to the inner part of the electrical input (Fig. 6.3), which contains 120 g of explosives with a total mass of 232 g.

    Rice. 6.3. ZVPSh charge.

    1 - plug;2 - squib;3 - head;4 - spring;5 - net; 6 - lid;
    7 - ignition
    thread;8 - shell;9 - charge;10 - bottom
    To avoid sharp impacts of the liner on the tip, which is possible after disconnecting the packing part, a hydraulic brake is used in the chamber design, for which oil (cylinder or industrial 50) is poured into the brake cavity.

    When the charge is ignited by the pressure of the powder gases, the sleeve moves relative to the body, pressing the rams on the rod of the packing part until they stop at the casing and compressing the rubber cuff. Rams hold the packer in the well, and an expanded rubber collar ensures a tight seal. After the packing part is seated in the casing, the increasing pressure of the powder gases breaks the connecting pin.

    Rice. 6.2. Slip-on explosive packer type VPSh

    1 - cable; 2 - cable head;3 - hammer headtype PK85;
    4 - load (case of a rotary hammer typePC85); 5 - wire; 6 - outer part of the electrical input;7 - plug:8 - inner partelectrical input;9 - squib;10 - charge;11 - sleeve (piston);12 - frame; 13 - free cavity; 14 - space for brake fluid; 15- tip;16 - connecting pin;17 - lock nut (clip);18 - die;19 - cone;20 - cuff; 21 - stock
    Table 6.2

    Technical characteristics of explosive packers type VPSh







    Packer outer diameter, mm:



    Inner diameter of casing pipe, mm:



    Maximum permissible: hydrostatic pressure, MPa



    - temperature, °C



    - pressure drop, MPa



    Continuation of Table 6.2

    One of the main tasks in the construction of oil and gas wells is to ensure high-quality insulation of the annulus and interpipe. When cementing the annulus in one stage, problems arise with raising the cement to the mouth, as well as preventing the formation of extended cavities. The appearance of cavities, as a rule. is associated with the presence of behind-the-casing cross-flows during the period of waiting for the OZZ cement to harden. A large variation in the cement thickening time leads to a decrease in backpressure on the formation and the development of behind-the-casing cross-flows. Thus, by the time the cement hardens, there are already channels in it through which the layers can communicate with each other. This often complicates the operation of the well or makes it impossible.

    5.2.1 Improving the quality of insulation in the annulus.

    To eliminate cavities in the annular pipe, an effective technology is to install an behind-the-casing explosive packer. The behind-the-casing explosive packer consists of 2 coaxially located pipes made of titanium (non-magnetic material). The ends of the pipes are hermetically sealed and form a coupling and fitting for connection to the casing pipes. The interpipe contains a powder propulsion device, which, upon command, will be activated and high-pressure powder gases deform the rubber cuff, irreversibly pressing it against the borehole wall. The powder charge is ignited by an inductor through a transformer connection. The technology of work consists of several operations.

    After preparing the packer for work, the geophysical team delivers it to the well by the time the casing is lowered. According to advance by decision Based on the location of its installation (in the zone of dense rocks and the nominal diameter of the bore), the packer is screwed together with casing pipes into a string and lowered into the well. Before cementing begins, a lubricator is installed on the cementing head. A lubricator is installed at the wellhead during cementing to avoid the impossibility of discharging the well due to washout of the check valve.

    After the cement is pumped into the annular pipe and the top plug is seated on the stop ring, an inductor with thermometer modules and a hydraulic fluid or oil-gas fluid (in carbonate sections) is lowered into the well through a lubricator. When the geophysical instruments reach the packer installation site in the well, the inductor is turned on and behind the wall of the inner pipe, a propeller is launched, irreversibly compressing the rubber cuff. .After the packer is triggered, thermometry and RK are carried out to confirm the actual position of the packer in the geological section..

    Fig.5.9.Annular packer

    1– rubber cuff

    To create insulating screens by pumping cementing materials into the formation under pressure up to 30 MPa, an explosive cementing packer PVTs with an outer diameter of 110,118,135 mm (PVTs110, PVTs118, PVTs135) was created and used. It is used respectively in casing strings with a diameter of 117.7-124; 125.2- 133; 144-152 mm at a maximum hydrostatic pressure of 147 MPa and a temperature of 150 0 C. When replacing the valve device, it can be used as a slip packer. A distinctive feature of the packer is its operation without support from the bottom.

    PVC packer. 1– slips

    2 – rubber cuff

    The first stage consists of setting a packer lowered on the geophysical cable. After lowering and installing the packer in a given place, a powder charge weighing 120 g is ignited by an electric pulse and the chamber sleeve is displaced relative to the housing by gas pressure. upsetting the rams and pressing the collar against the casing wall. The speed of the piston is controlled by a hydraulic brake filled with liquid oil. After the packer part is seated, the pin breaks. connecting the chamber with the packing part. The camera is released and can be reused many times. This completes the first stage of work.

    To pump cement, the packer is connected to the tubing lowered into the well by freely fitting a special coupling to the end of the packer rod. When pressing a packer in a well, a testing ball supplied from the surface with liquid closes the hole in the valve device, allowing you to check the tightness of the connection. By increasing the pressure to 7 MPa, the ball is pressed and exits through the window under the packer, opening the way for the cement slurry. Once the cement is pressed, the valve is activated and blocks the backflow of the cement slurry.

    Fig.5.11. Installation of the explosive packer VP in the casing.

    a – before installation; b – after installation in the casing. KN - cable lug; 1 head, 2 - weighting material, 3 - electrical wire, 4 - adapter, 5 - fixing balls, 6 - packer head, 7 - plug, 8 - electric igniter,

    9 – packer body, 10 – powder charge, 11 – casing

    The VP explosive packer has been widely used in the fields of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. Strong adhesion of the packer to the surface of the casing is achieved due to large plastic deformations of the aluminum body under the action of high-pressure powder gases formed during the combustion of DRP black gunpowder. Figure 5.11 shows a section of the VP packer before running it into the string a) and after installing and disconnecting the packer with the weighting material. Disconnection occurs by moving the plug up to the stop. due to which the steel balls 5. connecting the packer and the weighting material are able to disengage and the load is removed from the packer. To increase the reliability of separation of layers, a portion of cement mortar is poured from above onto the VP.


    Fig.5.12 VPSh packer

    If the distance between objects is a few meters, then for reliable isolation it is necessary to use a VPSh type packer. It consists of a packer part and a chamber, charged with gunpowder and removed after installing the packer on the surface. It is lowered on a logging cable. After lowering into a given interval, an electrical impulse is sent through the geophysical cable to ignite the powder charge. By gas pressure, the chamber piston moves relative to the housing, pressing dies into the wall of the column and compressing the cuff. At the final stage, the pin connecting the chamber to the packing part breaks, and a channel is opened for gases to escape into the well. The chamber is used many times. All explosive packers can be drilled out, since aluminum alloys and cast iron are used in their manufacture.

    Outer diameter, mm

    Inner diameter of the casing (pump-compressor) pipe where the product is used, mm,


    Maximum conditions applied

    Weight of powder charge, kg, minimum/maximum


    Temperature, o C

    Pressure, MPa

    VP88, VP92, VP102, VP110, VP118, VP135

    The internal diameter of casing pipes for one standard size varies within 2-8 mm

    VPSh82, VPSh102

    Pvts118, Pvts135

    Maximum permissible cementing pressure 30 MPa

    Table +5.5. Technical characteristics of explosive packers.

    The PVR packer indicated in the table is designed for installing cement bridges through tubing using special bailers.

  • Lukyanov V.G., Komashchenko V.I., Shmurygin V.A. Blasting (Document)
  • Abstract - Axial-action cumulative torpedoes (Abstract)
  • Sukharevsky M. Explosives and blasting. Volume 1 (Document)
  • Sukharevsky M. Explosives and blasting, Volume 2 (Document)
  • Popov D.V. Electronic textbook on simulation modeling of economic processes (Document)
  • Kutuzov B.N. Blasting (Document)
  • Matveychuk V.V., Chursalov V.P. Blasting (Document)
  • (Document)
  • Matveychuk V.V., Chursalov V.P. Imploding works. Tutorial (Document)
  • Popov A.N. Control of an asynchronous electric drive when stabilizing the motor EMF (Document)
  • Kutuzov B.N. Methods of blasting. Part 2. Blasting in mining and industry (Document)
  • n1.doc

    6.1. Explosive packer type VP

    An explosive packer of the VP type (Fig. 6.1, Table 6.1) consists of a body, a plug with rubber sealing rings, an electrical input, a union nut and an adapter, which is connected to the body using two steel balls. The packer body, made of aluminum alloy, contains a powder charge.

    Electric igniter type TEZ-ZP or EVPT. connected to the inside of the electrical input and to body. Explosive packers are lowered into the well to a specified depth on a single-core cable, to which a cable head and weight are connected. The body of a PC hammer drill is used as a load. An electric current pulse is supplied through the cable, which triggers the electric igniter and ignites the gunpowder charge. The body of the explosive packer expands under the pressure of powder gases until it firmly adheres to the walls of the casing pipe.

    Rice. 6.1 Explosive packer type VP.

    1 cable; 2 - cable head;3 — cargo (hull andhammer typePC);4 — electricalwater;5 — adapter;6 — electrical input; 7- ball;8 — sampleka;9 - contact with the body;10 electroflametel;11 — packer body;12 gunpowder charge
    Explosive packers are equipped with an automatic cable release unit with a cable head, weight and adapter, which are removed to the surface and used repeatedly. Under the pressure of the powder gases, the plug moves until it stops at the end of the union nut, ensuring separation of the housing and the adapter. The remaining components and parts of explosive packers in the well, if necessary, are eliminated by drilling out.

    The mass of the powder charge for each packer is selected according to special graphs depending on the internal diameter of the casing and hydrostatic pressure in the installation interval.

    When assembling a VP type packer, check:

    Availability electrical circuit between the outer and internal parts of the electrical input in the plug and its absence between the electrical input and the plug body;

    Strength of fit of the inner part of the electrical input in the plug body;

    Performance of the connection between the explosive packer and the adapter using balls

    Table 6.1

    Technical characteristics of explosive packers type VP








    Outer diameter, mm







    Inner diameter of casing pipe, mm: minimum


    Maximum allowed:

    pressure, MPa


    pressure drop, MPa


    temperature, °C








    Powder charge mass, kg:









    Case wall thickness, mm







    Packer length, mm:

    without adapter and weight







    with adapter and weight







    Weight without adapter and load, kg:







    with adapter and weight







    An explosive packer of the VP type is connected to a cement bailer, which makes it possible to create a separation in the form of a metal plug with a cement bridge in one run into the well. To force the displacement of cement mortar, the bailer is equipped with a piston, which is located in its upper part above the cement mortar and is connected by a cable to an explosive packer. When the bailer is lifted, the cement mortar is displaced by the piston. This is especially necessary for wells filled with high-density flushing fluid.