Coating a cold attic using wooden beams. Insulation of the attic floor using wooden beams and a reinforced concrete slab. Types of soft roofing structures

For this it is necessary all heat sources, coming from the house, block heat insulator - attic floor insulation - put a "fur coat" on the house, keeping the house warm, and not give it to the attic.

There must be an attic cold - have the same air temperature inside as well as outside.

Then the snow will not melt on the roof, gathering in the snowdrifts, and icicles won't fall on the head.

ATTENTION! Need to remember Golden Rule: if you don’t want to climb onto the roof again clear the snow from it And knock down icicles- necessary properly insulate it.

After all, the purpose house roofs - act as an “umbrella” over the house (under no circumstances are they “hot water bottles”!). The role of a “hot water bottle” is played by heating the house. And the most important task - separate the "hot water bottle" from the "umbrella".

At all delete or close all sources of heat entering the roof of the house- because she must confirm her "title" - cold roof.

In houses with cold attic roofs only insulated attic floor being the floor of the attic above the ceiling of living quarters.

Roofs with a cold attic, which are discussed in this section of the site, contain:

  • attic covering with roof,
  • external attic walls performed with holes- for ventilation with outside air through openings in the walls;
  • insulated attic floor top floor.

Before starting work - space in the attic should definitely ventilate.

Natural ventilation(ventilation) attic performed via under-eaves and ridge vents. Lower (under-eaves) vents serve as a supply air, A upper (under-ridge) vents serve exhaust ventilation- thereby creating necessary draft.

ATTENTION! Application in cold attics solid structures, dividing sections of the building(long support panels, high purlins or ribs, etc.) NOT ALLOWED.

Insulating the floor For attic space can serve coatings (see table 1 below):

  • polystyrene foam boards, foam plastic boards PSB-25, fiberboard, foam silicate(foam concrete is not an insulating material);
  • construction felt, mineral boards, rolled mineral wool;
  • expanded clay gravel, fuel slag And pumice.

Before performing work for attic floor insulation need to:

  1. Go through and check all roof and ceiling joints for the presence of cracks (to protect against leaks).
  2. All gaps must be filled (tow).
  3. All wooden structures must be covered with fire retardant and anti-rot solutions.

During repair coverings made of asbestos cement sheets need to PAY ATTENTION on the gaps (cracks), formed by waves of asbestos-cement sheets. If there are such, then they MUST BE COMPLETED lime mortar mixed with fibrous substances.

For sealing junction points asbestos cement sheets for walls and parapets necessary check the presence of protective aprons, A to the pipes - collars made of galvanized roofing steel. Overlap of dissimilar elements coverings for aprons it should be not less than 15 cm.

High-quality insulation of a cold attic is an important stage in the construction of any house. Thermal insulation will prevent heated air from escaping through the roof and protect living spaces from wind and drafts. Insulation can also be carried out in old houses, if such a need arises.

In a cold attic, it is necessary to insulate risers and exhaust ducts that release warm air

According to technical regulations, the attic in a house can be cold or warm. In the cold, and the rest of the space is freely ventilated. In a warm attic, it is necessary to insulate the entire circuit, then the air in the under-roof space will warm up from exhaust ventilation. A cold attic, the insulation of which must be mandatory, is installed in multi-story buildings. Attic room in private cottages it is not considered an attic.

Key points in thermal insulation:

  1. Ventilation ducts are provided. Their area must be at least 0.001 of the overlap area. This rule applies to roofs with a continuous airtight covering.
  2. If the roof is covered with tiles, slate, and the surface has gaps, then ventilation may not be necessary. But this is provided that under roofing material there is no waterproofing layer.
  3. In a cold attic, it is necessary to insulate the risers and exhaust ducts that release warm air.

Insulation of a cold attic is carried out in order to expand the living space due to this room. In other cases, thermal insulation of the ceiling will be sufficient.

How to insulate a cold attic

All thermal insulation work can be done independently, if available necessary tools and time, read more about insulating the attic with your own hands. Or you can call a professional team that knows how to insulate an attic correctly and quickly.

Insulating the floor of a cold attic

Much depends on the family’s budget, but experience shows that it is better not to skimp on materials for insulating a cold attic. Thermal insulation can be done:

Prices for our company’s services can be found in the section

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There are two types of attic space - cold attic and a combined attic or attic. In a cold attic, insulation is laid horizontally across the attic floor, and the temperature inside the cold attic is about the same as outside.

The temperature inside a cold attic should not exceed 4 °C outside air temperature (rules and regulations technical operation housing stock, resolution of September 27, 2003 No. 170, clause 3.3.2), i.e. if the temperature outside is -15 °C, then in the attic it should be no more than -11 °C. If this difference is greater, then, for example, at an outside temperature of -5 ° C, the slope will heat up, the snow on the roof will melt and flow onto the eaves. The cornice will not heat up, because... there's no underneath warm room, and the water on it will turn into ice, forming icicles. How more ice will form on the eaves, the greater the chance of leakage, the higher the load on the roof and the higher the risk of ice breaking, which can lead to tragic consequences. All this reduces the service life, as roofing covering, and roofs in general.

Rice. 1 Ventilation of a cold attic.

To ensure normal temperature conditions in a cold attic, it is necessary, first of all, to insulate the floor between the attic and the living space. The thickness of the insulation is calculated based on several parameters, the main one of which is the location of the house. The second most important criterion for maintaining the temperature regime of the attic space is under-roof ventilation.

In addition to insulation and ventilation on temperature regime the attic space is affected by: non-insulated hatch covers for access to the attic, ventilation pipes for rooms (kitchen, bathroom) leading into the attic space, uninsulated hot water supply located in the attic, etc.

Roofing pie for a cold attic can be divided into two parts. The first part is along the floor between the attic and the living space. The second part is along the slope.

The first part of the roofing pie, depending on the type of ceiling, looks like this:

Rice. 2 Pie on the concrete floor.

Rice. 3 Pie on a wooden floor.

The vapor barrier serves to prevent moisture from entering the room into the insulation. By concrete base It is best to use bitumen roll material, with fused overlaps. A film vapor barrier is used along the joists with the obligatory gluing of the overlaps with sealing tapes. As a vapor barrier, it is necessary to use vapor barrier films D-Folie B, D-Folie B 90 or D-Folie BR.

The insulation is laid in several layers with joints spaced apart to eliminate cold bridges.

The hydro-windproof membrane protects against heat loss and moisture ingress. Moisture can form due to condensation, snow blown into the attic space, and also due to possible leaks. Superdiffusion membranes D-Folie A 150 or D-Folie A 100 must be used as hydrowind protection.

In any case, regardless of the type of ceiling, it is not recommended to cover the insulation on top entirely with plywood or boards. If you occasionally need to walk through the attic space, it is better to provide paths from boards without covering all the insulation.

The second part of the roofing cake using flexible tiles in a cold attic it looks like this:

Rice. 4 Roofing pie for a cold attic.

When insulating a house, you must definitely pay attention to the laws of physics. According to them, the air heated in the rooms will rise to the ceiling. If the attic is not insulated enough, the heat will escape outside, and this whole process can be called heat loss.

In order not to heat the street and retain more heat in the house, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling. If you still don’t know whether it’s worth doing this work, then you should take into account that 25 to 40% goes through the roof. This data is especially relevant for houses with cold roofs.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling will perform three functions at once, which are necessary to create a comfortable microclimate. The material will soundproof, which will keep the house quiet during wind and rain. IN winter period insulation will eliminate heat loss and through which heated air can freely escape outside. Thermal insulation is also needed in the summer heat, because with its help you can create a barrier against heated air. Even in the hottest weather, the inside of the house will remain cool.

Material selection

If you are planning to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic, then you need to understand the variety of materials. The insulation option you choose should be able to withstand wide range temperatures ranging from -30 to +30 °C. It should not freeze at low temperatures and release harmful substances when heated. It is important to purchase fire-resistant thermal insulation. This is true for electrical wiring.

It is better if the insulation is moisture resistant so that it does not lose its properties when wet. It should not cake quickly in order to fulfill its purpose for as long as possible. Insulation of the ceiling of a cold attic can be carried out using rolls, slabs or this is true for a floor made of wooden beams. Whereas if you have to work with concrete slabs, then you should purchase bulk or slab materials.

Today the following are produced as mats and slabs:

  • Styrofoam;
  • seaweed;
  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • straw.

Concerning roll insulation, then they are offered for sale in the following varieties:

  • stone wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool;
  • algae ladders.

When choosing bulk materials for insulating the ceiling of a cold attic, you may prefer:

  • expanded clay;
  • reed;
  • straw;
  • buckwheat tyrsa;
  • ecowool;
  • sawdust;
  • slag;
  • foam granules.

Features of insulation with mineral wool

Using basalt wool

Basalt insulation is made from gabbro-basalt rocks and acts as optimal option for thermal insulation of the ceiling from the attic. The fibers of this material are more flexible and therefore not so brittle. They are well compressed into mats that have sufficient strength.

When deciding to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic with basalt wool, you have at your disposal a material that copes well with the impact external factors, so can be laid from the side unheated room. Insulation is sold in slabs or rolls, which can have different densities. Sometimes there is a foil layer on one side, which can enhance the insulating effect, because the heat will be reflected into the room.

About the dangers of mineral wool

All mineral wools have one common drawback, which is expressed in a binder consisting of phenol-formaldehyde resins. During operation, they are constantly released into the air, which can be hazardous to human health. Therefore, this thermal insulation cannot be considered completely environmentally safe. Basalt wool is laid according to the same principle as mineral wool.

Use of extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene, also called polystyrene foam, is not a very dense material. It can be used when the floor is made of beams and joists. Extruded polystyrene foam is stronger and denser than regular foam. Before laying it, the surface is leveled.

WITH warm side there is no need to cover the floor with a vapor barrier, because concrete plates have almost no vapor permeability. Insulation of the concrete floor of a cold attic involves laying vapor barrier film. The next layer is insulation boards, which are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The joints are filled polyurethane foam. As soon as it dries and hardens, the canvases are poured concrete mortar thickness within 6 cm. After the screed has dried, it can be used as a floor. Flooring can be laid on the surface.

Using penoplex

If you insulate attic space, then this will not only increase the service life rafter system, but also roofing, and will also increase the level of thermal protection of residential premises under the attic. Insulating the ceiling of a cold attic with penoplex has replaced other technologies that were used quite widely in construction. In this case we are talking about the use of glass wool, expanded clay and sea grass.

Modern choice - “Penoplex panel”

In conditions rural areas The floor of the unheated attic is still insulated with clay and wood shavings. Today we offer for sale the Penoplex panel, which is specially designed for cold attics. If you neglect the work on thermal insulation of the room above the living space, this may cause the insulation to get wet, which occurs due to condensation. Sometimes, under appropriate conditions, the roof structure begins to collapse altogether, which is especially important when there is constant dampness.

Should I use metal fasteners?

When the attic floor is not insulated, icicles and frost constantly form. Large heat losses were mentioned above; they are caused weak level thermal protection. When developing a scheme for insulating the ceiling of a cold attic using penoplex, you must take into account the features of how the ceiling units will be connected to the thermal insulation. The manufacturer does not recommend the use of metal fasteners, because they contribute to the formation of cold bridges, which reduces the level of thermal protection.

To create a heat-insulating cake, a leveling screed is laid on the floors. Next, a vapor barrier in the form of polyethylene is laid. The next layer will be penoplex. We should not forget about the presence of a separating layer in the form of polyethylene. At the last stage, a cement-sand screed is poured.

Insulating the ceiling of a cold attic may involve working with sheet material in the form of plywood or OSB. In this case, a vapor barrier, wooden beams and penoplex insulation are laid on the surface. You can cover it with sheet material in the form of gypsum fiber board or fiber board.


Insulating a cold attic allows you to create a boundary between cold and heat. Due to the formation of condensation in the attic floor area, appropriate conditions arise that can contribute to significant heat loss. Proper insulation overlap allows you to create a barrier with a low degree of thermal conductivity.

In order not to heat a cold attic in winter, you need to insulate the attic floor of the room. You should not heat your attic if it is not being used for its intended purpose.

In order to solve this issue, you need to think about how to insulate the attic using modern building materials. The process can take place both from inside the room and from the outside. Insulation is carried out in the process complex repair before final finishing.

Even if the attic was not insulated during construction, you can always address this issue and carry out additional work.


Most of the warm air masses escape through the roof. Therefore, when building a house with an uninsulated attic, you need to carefully approach the topic of insulating the attic floor with wooden beams. After all, it creates a certain barrier between warm rooms and a cold attic.

Let's consider the special criteria for attic insulation that affect the maintenance of temperature in the house:

  • Purpose of the room. The attic is a kind of buffer between environment and habitable rooms. Its task is to regulate the temperature difference between external environment and home.
  • Temperature conditions. In any season and on any day, the temperature of the air masses in the attic will always be higher than outside the window. This is why the attic is very cold in winter, and unbearably hot and stuffy in summer.
  • Heat loss in winter. The more a substance heats up, the less dense it becomes. This is a physical phenomenon. This is why in residential areas with a heating system warm air from devices home use, is concentrated in the ceiling area. That is, if you do not insulate the ceiling, then in winter all the warm air will heat the attic.

  • Excessive heat in summer. In summer, the reverse process can be observed. The roof, heated by the rays of the sun, will warm up the attic air, which, in turn, will penetrate into the room through the attic floors.
  • Reverse circulation of air masses. In contact with the ceiling without thermal insulation, warm air becomes cold, more dense and, as a result, sinks to the floor. This is reflected in the living space in the form of circulating drafts that cause harm to human health.

  • The appearance of excess moisture. When it comes into contact with an uninsulated attic, hot, humid air turns into condensation. The overall level of humidity in the house increases, which leads to mold growth in the corners.
  • Saving. The heat lost through the roof without insulation is about 30%. This means that when proper thermal insulation attic floor, you can save 30% of fuel used. Using air conditioning in the summer will also cost less.

The entry of warm air masses into a technical attic (non-residential) leads to negative consequences:

  • Due to the mixing of warm and cold masses, condensation may appear in the attic. Water falling on the surface can lead to rotting of wood on load-bearing beams.
  • If the attic is warm, the snow collected on the roof will begin to melt. The water dripping at the same time will begin to turn into icicles. Ice forms on the drainage system.


In order to choose the right type of insulation for the ceiling, you need to know several factors. The heat insulator must not only have a low thermal conductivity coefficient, but also have certain properties:

  • Resistance to moisture and mechanical stress. The seal should not change its shape under mechanical loads. Its qualities must remain unchanged, even if wet.
  • Heat resistance. The material must not burn or sustain combustion. High temperatures should not have a destructive effect on it.
  • Light weight. To create a protective thermal frame, you need to select materials with low weight. Then the attic floors will not be subject to mechanical stress.

  • Ability to pass steam. Living areas must have acceptable temperatures and normal humidity levels. To ensure this, you need to choose only vapor-permeable finishing materials.
  • Environmental factors. The heat insulator must comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards. Hypoallergenicity and chemical neutrality are the basic requirements for the material. And also it should not contain toxic substances and volatile compounds.
  • Mineral base. Insulation materials should not contain organic compounds; their base should be made of polymers. This will prevent mold and mice from chewing on them.

Based on the foregoing, in order to insulate attic wooden structures, there are several popular types of insulation:

Mineral insulation

Mineral wool It is manufactured in two types - rolled and in mats. It is produced by melting rocks at very high temperature. Basalt wool is the most suitable for attic insulation. It combines all the properties of a heat insulator. Mineral wool is quite light and fragile. To protect it from mechanical stress (pressing, crushing), a wooden flooring is laid on top of the insulation.

The most best view The insulation for these purposes will be a rigid mat of high density, reinforced with foil on one side. It is laid with foil down. At the same time, it provides heat reflection and has a vapor barrier.

Glass wool

The production technology of the material is very similar to the production basalt wool. But molten glass is taken as the main component. It has good springing properties. But at the same time there is fragility in it. Under mechanical stress, it breaks. Glass wool is cheaper than mineral insulation, so it is suitable for those who are on a limited budget.

But you need to take into account that if moisture gets in, it thermal insulation properties are getting worse. It is harmful to humans, as small pieces of glass injure the skin and can lead to irritation.

Bulk insulation

Expanded clay is round pebbles Brown. They are made from certain types of red clay, which is sintered at a very high temperature. Expanded clay has a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, since its structure consists of closed spheres. Each pebble is protected from moisture by the fact that there is a dense clay layer on its surface. Small pebbles of expanded clay can fill hard to reach places, hidden cavities in load-bearing wooden elements.

This natural mineral heat insulator is not subject to combustion, it does not contain harmful substances, mold does not grow, and rodents do not like it.

Foam sheets

A heat insulator with a polymer structure is produced by sintering small spherical granules. His standard size 100x100 cm. Thickness ranges from 1 to 15 cm. Polystyrene foam is one of the affordable and cheap insulation materials. But at the same time it has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient. Since it consists of polymers, there is no organic matter in its composition. This means that it is moisture resistant, does not rot, and mold does not form in it. The thermal insulator is not exposed to fire, but at elevated temperatures it begins to emit toxic emissions and there is a risk of high smoke. The disadvantages of polystyrene foam include the fact that, due to its closed structure, it does not allow water vapor to pass through at all.

Expanded polystyrene boards produced by extrusion

In terms of the composition of the substances, they are the same as polystyrene foam, but the methods of their manufacture are radically different. Expanded polystyrene is produced by the hot extrusion method, when the prepared material is passed through a special apparatus. polymer mixture. The specific density of the material is higher than that of foam plastic, its structure is porous and homogeneous. This leads to more high rates thermal conductivity. The insulation is strong and can withstand heavy weight loads.

Polyethylene foam with reflective foil

The construction name for the material is penofol. This is a roll-shaped insulation made of polyethylene foam, covered with foil. It can be combined with other types of thermal insulators, since in itself it has limited scope applications. The closed-pore structure gives a low thermal conductivity coefficient. Air, liquid, and water vapor do not pass through polyethylene. Therefore, penofol is a good waterproofing agent. The foil plays the role of a reflector, that is, it returns heat back to living room. Its thickness is from 3 to 15 mm.

Sawdust for reinforced concrete slab

This is, first of all, accessibility and low cost. They are used as insulation for ceilings in barns, bathhouses, outbuildings. The application method is to coat wooden attic structures with a mixture of clay and sawdust. The method, although primitive, is effective. Sawdust can be purchased at the sawmill. Clay is also available in affordable quantities. Mixing the solution is not difficult. At low specific gravity The mixture is very hard, especially after it dries completely. Therefore it does not load wooden floors. The material is vapor permeable, but sawdust can cause mold bacteria to develop, and rodents like to damage this type of insulation.

Most often, insulation of a concrete structure occurs with mineral slabs, mineral wool, chopped straw and sawdust concrete.

Scheme of work

First you need to prepare heat-insulating materials and tools:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane, chisels;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • construction stapler;

  • ruler, tape measure;
  • ladder;
  • wooden beams and boards;
  • vapor barrier;
  • finishing material.

Decide which insulation will be used:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • sawdust;
  • penofol;

  • glass wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded clay

Then installation work should be carried out.

Installation technology

Depending on the choice of insulation, the installation method also differs.

Mineral insulation

Cotton wool is laid in three ways: cells, grooves and a continuous layer. The choice depends on the degree of load. The most best design obtained from a continuous layer. First you need to lay a vapor barrier film. It removes water vapor, which is directed from the room to the attic. The film is laid strictly in accordance with the markings, with an overlap. Wooden structures must be tightly covered with film, otherwise they will rot.

At the second stage, cotton wool is laid. This is a simple procedure; the insulation is cut into strips. When laying, you need to ensure that the insulation does not wrinkle and there are no gaps between the sheets.

Attic floors must be waterproofed. Then lay the rough coating, which will subsequently serve as the basis for the finishing.

Polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam

Installing rigid insulation is quite simple. First you need to level the base, remove unevenness and differences in the floor. Put cement-sand screed. The sheets are laid between the beams. If no one will live in the attic, then the insulation must be closed plastic film. And if the floor will be used, then you need to put it on foam plastic OSB boards or fill it with a cement mortar screed.