Examples of errors in adverbial phrases. Incorrect use of participial phrases. Violation of agreement between the participle and the word being defined

11 question Syntactic norms

Syntax rules regulate the construction and use of phrases and sentences.

Syntactic rules govern the following:

    Use of dee participial phrases

    Governance standards

    Approval standards

Constructing sentences with adverbial verbs

A gerund denotes an additional action, and if there is a gerund in a sentence, then there must also be a predicate verb denoting the main action.

When using an adverbial phrase in a sentence, remember that:

1) the main action expressed by a predicate verb and the additional action expressed by a gerund refer to one person or thing

often the adverbial phrase is used in a one-part definite-personal sentence (where the subject is easily restored)

2) it is possible to use an adverbial phrase in an impersonal sentence with an infinitive

Participial turnoverDO NOT usein the following cases:

1) if the action expressed by the predicate verb and the action expressed by the gerund refer to to different persons(subjects)):

2) if in an impersonal sentence there is no infinitive to which an adverbial phrase could relate, but there is a combination of a verb with a pronoun or a noun as an object:

3) if the participial phrase refers to passive participles, because in this case, the subject of the action expressed by the predicate and the subject of the action indicated by the gerund do not coincide:

Standards of approval and management

The norms of coordination and management often fail us, or rather, we often distort them, despite their apparent accessibility.


Agreement is a purely grammatical connection (as opposed to control): knowing the form of the main word, you can name the form of the dependent word without referring to the lexical meaning of any of the components of the connection

Coordination is a weak connection (unlike control), since there are no main words that would always require dependents coordinated with them as a necessary condition for their use. However, this does not exclude the presence of cases where the dependent is obligatory

The main word in agreement is considered to be the one whose form is determined solely by the meaning conveyed in the statement; The form of the dependent is also chosen in accordance with the form of the main. However, in some combinations (cf. Russian young man-student), this criterion does not allow one to distinguish between the main and dependent elements, and they are distinguished solely for semantic reasons

Agreement may be complete or incomplete. In case of incomplete agreement, the assimilation of the dependent word to the main word does not occur in all of their categories of the same name: for example, in combinations with cardinal numerals (two large tables, two large books), the adjective of large agrees with nouns only in case, not agreeing in number, but the numeral two agrees with nouns in gender, but not in case.

Usually in descriptions of language grammars, agreement is presented as the coincidence of grammatical meanings (or their certain elements, for example, case, number, gender) of a noun and the word associated with it. However, this is not the only way of description: for example, traditional Estonian grammar contains the rule that in Estonian, when a noun is in the accompanying case, the adjective is used in the genitive case. There is also a variant of considering agreement, in which the grammeme common to the components of the connection is declared to be a characteristic not of individual word forms, but of the component containing them as a whole


Control is a type of subordinating connection, in which, in order to express certain semantic relations, the main word requires the placement of a dependent word (noun) in a certain case, with or without a preposition. For example, the verb see requires the placement of a noun in wine. without a preposition, if this noun names an object that is seen: to see a forest, a performance, etc. The main word is the word, the form of which is chosen only at the request of the meaning necessary for a given act of communication, and the dependent word is the form to -rogo is predetermined not only by the needs of a given meaning, but also by the main word. Therefore, the main word can be put in any inflectional forms inherent to it, and the choice of inflectional forms of the dependent word is determined by the main word and those semantic relationships in which the main and dependent words are between each other, cf.: saw (see, saw, would have seen and etc.) forest.

If, when agreeing (see), it is enough to know only the grammatical form of the main word and you do not need to know anything about its lexical meaning in order to name the form of the dependent word, also without knowing anything about its lexical meaning (for example, an adjective is a definition of a noun in it. p. husband gender unit h. will certainly be delivered in the same forms as the noun: strong wind), then with U. first of all you need to know the lexical and grammatical meaning of the main word in order to determine the form of the dependent, cf.: to do business. (creative p.), but do the job (vin. p.). Consequently, U. by its nature is a lexical-grammatical connection, in contrast to agreement - a purely grammatical connection.

A distinction is made between strong and weak U. Strong U. is due to the fact that the main word has such lexical and grammatical properties that it requires a dependent word that is in certain semantic relationships with the main word, cf.: wrote a letter, left the forest. With a weak U., the dependent word is not obligatory for the main word: the main word can be used in a sentence without a dependent one: I read this book in the library - I read this book. The number of strongly controlled dependent words is strictly determined by the lexical-grammatical meaning of the main word.

The main word in phrases with the connection U. can be a verb (read a newspaper), a noun (train movement, a glass of milk, a director’s order, an award decree), an adjective (angry with his son, full of nobility), an adverb (alone with nature)

A violation in the construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase is an error that often needs to be identified in task 7 of the Unified State Examination in Russian for grade 11.

To find an error, you need to be able to find the participial phrase in a sentence, and also know that the participle and the verb must refer to the same person.

Violation in the construction of sentences with participles: example sentences

Let's look at several sentences containing the error “Violation in the construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase” and correct them.


While on the road, home is always remembered.

Participial phrase: while on the road. The basis of the sentence: the house is remembered. The predicate “remembered” refers to the subject “house”. The participle “being” should also refer to the word “house”. But in this case it turns out that the house is on the way, and this is incorrect. The narrator, that is, “I,” is on the way.

Correct option:

When I'm on the road, I always remember home.


When workers leave their shift, they check the factory equipment.

Participial phrase: leaving a shift. The basis of the sentence: the equipment is being checked. The predicate “inspected” refers to the subject “equipment”. The participle “leaving” should also refer to the word “equipment.” But in this case, it turns out that the equipment leaves the shift, and this is incorrect, since the workers leave the shift.

Correct option:

As workers leave their shift, they check the factory equipment.


While enjoying a delicious dinner, our conversation flowed serenely.

Participial phrase: enjoying a delicious dinner. The basis of the sentence: the conversation proceeded. The predicate “proceeded” refers to the subject “conversation”. The participle “enjoying” should also refer to the word “conversation”. But in this case, it turns out that the conversation was enjoying a delicious dinner, and this is not true, since “we” were enjoying the dinner.

Violations in the use of those involved and participial phrases

Correct speech errors associated with the use of participial and participial phrases.
1. Stools made by carpenters were brought to the workshop.
2. From this book we learned about the horrors experienced by our people.
3. After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me.
4. By listing the names of the dead at the end of the film, it is believed that they will not be forgotten.
5. Looking at such injustice, my heart bleeds.
6. We saw peasants going home.
7. The children were playing in a meadow covered with fresh grass.
8. Arriving at the site on the first day, we were immediately given a task.
9. Having moved to 9th grade, we got a new subject.
10. Reading the poem, you feel the power of every word.
11. Having lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to start a new family.
12. Standing at the door to the living room, I could clearly hear their conversation.
13. There is a figure standing there that resembles an overseer.
14. Honor and praise to educators who are able to raise good people.
15. A book that is read with enthusiasm contains a lot of interesting things.
16. On the outskirts of the village there was a tent selling matches and bread.
17. People who lost their homes and who did not receive compensation were in a difficult situation.
18. He wrote an article about a problem that interested everyone and which caused great controversy.
19. The received task should be completed in practice by the end of March.
20. The president spoke on television about new decrees.
21. Having run away from home, the boy was found by the police.
22. Vegetables grown in a greenhouse are less healthy than those grown in the ground.
23. Approaching the city, my hat fell off.
24. Textbooks received at the beginning of the year and which are indicated in the list must be submitted for re-registration.
25. Without finishing school, Sergei had to work.
26. Using a calculator, the calculation is carried out correctly and easily.
27. Having woken up, he was told that breakfast was served.
28. After reading the play, images of the characters clearly appeared before me.
29. Having finished the excursion, lunch was waiting for us at the restaurant.
30. After the trial, the writer was sent to Siberia, staying there for many years.

1. Stools made by carpenters were brought to the workshop.
2. From this book we learned about the horrors that our people experienced.
3. After watching the film, the writer became even closer and dearer to me.
4. When the names of the dead are listed at the end of the film, we believe that they will not be forgotten.
5. When I look at such injustice, my heart bleeds.
6. We saw peasants going home.
7. The children were playing on a meadow covered with fresh grass.
8. When we arrived at the site on the first day, we were immediately given a task.
9. When we moved to 9th grade, we got a new subject.
10. Reading the poem, I feel the power of every word.
11. When she lost her husband in the war, she had no desire to start a new family.
12. Standing at the door to the living room, I clearly heard their conversation.
13. There is some figure standing there that resembles an overseer.
14. Honor and praise to educators who managed to raise good people.
15. A book read with enthusiasm contains a lot of interesting things.
16. On the outskirts of the village there was a tent in which matches and bread were sold.
17. People who lost their homes and did not receive compensation were in a difficult situation.
18. He wrote an article about a problem that interested everyone and caused great controversy.
19. The task received in practice should be completed by the end of March.
20. The president spoke on television about new decrees.
21. The boy who ran away from home was found by the police.
22. Vegetables grown in a greenhouse are less healthy than those grown in the ground.
23. When I was approaching the city, my hat fell off.
24. Textbooks received at the beginning of the year and indicated in the list must be submitted for re-registration.
25. Sergei, who did not finish school, had to work.
26. When using a calculator, the calculation is carried out correctly and easily.
27. After he woke up, he was told that breakfast was served.
28. After reading the play, images of the characters clearly appeared in front of me.
29. After the end of the excursion, lunch was waiting for us at the restaurant.
30. After the trial, the writer was sent to Siberia and remained there for many years.

Participial and participial phrases are quite complex parts of speech, when using which many mistakes are made. The article describes in detail the most common errors in the use of these speech constructions with examples, and provides ways to determine the participle or participial phrase in a sentence.

Errors in the use of participial phrases

Participial turnover- a speech construction expressed by a gerund with dependent words, which names an additional action and answers questions - Doing what? What did you do? In a sentence it acts as a separate circumstance and is separated by commas.

To the most common mistakes in the formation of sentences with participial phrases include:

  • The action of the gerund does not refer to the subject (noun or pronoun in the nominative case).

    Examples of errors: Brewing tea, his cup fell. Cleaning the room, their vacuum cleaner broke down.

  • Participial turnover in an impersonal sentence.

    Examples of errors: Watching the clouds, I felt calm. Going outside, he felt hot.

  • Participial phrase in a sentence with a predicate verb in the future tense.

    Examples of errors: Having solved the problem, I'm going to rest. Visiting exhibitions, he will write an article about contemporary art.

  • A participial phrase cannot be a homogeneous member of a sentence with a participial phrase, a predicate or another member of the sentence (except for isolated circumstances and some adverbs).

    Examples of errors: A small town shining with lights and surprising tourists, was his favorite vacation spot. Tall palm trees rising to the sky and rustling leaves, sheltered travelers from the sun.

Incorrect use of participial phrases

Participial- a speech construction expressed by a participle with dependent words, which names the attribute of an object by action and answers questions - Which? Which? Which? Which? In the sentence appears separate definition and is separated by commas.

The most common mistakes when using participial phrases include:

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

  • Incorrect agreement of the participle with the word being defined.

    Examples of errors: Toys, decorated christmas tree , shimmered beautifully ( Right: decorated). Yesterday there was an exhibition of ancient books, collected in our library (Right: collected).

  • The word being defined can only appear before or after the participial phrase, and not inside.

    Examples of errors: Caressed field the sun turned green ( Right: field, caressed by the sun, turned green). Hidden gazebos from prying eyes were built in a linden grove ( Right: hidden from prying eyes gazebos were built in a linden grove).

  • The particle cannot be used in a participial phrase would.

    Examples of errors: We would like furniture, made to order. We want to stop by the lake located near the forest.

How to determine which phrase is used in a sentence?

Cases of incorrect use of participial and participial phrases in the Russian language are usually associated with the fact that schoolchildren confuse these speech constructions. To determine whether a sentence uses an adverbial or participial phrase, it is necessary to highlight its grammatical and syntactic features:

  • Find a participle or gerund;
  • Post a question ( Doing what? What did you do? or Which? Which? Which? Which?);
  • Determine the lexical meaning of the phrase (action or sign);
  • Define syntactic role turnover (circumstance or definition).

Dostoevsky's novel, read in many countries, was translated to foreign languages (read in many countries- participle phrase, answers the question - Which?, agrees with the noun novel, in a sentence is a separate definition). Brewing tea, she always adds a little sugar ( making tea- participle phrase, answers the question - doing what?, depends on the predicate verb adds, in a sentence is a separate circumstance).

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The participial phrase cannot be used: In a sentence where the actions expressed by the predicate and the gerund refer to different persons or objects: Approaching this station and looking at the nature through the window, my hat flew off. In an impersonal sentence: Approaching the forest, I felt cold. In the passive construction: Having gone up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the piers of Nizhny Novgorod.

Check correct option 1. Having barely mastered reading and writing,.. A) in the third year of school he came into our lives English language; B) already in the third grade we began to study English. 2. Climbing onto the roof of the barn, .. A) Pavka had a clear view of the Leshchinskys’ garden; B) Pavka saw the Leshchinskys’ garden well.

Check the correct option 3. Looking at this picture... A) we involuntarily feel sad; B) our hearts involuntarily clench. 4. Living in a monastery,.. A) What dreams did Mtsyri pursue? B) What did Mtsyri dream about?

Answers 1b 2b 3A 4b

Check 1. Having barely mastered literacy... A) in the third year of school, the English language entered our lives; B) already in the third grade we began to study English. 2. Climbing onto the roof of the barn, .. A) Pavka had a clear view of the Leshchinskys’ garden; B) Pavka saw the Leshchinskys’ garden well.

Check 3. Looking at this picture... A) we involuntarily feel sad; B) our hearts involuntarily clench. 4. Living in a monastery,.. A) What dreams did Mtsyri pursue? B) What did Mtsyri dream about?

A violation of the aspectual correlation of the verb and the gerund also leads to an error. Meeting with the grandmaster, the chess player won. Having met the grandmaster, the chess player won.

Check the correct option 1. a) By reading, b) By reading... an interesting article and marking required material, I always make statements. 2. a) Studying, b) Having studied... the routes of the Caucasus, I will go there in the summer to travel.

Check the correct option 3. a) While washing, b) Having washed... the linen, the housewife hung it out on the balcony. 4. a) Summing up, b) Summing up... the results of the inspection, we can note the improvement in working conditions for the company’s employees.

Answers 1b 2b 3b 4a,b

Check 1. a) Reading, b) After reading... an interesting article and marking the necessary material, I always make notes. 2. a) Studying, b) Having studied... the routes of the Caucasus, I will go there in the summer to travel.

Check 3. a) While washing, b) After washing... the linen, the housewife hung it out on the balcony. 4. a) Summing up, b) Summing up... the results of the inspection, we can note the improvement in working conditions for the company’s employees.

Note the violations of the norms for the use of participial phrases 1. Finding himself outside the walls of the university, wandering along the street without any purpose, Raskolnikov’s murder plan matures. 2. Plans are now being refined and adjusted, specifically addressing each district.

Note the violations of the norms for the use of participial phrases 3. Taking this and a number of other points into account, based on the Law on Incorporation, such a decision was made in Perm and the Perm region. 4. Looking at this lilac branch, I remembered my childhood. 5. Thinking through my vacation plans, I will probably go to Crimea in the summer.

Note violations of the norms for the use of participial phrases 6. Listening to Scriabin’s music, we are not left with the feeling of the composer’s sincerity. 7. After reading this story, we observe amazing freshness expressive means, used by the author. 8. Having made some noise, the river calmed down and fell back into the banks.

Answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Check 1. Finding himself outside the walls of the university, wandering along the street without any purpose, Raskolnikov hatches a murder plan. 2. Plans are now being refined and adjusted, specifically addressing each district.

Check 3. Considering this and a number of other points, based on the Law on Incorporation, such a decision was made in Perm and the Perm region. 4. Looking at this lilac branch, I remembered my childhood. 5. Thinking through my vacation plans, I will probably go to Crimea in the summer.

Check 6. Listening to Scriabin’s music, we are left with the feeling of the composer’s sincerity. 7. After reading this story, we observe the amazing freshness of the expressive means used by the author. 8. Having made some noise, the river calmed down and fell back into the banks.

Final test Mark violations of the norms for the use of adverbial phrases

1. Having arrived at the station, the train was no longer visible. 2. The boat rushed off, turning silently and easily among the ships. 3. Having taken first place in a side tournament, the young chess player is invited to the main tournament. 4. I think that after graduating from college, my dream will come true.

5. The sun, hiding behind a narrow gray cloud, gilds its edges. 6. While baking life-giving bread, people often died of hunger right next to the oven. 7. Approaching the lake, we stopped the horses, jumped to the ground and, without thinking twice, rushed into the water.

Answers 1 3 4 7

Check 1. Having approached the station, the train was no longer visible. 2. The boat rushed off, turning silently and easily among the ships. 3. Having taken first place in a side tournament, the young chess player is invited to the main tournament. 4. I think that after graduating from college, my dream will come true.

Check 5. The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. 6. While baking life-giving bread, people often died of hunger right next to the oven. 7. Approaching the lake, we stopped the horses, jumped to the ground and, without thinking twice, rushed into the water.