Night curtains for the living room for two windows. Living room with two windows - stylish and cozy design in the living room (85 photos). Features of window design depending on their location

Well-chosen curtains are the final, but not least important, chord in interior design. How to cope with this task if the room has not one, but two windows? Taking into account all the features of the design and functional purpose of the room, you can choose the ideal option that will delight the eyes of not only the owners, but also the guests every day.

As of today, 2018, the range of curtains is very large and varied. Unusual colors, incredible textures, Various types fabrics and interesting, modern accessories will simply knock you off your feet. What to do and how to decide on a choice in order to beautifully and interestingly decorate two windows at once, we will analyze everything in order.

Basic rules for choosing curtains

Regardless of the purpose of the room and the number of windows, to make choosing curtains easier, you need to consider the following:

  • Functionality. For the right choice curtains, you need to decide on the functional load - this is what you would like to get from the window decoration. To protect from prying eyes and bright sun rays, choose thicker fabrics. Well, if the room is dark, then the curtains should be light and light. For a room where there is a high probability rapid pollution For curtains, you need to choose fabrics that are practical in color and care.
  • Color. When choosing the color of curtains, you need to take into account the color scheme of the room’s interior and the color that you most want to highlight. When decorating bedroom windows, you should give preference to soft and delicate tones. If the wallpaper has a pattern, then the curtains should be plain and vice versa.
  • Accent. You should not focus only on the window; the space of the entire room should be harmoniously combined and echo the decorative elements, and the curtains should be the completion of the composition.
  • Style. The style of curtains is directly related to the style of the room. When decorating windows in a high-tech style, Roman or roller blinds V light colors. The Provence style is characterized by colorful curtains with floral prints and lambrequins. Minimalism, a style that speaks for itself, loves simple plain fabrics in pastel colors. The Art Deco style is rich and luxurious with unusual patterns and contrasting colors. IN classic style curtains are restrained and elegant in soothing colors.
  • Room area. Curtains play a lot important role in organizing the space of the room. So with the help long curtains you can visually increase the height of the room. A lambrequin will create coziness and warmth in the living room or bedroom. Light and airy curtains will give the room lightness and spaciousness.

If you want to transform several windows in a room at once, you should know some tricks.

  1. Identity. It is very important that both windows in the same space are decorated the same way, otherwise the decor will be discordant. Everything should be the same: fabric, fastening, and length. Having given the windows - two twins.
  2. Avoid massive draperies. Two windows already occupy the entire wall, and weighing it down with drapery creates the feeling of a theater stage. Therefore, it is best to use light and light fabrics; they will create a feeling of cleanliness and spaciousness.
  3. Use the partition. Do not forget about the wall between the windows, depending on the width there are various ways its decoration. If the width of the partition is less than one meter, you can use curtains to decorate the windows, creating a single large window covering the entire wall. But, if the width is more than one meter, you can combine the windows into a single composition using decor.

Curtain design options for two windows

Thanks to skillful hands And limitless imagination There are an incredible variety of ways to design two windows. Let's consider several successful and harmonious options.

Mirror placement of curtains on windows with tulle drapery in the middle disguises the partition, creating a single whole. The photo shows a design option for two windows in the living room.

Tulle unites two windows.

Decorative elements, paintings or clocks placed on the wall between the windows will help combine the two windows, creating a whole panel. It is very important that the decor between the windows matches the color and style of the curtains.

The clock as an axis of symmetry in design.

Light and color add lightness and space.

Even if the windows are located on adjacent walls and have different size, when designed correctly, it creates the impression of symmetry. To achieve this effect, you need to hang the curtain rod at the same level, and the curtains should be the same length. The photo shows a great example of creating balance and integrity of space with the help of well-chosen curtains.

Bedroom with two asymmetrical windows.

Using a lambrequin and curtains, you can get a window that covers the entire wall and this will be an excellent option for decorating a living room or bedroom. Such curtains will give your home coziness, comfort and a feeling of warmth.

Curtains for two windows in the dining area.

Window decor in the bedroom.

Modern new products cannot but surprise with their variety of colors, shapes and styles. The most win-win and universal option for decorating two windows in a room would be to use Japanese curtains. Such curtains can be safely hung in the bedroom, kitchen or living room. Japanese curtains are very functional, elegant and do not overload the room.

Japanese curtains in the living room.

Japanese curtains on the windows in the kitchen.

Roman blinds are also ideal for the kitchen and bedroom. Their design is very simple and functional, and due to the variety of fabrics and fittings, you can make a curtain in any style.

When choosing curtains for two windows in the bedroom, living room or kitchen, you should not forget about fashion trends. New items are added to the store assortment every year.

In 2018, natural or close to natural fabrics are especially popular. Naturalness can also manifest itself in color or print.

Another trend for 2018 is monotony. As a basis, you need to take one basic color that will prevail in the interior of the room. In the photo above, upon closer examination, you can easily determine the base color of the room design.

Simplicity and single-layer designs never cease to go out of fashion. To do this, only tulle or only curtains should hang on your window.

Taking into account all the features of the room that you want to change, the rules for choosing curtains and fashion trends you can easily decide on the choice of curtains that will delight you and your loved ones all year round.

Sometimes there are rooms with two windows. Textile design must be selected according to certain rules, because the openings can be angular, forming a bay window, located on different walls or unequal size. The curtains for them should be harmoniously combined with each other, creating a single stylistic composition.

This means that the curtains in the openings are made from the same type and color of fabric so that the composition looks holistic and complete. If we step back from of this rule, even good interior will look unfinished.

The following combinations of two window openings in the room stand out, for each of which the designers offer their recommendations for textile design:

  1. With a wall.
  2. Angular.
  3. Located on opposite walls.

Design of openings with a pier

The dimensions of the wall are the main parameter if windows are selected nearby. If the width of the space between the openings is small (less than one meter), it is possible to create a common textile composition in which the curtains of one window and the other are connected in the middle. This can be one curtain in the middle, or a single lambrequin. If the partition is about one meter or wider, it is recommended to arrange separate sets of curtains for each window. In such cases, the wall between them is decorated wall element(mirror, sconce or painting) or serves as an area for placing a small piece of furniture.

Openings of the same size on the same wall require symmetry and identity in design. If you ignore this rule, inevitable dissonance will arise.

The rules may be slightly different when choosing curtains for a studio with 2 windows. Even located on the same wall (usually the end wall), they belong to different functional areas of the room. Usually one opening is located in the recreation area or living area, the other in the kitchen. In this case, identical design can create the impression of crowded space. The studio windows should be decorated with textiles of a single color scheme, but in the kitchen area, use a more modest design - for example, instead of two curtains, leave only one.

Choosing curtains for corner openings

Window decoration in rooms with a restrained style requires careful use shades. Single-color or two-color curtains in styles such as minimalism, hi-tech or Scandinavian are acceptable - usually in black and white and muted shades. For interiors in a classic or modern style, the shade of curtains should be elegant or pastel, but in no case provocative. or country music is allowed to be used bright fabrics with a cheerful pattern.

It is also important that the color of the curtains is in harmony with the surrounding environment. Designers advise using a material whose color matches the shade of the wallpaper, soft upholstery or textile accessories rooms. In this case, it is worth considering the size of the room - if the room is small, there should be little pattern on the curtains; in spacious rooms, colorful, rich and bright fabrics are acceptable. For example, a room with two windows located on different walls can be decorated with material with a dynamic print or in rich shades.

It is very important to consider the side on which the room's windows face. If it is the south side, then the color of the curtains is selected in cool tones - greenish, blue and gray. It is recommended to choose curtains for the north window in materials warm shades– beige, golden and peach.

The color of the textiles is also selected depending on the purpose of the room. In living rooms it is appropriate to use deep colors - emerald, lingonberry, brick. Sometimes you can prefer muted shades, but they are more typical for rooms where you relax most. For example, designers usually decorate curtains for a bedroom with two windows with textiles in lavender or pistachio shades.

The need to design two window openings in the hall at once often causes difficulties for apartment owners, especially if they are located asymmetrically. This layout is not a problem, but an opportunity to realize your creative potential and create a unique interior. It is quite possible to choose the right one for a corner window or for two openings on one wall if you follow the advice of experts and are not afraid to experiment.

A room with two windows has a number of advantages over a room with one window opening. While many may argue with this statement, designers always appreciate additional sources of natural light.

A more modern name for the hall is living room, although many still use the usual Soviet man definition. The hall in any house or apartment is the center where the whole family meets, the “soul” of the home. It is in the living room that noisy companies gather and quiet family evenings are held, holidays and any events take place. Therefore, the interior of the room, even with two windows, should be the face of the house, reflecting the individuality of the owners.

Two windows in the hall: pros and cons

Connoisseurs beautiful interiors They will certainly appreciate the two windows in the living room. The design of such a space will be original and winning, because the atmosphere can be played out in an interesting way.

A significant advantage of the second window is an additional light source, which allows you to do without lamps even on a cloudy day, while saving energy.

If the windows have panoramic glazing, then when decorating a room you can use absolutely any style, from cozy classics to non-standard backlash that requires large windows.

Depending on whether the windows are located on the same or on different walls, whether they are high and narrow or low and wide, any layout will be based on them, making the designer’s work easier.

But, unfortunately, there are also some disadvantages, although they are not as significant as the advantages.

Firstly, the abundance of light can be a negative side of such an interior. For example, the windows face sunny side and the home will have to be somehow protected from scorching rays.

Secondly, instead of buying curtains for one window, you will also have to spend money on textiles for the second. Finishing window openings will also require additional costs.

Thirdly, you will have to take care of good double glazed windows, since the presence of two windows with low-quality frames increases the risk of heat loss during the cold season. For the same reason, good radiators also come in handy.

A not-so-pleasant view from the window can add problems, and a window-to-window situation can completely ruin the impression.

If the room, which has two windows, does not have an impressive area, then you will have to think about how to arrange the furniture in order to make the room as functional as possible without being cramped.

Hall with two windows on one wall: layout, photo

This is the most common arrangement in city apartments. window openings. Moreover, the windows can be either located at a sufficient distance from each other, or located in close proximity to each other.

How to arrange furniture in a living room with two windows will depend on where the doorway is located in the room - on one of the adjacent walls or on the opposite one. In the first case, a free corner appears where you can put upholstered furniture. In the second option, the placement task is more difficult, since the room turns out to be completely walkable. In this case, it is better to place a sofa or seating area along one of the walls. Although, if the room is large, it is permissible to place a sofa in the center of the room.

What to put between the windows? Again, if the distance between the openings allows, then it is more advisable to place one of the furniture elements between the two windows. This could be a sofa, armchair, chest of drawers, TV area, tall cabinet or decorative fireplace.

In the event that there remains between the windows small space, then here you can place an interesting designer accessory, a beautiful floor vase, floor lamp or leave space on the floor empty by decorating the wall with a painting.

Two windows in the hall on different walls: how to arrange furniture, examples of interiors

A more difficult option for a designer to work with is placing two windows on adjacent walls (windows on opposite walls are very rare in city apartments). Most often in this case we are talking about corner rooms.

It must be remembered that the door with this layout will occupy the third wall. In such a room it is quite difficult to allocate a corner (in the literal sense of the word) for an extra piece of furniture. The furnishings will have to be carefully thought out, and the decor selected carefully.

The most logical way to place a sofa or seating area is the fourth free wall. If possible, you can also place the sofa in front of the window, near the door, or in the center of the room. But, as a rule, the dimensions of the hall are standard apartments they don't allow you to do this.

If with upholstered furniture It’s more or less clear, where to place the TV area or storage space in a room with two windows on adjacent walls? Use designer tips for placing furniture elements in a room with two window openings on different walls:

  • If possible, purchase low furniture: TV stands, chests of drawers, coffee tables. Such items do not interfere with the penetration of natural light into the living room.
  • Use the space between the windows: here you can place a small pencil case, chest of drawers, shelving or hanging shelves.
  • Tall cabinets can be placed on either side of the doorway.
  • If the room is too cramped, then you should use the entire height. You can hang cabinets or shelves above the door or windows (for example, to place a home library).
  • Roman or roller blinds allow you to use the window sill space.

Which style to choose

The design of a hall with two windows includes not only the choice of decoration and layout, but also the choice of style, which for a particular room depends both on the preferences of the owners and on the dimensions and shape of the room. Undoubtedly, two windows in the hall will create a number of problems when arranging furniture and choosing the optimal interior items, but at the same time they provide the opportunity for bold experiments with color, texture and texture.

If the windows of the room face the sunny side, then not everyone will like the abundance of light. If you choose light, white shades, you may get a feeling of hospital sterility, so it is important not to overdo the use of white shades.

When choosing Scandinavian style where white is the basis, it should be skillfully combined with dark wood textures on the floor and furniture fronts.

Provence also requires the use of pastel and neutral shades, but not necessarily white.

Large windows can be an advantage, as they make it possible to decorate the hall in industrial style loft.

The highlight could be East style, modern classic, Baroque, but only if the area of ​​the room allows you to accommodate an abundance of decor and stucco.

But for a small room in which there are two windows (or more), perfect choice will become minimalism.

Curtains for two windows in the living room

The choice of textiles for windows is one of the exciting issues for the owners of a room with two window openings. Undoubtedly, curtains should fit perfectly into the interior and match all elements of furniture and accessories.

One of the problems when decorating two windows is the selection of textiles and cornices. The cost of the decor doubles, because instead of curtains and cornices for one window, you need to buy two. The most successful solution would be identical curtains and symmetrical design of the window openings themselves, even. if the windows are on different walls of the room.

The color and pattern on the curtains, at a minimum, must match the decoration of the room, or contain one of the colors used in the decoration.

As for the cornice and style of curtains, it all depends on the size of the room itself. In the case of a spacious room, it is possible to use traditional curtains, elegant cornices and beautiful pendants. But in a small room you will have to think about choosing an opening/closing system. Roman blinds and cornices for them will come to the rescue - when placed above the double-glazed windows themselves, such curtains allow you to use the entire space of the window sill. Roller blinds also provide a similar opportunity.

To visually expand the window area, you can proceed as follows: the cornice is attached flush with the top line of the window opening, but protrudes slightly beyond its lateral limits.

For visual increase height of the room, a cornice is used, the width of which does not exceed the window opening, but fixed right under the ceiling.

Curtains and drapes in light shades made of translucent fabrics will create a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Decoration of a hall with two windows

Two windows will create certain difficulties during finishing: despite the fact that less materials are required, more work needs to be done to fit and trim them, which will ultimately cost more. Finishing of any room is carried out at the final stage of repair, when everything preparatory work finished. windows are inserted and the style is defined.


Depending on the size of the window openings, you first need to decide on the color of the walls. If the windows are small, then choose lighter colors; if they are huge, then the incoming natural light compensates for darker shades. Another traditional move by designers is combining various colors and textures, where white is adjacent to black, and smooth gloss is combined with the warm texture of wood.

So, if the windows are located on one of the walls, then it can be highlighted more light color, and on the rest dark shades are appropriate.

It’s another matter if both windows in the hall are small enough or face the shady side. In this case, you should still give preference to light, almost white shades. To avoid the feeling of sterility, you should add a little texture: make relief ceiling or decorate the walls with voluminous 3D panels, even white ones.

As for the finishing material, it doesn’t matter at all whether it will be wallpaper or decorative plaster, painting or some other material. Effective designs can be created with any of these materials.

The most fashionable color In 2019, the American paint manufacturer PPG introduced a dark green shade called Night Watch for interiors.


If the room height is sufficient, it is quite acceptable multi-level structures With original lighting. This solution will become very relevant when combining a living room with a kitchen or bedroom - multi-level ceiling will be able to emphasize different zones in the room. You can also play with color design, it is not at all necessary to make the entire ceiling white. When choosing a classic style on the ceiling, stucco moldings and moldings are appropriate, which, by the way, can also be painted in a different color.

Regarding the ceiling material, will it be suspended ceiling from plasterboard or stretch fabric, does not play a role.


In a room with several sources natural light Floors should not be highlighted with texture or color, otherwise this surface will distract attention. Since quite a lot of light from both windows falls on the floor, any texture will stand out too much, and a contrasting color will attract unnecessary attention.

Therefore, for a room with two windows, choose high-quality flooring neutral shades: parquet board, laminate, carpet or quartz tiles. The choice of shade should still be tied to the color of the walls: dark floors will match light walls and vice versa.

Hall with two windows: photos of interiors

It may seem difficult to some to decorate the interior of a room with two windows, but in the world of design nothing is impossible. And even. if the room is small, narrow or with low ceilings, there is always a solution that allows you to visually change the shape or dimensions of the room. We hope that our collection of photos of the interiors of a hall with two windows will help apartment owners decide on the style, furniture and decoration of such an interior. Enjoy watching!

Two windows in the hall are not uncommon, both for cottages and for an ordinary apartment. Due to the entry of light into large quantities, the room seems taller and larger, when choosing curtains, this point should be taken into account.

Design features of curtains

Correctly decorating two windows located in the same room is not entirely simple, and has its own characteristics:

  • you should select textiles when the entire design of the room is completed;
  • do not make windows the center of the interior;
  • it is necessary to maintain the general style when designing them;
  • the color should match the color scheme of the room;
  • it is important to take into account the proportions; if the room is small, then heavy curtains will make it smaller, while airy and light curtains will increase the space;
  • both openings must be decorated identically, with the same curtains, all details must be in harmony with each other, but when zoning, decoration is possible different options;
  • build on the shape and size of window openings;
  • take into account the functionality of the room.

Curtains for two windows with a wall

When choosing curtains for windows with a pier, you should take into account the size of the pier. In addition, curtains should be symmetrical. If the partition is less than a meter, then you can make a single composition where the curtains are connected in the middle by a common curtain or lambrequin. With a large partition, experts advise making separate curtains. And in the gap you can hang a mirror, a picture or put furniture.

Window decoration without a wall

Windows without a wall must be designed identically. It is possible to use separate curtains and combine them into a single composition using a lambrequin.

Only two curtains look original, one at each opening, and the common tulle will give the impression of a single window.

It is possible to use one cornice for both, and a solid curtain fabric.

Features of the room and design

In any room, a window is an original architectural element, and when decorating it, the features of the room should be taken into account.

Corner room

Often corner rooms have two windows located on adjacent walls. They need to be decorated the same way, even the cornices should be identical.

Curtains for corner openings should be made in light colors, from light material, a simple model - straight curtains.

An excellent option is a mirror one, when nearby openings are decorated with identical curtains and complemented by a lambrequin that stretches from one cornice to another, forming a cozy canopy.

Room with zoning

If the room is divided into zones and the windows are in different zones, then their design will look boring the same way. You should play with the options and decorate each in accordance with the design of the area. However, they must be in harmony with the overall interior and color scheme of the room.

Windows on one wall

If both window openings are located on the same wall, then they can be decorated in any style, as long as it matches the design. You should not use heavy fabric with drapery, such curtains will overload the interior. It is better to give preference to simple textile models, and use tiebacks or bright clips for decoration.

Transparent tulle with thick curtains will look good, and a lambrequin will bring everything together.

It is possible to decorate each window separately, but with the same fabric. And if you hang an additional curtain in the wall, you can achieve unity in the composition.

Window shape

Often window openings have non-standard shape and curtains should be selected carefully.

  • Narrow and long windows

Curtains for narrow and long openings are more suitable in a classic style. They will emphasize sophistication and sophistication. The presence of a lambrequin will visually expand the design. And by combining both into one composition, using curtains in the wall, you get the effect of one large window.


Excessively wide windows can be brought into line by using thick curtains to match the wall. They will go onto the wall and create the impression of its continuation, and secure the edges decorative element.

Little ones

If the window openings are small, then experts advise hanging separate curtains with tulle, adding a lambrequin to the composition. Long curtains will clearly make the opening larger and the lambrequin wider. Roller blinds are not acceptable here, as they will further reduce the size of the window.

Types of curtains

There are many options for curtains that will decorate any room, but they should be selected depending on the style of the room.

  • Roman

Roman blinds look great on two windows in one room; they are comfortable and beautiful. The folds that form when they rise look impressive. In addition, they are practical as their length can be adjusted.

  • Classic

The classic option is a win-win. Airy tulle with thick curtains and a luxurious lambrequin will make any room more beautiful, be it a living room or a bedroom. Curtains can be regular straight or with folds, and bows and garters will add a special zest to the interior. The length of the curtains is to the floor.

  • Greek

Greek curtains fit almost any window; they are elegant and simple, without complex drapery. The material used is only natural, light, but not transparent. Convenient as they are attached to eyelets or loops.

  • Japanese

A good solution when designing two windows with a partition is the Japanese version. In addition to functionality, they look elegant and do not overload the wall, and this is the main requirement when decorating such windows.

  • Rolled

Suitable for both narrow and wide windows. It is possible to use cassette roller blinds or with an open mechanism.

  • Modern

Style doesn't imply too much thick fabrics And bright shades. Curtains can be sliding, straight or lifting. The main thing is that they fit into the interior.

Design techniques in decoration

When decorating window openings, it is necessary to take into account the functionality of the room.

  • In the living room

It is in the living room that there are often two windows; they add originality and beauty to the room. Any option is appropriate: classic, French, Austrian. The ideal solution for the living room there will be floor-length curtains with a lambrequin, but not hard. Required condition– identity.

You should not use excessive decor and drapery so that the hall does not resemble a theater stage.

  • In the bedroom

For the bedroom, curtains must meet the following requirements:

  • protect from light - dense, in dark colors;
  • by cold.

If there are windows on different walls, you should choose plain curtains. You can use a bias curtain as a decorative element.

  • In the nursery

Light and airy fabrics in delicate colors are suitable for children's rooms. Long tulle with a pattern on each window and a lambrequin uniting them - perfect solution. You can hang roller blinds, but the main thing is to maintain symmetry.

  • In the kitchen

In the kitchen, corner windows are a plus, it will look great there dinner Zone. They should be decorated with tulle and curtains on the sides.

The best optionshort curtains, to the windowsill. Well suited - Roman, roll, Austrian or french curtains. Lambrequin or eyelets are also acceptable for the kitchen.

5 rules for beautiful curtain design

Experts advise following a number of rules so that the curtains look harmonious and beautiful in the interior of the room.

  • We take into account the style of the room.

Curtains, like other parts of the decor, should fit harmoniously into the general interior and match color scheme. In a classic style - standard curtains with tulle, minimalism or hi-tech - only one layer of curtains.

  • Taking into account the width of the wall

For correct design, it is necessary to take into account the width of the wall. In the presence of small size, both openings should be combined into one composition, this will add sophistication to the interior. With a large partition, each window is designed separately, but identically.

  • Taking into account the size of windows

Size and shape are important when choosing a model. It is better to decorate small ones with a single curtain, thereby creating the illusion of one large one. window opening. With standard or large windows Any type will do.

  • Avoid heavy draperies

Heavy drapery on such windows is not appropriate; it can overload the interior. main feature for curtains - lightness and airiness, this will add attractiveness to the room.

Custom design and decoration of curtains

When choosing curtains, you need to take into account, in addition to fashion trends, your preferences. The use of accessories will not only help to combine both windows into a single composition, but also to separate them if necessary. Wonderful decor There will be: lambrequin, bows, garters, tassels. Elements such as butterflies or flowers will also perfectly decorate curtains. The main thing is that everything decorative details fit into the design of the room.

The presence of two windows is not a minus, but a plus of the layout, and the opportunity to realize your fantasies. Choose great option curtains are real, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then you will get an individual and unique interior.

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How to properly design two windows in a room? This question is asked not only by the owners of luxury townhouses, but also by residents ordinary apartments. After all, sometimes two windows meet in relatively small room(for example, if it is corner apartment), but more about everything.

So, in order to properly decorate two or more windows located in the same room, you need to clarify one point, namely, the purpose of the room.

Where is such luxury most often found? Of course, either in the largest room, and then most often we are dealing with a living room, or, if it is a corner back room, then most likely it could be a bedroom.

Let's start the conversation about decorating a room with two or more windows with the most common option. Let our desired room be the living room.

How to choose the right curtains for the hall?

Curtains, like other decorative elements, must first of all be in harmony in style, color scheme and materials from which they are made with the design of the room.

So, if the room is decorated in a classic style, ideal option The window decor will be a combination familiar to most people: delicate thin tulle plus thicker curtains with a lambrequin. It doesn’t matter how the windows are located, on one wall or on adjacent (opposite) ones, they should be decorated the same way. Like twin brothers. Even a slight deviation in shades of colors is not allowed, since even a slight dissonance in the design of the windows will hurt the eye.

Minimalist style, as well as Japanese or high-tech, allows for only one layer of curtains on the windows. Moreover, in connection with the development and implementation of new technologies in the field of design, these can be roller blinds made in full accordance with the style general design premises.

  • The basic rule - two windows - two brothers must be strictly observed.
  • Second important rule The design of two adjacent windows in one room is a coincidence of the main design patterns and curtains. That is. Simply put, geometric patterns and the lines will look more logical in the room where these elements already occur, and the flowers will match the flowers.

  • The third point will be the choice of method for attaching curtains in the living room. Looking through photos beautiful ways When decorating windows, you should pay attention to the methods of attaching curtains. There are a great variety of them, from the usual hooks to spectacular eyelets.

  • The fourth rule concerns folds. Curtains on any window (except roller ones) are always folded. The designer’s task is to determine which folds are appropriate for a given room. And here again, invaluable help will be provided not only by the artistic taste of the designer himself, but also by viewing photos from the most successful decisions in relation to fabrics used for window decoration in this case.

  • The fifth rule forces you to take into account the size and shape of the window itself. So, if there are two small windows in a room on one wall, it will be very nice to combine them under one lambrequin with wider curtains, which will give additional volume to the windows. The use of roller blinds, which are fashionable today, is undesirable here, since this will further emphasize small sizes windows

In the same case, when the windows are large, which of course decorates the room in any home, the scope of the designer’s imagination is limited only by the style of the room.

  • The sixth rule takes into account the volume of the room itself, in which two windows are located simultaneously. It's good if it's big room. Then you can use any fabric, but preference should be given to the more familiar combination of light tulle with heavy curtains.

A small room with windows on the walls requires lighter options.

The height of the ceilings of the hall is also important for the selection of curtains. Such luxury as high ceilings is rare in typical apartments apartment buildings. Therefore, more often it is necessary to visually “stretch” the room by decorating walls and windows, for which curtains with vertically located patterns and stripes are used. This technique applies to rooms with any number of windows. In addition, many interesting solutions designers, whose photos can be found on the Internet, suggest attaching curtains as close to the ceiling as possible for rooms with low ceilings. This also helps to visually elongate the room in height.

And finally, a small note. When choosing curtains for one window, or for two or more, you can and should take into account personal preferences and fashion trends in the field of design.

That's it now more attention attract natural fabrics, styles and trends. They give the room more cozy atmosphere and special unique chic. Roller blinds made from materials close to natural, thread, rope and bamboo curtains as an alternative to synthetic tulle and simpler fastenings fit perfectly into this style.