Names and photos of indoor climbing plants. Hanging flowers for placement in flowerpots and their names Hanging plants

Ampelous plants are those that are not able to support their shoots. Their long and flexible stems hang limply and charmingly down from hanging pots and baskets, and sometimes creep up along walls and other vertical surfaces. They can be perennial and flower for one year; in the first case, they are taken to a heated room for the winter. For hanging compositions, ampelous flowers that are constantly blooming throughout the summer are usually chosen. These plants are very decorative and infinitely varied in color and texture, and in in capable hands turn into indescribably charming hanging flower beds and entire garden compositions.

From a botanical point of view, there are many forms of such plants - climbing (beans, bindweed), climbing (grapes, hops), creeping (all ground cover), “mustachioed” (chlorophytum, episcia). Landscape and indoor designers include in this group all plants that can be planted in a hanging container with the stems hanging down. They, in turn, are divided into flowering and decorative foliage varieties. Plants that cling to supports and crawl upward are classified as vines, although by and large they are also ampels.


The advantages of designing a site using ampels are obvious:

The best hanging flowers for the garden

Contents on outdoors, even if in warm time year, makes its own demands on flowering plants. When placed in an open area, they must withstand the sun well, and in gazebos and on northern walls - darkening, have greater resistance to winds, differences in day and night temperatures, and withstand the pressure of rain jets. According to the parameters of resistance to various natural factors, they can be divided into separate groups.

Shade tolerant

Balsam (Vanka wet)

Annual. Prefers moderate sun, feels great in lace shade, so flowerpots with it can be hung directly on the branches of apple, pear and other trees fruit trees. Under the scorching sun it begins to wither. In warm weather it can bloom until October.

Viola ampelous (Pansy)

A selection variety of garden violet. Forms a spherical bush with a large number of variegated flowers.

During the first growing season, the shoots grow vertically, and their drooping begins with the beginning of flowering. It has good shade and cold resistance. Can be grown as an annual or biennial.

Resistant to direct sunlight


This is an ampelous variety of petunias with gorgeous double flowers.

Colors can vary from soft pink to deep blue. Propagates vegetatively.

To enhance the splendor of flowering, you need to trim the vines several times during the summer to stimulate the development of side shoots.

Surfinia (cascading petunia)

Blooms profusely and brightly, grows quickly, has big variety colors, easy to care for.

Moorish bindweed

It looks very pretty on steps and supporting walls, flowing over them like a light blanket of color and covering bald spots and voids. It also looks great in hanging vases. It is content with little care, but requires placement in a sunny location.



A well-known indoor plant that reveals itself in a completely different way as an element of outdoor decorations. Photophilous, but does not like extreme heat. Drinks a lot and requires frequent watering.

The flowers, depending on the variety, can be double or simple; they bloom brightly, in white-pink and raspberry-violet tones. Produces flowers throughout the summer, but requires formative pinching. It can be propagated both by seeds and cuttings; this is best done in the spring.


A very effective decorative foliage tree. Forms waterfall compositions with long vines hanging down to the ground. The varieties with silvery leaves are especially beautiful.

It can be used to shade open gazebo or veranda, arrange a fence, cover unsightly places. Looks better in longitudinal drawers than in round flowerpots. Easy to plant, unpretentious to care for.

Wind resistant

Euphorbia "diamond frost"

A houseplant that thrives in summer and outdoors, even in fairly windy places. During flowering, it is covered with a white cap of small flowers on the falling shoots. Roots well in sand-peat mixture.

It appeared on the flower market relatively recently; propagation occurs vegetatively. In addition to being wind-resistant, it tolerates a lack of moisture well and can go without watering for several days. But in the absence of a sufficient amount of light, it does not bloom so profusely, which is why it loses in decorativeness.


This flower is often confused with petunia, but in fact it is an F1 hybrid. Available for sale in seven colors - from pink and salmon to raspberry and purple. It blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, and has good weather resistance. This perennial crop in this variation it is grown as an annual.

Drought resistant

Pelargonium ivy

Under favorable conditions it can bloom all year round.

Loves bright places, but can also do well in partial shade. It withstands drafts, so it often serves as a decoration for windows open for the summer.

Secrets of gardeners - pelargonium loves to “drink” milk diluted with water and live in close quarters. The roots should be located close to the walls of the pot.

Ferulolifolia sequence

Charming clouds of yellow delicate flowers surrounded by lace leaves. It is very popular in Europe, although it came into the circle of interests of flower growers only in 1992. It was noticed by breeders, thanks to which a dozen varieties have been bred to date.

Can be used in ground flower beds, looks charming in hanging compositions and solo. It tolerates not only drought, but also prolonged cold spells and shaping (clipping), does not require fertile soil, and does not suffer in dense plantings.

This group includes all ampelous succulents (plants that can accumulate moisture in special tissues). This perfect choice for plots whose owners do not have the opportunity to visit them every day. The best of them: Ceropegia vuda, rhipsalis, sedum, eryphyllum, crescent-shaped crosses, rooting, large-tongued, rowley.

Hanging flowers for pots are a simple solution not only to visual problems personal plot, but also numerous design ideas. If it is impossible to move perennials for the winter to warm room, it is enough to leave one small mother plant, finding a place for it in the house is much easier. And in the spring it will easily give birth to new flower arrangements that will enliven the most modest corners of your garden.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Recently I was looking at photos of beautifully decorated flower beds in German cities. I was always interested in the question of how they get such magnificent beautiful flowers in flower pots and flowerpots? I tried to study this issue and looked at the advice of our experienced flower growers. It turned out that this is not only a matter of proper care, but also what flowers to plant in the pots!

What flowers to plant in flowerpots

We all love beauty, especially flowers grown by ourselves. Usually, at the dacha there is not enough space to create large flower beds. In this case, it is convenient to plant flowers in flowerpots. Even small flower arrangements in pots and flowerpots will embellish the area and create a mood. But even in large areas, flowers in pots are always used in landscape design. It is so beautiful! And they bloom all summer.

Moreover, not only classic ones bought in stores are suitable as flower pots, but also, in principle, .

Let's find out first of all what flowers can be planted in flower pots. These can be not only ampelous (heavily hanging) plants, but also others.

The most popular flowers that look great both in hanging flowerpots and in tall flowerpots:

  • alyssum, which blooms with a beautiful hat

  • bacopa – beautiful plant With different sizes flowers blue, white, Pink colour, forms gorgeous cascades. Very picky to care for. Unlike petunia, which needs to be plucked all the time, bacopa is a plant that tends to self-clean. Small flowers dry out and fall off on their own without any loss of decorative effect.
  • begonia with rose-like flowers

  • bidens - very unpretentious plant, loves bright places. The more light, the more abundantly it blooms. And the more pinchings are done, the thicker and denser the plant’s cap is.
  • Verbena is a well-known beautiful plant
  • Calibrachoa is a plant with small bell-shaped flowers, related to petunia, very similar to it

  • lobelia with small charming flowers of sky blue color, but it also comes in white and purple. Planting and care are also similar to petunia - lobelia is grown by seedlings, small seeds are sown already in February, scattered on top of the ground, preferably mixed with sand. Usually several plants are planted together a month after the sprouts appear.

  • nasturtium - its shoots can reach 2 meters
  • , beloved by us all. There is probably no other culture that enjoys such widespread worldwide love. The least whimsical and capricious varieties of petunias are purple, lilac and pink.
    Potonia - differs from the petunia we are used to in that it does not require pinching, it branches naturally. But she loves to eat, the more often you feed her, the longer the shoots turn out. And you need to feed potunia with every watering, i.e. almost daily, with a weak solution mineral fertilizers(if the instructions for the fertilizer say to dissolve one cap per liter, then in our case you need to take half a cap)
  • Ivy-leaved pelargonium is a very spectacular plant and an unusually beautiful sight! From the beginning of July until the frosts, pelargonium produces large, profusely flowering cascades. The length of the shoots can be up to 1 meter;

  • Fuchsia is an unpretentious flower with a very beautiful color.

Of course, other flowers can be planted in flower pots outside: in the country house and even on the balcony in containers or hanging flower pots.

How to plant flowers in pots so they bloom all summer

First you need to determine where the flowerpots with flowers will be located. This location will determine what flowers to plant.

For places where the sun will only appear in the morning or evening, fuchsia and morning glory are suitable.

On the south or southwest side it is good to plant, for example, petunia, violets, and begonia.

In Europe, it is not customary to grow monocultures in pots, i.e. consisting of one type of plant, like we have only one petunia or pelargonium. They like to combine these plants with each other. And it is right. The point is not only that interesting beautiful compositions are obtained, but also because many hanging plants very capricious. The most capricious is our favorite petunia. Several days of rain and the petunia is left with pitiful vines with drooping flowers; you have to pick it off so that it comes back to life. Therefore, to create an ever-beautiful flowering pot, you don’t need to plant only petunia in it, but you need to combine plants.

A mixture always looks better than one plant.

We place 2-3 varieties of plants in one pot. We select them by color so that they are either in the same color scheme or contrasting. For example, red and green plants, yellow and purple, or blue, violet and green go well together.

We arrange the plants so that they look beautiful in the pots and are related to each other in height.

In the center we place more tall plants, for example, three fuchsia bushes of different shades. They will become bright accent composition due to its bright pink flowers.

We place hanging plants along the edges of the pots. You can add ivy or indoor chlorophytum to fuchsia, which feels great outdoors in summer.

In general, green or white-green flowers go well with all types of hanging plants.

Plectranthus, loosestrife, and tolmea are very suitable as replanting plants.

Plectranthus is interesting for its unusual foliage colors and enlivens any composition. Very unpretentious, has great strength growth, easily takes root at home. If any plant suddenly falls out of the pot, the plectranthus will always occupy this space.

Monetary loosestrife is not a capricious plant, it takes root well, and is not at all demanding of fertilizing. But in the sun or when it dries out it can turn yellow, so watering should be regular and sufficient.

Tolmea is a shade-tolerant crop; it can grow in the light and feels great in the shade.

At the dacha or in the garden, use several containers of different sizes and shapes, but from the same material, then the compositions will not be boring.

How to plant correctly:

  1. First of all, let's prepare a flowerpot - we'll arrange a drainage layer in it; it's better to use expanded clay, which needs to be poured onto the bottom of the flowerpot in a layer of 2-3 cm.
  2. Then add a small layer of fertile soil. Ordinary soil from the garden is heavy and is not suitable in this case. For flowers in pots, it is better to purchase special soil in the store.
  3. We place our plants on the ground. The distance between flowers planted in flowerpots should be slightly less than is usually recommended when planting in open ground.
  4. Then we fill the free gaps with earth. There should be 2 cm left to the edge of the pot, unoccupied by soil. This is necessary for convenient watering.

As the shoots grow, to form a lush, even bush, the pots need to be turned in different directions relative to the sun once every two weeks.

Examples of compositions:

  • petunia – bidens – morning glory
  • petunia – calibrachoa – bacopa
  • petunia – verbena – calibrachoa
  • colius – petunia – alyssum
  • verbena - calibrachoa
  • calirachoa – sweet potato – verbena or geranium
  • verbena – bidens – lobelia.

Our houses and apartments without touching Green colour seem somehow flawed and incomplete. Magnificent indoor flowers become decorative elements and improve conditions environment, in which we live, make the home beautiful, cozy and more elegant.


Indoor flowers provide relaxing effect and can give great satisfaction, while requiring less time and effort than garden plants.

But in order for these plants at home to be able please with one's appearance they require a certain degree of attention.

Caring for indoor plants

Houseplants require:

  • Light.
  • Optimal temperature.
  • Sufficient humidity.
  • Water.
  • Fertilizers.
  • Cleaning.
  • Transfer.

Indoor plants need a lot of light, but not direct light. Ideally, you need place them near the window, but do it in such a way that the sun is filtered through the curtain, since the sun's rays can burn the leaves.

Curly houseplants catalog

The ideal temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, and in winter it can drop to 15 and 18. It is important that indoor plants are not exposed to prolonged temperatures below 10 degrees, drafts and temperature changes. They should not be placed near heat sources such as radiators, space heaters or fireplaces.

Most plants of tropical origin, such as vines, require high humidity. This can be fixed by placing them next to the humidifier, creating the necessary humidity. When the air temperature rises above 20, you need to spray water on the leaves.

Regarding water, the basic rule is - do not water the plants too often.

Fertilizers should be used regularly, from March to September-October, every 15 days and follow the dosage instructions on the package.

It is important to remove dead hanging branches, dry leaves and wilted flowers. Special scissors are used for this. Additionally, it is well known that dust that settles on leaves interferes with photosynthesis, so you need to wipe them regularly with a damp cloth.

Replanting becomes necessary at the moment when the roots have grown too much. Just choose a pot 2-3 cm larger than the first one. This operation will be carried out primarily in late winter around March approximately every 2-3 years. Before replanting, remove all rotten roots and remember that after this procedure you cannot add fertilizer for a month.

When choosing plants, we must take into account personal taste, but we must evaluate the available space and the desire to care for them.

Climbing indoor plants

There are many types of plants that grow successfully in our home. But there is one species that will not leave you indifferent - climbing indoor flowers.

These plants green leaves, elegant climbing stems that are ideal for shelves, bright flowers and in addition, they require less attention without losing their beauty. These are climbing plants for the home; there may be flowering bindweeds or simply climbing vines.

Indoor climbing plants

  • Scindapsus.
  • Philodendron.
  • Cissus
  • Monstera.
  • Syngonium.
  • Hoya or wax ivy.
  • Ipomoea indoors (Loach).
  • Tradescantia.
  • Ampelous begonia.
  • Jasmine.


Scindapsus, includes 40 species that originate from South-East Asia(Solomon Islands and Central India).

It is very common in our homes, as it has fast growth and good ability to adapt. This vine is equipped with aerial roots, which by their nature can reach 5–6 meters in length, but when indoor growing rarely exceed 2 meters.

They do not bloom in our climate. Dense heart shaped leaves represent various shades green. They need a lot of water at all times of the year, but, as a rule, the roots rot easily, so they require soil mixed with peat and sand.


Philodendron is an evergreen plant from South America. This name includes dozens of South American species, most of them vines that live on tree trunks. Philodendron is characterized by thin stems and oval or heart-shaped leaves with a leathery texture.

Weaving roots can cling to any type of guardian. Species such as Philodendron bipinnate can be grown in a nursery, but they often reach too high a height. big size for home use. Flowers may appear. even if the plant is grown in pots. The soil (a mixture of peat and leaves) should always be moist, especially in summer.

Cissus is a genus of the grape family. The plant is so named because its leaves are appearance strongly reminiscent of grapevine foliage. Cissus includes more than 350 species. This is a fairly common plant, as it produces a very large foliage mass, which is why gardeners love it. Its leaves are of two types:

  • whole,
  • dismembered.

Cissus clings to the support with the help of its antennae.


Monstera comes from the rainforests of Guatemala. It belongs to the Philodendron family and is one of the most popular plants in apartments for its ornamental structure and ease of cultivation.

Being of tropical origin she needs large quantities Sveta.

However, this plant should never be exposed to direct sunlight because the sun's rays can cause spots on the leaves.


Syngonium- decorative grapes with developed vegetation belong to the araceae family and include 30 species, all of them climbing.

Syngonium was appreciated because of its beautiful leaves. It grows quickly in a short period of time and coexists well with other plants. Syngonium is often used to decorate a winter garden.

Leaf color varies from green to dark green speckled with silver spots.

Hoya or wax ivy.

Hoya or wax ivy has long won the hearts of gardeners around the world.

Hoya can reach a length of 10 meters.

It has beautiful flowers and leaves of a classic oval shape, slightly pointed.

Almost all types and varieties of Hoya have large (up to 8 cm and 5 cm wide) leaves.

Ipomoea indoors (Loach).

Ipomoea indoors (Loach). Indoor loach plant is a perennial herbaceous vine 3–5 meters in height.

The leaves are alternating, simple, heart-shaped, the margins are smooth. The flowers are funnel-shaped, blue, white or multi-colored.

This vine with beautiful flowers can be perfect for a winter garden.


Tradescantia has fleshy stems, erect or creeping, very branched, which bear long, fleshy, oval leaves.

Plants of the Tradescantia genus are native to the American continent. They were introduced to Europe in 1800.

In spring and summer, at the height of flowering appears beautiful flower which comes in different sizes depending on the type.

Ampelous begonia.

Begonia grows naturally in subtropical and tropical humid areas. Characterized by massive rhizomes, thick stems and asymmetrical foliage.

In order to decorate gazebos, verandas, balcony boxes or window sills, hanging plants are often used. They will perfectly decorate a window or entrance, and help give a festive feeling to the terrace or garden.. These types are indispensable for decorating a dacha.

Ampelous plants or ampels- decorative representatives that are grown in hanging pots, baskets, vases. The name "ampel" comes from Latin word Ampella, which translates into Russian as “small bottle”.

You can plant any flowerpot in pots or vases, but it is best upward, creeping or falling shoots are suitable for the ampel. Ampels can grow in an apartment, greenhouse or in the ground.

TOP 1About the most popular hanging flowers for home and garden

Ampels are divided into:

  1. Succulents
  2. Decorative foliage
  3. Beautifully flowering

Ampels are also divided into curly and creeping. Curly - produces antennae. With their help, they cling to a net or other nearby objects and rise up. Creeping - the container is suspended high above the floor in which the plant grows. The stems hang down freely.

Below are the most popular types of hanging plants:


One of the most beloved representatives of all gardeners. Differs from other representatives of the diverse color scheme and shape, long flowering. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. Easy to care for. prefers bright, warm places. It grows quickly. Flowering wattle fences completely cover the edges of the hanging container.


Widely known ampel. coral or bright red color. Their shape resembles a miniature chrysanthemum. You can plant this begonia in a flowerpot, box or flowerpot.. It tolerates heat and bright rays of the sun extremely negatively. Therefore, it is important to place it in partial shade.

If the plant is completely removed into the shade, the begonia may lose its decorative properties.


It differs from other representatives in that there are no flowers on it, or they may appear periodically. Dichondra flowers are inconspicuous, dull, almost invisible. It decorates any place thanks to its silver-green leaves with a silky edge and vines that reach a length of more than one and a half meters. In nature, dichondra grows in swampy places. Heat-loving, so it can be found on open terraces only during the warm season. To save the plant from frost, it should be brought indoors for the winter.


Herbaceous flower blooming from early spring and ending in late autumn. Grown as an annual. But verbena tolerates winter well. Plant in hanging containers. The stems hang down a meter. Verbena grows very quickly. The leaves are dense and hairy. Verbena flower stalks can be blue, purple, pink or red. After flowering, a nut is formed. It breaks down into four parts. Butterflies and caterpillars feed on verbena.


Rarely seen in Russia. Widely known in European countries. Herbaceous, creeping and climbing perennial. The fences reach 1-1.5 meters in length. The leaves are olive-greenish in color. Bacopa blooms in waves. The buds bloom at the same time and fall off after flowering. After which new buds open. Thus, Bacopa blooms all season long. For the winter in regions with severe frosts, he is brought into the room.


A hanging plant that produces long shoots or climbs along a wall. Ampelous geranium differs from ordinary geranium in its long, strong shoots, which are able to withstand the weight of leaves and a huge number of flowers. The leaves are smooth, five-pointed, without fluff on the surface. large and bright. They are the pride of any gardener. Therefore, flower growers prefer to plant in one container different types geraniums to get flowers of different colors.


Belongs to the bellflower family. Perennial herbaceous plant. Although gardeners use lobelia as an annual plant. The leaves are densely located on the stems, small and shiny. Flowers also small size, but have a bright blue, purple or violet color.


The special feature is unusual shape flowers and flowering duration. Flowers can be blue or purple. The shape of the flowers can resemble bells or dancing ballerinas.

herbaceous plant, pleases with its flowering almost until frost. Stems can be either erect or climbing. irregular shape can be orange, yellow and red.

Herbaceous plant with light green leaves round shape with jagged edges. It differs from other ampelous flowers in its large and densely located flowers on the stem.

Benefits of ampelous plants

Almost all ampels are annual. But they can be preserved until the next warm season by putting them indoors during the frosty winter. In addition, they valued among flower growers for their unpretentiousness.

With the help of an ampel you can decorate any terrace or window sill. They will not leave any gardener indifferent.

Climbing indoor flowers, types and rules of cultivation

Climbing indoor flowers are easy to care for, but can give the room a unique atmosphere. Each of them - flowering or deciduous - has its own growing characteristics.

Ivy - wax and ordinary

Wax ivy, or hoya, is a plant with beautiful, pleasantly smelling flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences. This indoor vine loves a lot of light, so it is best to grow it on windows facing east or west.

Source: Depositphotos

Climbing indoor flowers will decorate the interior with small flowers

It needs to be provided with abundant watering in the warm season; in winter, the hoya should be watered very moderately, but so that the soil in the flowerpot does not dry out. When flowering begins, wax ivy should not be touched or moved to another place, otherwise the buds may fall off. The photo will show you what this indoor climbing plant looks like when flowering.

Common ivy for growing indoors is common ivy. He doesn't require special care and grows well even in low light conditions. Its variegated species should be kept in brighter places so that they do not fade, but should be shaded from direct sunlight. The plant tolerates dry air well, but it is advisable to spray it regularly. It blooms in September–October with small yellow-green flowers.

Tradescantia - unpretentious and original

Another flower that is easy to grow at home is Tradescantia. There are quite a few species of it, differing in leaf color. But they are united by unpretentiousness in care and decorativeness.

Tradescantia needs good lighting, but in hot weather it should be protected from direct rays. Watering is necessary abundantly. The plant loves frequent spraying; water for these purposes should be taken at room temperature.

Tradescantia blooms with small white flowers.

Morning glory and campanula - beautifully blooming climbing indoor flowers

Morning glory, or popularly called loach, is distinguished by beautiful single blue flowers funnel-shaped. Loves light, but in hot weather it should be protected from sunburn on the leaves. Water morning glory moderately - when the soil in the pot dries out, but spray it often, since dry air is not suitable for it. It is better to place this flower where there are no drafts.

Campanula, an even-leaved bell, looks no less decorative. It is also called “bride and groom”. The plant has creeping shoots and blooms very profusely and for a long time - with large pale blue and white flowers. Low maintenance, but loves bright light and Fresh air Therefore, in the warm season, the campanula is taken outside or onto the balcony.

Climbing plants are easy to grow indoors. They adapt well to the microclimate of the room, but in order for them to delight you with their beauty, you should know what each flower loves and pay a little attention to them.