Traditional methods of treating grapes. Traditional methods of combating diseases and pests of grapes. Oidium - powdery mildew on grapes

My article about healing properties grapes Treatment with grapes a shorter version was published in April 2011 in the magazine Gardener's Collection No. 7 on the topic of Grapes and then reprinted several times. This article is reproduced here without abbreviations.

Treatment with grapes.

Almost everything in grapes is beneficial. But in moderation. In this article I will talk about the healing properties of grapes and its derivatives.

Let me start with the fact that in nature there are no fruits like grapes. Of course, its amazing taste, the beauty of the vine, and the fact that grapes are the initial component in winemaking speak in its favor. But the main thing is the unique composition of the grapes. It corresponds to human nature itself, therefore it can be useful for both the healthy and the sick.

IN ripe berries grapes contain over 150 biologically active substances. The skin of the berries contains wax, phytosterol substances - vitamins, essential oil, tannins, and the pulp of the berries - glycosides. Grape juice, depending on the variety, contains up to 20% sugars in the form of glucose and fructose, protein, fats, fiber, hemicellulose, pectin, pentosan, organic acids - tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, vitamins: B1, B2, B6, B12, C, P, PP, folic acid. Grape leaves and twigs contain up to 2% sugars and a large amount of organic acids. Grape seeds contain up to 20% fatty oil; tannins - flabofen; lecithin; vanillin and acetic acid, and, in addition, substances with antioxidant activity - picgenols.. The roots of the grape plant contain many glycosides and tannins. vitamin C. All parts of the plant contain large amounts of salts Si, Na, P, Fe, Cu. The founder of medicine, Hippocrates, equated grapes in their healing properties to honey and breast milk. IN ancient China grapes were supplied to all corners of the empire: for the table and certainly to pharmacies. Ancient Roman scientists - Pliny the Elder and Galon, the medieval thinker and physician Avicenna considered all parts and derivatives of this plant useful. Modern medicine agrees with him.

The founder of grape therapy (ampelotherapy) in domestic medicine was the Yalta doctor V. Dmitriev. He proved that grapes, especially their dark-colored varieties, are extremely beneficial due to the large amount of antioxidants-polyphenols-bioflavonoids they contain. It normalizes: heart rate, blood pressure, normalizes liver function, helps cleanse the body of toxins, increases the overall tone of the body and helps recover from stress and physical activity.

Ampelotherapy also produces amazing results when there is a low level of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia). In treatment, grapes were used in two ways. The first included the consumption of berries, and the berries were not bitten with the teeth, but were crushed by the tongue on the palate, this made it possible to swallow the pulp with juice, and spit out the skin and seeds. For people with weak intestines or children who have difficulty separating the grains and shells, a second method of treatment was prescribed - drinking grape juice. Grape juice is prescribed as a diaphoretic, diuretic, hypotensive, tonic, laxative, and tonic. Thanks to the content large quantity glucose and fructose, it is recommended for debilitated people and for those recovering from infectious diseases, for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, and gastrointestinal tract. The juice has a beneficial effect on diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, is useful for gout, and helps eliminate uric acid. Grapes and grape juice help increase water-salt metabolism, which cleanses the body of uric acid and prevents the formation of stones and sand in the urinary tract. The pectin contained in berries has a hemostatic property; in combination with fiber, it stimulates intestinal motility. After ampelotherapy, manifestations associated with cardiovascular diseases, such as shortness of breath, go away, sleep is normalized, appetite increases, vitality is restored, and general health is normalized. metabolic processes in organism. Juice and decoction of grape leaves alkalize urine, and therefore are prescribed in the presence of urate stones in the kidneys.
IMPORTANT— in ampelotherapy, mainly red grape varieties are used, since beneficial features white grapes are also known, but are significantly inferior to red ones.
Grapes are an effective antitoxic agent. It is used for poisoning with arsenic, drugs, and nitrates. Ampelotherapy leads to cleansing and restoration of the mineral balance of the body, strengthening the immune system, vision and nervous system. Grapes also help with liver and kidney diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, gout, gastritis and peptic ulcer. According to US scientists, a new medicine (based on dark grapes and its components) is currently in development.
IMPORTANT. Grapes can also be used to treat other diseases - but you need to know how to choose varieties. For example, Chasselas and Madeleine grape varieties help with metabolic disorders of fats, proteins and minerals. And it is recommended to eat berries of the Chaush and Catalon varieties when low acidity stomach (this condition is known to lead to stomach cancer). Chronic bronchitis It is better to treat with varieties such as Isabella, Muscat and other aromatic berries of the same series. The variety "Isabella" is also recommended for the treatment of catarrh of the respiratory tract, "Muscat of Alexandria" is used to treat inflammation of the throat. Many other muscat grape varieties have phytoncidal properties that inhibit the growth of putrefactive intestinal flora and destroy E. coli. The popular variety, which grows well in the northern viticulture zone, has a high content of folic acid, so it is especially useful for children. Not inferior to the above in their healing power and many other varieties. But Cabernet is recognized as the “king” of grapes. It is Cabernet and the Saperavi variety, which is similar in properties, that contain all the beneficial properties of grapes, as they contain the largest amount of grape antioxidants-polyphenols-bioflavonoids: anthocyanins, resveratrol, dihydroquercetin, tannins and catechins. .
IMPORTANT. In order for grape treatment to give exactly the result you expect, remember a few rules:
Grapes should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Divide the daily dose into three doses: 40 minutes before breakfast; 1 hour before lunch; 1.5 hours before dinner.
Fully ripened grapes, freshly prepared or pasteurized juice are suitable for treatment. It is best to choose grapes that are as dark (black) in color as possible with a matte bluish tint. Preferably varieties with thin skin and low acidity.
Place grapes in your mouth (and chew thoroughly) one at a time. The peel and grains should not be eaten.
Eat berries only 2-3 days after picking.
Before ampelotherapy, you must visit a therapist and do a urine test - general and for sugar content. If the tests are in order, you can begin treatment with grapes - you will need about one and a half to two months for the course. Remember that you start taking grapes with small doses (about 500g per day). - 2 kg (or juice -). . Daily norm should not exceed 2 kg of berries or 1.2 liters of freshly squeezed juice. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. For the first three days, eat 100 g of fruit 5 times a day, on the 4th day - up to 1 kg, adding little by little daily, on the 7th - up to 2 kg. in 3-4 doses. After this, the dose of grapes is gradually reduced for another 2 weeks.
When treated with grapes, you should not consume fatty foods, milk and dairy products, kvass, beer, alcoholic beverages, mineral waters, raw vegetables. Do not combine grapes with fatty and salty dishes, kefir, milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, alcoholic beverages, beer, and sparkling water.
After each appointment, be sure to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with tooth elixir.
WITH therapeutic purpose Dried grapes - raisins - are also used. Raisins are especially useful for patients suffering from arrhythmia and cardiac weakness, as they contain a lot of potassium and easily digestible sugars necessary for the heart muscle. Its effect on the body is diverse - restorative, laxative, choleretic, diuretic, hematopoietic. Raisins are more effective than fresh grapes in strengthening the nervous system and heart, suppressing anger, and “cleaning” the lymph, blood, lungs, liver and intestines. Special mention should be made of the healing properties of picgenol, a substance with antioxidant properties contained in grape seeds

. It has pronounced antiallergic properties. If there is cardiovascular failure with a persistent increase in blood pressure and edema, then grape berries cannot be treated. However, an infusion of grape leaves is used specifically for hypertension. Grape leaves are also used as part of preparations for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Sugar-lowering properties have also been identified and successfully used in diabetes treatment clinics in grape leaves. Powder of dry grape leaves is used externally in the treatment of purulent wounds, as an antiseptic. Baths from grape leaves are recommended for skin diseases. Grape seeds

Grape seeds are a storehouse of bioflavoids and microelements.

By regularly eating grapes with seeds, the human body will be protected from stress. In addition, grape seeds act as a natural antioxidant. Researchers believe that grape seeds have a beneficial effect on the human body and also slow down the aging process. They contain a high content of vitamin E, as well as biologically active compounds such as calcium and potassium. They are the basis

This or that type of grape seed will stand out for its unique vitamin and mineral composition, and this directly depends on the grape variety. In addition, the calorie content of grape seeds depends on the type.

However, it is worth noting that the average caloric content of grape seeds is 63 kcal, which is contained in 100 grams of the product. Grape seeds are used to obtain valuable vegetable oil, as well as flour or grape powder, which is actively used in confectionery production, medicine and pharmacology. However, you should not use bones if you have gastrointestinal diseases or have not yet had appendicitis removed.

Already proven healing grape sap.

* Contraindications. Ampelotherapy is unacceptable for those who suffer from acute and chronic enterocolitis, ulcerative inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and intestines, with acute forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, uremia, purulent processes in the body. liver cirrhosis; chronic kidney diseases; complications after gastric surgery; empyema of the gallbladder; acute caries and stomatitis. Treatment with grapes is also contraindicated for overweight people. For those who are sick diabetes mellitus- only slightly sweet grape varieties are permissible, for example, Agat Donskoy, and grape leaves are very useful. During pregnancy, breastfeeding and in some other cases, treatment with grapes should be strictly controlled by doctors. Health to you!

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Sincerely, Olena Nepomnyashchaya.

Unfortunately, we all encounter various pathological conditions from time to time. Usually, by a certain age, each person develops a clear plan of exactly what to do in a variety of pathological conditions: how to be treated, who to contact and what to take. However, there are many techniques that are not so actively used modern man, but nevertheless have a lot of useful properties and are characterized by high therapeutic effectiveness. One of these amazing and accessible healers is grapes, known to us all. Let's talk about grapes, berries and leaves.


There is a whole therapeutic area that involves the use of certain grape varieties. The berries of this crop have a rather mild and gentle effect, irritating the kidneys; they also improve diuresis, increase the mass of solid residue in the urine and help reduce formations in genitourinary diseases. The use of grapes helps to significantly increase the effectiveness of basic treatment for kidney problems. When correcting chronic ailments of this type, grapes do a good job of regulating the activity of the urinary organs, optimizing their functional state. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is worth consuming freshly squeezed grape juice, namely the varieties Chasselas, Pedro, Catalon, etc. You can drink five to fifteen grams of this drink per kilogram of weight per day, dividing this amount into three doses. You also need to follow a diet.

As you know, grape berries are used to make raisins, which remarkably strengthen general state nervous system and kidneys. It is able to suppress anger, cleanse the blood, lymph, and also optimize the condition of the lungs, liver and intestines. To prepare a medicinal composition, healers advise combining raisins with grape vinegar, maintaining a 4:1 ratio. Infuse this remedy for one week, after which use it to treat jaundice, tumors, problems with the spleen and to remove stones from Bladder. The resulting composition should be consumed one teaspoon three times a day, half an hour after a meal.

To treat anemia and diseases of the heart and blood vessels, you can prepare a tasty and very nutritious mixture. Take two hundred and fifty grams of lemon along with the peel and pass it through a meat grinder with the same amount of raisins, dried apricots, and walnut kernels. Add two hundred and fifty grams of honey. Mix all the ingredients and store this mixture in the refrigerator. Consume this product one tablespoon three times a day during meals.

grape leaves

Such plant raw materials can be used both dry and fresh. grape leaf helps relieve a variety of pathological conditions. So the foliage is often used to treat hypertension. Grind the plant in an amount of fifty grams and brew it with seven hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water. Infuse the product in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then cool and strain. Consume this medicine half a glass three times a day for three weeks.

For the same purpose, you can brew a tablespoon of dry raw material with a glass of boiling water, leave the product for thirty minutes, then strain. The finished composition should be consumed one third of a glass two or three times a day.

Green grape leaves can be used to treat fresh wounds, cuts and scrapes. They're worth rinsing cold water and mash a little so that the juice comes out. This product has a good bactericidal effect and stimulates cell regeneration processes.

Also, such raw materials can be used to treat varicose veins. To do this, you need to take fresh leaves and dip them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Grind the prepared product into a paste. This remedy should be applied to the legs, paying special attention to the affected area. Leave this compress for one hour and repeat the procedure systematically for one month.

To treat gingivitis, you can use fresh young grape leaves or an aqueous infusion of such a plant. Fresh raw materials can simply be chewed for a few minutes, but there is no need to swallow it. To prepare the infusion, brew five to six leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave covered for half an hour. Strain the product and use for rinsing.

Fresh grape leaves can be used to make kvass. Collect a couple of liter jars of this raw material, rinse it and dry it, then grind it through a meat grinder. Transfer the resulting mass inside a three-liter jar, add a glass to it

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of grapes.

Medicinal plant grapes (berries, raisins, juice).

Grape- These are round or oval berries, with translucent skin and flesh. Grape Can be with or without seeds. Grape color ranges from yellow to green, red, pink and crimson, and then... from purple to dark blue.

GRAPES - beneficial properties and harm: who should not eat these berries? Video

GRAPE. This fruit antioxidants is full of which have a beneficial effect on health and gives strength to those who are sick.
Grape can be used as fresh, liquid (grape juice) and dried (raisins). In all these forms, medicinal and beneficial properties are preserved properties of grapes.

Medicinal (healing) properties of grapes. Grape contains the following vitamins - 0.02 mg. - B2 (riboflavin), 0.05 mg. - “B1” (thiamine), 0.60 mg. - “B6” (pyridoxine), six mg. - “B12″, vit.”C” (ascorbic acid), 45 mg. - “P” (flavonoids), from 0.500 to 2.000 mg. - “K” (phylloquinone), 0.3 mg. - “PP” (niacin).
Minerals are present in grapes: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, magnesium. It also contains gallic acid, silicic acid, glucosides, and especially acetylsalicylic and phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, tannins and pectins, iron.


Grapes contain flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. The antioxidants it contains also prevent the accumulation of oxidized cholesterol in our body.
Grape juice has health benefits if included for the prevention of migraines, digestive disorders, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.
For people suffering from diabetes, consumption of its berries is beneficial for increasing pH levels, helping the kidneys to function properly.
Grapes can also prevent vision loss.
Grapes are also known for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
The grapes provide and nourish him.
Grapes are useful.
Grape .
Grapes have a very good effect on metabolism.
Grapes treat constipation.
Grapes have a bactericidal effect and strengthen the body as a whole.

USEFUL PROPERTIES OF GRAPES and why it is valued! Video

Grapeseed oil also promotes longevity. Grape seed oil- an excellent source of natural antioxidants, it is successfully used as a prophylactic agent oncological and infectious diseases (grape oil is effective for the prevention and treatment of complex hormone-dependent tumors, which include ovarian cancer, breast cancer, cancer).

Grape oil strengthens women's health. Grape seed oil contains a large amount of vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on women’s body in pregnancy and childbirth period, and increased lactation promotes and to the extent great taste improves and quality of mother's milk. Introduction to diet grape oil, rich in vitamins A, B6, B9, C, E, polyunsaturated acids and other biologically active substances can, in addition, bring tangible benefits to women who experience pain during the period premenstrual or menopausal.

Grapeseed oil. Video

Effect of grape oil on the male body. It contains substances in a complex combination that promote and normalize erectile function and spermatogenesis process, as well as significant work prostate gland improve. That's why, grape oil It is necessary to introduce into the diet as a preventive measure and an additional remedy, , prostate cancer, prostate gland, adenoma.

INTERNAL USE OF GRAPE SEED OIL. Unique therapeutic and prophylactic properties oils It can be used in traditional and folk medicine (medicinal preparations, dietary supplements, extracts) and in cosmetology (creams, balms, lotions, etc.).

HOUSEHOLD USE OF GRAPE SEED OIL. Grapeseed oil used in cooking: in baked goods, in mayonnaise, and also for deep frying cooking(smoke t oils this is 218 gr. WITH). Thanks to no odor oil this is an ideal basis for obtaining extracts used from herbs and spices. And this flavored oil can be used for pasta dressings, meat dishes, salads. In particular, quite widespread application grape seed oils in southern countries. After all, winemaking there is an important agricultural sector. But you can also find large ones in our supermarkets. grape seed oil.


Composition and properties of beneficial grape seed oils. Oil it refers to linoleic oils. The content of linoleic acid in it, which belongs to the essential unsaturated fatty acids from the class "Omega Six", reaches 70%. Available in oil This also includes oleic acid (up to sixteen percent), stearic acid (up to four percent) and palmitic acid (up to seven percent). The remaining acids are contained in small amounts (up to one percent). IN grape seed oil There are a lot of tocopherols, such as vitamin E (thirty to one hundred and twenty mg for every hundred grams), sterols (campesterol, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol), mineral substances and flavonoids.
Properties antioxidant and hepatoprotective oils have a positive impact on kidneys, provided by its unique composition. (low density lipoproteins) and increasing “good” cholesterol levels thanks to oil sterols stock occurs. And thanks to flavonoids vitamin C is formed in cells inflammatory processes are reduced, , capillary fragility is eliminated.
Contained in natural oil from grape seeds and resveratrol, To phytoalexins related – protective substances, which plants produce when damaged. Capable resveratrol stop, as well as the same action antitumor render.
Gives a slightly greenish tint chlorophyll oil, and vitamin E has an effect on the skin tonic and rejuvenating. In combination, these bioactive substances moisturize able, regenerate And skin structure improve. And also, faster, and also - the same abrasions, pore enlargement, prevention and skin oiliness regulation.

How to make grape seed oil? Video


Grape seed oil is widely used in cosmetology. It improves noticeably skin structure, pore expansion warns and work sebaceous glands normalizes. Grapeseed oil Suitable for any skin type. It penetrates well subcutaneous layers, regenerating and moisturizing having an effect. Indications for use grape oil:


Oily and problematic skin. For acne, streptoderma, etc.
Skin dryness under the influence of unfavorable factors. Wrinkled, tired and sagging skin. For minor injuries, abrasions, cuts,...


Grapeseed oil and almond oil take in equal proportions, moisten a napkin in this mixture and apply it to your face for fifteen or twenty minutes. After this procedure, wipe your face with a swab soaked in warm water.

Recipe with grape oil around the eyes. In the presence of wrinkles around the eyes. To one or two tablespoons grape oil mixtures and avocado oil(one to one) add one to two drops and sandalwood, or, option: neroli, sandalwood and limetta. Lubricate once or twice a day.

Recipe with grape oil for deep wrinkles. For deep wrinkles. To the tablespoon grape oil add one or two drops at a time essential oils of lime, or neroli. Lubricate once or twice a day.

Grapeseed oil. Benefit and application. Video


Recipe with grape oil mixed with other oils to improve skin condition. One tablespoon grape oil mix with a spoon tbsp. or avocado. Add two to three drops and roses or one to two drops lavender, rosemary, etc. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to 37 °C. Soak a thin layer of cotton wool warm butter and apply it to your face, leaving it open nose, mouth and eyes. Above cotton wool parchment paper put or thin diaper. To keep warm, wrap your face with a folded towel several times. Oil Apply soaked wipes to the affected areas skin areas from one to two times a day for 0.5 hours. Composition given quickly promotes tissue regeneration, increasing skin elasticity, smoothing wrinkles. Gives a healthy look to the skin.

For facial cleansing recipe with grape oil. For facial skin cleansing apply four to six drops grape oils on soaked in hot water, wrung out the swab, wipe the skin.

Recipe with grape oil for sagging skin. Napkins, grape oil soaked, apply to the affected areas of the skin from one to two times a day for 0.5 hours. Promotes quite fast tissue regeneration, smoothing wrinkles, increasing skin elasticity.

Recipe with grape oil for face. On facial skin cleaned, apply a small amount of a mixture of equal parts grape oil and or , blue, sandalwood.

Recipe with grape oil for face and body for older people. For mature skin to one - two tablespoons tbsp. grape seed oils add one or two drops at a time , sandalwood, limetta.

Recipe with grape oil for men after shaving. For daily skin care different types Grapeseed oil is used after shaving, water procedures or sunbathing. To one spoon tbsp. oils add one drop at a time , rosewood and lubricate the skin with the resulting mixture.

Recipe for stretch marks with grape oil. For skin stretch marks: lubricate problem areas grape seed oil x with the addition of two teaspoons to a couple, or perhaps three drops rosemary and one to two drops , And .

Recipe for sagging skin with grape oil for hands. Grapeseed oil It will eliminate sagging hand skin, soften the cuticle and enrich the nail plates with vitamins. Mix one tablespoon tbsp. oils with one spoon tbsp. honey and a glass cream. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, hold your hands for ten to fifteen minutes.

Grape seed oil for face and hair. Video

Recipe with grape oil. And unpleasant odor foot baths will help (one spoon oils Art. per liter of water).

Recipe with grape oil for hair. For hair strengthening It is recommended to rub into scalp skin grape seed oil half an hour before washing your hair. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E, it helps to give shine to hair, makes it silky, moisturizes the scalp. Grapeseed oil pretty easy on hair is applied and spreads, so a small amount is enough to improve even the longest hair. It washes off easily and does not leave behind any greasy marks or a slight green tint.


Grapeseed oil for massage used in pure form or mixed in proportions equal to kernel oils (peach, ) or avocado or jojoba oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed in your hands, and then applied in a circular motion to the area where the procedure is to be performed. Movements light oil Rub into the skin until completely absorbed.



During anti-cellulite massage to the mixture vegetable oils must be added .

Recipe with grape oil. To one tablespoon grape oil add four or five essential oil jojoba drops and ten drops Recipe for body oils. To two teaspoons grape oil add four - five ethereal drops And . In compacted rub into skin areas.

Recipe with grape oil and rosemary. Mix fifty ml. grape oil, four drops rosemary essential oils. A few drops peppermint essential oil and three drops lavender essential oil. Apply the mixture in a strong circular motion onto dry body skin after a shower or bath. This mixture is especially effective when vacuum massage, For example, plastic jars.

Aromatic bath with grape oil. One tablespoon oils Dissolve tablespoons in three tablespoons honey Add the resulting mixture to a warm bath. Baths last from fifteen to twenty minutes. Such baths are not used soap and gels. Lie down after the bath for 0.5 hours to improve blood circulation in the body.

Wraps with grape oil: grape oil Apply evenly to the problem area, rub lightly and cover cling film skin. Then wrap the problem area with a warm cloth and lie down under a blanket to warm it up and improve the effect. Duration wraps procedure - 0.5 hours, after which it is necessary to wipe off the remaining oil with a gauze swab in warm water moistened.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. Grapeseed oil. Harm and contraindications. Should not be used oil in case of individual intolerance. It is also worth distinguishing between a prophylactic dose when using the extract (no more than one hundred grams), as well as a therapeutic dose (prescribed by a doctor individually).

Be healthy!

Grapes, grape treatment. Video

Vineyards can be affected by various diseases. One of the most common is oidium, which is also called powdery mildew. The name did not appear by chance, because... the plant seems to be covered with flour or ash. Therefore, another name for the disease is ashtray. There is also a false one powdery mildew, it is a different disease.

Plaque on grape leaves - a symptom of oidium

This disease is common and poses a great threat to plants because... berries affected by oidium are not suitable for processing. If you make wine or juice from such grapes, it will taste moldy and have the same smell. Therefore, even if part of the crop was able to survive, it is better to separate it from good grapes and destroy.

In Europe they learned about oidium in the nineteenth century. It was brought from North America. It came to us along with food. The first person to notice this disease was a gardener from England, Tooker. This happened in 1845. Gradually, the disease spread, and within five years it covered the entire continent. France, a country famous for its vineyards and the world's best wines, was particularly hard hit. What saved everyone was that scientists learned to fight this disease.

Oidium is caused by the fungus Uncinula necator Burr. They, like mycelium, spend the winter in the buds of grapes or their young shoots. If you examine the fallen leaves of grapes and their bunches, these dangerous fungi are found there. In spring, the mycelium produces fungal spores called conidia. As soon as warm days arrive, they are carried around with the help of the wind, covering considerable distances. This is how more and more new vineyards are affected.

First, the primary infection of plants occurs. But it is not noticeable, and gardeners may not be aware of the impending disaster. When the second stage occurs, powdery mildew appears on the plants. There are several waves of infection in one season.

Many fungal diseases develop when high humidity, i.e. they need drip-liquid moisture. But for the oidium this is not required condition. Therefore, rains stop the development of the disease, rather than provoke it.

The main thing is a suitable temperature from + 5 to + 30 degrees. The disease manifests itself very early if this year there was a mild winter and a wet, at the same time warm spring.

It makes itself felt in dry years, in areas where there is little rainfall. If the temperature rises above 30 degrees and the humidity is below 40%, the conidia die. The disease spreads quickly in dense vineyards if tying and cutting of shoots is not carried out in a timely manner.

Uncinula necator Burr overwinters in grape buds

How can you tell if your grapes are infected? Take a close look at its young shoots and leaves, examine them from all sides.

  • A coating appears on the top of the leaves. Its color is closer to gray. The plaque resembles flour, hence the name of the disease. If you try to wipe it off, you will smell rotten fish.
  • If the damage is severe, then the plaque covers the leaves on both sides, and it spreads to the shoots and berries. From the outside it seems that the entire bush was sprinkled with ashes.
  • Only young parts of the plant are affected. If the berries or leaves have already formed, the oidium does not threaten them.
  • Berries that become sick due to late infection may crack and the seeds are visible. Such grapes can grow, but they cannot be eaten, because... it's sour. If the weather is rainy, these berries will rot. They cannot be used because of the moldy taste. But more often than not, the growth of the berries stops, and after some time they dry out, but do not fall.
  • If the garden is not treated in time, the entire bush becomes covered with plaque, and the leaves on it curl. It comes from him bad smell, similar to the smell of rotten fish.
  • How long is the incubation period? Not long, only 1-2 weeks. So much time passes from the moment the fungus settles on the grapes until a white coating appears on it. You will not be able to remove this plaque, because... this film is attached to the grape leaf with special suction cups, through which the fungus receives food.

    The disease can spread at a temperature of 5 degrees, but it happens much faster if it is hot outside - from 20 degrees, and damp. If the grapes have a lot of leaves and grow in places that are poorly ventilated, the oidium affects them much faster.

    Oidium in an advanced stage passes from leaves to berries

    How to deal with the disease

    Oidium can not only destroy the entire crop, but also lead to the death of plants. This is why prevention is so important.

    Treatment of the disease may be effective, but the plant will already suffer, which will affect both its condition and productivity. Therefore, it is still worth carrying out prevention, which will not take much time, but will prevent the spread of the disease.

  • Proper planting of grapes Provide access fresh air to all parts of the grapes, weed out the weeds. The grapes should not be planted too densely.
    1. Before wintering, destroy all organic residues. It is better to burn them to destroy all pathogens.
  • To prevent the fungus from developing so intensively, the plant is fed with microelements and macroelements: up to 5 kg per hectare of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus before flowering. When the grapes fade, 0.2 -0.3 kg per hectare is fed with the following substances: zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, molybdenum.
  • Treat them with sulfur-containing preparations. For prevention, use 25–40 g per 10 liters of water. If last year the plants had oidium, then in the spring the young greenery is sprayed with Horus. "Talendo" is also suitable, and after flowering - "Karatan".
  • A well-ventilated vineyard is rarely affected by oidium

    How is the treatment carried out? Sulfur is an excellent remedy against oidium. But only sulfur in vapor form helps, so plants are sprayed at temperatures above 20 degrees. If it is colder outside, this spraying will not give any result. Too much heat also not suitable, because then the leaves will get burned. Therefore, processing is carried out either early in the morning or late in the evening.

    How much drug is needed? Add 80-100 g of sulfur-containing preparation to 10 liters of water. You will have to process the bushes not just once, but several times, but remember that at least 56 days must pass before harvesting after treatment. Treatments are done every 10-20 days. There should be a total of 3-6 treatments per season.

    What to do if it’s cold outside, the temperature is below 20 degrees? Then treatment is also carried out, spray them with colloidal sulfur or such preparations as “Cumulus DF” or “Tiovit Jet”. Known drugs for the disease are “Topaz”, “Skor”, “Horus”. The latter also helps in cold weather. But the most effective preparation, which can also be used when filling berries, is “Strobi”, but it is sprayed with it no more than 3 times in one season.

    Tiovit Jet will eliminate oidium in cool weather

    Biological method of control

    If you do not want to use chemicals, but oidium poses a threat to plants, use methods that are classified as biological. This method was invented by a professor from Latvia. First you need to prepare a concentrate of saprophytic microflora. Take a 100 liter container and fill it 1/3 with sifted humus in the spring, fill it with water at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Cover it all with burlap and leave it in a dark place for a week (5-6 days), do not forget to stir them from time to time. During this time, the saprophytic microflora will have time to multiply and experience an acute lack of food.

    The concentrate must be filtered using cheesecloth and the leaves and vines must be treated. If mycelia have awakened on the plant, then the prepared microflora will destroy them, using them as food.

    Spraying is carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening. One spray will not be enough. Re-treat the grapes after a week, and again before flowering. For those areas that are severely affected, you will have to treat them a couple more times, every other week. This method has been used in Latvia for more than 15 years.

    Sifted humus is a substrate for growing saprophytic microflora

    You can believe in folk methods or not, but it’s still worth trying. There will be no harm from them, but who knows what the benefits will be.

    Take 7 liters of water and add 0.5 buckets of ash to it, either leave it all for a day, or boil it for 20 minutes. Before use, dilute with the same amount of water and add 100 g of green soap (for better adhesion).

    Fill the manure with water (1:3) and leave for 3 days. Strain, dilute in a ratio of 1:3 and process them in the evening.

    Proceed in the same way as when making an infusion from manure.

    Treatment and spraying of grapes in spring against diseases and pests

    In order for the grapes to please with their appearance and bear fruit abundantly, it is important not only to form and tie them correctly, but also to spray them in a timely manner. The treated plant is practically not susceptible to dangerous diseases and insects that can a short time cause severe damage to the bush.

    Current and useful information about treating grapes in the spring against diseases and pests is below!

    Why do you need to process and spray grapes in spring?

    The main goal of spring processing of grapes is to prevent infection by diseases caused by bacteria and fungi, as well as to repel insect pests. Spraying sick and affected grape bushes in the spring will help destroy pathogens and insects in the shortest possible time.

    As you know, any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Therefore, to prevent the plant from suffering from misfortunes, it is better to follow the established processing schedule in the spring. To understand what preparation to treat grapes with, you need to know by sight the enemies of the garden.

    The culture is susceptible to the following diseases:

    Among the pests, the shrub affects:

    To prevent severe infection, grapes should be sprayed immediately after detecting the first signs of diseases and insects in the spring. Thus, having dealt with who is encroaching on your garden, you can decide what to spray the grape bushes against diseases and pests.

    When to process and spray grapes in spring: timing

    Many people do not know exactly when to spray grapes in the spring against pests and diseases. To protect the vine from diseases and pests, the bush begins to be sprayed in the spring immediately after opening.

    Video: processing grapes in the spring after opening.

    The first time to process grapes in the spring is in the first half of April., after lifting the plant onto the trellis. Fungicides are used as a preparation for the first spraying, which effectively destroy fungi that are dangerous to the crop.

    During treatment in the spring, not only the fruiting vines and trunk are sprayed, but also the soil, on the surface of which there may be harmful spores. Bends and forks need to be treated especially carefully, since pathogenic bacteria may remain in them after winter.

    Video: first spraying of grapes in spring.

    The next time you need to spray grapes in the spring is the second half of April when pests wake up from their winter sleep. If grape bushes are not sprayed with insecticide in time, insects can damage a large number of budding buds, resulting in a significant reduction in yield. In case of severe infection, the bushes are sprayed again after 10 days.

    The last spring treatment of grapes is carried out as soon as the plant stops blooming, around the third decade of May. The bush is treated with a mixture of fungicide and insecticide.

    To achieve the best results, you must adhere to optimal timing spraying grapes against diseases and pests.

    Important! Before preparing the mixture, you need to find out whether the drugs are compatible with each other. To do this, you need to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the back of the package.

    It is best to spray grapes in spring on a cloudy, dry day or evening in calm weather.. It is extremely undesirable to carry out treatment in sunny weather: under the influence of sunlight, burns may form on the leaves. Morning spraying is ineffective due to unevaporated dew and high air humidity. The main rule for successful treatment of grape bushes is that the leaves should be covered with the substance for as long as possible.

    Video: when, how and with what to spray grapes

    How to treat and spray grapes in spring

    Every responsible gardener must first prepare for spring work in the garden. The main stage in preparing for processing grapes in the spring is the choice of preparations.

    Means for treating grapes against diseases and pests are divided into biological, chemical and folk.

    Biological agents

    Unlike toxic chemicals, grapes can be treated with biological products at any time, since they consist of saprophytic fungi, Bacillus subtilis and other strains of bacteria. Microorganisms are able to effectively fight bacterial, fungal diseases and harmful insects in the spring.

    The drug is used to combat powdery mildew, late blight, rust, root rot, scab and other fungal and bacterial diseases. The spray mixture is prepared as follows:

  • The drug is diluted twice with settled or filtered water.
  • 1 tbsp. l. The mixture is stirred in 10 liters of water until dissolved.
  • The product contains a saprophyte fungus, which quickly converts the remains of insects and plants into inorganic substances. The crop is treated with trichodermin against 60 diseases, including phomosis, late blight, powdery mildew and peronospora. To prepare the solution, 50 ml of liquid is diluted in 10 liters of warm, settled water.

    The grapes are treated after the leaves bloom at intervals of 10-20 days until the signs of the disease disappear. The best time for spraying is in the evening or 2-3 hours after rain.

    Unlike many other biological products, the product does not consist of bacteria, but of natural toxins. With the help of the drug, grapes are treated in the spring against spider mites and leaf rollers. It is best to process grape bushes in dry, sunny weather at temperatures above +18C. The mixture is prepared based on 20 ml of the drug per bucket of water.

    Today, there are many chemical preparations intended for spring processing of grapes. Which ones are the most effective?

    Treating grapes in the spring against diseases and pests with copper sulfate can give impressive results. Even the most expensive pesticides cannot compare with copper sulfate. The substance is not only an excellent antifungal agent, but also a source of easily soluble iron, which is so necessary for grapes. Due to a prolonged lack of substance, the leaves begin to turn pale and fall off. Therefore, the use of such a drug is so popular in gardening.

    To properly dilute the substance and prepare a solution based on copper sulfate, you must adhere to the following dosages:

    1. 300 g of quicklime is poured into an enamel bucket and 2 liters are poured hot water. Immediately after mixing the components, it is better to move away from the container, as the mixture will begin to boil and may get into your eyes or skin.
    2. Pour 300 g of copper sulfate into another container, then pour in 8 liters of hot water and stir with a stick until the granules are completely dissolved.
    3. As soon as the lime stops bubbling, stirring constantly, add a solution of copper sulfate to it.
    4. Continuing to stir, filter the resulting thick mixture.
    5. Before spraying the plants, the prepared mixture is checked for neutrality: a nail is immersed in the container. If its color has not changed, you can begin processing.

      For repeated preventive spraying of grapes, copper sulfate of a weaker concentration is used: 100 g of granules per 10 liters of water.

      Video: treating grapes with copper sulfate in the spring after opening.

      Grape processing iron sulfate in the spring it helps get rid of diseases and pests, and also nourishes the soil with iron. Using weakly concentrated ferrous sulfate, mildew, spotted necrosis, anthracnose, and gray rot can be prevented or cured.

      Besides, experienced gardeners spray grapes with iron sulfate in early spring, to delay the opening of buds and thereby save them from severe spring frosts. To prepare the mixture, adhere to the following proportions: stir 500 g of vitriol in a bucket of water. The plant is treated immediately after harvesting winter shelter until the buds had time to form.

      Important! Do not spray grapes during the flowering period. Under influence chemical substances the flowers may begin to fall, and if they do not fall, they simply will not be pollinated, since the foreign smell will scare away insects. Also, future fruits can absorb a lot of toxic substances.

      Video: treating grapes with iron sulfate in spring.

      The drug is an excellent remedy to combat dangerous diseases of grape bushes, such as mildew, gray mold, anthracnose. Before the buds begin to bloom, the bush is sprayed with a 2-3% solution. During the period of active growth, a preparation with a concentration of 0.5-1% is used to treat grapes with Bordeaux mixture in the spring.

      Despite high efficiency, over the years the drug has become less popular among novice gardeners. The fact is that if grapes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture with a solution that is too concentrated, its growth slows down significantly. Therefore, you need to be careful about the concentration of the substance.

      Video: processing grapes with Bordeaux mixture in spring

      Due to the fact that urea (urea) consists of 50% nitrogen, the substance is mainly used for processing grapes in the spring as a top dressing. Urea not only nourishes the soil necessary element, but is also an excellent fungicide and insecticide. Spraying grape bushes with urea in the spring helps prevent scab disease on the vine, and will also destroy colonies of copperheads and caterpillars.

      For the purpose of prevention or treatment, the vineyard is processed until the sap begins to flow. To prepare the solution, 500-700 g of granular substance are diluted in 1 bucket of water.

      A non-toxic drug that shows excellent results in the fight against dangerous fungal diseases. Spraying with Ridomil is carried out in the spring for the prevention and treatment of grape diseases such as late blight, black rot, mildew, gray spot, downy mildew and rubella.

      In the photo the drug Ridomil:

      The drug is used in the fight against fungal diseases. Unlike most chemicals it is low-toxic, so it does not repel bumblebees and bees. The disease is suppressed 24 hours after treatment.

      Destroys pathogens of oidium, anthracnose and has a detrimental effect on spider mites. To increase efficiency, the product can be used together with copper-based fungicides.

      The photo shows colloidal sulfur:

      Folk remedies against diseases and pests have long been used to treat not only grapes, but the entire garden. The simplicity of drugs in this group does not mean that they are not effective.

      With infusions and decoctions of herbs, the bush can be cured even from mildew, which is rightfully considered the most dangerous diseases for grapes. To prepare the product, make a strong decoction of horsetail or garlic– 75 g per bucket of water.

      To help get rid of powdery mildew:

    6. Milk solution – 1 liter of milk per 10 liters of water.
    7. A weak solution of potassium permanganate - 5 g of powder per 10 liters of water.
    8. A solution based on soda and soap - 40 g of components per 10 liters of water.
    9. To combat the spider mite pest of grapes in the spring, use:

    10. Decoction of potato tops. 2 kg of stems are poured into a bucket of hot water and left for 4-5 hours.
    11. Garlic tincture. To spray young plants, 50 g of garlic is poured into 500 ml of water. After 10 minutes, the tincture is diluted with 1 liter of water.
    12. As prevention of fungal diseases before and after flowering in spring, the grape vine is sprayed infusion onion peel . The bucket is filled halfway with husks, filled with water and put on fire. After the mixture has boiled for 20 minutes, it is removed and left for 24 hours. At the end of time, add 1 tbsp to the tincture. l. honey, bring the volume of water to 10 liters and filter the solution.

      Novice gardeners, who are faced with grape diseases or insect attacks for the first time, make mistakes due to lack of knowledge or haste. Incorrect treatment can not only be ineffective, but also negatively affect the plant. In order not to aggravate the already poor condition of the plant, it is better to first familiarize yourself with popular misconceptions and try to avoid them.

    13. The deadlines and times for spraying grapes in the spring against pests and diseases are not observed.
    14. Solutions of the wrong concentration are prepared, which worsens the condition of the plant.
    15. A diseased or affected crop is processed after some time, when the disease has greatly worsened and insects have affected a large area.
    16. Despite the numerous tasks in the garden, grape processing must be included in the list of spring manipulations. Timely manipulation will protect the fruit-bearing vine from diseases and insects or stop their attack at the very beginning, which will have a positive effect on the fertility of the plant. And don’t forget that spraying against pests and diseases is the most important element growing and caring for grapes in spring!

      Grape oidium, prevention and treatment of the disease

      Every plant requires certain conditions in order to grow and develop correctly. When there is negative factors, the plant begins to get sick. There are a wide variety of ailments: some cause the fruits to spoil, others cause the foliage to dry out, and others begin to become deformed. root system. In this material we will look at grape oidium, the causes of the disease, treatment and other measures to combat this common disease in vineyards.

      What is oidium and when does the disease progress?

      Farmers know this disease as powdery mildew. This is the most common grape disease of all. The cause of infection is a fungal formation that affects everything green that is on the vine and settles on the berries. After such infection, the grapes are unsuitable for making wine or cognac. Eating is acceptable, but the bitter taste will prevent the grapes from being put up for sale.

      Several decades ago, when middle lane grapes had just begun to be grown, no one knew about oidium, the vineyards grew successfully and bore rich fruit. Recently, the situation has changed; the fungus has even reached the northern corners.

      The most dangerous set of circumstances for a grapevine is a cold winter and a hot summer. Fungal spores live under the scales of the eyes throughout the winter, infect the shoots and do not make themselves felt until the weather warms up.

      At temperatures above +18 °C, the fungus germinates and begins to destroy leaves at high speed. High air humidity further accelerates the infection process, but not droplet moisture. Rain and watering the leaves wash away the spores and inhibit their development. True, watering the grape leaf itself also harms it, so farmers water the grapes only at the root.

      Advice: before planting, decide on the grape variety, choose strong and disease-resistant ones. Eliminate unnecessary shoots. Choose fertilizers that do not contain excess nitrogen.

      How to identify grape oidium? signs of infection

      Oidium is a disease that shows itself only the next year. Buds infected this year will manifest themselves only next spring. The fungus begins to multiply when the outside temperature rises. It is not active in late autumn or winter.

      Spring manifestation of the disease

      As soon as it gets warm outside, powdery mildew enters its active phase. Young leaves growing from last year's infected buds quickly acquire a dirty yellow color and become covered with a white fungal coating on the outside of the leaf. Oidium received its second name “powdery mildew” precisely for this coating.

      Soon, the leaves begin to dry out at the edges, become deformed and die. The shoots take on a brownish tint. If you try to wipe off the resulting powdery coating from a leaf or shoot, you will notice a sharp, unpleasant odor, similar to rotten fish.

      If no measures are taken to eliminate the grape disease in spring period, then in the summer it will affect the harvest. Fungal poisoning continues throughout the period until harvest. Symptoms that are experienced bunch of grapes infected vine:

    17. significant reduction in berry size
    18. reducing sugar levels in berries
    19. uneven filling color
    20. painful scars on the berry and sores
    21. previously rotting berries
    22. Treatment of sulfur powdery mildew

      Sulfur can destroy fungal formations when initial stage diseases. The fungus absorbs sulfur, which upon contact with the fungus becomes hydrogen sulfide and kills it.

      The vine treatment procedure should begin in early spring, when the buds have not yet begun to bloom. As we already know, until the first leaves it is impossible to understand whether there is a disease. Therefore, you need to treat every vine in the vineyard so as not to lose the harvest and not lose the bushes.

      There is one drawback in this system - pollination is effective at temperatures above +20 ° C, at more low temperatures sulfur is useless. The fungus shows its activity at +18 °C. It turns out that at +19 °C all attempts to save the plant will be in vain. Such phenomena do not happen often over a long period of time, but they do happen.

    23. treat the grapevine in the evening or morning, as the temperature may be too high during the day and the sulfur will leave burns on the fruits and leaves
    24. Until you are sure that the plant is infected, do not overfill it with sulfur. A solution of 30 g/10 l is sufficient. water so as not to harm the leaves and young shoots
    25. when the castings have blossomed, you see a flour coating on them, you can begin treatment. The dosage in this case will be 90g/10l. water
    26. do not expect instant results, sulfur eliminates the fungus within 2 months
    27. do not treat the vine in cold weather; if the temperature drops below the conditional +20 ° C, you can use special preparations with colloidal sulfur. For example, "Tiovit Jet"
    28. Grapes need to be processed from two weeks to 20 days. This will get rid of the fungus and not harm the bush with the harvest.
    29. do not carry out more than 6 treatments during spring and summer
    30. Professor Vesmiņš method

      There are not many biological methods for eliminating powdery mildew. The point is that chemicals can quickly and efficiently eliminate oidium, but the harvest will suffer. Therefore, the Latvian professor Vesmins developed a system for getting rid of this disease using humus.

    31. before the buds begin to bloom, it is necessary to sift the humus and pour it into 1/3 of a 100-liter barrel
    32. the rest of the barrel space needs to be filled warm water room temperature
    33. then cover the barrel with a bag or other cotton cloth
    34. after a week, when the saprophytic microflora from the humus begins to develop, all this substance should be filtered through gauze or any other fabric
    35. The resulting liquid will become our “medicine” to combat powdery mildew. It is poured into a sprayer and the grape leaves are treated. You must not miss the moment when the leaves have just blossomed. The fungus must be destroyed before the leaves begin to turn yellow.

      Medicines for oidium

      Sulfur is excellent for treating grapes, as is humus. But there are medicines that can be more effective and easier for gardeners. Let's look at them.

      The most popular drugs for powdery mildew are Topaz, Skor and Horus. All of them contain sulfur and auxiliary components that allow them to be effective at low temperatures. Horus is in greatest demand among vineyard owners due to its good price-effectiveness ratio in the fight against oidium.

      Advice: Do not use all of the above chemical preparations during the period of filling and ripening of grapes. The harvest may become unsuitable for food consumption and winemaking.

      One of the preparations that can be used while filling berries is “Strobi”. However, there is a strict frequency limit - 3 times per season.

      Traditional methods of treating oidium

      In this section of the narrative, it is necessary to clarify that folk remedies should be of a concomitant or preventive nature. If you use them as the main treatment and health complex, the result will be disastrous.

      Oidium is a severe disease that affects the entire grapevine, making it unsuitable for further fruiting. Apart from the humus spraying of Professor Vesmiņš, there is not a single method that could successfully independently overcome powdery mildew in grapes.

      Preparation of infusion from ash

    • half a bucket of ash is poured into a standard bucket
    • add 6-7 liters of water
    • this mixture is infused for 24 hours
    • the resulting substance is mixed with a bucket of water
    • To add stickiness, you can add and dissolve a bar of green soap
    • This infusion can be used to treat grape leaves in the morning and evening.

    • add manure to 1/3 bucket
    • 2/3 of the bucket is filled with water
    • infusion occurs at room temperature for three days
    • the finished infusion is filtered through gauze or any cotton cloth
    • The vineyard can be treated in this way all season long without restrictions, because it contains no chemical products at all.

      Powdery mildew on grapes is the gardener's biggest enemy. It is impossible to identify the disease in the early stages, so it is necessary to resort to treatment of all bushes even before the first spring leaves appear. A prompt fight is needed, since delay can ruin not only this year’s harvest, but also the entire vineyard.

      How I got rid of herpes using lipstick

      Hi all! Previously, I suffered from herpes for 6 years. I had rashes every month. From experience in dealing with the disease, I can say the following. Acyclovir-containing drugs initially help quite well, but then the effect of treatment disappears. She was observed at a herpetic treatment center, but the treatment turned out to be ineffective. A lot of money was spent and all to no avail.

      Having learned about lipstick for herpes, I was skeptical, but still ordered it. Used it for a week. I felt the first result after 4 days. Now there is no hint of herpes!

      Grape mildew: treatment and prevention, control measures

      Mildew or grape downy mildew- the most common and harmful disease of European crop varieties, affecting all terrestrial organs. The disease is caused by the fungus plasmapara viticola, which was brought from North America to France in 1878 and eventually spread throughout the vineyards of Europe. It was the appearance of this disease that caused the decline of European viticulture in late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century.

    • 1. Listen to the article (coming soon)
    • 2. Mildew disease - description
    • 3. Mildew or oidium
    • 4. Mildew - treatment
      • 4.1. Mildew control measures
      • 4.2. Treatment of grapes against mildew
      • 4.3. Mildew disease - prevention
    • 5. Mildew preparations (fungicides)
    • 6. Folk remedies for combating grape mildew
    • 7. Grape varieties resistant to mildew
    • Mildew disease - description

      Grape mildew is manifested by lightening of the affected tissues: oily, yellowish leaves form on young leaves. clear spots the size of a small coin; on older leaves, the spots have angular outlines and are located mainly along the veins. Soon, a white powdery fluff - mycelium - appears on the underside of the leaves under the spots. The spots spread to all green organs of the plant - tendrils, shoots, ridges, inflorescences and young berries. Affected inflorescences turn yellow and curl, and subsequently turn brown and dry out. The berries turn blue, darken and wrinkle - they become leathery and unsuitable for food and winemaking. Leaves disfigured by mildew fall prematurely, and diseased shoot tips dry out.

      The rate of development of the disease depends on the air temperature: at 20-25? C, signs of mildew appear on the fourth or fifth day, and if the weather is cooler, symptoms will appear later. The disease progresses in conditions of high humidity. Damage from the disease in the absence of protective measures can amount to 50% of the crop.

      In addition to mildew, a common disease of grapes that can destroy up to 80% of the crop is oidium, or powdery mildew. These diseases differ from each other in that on the upper side of leaves affected by oidium, not oily spots appear, but a whitish coating. Under this coating, if you erase it, you can find brown spots. One more hallmark oidium is the smell of rotting fish.

      Measures to combat mildew.

      If you grow European grape varieties, you will still have to take measures against mildew. The fight against mildew primarily involves the use of chemicals, but disease prevention and grape care measures are also important. If the vines are planted spaciously, this promotes good ventilation and quick drying of the bushes, and, therefore, reduces the risk of the spread of infection. It is very important to promptly remove stepchildren and excess shoots, tie up growths and regularly remove weeds.

      Treatment of grapes against mildew.

      Treatment of grape mildew is carried out with antifungal agents containing copper. Among them there are drugs that are washed off with the first rain, and there are those that have long term exposure – up to three weeks. A significant portion of fungicides contain copper, which is the most suitable and inexpensive means of combating mildew, but some grape varieties respond poorly to treatments with copper-containing preparations, especially during flowering.

      How to treat mildew on those grape varieties for which the use of copper is contraindicated? There are a number of anti-mildew products called organic fungicides. They do not contain copper, and yet cope well with real and downy mildew. They are based on the following active ingredients, such as captan, maneb, tsineb, mancozeb, thiram, tsinos and others. These drugs are marketed under different names.

      Today there are also mildew fungicides on sale that are a combination of an organic fungicide with sulfur or copper, and sometimes with both substances. The presence of sulfur in the preparation allows you to destroy the infection literally in one treatment, and the combination of copper with organic matter softens its destructive effect on grape varieties sensitive to copper.

      In the fight against severe mildew, such drugs of contact and systemic action as Ridomil Gold, Champion, Quadris, Cabrio Top have proven themselves well.

      Mildew disease - prevention.

      Preventive measures help significantly ease the fight against mildew on grapes. The first preventive treatment is carried out in the spring, immediately after tying the vines to the support. The grapes, the ground under the bushes and between the rows are treated, after which the area is mulched to suppress the spread of infection. Solutions of Bordeaux mixture, Oksikhom, Abiga-pika or other drugs prepared in accordance with the instructions are used as preparations for treatment.

      The next preventive treatment is carried out during the appearance of 4-6 leaves. Since Bordeaux mixture suppresses the development of young growth, it cannot be used at this stage. For spraying, the preparations Polychom or Polycarbacin are used. In 10 liters of treatment solution, prepared in accordance with the instructions, it is advisable to add 80-90 g of colloidal sulfur, which will protect the grapes not only from mildew, but from oidium and even from mites. In addition, sulfur stimulates the formation of leaves.

      Before flowering, grapes are treated with solutions of Tiovit Jet, Topaz or Actellik, and after flowering, when the fruits are already the size of small peas, it is necessary to spray the bushes and the soil under them with a solution of a contact-systemic drug, which include Thanos, Ridomil Gold, Acrobat and others.

      Try to alternate fungicides, since one of the main disadvantages of some of them is the development of resistance, that is, the fungus getting used to them. That is why each of the drugs can be used only once per season.

      During leaf fall, the grape bushes are pruned, after which all leaves, cut shoots and branches are burned. Before sheltering for the winter, the grapes and the soil under them are treated with a solution of 1 kg of salt or 200 g of urea in 10 liters of water.

      Mildew preparations (fungicides)

      Of the many fungicidal preparations, the following are most often used in the fight against mildew:

    • Abiga-pik– a copper-containing contact fungicide with a broad spectrum of action, intended to combat fungal and bacterial diseases of vegetable, industrial, fruit, ornamental and flower plants. Moderately hazardous substance;
    • Acrobat MC– a systemic-local fungicide used to combat Alternaria and late blight of potatoes, mildew of grapes and downy mildew of cucumbers. Dangerous substance;
    • Bordeaux mixture– a broad-spectrum fungicide intended for the protection of vegetable, berry, fruit, melon, citrus, flower and ornamental plants from a complex of diseases. Dangerous substance;
    • Copper sulfate – a copper-containing contact fungicide with a broad spectrum of action, used to combat diseases of ornamental, fruit, berry crops and shrubs. Moderately hazardous substance;
    • Oksikhom– a systemic contact fungicide with a broad spectrum of action against fungi of the oomycete class. Dangerous substance;
    • Ridomil Gold– a systemic contact drug to combat Alternaria, late blight and other fungal diseases. Dangerous substance;
    • Quadris– a broad-spectrum fungicide for the protection of grapes, closed cucumbers and open ground, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, as well as sports lawns from a complex of diseases. Dangerous substance;
    • Convertible top– a combined broad-spectrum fungicide, specially designed to protect grapes from both oidium and mildew. Moderately hazardous substance;
    • Tiram– a contact pesticide used to protect plants from phytopathogenic fungi. Preparations based on Thiram belong to classes 2 and 3 of danger to humans;
    • Polychomus– a complex action fungicide that effectively protects plants from diseases such as moniliosis, mildew, late blight and other diseases of a fungal nature. Moderately dangerous;
    • Polycarbacin– a systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic action, which is used to combat fungal diseases of vegetable and fruit crops. Moderately dangerous.
    • Folk remedies for combating grape mildew

      If you find signs of downy mildew on grapes at the very beginning of its development, you can try to destroy the infection folk ways, more gentle than fungicides and pesticides. For example:

      • – a liter jar of sifted wood ash needs to be filled with a bucket of water, left for 5-6 days, then strained, added and dissolved 50 g of grated laundry soap and treat the grapes and the soil under the bushes with this infusion. This measure is most useful in the second half of summer, and spraying must be repeated every 10 days;
      • – grind a glass of garlic cloves in a meat grinder, add a liter of water, leave for a day in the dark, strain, add 6-7 liters of water, 50 g of laundry soap or liquid product for washing dishes, 50 g of iodized salt and enough potassium permanganate to make the composition pink. The treatment is carried out in two stages with an interval of two weeks;
      • – dissolve 5 g of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of water and spray the solution on the underside of the grape leaves, and then dust the upper side of the leaves with wood ash.
      • Planting dill around your vines will allow you to keep the number of mildew treatments to a minimum, but be careful not to let the dill grow too large.

        Grape varieties resistant to mildew

        Among grape varieties there are less and more resistant to downy mildew. Resistance to mildew allows you to reduce the number of treatments of grapes with pesticides, which has a positive effect on the quality of the crop. Such stability is assessed on a five-point Gusfeld scale. For example:

      • – a score of 0 points is given to varieties that are not damaged by the disease at all and, accordingly, do not need protection from mildew;
      • – 1 point – for varieties in which no more than 5% of the leaf apparatus is affected, therefore there is no need for chemical treatments either;
      • – 2 points are awarded to varieties that are affected by mildew by no more than 10%, and they also do not require chemical protection;
      • – 3 points are given to relatively hardy varieties that require no more than two preventive treatments per year, since without spraying with fungicides up to 25% of the crop can be lost;
      • – 4 points for varieties susceptible to mildew, which should be treated with chemicals 4-5 times a year, since without fungicide treatments, crop losses can be 50%;
      • – 5 points for highly susceptible varieties, the damage to which by mildew can reach 100%, and therefore chemical treatments should be carried out after each rain.
      • Almost all Euro-Asian grape varieties are highly susceptible (5 points); new Euro-American varieties and other more complex hybrids have mildew resistance of 3, and sometimes 2 points. The best mildew-resistant varieties are:

      • Golden stable– a highly productive, frost-resistant table variety of early ripening, which is almost not affected by mildew, oidium and gray rot. The berries of this variety are medium in size, white with a golden blush. sunny side, juicy pulp, fresh harmonious taste;
      • Dniester pink– frost-resistant, productive late-ripening variety with medium-sized dark pink berries with dense pulp simple taste;
      • Buffalo– a frost-resistant American variety with medium-sized black oval berries with a bright strawberry flavor and a tart aftertaste;
      • Pineapple- another American variety, characterized by high winter hardiness and relative resistance to mildew. The berries of this variety are large, yellow-green, the skin is thick, the flesh is slimy, pleasant to the taste, with an aroma reminiscent of the smell of pineapple;
      • Cardinal– early ripening Californian variety with large berries weighing 8-10 g, very pleasant taste with nutmeg aroma;
      • Mascot– a frost-resistant early-medium high-yielding table variety with large (12-16 g) white berries of harmonious taste, acquiring a nutmeg aroma when fully ripe.
      • In addition to those described, grape varieties such as Podarok honey, Podarok Zaporozhye, Alexa, Bazhena, Muscat noble, Nistru, Original and others are resistant to mildew to varying degrees.

    How it would make life easier for gardeners if there were no diseases affecting their favorite crops. Unfortunately, there is no escape from them - you just have to fight steadfastly and courageously. Today we'll look at grape diseases - photos and how to treat them. Advice from experienced gardeners in this matter is always especially appreciated by farmers.

    Unfortunately, not all grape diseases can be cured. Some of them do not respond to any known and safe means for humans. Almost all fungal diseases respond well to treatment, but it is almost impossible to rid grapes of bacterial and viral infections.

    Learning to distinguish fungal diseases of grapes


    This disease is well known to gardeners, as it occurs most often. Its second name is downy mildew. When infecting a plant, the fungus causes yellow spots and a gray coating to appear on the leaves. Without proper intervention, culture quickly disappears.

    On the picture fungal disease mildew grapes


    Downy mildew is slightly less common. The second name of the disease is powdery mildew. Manifestation - gray plaque on leaves and berries. The disease develops in hot weather and, if left unchecked, will lead to cracking of the berries. In a few years the vineyard will completely disappear.


    On the picture dark spots anthracnose

    Alternaria blight

    The disease mainly develops in the spring. It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, only on berries it appears as white spots, and on other parts as brown or silver. Affected berries quickly deteriorate.



    For everyone aboveground parts bush fungus causes the formation of black spots. The affected stalk often dries out and breaks off.

    In the photo there is escoriosis of grapes


    This disease is caused by fungi, and the death of the plant occurs as a result of the release of large amounts of toxins. Second name - Esca. Most often appears in midsummer. In the acute form, the bush disappears in a matter of days. The chronic form lasts several years, and can be recognized by white spots on the lower leaves.

    Gray rot

    A fungal disease that can affect any above-ground parts of a grape bush. The affected areas become covered with a fluffy coating gray. Hands hanging to the ground are most often infected.

    White rot

    A white coating covers the berries of the plant. Over time, they completely change color and fall to the ground. The appearance of the disease is most often provoked by mechanical damage to the bush.

    The photo shows white rot of grapes

    Black rot

    A fungal disease that appears as purple spots on berries and leaves. As the disease progresses, the area covered by the spots increases.


    When affected by this fungal disease, the grape leaves turn yellow and the roots turn brown. With the onset of autumn, the affected plants become covered with yellow mushrooms.


    In this case, the fungus leads to yellowing of the leaves and rapid death of the shoots. The fungus remains viable for up to 5 years.

    Bacterial diseases of grapes

    Bacterial cancer

    This is the name of a dangerous and untreatable disease caused by bacteria. Manifestation - growths on the vine. In the first two years, the yield will sharply decrease, and later the affected plant will completely disappear. This is one of the incurable diseases of culture. It is better not to plant grapes in this place for the next two years.


    Wrinkled, dark pink areas appear on the berries. The impetus for their formation is the scorching sun.

    In the photo there is bacteriosis of grapes

    Bacterial necrosis

    Black spots with a clear brown outline form on the berries, and the shoots dry out.

    Sour rot

    Viral diseases

    Experienced gardeners know how dangerous viral diseases are. Since they cannot be treated, it is recommended to completely remove the affected grape bushes. The only way to protect your vineyard from them is to purchase a resistant variety.

    Common viral diseases include:

    leaf marbling,
    vein mosaic,
    necrosis of leaf veins,
    chlorosis- discoloration,
    short knot- dwarfism.

    The photo shows grape chlorosis

    Viral diseases are extremely difficult to diagnose. They have common characteristic features: cracking of wood, deformation of leaves and change in color, falling of inflorescences, slow development of the plant.

    In addition, there are a number of non-communicable diseases that arise due to unsuitable conditions or lack of nutrients. They can manifest themselves in different ways: spots on the leaves, developmental delays, drying out of bushes and berries, shedding of berries, etc.

    How to treat grape diseases?

    After you have learned to recognize grape diseases, it’s time to find out effective ways deal with them. The best thing to do preventive measures, which consist in proper care. Some experienced gardeners carry out preventive spraying of bushes, but most prefer to grow grapes without the use of chemicals.

    In cases where the bushes are damaged, the question is posed completely differently: either lose the vineyard completely, or try to save it with the help of chemical industry products. In such situations, experienced gardeners usually choose the second option.

    Which fungicides (preparations against plant fungi and bacteria) have shown good results?


    Spraying with the following preparations will help against this fungal infection: Rodimol Gold, Strobi, Polychom, Arcerid, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture. Oidium.

    The following fungicides will help in the fight: Topaz, Strobi, Acrobat MC, Horus, Thiovit, colloidal sulfur, Carbis Top. Alternaria blight.

    Bordeaux mixture helps cope well. Cercospora blight.

    It is best to use Bordeaux mixture in this case. Escoriosis.