Talisman stones are lapis lazuli, moonstone, malachite, morion, jade, obsidian, onyx, opal. Magical and healing properties of azurite

Lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli received its name only in the 18th century. Its roots are in the Arabic word azul, which translates as “sky” or “blue.”

First, in each country you can hear different names for the stone. So in France lapis lazuli was called Pierre d’Azur, and in Italy - Lapis Lazzuli, which is close to the modern version on English language- lapis lazuli. In Persia the stone was called “Lazhvard”.

Today you can still hear other names for the mineral, for example, lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli.

History of lapis lazuli

The history of this mineral began more than 7,000 years ago. Lapis lazuli was used to decorate the luxurious palaces of the rulers of the East, and to extract valuable deep blue paint. In Ancient Egypt, they came up with the idea of ​​making a gold frame for this stone and wearing it as jewelry.

Russian emperors also appreciated the beauty of lapis lazuli. It decorates the halls of the palace in Peterhof and the famous Winter Palace.

Chemical and physical properties of lapis lazuli

This mineral belongs to the group of silicates and its composition is described as follows chemical formula: Na 6 Ca 2 (AlSiO4) 6 (SO 4 ,S,Cl) 2 .

The color of lapis lazuli varies from sky blue to deep purple and depends on the amount of sulfur anions present in the mineral. Lapis lazuli can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the process is accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulfide.

Sometimes the mined minerals contain inclusions of golden or silvery pyrite. Lapis lazuli is classified as an ornamental stone. Most often, the stone is processed in the form of a cabochon or plate. In addition, elegant figurines and boxes are not uncommon, transformed thanks to the amazing texture and pattern of the stone.

Lapis lazuli deposits

The richest deposits of this mineral are located in Afghanistan. The most valuable specimens of lapis lazuli are mined in Badakhshan. Stones from the Baikal region are valued equally with them. Lapis lazuli mines are also located in other countries: China, Chile, Tajikistan, India and Africa.

In Afghanistan, mined lapis lazuli is divided into three types.

  • Sufsi- the least valuable stone of a greenish tint.
  • Asmani- ordinary lapis lazuli in the color of the sky.
  • Niili- the most expensive lapis lazuli of a purple hue.

If rock If more than 40% consists of this mineral, it is called lapis lazuli.

How to distinguish fake lapis lazuli from natural one

Dumortierite, sodalite and colored lapis lazuli are used as counterfeit jewelry.

The natural mineral can be distinguished from dumortierite by its silvery sparkles on the surface and glassy sheen: dumortierite has neither of these, and its color is rather dull. In addition, natural lapis lazuli is significantly more expensive than such a fake.

Sodalite differs from natural lapis lazuli in its transparency. If you look through the stone at a light source and it shines through, it means sodalite; if not, it could be natural lapis lazuli.

It is even easier to distinguish real lapis lazuli from a colored mineral: just run it over a damp surface. If a colored mark remains, the stone is fake.

Well, the simplest and cheap way imitation lapis lazuli, which is most often found in costume jewelry - beads with beautiful blue-violet and white patterns, made of polymer clay. The texture pattern on the surface is usually quite large, rough and does not have that slight shimmer that is inherent in natural stone. In addition, clay lapis lazuli most often does not have the glossy shine of a real polished stone.

Natural lapis lazuli

Healing and magical properties of lapis lazuli

Mentions of the healing properties of this mineral are found in the works of Avicenna. He believed that lapis lazuli softened the course of the disease. Also, the heavenly stone can relieve kidney diseases and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the blood, has an antimicrobial effect, successfully treats skin diseases, and facilitates childbirth. Lapis lazuli will help normalize blood pressure, and it is also used in the treatment of mental illness.

The magical properties of lapis lazuli include the stone’s ability to help its owner gain wisdom.

Lapis lazuli helps those who spend a lot of time in meditation.

According to modern lithotherapy experts, it is able to cleanse the owner’s aura and subsequently protect him from damage and the evil eye, and can also change fate for the better.

Who is lapis lazuli suitable for?

It is believed that lapis lazuli should be worn by single women. The stone will help them find family happiness. If you wear a ring with lapis lazuli, your loved one will always be faithful.

As for the zodiac preferences of the stone, astrologers are confident that lapis lazuli is suitable for any zodiac sign, with the exception of Capricorns. This mineral is simply contraindicated for them.

Lapis lazuli (lapis lazuli)- a unique stone. His strength is Venus with Uranus - a wonderful combination. Gives happiness in love, play, peace, joy. Unexpected plans, projects that suddenly come true.

This is the stone of people who strive to renew their life path, promote the formation of new interests, and strengthen friendships. Medicinally, lapis lazuli was used to treat eye diseases, spinal diseases, insomnia, and also to treat skin diseases.

According to Ayurveda, lapis lazuli gives strength to the body and mind, increases sensitivity to spiritual perception, and helps and brings good luck in meditation.
It is also one of the favorite stones of astrologers.

Lapis lazuli can be worn by all zodiac signs.
This is one of the most best stones In general, a universal mineral. Only Capricorn does not bring any benefit. The rest can wear it, and sometimes even need it.

Magical properties of lapis lazuli: the mineral helps to inspire confidence, evokes sympathy and love. If you want to achieve the friendship and love of a person, give him lapis lazuli, but only with pure intentions and a good heart, then the stone will work in your favor.

Using a stone with bad intentions (for example, treating an unworthy, dishonest person, or a love spell for selfish purposes) leads to the loss of the stone or the disclosure of your plans. - magnificent green with beautiful design

stone associated with Venus and Pluto. This stone attracts the interest of other people too much, therefore, for example, girls should not wear it for fear of attacks. It attracts people's attention and can "attract" your enemies to you.

This stone causes an unhealthy interest in the one who wears it. For people who know how to work with it, this circumstance helps them in their work. Those who do not know how to work with malachite will simply be crushed by the attention of others. This is very. It requires constant work, especially the transformation of sexual energy. For people who do not work spiritually, who bury their talents, who refuse creativity, malachite can destroy their physical health.

Malachite is also associated with harmony - it is believed that it is good for writers, poets, people of art in general, as well as for people who want to be attractive for a long time and strengthen their charm.

He is indispensable for artists. It is only necessary that it be framed in white metals - silver, cupronickel, or better - copper.

The ancients - the Egyptians and Romans - believed that this stone gives peace; it was considered the embodiment of eternity and peace, inviolability and constancy.

Traditionally, malachite was considered a children's talisman and was hung at the head of babies and young children. Malachite protects them from harmful spirits and improves health.

Recommended this amazing mineral Libra. Malachite gives them this very harmony and attractiveness. It is a little worse for Taurus and Leo. Not recommended wear malachite Scorpios

, Virgos and Cancers - he gives them nothing.

© L. Zhitnukhina, 2008.

Astromineralogical Dictionary - part 10: Lapis lazuli, Malachite - magic stones.
Treatment with stones (lithotherapy or stone therapy) is currently becoming increasingly popular.
Since ancient times (long before our era), stones have been used as a remedy, since they have an energy field that, with prolonged exposure, has a beneficial effect on a diseased human organ. Healing properties of stones.
Hyacinth (zircon)
Eye quartz
cat's eye
Eye of the Tiger
Lapis lazuli
Moon rock
Chrysolite (olivine, peridot)
Mountain crystal
Spinel (lal)

This is a stone of an unusual, radiant blue color. In deposits it is often found together with malachite.
Lapis lazuli is able to open the door to the world of spirituality for us. If placed on the Third Eye area during meditation, lapis lazuli promotes a deep understanding of the essence of things. Lapis lazuli enhances the ability to concentrate and promotes a more conscious life. It cleanses the aura of past, already outdated layers. If a lapis lazuli stone is placed on, it helps relieve pain, tension and spasms. It is used for joint pain, radiculitis, blood and spine diseases. Lapis lazuli improves pregnancy and prevents miscarriages.
For healing, it is useful to combine the stone with rose quartz, amethyst, and green aventurine. Ayurveda experts recommend wearing it around your neck in a gold necklace. However, lapis lazuli beads strung on a silk thread help just as well.
Moon rock
Bluish-silver with golden shimmer inside, sometimes it appears milky white, sometimes purple. This stone absorbs lunar energy, causing dreaminess, lightness and tenderness.
It calms the mind, cools passions and aggressiveness.
It treats the kidneys, bladder and urinary canals well, helps with swelling and dropsy.
Moonstone is closely related to human emotions, smoothing out emotional tension. He embodies positive traits Moon and brings happiness to everyone who does not suffer from painful moodiness. On the new moon it becomes colder and shines brighter, at which time the power of the Chaldean magicians, who put it under the tongue before divination, returns to it. Moonstone promotes intuition, imagination and gentleness.
It is good to wear a moonstone in a silver ring on the ring finger of the right hand or in a pocket opposite the heart. His chakras are heart and throat.
Moon rock
Malachite (Eilat stone) is a mineral of dense green or light green color.
Malachite perfectly strengthens the human immune system. Helps the functioning of the pancreas, kidneys and spleen. Normalizes cardiac activity, reduces blood pressure. Included in eye ointments in practice alternative medicine. Heals the digestive system. Recently it has been used for pathologies of the joints and spine.
Malachite is a common children's amulet. It is hung around the child's neck to protect against illness and danger.
It is believed that a malachite pendant in a copper frame cures rheumatism and radiculitis. Malachite works very well with silver.
The color of jade ranges from black-green to almost white. White translucent jade is called jadeite. Until now in China it is called a clot of love and they believe that the stone of spirits gives sweet dreams, victory over dark forces both outside and inside a person, preserves beauty, and protects from disease. It is also called the “Iu stone” - that is, it bestows mercy, wisdom and modesty.
Jade - translated from Spanish means "stone of the lower back." The fact is that this stone has amazing viscosity and retains heat for a very long time. Therefore, it was heated and used as a heating pad. Light jade is especially good for kidney disease. It is worn on the lower back for a year, and chronic pain and other symptoms completely disappear.
The Aztecs considered jade sacred and made talismans and masks from it, which not only protected against harm, but also allowed them to safely communicate with spirits. In China and Tibet, jade talismans were hung around the necks of children to protect them from illness, and if a difficult task was ahead, its participants never did without jade rosaries.
It was also considered the stone of eternal love. A jade butterfly serves as a guarantee of eternal happiness in love. Jade has the ability to smooth the face, so ancient cosmetologists applied jade plaques to the faces of beauties after massage. Men preferred to smoke pipes with jade stems, because this stone can neutralize poisonous smoke. It is known that Genghis Khan has great respect for jade; even his personal seal was made in the form of a jade figurine of a lying tiger.
This volcanic glass is dark gray, gray, less often yellow, brown or red.
Has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. Increases kidney energy, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.
It releases energies that harmonize the mind and emotions, absorbs bad intentions, and therefore can be used as an amulet.

Azurite (copper azure, mountain blue) is suitable for lovers of something unusual. It is also called chessilite after the name of the place in France, Chessy, a famous deposit. The peculiarity of this mineral is its blue tint: from cornflower blue to dark blue.

This color is due to the presence of aqueous copper carbonate in the structure. The stone is popular among collectors due to its rarity and originality. The best and most valuable specimens are mined in Namibia.

There are deposits in Australia, Brazil, Mexico and the USA. In Russia we have deposits in the southern Urals. The size of the mineral can reach 25 cm. Azurite is distinguished by its glassy luster and smooth edges. Over time, the mineral turns into malachite.

Application in jewelry

Azurite is rarely used in jewelry due to its fragility and color instability. In the absence of experience in mineralogy, this stone can be confused with lapis lazuli stone. It is easily identified by its ability to boil in hydrochloric acid. Azurite itself is not a high-value stone. At the same time, it is sometimes used in the manufacture of cufflinks, beads, pendants, and earrings.

The mineral splits even under slight mechanical stress. A more durable stone is azure-malachite, which is more often used in the jewelry industry. In addition to malachite, compounds of azurite with cuprite (burnite) and chrysocolla (blue copper) are found in nature.

Magical properties of azurite

Since ancient times, azurite has been revered in Egypt as a stone that enhances the spiritual essence of a person, raising consciousness to a level close to cosmic forces and subtle energies. Lithotherapists believe that the mineral stimulates the appearance and activity of the “third eye.” According to them, azurite has healing energy on all levels human existence. Starting from the physical component and ending with the subtle matters of the soul. The stone normalizes energy flows and removes blocks. It helps to transfer a person’s thoughts from the subconscious into the field of consciousness.

Indian yogis believe that the main chakras influenced by azurite are the frontal (Ajna) and throat (Vishuddha). According to some reports, the stone has a beneficial effect on the head chakra Sahasrara.

In Ireland, this stone was used by the Druids to put young men into a state of hypnosis in order to make them experience specific experiences, sensations, and feelings. This process is called the ritual of visualization. It was held to test the young man’s courage, rage, and strength. The young man clearly imagined himself in the role of a warrior and decided whether he could cope with the responsibilities assigned to him.

The healing properties of the mineral

Azurite has many useful properties. There is evidence that it has a beneficial effect on the condition of asthmatics. It is believed that the mineral helps normalize blood pressure and condition nervous system, for example, relieves melancholy, hallucinations, epilepsy, etc. The presence of azurite nearby promotes calm, allows you to overcome stress, fear, anger, and excessive excitement.

It is believed that the stone helps with infectious skin diseases and problems with the eyes, intestines, bladder, and liver. The mineral accelerates the healing of wounds, various injuries, bruises, abrasions, burns. In addition, the stone increases the activity of the thyroid gland and helps cleanse the blood and bile.

Methods of treatment with azurite

To enhance the healing effect, it is recommended to meditate with the stone. It is advisable to carry out this procedure twice a day in the morning and evening.

This process is carried out as follows:

  1. The stone is applied to the sore spot, in the area where the unhealthy organ is located.
  2. You need to close your eyes and feel the aura of the stone.
  3. Mentally say a request for healing.
  4. Imagine how the field of the mineral penetrates the diseased organ and “cleanses” it, getting rid of the disease.
  5. It is necessary to visualize the process, that is, for example, the black affected area in the body brightens and becomes blue or white.

This mineral is important for enhancing psychic abilities. It is used by those who practice fortune telling and predictions. Special balls for meditation and entering trance are made from Azurite.

The meaning of azurite in zodiac signs

Azurite has feminine Yin energy. It is recommended for air signs such as Libra and Aquarius. Some sources indicate that it is suitable for Sagittarius and Taurus. It is believed that this mineral will be especially useful for people involved in law, judicial and advocacy practice, and journalism. There is one feature of azurite - “help” in establishing justice.

This stone can cause significant harm to the owner when trying to slander someone or deliberately harm a person. Therefore, the mineral is not suitable for scammers and helps to quickly expose them. Azurite helps to correctly assess the situation, weigh all the facts, and make the right and objective decision. Azurite allows motorists to maintain composure while driving and composure when stuck in traffic. The element of this stone is water, the planet is Jupiter.

It should be noted that this stone helps Libra even if you do not carry it with you, but keep it at home. Others who want to use it need to constantly work with it and not forget about it. Its magical origin and energy may dry out if it is not used.

How to handle stone

About once a month, Azurite is discharged using hematites. It is enough to put them together overnight. To charge the stone, dark rocks are laid out in the sun. Light species are placed next to them, but not separately. The latter can be placed overnight along with rock crystal. It is best to buy Azurite on Thursday or Friday; these days are considered optimal for wearing the mineral on the body.


There are opal-chalcedony and chalcedony-quartz varieties of flint. The color of the mineral is white, light brown and dark brown (almost black) with various shades. The shine is glass. The mineral's hardness is 7.0 on the Mohs scale, and its density is only 2.6 g/cm3. Flint mining sites are scattered throughout the world and are among the most widespread mineral deposits.

The name “flint” comes from the Latin word “cremare”, which means “to burn”, because in addition to its strength, this mineral was used to strike sparks and ignite fire.

The shape of these stones is very diverse. There are round, finger-shaped, lamellar and other shaped specimens. It is interesting that flint appears in nature like a pearl around some pebble or grain of sand. This black pearl often has growths, holes and voids filled with small quartz crystals.

The main consumer of flint is the abrasive and ceramics industries. Sandpapers are made from this mineral and are also used in road construction.

In addition to its everyday service to humans, flint also performs medicinal functions. Traditional healers believe that water infused with opal-chalcedony flint has amazing healing properties. This water has antimicrobial, hemostatic and antiseptic effects; in some countries it is used in the treatment and prevention of various infections. Preparing flint water is not difficult. Before the first use, it is enough to rinse the flint with running water and leave for 2-3 days. It is advisable to drain the lower layer of water covering the stones. Periodically, the stones must be washed with running water to remove any impurities that have settled on them. For full effect, it is advisable to change silicon every 6-8 months.

Mongolian healers believed that if you apply a flint product to the solar plexus area, you can cure some gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, if you suffer from digestive problems, wear something made of flint around your neck, the main thing is to make sure that the product hangs on the right level. In European countries, amulets and pendants made of flint were worn to prevent colds.

Perhaps due to its ability to turn into fire, flint is a stone with very strong energy. Having such an energy reserve, it makes its owner courageous, strong and enterprising. Remember, primitive men had no other friends among the stones, and boldly went into battle with animals, which were sometimes several times larger than the hunters themselves. Flint will also help if you have depression or blues, because... in these states people are most often lethargic and lazy. The stone will make a person feel a surge of strength, activity and efficiency. These qualities will quickly disperse gloomy moods.

Since ancient times, flint has been considered a faithful assistant to travelers. It is believed that it protects a person from any obstacles that come along the way, protects against possible violence, and warns against fraud and deception. If you remember to take the flint with you on the road, then put it in your pocket on the left side. In addition to its protective effect, the mineral will have a positive effect on your heart and help you restore strength faster.

There is one more little trick that may be useful to you in life. If someone is negatively disposed towards you, then approach this person so that the stone lying in your pocket is on his side, and the stone will force him to change his anger to mercy.

Wearing a flint around the neck also has its own positive sides. Placed in this way, it gives a person the ability to firmly defend his opinion, convince people that he is right, and also develops the gift of eloquence, enlightens the mind and helps to quickly make the right decisions even in the most difficult situations.

It is also irreplaceable as a talisman for the home. This seemingly simple stone is an excellent keeper of the hearth. It draws out all the negative energy that enters the house and keeps it within itself. Therefore, do not forget to occasionally rinse the stone with cold running water so that it has a chance to clean itself.

Astrologers believe that this stone has a good effect on all signs of the Zodiac, but only Pisces should be careful. If you were born under this sign and carry a flint amulet with you, watch yourself to see if you have become overly irritable and aggressive. If this is the case, then try removing the stone from yourself for a while. And if we are talking about talismans, then flint is most suitable for people in military professions, as well as lawyers, teachers, doctors and politicians. It helps improve professional skills, makes them honest, fair and courageous.

Everyone knows that appearances can sometimes be deceiving. That the bird with the bushiest tail sings disgustingly, and the nightingale is gray and homely. Perhaps, nature sometimes jokes with us in the same way. Flint good for that proof. An inconspicuous, commonly found mineral has very useful healing properties, and can have a very positive effect on a person’s entire life.


Labradorite is a mineral from the group of calc-sodium feldspars. Gloss - from matte to glassy. Hardness 6.0-6.5 on the Mohs scale. Density 2.7 g/cm3. Other names: black moonstone, bull's eye, spectrolite, caryatite.

Whether the ancient legends and occult scientists were right or wrong, we do not know. However, it is enough to look at Labradorite to feel how different it is from other gems. An unusual property of a bull's eye is iridescence, or the ability to shimmer under different angles vision in different colors - is rare in the nature of minerals, and never manifests itself so brightly and clearly: in the case of Labradorite, this quality is even highlighted by a special name - labradorization. The base color of Labradorite is usually grey, black or brown-yellow, but on the surface of the stone it has cool greens, blues, blues and purple tones, now flashing like fire, now dissolving in the opaque black darkness with sapphire glimpses - it was not for nothing that in India it was called the peacock stone for its resemblance to the colorful outfit of a peacock.

There are Labradorites that are milky white, fiery red, and green - but they all have in common a beautiful iridescent shimmer, accompanied by a pearlescent sheen, so that it seems as if the stone is glowing from within. Mineralogists classify Labradorite into the rare category of “solid solutions” due to its strange structure, full of voids and heterogeneous cleavage.

Labradorite has become widely known in Europe since 1770, when it was found on the island of Labrador in northern Canada - soon Parisian and London fashionistas were wearing rings, earrings and brooches with the “peacock stone”. And during the construction of the Hermitage in 1781, several blocks with labradorite eyes were suddenly discovered in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, which provoked a surge in the popularity of the gem in Russia - tabletops made of labradorite appeared in the royal residences, the St. Petersburg nobility fell in love with golden snuff boxes with rainbow stones, and even ball gowns to match the jewelry were made from iridescent “tausin silk” (in the old Russian dialect the word “tausin” meant “peacock”). The “Tausin fashion” lasted half a century - in the middle of the 19th century, the richest deposit of labradorite was found in Ukraine, and since then the stone began to be actively used in the cladding of interiors and exteriors: for example, it was used in the decoration of the Mausoleum of V. I. Lenin, some metro stations in the city . Moscow and many monumental buildings and architectural monuments. Today, labradorite is one of the most popular ornamental stones, and it is used both for inserts into jewelry - rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, cufflinks and much more - and for creating interior sculptures and small decorative items. Labradorite is still mined there - the deposits are still not exhausted in Burma, and in Ukraine, and on the island. Labrador is in Canada, but its availability has once again become a thing of the past - today only a person whose fortune is truly royal in wealth can afford a large statue, and especially the façade cladding made of spectrolite.

Lithotherapists consider Labradorite a universal healer that helps improve the work of everyone internal organs and general strengthening of the body - for this they not only wear it as decoration, but also drink water infused with it. To relieve pain in the spine and joints, massage with a heated bull's eye is practiced, and a piece of stone is placed under the mattress. The gem has a powerful effect on problems with the genitourinary system - it relieves infertility and impotence, solves problems associated with the prostate gland, promotes the removal of kidney stones, increases libido and restores lost sexual functions; for such purposes it is worn in the belt area. Rings (which should be worn on the middle finger) and pendants with Labradorite can even help a drug addict get rid of a painful addiction - in addition, they can easily relieve nervous stress in their owner, calm them down during feverish excitement, lift them out of depression and restore the body after nervous exhaustion. A figurine or a piece of stone, located next to the head of the bed, will relieve obsessive nightmares and cure insomnia, normalizing the body’s “natural clock”.

The magical power of the gem has not been fully revealed - however, it is reliably known that, like no other, it enhances foresight and the ability to mystical awareness of the world, helps to develop extrasensory abilities and has long been considered a talisman of healers and sorcerers. Labrador awakens hitherto hidden talents in a person and helps to develop them, bestows bright dreams and forces its owner to try to “embrace the immensity”, to accomplish what previously seemed unattainable - this is exactly the talisman with which you will make the impossible possible. It is considered an amulet of creative people - writers, poets, musicians, artists; it brings them inspiration, the ability to “catch the wave,” and at the same time fame, recognition and patronage of patrons. The stone becomes very attached to its owner and protects him from all sorts of unpleasant situations and negative people. It is recommended as a guardian of peace and well-being in the home - but the labradorite figurine or crystal should be kept in plain sight, and in no case should it be placed under the threshold, as some sources advise: when the gem “sees” the situation every day, it actively processes any negative energy into positive vibes.

Gem experts distinguish Labradors “by gender”: lighter ones with a golden-blue tint are considered male, dark ones with a brownish-green tint are considered female. It is best to purchase a “married pair” of minerals - they will not only help you manage competently and prudently household, but will also protect your family hearth, teach more careful attitude to your “other half”. The Labrador retrieves its strength from the moon - it is recommended to place it on the windowsill every full moon so that, having absorbed the moon’s rays, it “gets to work” with new strength. It should be remembered that Labradorite cannot be carried on you all the time, and under no circumstances let strangers touch your talisman - aimless touches destroy the friendly power of the stone. Astrologers recommend it to all zodiac signs without exception, but it is especially useful for Leos, Scorpios, Aries and Virgos. Labradorite is energetically connected to the heart, sex and throat chakras.

Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a sodium and calcium aluminosilicate, a mineral from the sodalite group. Hardness 5-6 on the Mohs scale, density 2.3-2.9 g/cm3, opaque, silky, glassy luster, strong white fluorescence. Another name is lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli, Bukhara stone, Armenian stone.

Alas, in the ancient great empires the love of beauty was combined with cruelty, and gems valued much more than human lives. Our distant ancestors gave preference to gems, because they are able to survive more than one generation of people - this is what happened with lapis lazuli, which was truly the favorite stone of Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Persia and many other great states that have now sunk into oblivion. Thanks to the knowledge of archaeologists, we know that lapis lazuli was especially loved in Egypt, where it was called the “son of heaven” and was dedicated to the pharaoh as the viceroy of the sun god Ra on Earth. The blue stone became a measure of value; it was used to cover statues of rulers and gods, and bracelets, necklaces and rings made of lapis lazuli set in gold are constantly found in Egyptian tombs. We have no way of knowing the extent of the worship of lapis lazuli, because for many centuries tomb robbers were looking for items made from this mineral, especially gems with the image of a scarab beetle, because they believed that such a scarab would bring even a thief happiness and longevity; let’s add that they extracted lapis lazuli beetles from the very hearts of the dead, where they were placed before burial...

So the Sumerians, who lived nearby, were not inferior to the Egyptians in their love of lapis lazuli - and perhaps even surpassed them, because lapis lazuli was a symbol of their supreme sky deity Inanna, in whose honor they even wanted to erect a temple in Mesopotamia entirely from blue stone, a temple to this day did not live, but it is reliably known that the royal regalia, jewelry, clothes, hairstyles, household items and the very walls of the palaces were literally strewn with lapis lazuli, for which expeditions had to be sent to the distant Pamirs - after all, in Sumer itself there are deposits of lapis lazuli, which is born only high in mountains, never existed... And for less selfless kingdoms there were Badakhshan mines, which already 7000 BC. supplied the ancient world with such a coveted gem, from which, according to some researchers, even the Tablets of Moses with the Ten Commandments were made. An ordinary person did not have the right to even approach the mines - this was punishable by death, overseers kept order, and the miners themselves were chained to the walls of the mines so that they would not be able to steal a piece of lapis lazuli, sacred in Badakhshan, which only the emir had the right to own.

However, the Badakhshan deposit, although it has always been the most famous and high-quality, is by no means the only one. In addition to the Pamir mines, lapis lazuli was mined in China, where blue balls on the headdresses of mandarins were a sign of power, and in South America, where jewelry made of gold, silver and lapis lazuli were actively used in the culture of Indian civilizations. They loved lapis lazuli and ancient greece and Rome, where gems, figurines, small household items, and even made bright blue paint by grinding it into powder.

During the Renaissance, lapis lazuli triumphantly regained its former popularity - now large interior items began to be made from it: sets, vases, tabletops, sculpture stands could be seen throughout Europe. Particularly beautiful were the mosaic panels using lapis lazuli - the blue stone was used in almost every product of the newly invented Florentine mosaic. Lapis lazuli “reached” Russia in full only in the 18th century, and for the most part it came, according to tradition, from Badakhshan. Huge vases, bowls, floor lamps made using the Russian mosaic technique, tabletops still serve as decoration for the Hermitage and other Russian palace museums, and the greatest lapis lazuli work was two five-meter high lapis lazuli columns installed in St. Isaac's Cathedral. In addition, lapis lazuli was used to make table sets, snuff boxes, ashtrays, boxes, candlesticks and many other household items for wealthy residents of Russia. Faberge also often used lapis lazuli - it looks extremely elegant as the petals of the famous “stone flowers” ​​- semi-precious forget-me-nots and cornflowers, which seem real to the viewer; “lapis lazuli” is also present in some of the “Easter eggs”.

The medical use of lapis lazuli began a very long time ago - back in Ancient Egypt, medicines were made from the powder of this stone to remove poisons from the body, and in the Middle Ages, tablets from crushed lapis lazuli were in use, which were prescribed for eye diseases. Of course, you shouldn’t swallow lapis lazuli chips, but just regular contemplation of its deep, soothing blue will really have a beneficial effect on your vision. At high blood pressure, insomnia, stress, and asthma, lapis lazuli beads are recommended, and a piece of stone pinned to a pregnant woman’s stomach in the form of a brooch or placed in her pocket will protect her from premature birth and alleviate attacks of toxicosis. In general, lapis lazuli has a beneficial effect on the state of the blood, as well as on the metabolism in bone tissue - therefore it is used for rheumatism, radiculitis, and joint pain. Like his " younger brother» sodalite, lapis lazuli is extremely useful for those suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland and lymphatic system. A bracelet or ring with lapis lazuli improves blood circulation and helps with diseases of the genitourinary system. Massage with lapis lazuli in lithotherapy is used to treat epilepsy.

Energetically, lapis lazuli serves as a real spiritual guide for its owner, teaches him mercy and empathy, makes him wise and fair, develops the mind and soul. This is a talisman for philosophers, scientists, judges, and those involved in charitable activities. Lapis lazuli is also useful for doctors, especially psychologists and psychotherapists - it helps to feel the pain of others. In addition, lapis lazuli “cleanses” the owner of the negativity, grievances, and bad thoughts that have accumulated over the course of his life. At the same time, lapis lazuli does not at all turn a person into a disinterested person, and nothing human is alien to him - having made this stone your assistant, you will gradually feel how your existence becomes brighter and more prosperous, because in addition to wisdom, lapis lazuli also attracts mutual love And material well-being. In family life, lapis lazuli revives faded feelings, creating a new round of relationships, and protects the couple from the interference of outsiders. Being dedicated to Jupiter, lapis lazuli, like other blue stones, is an amulet of those in power; it makes its owner a significant person, capable of penetrating the essence of things. For businessmen starting a new business, lapis lazuli will provide an unlimited supply of energy, help them react quickly but competently and make the right decisions, and contribute to the emergence of interesting ideas. Astrologically, lapis lazuli suits everyone, and most of all Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn.


Malachite is an aqueous copper carbonate salt. Hardness 3.5-4.0 on the Mohs scale, density 4.0 g/cm3, silky, glassy luster. Other names: copper green, peacock stone, satin ore, murrine.

Oddly enough, malachite did not appear in Russia at all - its first steps on the planet were taken in ancient times, when among Neolithic people it was considered not decorative material, and with a craft tool: from powdered malachite mixed with soda, azurite, acacia juice and other natural binders, bright green and blue paint was primarily made. The ancient Egyptians used eyeliner, painted glass, painted ritual objects and the walls of buildings; the brightness of these dyes, which have not faded after many centuries, is still legendary. However, although the oldest malachite craft is 10,500 years old, initially this stone was not considered precious - in addition to paints, they also began to mine valuable copper ore with its help and sparingly evaporated malachite to get some more expensive copper. However, despite this, beads, amulets, and mosaic ornaments were made from the green mineral. Interesting fact: in order to secretly smuggle emeralds mined in Egypt to India, they were hidden in malachite rings. In Greece during the time of Alexander the Great, malachite appeared after the latter visited the countries of the East; the result was that Greece, and then Rome, became seriously interested in both malachite jewelry and the decoration of halls and galleries with malachite plates. One of the seven wonders of the world - the Temple of Artemis-Diana in Ephesus - had giant columns lined with malachite; some sources claim that after the destruction of the temple, the columns were somehow transported to Constantinople and used for the St. Sophia Cathedral.

By the beginning of the Middle Ages, the richest reserves of malachite eastern countries almost run out, after which the stone quickly becomes a rarity and increases in price.

In India, already during the Middle Ages, malachite mosaics decorate the famous Taj Mahal; in Ming Dynasty China, malachite flowers marked the headdresses of empresses. In Europe, malachite rings, crosses, and earrings are occasionally found. Malachite becomes an amulet, which is credited with such fantastic properties as the ability to make the owner invisible or teach him the language of animals.

But the heyday of the “malachite” history is associated with Russia, where in the 18th century, sources of the richest deposits of “copper greens” were found in the Urals, along with other gems. At first, Russian aristocrats became seriously interested in mineralogical collections, where the leading role was occupied by various malachite crystals - entire rooms were given over to the “fashionable disease” from which high society was in a fever. Then, with the opening of cutting factories, a whole range of magnificent large-scale products began to be made from malachite - floor lamps and vases, bowls and lamps, fireplaces and columns, tabletops and mosaics, not counting numerous small household items, the creation of which became one of the major sources of income in the Urals . Brooches, beads, earrings, rings, Easter eggs, boxes and candlesticks were cut in almost every home and in big cities nobles and industrialists competed for the right to possess the most interesting collection of malachite trinkets. The most famous collection of several hundred pieces, from snuff boxes to combs, from watches to lamps, was collected by N. Demidov - a manufacturer and connoisseur of malachite in one person, it was thanks to him that a considerable amount of Russian malachite came to Europe, and France, Italy and England also became interested in green stone, inlaid with it into sets and silverware, making cameos and brooches from it, complemented with diamonds and emeralds. The interior was also lined with malachite - today in Russia only the Malachite Hall in the Hermitage has been completely preserved, richly decorated using the Russian mosaic technique, a special technique invented by Ural craftsmen specifically to save precious malachite by covering the base with thin plates of patterned stone. “Alive” and decorated with malachite in the personal office of Alexander I in Tsarskoe Selo. However, at one time, many high-ranking houses sparkled with malachite - the Empress’s office in the Mikhailovsky Castle, the Demidov Palace and the residences of the Yusupovs and Sheremetyevs in St. Petersburg. In the Hermitage you can still see a lot of products that previously served the flower of the Russian aristocracy - mantel clocks, candlesticks, candelabra, stands for sculptures, floor vases and bowls, it was especially possible to decorate work offices with malachite - these were malachite paperweights, ink sets, writing pads, paper boxes, knife handles and much more. The church also did not abandon malachite with its attention - crosses and home lamps made of malachite, green columns, and today St. Isaac's Cathedral can boast of a huge malachite rotunda, which once stood in the Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, has now been moved to the Hermitage.

Of course, such a huge popularity of malachite was associated with the unique external properties of the stone - it is the only green mineral with its own unique ornament. Its color pleasantly soothes the eye - from bluish-leafy to dense emerald, and on the surface of the stone extraordinary patterns bloom, as if painted with a thin brush by an unknown master, either landscape, or randomly diverging in a network of radial influxes. It is believed that the more curls there are on a stone, and the closer it is in color to natural greenery, the more powerful its magical background. For all its beauty, malachite is quite fragile - it must be protected from falls, sharp changes temperature, and cleaning is allowed only with soapy water and in no case use the popular ultrasonic or steam treatment.

Gradually, malachite became available to more modest buyers - merchants, intellectuals, and small nobles. For wide consumption, so-called large and small sets were produced - the second included a variety of rings, earrings, two necklaces, pendants, hat pins, bracelets, a powder compact and a snuff box, as well as a tiara; the first, in addition to the above, consisted of a mirror framed in malachite, candlesticks, a vase, a writing pad and a jewelry box. The most popular goods were malachite boxes, lined with velvet or satin inside, with a mirror on inside covers. A buyer who bought a lot of malachite crafts at once was certainly presented with an Easter egg made of the same material.

Over time, malachite wealth became scarce in the 20s. malachite was already mined exclusively for export, after which the stone “ran out” altogether. Now the development of malachite mines in the Urals is sluggish - in general there is nothing to develop, as if Copper Mountain the hostess, the patroness of the Ural miners, once again closed her storerooms from prying eyes. Therefore, malachite is used mainly for small elegant jewelry– as a rule, pendants, earrings or rings, as well as interior items such as table sets, boxes, Florentine mosaic paintings, coffee and tea table tops, which are usually decorated in classic style, repeating the elegant products of palaces and estates of past centuries.

The healing properties of malachite have been known for a long time, and it is most useful for various skin diseases - allergies, urticaria, inflammation, acne. It is best to wear malachite bracelets to cleanse your skin, but green stone beads will help if your hair has become dull and split ends, or you want to speed up its growth. In addition, a pendant, pendant or necklace made of malachite is useful for asthma and colds. A green cross should be worn by women preparing to get rid of a burden - it will make childbirth safe and make it easier. Bluish varieties of malachite improve vision and serve as a preventive measure for eye diseases - malachite earrings are intended for this, and a large item or crystal on which your gaze will regularly fall throughout the day will also come in handy. And those suffering from rheumatic attacks are recommended to apply malachite plates to aching parts of the body. Stomach colic is also susceptible to the influence of malachite. Note that malachite, among other things, reduces the background radiation of the area, removes heavy elements from the body and is useful for cancerous tumors, and especially for blood cancer.

Malachite was used as a talisman even when its production dropped to almost zero. For example, he was tied to a cradle so that the baby would not be disturbed by unpleasant dreams or evil spirits. Pieces of malachite were worn by those who worked at high altitudes (for example, builders on scaffolding) - it was believed that the stone protected against unexpected loss of balance and falls; today it can also be recommended to industrial climbers, pilots, lovers of parachuting and hang gliding. The image of the sun engraved on it gives malachite special power - such a talisman becomes a barrier against everything that can cause harm to a person, including poisonous snakes and insects and witchcraft spells. For women who dream of crowds of admirers, malachite will attract them in even excessive quantities; representatives of the fair sex are advised not to set malachite in gold, otherwise male attention will be excessive and aggressive. Malachite is also good for lonely people - it will attract new and loyal friends to them, help them organically integrate into new company and establish a common language with anyone stranger. Malachite is very useful creative individuals– artists, writers, musicians, especially if the frame is copper. But artists, in order to achieve the heights of success in their careers, need to wear malachite framed by light metals - silver, platinum or even aluminum. Astrologically, malachite is suitable for almost everyone, especially for Capricorns, Libra, Virgos and those born in May and June.