How to throw out old clothes. Food and kitchen utensils. Old bags from stores

In the summer, many people start renovations or general cleaning of their apartment. This is the time to declutter without regret. Trash is an amazing variety of objects that fill our living space and quietly whisper to us: “You won’t throw me away, what if I’m still useful?”

As a result, a home, regardless of its size, is gradually filled with a thousand things that we can perfectly do without: here you can find perfume bottles, old postcards, newspapers and magazines, blouses that we no longer wear, coffee sets, which coffee has never been drunk, and juicers, the juice from which was extracted exactly four times two years ago.

We need to get rid of all this, we understand that. But how to do this? It's a pity!

There are many ways to convince yourself to get rid of this or that junk. All you have to do is choose one or more that will help you.

Method one
Imagine that tomorrow you are moving to another apartment. Today you need to have time to get together, review all your things and decide: what goes to waste, what can be given to friends or relatives, and what you really can’t do without. Perfect option– “move” to a smaller and cramped apartment than the one you live in today.

Method two
We continue to use our imagination. Imagine that you are suddenly left completely without money, and the only way out is to sell “something unnecessary” (according to Matroskin). And now it’s quite simple: select from the existing things what can be sold without much grief. And then - really sell it! Does not work? Then donate!

Method three
Take a large trash bag. Now set yourself a task: right now, collect exactly 27 items in it that can be thrown away. If you do this at least once a week, you can eliminate most of the clutter from your home pretty quickly. Agree: in the apartment there are always 27 torn socks, expired batteries, worn out tights, non-working pens and markers, old magazines and empty coffee cans.

Method four
Organize a “junk cabinet” in your home. Put in it those things that seem to be completely unnecessary in the household, but for some reason it’s a pity to part with them.

Here you can store cute boxes of sweets and bottles of your favorite perfume, expired lipstick for a while beautiful color, newspapers with recipes that you are unlikely to cook with, and children's onesies (completely intact!), from which your child has grown out of for about 10 years. In addition, you can put here all the items that you will definitely need, but it is not yet clear how and when.

But remember: there can only be one such bedside table! When it is filled to capacity, you will have to make room in it for new rubbish, which means something will inevitably go to the trash heap.

Method five
Unnecessary and unsuccessful gifts are a real scourge of limited living space. After all, it is inconvenient to throw away what was given to you, perhaps with love: an apron from your mother-in-law, a vase from Angelina Petrovna from the next department, a porcelain dog from a colleague and a book about tasty and healthy food from your grandmother.

And don’t throw it away! Make a knight's move: give an apron to your grandmother, a cookbook to Angelina Petrovna, a vase to a colleague, and a dog to your mother-in-law. Or vice versa. And everyone will be happy!

Method six
Make a strict rule in your home: every day before going to bed, devote 10 minutes to removing everything unnecessary. Look around the surrounding space with your master's eye. Have you read the newspapers? In the trash! Are your socks torn? Well, don’t darn them - throw them in the trash! Does your refrigerator smell something suspicious? Carry out an immediate inspection; everything that has gone bad goes in the trash! Running out of deodorant? There is no point in storing the bottle, we throw everything away mercilessly and mercilessly!

At the same time, the main thing is not to succumb to laziness, which will inevitably replace the liberating impulse of the first days. Tell yourself: I won’t go to sleep until I clear my house of garbage!

Method seven
Closets with clothes are an amazing breeding ground for junk! Let's do this. We take out each item, twirl it in our hands and think: when did we put it on? last time? The rule is very simple: if an item has not been worn for a year, it will never be worn! This means that you either need to throw it away or give it to a friend, sister, neighbor or colleague. It depends on the degree of wear, size, color and general view. We only leave what we really like and can’t imagine our wardrobe without.

If you don’t raise your hand to get rid of old things, remember the unwritten law: a new one will soon take the place of the old thing! Let this comfort you.

If it is already indecent to give THIS or there is no one, and it’s a pity to throw it in the trash (the whole thing) - just put everything in a large package and place it near the entrance. The owner will be found quickly!

If you strictly follow at least one of the above rules, very soon you will learn not to let your living space become cluttered. For the future: before you buy any thing, ask yourself: will it soon become trash?

By getting rid of everything unnecessary, you not only free up space: you cleanse your soul. Yes, yes, these are not just words: in a cleanly tidied house, thoughts flow somehow differently, more orderly and calmly, and bright ideas come to mind more often, and in general, the mood improves!

Let getting rid of junk become not a boring chore for you, but a holiday or an adventure. After everything unnecessary has been thrown away, be sure to do a wet cleaning and ventilate the apartment, admire the work of your hands and praise yourself for the work done. Now is the time to drink a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, and maybe even go to a cafe with friends.

And lastly
Don't overdo it! After all, in such an economic impulse, you can throw away something really necessary and dear to your heart, mistakenly taken for trash. For example, an album with old family photographs that will be so interesting for your children and grandchildren to look at. Or my daughter’s first drawings. Or a handful of cogs and bolts that may soon turn into in capable hands son into a transistor radio...

All people are divided into two groups: those who like to accumulate old things, even if they are not used, and those who throw them away as unnecessary. What type are you? If you like to collect old junk, you should probably reconsider your attitude towards things. No, you'll never need that shiny iPhone box, so don't carefully store it somewhere in the depths of your closet. And no, you'll never flip through old issues of Cosmo. Just throw them away without regret. Clear your home of unnecessary things, even if you once loved them very much. So, what item should you throw away immediately?

Wire clothes hangers

Cheap wire hangers that show up in your home (either from the dry cleaner or with new clothes) are bad for the condition of your clothes. They deform the fabric and leave traces of rust. Buy felt, wood, or hard plastic hangers instead.

Worn out boots

Are your favorite boots worn out? Throw them away. Still in good condition, but haven't worn them in a while? Give it to those who really need it.

Empty alcohol bottles

Are you no longer in college? Nothing to collect empty bottles from alcohol, if you have not lived in a hostel for a long time.

Clothes you don't wear

Give it to charity. A person less fortunate than you might wear it. The same goes for baby clothes and fancy dress costumes that you'll never wear again.

Old toys

They can often be very expensive, which is why many parents are hesitant to part with the toys even as their children grow up. If they are not broken, give them to charity or to someone you know who has small children.

Socks without a pair

Have you started a special basket in which you keep all your socks without a pair, hoping that the loss will one day be found? Believe me, this won't happen. It will be better if you just throw them away.

Old cosmetics

Expired cosmetic products can harm your skin, so it is better to get rid of them on time.

Expired medications

No, you will never need these expired pills, so you shouldn’t keep them “just in case.” But not all expired medications can simply be thrown in the trash. Make sure you dispose of them correctly.


You must replace toothbrush every few months after the bristles wear out.

Food in the refrigerator

You know very well what we are talking about. Very often there are food items left in the refrigerator that you “don’t get around to throwing away.” But you can't just leave them there. Throw everything in the trash. Pay attention to shelf life.

Old shopping bags

Even though it's somewhat of a tradition for many people to keep a "bag of bags" in their home, most of the time they just accumulate and are never used. Throw away all the shopping bags you've accumulated over the years unless you actually intend to use them.

CD, DVD and video cassettes

It's already 2017 outside. Why do you keep all those old CDs and DVDs? Write it down necessary information to your hard drive to free up shelf space.

Kitchen sponges

They can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so sponges should be washed or replaced frequently. Don't know how to disinfect a sponge? The only remedy, which will help you get rid of all bacteria is bleach.

Filters for water

Filter cartridges should be replaced every few months, depending on the model, or when you notice the water tastes bad.

Old business cards

You'll never need Business Cards companies you worked for before, or ones you used when you held a position. When you retire, old business cards should be thrown in the trash.

Old chargers

Why do you need to charge your old 2004 Motorola Razr phone? We live in the age of smartphones, so there's definitely no room for old chargers in your home.

Old magazines

Many people hoard old magazines and newspapers over several years. Why do you need them? How likely are you to re-read them? Most likely, they will only clutter your coffee table.

Old socks and underwear

If on them more holes than it should be, throw it away without regret and buy new ones.

Old bills and receipts

If these bills are truly important, scan or take a photo and store them in a folder on your computer.

Over the course of life, every person “overgrows” with things. Many of them eventually lose their material value and necessity and are simply gathering dust in closets, on shelves, mezzanines and balconies. But you often don’t get around to throwing them away. But scientists have already proven that clutter and the presence of unnecessary useless objects in the house can negatively affect the mental health and mood of the people living in it. Even famous psychologists They advise starting the fight against depression with an audit of your closet and your entire home. But Feng Shui experts say that old trash interferes with the free flow of Qi energy, which is necessary for positive changes in life. If all of the above has not convinced you to get rid of the accumulated junk, here are the TOP 8 reasons to throw away unnecessary things forever.

Reason 1. Rationality

Review old items to see if they are worth storing. Answer yourself honestly whether they will be useful to you in the coming years. Most people are afraid to throw away unnecessary junk, keeping in mind the years of shortages that are already in the past. Nowadays, it is not difficult to find everything you need in a store. Therefore, leave only what you actively use, and throw everything else in the trash without regret. In extreme cases, an item you suddenly need can be rented.

Reason 2. Mobility

Our life is completely unpredictable. And even if you are not planning any moving or changing your place of residence now, you cannot be sure that tomorrow there will not be an urgent need for this. You may even have to move to another city. Now imagine how much effort, time and material resources you will have to spend on packing, transporting and unpacking all the property, a considerable part of which is the most ordinary trash! On the other hand, why new life pull extra junk? It's better to start getting rid of it right now.

Reason 3. Not quantity, but quality

Reconsider your clothes. If you have a dozen blouses hanging in your closet that have lost their appearance after the first wash, maybe you need to get rid of them? You won't be wearing them anyway. Replace the heap unnecessary items clothes with several sets of high-quality basic items. They will borrow less space in the closet, and the problem of “nothing to wear” will be solved in the near future.

Reason 4. Minimalism

The minimalist style in home decoration is used by many designers. It only seems boring at first glance. Firstly, decorative items look much more expressive and beautiful if there are few of them. Secondly, the fewer things there are in the apartment, the faster and easier it is to find each of them. And finally, experts have proven that order in housing helps to concentrate the attention and rationalize the thinking of the people living in it.

Reason 5. Saving time

IN modern world time has a high price. Sometimes we complain that we don't have enough 24 hours in a day. How much time have you recently spent trying to remember where your favorite T-shirt is? Did it take you at least 15 minutes to find the book you promised your friend? If this is the case, then it’s time to think about the fact that the lion’s share of your life is spent looking for your own things, and after that, conduct an audit and, without hesitation, throw away all unnecessary trash.

Reason 6. Caring for the environment

Having a lot of junk in the house, you have to throw something away every day. At the same time, many garbage bags are used, which are harmful to the environment. It is better to immediately collect all old newspapers, magazines and unnecessary papers to recycle them. The fewer unnecessary things you have in your apartment, the less junk you will have to remove from it every day.

Reason 7. Law of abundance

Feng Shui experts are confident in the existence of the law of prosperity, according to which unnecessary old things must be thrown away so that new ones appear in their place. And indeed, what kind of purchases can we talk about if free space Is there any left in your house? You may not be an adherent of this doctrine, but what is stopping you from testing the effect of this law?

Reason 8. Psychological calm

American psychiatrists, as a result of research, have come to the conclusion that people who have “gathering mania” are in a state of constant emotional stress. They spend a lot of time thinking about what things should be thrown away and what things can be kept. Conversely, those who part with junk without regret have a more balanced and calm character. Think, perhaps your frequent bad mood is associated with subconscious dissatisfaction with the large amount of junk in the apartment?

Minimalism is a special way of life. It involves not only the absence of unnecessary things, it also creates the conditions for getting rid of unnecessary clothes. And the last thing is very important: the reluctance or inability to part with old clothes clutters up the living space more than constant purchases. Every thing has its own expiration date active life, and it is important not to miss when it expires.

How to break up with unnecessary things Right? How to get rid of junk that takes up space but will never serve its intended purpose? I have my own algorithm.

Step 1. Winter or summer?

Initially, all things in the house are divided into two large groups:

  1. "Summer",
  2. "Winter".

In the summer I work with the first, in the winter, respectively, with the second. This is important because in hot weather it’s hard for me to appreciate the relevance, warmth and quality of a sweater, and in the terrible cold it’s sometimes impossible to understand the beauty of a sundress. Therefore, here and now we subject clothes that are about to be worn to critical analysis, because the season is conducive to this.

Step 2. Ideal or not?

Things for the season are divided into three more groups:

1. Ideal.
They're trendy, they suit your personal style, they fit great, they're high quality.

2. Good, but...
Overall they are not bad, but there is something wrong with them. Wrong length, wrong volume, wrong parameters. They can make you a little fatter, a little outdated, put pressure on your stomach, or bunch up on your back.

2. Bad.
They went out of fashion, lost quality, stretched, and faded from washing. They may be beloved, but the critical eye is unmistakable: these clothes have lost their original charm.

Step 3. Throw it away or keep it?

Three groups lie in front of you (you can even dump them carelessly). And here everything is easy:

  1. Ideal things stay in the closet and are actively worn,
  2. Things “Good, but...” are transformed - they can be altered, cut, changed with the help of accessories (for example, a belt). If there is no desire or ability to do something with them, you will have to part with them.
  3. Bad things are thrown away without regret. These are definitely clothes that will never be worn.

A little more about "bad" things

  1. If you have gained weight, you can return to your previous figure, but you are unlikely to want to return to your previous wardrobe, which has lost its relevance during the “downtime”;
  2. Lost weight - your favorite things turn into shapeless bags, and you can wear them with a belt, but it will simply be ugly;
  3. We changed the style - your favorite midi skirt cannot be made mini by simply rolling it up at the waist;
  4. Growing up is especially important: 5 years ago, stupid glasses, creepy plush platform sandals and an infantile denim overalls looked fresh on you, but today, alas, these are the same things from the past as rompers. They just don't suit you.

How to throw it away correctly?

There is just a sweater in pills, and you can use it for rags. But there is also a skirt bought with my first salary. There is a sundress in which you met your love. There is a lucky dress that I wore to pass my driving test (second time!). How to throw them away? How do I put them in the trash can?

Therefore, I do not suggest throwing away clothes or simply damaging them (for example, making a car cover out of a coat, which will be as frankly scary as the coat itself). To me, this is vandalism.

Clothes leave our lives like this:

  1. Given to friends or sold - the best things that have retained their quality and can attract someone else,
  2. Changes - you can exchange things with friends or other like-minded people, which will allow you to refresh your wardrobe for free,
  3. It is altered - for those who know how to do it, or know who to ask,
  4. Given to those in need (there are a lot of such families, if you set a goal, you can easily find someone who will be happy to wear your old jeans),
  5. It is given to those who can make something special out of it.

The last one is very interesting. There are companies that are from the old leather jackets make bags. There are also craftsmen who remake old denim items into bags. And finally, there are families (not many of them) who make wonderful toys or accessories out of old clothes. I sent a whole package of my things to one such family, and I admire what they turned into. And most importantly, things did not disappear, they simply transformed.

Giving away clothes is easy and pleasant if it allows you to extend their life - just no longer in your closet or in your house dust. And most importantly, sold or given away items free up space and provide wide scope for choosing something new. When you only have clothes you like in your closet, it’s very easy to determine what’s still missing and buy exactly that.

A minimal wardrobe is a little creativity. You are not just creating your own set of clothes. And not even your style. You create a living space whose details delight you, because they simply cannot be boring. Oh no,

minimalism is very inspiring and interesting!

Why? More about this next time.

In the meantime, what do you think of the idea? Do you agree? Have you ever thrown things away?

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Housing is a special place that is imbued with the energy of its owners. Kitchenware, furniture, clothes, various souvenirs, gifts and plants - all this is not only part of everyday life, but also collectively makes up the “mood” of the house. But it happens that an apartment or a house is a burden, making you feel spiritual emptiness, despondency and irritation. In this case, the housing can be cleaned. However, it becomes extremely uncomfortable to be in it.

It's all about the energy of the house and the presence of things that a priori should not be in the home.

If you want to make living in a house or apartment enjoyable, then you definitely need to know which objects and why are capable of accumulating negativity, influencing its inhabitants in a negative way. in the best possible way. We provide you with a list of things you need to get rid of right now. Of course, we are not talking about obvious garbage. Rather, about the one that is usually justified as “it will come in handy somehow.”

Bottles and waste paper

Each home accumulates various kinds of unnecessary things: bottles, string bags, packages, etc.. All this “good” begins to weigh down the inhabitants of the house over time. They are haunted by failures, overcome by bad mood and even depression.

Old magazines, newspapers, booklets and advertisements- all this clutters not only your home, but also internal state. The same applies to bottles (glass or plastic). Storing them on the balcony or in closets does not allow the energy in the house to circulate normally.

In addition, you should definitely get rid of old receipts, pieces of paper, notebooks with unnecessary notes and other small, barely noticeable, but littering your home garbage.

According to Feng Shui, waste paper collecting dust and empty unused bottles attract poverty and quarrels.

You need to get rid of this garbage as quickly as possible.

Old shoes, bags and clothes

Of course, it’s difficult to get rid of your favorite jeans that have been mended more than once or sneakers worn to holes. But it's definitely worth doing. Each item has its own service life. Don't take clothes, accessories and shoes seriously. If it’s a shame to throw it in a landfill, then take it to commission shop, where they will get a second life and delight their new owners.

Remember that old clothes tend to accumulate negativity that a person encounters every day: conflicts in a store line, unpleasant looks on the subway, or a quarrel with a grandmother at the entrance.

All these evil things “remember”.

If you don’t want to drag out a bunch of unpleasant feelings from the past, then you should definitely regularly update your wardrobe with new things.


Living in megacities, we are drawn to flora And fresh air, therefore, we have the habit of making the window sills of homes as dense as possible with pots of flowers. However, thoughtless gardening can bring not only negative energy into the house, but also disease.

It is worth understanding which plants will become real helpers, and which ones will bring grief to the house.

  • Feather grass or reeds. These plants become a real magnet for serious illnesses and even death.
  • If you don’t want there to be quarrels and discord in your home, then don’t have vines in your home.

The exception is grapes, which, on the contrary, attract abundance and good luck to the house.

  • Do not forget to remove spruce trees and branches that are usually placed on new year holidays. This plant emits grave energy.
  • Immediately throw away bouquets that have wilted. They fulfilled their purpose.

Ideal plants for the home would be:

  • Flowers with rounded leaves.
  • Plants whose leaves stretch and grow upward.
  • Plants with masculine Yang energy: lemon, chlorophytum, dracaena, sansevieria and asparagus;
  • Plants with feminine Yin energy: Money Tree, violet, begonia and cyclamen;

Remember: to create an ideal energetic microclimate in the house, it is necessary that both plants with male Yang energy and flowers with female Yin energy be present in the home.


Kitchen utensils are a kind of symbol of the house and the family that lives in it. Dishes broken in a fit of anger or accidentally become an accumulator of negativity and destructive energy.

A cracked or broken plate, bowl or saucer should not be stored in your home, so as not to attract destructive energy.

Don’t hesitate for a minute and remove rusty knives from the house.

A damaged knife blade can collect all the negativity in the house.

If a person picks up or cuts himself with such an object, he risks letting in bad energy.


As for the mirror, it itself is a kind of window into other world. With its help, various magical rituals. And when a person dies in the house, it is customary to close the mirrors altogether, because in them you can see the wandering soul of the deceased.

If the house is broken mirror, then do not be surprised by failures and illnesses.

Feng Shui experts say that such a thing not only stores all negative energy those people who looked into it, but also begins to let out all the bad things when the mirror cracks.

Photographs and paintings

Of course, today it is fashionable to hang art-house photographs or paintings by contemporary artists depicting creative subjects on the walls. The main thing is that these stories do not carry negativity.

Remember that the message pressing on the psyche may also be hidden.

For example, negative energy and despondency may well be conveyed by a picture of trees fallen to the ground or photographs with war stories. You won’t realize it, but such pictures have an extremely bad effect on the psyche.

You should not keep photographs and portraits with your image at home that have deteriorated. According to Feng Shui, this means attracting family discord and destruction of friendships into your life.

If there are photographs of deceased relatives and loved ones in your home, be sure to store these photographs separately from other photos.

Gifts from ill-wishers

Sometimes we have to accept gifts from people who are completely uninteresting to us or cause negative emotions. Without thinking about the consequences, we accept gifts and then keep them at home, forgetting with what energetic connotations these things were presented.

  • It is not recommended to accept a mirror as a gift from an enemy. Moreover, keep such a gift at home. By accepting such a gift, you risk “giving away” your vitality and beauty to your giver.
  • Esotericists warn that gloves are also not a gift that should be accepted. Whether it’s mittens that protect from the cold or versions of gloves for decorative purposes, such a gift will not bring good to your life. Through such a gift, the giver can easily penetrate your life and begin to control it. If you have such gloves in your house, but you don’t wear them, it’s better to get rid of them.
  • Malachite products are a bad gift. This mineral transmits the energy of destruction. By giving such a gift, your enemy can take away your destiny, and you will not live your life.
  • Another gift from an enemy that cannot be kept in the house is pectoral cross. Together with it, the donor can easily transfer a lot of negative energy to you.
  • Among the gifts that should not be accepted and then kept in the house or carried on oneself, feng shui experts highlight piercing and cutting objects. Sabers, knives, cutlasses or daggers around the recipient can create a negative aura that provokes crimes.

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