How to properly plant marigolds as seedlings and varieties in open ground with descriptions and photos. Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in open ground can be done by everyone Temperature for planting marigolds in open ground

Many gardeners love to grow marigolds - planting and caring for them in open ground is not difficult. After all, these Americans are very undemanding and can grow in almost any conditions. These lush and bright Chernobrivtsy, this is what these flowers are called in Ukrainian, will bloom until the onset of frost.


Small bushes with strong and dense stems can reach a height of even a meter. These varieties will look great when planted alone. Low-growing varieties can be perfectly placed on the balcony or in seedling containers on the site. The height of the bush, depending on the variety, varies from 10 to 130 cm.

Straight branched stems can form a lush mini bush that looks nice in a flower bed. One plant can have several lush inflorescences that delight bright colors from early summer to late autumn. Seeds scattered on the ground can sprout on their own next year - they are highly similar.

Famous big number varieties of marigolds: annual and perennial, dwarf and giant, simple and double. All these varieties require similar growing conditions and planting characteristics.

Growing in open ground

You can grow flowers from seeds. Initially, they can be bought at a specialized store or borrowed from friends. In the future, you can use your own seed material collected in the fall for planting.

Important: Most hybrids lose their characteristics when planted with collected seeds. As a result, you can get a flower that differs from the original one.

Marigolds are propagated in two ways: by sowing seeds directly into prepared soil or by seedling method. When choosing a growing method, you need to consider the following factors:

  • climate of a specific area;
  • night temperature;
  • probability of spring frosts;
  • preferred flowering time of bushes.

Having decided on the growing method, they begin to sow the seeds.

Sowing directly into the soil

It is worth growing plants in this way in the southern regions, where there is a low probability of night frosts. It is best to plant seeds in May, when the night temperature is above 7 degrees. When sowing seeds, it is important to consider the following features:

  • soil preparation - it must be nutritious;
  • seed preparation – you can germinate the seeds before sowing;

Tip: To germinate seeds, they need to be placed in a damp cloth, wrapped in polyethylene and left for 2 - 3 days. warm window sill under the sun's rays.

  • sowing seeds - in small holes up to 5 cm deep or in a shallow furrow;
  • planting scheme - it is necessary to leave a distance between future bushes that allows all plants to develop normally; it depends on the height of the future bush and its branching;
  • Having sprinkled the holes with soil, they need to be shed with water;
  • After sprouts appear, weak and diseased plants must be removed immediately.

When planting seeds in this way, it should be taken into account that the first flowers of marigolds can only be observed a couple of months after sowing. For those who want to see marigold flowers earlier, you will have to tinker with the seedlings.

Planting seedlings

When sowing seeds for seedlings, take into account the following features:

  • when sowing seeds in early spring, marigolds will bloom by early summer;
  • preparing for planting nutrient soil: to do this, mix the same amount of humus, peat, sand, turf;
  • drainage is placed at the bottom of the container - small stones or expanded clay - to prevent the sprouts from rotting;
  • seeds are sown to a depth of about 3 cm at a distance of no less than 2 cm;
  • similarly the previous method the seeds are sprinkled with soil, then watered with water, and then the container is placed on a warm windowsill;
  • Before transplanting, seedlings need to be well lit and at the same time prevent direct sunlight;
  • on permanent place sprouts are transported when favorable conditions are established - most often this is mid or late May.

Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, you need to select a site where the marigolds will grow and prepare the soil.

  • Place

Since marigolds are unpretentious, they can grow almost anywhere. But it should be remembered that beautiful bush, which has several large and bright flowers, can be obtained when the plant is well lit. Do not plant this flower in the shade on soil that is too moist. You can plant it in a flowerbed or in a pot.

Important: When marigolds grow next to vegetable beds, they scare away harmful insects.

  • The soil

Beautiful flowers grow on light, nutritious soil. It is necessary that the soil is loose and allows moisture to pass through well. Having dug the soil to a depth of about 30 cm, it is necessary to apply complex mineral fertilizer and mix it thoroughly with the soil. It is important that the soil contains humus, sand, peat and turf.


Seedlings should be planted in a permanent location after the threat of frost has passed by the end of spring. Correct fit includes the following rules:

  • The seedling is buried 2–3 cm into the hole, so the hole is made about a centimeter deeper;
  • The distance between holes should be 20 cm (for dwarf varieties) or 40 cm (for tall bushes), 30 cm is left between low bushes;
  • To prevent stagnation of water at the roots, you need to put a small layer of drainage on the bottom of the hole;
  • Carefully place the seedling in the hole and sprinkle it with soil;
  • Organize optimal care.

Flower care

Since marigolds are very unpretentious, caring for them is quite simple and easy. Even the most inexperienced summer resident can cope with growing marigolds. Caring for these flowers includes the following points:

  • Watering

Should be moderate, constant. It is especially necessary to moisten the soil when the plant is actively growing and developing. After all, it is at this time that the flower needs water. Once the marigolds begin to bloom, you will need to water less often. After all, at this time the likelihood of water stagnation at the roots increases, which can lead to their rotting. In hot summer weather it is better to water in the evening.

  • Loosening and weeding

A necessary procedure during the entire period of plant development: both active growth and flowering. After all, a flower needs loose soil filled with air so that the roots can breathe freely. Along with loosening, you can also perform weeding, removing all weeds that interfere with the plant’s growth and development.

  • Top dressing

Not the main requirement, because marigold can grow without fertilizing. However, any fertilizer other than manure will allow the flower to grow lush and beautiful.

Tip: It is best to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers three times during the entire growing season: at the time of growth, during the formation of buds and before flowering. Important: When a plant is fed too often, it stops flowering.

  • Trimming

It is produced in the summer to give the bush a more beautiful shape. IN mandatory remove those buds that have bloomed. This procedure leads to more abundant flowering and increases the likelihood of new buds forming.

  • Pest Control

Marigolds are able to cope with many pests with the help of a specific aroma. However, if agricultural cultivation practices are violated, they can be affected by slugs and snails, spider mites and gray mold. It is better to remove the former manually, the latter - to remove using special means, but with the third disease, it is better to completely burn the infected plant so that it is not transmitted to healthy bushes.

You can collect seeds from the grown plant and plant them next year. When, subsequent plants lose their properties. Therefore, a slightly different flower may grow, different from the mother one.

Marigolds belong to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family and are either annual plants. The Latin name sounds like Tagétes and was given by Karl Lineus back in 1753. The name was given in honor of the Etruscan deity Tages. Natural original growth was in Argentina, Arizona to New Mexico. Transported from America to Spain by conquistadors in the 16th century. From this country the flower spread throughout Asia Minor, Russia and Europe.


You can see how beautifully to plant marigolds in a flowerbed in the photos below.

Soil preparation

Marigolds are most often transplanted when the seedlings mature to required size. To do this, you should first prepare the soil, pre-fertilized with humus and peat, and also dig it up. It is also possible to apply inorganic fertilizer, for example, superphosphate granules. Ammonium nitrate in an aqueous solution will be useful for flowers: dilute 1 tbsp in a bucket (10 l) of water. l. substances.

If the transplant is early, then holes are made for the bushes no deeper than 3 cm and no less than 1.5 cm. When planting late, the soil is already moderately moist and holes are dug up to 7 cm deep.

Is it possible to replant during the flowering period?

When can a plant be replanted? open ground and is it worth doing this during flowering? Marigolds are transplanted at an ambient temperature of no lower than +10° C. This will ensure stable growth and protect against possible damage and subsequent wilting. Also, the development of flowers will not slow down or stop. Therefore, if the seedlings are already starting to show color, and the conditions outside do not allow replanting, you should still hold the plant until it gets warmer.

Germination of seeds

  1. Fill with substrate (loose and light) and prepare the boxes.
  2. Make grooves in the soil mixture every 4 cm to 1 cm deep.
  3. Sprinkle the planted seeds with a mixture of sand and garden soil. As a rule, sprouts will appear within a week.
  4. The first sprouts should be in a temperature range of +22° C – + 25° C.
  5. Grown seedlings are capable of developing at temperatures of +18° C – +20° C.
  6. The seedlings peak with the appearance of the first two leaves.

A young, grown plant is transferred to open growth conditions, depending on the temperature (not lower than +10° C), as well as the weather. This one falls The favorable period for transplanting marigolds is from the second half of April to the first part of May.

The planting location of the flower variety to be planted is determined in advance, since plants need room to grow.

  • High varieties are placed in holes 40x40 cm.
  • Medium-sized flowers are planted in 30x30 cm holes.
  • For short people, a recess of 20x20 cm is sufficient.

From the video you will learn how to sow marigolds for seedlings:

Competent transplant

The main rule of replanting is observing the temperature and weather conditions, since marigolds are whimsical during this period as they come from warm countries. Each bush is examined for the presence of a well-developed rhizome and the presence of three leaves or more.

Many of the used modern varieties This plant is a hybrid, this greatly affects subsequent reproduction in this way. Subsequent generations may differ from the mother plant.

Important conditions for the growth of Chernobrivets

Requirements, the fulfillment of which will allow you to obtain the best samples plants:

  • The place should be well lit; partial shade or complete shade will limit the splendor of the plants and the brightness of the petals.
  • Neutral loams – the best option soil for marigolds.
  • Regular watering of flowers is needed in the first half of summer.
  • Produced approximately once a month throughout the summer.

How to properly relocate to a site?

  1. Follow the chart for the height of varieties and maintain distance between specimens.
  2. One plant occupies a single hole.
  3. Immediately after planting, seedlings need abundant watering.
  4. The duration of watering is until the stem strengthens and the marigolds take root.

Sowing directly into the flowerbed

, which are sown directly into the ground after the end of frost. After growth, the bushes are thinned out or planted less frequently so that each plant has enough space to develop.

The interval until the first sunrise from the moment the seed is introduced into the soil is 40-50 days. This time differs for specific varieties. Thus, April is the most preferable period for sowing.

Marigolds produce strong stems only in fertile and loose soil. To do this, plow and add the following composition to the ground:

  • Humus or compost - 1 part.
  • Peat – 2 parts.
  • Washed sand from the river – 0.5 parts.

In August

Is it possible to plant them in August and what is the best way to do this? The plant is sown in any warm period and depends on the timing of the first shoots and flowering. Usually, Most varieties produce flowers after one and a half or two and a half months. Therefore, the first buds will bloom in the flowerbed in mid-September or in October. The first frosts or drop in temperature occur already during this period. Therefore, marigolds should be planted at this time in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Before winter

Is it possible to sow these flowers before winter?

The optimal month for sowing the plant is February, since by spring strong seedlings will be obtained.

If this period is missed, the plants are planted in the greenhouse in March. However, with late planting, flowering plants are expected no earlier than June.

Propagation by seeds in open ground

For planting Chernobrivtsev in open ground perform calculations in the following format:

  • It will take 1 week for the first shoots to appear.
  • Flowering will occur after 1.5-2.5 months.
  • A favorable period with the desired temperature is usually starting from mid-April.

Therefore, planting should be done from mid-late April to May. This will allow you to get by summer flowering areas and developed plants.

What rules must be followed?

Sowing directly into open ground is better suited for the southern regions, since there is less chance of the temperature at night falling below +7° C in the spring.

Seeds are planted taking into account the following features:

  • the soil is well loosened and fertilized;
  • immediately before sowing, the seeds are germinated;
  • grooves or pits for germinated seeds will be shallow, no more than 5 cm;
  • observe availability free space between individual plants depending on the selected plant variety;
  • mandatory watering after planting and sprinkling garden soil abundant;
  • sick or weak plants are removed as soon as they are noticed.

Seeds are germinated by keeping them in a damp cloth for 2-3 days under sunlight in a warm place, for example, on a windowsill.

Seedlings are planted according to different rules:

  1. For seedlings, it is important to observe temperature regime in the first week or two after transplantation, so this should not be allowed to happen until stable warm weather arrives.
  2. The depth of the hole for the seedling is 3-4 cm, if it goes 2-3 cm deep into it.
  3. The shortest distance between bushes is 20 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm (determined by the selected variety and its subsequent branching).
  4. Laying a drainage layer at the bottom of the recess will help avoid stagnation of water at the roots.
  5. After carefully placing the seedling in the hole, you need to sprinkle it with soil.
  6. Provide plants with optimal care.

Caring for Turkish Carnation

In summer, you can trim marigold bushes to make them look more well-groomed and graceful. This way, new buds can form faster and flowering can become more abundant.


This is a common and unpretentious plant in our country. It is necessary to produce the correct sprouts or sprouts in the open ground, provide the necessary fertilizer and care, and also constantly maintain the beauty of the plantings.

These flowers also grow in the shade, on poor soil without any care. However, then these are scanty flowers on thin and uneven stems, which are radically different from the picture on the packaging of even the most beautiful sample.

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Showcasing a warm palette of colors, hardy marigolds are extremely popular as bedding annuals. Lush flowers are unpretentious and can be easily grown by sowing in open ground or through seedlings. Compact root system allows you to place bright mini-flower beds in flowerpots, hanging planters and balcony boxes. But in order to achieve maximum decorativeness of these wonderful summer plants, it is worth considering some of the subtleties of their cultivation.

Site selection and soil preparation

Marigolds grow well on open area, requiring sufficient sunlight for abundant flowering. At the same time some hybrid varieties erect type, for example, white-flowered, feel better when covered with light shade during the hottest periods.

Against, thin-leaved varieties, with lacy leaves and thin shoots, do not develop well in the shade, quickly losing their attractiveness, so they are planted exclusively in open areas.

Any soil is suitable for these plants, but with high water permeability - marigolds do not like stagnant water. Excessive presence of nitrogen leads to the growth of shoots and leaves to the detriment of flowering, so the area should not be fertilized with fresh manure or nitrogenous mineral fertilizers.

Sowing summer trees or planting seedlings is carried out in the spring, while the site is prepared in advance - in the fall. The soil is dug up using a spade, carefully selecting the roots of weeds, and humus or compost is added at the rate of 4–5 kg per 1 sq. m. m, adding sand to improve permeability.

In areas where in early spring Stagnation of melt water is possible; in the fall, ditches are dug for drainage.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Elongated black achenes of marigolds with a beige or yellow membranous tuft remain viable for 2–3 years and sprout in the following periods:

  • erect varieties and hybrids - after 10–12 days;
  • rejected varieties and hybrids - after 10–18 days;
  • thin-leaved varieties and hybrids - after 12–18 days.

To speed up seed pecking and emergence, you can soak the seeds in clean water or, more effectively, treat with one of the growth stimulants, for example, heteroauxin. This technique will reduce the waiting time for sprouts by 5–7 days.

For soaking, prepare a weak solution of heteroacousin at a concentration of 0.001% and immerse the seeds for 6–12 hours, after which they are slightly dried and sown. For the same purposes, you can use Epin's solution.

In dry weather, after sowing swollen seeds, be sure to carry out frequent irrigation. In general, the use of stimulants will not only contribute to the production of early seedlings, but will also enhance the development of plants and have a positive effect on the formation of lush inflorescences.

When processing seeds, pay attention to weather conditions - if you have to sow in open ground, and the weather is cold and rainy, it is better not to soak the seeds, otherwise they may rot or become moldy. Dry seeds, lying in the ground, will germinate at the most favorable moment for them.

Sowing seedlings. When to sow?

Luxurious erect marigolds and openwork thin-leaved varieties bloom quite late - only in mid-summer, and some - not earlier than August. In more early dates flowers flash rejected or French marigolds. Thus, the wonderful Petit Gold variety produces buds already in mid-June.

To get flowering plants early, seeds erect large-flowered marigolds (Lemon Queen) and fine-leaved(Gnome, Ursula) are sown for seedlings in the first ten days of March. This will make it possible to observe lush flowering already in mid-May - early June.

Varieties rejected marigolds, sown for seedlings in late March - early April, and planted as soon as the threat of frost has passed, will begin to bloom in the twentieth of May.

When sowing seeds for seedlings It should be taken into account that marigolds are not frost-resistant plants and if the seedlings are planted too early, the plants will die from return frosts. At the same time, overgrown seedlings with already opened buds do not take root well, and when planting such bushes, it is advisable to remove the buds.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1.0–1.5 cm with distances between rows of 8–10 cm, and in a row 4–5 cm. For sowing, use boxes filled with light soil, prepared at the rate of 3 parts of turf or rested garden soil, 2 parts humus and 1 part sand. Successfully used ready soil for seedlings, peat pots or Jiffy tablets. The plantings are watered, mulched with sand or peat chips, and the surface is covered with polyethylene or glass.

If seedlings are supposed to be sown in early April, film shelters or cold greenhouses can be successfully used.

Growing seedlings

Immediately after sowing the seeds, the seedling boxes are placed in a warm, dark place at a temperature of 18–20°C. As soon as the seedlings appear, remove the cover and place the plants on a light windowsill, initially shading them from too bright sunlight. The temperature is maintained within 17–18°C - colder air will lead to slower growth and tissue damage by fungal diseases. At high temperatures and lack of light, the seedlings will turn out pale, elongated, and weak.

In warm weather, boxes with young seedlings are taken outside, trying to protect them from the sharp spring wind. Such hardening will have a positive effect on stability planting material.

During the growing period, depending on the length of the period, one or two feedings are carried out with a complex water-soluble fertilizer. The modern universal drug Kristalon has proven itself well.

For the first feeding, which is carried out 10–14 days after germination, you can use Crystalon green, which contains the most important nutritional elements in equal parts.

For the second feeding, carried out 5-6 days before planting seedlings, it is rational to use Crystalon yellow, which will help strengthen the root system and improve the survival rate of plants during transplantation.

Water marigold seedlings infrequently, but abundantly, making sure that the water does not stagnate in the trays. The accumulated water is drained no later than an hour after watering.


Marigolds do not tolerate the slightest frost, so they begin planting seedlings only after they are completely convinced that the threat of a sharp cold snap has passed. If the seedlings are planted, but frost is expected, you can resort to shelter plants light agrofibre or other materials.

Seedlings erect tall Marigolds are planted with distances of 40–50 cm between plants. Some varieties look great in solitaire plantings, and to increase the decorative effect they are planted in groups of three, placed in the corners of a triangle with sides of 40–45 cm.

Seedlings medium height marigolds are placed at distances of 30–35 cm, and dwarf varieties are planted thicker - every 20–25 cm, obtaining even, continuous flowering borders.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Marigolds work well when sown in open ground. Such specimens, although they begin to bloom later than those grown through seedlings, form strong bushes, are more resistant to adverse weather and retain decorative properties longer.

Sowing marigolds carried out in warm, well-ripened soil, in mid or late April. During a prolonged cold spring, planting dates are postponed to the beginning of May.

If there is a lot of planting material, the seeds are sown densely in rows; after two true leaves appear, the plants are broken up, leaving the best bushes. The distances in the row are the same as when growing through seedlings.

Planting care

Successful selection of varieties careful preparation plot, observing the main points of growing seedlings and sowing seeds in open ground - these are the main conditions for obtaining a wonderful flowerbed of blooming marigolds. These plants are quite unpretentious in care.


Like other beautifully flowering plants, marigolds are extremely responsive to watering, which is done every 7-10 days in dry weather. At the same time, it must be remembered that grandiflora varieties, especially hybrids, may lose their attractiveness if water gets on the inflorescences. Therefore, it is advisable to water marigolds using the ground method at the rate of 8–10 liters of water per 1 square meter. m.

Despite the fact that marigolds, when watered in a timely manner, give abundant flowering and look amazing, they can easily survive long dry periods, partially losing their decorative effect, but quickly restoring it as soon as moisture appears.


After flowering begins, when several buds bloom, the plantings begin to be fed with complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content. If the area has been well tended since the fall, 2-3 feedings per season are enough. Agricola, Fertika and Kristalon fertilizers have proven themselves well.

For general strengthening, it is advisable to carry out regular foliar spraying with Humate solutions every 10–14 days - this will promote long-term flowering and support the plants in case of unfavorable weather.

If a uniform yellowing of the leaves is noticed while the veins remain green, the plants are suffering chlorosis, which is associated with iron deficiency. In this case, special fertilizers of the Agricola brand “For yellowing of leaves” or Ferovit are used.

Pest and disease control

In general, marigolds are resistant to many pests, which are repelled by the specific smell of the plants. But they can still be annoying aphid, spider mite and slugs.

Small light green or black ones stick to the shoots of young plants, suck out the juices and can quickly weaken the strongest bushes. To combat the pest, one of the insecticides is used - Konfidor, Bi-58, Aktara.

It is effective to treat plants with an infusion of tobacco dust, which is prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of tobacco dust pour into 5 liters hot water;
  • infuse the drug for 48 hours, stirring several times a day;
  • the resulting infusion is boiled, cooled and filtered;
  • add another 5 liters of water and 20 g of soap shavings.

This harmless, environmentally friendly product is effective not only against aphids, but also against , And.

By sowing several rows of flowers around the perimeter of the site and between the beds of tomatoes, peppers or eggplants, you can protect them from pests and at the same time decorate the site.

Growing these flowers near onion beds will help protect vegetables from attack.

To combat caterpillars and weevils on fruit trees, strawberries and berry bushes An infusion of marigolds is used. To do this, take fresh raw materials and prepare the drug according to the following recipe:

  • half a bucket of chopped greens is poured into 5 liters of hot water;
  • infuse the drug for 48 hours, stirring several times a day;
  • filter the infusion, add 40 g of soap shavings.

To achieve the destruction of pests, plants are treated at least 2-4 times.

Video about planting and growing marigolds

Wonderful marigolds are the most popular flowers - rarely is a yard complete without these bright plants. Such universal recognition is not at all surprising - the colorful variety of resistant annuals will decorate the flower garden throughout the season, and their cultivation does not require much trouble.

Plants such as marigolds (Tagetes) are either annuals or perennials and belong to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Marigolds are native to Central and South America. Local Indian tribes They have been used in their rituals for a long time, and these plants have also been used for medicinal purposes. Marigolds came to Europe in the 16th century, and they also became the first flowers brought to Russia from overseas countries. The name of such a plant was given by C. Linnaeus. He named him in honor of the Etruscan demigod Tages, the grandson of Jupiter, who was very handsome and had the gift of fortune telling. Marigolds are popularly called blackbrows. This genus includes about 40 species, which are happily grown in various parts of the planet Earth.

Branched or erect shoots form a bush 20–130 centimeters tall. Fibrous root system, some pinnately dissected or pinnately divided sheet plates, which are alternate or opposite. The color of the leaf blades is dark to pale green. Flower baskets can be painted in a variety of shades of brown, yellow and orange color. The marginal flowers are pseudolingular, and the middle ones are bisexual, tubular, there are 5 stamens. The pistils have a pair of stigmas, and the ovary is the lower one. Flowering is abundant, begins in the first days of June, and ends with the onset of the first frost. The fruit is a linear achene. These plants are capable of producing abundant self-seeding. At the same time, seed germination can be maintained for 3 to 4 years. The plants emit a strong spicy aroma, and the leaf blades smell much stronger than the flowers.

Marigolds have long been used for medicinal purposes. They were carefully examined by scientists, and they confirmed that these flowers actually have healing properties. In this regard, marigolds can not only decorate your garden, but also cure various diseases. Thus, the lutein they contain will help prevent the development of cataracts. More this plant can help with inflammation of the pancreas, as well as with diabetes mellitus. An infusion prepared from dried marigolds is used in the treatment of bronchitis, colds, stomatitis, asthma, and it also cleanses the blood. To make an infusion, you need to mix 1 large spoon of crushed flowers with 1 liter of just boiled water. After 3 hours, the infusion must be strained. Drink 200 g of it 30 minutes before meals for 4 weeks.

For neuroses and depression, experts recommend taking baths in which a decoction of marigolds is poured, as it helps relieve stress and normalizes work nervous system, eliminates anxiety. And since ancient times, the peoples inhabiting South America, these plants are used as food, as well as seasoning, and also for making marinades, sauces and various baked goods. In Caucasian markets you can buy marigold powder, which is called “Imereti saffron”; it is used to season satsivi, pilaf and soups. In France, these flowers are grown on an industrial scale, as they are in great demand among gourmets. If you put the leaves of such a plant in the marinade, the vegetables will smell very pleasant and they will retain their elasticity for a long time.

You can also make very tasty cookies with marigolds. To do this, you need to separate 4 whites and beat them thoroughly to form a foam. Combine 100 grams of granulated sugar with 2 large spoons of fresh flower petals of such a plant and grind everything thoroughly. 4 large spoons of cow butter must be continuously rubbed together with the remaining yolks, granulated sugar mixed with marigolds, and 100 grams of wheat flour. After this, you need to very carefully lay the whites on top of the resulting mass and mix everything carefully and slowly. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the dough in it. The cake must be baked until fully cooked, until its surface acquires a golden hue. When the resulting cake becomes cold, it must be divided into squares using a knife.

Main types and varieties with photos and names

Cultivated by gardeners a large number of various types marigolds, but the most popular varieties are of only 3 types, namely: rejected (short-growing), erect (most often tall) and thin-leaved (rarely found in mid-latitudes). The varieties of these species are distinguished by their diversity. So, their flowers can be large or small, densely double or double, and colored in various shades orange, brown and yellow.

Erect marigolds (Tagetes erecta), or African

In this genus they are giants, so their height can reach 0.3–1 meters. Most often, double inflorescences are colored one color shade, while their diameter does not exceed 15 centimeters.

  1. Vanilla- bush height up to 0.7 m, diameter of double white-cream inflorescences reaches 12 centimeters.
  2. Kilimanjaro- bush height 0.6–0.7 m, densely double inflorescences have a spherical shape.
  3. Antigua - low-growing variety, the height of the bush is no more than 25 centimeters. The bushes are erect, and they bear large (about 15 centimeters in diameter) flowers, colored lemon yellow, deep yellow, golden or orange.

Low-growing, or rejected, or French marigolds (Tagetes patula)

The height of the bushes is most often below 0.6 m. compact bushes there are a large number of non-double and double inflorescences, the diameter of which is most often no more than 8 centimeters. This type is also called spreading. The most popular varieties are those included in the Bonanza series, the height of which does not exceed 30 centimeters, for example, Bonanza Bolero, Bonanza Orange, Bonanza Flame, etc. Their bushes with small terry (diameter about 5-6 centimeters) inflorescences, painted in rich colors, look very impressive. Carmen marigolds are also highly decorative. Their inflorescences, which are double, consist of corrugated petals. The petals in the central part are yellow-orange, and the edges are brown-red.

They look very different from other species. So, they have fragrant openwork-lace leaf plates that seem to float in the air. They also have a huge number of small inflorescences, which creates the effect of sparkling fireworks. They can be colored yellow-golden, orange-red and orange-golden. They have been grown since 1795. Today there are approximately 70 varieties of this species. The height of the bushes does not exceed 40 centimeters. Their root system is very powerful, and there are also adventitious roots at the bottom of the shoots. The most popular varieties are Ursula (orange-golden), Golden Jam, Gnome, Lulu (yellow-golden), Paprika (orange-red).

Even a beginner can cope with growing marigolds from seeds. You can sow both seeds in open ground and plant an already flowering bush. Planting seedlings or sowing seeds should be done after the soil has warmed up thoroughly. Using a hoe you need to make a groove that will be five centimeters deep. You need to water it and then put the seeds in it. After this, the furrow must be covered with soil. After half a month, the first seedlings will appear. If the seedlings are excessively dense, they need to be replanted.

You will only have to buy marigold seeds for the first sowing. The fact is that after the plants you grow have flowered, you can collect a large number of seeds. To do this, wait until the inflorescences are thoroughly dry, and on a non-rainy day, remove the seeds from them. They should be dried and stored until next spring. However, it should be taken into account that there are a large number of hybrids on sale, and seeds collected from such bushes may not retain varietal properties; in this case, they inherit the characteristics of one of the parent plants. Most experienced gardeners prefer to sow already sprouted seeds. Cover the bottom of the saucer with a damp cloth and place the seeds on its surface. Then the saucer should be placed in a polyethylene bag and put in a warm place. After three days, the seeds will hatch.

When choosing a sowing date, keep in mind that the earlier you sow the seeds, the faster you will see flowers. When growing various species, it should be taken into account that small-leaved and low-growing ones are recommended to be sown in the first days of April, and upright ones - in mid-March. In this case, all these bushes will bloom at the same time - in June. Growing seedlings is quite simple, but there are still several nuances. Prepare an earth mixture by combining peat, sand, humus and turf (2:1:2:2). Then it needs to be disinfected with a solution of a fungicidal agent or potassium manganese (dark pink color). Make a three-centimeter drainage layer of sand, crushed stone or expanded clay at the bottom of the container. Fertilize the substrate by adding organic fertilizers(fresh manure cannot be used). Make grooves, and the distance between them should be 15–20 mm. Place the seeds in them and fill the grooves thin layer substrate. Watering must be done very carefully, as the seeds can be easily washed. Place the container in a warm place (22 to 25 degrees) and moisten the soil in a timely manner, preventing it from drying out. The first shoots should appear after 7 days, after which the container must be moved to a well-lit place in which the air temperature is 15–18 degrees.

Seedlings are planted in open soil only after there is no threat of frost. Remember that marigolds are afraid of frost. It should also be remembered that planted marigolds must have 3 true leaves, as well as a powerful root system. As a rule, disembarkation is carried out in last days May, the first - June. For planting, you should choose an area with saturated soil nutrients, loamy, neutral, which from the beginning to the middle summer period well moisturized. If the soil is infertile, the plants will need to be fed 2 or 3 times during the period of active growth.

The distance between bushes directly depends on the type and variety. If the plants are short, then a distance of 20 centimeters must be maintained between the bushes and rows; for medium-sized plants it is 30 centimeters, and for tall plants it is 40 centimeters. After the seedlings are planted, they need to be watered quite often and well. Despite the fact that marigolds are resistant to drought, if they are watered rarely and sparingly, the bushes will be puny and the flowers will be small.

These plants prefer to grow in sunny areas, and it is in such a place that their flowering is most abundant and spectacular. This flower can also be grown in partial shade and shade. While the flower is actively growing, it should be watered regularly and abundantly, but after the formation of inflorescences begins, watering must be reduced, because otherwise, due to stagnation of moisture in the soil, the roots may rot, and this also leads to a lack of flowering. You need to feed marigolds as desired, but keep in mind that they respond extremely positively to feeding. For this purpose, complex fertilizer is used. The first feeding is carried out when the plant reaches a height of ten centimeters, the second time - at the beginning of budding, and the third time - when the plant blooms.

Such flowers need frequent weeding, as well as loosening the soil surface. In case in summer time the bushes will grow, it will be possible to make formative pruning. If you remove the inflorescences that have begun to fade in time, the abundance of flowering will increase. The strong odor emanating from the plant, as well as the phytoncides included in its composition, protect marigolds, as well as flowers growing in the neighborhood, from fungal diseases. Often experienced gardeners Marigolds are planted along the edge of the entire plot. If there is a wet, rainy summer, marigolds can be harmed by slugs or snails. In order to drive away such pests, it is recommended to place jars filled with bleach between the bushes. In rare cases, gray rot may form on foliage and shoots. Those bushes that are infected must be dug up and burned, as they can infect other plants. If there are prolonged droughts in the summer, then very often spider mites settle on marigolds. In order to get rid of it, it is recommended to use an infusion of yarrow, onion or red hot pepper. For preventive purposes, during dry times, the bushes should be moistened with a spray bottle several times a day.

Decorative marigolds are most often annuals. In this regard, after the end of flowering, they must be pulled out. In order to enjoy the beauty of marigolds next year, you need to collect the ripened seeds on time.

Dried inflorescences can be used both on the farm and for medicinal purposes. For example, if you work at the computer for a long time, it is recommended that you eat 2 or 3 small heads of such a flower every time before a meal, and you can also add them to a salad.

If you have pinworms or roundworms, you need to eat several heads of marigolds for 7 days in the evening (children - 2 or 3 pieces, adults - 5 pieces).

To get rid of midges flying near compost pit, you need to pour a full bucket of dried marigolds into it.

If on a window located near front door, place a bouquet of marigolds, then guests with bad intentions will pass by.

  1. Lip balm to make it softer. Grind the heads of such a plant and take 2 large spoons of the resulting raw material. Combine them with 1 large spoon of apricot oil and a third cup of olive oil. Place the mixture in a shaded place for 7 days. After this, you need to strain it, and do not forget to squeeze the marigolds thoroughly. The resulting product should be smeared onto the skin of the lips if necessary.
  2. Facial lotion. Take a couple of large spoons of crushed plant heads and mix them with 200 g of freshly boiled water. Let stand overnight. Then you need to strain the infusion, squeezing out the marigolds. Pour 1 small spoon into the resulting infusion lemon juice and 1 large spoon of vodka. For storage, the product should be placed on the refrigerator shelf. You need to wipe your face 3 times a day.
  3. A remedy for prickly heat, irritation or inflammation of the epidermis of the face. Take a couple of large spoons of crushed marigold inflorescences and mix them with 300 g of hot water. Let the mixture boil, cover with a lid and leave for about 3-4 hours. Strain the broth, while squeezing out the flowers. Add a couple of large spoons of water and juice squeezed from a large aloe leaf. For storage, the product should be placed on the refrigerator shelf. They need to treat inflamed areas 2 times a day.

Probably everyone has heard about such unusual flowers as marigolds; they are popularly called “Chernobrivtsy”. They are extremely common and can be found in almost every flowerbed in the city. Marigolds are flowers that are famous for their unusual beauty and specific aroma that repel many pests.

These flowers are widely used by florists to decorate bouquets; they decorate facades and walls. They are used to decorate loggias, balconies, and verandas. They easily take root in flower beds, vegetable gardens, and flower beds. Many designers use marigolds to decorate landscapes and summer cottages.

Growing technology

Marigolds are very picky flowers. They do not require special care; planting them is quite simple and easy. This flower is able to survive in any soil and loves sunlight and moderate watering.

Very often, gardeners plant Chernobrivtsi between beds and near greenhouses. Thanks to its specific smell, the plant is able to repel harmful insects. Flowers grow without problems in flower beds, front gardens, pots, as well as small pots, decorating the walls of houses and loggias.

All varieties of this flower can be sown directly in open ground. You can buy them at any flower shop, and with annual propagation you can really get by with the number of seeds that will remain after the plant has flowered and matured. However, it is worth remembering that by planting seeds of the same plant from year to year, the flowers may lose their original variety and subsequently change.

There are two ways to grow marigolds:

  1. Plant pre-grown seedlings.
  2. Sow the seeds directly into the ground.

Which method to choose depends on several factors:

  • when do plants need to bloom?
  • duration of flowering;
  • required quantity;
  • weather factors.

When to plant marigold seedlings in open ground is a controversial question. First of all, it is necessary that the frost period has passed, since the flowers will not tolerate temperatures below 5 degrees. If the region has a mild climate, then the plant can be planted from mid-April to early June.

If you decide to simplify your work and sow marigold seeds in open soil, then the main thing is that the frosts have already ended and the earth has been warmed up. In general, Chernobrivtsev seeds are frost-resistant, but they will not germinate in the cold and will “sit” until the soil warms up.

After sowing the seeds, the first shoots should appear in three to four weeks.

Chernobrivtsy must be sown as follows:

  1. We make an even furrow up to 5 cm deep.
  2. The distance between flowers should be at least 15 cm.
  3. Using a rake, cover the seeds with soil.
  4. Water the beds.

This is where the peculiarities of sowing marigolds end. When doing this work, it is necessary to ensure that the flower bed is in a well-lit area, with minimal shadow.

To grow flowers without seedlings, you need to put the seeds in a shallow container and cover with a damp cloth rolled up in several layers. Place the container in cellophane and leave it in a warm place for a couple of days sunny place(a window sill is ideal). During this time, the seeds will swell and the skin will crack. This will mean that they are ready to sprout.

Before placing the seeds in the soil, it is slightly moistened and furrows about 5 cm deep are made. The seeds are sown using the square-cluster method, which means that the gap between the bushes should be about 20 cm square. After germination, the plant is thinned out, removing weak shoots and leaving strong ones.

Very lazy gardeners can limit themselves to simply sowing seeds without any soil preparation. As mentioned above, marigolds are so picky that they can grow on ordinary black soil. Chernobrivtsy will grow and bloom even without special care, however, the most minimal watering should still be provided to the flowers. Without water, no plant can survive.

If you want your front garden to be full of bright colors in June beautiful flowers, seedlings must be prepared in advance. Sowing flowers can begin from the end of February, and it can last until mid-April.

If you want to get a stunning wild flower, then in the fall you can take care of the soil in which you will sow the seeds. For useful soil, peat, soil, humus and sand are mixed. You can also use ready-made substrates, which are sold in all flower shops.

If you want to learn in more detail about the process of sowing marigolds, we suggest watching a special training video on the Internet.