How to write an ad for selling a house. Correct spelling of an advertisement for the sale of an apartment

How to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of a house so that it is interesting, and most importantly, contains the main information that interests buyers. Describe the living space as accurately as possible and create it positive image in the mind of a citizen is the task of every seller who wants to sell his apartment faster.

Apartment information

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment or house? Before you start writing an ad, you need to decide on the basic information that fully characterizes the living space. The information must be reliable, but not present the apartment in a negative light. If there are any points that can be classified as negative, it is better to inform people about this when they come to directly inspect the apartment.

The advertisement aims to interest the citizen. There is no need to write false information to lure people. It will be difficult to explain the absence of the fact that was indicated in the ad. After this, the person will lose any desire to buy real estate from such a person.

Housing information:

  • The exact address where the apartment for sale is located. You need to write down the area where the house is located, as well as the street and house number. It is better not to indicate the apartment number, since it is unknown who will read the ad, and so that no one unexpectedly comes to your house, it is better not to leave such information.

The area must be registered, because if the area where the apartment is located is not suitable for a citizen, then he will not spend extra time on calls and will not bother the seller.

  • Floor, as well as the presence of a balcony and an elevator. This information is very important, for example, for older people, when buying an apartment they have great importance floor. After all, even if there is an elevator, if it doesn’t work, it will be difficult for them to get up.
  • Number of rooms and living area. You must indicate the exact number of square meters. m., based on the information contained in technical documents for an apartment.

This is the basic information that the apartment owner must indicate in his advertisement regarding technical points premises, as well as its location. When compiling, you can use the form of such an advertisement.

Read also Selling an apartment: nuances you need to know about

Be sure to write your contact phone number and name as the caller should address you. You can specify several telephone numbers, as well as indicate the best time to call.

Owners and cost

How to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment if it has several owners? This is a very important point when choosing real estate, which worries buyers, since the presence of several owners can not only complicate the procedure for re-registration of papers, but also bring problems in the future.

This is especially true in cases where one of the owners is a minor; this may even result in the cancellation of the transaction if the guardianship did not approve the sale.

Therefore, after the basic data about the apartment, you need to indicate how many owners the apartment has. Also, are the children registered there, or do they have their share there?

Additionally you need to indicate:

  • how long the apartment has been owned;
  • the number of people registered in the residential premises.

When composing an advertisement, you must also indicate the price, because it is this fact that can tell a person whether it is worth calling the number indicated in it. If you don’t have enough money, then you don’t have to waste your time and continue to look for a more suitable option.

Many people do not indicate the price of the residential property being sold, this may indicate that the owner can bargain. The possibility of bargaining may also be indicated in the proposal. Although some people are put off by this item, as it may signal that the indicated price is too high.

Important! An underpriced product, just like an overpriced one, can turn off buyers. If the housing has good characteristics, but the price is suspiciously low, any person will suspect some kind of trick.

You can create a sales ad using only basic information; additional information can be provided over the phone or in a personal meeting. This especially applies to cases where a citizen decided to place his proposal not on the Internet, but in a newspaper or paste it on notice boards.

When the Internet is also used for sales, you can upload photographs of the apartment. Requirements for them:

  • they must be new or made relatively recently;
  • It is advisable to take photographs of all rooms to show their condition;
  • photographs must be clear.

Read also About the possibility of selling a house without the land on which it stands

If possible, you can include a plan of the living space among the photos. This will serve the potential buyer a clear example location of each room.

You can also specify:

  • the presence of transport lines nearby the house (metro, buses, etc.);
  • parks and other recreational areas located around the house;
  • the presence of kindergartens and schools in the area, as well as other educational institutions(for families with children this point is very important).

When construction is underway next to the house, and while the area is not fully completed, it is better to also report this. After all, upon arriving at the apartment, the buyer will understand that for some time it will be very noisy there.

A few points to consider when writing:

  1. When people describe their apartment, wanting to sell it quickly, they often exaggerate the advantages and downplay the disadvantages; this cannot be done. You need to write reliable information, focusing more on the positive side.
  2. Use a large number of abbreviations. If the reduction sq. m., many understand, the designation 2/12P can lead a person to confusion.
  3. You need to write competently and not try to minimize colloquial expressions.

You can use an ad template taken from the Internet. It is always easier to compose a document using an example. If a realtor is involved in the sale, then you can entrust him with drawing up the ad.


3-room apartment for sale in the city of Novosibirsk at the address: Kyiv, building 32. The building was built in 1980, material: brick. The total area of ​​the apartment is 70 sq. m. m. Of this, the kitchen accounts for 10 sq. m. m., the bathroom occupies 6 sq. m., corridor - 4 sq. m., the rest of the area is divided into rooms.

There are counters central heating. The apartment is in good condition and does not require repair work. It is located on the 6th floor, the house has an elevator. There is a built-in loggia that opens onto the courtyard sunny side. The loggia is completely glazed.

The metro is a 10-minute walk away. There is a kindergarten and school nearby. The neighbors are not noisy, everyone has lived here for a long time. The area is clean.

There is only one owner of the premises. Two people are registered in the apartment. It has been owned for 7 years. Selling directly without the participation of a realtor. Cost – 6,000,000 rubles. You can call from 10:00 to 21:00. Ask Vladimir (phone number...).

When placing an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, are you confident of success and expect uninterrupted calls from those wishing to purchase your property? In fact, the reality is completely different. There are a lot of offers on the real estate market, so that potential buyers notice your ad and call, you need to try to invest in short description exactly the information that will arouse interest and the desire to dial your number. Therefore, a correctly composed ad on Avito and other sites selling apartments, a successful photo shoot is half the battle in attracting buyers.

Rules for writing a sales ad

The purpose of the ad is not to sell the apartment, but to attract buyers. You will sell it yourself. This requires slightly different actions and words that customers want to hear. We must not forget that you should not agree with every word of a potential buyer. You must act to protect your interests.

When posting an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, adhere to important rules:

  1. Consider the average cost of apartments like yours. If you cannot objectively evaluate your property, invite a specialist. It is very important that the price is not too high - you will be looking for a buyer for a very long time. An unreasonably low price is not beneficial to you and raises a number of questions from those wishing to buy.
  2. The ad needs to be promoted. Every day new offers appear on the site, and yours moves down several pages. Apartment seekers may not reach your ad.
  3. Add real photos. There should be quite a lot of them.
  4. Prepare your apartment in advance. Remove all the trash, restore cleanliness and order. Throw away everything old and torn so that the apartment has a marketable appearance. You cannot know how soon buyers will want to view the property.
  5. The cost of the apartment must correspond to the renovation.
  6. Put things in order landing.
  7. If the entrance is not cleaned, you will have to put it in order yourself.

An ad is a way to attract the attention of a potential buyer, so it must meet certain requirements:

  • attract attention in the first 3 seconds of viewing;
  • interest;
  • encourage the desire to call you;
  • if the photos are good and the information is true, then it will arouse the desire to buy your apartment.

In order for the ad to do its job, adhere to the long-developed and successfully used rules for composing selling ads.

Remember! All words and phrases work only in conjunction. Therefore, expressions taken from different sources, may not work. Use words according to the principles and rules of composing selling text in your ad. There is no need to mindlessly copy from other sources.

Ad content structure

  1. Location apartment building. Here it is important to name the area, the distance to bus and metro stops. It is ideal if you accurately measure the distance in meters or travel time.
  2. Infrastructure. Don’t miss the little things - for parents it is important that there are schools, sections, parks, kindergartens, clinics, etc. nearby. For athletes and people who promote a healthy lifestyle, the availability of gyms, stadiums and sports grounds. For those who return late from work, it is very convenient if grocery stores are located close to home or a transport stop. But entertainment clubs and restaurants where loud music is played may be welcomed by a very narrow circle of people.
  3. Around the apartment. Plastic windows provide silence and warmth in the apartment. List the advantages of flooring, repairs, cleanliness of bathrooms - support everything with photographs. Try to be objective and concise. Balcony (advantages of having one). Tambour shared with neighbors.
  4. The presence or absence of a garage or parking space.
  5. The area in front of the house (yard) - the presence of a children's playground, places for recreation.

Based on this information, a basic announcement plan is drawn up:

  1. Title. It should be bright and attractive. This is the first thing a website visitor will see. If you are interested at this stage, your ad will be opened.
  2. Subheadings. Should be intriguing, making you want to read the entire ad.
  3. Ad body must contain the right words and phrases.
  4. A bulleted list is required. People, while searching, get tired of reading everything. Therefore, they scan the text diagonally. In this case, a brief list of advantages is very beneficial - you will be read.
  5. Conclusion. The motivation, the call to action, is always left for the final part. After this, there is no need to persuade under any circumstances. No phrases like “you’ll like it.”

What words must you use?

There are words that make a person linger and read to the end. Other words interest you and encourage you to call. Perhaps you have never paid attention, but such words also have an effect on you.

Trigger words catch the eye and grab the reader's attention.

For example:

  • "from the owner";
  • “no commission”;
  • "comfort";
  • “magnificent” (for example, the view from the window);
  • “Cozy” balcony, kitchen;
  • "final price" If you don't want to haggle and waste time.

Replace faceless sentences. For example, instead of “there are plastic windows,” write “Plastic windows will provide you with warmth.” Instead of “there is an AGV, a boiler,” write something like this: “You can heat the apartment at any time of the year.”

Forbidden words

Under no circumstances write:

  1. “Bargaining” or “bargaining is appropriate.” This warns you in advance that your apartment is not worth the money you stated.
  2. "Urgently!" This word plays against you. The buyer will blackmail you and reduce the price. “I will sell urgently due to a change of permanent residence” is a more suitable proposal. It’s immediately clear that you are preparing to move and have set the final cost.
  3. Phrases that do not reflect reality. Don't promise or talk about things that don't exist. You will not attract “your” buyers; you will waste time showing the apartment.

What photos attract buyers' attention?

On Avito you are allowed to post up to 16 photos in the real estate section for free. You need to take advantage of this. Do a photo shoot for your apartment. Put it in order, give it a presentation. If you live in this house, then it is not necessary to remove all things - add more aesthetics and neatness.

The quality of the photos matters. If your phone does not produce a clear, beautiful image, be sure to use a camera. You can invite a professional. The angle must be favorable. Turn on the light during the day so that the room does not seem gloomy. Sometimes it is more profitable to take photographs at night, when artificial lighting. What to photograph:

  • yard, entrance;
  • window view;
  • corridor;
  • kitchen;
  • toilet (communication pipes must be visible);
  • bathroom;
  • heating system (if there is a boiler - the room and the AGV itself);
  • water heater (if any);
  • each room from different angles;
  • exit to the balcony;
  • view from the balcony or window.

The main thing is that the photo should be the most attractive. Looking at it, a potential buyer will be interested in your apartment.

Several steps in selling real estate

If advertisements only lure and arouse interest in the object of sale, then phone conversation and inspection of the apartment directly lead to the completion of the transaction. Basic steps you need to know:

  1. Avito bulletin board is 20% of all potential clients. The remaining 80% look for housing on professional real estate sites. Post ads everywhere you can.
  2. It is believed that realtors are the first to call about new listings. If you hope for a quick sale of your apartment, be prepared for the process to drag on for 3 to 4 months.
  3. When calls start coming in, answer them correctly. Think about how you will conduct the dialogue. There is no need to “throw yourself” at every client with joy in your voice. People may think that you are eager to get rid of the apartment as soon as possible, which means there is something wrong with it. Your voice and speech should be calm and friendly. You need to speak knowledgeably. Use information that only the property owner can know.
  4. Prepare documents confirming your rights as the owner.
  5. Get utility bills for Last year.
  6. You don't need to show them to everyone right away.
  7. When inspecting an apartment, do not say the word “no” to the buyers’ wishes. Create the impression of a person who understands, but protects his interests.
  8. Be sure to have several forms of deposit and purchase and sale agreements. If a client asks you to wait to make a sale until he solves his problems, demand it. When it comes to bidding, you can't take anyone's word for it.
  9. Beware of scammers - don’t invite just anyone into your apartment, don’t give away the keys if you don’t have time to show them yourself. A real buyer won't look at a house without you.

To sell an apartment faster, some owners illuminate their home and entrance. Others read prayers and conspiracies. Sellers put icons in the apartment and illuminate the threshold. It is believed that this helps.

Among businessmen, in the field of sales, they have their own ways to quickly sell goods. The main rule is that you need to sell with a light heart and the desire for the apartment to be bought and paid for. If you are forced to sell your home, but in your heart you do not want to, then the search for a buyer may take longer. Money for a product should be more desirable than the object of sale itself.

When submitting advertisements on Avito or other real estate sites, compose a short, interesting, informative text that is not boring to read. A little understatement and a desire to learn more about your offer will make them call you. Photos, if they are taken well and reflect the real picture, will reduce the number of calls to the most accurate ones, from interested buyers. Showing the apartment and concluding a deposit agreement (or immediately a purchase and sale agreement) is the last stage of working with the ad. The next step is the transfer of ownership of the apartment in exchange for money.

how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment - why it is so important, how to reduce advertising costs and attract a buyer.

Most buyers don't bother writing an ad. More precisely, they don’t think through its content. Then they spend money on advertising, place it in numerous media outlets and portals, and as a result, there are almost no calls from potential buyers.

In the end, after a long wait, a buyer is found, but by then a considerable budget has been poured into advertising. Then the sale occurs at a price that does not please the seller at all.

Want a more successful scenario? Then read on!

How to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment: algorithm

Before you create your ad, be sure to look at the analogues of other sellers or realtors. Choose the most attractive ones in your opinion and take the best from them.

You can invent something of your own, but it’s easier to do it based on “tricks” and developments based on ads that have already been tested by someone.

Realtors especially know how to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. But they won’t share their experience voluntarily, so just watch and borrow from their advertisements.

How can you determine the effectiveness of your selected ads? Look at the number of views!

We determine and indicate the cost of the apartment

How to determine the price?
In order not to go into serious analysis, there is a simpler scheme.

We find advertisements with apartments that have similar parameters: area, street, type of layout (class), floor, number of rooms, condition.

We compare it with the parameters of the apartment you plan to sell and display the average price.

Should I leave 50-100 thousand for bargaining?
As a rule, sellers do this and inflate the cost of the apartment compared to similar ones by the amount of the bargain.

You can go the same route, but keep in mind that in this case your ad will be less attractive to buyers.

Indicate the exact cost of the apartment and try not to use the words “Negotiable”, “Urgent sale”, “Urgent”, etc.

Otherwise, be prepared for a serious discount on the cost of the apartment, since the goals of selling quickly and selling at a high price are not compatible.

If there are no calls from buyers based on the ad (realtors don’t count), then the price is not attractive to buyers.

Do not include the realtor's commission in the price of the apartment unless you have entered into an agreement with an intermediary. This mistake leads to the apartment being idle and taking a long time to sell.

Photos in the ad

Practice has shown that high quality photos apartments in the ad increase the number of calls from potential buyers.

Therefore, do not be lazy to do a high-quality photo shoot, even if you have standard apartment with a normal layout.

You don’t know for sure what will interest the buyer, so give him the opportunity to make a purchase. virtual tour around your apartment.

How many photos should I post in my ad?
Usually, you are given the opportunity to post at least 5 photos. Therefore, consider this to be a critical minimum for you.

Photos in an advertisement are one of the important points in answering the question of how to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. Pay special attention to them, because... buyers “love” with their eyes.

What to write about in an ad

Technical parameters of the apartment for sale

Be sure to indicate:

  • floor,
  • footage (common/living/kitchen),
  • number of rooms,
  • bathroom (separate/combined)
  • balcony/loggia (insulated/lined)

Target your ad to a specific type of buyer

This method is similar to selling any product that focuses on its client, and an apartment is no exception.

For example, indicate the proximity of a kindergarten, school, clubs, sports sections, the presence of a good outdoor area in the yard, if you are counting on buyers with a child or a young married couple.

Write parameters that can attract many buyers

Infrastructure: proximity to shopping centers, view from the window, convenient parking in the yard, presence of a park area, remote location of busy highways.

Apartment: condition or renovation, condition or newness of plumbing, presence of tiles in the toilet and bathroom, double entrance doors or interior doors made from natural wood.

But keep in mind that not everything you value is also valued by your customers.

Add emotions
Leave the “dry” listings for the apartment parameters and add emotions to the rest of the text. In the descriptive part of the ad.

Use words that will create a positive aura for your apartment when describing rooms, balconies, courtyards and even parking lots.

For example: cozy apartment, large loggia, comfortable bathroom, functional kitchen, quiet green area.

I can’t imagine how to correctly compose an advertisement for the sale of an apartment without adding emotions to it! They are our everything, as they say. Especially if the buyer is a woman :)

Provide small bonuses with purchases

For example, household appliances, furniture. By the way, kitchen stove must be present, so immediately decide whether you leave the one you are using, or buy and install another (cheaper) one for the buyer.

Contacts and address

Many buyers indicate the address of the apartment on the street on which the house is located, i.e. a police address, completely forgetting about stops.

Realtors, on the contrary, indicate stops and their advertisements have a greater response from potential buyers.

The second feature that increases the popularity of your ad is indicating a street that is known to everyone (by ear). But this method works effectively if your house is located on an unfamiliar street or alley.

Also indicate in the ad that the apartment is being sold by the owner. Of course, this will attract most realtors to you and they will harass you with calls, but it will also give a sign to buyers that there is no realtor commission.

Today you learned how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, what to include to attract buyers and increase the number of views.

Look at a live example of how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

a short video where, using a live example, I show how you can improve an advertisement for the sale of an apartment in order to increase the number of buyer calls. Take a look and don't say you didn't know! :)

If a home is sold without the involvement of agencies and private realtors, it is necessary to find buyers. The easiest way to do this is through an ad.

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But how to write an effective advertisement for the sale of an apartment in 2019? A properly written advertisement for the sale of real estate is not a guarantee of success, but it can significantly increase the chances.

What you need to know

What should be an effective advertisement for the sale of an apartment? This question often becomes the main one for real estate sellers.

Some people think that it is enough to describe only the most basic parameters such as number of floors and number of rooms. Like, an interested buyer will contact you and then you can tell/show him the details.

Others take ad writing more seriously. They describe literally everything down to the smallest detail, right down to listing the names of all nearby objects.

As a result, the ad turns out to be so huge that rarely does a buyer read it to the end.

The most important thing when composing an advertisement is to indicate the main characteristics and advantages without unnecessary details.

Too much information is just as bad as too little information. But if an ad is being written for the first time, it is difficult to understand what is considered important.


When coming up with a title for your ad, you need to take a non-standard approach, but being too creative will only scare off buyers.

It is best to highlight the main advantage of the object and use it in the title. For example, an apartment... “for big family”, “for lovers of comfort”, “convenient for an office”, etc.

You should not try to stand out through appeals like “Inexpensive”, “Urgent”. Such phrases usually convey the idea that the property has some defects and therefore the owner is trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

As a result, the buyer will strive to reduce the price as much as possible. The main part of the advertisement contains the description and characteristics of the apartment.

There is more room for imagination here. Using non-standard epithets can attract buyers. But you shouldn’t be overzealous either.

For example, the phrases “ convenient layout", "spacious and sunny apartment", "picturesque view from the window" must be supported by objective characteristics.

Any advertisement for the sale of an apartment must indicate the following basic parameters:

  • location;
  • number of storeys of houses and apartments;
  • number of rooms;
  • general and living space(preferably by room);
  • characteristics of the bathroom (combined/separate);
  • the presence of a balcony or loggia;
  • transport accessibility (distance to the metro or public transport stop);
  • price;
  • contacts of the seller (indicating the representative - owner or agency).

Additionally, you can specify the features of a particular apartment. Here you need to proceed from what might really interest the buyer - where the windows face, is there parking, what is the infrastructure around.

The conclusion requires the indication of contact information. It is advisable not only to write a phone number for contact, but also to write down the hours when you can be guaranteed to answer.

If it is not possible to answer work time on weekdays, and customers call several times at this time (most often), then most of the customers will automatically be eliminated.

But in addition to the necessary characteristics, there is information that, in principle, it is not advisable to mention in the sales announcement.

What data is better not to indicate?

The main mistake in advertisements is the abundance of abbreviations. Often, sellers, wanting to save space and provide more data, reduce literally everything.

For example, “m/m” means a parking space, “2/12P” means an apartment on the second floor of a 12-story building panel house”, and “SU separate” means separate bathroom.

It is unlikely that a person far from the real estate market will understand what the ad says. There are also some safe words that are extremely undesirable for advertisements for the sale of an apartment.

Thus, the phrases “negotiable” and “urgent due to departure” are not only too formulaic, but also instill in buyers suspicions about the reasons for the cheapness and urgency.

Negative descriptions should also be avoided. Although you shouldn’t mask your flaws either. If the buyer suspects the seller of dishonesty, the transaction will not take place.

At the same time, some phrases, despite being honest, can scare off buyers.

Thus, “windows on the school yard” indicate noise in the morning, and “an actively developing area” indicates living in the coming years on a construction site, “next to the highway” indicates constant air pollution.

It is best to avoid vague and ambiguous language. A good ad is a list of the most important parameters, supplemented with interesting facts.

Legal grounds

Ownership of real estate is governed by regulations. In particular, the second section of the Code is devoted to this.

When composing an advertisement, the basic rules are as follows:

  • use only Russian without Latin alphabet;
  • The product name, content and photo must be the same;
  • you can indicate a physical address in the description, but you cannot indicate contact information (they are indicated in the profile);
  • you cannot place appeals, price differences, contacts on the photo (photos should not, in principle, be further processed);
  • the price is indicated in rubles as an integer.

The full list of Avito requirements for real estate advertisements can be viewed in a special section.

For pasting on paper

When composing a paper advertisement, you need to attract the attention of buyers. The main recommendations are the same - detailed information“without water” indicating the benefits.

But additional “lures” can include words such as “directly from the owner”, “no commission”, “registration at the expense of the seller” and the like.

Particularly significant points can be highlighted in bold or capital letters. It is advisable to include some significant advantage in the title.

For example, “A fully furnished 2-room apartment is for sale directly from the owner.” For a paper ad, it is important to have the right call to action.

Selling an apartment – difficult task, which has several stages. First of all, you need to find a buyer, and this is not so easy to do. In order to attract more people, you need to write a sales ad. However, you need to compose it correctly in order to interest potential buyers and attract attention. There are certain rules that allow you to make your ad high-quality and interesting.

People make mistakes quite often when creating an ad. As a result, they either do not pay attention to it, or it even causes laughter due to blots and incorrect abbreviations. Naturally, in order to really find a buyer, you need to know how to correctly write an advertisement for the sale of real estate. This, of course, is not a guarantee that interested people will definitely be found, but it significantly increases the chances.

Briefly speaking about the rules, you need to remember:

  • information content;
  • creativity;
  • non-standard.

These are the criteria that guarantee a successful ad. But it’s worth taking a closer look at what can and should be specified and what cannot.

Information content is the most important component, since potential buyers will be interested in brief characteristics apartments. Of course, you shouldn’t describe everything in detail, since a large amount of information is likely to turn you off. However, it is worth indicating the area, floor, location, and availability of an elevator. It is also important to mention the features that make your home stand out from others. For example, it was made good repair, no heat in the summer, pleasant neighbors, etc.

It is also recommended to briefly communicate about the infrastructure, for example, that there are shops, pharmacies, a school, a hospital, and a parking lot nearby. Potential buyers are interested to know how comfortable it will be for them to live in this apartment.

Truthfulness is also very important, but it should be moderate. That is, if the apartment is in poor condition, then it is worth writing what it requires cosmetic repairs. Or you can simply not talk about minor shortcomings. But lying and writing that, for example, there is a gorgeous view from the window, when you can only see the neighboring house from there, is clearly not worth it.

Upon a personal visit, the buyer will understand that he was deceived. And this will push him away, because he expected to see something completely different. It will be useful to use a photograph, since good examples

advertisements for sale have images of the house or its interior. This way people can immediately understand whether they like or don’t like the living space. The seller himself knows the advantages of the apartment, so he can take a good photo, flaunting the advantages. If the announcement is made on paper, then one small photograph will be enough. But when posting on the Internet, you can attach at least 10 pieces.

An example of an effective advertisement for the sale of an apartment:

What else needs to be considered?

Price is very important, as it often becomes the deciding factor when choosing housing. Of course, people want to sell their property at a higher price. But by charging an exorbitant price, you will only be able to scare off buyers. Nobody wants to overpay when there are options that are just as good and cheaper.

It is worth finding out the market value of the apartment, as well as comparing prices on the Internet for similar houses. Of course, you can add a little extra if the living space has advantages for which they want to overpay. However, the price cannot differ significantly from the market price. Of course, you should indicate your contacts, and the more, the better. It is advisable to write your mobile and home phone numbers, email, possibly Skype or a link to social network . This will make it easier for buyers to contact you. For example, if the phone is not answered, they can write to an email address. Yes, and there will be an opportunity to choose the most convenient option


Separately, you should clarify what hours or days you can call if you cannot answer at any time. You also need to indicate your name, possibly your patronymic too. As for the text size, everything is individual. There is no specific format, so a person can decide for himself which option he prefers. Of course, it is worth considering that for posting on the Internet you can write a longer text than for the printed version. It is recommended to do several different options

and use them all. Then there will be a greater chance that at least one of them will be successful.

First, let's note that if you want to interest people, you shouldn't use abbreviations. Because a person will not want to waste time deciphering them, and may not even understand what was meant. Therefore, you need to write the entire words. It is better to remove any proposal to reduce the volume if there is an urgent need.

The headline is very important because it is what people pay attention to first. And if it is boring, then there is a high probability that the buyer will pass by. Don't just write "for sale" three bedroom apartment" It is better to indicate that “an ideal three-room apartment for a large family is for sale.”

Some people use catchy headlines like: " two-roomed flat for free". And then they sign a continuation in small print: “not for sale, but we are ready to sell it at a good price.” As a result, people will pay attention to the ad, since it will have a very tempting headline about free housing. And he will already want to read the information to the end, and, perhaps, call about the purchase.

It will be useful to use epithets, as they will make the text more lively and vibrant. But you shouldn’t get too carried away, because this is an announcement, not school essay. In addition, what you consider to be advantages will not always turn out to be such for others. For example, you will say that in the morning the bedroom is filled with bright sunlight. And some people don’t like it when the rays hit their eyes.

You also need to remember the following:

  1. Highlight the most important points in the text in bold. You can use letters of a different color.
  2. Fill your ad with emotions. You can tell how comfortable the bedroom is and how pleasant it is to relax in it after a working day. It all depends on your imagination.
  3. Indicate that you are the owner and do not use intermediaries. If, of course, this is the case.
  4. Complete the text with one of the following phrases: Call now; better than the offer you won't find it.

Using these recommendations, you won’t even need a sample advertisement for sale. You will be able to compose a good and unusual text yourself. The main thing is that it does not contain grammatical errors, as they will spoil the credibility of the ad.

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Where to place an ad?

When the text is ready and polished, it’s time to start posting it. At this point, some people experience difficulties because they do not know where to go and where to place an ad. Most people immediately think about what needs to be posted around the city. Of course, it won't hurt, but you need to consider other options. After all, people in the city may not pay attention to your text, or they will soon paste another ad over it. Therefore, you should not think that only this option will help you achieve what you want.

You should use the Internet, since it is on its vast expanses that many people are looking for apartments for sale. There are both free and paid sites. You can use both options to attract more potential buyers. Naturally, you shouldn’t limit yourself to 2-3 resources. At least 5-10 sites should be used for your purpose.

Also, do not forget about newspapers, because some people are still printed publications looking for information of interest. First of all, we are talking about pensioners who do not know how to use a computer and the Internet. And among them there may also be potential buyers.

  • You can also ask your friends to spread information about the sale of an apartment in their circles. It will be useful to give your business card so that it is easier for the interested person to contact you.

Don't expect that your phone will ring off the hook in the coming days. It may take more than one month to find a buyer. But, in any case, advertisements will allow you to achieve what you want faster.

Frequently asked questions from real estate sellers

Question : How many ads do you need to post to get a response?

Answer: It’s impossible to say for sure, since much depends on the size of the city. The more you post, the better. 30-40 pieces will not be enough, as they can quickly be torn off or covered by another ad. For small town You need to post at least 100 pieces in different public places.

Question : What is better, long or short text?

Answer: Average. Don't limit yourself to one sentence or write 3-5 paragraphs. It is necessary to concisely present the main data so that the buyer does not get tired of reading the text and at the same time receives important information.

Question: How many tear-off sheets should be included on a printed ad? What size should they be?

Answer: The optimal number of tear-off sheets is 10 pieces. If you do less, it may not be enough for someone. If it’s more, then it’s pointless, since 30-40 people are unlikely to want to call. As for the size, there is no need to make leaves that are too small, as they are easy to lose. Look at other ads, find your average and use that.

Question : I posted advertisements around the city, but no one calls. What to do?

Answer: If several days have passed, then wait a little longer. It is also recommended to place an ad on the Internet to expand your audience. The text should be rewritten if it does not attract people even on the World Wide Web.