American school uniform for girls and boys: description, photo. School uniforms in America and what is dress code

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In the question of whether a single school uniform, you can argue until you are hoarse. Proponents of dress codes believe that they maintain classroom discipline and promote cohesion and equality. And parents don’t have a headache about what to dress their child in. Opponents argue that this approach to clothing kills individuality and has little effect on the learning process.

website suggests not to argue, but just to see what the children are wearing different countries the world go to school. Many options look quite stylish and practical, judge for yourself.


Japanese school uniform for girls "sera-fuku" takes special place in anime cartoons and manga comics and is known throughout the world. Blouse in nautical style plus a pleated skirt, which gets shorter in high school. Low-heeled shoes and knee socks are required and worn even in winter. To prevent them from slipping, schoolgirls glue them to their legs special glue.

Great Britain

In England Everything is strict with the school dress code. The very first uniform was blue. It was believed that this color taught children to be organized and humble, but it was also the cheapest fabric. Now each establishment has its own form and symbolism. Until now, in some schools everything is so strict that even in the heat it is forbidden to wear shorts. This summer, schoolchildren went on strike and came in skirts. After which many schools introduced gender-neutral school uniforms.


The Australian education system has borrowed a lot from the UK. The school uniform is very similar to the British one, only lighter and more open. Due to the hot climate and active sun in many educational institutions The uniform includes hats or panama hats.


In Cuba, school uniforms come in several variations: white top - yellow bottom, blue top - blue bottom. As well as white shirts and burgundy sundresses or trousers With mandatory element- pioneer tie, well known to Soviet schoolchildren. True, it can be not only red, but also blue.


In Indonesia, students' uniforms are a different color at each stage of education. The white top remains unchanged, but the bottom can be burgundy, dark blue or gray. But the most interesting is saved for last. After passing national exams, schoolchildren celebrate their freedom and paint the shape using felt-tip pens and spray cans. Goodbye, school!


Chinese students have several sets of uniforms: for holidays and ordinary days, for winter and summer. School uniforms for everyday wear are almost the same for boys and girls and often resembles a regular tracksuit.


All children in the state must wear school uniform. However, Ghana, like most African countries, is characterized by low incomes and high level poverty. Buying a school uniform is one of the obstacles to getting an education. In 2010, the government distributed uniforms free of charge to localities as part of its education policy.


Dress code for juniors and high school quite common. But high school girls in Vietnam have the right to wear snow-white national costume ao dai. In some educational institutions it is welcome only for important events or ceremonies, but in some it is also required for everyday wear.


School uniforms in Syria even before the start of a protracted military conflict for political reasons was changed from boring khaki to bright colors: blue, gray and pink. And it symbolized the desire to establish peace in the Middle East, which is a little sad to hear now.


Another country where students go to school wear traditional national costume,- Butane. For girls, the clothing is called “kira”, and for boys it is called “gho” and resembles a robe. Previously, children carried all their textbooks and school supplies directly in it. Briefcases are already common now, but if you want, you can hide something on your chest.

South Korea

Children in South Korea They study from morning until late evening. It is not surprising that many of them consider school the most romantic place, since most of their lives are spent there. The school dress code is mandatory and regulated by the administration of the educational institution. But The uniform is popular both on the city streets and even among celebrities.

What school uniforms are worn in different countries. Photo.

IN modern era School uniforms are compulsory in most developed countries of the world. Supporters of school uniforms give the following arguments:

The uniform does not allow the development of subcultures at school.
- there are no ethnic or gender differences; the level of income of parents is not visible from clothing.
- children and students get used to the formal style of clothing that will be needed at work in the future.
- students feel like a single team, a single team.

Let's see what school uniforms are worn in different countries of the world. It will be interesting.

School uniforms in Thailand are the sexiest.

Students in Thailand are required to wear school uniforms from primary school before college. A new style Uniforms for students look very sexy. A white blouse which fits tightly top part body, and a black mini skirt with a slit, no less tightly fitting the hips. Of course, not in all educational institutions, Thai students can see the advantages and disadvantages of female students’ figures. Girls used to wear skirts below the knee, so the older generation of Thais believe that such school uniforms are detrimental to morality. In addition, schoolgirls with flaws in their figure and excess weight probably do not feel very comfortable in such clothes.

School uniforms in England are the most classic.

The style of the school uniform is classic and traditional. Secondary school students must wear the standard school uniform English style. Boys wear classic suits, ordinary leather boots and a tie. Girls also wear western style clothes, regular leather shoes and a bow tie. It is believed that this classic style clothing subconsciously influences the temperament of English students, as well as the sense of beauty.

School uniforms in Japan are the cutest.

For students in Japan, the school uniform is not only a symbol of the school, but also a symbol modern trends fashion, which is often a decisive factor when choosing a school. Japanese school uniforms for girls look like sailor suits. An indispensable attribute of the school uniform for girls is a short skirt and knee socks. Such schoolgirls are well known to anime fans. Japanese school uniforms for boys are classic dark suits, often with a stand-up collar.

School uniforms in Malaysia are the most conservative.

Students in Malaysia are subject to fairly strict rules. Girls' dresses should be long to cover the knees. Shirts must cover the elbow. The complete opposite of Thai schoolgirls. This is understandable - an Islamic country.

School uniforms in Australia are the most uniform.

Both boys and girls in Australia are required to wear black leather boots, matching jackets and ties.

School uniforms in Oman are the most ethnic.

The school uniform in Oman is considered to most clearly demonstrate the ethnic characteristics of the nation. Boys must wear traditional, white Islamic-style clothing to school. Girls should cover their faces, or better yet, stay at home.

School uniforms in Bhutan are the most practical.

It is said that students in Bhutan do not carry school bags. All their textbooks and pencil case fit under their clothes, because the school uniform always bulges. different parts bodies.

School uniforms in the USA are the coolest.

Students can decide for themselves whether they will buy and wear a school uniform or not. By the way, they also decide for themselves how they will wear it.

School uniforms in China are the most athletic.

School uniforms in most schools in China differ only in size. You won't see much difference between girls' and boys' clothes because, as a rule, schoolchildren wear tracksuits - cheap and practical!

The school uniform in Cuba is the most ideologically correct.

The most main detail school uniform in Cuba is a pioneer tie. Greetings from the USSR!

A school uniform is not only comfortable clothing for schoolchildren, which indicates their belonging to a particular school, but also at the same time combines certain traditions of the state. And it is quite possible for a schoolchild to belong to a certain state just by virtue of his school attire.

School uniform in Japan

Schoolchildren of the Country Rising Sun can safely be called the most fashionable. The fact is that school uniforms often reflect the traditions of not only Japan itself, but also the school. Most often, the clothes resemble a sailor suit:

...or clothes from popular anime. And, of course, a mandatory attribute for girls is knee socks.

But for boys the choice is not so wide. Most often this is a classic dark suit of blue color or trousers with a jumper, under which a blue shirt is worn.

School uniform in Thailand

They say that the school uniform in Thailand is the most classic - white top and black bottom, for both boys and girls. Absolutely all children are required to wear it, from elementary school to college.

School uniforms in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan is a Muslim country, but the hijab or veil is not a mandatory uniform for girls. Schoolgirls dress in green, toe-length dresses, over which they can wear a jacket. The boys wear regular black suits. And, of course, one of the attributes is a skullcap on the head.

School uniform in Indonesia

For girls, the school uniform in Indonesia includes a long skirt, leggings, a white shirt and a headscarf.

School uniform in England

Although school uniforms are compulsory in England, each educational institution has the right to set its own standard of clothing for students. Most often this is a jacket or jumper with the school emblem, a white shirt, for a girl - a pleated knee-length skirt, for a boy - trousers.

School uniform in India

In India, girls usually study in separate classes from the boys. The school uniform for primary school students includes a blue shirt, a lilac skirt or sundress for girls, trousers for boys, and a mandatory striped tie.

School uniform in Uganda

The equipment of schoolchildren in Uganda is also dictated by each school separately. Important rule- clothes should be made from natural lightweight fabrics, most often chintz. For girls, these are plain dresses with a white collar, and for boys, shirts of the same color. Small men also wear shorts.

School uniforms in Cameroon

In this African republic, girls are dressed in Long Dresses blue with a white collar, and boys can attend school as they please.

School uniforms in America are common mainly in private schools. And, as a rule, it contains the emblem of the educational institution. In ordinary public schools, most often, there is no school uniform. But there are certain rules of clothing style (Dress code). And at different institutions different rules. For example, the length of a miniskirt should not be shorter than the tips of the fingers, transparent clothing is prohibited, there should be no obscene inscriptions on T-shirts, etc. As a rule, schoolchildren wear simple clothes: jeans, wide T-shirts, sneakers.

American schoolchildren's clothing

Freedom in American Schools

Unlike other countries, children in American schools have more freedom, which is expressed not only regarding the form of clothing, but also other aspects. For example, each student has his own locker, there are no permanent classes when all students study together for years, there is no whole unified program, the student takes those subjects that interest him. There is also no strictness in behavior. For example, students can sit on the floor, etc.

There are still various discussions going on regarding school uniforms in the United States. While some believe that it is better to have a mandatory uniform, others refute this. These discussions were especially popular during the reign of President Bill Clinton, since it was he who actively supported the idea of ​​​​introducing a school uniform. So in 1996, the US Department of Education issued a special guide to school uniforms, which listed the advantages of a uniform. The report described various experiments related to the introduction of uniforms in some schools. In particular, it was said that as a result of the introduction of the uniform, there were fewer crimes in schools, and general academic discipline also improved.

I suggest watching a video about school clothes (dress code) in Russian of a schoolgirl who studied at an American school.

On the other hand, compulsory school uniforms in America can hinder the development of children's own taste, style, and comfort. It can also cause some inconvenience for parents. Therefore, in the United States, they nevertheless abandoned the introduction of permanent uniforms. And this issue was left to the discretion of local authorities. In this regard, the management of each school decides for itself what rules for wearing clothes to introduce. Of course, parents play an active role in this matter. Because, in fact, schools in America exist at the expense of their budget.

Japanese school uniform In Japan for everyone educational institution An individual form is being developed, although everyone must comply with generally accepted requirements. If the country has a version of school classics? Yes. This is a “sailor fuku” for girls, which is familiar to Russian schoolchildren from numerous animated works. Not many people know that school uniforms in different countries, particularly Japan, include socks, a scarf and even underwear. Despite the democratic approach to schoolchildren’s clothing, the country has certain rules for wearing it: Boys up to the 7th grade must attend school in shorts; only by the 8th grade are they allowed to switch to trousers.
Girls throughout school year Do not wear tights on your legs, only knee socks or high socks. Even in extreme heat, girls are required to come in sweatshirts to the school-wide assembly, which is held under the supervision of the principal three times a week. A mandatory accessory included with the uniform is a briefcase or bag. large sizes as shown in the photo. Shoes only with low heels are allowed. Interesting fact, known to few: girls, in order to give long socks a lowered look, form the bootleg in the form of an accordion and glue them directly to their feet with special glue.

English school uniform The school uniform in different countries differs, first of all, in that in some states it is the same for the population of all regions and institutions, in others it is an attribute of only one educational center. Modern look uniforms for boys and girls have common standards for all regions, but they are sewn individually for each institution. In some cases, the differences are of an age nature, for example, one of the elements of the uniform for boys under 14 years old are shorts, while older ones are already switching to trousers. There are also seasonal differences, for example, summer light dresses for girls in summer period are replaced in winter by warm sundresses.
The British, known throughout the world for their conservatism, turn out to be very fond of improvising. For example, not a single set of school uniforms in different countries contains straw hats, except at London's Harrow School. School uniforms in other countries School uniforms in different countries are tied to the climatic conditions of the state and differ in some national flavor: Australia and Oceania: the uniform resembles the British school clothes, only in a lighter version (hot climate); African countries: the form is distinguished by the presence bright colors: from blue to yellow, pink, purple;.

School uniforms in Australia and Oceania

School uniforms in Australia and Oceania are similar to the traditional British ones, but are more open and lighter. In Australia and New Zealand, due to the hot climate and the harmful scorching sun, students wear hats as part of their school uniform.

School uniforms in Thailand are the sexiest.

Students in Thailand are required to wear school uniforms from primary school to college. The new style of uniform for female students looks very sexy. A white blouse that fits tightly to the upper body, and a black mini skirt with a slit that fits equally tightly to the hips. Of course, not in all educational institutions, Thai students can see the advantages and disadvantages of female students’ figures. Girls used to wear skirts below the knee, so the older generation of Thais believe that such school uniforms are detrimental to morality. In addition, schoolgirls with flaws in their figure and excess weight probably do not feel very comfortable in such clothes.

School uniforms in Malaysia are the most conservative.

Students in Malaysia are subject to fairly strict rules. Girls' dresses should be long to cover the knees. Shirts must cover the elbow. The complete opposite of Thai schoolgirls. This is understandable - an Islamic country.

School uniforms in Oman are the most ethnic.

The school uniform in Oman is considered to most clearly demonstrate the ethnic characteristics of the nation. Boys must wear traditional, white Islamic-style clothing to school. Girls should cover their faces, or better yet, stay at home.

School uniforms in Bhutan are the most practical.

It is said that students in Bhutan do not carry school bags. All their textbooks and pencil case fit under their clothes, because the school uniform always bulges in different parts of the body.

School uniforms in the USA are the coolest.

Students can decide for themselves whether they will buy and wear a school uniform or not. By the way, they also decide for themselves how they will wear it.

School uniforms in China are the most athletic.

School uniforms in most schools in China differ only in size. You won't see much difference between girls' and boys' clothes because, as a rule, schoolchildren wear tracksuits - cheap and practical!

The school uniform in Cuba is the most ideologically correct.

The most important detail of a school uniform in Cuba is the pioneer tie. Greetings from the USSR!