Antique peony Sarah Bernhardt: description of the variety. Peony herbaceous red Sarah Bernhardt Peony Sarah Bernhardt white description

Peony "Sarah Bernhardt". One of the most beautiful and fragrant varieties of hybrid peonies is named in honor of Sarah Bernhardt. Paeonia lactiflora "Sarah Bernhardt"

1880. Giovanni Boldini. Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt

"Sarah Bernhardt" reigns in the gardens for exactly one hundred years. This is rare in the world of flowers. Newly titled "persons" usually quickly overthrow their crowned predecessors. But this unusual flower. However, like the woman whose name he received.

The peony, named after the great French actress and one of the brightest women of the century, was created by an equally famous French breeder. World fame Pierre Louis Victor Lemoine received during his lifetime. The outstanding varieties of peonies and lilacs he created have become garden classics. And in 1906, a holder of the highest award in France - the Order of the Legion of Honor, Lemoine creates his masterpiece - the peony "Sarah Bernhardt" ("Sarah Bernhardt").

A beauty and a great actress. But I think it’s not enough to know this to dedicate a flower to a woman. Rather, Lemoine, being a contemporary of Sarah Bernhardt, came to her performances, was shocked by the performance and fell under the spell of the great talent.

During her lifetime she was recognized as a genius. And the acting was so expressive that the audience could not distinguish where the performance ended and life itself began. She perfectly mastered the “polarity of experiences” and could play the subtlest nuances of human feelings.

And once upon a time, young Sarah made her debut at the Comedy Française and soon left the famous theater... Only to return to it a few years later in all its splendor. And it’s great to play Phaedra, Andromache, Desdemona, Zaira, Cleopatra, Joan of Arc. Few actresses had so many male roles - Werther, Zanetto, Lorenzaccio, Hamlet. The pinnacle of creativity and favorite role was Marguerite Gautier in “The Lady of the Camellias” ".

Over time, the Comedy Francaise became too small for the famous Sarah Bernhardt. And after another triumph, she left the House of Moliere. And over time, she herself acquired two theaters, which she directed and where she played until her death. She adored jewelry, designed her own fantastic outfits, drew and sculpted well, and wrote novels and plays. A great worker, Sarah always earned her own living and was very generous at the same time. And all her life her motto was the words “By all means!”

"Sarah" immediately attracts the eye. Even if many varieties of peonies bloom in the garden at this time. She won hearts thanks to her exquisite range of colors, rich in tones and halftones, abundant, stable flowering. Transitional, iridescent pearl pink, soft lilac shades. Petals trimmed with a silver border. A flower of bewitching beauty. Impeccable form.

The entire flowering bush is also beautiful. This variety blooms annually in the mid-late season. Plant the peony so that during flowering the bush is clearly visible and you can see it in all its splendor. No one will remain indifferent to the inexpressible charm of this flower.


“If someone is destined to become an important person, then this should be judged only after his death,” these are the words of Sarah Bernhardt herself. Perhaps the same with flowers. You can create one masterpiece and it will survive time. But it's difficult to predict. And it happens that years will be erased from the memory of the one whose name the flower is named. Only this has nothing to do with the divine Sarah Bernhardt!

We decided to decorate the garden beautiful flowers, then the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt should be in your arsenal, because the characteristics of the plant speak volumes. Firstly, this winter-hardy variety peonies, so it can be grown in areas with cold climates, which means it is possible to plant it in the North-West of the country, in the Urals and Siberia, as well as in the Moscow region and Leningrad region. The winter hardiness class of the Sarah Bernhardt peony is 4.

Herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt – description of the variety, photos, reviews

Coloring pages of tender flowers Pink colour with pale edging around the edges. Reviews from flower growers say that the flowers are lush and dense with curly petals and very fragrant. Diameter single flower reaches 20 cm. A special feature of the variety is that the plant does not set seeds, so propagation at home will only be possible by dividing the rhizome.

Deadlines Peony Sarah Bernhardt blooms in May-June, but depending on the growing region, the timing may shift in one direction or another. The height of the Sarah Bernhardt peony can reach one meter.

It is worth noting that there is also a peony variety, Red Sarah Bernhardt, with crimson-red, rose-shaped double flowers, and White Sarah Bernhardt, with incredibly snow-white lush buds.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt pink – pictured

Peony Sarah Bernhardt, planting - how to and cannot plant

Many novice gardeners are wondering how to squeeze the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt to quickly get lush flowering? And in this matter, beginners need to be extremely careful, because an incorrect landing can lead to disastrous results, and, as a consequence, to moral distress. You wait and wait... but nothing comes out of the ground.

To prevent this from happening, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. Planting the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt is recommended by gardeners in the spring, around the end of April, when the air warms up and the snow melts, but, so that the air temperature does not exceed +12 ﹾC and provided that there will be no return frosts;
  2. It is better to prepare the planting hole in advance, a couple of weeks before the plant is supposed to be planted. Add 200 grams of superphosphate, part of the turf soil, part of the humus and the same amount of coarse river sand to the very bottom, add a jar (0.5 l) of ash, mix well, leave until the time of planting;
  3. When it’s time to plant the Sarah Bernhardt peony, remove the rhizomes from storage and check for damage and diseases. If there is any suspicion of a disease, then immerse for 15 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Make a mound in the hole, lay down the rhizomes and take a good look at what you are planting; there must be 3-5 ocelli (buds) . If everything is in order, sprinkle with the prepared soil mixture (the one you prepared two weeks ago), but do not press too hard into the soil. Peonies cannot be planted at great depths, therefore we bury the rhizomes to a depth of 2.4-4 cm, no more;
  4. Have you been imprisoned? Don't forget to water! Mulch the top with a small layer of humus or compost.

Sarah Bernhardt - how to care for a peony for lush flowering

So that the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt pleases with its lush flowering, you need to look after him. Some distinctive features Peony Sarah Bernhardt does not have the same care as other herbaceous varieties. The main points in care are: fertilizing, watering, protection from diseases, mulching, preparation for winter.

If you have refueled landing hole when planting a plant, in the first two years after planting, no additional fertilizing is required, except for mulching with humus or compost. Not required.

Starting from the third year after planting, the Sarah Bernhardt peony begins to be fertilized. The first feeding is given in the spring when the foliage grows, but before the budding period begins, take 40 grams of urea, dilute it in a bucket of water and water it at the rate of 4-5 liters per bush. Instead of urea, you can use Ideal fertilizer (2 tbsp/10 l) and use it according to the instructions.

When budding begins, Peonies are fed a second time– 60 g of nitrophoska, 60 g of fertilizer “Agricola for flowering plants"dilute in a bucket of water and water 5-6 liters per bush. Also at this time, it is recommended to spray Sarah Bernhardt peonies with growth regulator Bud (10 g/10 l). Ash (1-2 cups) is scattered under the bush.

When the flowering ends, 3rd feeding of herbaceous peonies is carried out(1 tbsp superphosphate, 1 tbsp potassium sulfate per bucket of water, watering 5 liters per bush). This feeding will stimulate the plant to lay regeneration buds, so that next year the Sarah Bernhardt peony will delight you with its lush flowering.

In general, peonies readily respond to feeding, in return giving excellent flowering and healthy growth. Peonies are watered generously, twice a month, but more often if the weather is dry and hot.

Mulching is carried out twice a season, in spring and autumn - organic matter is added under the bush in a layer of 7-10 cm. In late autumn, before mulching, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying against pests and diseases (40 grams of copper sulfate / 10 liters of water). When stable frosts begin, the herbaceous peony is pruned, cutting off all the stems almost to the base, leaving only small stumps of 2-3 cm.

If you stick to everyone simple rules, then the herbaceous peony Sarah Bernhardt will definitely thank you with lush flowering! And you shouldn’t believe it when your dacha neighbors say that everything grows on its own. Without attention or care, beautiful flowers don't get it.

Among the huge variety of flowers that grow near cottages and private houses, you should pay special attention to peonies. They have become widespread due to their unpretentiousness, longevity and, of course, the beauty of flowering. Today, more than 5 thousand varieties of peonies have been bred, each of which impresses with its brightness and originality. The Sarah Bernhardt peony, named after the talented French actress, deserves special attention. Numerous photos of this herbaceous perennial are evidence of its amazing charm.

The history of the peony Sarah Bernhardt and its modern forms

This hybrid was created by the famous breeder Victor Lemoine, whose creations included numerous varieties of not only peonies, but also lilacs. History is silent about why the breeder named it in honor of the celebrity. One can only assume that Victor Lemoine was so delighted with the talent and beauty of her countrywoman that he decided to dedicate one of his best varieties to her.

The flower named after the actress is considered a standard of gardening skill. The late-ripening variety of peonies even received an honorary English AGM award, awarded by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Main characteristics of peony Sarah Bernhardt:

  • petals - dark crimson, double or semi-double;
  • bud diameter – 15-20 cm;
  • bush height – 80-90 cm;
  • aroma – strong and rich;
  • leaves – openwork, dark green;
  • Flowering duration is 1-1.5 months.

Flowering variety Sarah Bernhardt

Today you can find other, more modern varieties named variety. Thus, peonies of red, pearl pink and muted lilac colors were bred.

A spectacular milky-white flower has become widespread. It is distinguished by its pink shape and rounded petals with a silver border. Two or three buds may appear on one stem at once. The value of this variety lies in its resistance to diseases and frosts.

Rules for planting and propagation

A peony can grow even without careful care for up to 30 years. To achieve the greatest decorative effect of a flower, it should be planted against the backdrop of a well-groomed lawn or made part of a constantly blooming garden.

Lighting and soil requirements

Peonies grow best in well-lit areas of the ground, where light shade falls no earlier than noon. In the shade, the flower will not be able to produce buds, although it will not die.

The best soils for these flowers are considered to be loams that have only a slightly acidic reaction. If landing is planned on clay soil, then you should add sand to it. soil with high rate The pH needs to be limed to obtain optimal acidity (300 g / 1 sq. m).

Attention! Peonies won't give good flowering on too acidic and swampy soils.


The described flowers are often propagated by dividing the bush, which is done in August or September. In this case, you need to follow these instructions:

  • dig up a bush;
  • cut 10 cm from the root;
  • wash the roots running water, then dry and germinate in a dark place;
  • choose planting material with a fairly large root (10-15 cm) and two or three buds;
  • disinfect the “delenka” by placing it for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or garlic composition;
  • keep the planting material for half a day in the Heteroauxin solution (dissolve one tablet in 10 liters of water);
  • dry the “cut” and cover all cuts with charcoal.

Planting seedlings

When disembarking or transferring to permanent place, you need to maintain a distance of one meter between bushes and adhere to the following rules:

  • prepare enough big hole(60x60x60 cm);
  • fill it with a mixture of humus, earth, sand and peat;
  • add fertilizer: 0.2-0.4 kg of superphosphate, 0.5 kg of bone meal, 1 tbsp. spoon iron sulfate, 1 liter of wood ash and 1 teaspoon of potash;
  • fill the hole with garden soil;
  • compact it a little and water the planting.

Attention! Don't expect flowering this same year. The first buds will most likely appear only next year.

How to properly care for peonies

These unpretentious flowers require minimal care:

  1. During the period of bud setting and flowering, peonies need to be watered in the evening once every 7 days (2-4 buckets per bush).
  2. After correct landing Peonies do not need feeding for several years. Then you should apply fertilizer three times a year. In the spring, you can mulch the soil with peat and add a little wood ash; in June, water the flower with the solution bird droppings, and in the fall - fertilize with superphosphate (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).
  3. Periodically remove weeds around the bushes, loosen the soil after watering, remove dried inflorescences, and trim the stems for the winter.

Attention! Faded inflorescences must be removed on time, otherwise they can cause the flower to become infected with a fungus.

Sometimes peonies suffer from the following diseases:

  • Gray rot - looks like gray plaque, most often affecting young bushes. To avoid this disease, you need in early spring treat the bushes and soil with garlic solution or Bordeaux mixture.
  • Rust - appears as brown spots on the leaves. To prevent the disease from spreading, you need to trim and burn all affected peony leaves.
  • Mosaic - has the appearance of yellow stripes and light green spots on the leaves of peonies. This virus has no cure and requires complete removal and burning of the bush.

Therefore, the Sarah Bernhardt peony is a luxurious flower that can decorate any yard or garden. If you adhere to the rules of planting and care, then every year it will delight the owners of the house with colorful and long-lasting flowering.

Variety Sarah Bernhardt: video

This variety of peony was bred more than 100 years ago, but it is still considered one of the most beautiful, expressive and fragrant varieties. His name was given by the famous breeder Pierre Lemoine, who was a contemporary of the great French actress and was delighted with her creativity, style of acting, feminine charm and human wisdom.

Peony "Sarah Bernhardt" - description

The famous critic Stanislavsky was sure that the work of Sarah Bernhardt is the standard of stage acting. Lemoine endowed the bred flower with the same perfection. First of all, this peony is known for its rich color palette:

  • white peony "Sarah Bernhardt" looks like an airy meringue or a cloud with rounded cut petals;
  • the red peony "Sarah Bernhardt", like a burning heart, attracts glances and bursts with passion;
  • milky peony"Sarah Bernhardt" is associated with tenderness and love, youth and summer.

The flowers of this peony variety have other tones and shades - they are multifaceted and unusual, unlike traditional varieties. In addition, "Sarah Bernhardt" blooms profusely - the rounded cap can be recognized even in a garden with numerous types of peonies. The flowers of this variety are semi-double, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. They are held on strong, not very tall stems, so the bushes usually look very neat and do not fall to the ground under the weight of the inflorescences. The openwork leaves of the peony variety "Sarah Bernhardt" begin to turn green in April and retain their succulent appearance until autumn.

How to care for the herbaceous peony "Sarah Bernhardt"?

Peonies are recognized quite unpretentious plants: in one place they can grow well and delight with flowering for more than 30 years. There are even cases of longevity when the flower was not replanted and it produced wonderful flowers and greenery for more than 80 years.

But for good growth peony, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Particular attention must be paid to the soil - it should be clay or loamy. It is recommended to fertilize it before planting. nutrients. The plant will die on wetlands; in sandy areas they dry out and age quickly; they also do not like peat.
  2. It is better to plant peonies in sunny, windless areas, not covered by trees or buildings.
  3. Since the peony has large roots, the planting hole should be large and deep. Experts advise pouring drainage and a mixture of soil with manure, compost, etc. into the bottom of the hole a few weeks before planting.
  4. The depth at which peonies are planted directly affects their flowering. It is important not to bury the kidneys.

Peonies do not require special care; they tolerate frost well and lack of annual fertilizers. At the end of September, the peony leaves are cut off and the plant survives the winter well.

Transplanting the peony "Sarah Bernhardt"

You don't have to wait long for flowers after transplanting. Already in the 2nd year you can see extraordinary buds. To propagate peonies, division of rhizomes is used, which is carried out in August-September . For the winter, young plants must be trimmed and covered with peat or. In the spring, you just need to remove the “cover” and within a couple of weeks the greenish shoots will reach for the sun.

Sarah Bernhardt could play unsurpassedly even subtle shades human emotions and feelings - the peony variety of the same name is just as bewitching, exquisite and impeccable. Few people can indifferently pass by the magnificent flowering bush peony "Sarah Bernhardt". By the way, it blooms in the mid-late period, when many varieties have already faded and looks royal on summer cottages, in flower beds. Bouquets with this flower are also beautifully formed and last a long time.

Peony Sarah Bernhardt (Sarah Bernhardt)- belongs to the herbaceous class with dense, semi-double flowers, incredibly beautiful inflorescences up to 20 cm in diameter, light pink with a strong aroma. Description and photo of peony Sarah Bernhardt already available in the "Valley of Roses" catalogue.

The flower is composed of regularly arranged concave petals, like scales. Peduncles Peony Sarah Bernhardt very stable and do not require support 90-100 cm high, thanks to which the bush retains its shape and does not collapse under the weight of large flowers. The openwork lush dissected foliage persists until late autumn, turning from dark green to crimson.

Peonies Sarah Bernhardt grow well in any soil, especially one rich in nutrients. They require almost no maintenance and are very frost-resistant. Peonies planted in well-fertilized soil do not need to be fertilized in the first year and several subsequent years. After transplantation, varietal qualities appear in 2-3 years! The most common method of propagating peonies is by dividing the rhizomes, which should be done in August or early September.

In autumn, with the onset of stable frosts, around mid-October, the stems of peonies are cut off, leaving stumps 1-2 cm high above the buds. For the winter, peonies are covered with a layer of peat or unripe compost. There is no need to cover adult plants. When the soil thaws in the spring, remove the insulating cover, as the buds quickly begin to grow.

For sending peony to Sarah Bernhardt a standard division with 2-3 buds is used in the amount of 1 piece.

Delivery is carried out by Russian Post, transport companies PEC, SDEK or the one that is convenient for you.

Order and buy peony seedlings Sarah Bernhardt you can by clicking the add to cart button.

Type of packaging: a bag of peat, a label indicating the variety, a standard section with 2-3 buds.

Delivery terms: Orders with peony seedlings are sent in the autumn, from September 1, and spring, from March 1, seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).