New and promising apricot varieties. We choose the best apricot varieties for giving. Ways to combat diseases and pests apricot

Grow this delicious and useful fruit dreams every gardener. What is just worth it to be juicy and ripe fruit from your own garden, not to mention different compatas and jams made from apricot? This fruit will bring you undoubted benefits, so every self-respecting gardener will definitely plant near her house or in the country area a couple of apricot varieties. But how to choose that grade that is needed and not getting bitter and sour fruits? This will tell this article. In it, you will learn not only about what apricot varieties are, but also about what they are intended for. Since not very tasty and solid, at first glance, the apricot can be beautiful and fragrant in a canned form, in the form of a boiling or compote. And sweet and honey apricot will be completely unsuitable for these purposes.

Apricot: Grade, Description

This article describes in detail appearance And the size of the apricot, an approximate time of maturation, indicated which year the fruiting occurs and what it is intended for. In some descriptions it will be indicated, in which locality it is better leaving, and some individual features of each variety are mentioned. Some recommendations may be very useful for those who are going to grow apricot in the northern regions of our country. But remember that any apricot is very gentle and, unlike Alychi and plum, is subject to many diseases, so requires special care And careful relationships.

Apricots grown in the suburbs

Apricot varieties for the Moscow region are derived for the cold climate, therefore, they differ in large frost resistance, however, when they are cultivated in these areas there are its subtleties that are described in the special literature. The best apricot varieties for the Moscow region are described below.

Apricots grown in Ukraine

    Pineapple. It is also called Apricot Chalats. It is distinguished by large extended fruits of pale yellow color, and it can often be seen on the shelves of shops, especially those where the apricot sprouts are traded by the apricot pineapple is valued for high resistance to pests and diseases, as well as for a sweetish taste resembling pineapple. The fruits of it are easily recognizable on the shelves: they are a bit larger than ordinary, bugberry and stand out among others a characteristic pale yellow shade, resembling the color of pineapple. He has a long bone, like Pherdo, but not bitter and very tasty. Therefore, Apricot Shauls love not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries where he grows.

    Apricot Melitopol Early. This variety was once removed in Ukraine and until now he does not leave anyone indifferent. The best apricot varieties that are listed in encyclopedias include this and this one of the most worthy. First, it is very unpretentious and does not require much care or frequent watering. Secondly, its fruits are very tasty, with a thin skin and a honey aroma, which will not leave anyone else, who at least once tried in his life. It is more suitable for food in the raw form than for the workpiece, although it turns out of it very tasty and fragrant. Gentle Apricot Melitopol Early is very easy to weld. For this reason, experienced hostesses recommend mixing the fruits (for example, with however, by the tasteful qualities of the best variety of apricot in Ukraine, it is difficult to find.

  1. Colon-shaped apricot star. It is ideal for growing not only in the country area, but also in a garden or near the house, as it takes very little space and unpretentious in care. In addition, it is already on the third year of growing fruit, giving very tasty and sweet fruits. This colonid apricot is distinguished by resistance to various pests and does not require special care, and also takes little space in your site.
  2. Apricot black velvet. Its fruits are much less than ordinary, but they are significantly fragrant than other varieties. The place of its habitat is the south of Russia, the territory of Crimea and Ukraine. It is very resistant to drought and to many pests, since the grade appeared as a result of crossing with alchois, which is highly resistant to various pests and diseases. The fruits of black velvet ripen at the end of July and are distinguished by bright and a bit of a taper aroma, resembling something among the aroma of plum and honey apricot. He has a yellow flesh, with a pinkish tone closer to the middle of the fetus. The bone is small and slightly elongated, a little bitter taste. This variety was created for canning, so it is recommended to use not in the raw form, but in the form of jam, compote or canned. The jam made of black apricot is distinguished by beautiful color, a bright characteristic aroma and a gentle taste, which is not even found in a mixed jam from Apricot, Alyci and Dzhal. Apricot black velvet is very resistant to frosts, but experts do not advise him to grow in cold regions, as the tree may not give full-fledged fruits or to become fruitless, although in the southern regions it gives a good harvest. Apricot varieties in Ukraine are diverse, but black velvet is rightfully considered the best.
  3. Other varieties for different regions of Russia. Apricot le-32/76 Betinka

    Rare Czech grade apricot saturated pink color with delicate orange flesh. It is distinguished by an unusual taste and bright aroma. He has a bright flesh orange color, very dense and fleshy. Jam from such an apricot is distinguished by a bright aroma and an unusual taste that will delight not only gourmets, but also all sweet tooths. The fruits ripen it in the middle of summer. This variety is distinguished by large frost resistance and resistance to various diseases, as well as large fertility.

    Apricot Larolun

    Another grade of Czech pink apricot with characteristic major oval fruits with a bright pink blush, the color of which can vary from carrot-orange to bright red pink shade. Its fruits ripen to the beginning of August and are distinguished by a pronounced sweet taste with a honey hint. Like the previous variety, it is very resistant to frost and various pests. Fruits can persist long and not deteriorate, so it is suitable for commercial purposes. In addition, this apricot is distinguished by great fertility.

    Apricot Aurora

    One of the early grades, the fruits of which ripen already at the end of June. This variety is very prolific, and the fruits themselves are very large, rounded, beautiful orange. They are distinguished by a sweet taste and a saturated apricot aroma, which is saved even after heat treatment in compote or in jam. But it is best to not harvest them in the future, but there is no treatment, since this very early grade will delight you with sweet fruits already at the end of June.

    Honey grade apricot

    He received his name thanks to a pronounced sweet taste with a honey hint. Even the appearance of the fruits of this variety indicates the content. It is distinguished by large oval fruits of a saturated golden orange shade, sometimes with a slightly reddish blush. Like many southern varieties, it is very fruit, and new fruits appear in late July-early August. His pulp is very soft and easily separated from the bone. The fruits of such apricot are very soft, and therefore are not always suitable for heat treatment and conservation. In addition, this variety does not tolerate transportation, so it is not suitable for commercial purposes. Best of all during fruiting just collect harvest and enjoy the taste of honey apricot or stove pies with filling from the fruit of this beautiful tree.

    Apricot variety Ahrorry

    Highly delicious variety With large, sweet, fleshy fruits of a bright pinkish-orange shade. This Asian variety is the earliest of all kinds of apricot that exist at all. Its main plus is high resistance to frosts, and the minus is that its fruits are bad on the legs and creep. But those who planted it near their home will be very pleased with the result. After all, it is difficult to tear off from sweet orange fruits with red specks on the side of the rum. But it is best to feel in southern regions and countries with a subtropical climate. This variety is poorly transported, so it is not advised to use for commercial purposes, since its fruits quickly become soft and deteriorate. But then, of them, it turns out a very tasty and fragrant jumped, although it is not recommended to use it for a compote, as the fruits quickly become soft and welded.

    Canning late apricot

    It sounds late and perfect for all kinds of conservation. The fruits of its very large, with a pronounced seam, an elongated shape resembling an egg. The flesh is rather fleshy with a pronounced sour taste, the contents of a bone sweet. This variety is not very suitable for eating in the cheese form, but it turns out magnificent dishes from it: stuffing for baking, jam, jams and canned apricots, which can be happy to use in the cold season. His yield is average, as well as frost resistance and various pests.

    Porcetic apricot

    Differs in late blooming and bright golden yellow fruits round shape. It is suitable not only for consumption in raw form, but also for various billets: jams, jams and baking stuffs. But best of all it is suitable for various juices and syrups homemade cookingwhich are not only tasty, but also very nutritious. It differs from other varieties, the juices of which can be obtained not sufficiently nutrient due to not very juicy or solid pulp. Porcetic apricot can also be consumed in the raw form, as it is very juicy and sweet. However, it is better to choose other varieties for drying. This species differs from other elevated frost resistance. The time of ripening fruits for and more northern areas is the beginning and middle of August.

    Pineapple Tsyurupinsky apricot

    Unlike the pineapple variety (shalters), Pineapple Tsyurupinsky Apricot has a softer pulp, a pronounced taste and indescribable aroma. It blooms late, but the first fruits of him appear already in mid-July, sometimes in early August. The tree itself begins to be fruit already on the third year of ripening. The fruits of this type of pineapple apricot orange, without a rug, rounded, but not very large. The pulp is very sweet, fragrant, a little resembling pineapple, medium density and juiciness. The bone is sweet. This variety is not very resistant to various diseases and pests, but it is distinguished by great resistance to frost and even severe frosts. More suitable for preservation than to eat in the food in the raw form, as well as for various pastries for baking, jams, compotes and jarry. It is best forbidden in various parts of Ukraine, in the south, as well as in the middle lane of our country. His yield is medium, but many gardeners love him for the absence of an acidic and bitter taste, as well as for the original notes of sweet pineapple.

    In this material, we considered the most popular apricot varieties, which are traditionally grown by gardeners in the Russian Federation, as well as on the expanses of Ukraine. We hope that this review will be useful to you and interesting.

Juicy, fragrant apricot fruits fell in love with gardeners and connoisseurs of natural goodies. Growing apricot, the varieties of the owners of country sites are selected carefully. Most of the doubt falls on the survival rate of culture, because the tree has southern origins. But domestic gardeners successfully cultivate more than 20 types of delicious apricot, which are fruitful in the conditions of the Moscow region, Siberian or Far Eastern climate, give a rich harvest.

Varietal features and cultivation of wood

Choosing which varieties of Kuragi are suitable for landing on the site, consider their biological characteristics and criteria of cultivation. Motherland of the Wood Plant from the Pink Family - Mount Tien Shan and the Caucasus. The yellow ware is distributed in a temperate climatic belt and in the south.

Biological characteristics

Apricot - large treewhich loves sunny terrain. In addition to thermal lobility, culture is different:

  • medium height - grows up to 8 meters;
  • rounded green crown with heart-shaped, slightly rough leaves;
  • gray-brown bark, but young seedlings are painted in red-brown. With age, the trunk is covered with textured cracks;
  • single white or pink bluers up to 3 cm long;
  • an early flowering period - from March to April, depending on the climate.

Apricots bloom to the formation of foliage, so their landing will serve goals spring decoration Landscape.

Cultivation rules

Good harvest fruit culture will give with a reasonable approach to growing. Spank plants by seedlings or bones. Moreover, wood cuttings from 1 to 2 years old are coming up as much as possible. Gardeners are recommended to follow several rules:

  • perform an annual trimming at the beginning of spring. The first to be removed by the branches of the Kuragi, which frozen and weakened, then - the bars are removed that do not give others to grow;
  • take into account the demanding of the plant and carry out landing only on warm solar plots protected from wind;
  • prepare a place to disembark in advance. Beautiful apricot garden will be able to grow trees at a distance of 3-4m each other;
  • be sure to organize drainage, and in summer period Water all varieties of apricots 4 times per season.

Adhering to simple rules you get excellent yield Regardless of the variety of culture. The tree is good fruits 4 years after disembarking.

Making fertilizers

An important part of growing plants is to make fertilizers. Works are carried out in autumn by digging drainage pit. The bottom of the trench falls asleep by rubble by 10 cm, and then - by humus with fertile soil. Trees whose age has reached 2 - 3 years old, you can make feeding from chicken litter With peat in the spring, and in the fall - to make the organic. For plants that have reached 5 years, peat with litter makes autumn.

What you need to know about early grades?

Only in the southern regions, early apricots are cultivated - varieties are characterized by sensitivity to temperature fluctuations, may die due to frosts. A little reinforced fruits are formed for the 3rd year after cultivation. Fruits attract their own bright color, an incredible aroma, and a tree - a beautiful crown and a height of almost 3 m. The varieties described below the yellow-waller variety can be cultured in southern gardens.

Yield Lel

The tree reaches a height of 3 m, forms a neat crown of green, which in the fall becomes red-orange. Lel starts fruit at a three-year-old and different:

  • rounded fruits weighing 20 g with orange smooth skin;
  • fast ripening - at the beginning of July;
  • good yield;
  • resistance to light frost and disease.

Juicy fruits eat in raw form, use for jam, jam or compote.

Aromatic Melitopol Early

Culture is characterized by a low growth and non-standard pyramidal crown. Melitopol grade is fruits aged 4 years. It is characteristic of:

  • large fruits weighing from 45 to 60 grams of oval shape with orange skin and juicy flesh;
  • the average bone, which is quickly separated;
  • wine-sweet taste and peasant fragrance;
  • frost resistance.

Fruits are suitable for eating in raw form from the first decade of July.

Frost-resistant honey

The plant is derived in the conditions of the Urals, so it is easily adapted to a cold climate. Fruits of small magnitude have yellow skin with red spots. Sweet fibrous pulp is eaten in raw form, as well as used for cooking jams, syrups, compotes. Fruit culture begins 5 years after disembarking.

Drought-resistant leisure

The representative of the family of pink reaches low growth, has a crown in the form of a rounded cone. Carries dry air, it is characterized by good frost resistance. For fruits are characteristic:

  • weight from 63 to 93 grams;
  • bright orange, with reddish glare peel;
  • orange juicy pulp with medium density.

Delicious fragrant fruits of the sorecore forms for the 5th year after planning.

Juicy tsari

The middleweight tree reaches a height of 4 m and starts fruit from August. A bone from a rounded fetus with a small empty to delete easily. Fruits with medium, but stable yields differ:

  • dense and juicy, sweet pulp;
  • pronounced aroma;
  • sweet-sweet taste.

The frost-resistant, the plant is unwilling to be fruitful on the 5th year of vaccinations.
Early See Morel - a good idea To start your own business, since one tree gives up to 50 kg of fruits.

Features and description of the middle-air apricots

Good portability of hot weather and frosts during the formation of inflorescences allows dacnisms to choose the best varieties of apricot of the middle ripening period. Fruits are dried for cooking, use for desserts.

High-yielding chalats

Culture, consistently giving a crop, grows to a height of up to 5 m. The versatile variety, since it is undemanded to the soil, normally develops when climates up to -19 degrees. Despite the probability of frost frost, kidney and pink flowers are not damaged. Fruits ripening in early July, differ:

  • medium weighing 53-65 grams;
  • large sizes;
  • egg-light juicy flesh;
  • oblong shape and raspberry-red tint.

Fruit has an amazing taste - pronounced with the aftertaste, resembling pineapple.

Self-branded pinerality

The tree can be stably developing in climatic conditions up to -19 degrees, it blooms late, but it fertures regularly 5 years after vaccination. It has a good yield - up to 155 kg from one plant age 15 years. Beautiful infloresions pleases from April. The fruits appearing in the second decade of July differ:

  • large weight (up to 50 g);
  • rounded, a little flattened on the sides, shape;
  • orange shade with dark red raid;
  • tight and juicy flesh.

Fruits are collected, and then leave to watch, because they can crumble with the branches.

Winter-hardy Saratov Rubin

The plant is distinguished by rapid growth and good frost resistance (able to withstand the differences up to -40 degrees). Fruits resistant fruits differ:

  • weighing 40-51 grams;
  • pronounced taste and aroma;
  • orange to the Ruby-Alla Rumyanta shade;
  • silver-resistant.

Apricots are stored in the refrigerator about 30 days, they prepare drying and compotes.

Middle-campaign Russian

Raskidny kroon, resistance to frost and damage - the main features of the variety. Russian fruits have a round, slightly compressed on the sides of the form. Fruits achieve weight more than 100 grams, attract with juit, gentle taste and pleasant aroma. The surface is yellow-orange with scarlet sparkling. The tree gives a harvest 5 years after disembarking a cutting into the ground.

Tall triumph

The North Triumph variety is characterized by a height, crown and frost resistance. Self-free culture attracts the attention of gardeners with fruits, who have:

  • orange, with plowing carmine color;
  • rounded, slightly elongated form;
  • high weight - up to 55 grams;
  • tender, juicy flesh of an orange shade;
  • unique spinning taste and dessert aftertaste.

Tree Fruit B. latest decade July to achieve 5 years.

Rod royal

The average height of the culture is up to 5 m, the crown is broken. The plant is resistant to drought, but sensitive to frosts below -20 degrees. Fruits have a mass of up to 44 g, wheat with red stains The color of the peel. The pulp of juicy, yellow-orange shade. With proper cultivation from one tree, up to 155 kg of harvest are collected.
To preserve the purity of the variety and quality of fruits of gardeners, it is recommended to grow the sammond medium-samples of the Kuragi.

Late type varieties characteristics

Late apricot varieties are not susceptible to spring frosts differ in saturated tight pulp. Fruits are stored in the refrigerator up to 1 month.

Aromatic Melitopol Late

Fruits are tied 3 years after vaccination without pollination, have an oval shape, dense orange peel. The kidneys and flowers do not move during the cooling, and the fruit has an average juicy, characteristic taste and bright aroma. Sweet fruits are suitable for cooking jams, jams and drying.

Long stored favorite

The representative of the pink family is distinguished by the average growth - about 4 m, forms an empty crown and white fragrant flowers. For fruits, large size and other differences are characteristic:

  • mass from 30 to 35 grams;
  • shaped shape;
  • rough surface;
  • brilliant peel of orange shade with brightly alami spots;
  • orange pulp with a dense texture that crunches when putting up.

The fruit is used in the food in the raw form, is used for jam or dried apricots. Fresh apricot can be stored for 30 days.

Frost-resistant spark

High, up to 4 m. Tree in spring pleases blossoms of white buds. Harvesting starts 5 years after landing. Culture winter-hardy, capable of withstanding frosts up to -35 degrees. Fruits have the following varieties:

  • there are weighing up to 30 grams;
  • differ in a rounded, slightly elongated shape;
  • characterized by shiny orange leather with pronounced alumi stains;
  • the density of bright orange, crispy pulp.

Fruits are suitable for consuming in raw form, making syrups, jams, compotes and jams.

Unique black apricots

The gardeners that decide to cultivate unusual trees should pay attention to the types of black apricots. Unique fruits - Micrickos hybrids with Alychy first appeared in the Transcaucasia. Using Michurin's experience, modern agronomists raised frost-resistant varieties of an unusual shade:

  • Dwarf mouse. Sweet fruits are grown in conditions fruit Garden or in ads, making a tree an emphasis of the interior arbor;
  • Black velvet. Despite the winter hardiness, it can be blocked. Production view of apricot with small but sweet fruits;
  • Kuban black. It has a small yield, but tasty fruits with sourness are spent effort.

The black apricot is cultivated in Russian conditions, and the care for it is similar to the rules for the care of frost-resistant species.

Popular frost-resistant varieties

Frost-resistant trees were displayed with adaptation under domestic winter. At the end of the vegetative period and summer season Plants withstand temperatures from 30 to 32 degrees with a minus sign. Growing apricots, consider that their bark is prone to damage in the yield. Experts Agro workers recommend cultivate:

  • Iceberg. Soft, juicy fruits are formed in August and are characterized by a sweet taste without sourness. Fragrant fruits are suitable for jam, compotation or juice. Trees fruit in 3-4 years;
  • Aquarius. Speakers at the end of August and attracts the size of the fleshy fruits of pink shade. The pulp has an orange-honeymoon, sour-sweet taste suitable for jam and compote.
  • Orlovchanin. It is characterized by elongated fruits with sourness and hardness pulp.
  • Redish. Unpretentious frost-resistant gradethat blooms in May. In July, sweet and sweet fragrant fruits appear.

In order for the growth of apricot culture to be normal, and the harvest is stable, adhere to the set of winter events, take care of the trees during the temperature differences and thaws.

Use of apricot

Fruits in dried and fresh form - a storehouse of nutrients. They are preventive tools for people suffering from atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, insufficient blood circulation. The pulp of fruit increases the hemoglobin in the blood, contributes to the increase in mental activity and derives salt of metals. Apricots are useful in cancer, constipation, avitaminosis. They are advised to eat those who want to lose weight during pregnancy or colds.
Find "your" variety, adapt it to the conditions of the regional climate. Thanks to this, you will receive your own garden, in which the useful late varieties of apricots or early fruits will grow. In addition to the benefit of its own apricot kindergarten - good way Get profit: organic food is now in price.

Seedman variety triumph north from free pollination. Authors: A.N. Venaminov, L.A. Dolmatova. The variety is recommended for breeding in the northern part of the Central Chernozem region.

Wood Halfall, crown compact. Woosting the kidney and the fracturing ability is good.

Ripen fruits in early August. Mass of the fetus of 40 g, painting light yellow with a bright blush. The flesh is dense, juicy, crispy, orange, sour-sweet taste. The kernel is bitter. Middle sized bone.

Fruit Suitable for consumption in the fresh form, and especially for the production of compotes.

It has a high winter hardiness of wood and flowering kidney. It comes into fruiting for 4 years after landing. It is characterized by stability of fruiting. Yield with a 7-year-old tree 27-34 kg. The variety is resistant to diseases and recovery of the cortex.

Apricot Saplings Kuibyshev Jubilee

Gave V.A. Molchanov and A.N. Minin in Samara botanical Garden And at the Samara zonal pilot station in gardening sowing seeds from free pollination of seedlings No. 4. - extends to seedlings among the Gardeners of the Middle Volga region. Introduced into the State Register of the Middle Autonomous Region in 2005

Wood Large, high up to 6 m. Crown is rare, wide-grade. Fruption mainly on spurs and bakery branches.

Fruit Middle size, more or less than one-dimensional, average weight of 22 g. Formation form rounded. Top rounded. The base of the fetus with the deepening, the pocket is unobistant. Abdominal seams are unprofitable orange fruit color, blurred with a blush on the sunny side. There are no subcutaneous points. Skin thin. The flesh orange, slightly fibrous, juicy. Juice colorless. The nature of the taste of sour-sweet, with a pleasant aroma. Assessment of taste - 4.4 points. Appearance attractive - 4.5 points. The main purpose of the variety is universal.

Blossom - May 1-3. The ripening time of fruits is medium. The deadlines to eat fruits - July 20-25. Fruits need to be removed unreasonable. Commodity and consumer qualities of fruits are high. The fruit transportability is good.

The variety is partly self-aged.

It comes into fruction for 4 years. At the age of 6-7 years, the trees give 12-15 kg of harvest, aged 12-13 years old - up to 40-50 kg. Fruit annual. The fruits on the tree are attached well, somewhat creepy at ripening.

High-resistant variety. Resistant to congestion of the bark. Resistance to drought average. Resistant to diseases and pests.

In young age, it is necessary to carry out a forming trimming, during the period of complete fruiting the regular annual trimming. In an old age, a rejuvenating trimming should be carried out with the removal of skeletal and half-plated branches inside the crown.

Dignity Sorts: High Water Resistance Wood and Flower Kidney, Large and High-quality Fruits.

Apricot seedlings Lel

Seedman 2-3 of own generation with free pollination. Allocated in 1986 by A.K. Skvortsov and L.A. Kramarenko. Original Institution - Chief Botanical Garden. The variety is included in the State Register in 2004 in the Central Region.

Woodmiddle sizes up to 3 m, with a compact crown. Annual shoots weakly branched. It has moderate, restrained growth. Autumn leaves are painted in a variety of shades of red. Middle size flowers, 3 cm in diameter.

Fruitweighing about 20 g, rounded, slightly flattened from the sides, orange skin without a rug, almost not pubescent, the fruits are beautiful, very shiny. The flesh is dense, gentle, orange. The fruits of Lel's variety are the most delicious, combination of acid and sugar in them is a harmonious, tasting score of 5 points. The bone is distinguished perfectly.

The ripening of fruits is early. The yield, mostly average, occasionally high, but never excessive. Reliability, stability and moderation in everything inherent in this variety.

The fruits of the variety are suitable for consumption in the fresh form, and the jam and compotes of them are high quality. The grade is good.

Winter hardiness and frost resistance is good. Fruit on all types of shoots. In the fruiting, grafted plants join for 3-4 years after vaccination.

Apricot seedlings Orlovchanin

The variety is obtained by selecting seedlings from free pollination of the North Triumph. Originator All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding Fruit Cultures. Authors: A.F. Kolesnikova, E.N. Digido, Yu.I. Khabarov, A.A. Glyaeva, I.N. Ryapolov. Introduced into the State Register in 2006 in the Central Black Earth region.

Wood The average growth force, the medustigation, the crown stretched, raised.

Fruit They are boring inside the crown and on annual escapes. The average mass of the fetus is 33.0 g, the maximum 40 g, the height of 30.6 mm, the diameter is 32.4 mm. Form flat, round-ovoid. The abdominal seam is small, unobtiable. The color of the fetus is yellow with small carmine dots per 1/4 surface. The flesh is yellow, medium juice, mild, pleasant sour-sweet taste. Fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and technical recycling. The transportability is good. Tasting evaluation of 4.2 points fruit. The bone is free, separated from the pulp well, rounded-ovate, pointed. Sweet core.

Trees enter the time of fruiting on the third year of life. The variety is capable of annual fruiting. Winter hardiness and frost resistance High, flowering kidney average. Flowering and ripening fruit average. Relatively resistant to mushroom diseases and pests. Yield on average 146.5 c / ha, maximum 166.5 c / ha.

Dignities of variety: High winter hardiness and frost resistance, high recoverable ability, yield.

Apricot seedlings red son

The variety is derived at the Rossoshan zonal pilot station of gardening M.M. Ulyanishchev from crossing varieties Golden summer and redish. Since 1974, the variety is zoned in the Astrakhan region. Currently enters the State Register in the Nizhnevolzh region.

Wood Average or stronger, with an oval or widespread raised thick crown with good decrepitude.

Fruit medium weighing 30-35 g, height 40-45 mm, width 37-38 mm, thickness 34-35 mm, the most large fruit reach weight 55-60 g, oval or rounded-oval, weakly or in moderately fightered from the sides, rather correct, although often the abdominal half is slightly massive spinal, the top of the fetus rounded, usually with a very small one at the end of the abdominal seam, seam is narrow , middle depth. Orange peel, with a blurred orange-red blush on the sunny side, the downstream. The bone is medium, weighing 2-3 g, which is 6.5-8.5% of the mass of the fetus, oval, the top is wide-rounded, the base of the narrow-round, the dorsal seam is closed, the abdominal seam is a narrow or medium width, the central edge is well expressed , sharp, side ribs are also well expressed, significantly more stupid than the central; The bone surface is littering, but smooth, color of fresh brown bones; The bone lies in a large cavity, free, the kernel is bitter. The flesh is bright orange, rather dense, fusion consistency, juicy, sweet with light pleasant acid and barely catchy mustard, without mildness, with a pleasant apricot aroma, tasting evaluation is high - 4.7 points.

Fruits are used both for consuming fresh and processing. Compote have good quality With a total estimate of 4.0 points (4.1 points per appearance and 3.7 points for the taste).

Blossoms flows into the middle or late period. Ripening B. middle time - The beginning of the third decade of July. In the fruction of the trees enter for 4-5 years, the spirits are good. The yield is good.

Winter hardiness of the tree is good. In even cold winters, even with a decrease in temperature to -34O, 20-30% of live flower kidneys remain, which provides an average harvest.

Klaasternosporiosis is affected by weakly - up to 1-2 points in the years of epiphets. The monilial burn is quite stable.

Validity of the variety: Large beautiful fruits of good taste, sufficient level of adaptation of the tree to the conditions of the south of the central chernozem.

Apricot seedlings Triumph North

Received from crossing the famous old southern variety of the redist and seedlings of Transbaikal apricot Northern early. Author A.N. Venyaminov. It was zoned in the south of the Central Black Earth Zone.

Wood Halfall, crown spread. Branching average. Skeleton branches are thick, departed at an angle of 45 or more degrees. Large leaves with pointedness.

Fruit rounded-oval form. The mass of the fetus of 55 sodes is pubescent, medium thickness, acid. Painting of the fetus with full maturity yellow-orange with a nape from the shadow side. Cooking color in the form of a solid blurred or dark red dense blush. The flesh is orange, juicy, tender, melting, pleasant sweet taste. Sweet core. The variety is suitable for use in the fresh form.

Matures at the end of July - early August. The first fruiting comes on a 4th year of tree life in the garden. Intensively gaining a crop. Maximum crop from a tree - 64 kg. Winter resistance of wood high, flowering kidneys - medium. Resistant to disease.

Ulyhanyinsky apricot seedlings

The variety is obtained from crossing (comrade X Satzer) x Krasnashki. Breeder - L. Gardener L.M. Ulyhaniyin. The variety is included in the State Register in the Central Black Earth region in 2004

Wood High-resistant, with a wide-round crown of medium density and leafy.

Fruit Weigh 26.4 g, the maximum 33 g, oval-rounded form. The painting of fruits is yellow, the flesh is gentle, juicy, good acid-sweet taste 4.0 points. Fruit short, dense. The degree of fetal attachment to the fruit is not durable. The bone of the average size is 0.8 g, 3% by weight of the fetus. Bone shape rounded-oval. Loofing of the bone from the pulp is good. Fruits attractive, universal destination.

Maturation in the average deadlines (the end of the third decade of July). At the time of fruiting comes to the third year after landing. High yield. Grade is resistant to mushroom diseases.

Dignity: Winter hardiness, resistance to root cervice, good flavors of universal fruits.

Apricot seedlings Champion of the North

Received from sowing seeds of the North Triumph. Authors: A.N. Venaminov, L.A. Dolmatova. Recommended for breeding in the Central Black Earth region.

Wood High-resistant with medium-forming ability. Top shoots. Crown is rare.

Fruit ripen at the end of July, large (up to 65 g), with good harvest up to 30 g, have an oval form. Sickness pubescent, medium thickness, acidic, orange color, with sunny side Gentle blush. The pulp orange, dry, the quality of the pulp is good. The core is sweet, the bone is large, free. High fruit transportability. The variety is suitable for consuming fresh and for processing.

The first fruiting comes 4 years after landing. The variety is a sammost, the average harvest from the tree is 20-25 kg, in a favorable year is much higher. Winter resistance of wood high, flowering kidney average. Less resistant to swasteporiosis.

(+1 Well, a very original recipe!)

What if you are a passionate gardener, fell in love with Apricot finally and irrevocably, but live in the middle lane of Russia? Is it worth planted these trees? Will they grow and fruit? Will! Currently there are many northern grades that are able to grow and delight harvest even in harsh conditions.

The first apricots appeared in Russia at Queen Alexei Mikhailovic. Educated, read, extremely inquisitive by nature, he loved beauty, delve into all the details of farms and gardening in its Moscow region possessions. It was when it in 1654 in Moscow, 4 trees of "peach plums" and 2 wood "Armenian apples" appeared in Moscow (apricots). In the XVIII century, Apricot has become widely known in our country. It was grown in the monasteries, the oranges are known, and south - in the open soil. To the south of Russia, the culture penetrated independently, as the Crimea, the Caucasus and Turkestan joined.

Promotion north

Attempts to grow apricots in the northern regions began at the beginning of the twentieth century. The first varieties based on Apricos Manchursky brought Ivan Michurin in the Tambov region. This is Sazer, Mongol, Comrade and Best Michurinsky.

The work continued his disciples - they crossed Michurin apricots with Central Asian and European. So there were randomy varieties, Voronezh large, yield, breeding, amber, north triumph, dessert, collective farm, success.

Nowadays, breeding work is carried out in many regions of Russia - in the Volga region, Khakassia, in the Far East and the Urals, where varieties are created well adapted to local conditions.

However, if the grade feels perfectly in Siberia, this does not mean that he will also grow well in the European part of the country. For example, in Khakassia a special microclimate, extremely favorable for apricots. Winter there is cold, but without thaws and high snow cover. Summer roast and with increased solar radiation. Spring short and friendly. All this allows Apricot not only to survive to survive, fruit, but also avoid many diseases.

In Moscow, Professor A.K. Skvortsov, starting from the 50s of the last century, a cultural population of winter-hardy apricot was created. In just a few generations, it was possible to get a variety resistant to the Moscow climate. Originally bones for sowing were collected throughout the former USSR - from the Baltic States to the Far East.

Since 1984, work has continued L.A. Kramarenko. Collection of apricot in the main botanical garden expands. Gardens in 27 monasteries in the Moscow region and neighboring areas have been created. Attempts are made to promote Apricot even further - to the north of Vladimir and in the Tver region.

Michurin, as we remember, began to bring frost-resistant apricots at the beginning of the twentieth century. But already in the XVIII century, they grew perfectly in the vicinity of Moscow in the monasteries. That is, it turns out, the northern grades existed even 150 years before the famous breeder? Surely he did not know about them? Of course, knew. However, these apricots were not winter-hardy. And what about, you ask, monasteries?

And here it lies the main trick. The fact is that behind the high monastic walls, a special microclimate formed in a closed space - there were more heat on such omnorsis and cold winds did not penetrate there. But in ordinary gardens the same apricots ordered for a long time to live in the first winter.

Currently, in 3 monasteries in the very center of Moscow - Novospassky, Zaktyuvsky and in the Krutitsky compound - almost the entire range of Moscow apricots are grown.

The best Moscow varieties

In the state market of breeding achievements, 8 varieties of Moscow apricots recommended for cultivation in the middle lane of Russia are registered.

Alyosha. Grade itself early time Ripening - its fruits spit at the end of July - early August. Trees high up to 4 m. Flowers are spectacular, very large - up to 4 cm in diameter, white, with pinkish veins. Fruits weighing 15-20 g, rounded, slightly fightered from the sides, bright yellow, with a blush. Omitting is weak. The flesh is orange, dense, tasty. The bone is easily separated. The only drawback is the bone is quite large, it takes 16% of the mass of the fetus, with an average of 11-13%.

Aisbreg. Early grade ripens at the end of July - early August. Trees with a height of 3 m. Flowers are white, large, with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm. Fruits weighing 20-22 g, rounded or oval, slightly flattened from the sides, yellow-orange, with a small blush and downsion. The flesh is juicy, gentle, tasty. The bone is small, separated well.

Aquarius. The fruits ripen in the second decade of August. The tree is powerful, a height of 5-6 m. The flowers are small, with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. The fruits are rounded, with a pronounced seam, weighing 25-30 g, but it happens, separate apricots weigh up to 50-60. They are yellow, with hardly awesome Rumyanta, but more often without him. The taste of sour-sweet, harmonious. The bone is average, easily separated. High yield.

Lel. The fruits ripen early, but a little later than Alyosha and Iceberg. Middle-sized trees and moderate growth. Flowers are about 3 cm in diameter. Fruits weighing 20 g, rounded, slightly flattened from the sides, orange, without a rug, with weak downsion. These apricots are perhaps the most delicious - with a harmonious combination of acid and sugar. The bone is well separated. The only drawback is a bone, like Alyosha, large. The yield is medium, stable.

Monastic. This is a late grade - in the years warm summer Fruits ripen in mid-August, and in cool weather - at the end. Trees are stripped with a scattered crown. Flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm. Fruits are quite large, weighing 25-30 g, but in favorable years There are up to 40, and even up to 50 g. They are oval, compressed from the sides, bright yellow, often with a strong blush. The flesh is orange, tasty, but a little flounce. The bone is quite large, separated from the pulp is easy, but not always clean. But the yield of monastic is very high!

Tsarsky. Early grade, fruits ripen in early August. Trees with a height of 3-4 m, with moderate growth. The flowers are very large, with a diameter of more than 4 cm. Fruits weighing 20-22 g, proper oval shape, yellow, often with a small blush, pubescent. Skin is somewhat thick. But the pulp is very tasty - sour-sweet, juicy, gentle, with a pronounced aroma. The bone is average, it is easily separated, but not always clean. The yield is medium, but stable.

Another 2 Moscow varieties that are in the state gesture have serious shortcomings.

Countess. The fruits of her rather large, weighing 25-30 g, very juicy and delicious, and the yield is large. But this variety is considered the most capricious among others. In the rainy years, the apricots are covered with black spots, and sometimes with a solid root. And the gaming is very strong.

Favorite. He also has large fruits, up to 30 g. Delicious, with a small bone. The yield is medium. But apricots ripen very late and during the years with a cold rainy summer, they remain green on the trees even in September.

Varieties from chernozem

When testing in the main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) among the varieties of apricot derived in other regions, two - the old Voronezh triumph of the Northern and Saratov variety of Saratov Rubin turned out to be the best in quality and winter hardiness. They feel great in the middle lane of Russia, including the Moscow region.

Northern triumph. The variety of middle-variety of ripening. Trees with a height of 3 m, moderate growth. Fruits are large, weighing up to 50 g, oval, bright yellow or orange with a beautiful intense blush. The flesh is dense, orange, very tasty. The bone in the shape of a heart is separated well. High yield.

Saratov Ruby. Differs in high frost resistance of trees and fruit kidney. Resistant to disease. Trees are strong-resulted, 4-5 m high. The fruits of a saturated orange-ruby color. The flesh is gentle, sweet, very tasty, with a strong aroma. The bone is small, separated well. Fruits are resistant to cracking, do not impenetrate with long transportation. And perfectly stored - in the refrigerator they can lie up to 2 months!

Perspective novelties

Other varieties were also tested in the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences - they also showed themselves at height both by yield and taste of fruits and frost resistance. They have not yet been made to the State Register, but very promising.

Guiani. Fruits ripen in the second half of August. Trees high up to 6 m. Medium-sized apricots, weighing 15-20 g, oval with a small nose, orange, with a bright pink blush, weakly-minded. The bone is separated well. High yield. And, by the way, this variety has sweet edible nuclei.


Most varieties of apricot nucleus in bone bone. But there are several varieties, including Guiana, who neither are sweet and successfully replace almonds. They are used in confectionery. And raw nuclei is a good prevention of cancer.

Pacer. The crop matures in mid-August. Trees with a height of 3 m. Fruits weighing 20-25 g, oval, weakly-minded, with a very beautiful watercolor blush. The flesh is dense, excellent taste. Seam deep, sometimes with a crack at the base of the bone. The bone is not always well separated. The yield is medium.

Princess. The trees of medium-sized, very winter-hardy - this variety was safely transferred several unfavorable winters in the pretty harsh climate of the city of Vladimir in the territory of the Holy Assumption Princess of the monastery. Fruits with a pronounced seam, the original shape (they have a width longer), weak flush and watercolor blush. The taste is excellent. High yield. The only drawback is the fibers in the pulp.

Professor Skvortsov. The crop matures in early August. Medium-sized tree. The fruits are rounded, weighing about 20 g, orange, with an intense blush. The flesh is dense, juicy, tender, excellent taste. The bone is small, easily separated. The yield is very high.

Edelweiss. Fruits ripen in the first half of August. Trees with a height of 3 m, very decorative. Fruits weighing 20-25 g, separate up to 50 g, pubescent, yellow, sometimes with a blush, with a beautiful nose and pronounced seam. The pulp is not too juicy, dense, wonderful taste. The bone is easily separated. The yield is medium. Fruits are well stored.

Most apricot varieties are self-visible plants. To get a harvest, you need to have 2-3 varieties on the site. Either instill different varieties In the crown of one tree.

Salted green apricots

Apricots for this original blank are collected 2 weeks after flowering. At this time, they are the size of olive, and the bone in them is soft. That is, then they can be completely used. And if you are confused by the fact that you have to unwind very small fruits, which means ripe it will turn out less, do not worry - this reception (he, by the way, is called "harvesting"), it does not harm the total harvest. And if the wound does not break, they still appear.

So what you need.

Green apricots, several cloves of garlic (to taste), Khrena root, you can have several small bulbs.

1 liter of brine: 50 g salt, 25 g of sugar, 3-4 pea pepper peas, 1-2 peas of fragrant pepper, 1/2 buds carnations, 1-2 laurel sheets, spicy herbs (currant leaves, cherry, parsley, celery , horseradish, etragona and dill, and it should be half of all the volume of herbs).

The volume of brine should be approximately 1/2 of the volume of cans, and boiling water will need a little more than the volume of cans. Water must be boiled in advance.

In the sterilized banks put apricots, garlic, pieces of shit, lows.

When the brine boils, put in it a handful of herbs and boil 8-10 minutes. While boils, pour banks with apricots boiling water 2 times for 1-2 minutes. After that, in each bank put a little herb and pour the brine. Close the bank pre-boiled covers.

Valentina Kokorev
According to the materials of the magazine "World of Gardener"

It is difficult to name a full-fledged cottage that territory where apricots are not grown. Therefore, urgently consider the best varieties of apricots and land a classic fruit tree for the addition of the garden and juicy hotels for children and grandchildren.

The best varieties of apricots

It is difficult to judge these plants exactly as choosing, which is better, and what worse, because each apricot has its own unique aroma and taste, density of the fetus and juiciness, sugar or sourness. But this is not all the characteristics, especially if you remember early and late varieties, major fruits, and even the amount lived inside each ripe apricot. In general, it will not be easy to figure out, and therefore we suggest you to pay time, and to learn the topic more deeply.

So, we make a light overview of the varieties so that according to the results it was possible to choose a variety for the Moscow region, Ukraine, Middle stripas well as other climatic zones and regions.

Early varieties of apricot

There are quite a lot of early species, and most of us will give it now, but be careful, because we will talk more about some more thoroughly. As it seems to us, it is them worthy of the greatest attention.

By and large, the following early varieties can be grown in the country: Alyosha, June, Alliance, Lesson, Melitopol Early, Samburst Early, Tsarsky, Iceberg and others.


Early grade, which has become popular for a long time. Wood middle height, up to 4 m, Krone Rasky and rounded. Average fruit size, 15-20 g each. The fruits are a bit flattened, bright yellow, pubescent, with a point pattern and reflections. The pulp is quite dense and with a good sour-sweet taste.

The variety is distinguished by high yield and good winter hardiness. In addition, high-quality fruits can be stored for a long time, and consumed in cheese and finished form (compote, jam, jam and so on).

The cultivation of this variety does not differ from the Agrotechnology of others, the only thing that is required from the owners of the cottages with these landings, to collect fruits in time so that they do not have time to be down.

Melitopol Early

This variety is great for almost any cottage, because it is distinguished by stability to many diseases, as well as high winter hardiness. A tree with a pyramidal crown, an average yield, serious fruit, sometimes, up to 50-60 g each. Apricots oval, slightly flap, orange-yellow with thin skin, under which there is an aromatic and dense pulp without fibers. Sweet taste and high quality of the fetus will not leave indifferent to anyone while there are ripe apricotes on the tree.

Melitopol early does not require special care, the main thing is timely pruning, in order to prevent the crown thickening.


This variety is practically unknown, since it was not widely advertised by a breeder, whose name was also lost in the archives. The sorecore fell to us from the Czech Republic, where it is grown for quite a long time, as the dacms very much like his strength.

The sorecore is distinguished by a strong, high tree, the crown of which is fragregated, which, by the way, is very interesting. The fruits of the medium-size tree, and sometimes large, up to 45 g, are distinguished by a pleasant taste and a strong, natural aroma. The only minus dachniks consider weakness to some diseases, especially before moniliosis.

It is important to prevent wood diseases and process it in time with special preparations. In the summer, it is necessary to provide watering, about once or two per month.

Mediterranean varieties of apricot

Most often in dachas are grown apricots of the middle time of ripening, it is even some tradition. Among them are the following: Krasnashki, Zaporozhets, Goldrich, Altair, Aviator, Petrel, Olympus, Felps, Polesky Large, Aquarius, Yaltinets, Monastic, Amur, Youth, Shalamark and others.


Middle Tree and Rasky Croon can show excellent results - Fruits up to 35 g Weight. The apricots are bright orange, with reddish sides, a little flashed and similar on the oval. Taste sweet with some sourness. Krasnashkiy is a samopidal variety, and therefore very popular among dachensors. In addition, the plant shows high yields, unpretentiousness, average neutrality to diseases, drought and frost.

An unpretentious tree can live in almost any conditions, but only if preventing prevention is needed for any disease.

Polesky large-scale

The trees of this variety are average, with a rounded crown and very thick greens. The fruits of sour-sweet, gentle, very fragrant, weighing up to 55 g, which is considered an excellent result. Apclosure oval or rounded, bright orange with red bocs or splashes, but most often, just ruddy.

Fruits are excellent for consuming in raw form, but processing on the workpiece is possible. A particularly tasty compote is obtained.

The variety is considered a crop and amp, what is perfect for giving, where the garden is updated or complemented.

Large varieties require timely and neat harvest, and therefore be prepared to use a ladder, tables and chairs. By and large, no serious care tree will require, except for standard agricultural engineering.


A unique tree with original fruits, strong growth and a snack crown. The fruits are really large, up to 60-65 g, egg-shaped, the sides are flattened, most often orange, but there are bright yellow with a specific tint. Speaking about taste qualities, you can see a serious difference from many varieties, because the taste is sweet and bright.

Apricotes have excellent canning and table qualities, and therefore can be boldly used in fresh or finished.

The plant has a constantly high yield, drought resistance and frost, as well as good resistance to many fruit garden diseases.


Average tree with a rounded crown, which is not distinguished by abundant greens. The variety is considered sufficiently productive, sometimes up to 150 kg of fruits from one tree. Fruits are large or medium, weighing about 40-50 g, orange and compressed on both sides. The pulp of medium density, excellent taste and aroma.

Pineapple apricot is characterized by self-resistance, high frost resistance, but susceptible to some garden diseases.

This variety is considered unpretentious, but requires special attention in mass landings. It is undesirable to give more large treesIt is necessary to carry out timely trimming.

Late varieties of apricots

To the late species that ripen closer to the last warm days of summer include: Kiev Kyiv, Spark, Favorite, Siren, Kostyujudsky, Special Denisyuk and others.


The middle-grade tree, the Croon is a mednascular. The fruits of medium size, weighing about 30 g, beautiful and shiny, orange and slightly pubescent, rounded shape. The pulp is dense, orange, very tasty and juicy, reaches the highest points on tasting contests.

Abricposters of this variety, as, in principle, and any other, are great for use in the fresh form, but suitable for conservation. The variety shows a high winter hardiness, although it also has a serious drawback - in some regions, the harvest does not have time to ripen until the end of the warm season.

Mandatory prevention of diseases and pests that can sang a tree and deprive you fragrant and delicious fruits.


The mid-grade tree with a rounded crown that goes into fruiting early. The fruits achieve weight in 45 g, round, sometimes asymmetric, orange color with red splashes or a characteristic pink blush. The pulp with sour-sweet taste, medium density, sufficiently juicy.

Speaking about the benefits of the variety, it is possible to state that the spark has a permanent yield, increased winter hardiness and resistance to some diseases of the fruit garden.

Do not forget about trimming and timely spraying trees, especially when we carry out the prevention of the entire fruit garden.

From the above of the specified list, you can easily select winter-hardy varieties Apricot, sweet or sour sweet, as well as large-scale.

In addition to the varieties that we have already pointed out in our material, the dacnis has been popular with Dachniki, delight, the triumph of the North, as well as the Cchiginsky variety.

How to choose the best apricot for cottages (video)

Choose the best apricot varietiesit is much easier not only when you read some characteristics, but when you thoroughly understand growing agricultural engineering, because it is necessary to choose a plant by own demandsBut do not forget about the needs of the tree itself.

Reviews and comments

(5 estimates, average: 4,10 out of 5)

Adele 01/25/2014

Ufff, what a beauty! .. Immediately moved to childhood by reading with all the varieties - we had two apricot trees near the house, but then, being little, I did not know what kind of grade. So one of the trees was with apricots different from all the other - a pronounced taste, very fragrant - and even the heat treatment did not reduce the fragrance) how I then regretted that I did not plan such a tree in the country, because We moved from the house and the tree apparently died, there is no longer there. So this judging by the appearance was here in the article Yaltinets :)

Svetlana 03/29/2016

The best apricot varieties for me are such old varieties as a "pineapple" and "red cheek". "Pineapple" is generally amazing variety, the fruits are large, sweet, well transported to long distances, is also very expensive on the market and immediately disassemble them. Trade such apricots just wonderful!

Anya 09/19/2018

We have on the plot there are two apricot trees of the spark variety. Every year we collect a big harvest. The fruits of medium size, very juicy and sweet. I like this variety, I did not notice the shortcomings.

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