Metal tiles: why they are good and what types of metal tiles can be found on the market. Types of metal tiles

Metal tiles are in great demand because they are light in weight, easy to install, very attractive in appearance, quite durable and inexpensive. Moreover there is big variety colors, profile shapes and coatings of this roofing material. In our article we will describe all types of metal tiles, their characteristics and features of use to make it easier for you to choose the right coating.

Metal tiles are roofing coverings that consist of a metal base with a certain profile and a protective layer of polymer material. The appearance of metal tiles is very similar to natural ceramic tiles. Thanks to this, a building with such a roof looks presentable and stylish.

Due to the structural features, a roof made of metal tiles can last up to half a century. However, the durability of the coating is affected by the type of polymer protective layer and the aggressiveness of weather influences.

Important! Metal tile roofs can be made with a slope angle of at least 14 degrees.

As a basis for laying this material on the roof, a sparse lathing with a board or beam pitch of 0.3-0.5 m is used. If a sheet of metal tiles 0.045-0.05 cm thick is laid as a covering over such a lathing, the roof will withstand the load of snow cover of 250 kg per square meter, as well as the person's weight.

It’s worth knowing: the main advantage of metal tiles over its ceramic counterpart is its lightness. So, ceramic products weigh about 40 kg/m², and metal material - approximately 5 kg/m².

Composition and dimensions

The following types of metal roof tiles are distinguished depending on the base material:

  1. Galvanized steel sheet is most often used as the base for the manufacture of this material. The thickness of such a coating can reach up to 0.055-0.06 cm. Thanks to the zinc coating, the base metal is reliably protected from corrosion. In addition, the product has several additional layers that give it increased rigidity. Polymer material is also used as a protective layer. Steel with aluzinc or zinc protection can be used for manufacturing. The first type of protective coating is more durable, but the cost of such a sheet is higher.
  2. Can be used as a base for metal roofing tiles aluminum sheet. Its advantage is its high corrosion resistance, so there is no need to use additional protection. However, to increase the durability of the product and its strength, an additional layer is still used. The main advantage of aluminum tiles is their lightness. Among the shortcomings are not big choice shades and significant cost in comparison with counterparts from other materials.
  3. Another type of metal tile is made on the basis of a copper sheet. It begins to look especially elegant and noble over time, when a greenish patina forms on the surface. This coating is usually used for architectural monuments and other outstanding objects. Since the patina reliably protects the product from any weather influences, no protective coatings are used. The price of such metal tiles is very high, so they are used quite rarely.

If we list the types of metal tiles, it is worth mentioning that they may differ in size. So do different manufacturers products are produced different widths from 110 cm to 120 cm. The length of the sheet may also differ, which ranges from 80 cm to 8 meters. Sheets are usually made standard sizes, but at the request of the customer there may be exceptions to the rules.

Attention! When covering a roof with metal tiles, you need to take into account the weight of the material. The weight of the sheet depends on the type of coating used and the base material and can be in the range of 4-7 kg per square meter.

Varieties by profile type

Exist different types metal tile profile. Also, products may differ in the depth of the flooring. Many of us have an idea of ​​what Monterrey or Cascade tiles look like, but Lately Many new high-quality products with interesting designs have appeared. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.


Monterrey metal tile profiles have been familiar to us since the late 90s of the last century. This material began to be made in Russia from galvanized steel and with relief, like ceramic tiles. But the founders of this material were the Finns. The appearance of Monterrey is quite recognizable by its rounded profiles and design in the form of asymmetrical and symmetrical steps. If you read the description of this variety, you can understand that when purchasing you get high-quality and inexpensive material. Its advantages include the following:

  • Roofing from Monterrey can withstand any weather disasters. Rain, hail, snow, heat or extreme cold cannot affect the quality and durability of the coating made from this material.
  • The installation process usually goes quite quickly.
  • The material can last more than half a century without replacement.
  • Since toxic and hazardous materials, the product is considered environmentally friendly.
  • The reasonable price is another plus in its favor.
  • A large selection of colors allows you to choose a coating to suit any style of construction.

It is worth knowing: the profile dimensions of this type of tile with a sheet width of 118 cm are as follows: the wave height is 39 mm, and the pitch is 35 mm.


Thanks to special rectangular shape The Cascade wave tiles are very recognizable. It resembles a chocolate bar. The choice in favor of this type of coating is made by those who prefer savings, since the width of one sheet is significant. Cascade is a metal tile whose properties make it possible to cover roofs of complex configurations.

As a result, you will get a neat, strict and proportional roof in classic style. The product parameters are as follows: with a sheet width of 100-150 cm, the wave height is 2.5 cm, and the steel thickness is 1 mm. Among the advantages are:

  • high protection against moisture thanks to a double capillary groove;
  • large selection of colors;
  • high precision joining of sheets.


The characteristics of Andalusia metal tiles are quite high, since they are manufactured using modern European equipment. Products with this name can be attached in a hidden way, which significantly improves the aesthetics of the coating. Moreover, thanks to a special lock, the sheets are joined as tightly as possible, which ensures reliable protection of the roof from leaks. Advantages:

  • The main advantage that this metal tile has is its installation characteristics. Convenience and freedom of action for roofers is ensured by horizontal installation.
  • The coating accurately imitates roofs in romanesque style.
  • Product weight – 5.15 kg per sq.m.
  • Curly eaves overhang for two-step models.
  • Invisible docking.
  • Sealed seal.


Classic shapes of metal tiles, rounded bottom and ridge parts - these are the main features of products called Joker. To those who appreciate classic types tiles, you will definitely like this product with the correct wave and classic geometry.


If you are interested in original metal tiles, the types that appeared not so long ago will surprise you with their bizarre profile geometry, unusual design and increased wave height. The special profile configuration and significant wave height provide a three-dimensional effect of the coating pattern.

Products from this brand are distinguished by a reduced sheet width, which in no way affects its aesthetic characteristics. Due to improved technical characteristics and appearance features, such sheets are best used for cladding high roofs of large houses.


This variety is produced in China and has a tall, complex, symmetrical profile. It's quite original and fresh solution in the field of metal profiles. It is better to cover houses in a modern style with these types of tiles.

Varieties by type of surface coating

Metal tile coatings are needed not only to give the material a certain color, but also to protect it from moisture and other weather influences. The protective polymer film on the surface of the product significantly extends its service life. For this, various polymers are used that protect against temperature changes, burnout, moisture and increase the strength of the material.

So, today the following types of metal tile coatings are used:

  1. Glossy polyester is highly flexible and frost-resistant, so it is suitable for use in any climatic zone. In addition, it is not afraid of organic solvents and mold. The polyester coating provides a wide range of colors. The disadvantages include its low strength.
  2. Matte polyester allows you to get a coating without shine or glare. Thanks to Teflon in its composition, the strength and durability of the coating increases.
  3. Pural is a polyurethane-based coating with a rough texture. It protects the product from solar radiation, temperature changes, increases the service life of the roof and makes it resistant to damage. The price of products with this coating is slightly higher.
  4. The thickest coating is considered to be plastisol, which has an embossed surface. The metal base of the sheet is reliably protected from any damage and negative weather influences. Plastisol is a strong, durable, self-healing coating. However, under the scorching rays of the sun it can fade, and the porous surface quickly absorbs dust and dirt, so it needs periodic cleaning.

As you can see, from a wide range of metal tiles, each developer can choose a product that suits its technical and aesthetic characteristics. Equally important is the wide price range.

Metal tiles are a popular roofing covering made from galvanized steel. It has an aesthetic appearance that imitates the relief of classic ceramic tiles, but is much lighter, can withstand heavy mechanical loads, and is also highly resistant to atmospheric moisture. Thanks to these qualities of this practical covering, it is widely used in private housing construction. Therefore, many developers are concerned about the question of how to choose metal tiles so that their roof lasts longer. In this article we will talk about the quality requirements for this roofing material and the criteria that need to be taken into account when choosing it.

Various types of metal tiles are actively used on the roofs of private houses, country cottages and low-rise townhouses. Affordable price, durability and excellent specifications distinguish this material from outdated analogues (slate, roofing felt, ceramic tiles). Metal tiles are made from galvanized steel by cold rolling and, as a rule, have a multilayer structure with the following structure:

  • High quality steel base. The blanks for the manufacture of this material have a thickness of 0.45-0.9 mm, and the thickness finished material depends on the sheet size. The optimal indicator is 0.5-0.6 mm, which provides the roofing covering with sufficient mechanical strength and load-bearing capacity.
  • Zinc coating. A zinc coating, which increases the anti-corrosion properties of the material, is applied to the surface of the steel workpiece before giving it a relief by galvanic method. The optimal metal content of the zinc layer is 275 g/m2.
  • Primer. Sheets of metal roof tiles are coated with a primer on both sides to improve adhesion before coating with polymer or paint.
  • Decorative coating. The front side of the sheet is covered with a decorative polymer-based coating. All types of decorative coatings for the material increase the degree of protection from moisture or mechanical damage and impart the required color.
  • Varnish. A protective varnish is applied to the underside of the sheet of material to prevent corrosion.

Important! The technical characteristics of the material have a significant impact on the cost of the roofing material. When deciding which metal tile is better, pay attention to the product’s compliance with the standards for this type of product.

Types of top layer

The price and technical characteristics of metal tiles depend on the type of decorative layer applied during production. Previously, paints were used to color this roofing material, but they had low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and a short service life. Now a more durable and aesthetically pleasing coating is applied to the front side of the sheets. polymer coating

  1. . The following types of polymers are used for this:
  2. Polyester. This polymer has high tolerance to ultraviolet radiation, resistance to temperature changes, and excellent anti-corrosion properties. It can be used to obtain glossy and matte finishes suitable for use in any climate zone.
  3. Pural. Pural coating is characterized by high strength and durability. When bending metal tiles coated with this polymer, microcracks do not form, which increases the service life of the roof.
  4. Plastisol. The performance characteristics of plastisol coatings are characterized by increased decorativeness. Due to the high content of plasticizer, it can be embossed, increasing the color fastness and durability of the roof.

PVDF. Using this polymer, metal tiles are coated with a metallic effect. It is so durable and resistant to adverse environmental factors that it is even used in industrial construction.

Note! If you don’t yet know which metal tile is best to choose, take a closer look at polymer-coated roofing material. Its cost is not much higher than sheets painted with conventional paint, and its service life and technical characteristics significantly exceed its cheap counterparts. All types of polymer coatings have a wide range of colors, so choosing the desired shade is easy.

Quality criteria IN construction stores It’s easy to get lost from the abundance of different priced offers, but you need to choose first. Before the purchase roofing covering You should study the technical and operational characteristics of metal tiles, which can tell about its quality, because the most expensive products are not always the best.

, confirming the quality of metal tiles, otherwise you should not trust it. Please note important criterion product quality is considered appearance material. Before choosing metal tiles, visually assess its condition. Chips, scratches and jagged edges

will lead to premature roof failure. Today, manufacturers of thin-sheet steel products offer a large selection various types

metal tiles. Large factories are able to support several machines at once to produce a wide range of forms of roofing material. Let's take a closer look at its main profiles.

Monterrey The Monterrey profile is generally considered classic version execution metal roofing due to its maximum resemblance to natural clay roofing. This profile of metal tiles is often used not only in the private sector, but also in the construction of retail and office space, as well as the reconstruction of historical buildings. The shape is rolled largest factories

, for example by the manufacturer Metal Profile. Almost all types of metal tiles listed in the article borrowed their appearance from Monterrey. Dimensions are shown in the figure:

One of the largest Grand Line enterprises produces a similar form with similar dimensions called Classic. The image above shows the parameters of metal tiles from this particular manufacturer. Another model of a similar shape is called M28 manufactured by the famous Unikma retail chain.


In turn, the Maxi profile inherited its shape from the SuperMonterrey, slightly increasing the wave pitch (400mm). This parameter should be taken into account when installing metal tiles: in this case, the sheathing under the roof is packed in increments of 400mm, not 350mm (for Monterrey and SuperMonterrey). See the dimensions of the metal tiles in the image:


The shape of the metal tiles in the Cascade profile is distinguished by the above modern design, more rectangular and even pattern. Since the profile has long been produced by leading manufacturers of roofing materials (for example, MetalProfile), Cascade is combined with any modern architectural styles. This form differs from corrugated sheeting by the presence of a wave (transition) 350 mm long, characteristic of metal tiles.

A type of profile is MaxiCascade with an extended wave - 400mm.

Spanish Dune (hidden mount)

The profile is produced by the Odintsovo Light Structures Plant and has a significant advantage over standard forms of metal tiles - the presence of hidden fastening. Absence through holes makes the roof even more reliable and similar to natural tiles. In addition, the roof is not modular, which makes it possible to order it right size, minimum - 380mm, maximum - 6000mm. In addition to sheets with polymer coatings, "Spanish Dune" is available in copper.

Andalusia (hidden mount)

Similar to the "Spanish Dune" it has a hidden fastening. Manufactured by the Metalkomplekt group of enterprises and other manufacturers. Thanks to the z-shaped lock and hidden fastening, Andalusia metal tiles allow you to create the most airtight roof without visible joints. Available to order in sizes from 450 to 7150mm.

Finnera (Finner)

A famous type of metal tile comes from Finland. Today, the leading metallurgical concern Ruukki is actively engaged in supply in Russia. An undeniable advantage of Finnera modular metal tiles is the presence of a bend on the leading edge of the sheet, which serves as additional protection for the roof from weather conditions.

The profile is mounted in separate 2-wave modules, the length of which is 705 mm (useful - 660 mm). Full width - 1190mm, useful - 1140mm.

Adamante (Adamante)

Another Finnish profile, made in the Romanesque style. Most reminiscent of the Mediterranean clay tiles. Minimum and maximum length metal tiles Adamante 850 and 8200mm, respectively, i.e. The roof can be ordered to the size you need. Sheet width - 1153mm, useful - 1125mm. Details of the dimensions can be found in the figure:


Decorrey metal tiles are made modern and original by the lowest profile of the Finnish roofing line. The manufacturer Ruukki produces roofing in Polyester (polyester) coating, which makes it affordable for almost everyone. Width - 1181mm, useful - 1130mm. The minimum length of a custom sheet is 900mm, the maximum is 6000mm.


Let us take a special look at the Country metal tiles from the Grand Line plant. Profile by external signs has similarities with the Adamante presented above, but unlike Finnish roofing, it is produced in a wide range of polymer coatings: from budget polyester to durable pural (polyurethane).

Kvinta (Quinta)

Let’s complete our acquaintance with the profiles and sizes of metal tiles using the example of the low profile Kvinta from the Grand Line manufacturing plant. The roof has a unique and sophisticated appearance with an original groove on the wave and is perfect for a roof country house. The total width of the Kvinta metal tile sheet is 1210mm, the useful width is 1150mm.


A type of profiled tile with an original wave pattern, thanks to which the roofing is gaining increasing popularity among buyers. Of course, this form is significantly inferior in popularity to "Monterrey", which is most likely due to the lack of rolling machines for the production of Banga metal tiles at most manufacturing plants.

We have given as an example not all, but the most famous and common metal tile profiles. Sizes may vary slightly depending on manufacturer. We hope that the information will be useful to you. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.

Metal tiles - popular roofing material. It is functional and practical. The main advantages of such a coating are: ease of installation, lightness of construction, design appeal and economic benefits. The article examines in detail all types of metal tiles, provides an analysis and comparison of types, and provides advice on choosing this roofing covering.

General information

Metal tiles, thanks to their common positive qualities, quickly took a leading place on construction market. This universal coating can be used not only for roofing individual cottages, it is used for any private sector structures, or to cover small public buildings: offices, cafes, outdoor areas, shops.

Metal tiles are a roofing material that consists of metal with a specific profile and a protective coating made of various polymer materials.

According to their own functional features metal tiles are divided depending on:

  1. Manufacturing materials - basics
  2. Sheet coverings
  3. Profile shapes and heights

Composition of metal tile sheets

The metal tile sheet can be based on an aluminum or steel sheet. The bulk of production falls on products made from steel sheets. The standard thickness of metal tiles is 0.5 mm, but samples with a thickness of 0.55 - 0.6 mm are also available.

In the second case, the steel sheets are coated with zinc or aluzinc (an alloy of aluminum, silicon and zinc). This increases the resistance of the roofing covering to adverse influences. Additionally, the sheets are covered with a protective shell of basalt chips. For example, Gerard metal tiles are made of steel sheets with aluzinc and protected by a layer of natural stone chips.

Aluminum-based sheets are light, practical and durable (does not corrode), but are more expensive compared to steel sheets. Such coating is presented on the market, for example, by the manufacturer Plannja (Sweden). Such metal tiles are not particularly popular among consumers due to their high cost and limitations in color scheme.

Copper metal tiles

Beautiful metal tiles made from stamped copper sheets are produced by the Belgian company Metrotile. This is a very practical antique roof covering. It is these sheets that cover some ancient buildings and architectural forms. Copper does not have any coating - over time (after 12 years), the roof of the building becomes covered with a green patina, which is what gives the building a noble antique look.

Coating of steel sheets of metal tiles

The practicality and durability of a metal tile roof depends not only on the base material, but also important element is hers protective covering. The main steel sheet is “packed” in several layers that reliably protect it from external influences and destruction.

The sheets can be coated with:

  • Polyester matte or glossy
  • Plastisol
  • PVDF (polyvinyl fluoride)
  • Terra Plegel.

The main features and differences of each coating

Polyester is a fairly cheap coating that is sprayed onto the front surface of a steel tile sheet. There are two subtypes of polyester coating - glossy and matte.

Glossy (standard) polyester is a thin coating of about 25 microns. Metal tiles with such a coating are cheaper and are represented on the construction market in the largest color range. A distinctive feature of this coating is the possibility of re-painting, which is not available with all other coatings. Disadvantages include increased sensitivity to mechanical damage and color fading.

Glossy polyester coating

Matte polyester is thicker - 35 microns. This coating has no shine, which is why it realistically imitates real ceramic tiles. Such metal tiles are more resistant to corrosion and damage, and the color retains its freshness for a long time. The material costs on average 10% more than glossy material.

Plastisol by price range similar to polyester coating. It is created by rolling a plastic film onto a steel sheet. The difference in layer thickness is 200-250 microns. Such metal tiles are especially popular in areas with a humid climate, since the plastisol coating reliably protects the metal from corrosion. The coating is resistant to mechanical damage and exposure low temperatures. The downside is its low resistance to high temperatures and too active sun.

Plastisol coating

Pural is a polyurethane-based coating with the addition of polyamide. Layer thickness – 50 microns. This type of protection is the most resistant to corrosion and can withstand damage very well. Distinctive feature is increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation and adverse weather conditions. The price of metal tiles with pural is on average 35% more expensive than material with a smooth polyester coating. A minor drawback is the small color range. Manufacturers Ruukki and Pruszynski use this coating.

It should be noted that pural coating and matte polyester are used much less frequently than plastisol and standard polyester protection. Coatings made of PVDF (polyvinyl fluoride) and Terra Plegel are also not very common due to their high cost and specific application.

PVDF coating is very thin, but it is the most stable and expensive, produced by the Finnish company Ruukki. This protection does not delaminate and can withstand high temperatures, available in a wide range of colors. The color of metal tile sheets does not lose its brightness for a very long time under any operating conditions.

Terra Plegel coating is capable of imparting to steel sheets of metal tiles natural look classical clay covering. Terra Plegel is made by applying quartz sand to molten plastisol. In addition, a layer of paint and varnish is applied to the coating.

Terra Plegel coating – kofe

Attention! The main average load of metal tiles per 1 m2 is within 5 kg. The load of sheets coated with Terra Plegel is 8 kg.

Metal tiles: sheet sizes and profile depth (height)

The depth of the stamp of a steel sheet affects its rigidity. The more often and more the relief protrudes, the less flexible the metal tile sheet will be. Basically, the depth of the metal tile stamp is set by the manufacturer and varies depending on the model. For example, the Ruukki company offers Decorrey with a minimum profile height of 28 mm and Finnera - 52 mm. The most common profile height is 40-45 mm, the maximum is 78 mm. The profile height is an important indicator when replacing old sheets, or laying metal tiles in certain areas of the roof where sheets with a flat profile are needed.

Manufacturers produce metal tiles with a profile thickness of 1100-1200 mm and sheet lengths from 0.8 m to 8 m. Companies provide a service for cutting sheets to the required sizes.

Types of metal roof tiles. Profile form

According to the profile shape, metal tiles can be symmetrical or asymmetrical with a beveled wave. The symmetrical shape is less common than the asymmetrical one. In terms of price range and practical qualities, they do not differ.

Metal tiles are divided into several models according to wave types:

  • metal tiles. Large factories are able to support several machines at once to produce a wide range of forms of roofing material. Let's take a closer look at its main profiles.
  • Modern
  • Andalusia
  • Cascade
  • Joker
  • Banga
  • Shanghai


Monterrey metal tiles are the most popular type of roofing. The shape of this profile most fully replicates classic look ceramic tiles. This coating is lightweight and protects the roof well from impacts. environment, practical and durable.


This roofing covering is a type of Monterrey metal tile. The main difference is the angular wave shapes, instead of round, smooth shapes. Visually, these forms are quite different.


This profile has not yet received mass distribution in the modern domestic market. Special equipment from Western manufacturers allows us to produce Andalusian metal tile sheets with built-in hidden fastenings.


The second most popular type of metal tile profile. Its shape is similar in appearance to a chocolate bar. This straight roofing covering has a large installation width, which makes it stand out as the most economical covering. Cascade metal tiles are convenient for installing complex roof structures. Such buildings have strict proportional geometric shapes. There are several varieties of Cascade profile, which differ in wave height and sheet width.


This type of metal tile is made in a classic style. An even wave with rounded contours looks beautiful and really resembles waves.


A completely new, elite type of profile. The whimsical and unusual geometry of the shapes gives the roofing a unique look. Banga has a high profile wave, but a small installation width. Because of unusual shape a beautiful visual effect of convexity and grandeur of the roof is created. Therefore, such metal tiles are very well suited for tall, large cottages and buildings, where the beauty of the profile shape can be fully revealed.


This is a symmetrical profile in oriental style, which got its name thanks to the country from which it “came.” Shanghai metal tile sheets have a low wave, and there is additional decoration with stripes in the cavity.

How to choose metal tiles

The fundamental parameters when choosing a roofing covering are the shape of the sheet, the type of polymer coating and the thickness of the material. The parameters of the roof frame are also important ( rafter system), mounted under metal tiles.

The color of the metal tile can be any, but it is desirable that it matches the overall design idea the entire plot on which the house is located.

The type of polymer coating is selected depending on the intensity of adverse environmental influences. If there is no strong scorching sun in the living area, and the winter is mild, then a regular polyester coating is chosen, which will save on costs, but the material will last a long time without damage.

When buying metal tiles, you should ask in detail about all the parameters and look at the quality certificate. The warranty for such roofing material is on average 10 years. It is given for polymer coating. The actual service life of properly selected metal tiles reaches 50 years if all requirements for installation and operation are met.