Is it really possible to make money from network marketing? How to make big money in network marketing

Today I want to answer questions from my subscribers about money. The first question that often comes up is: why do only a few earn money in network marketing, because there are a lot of people who like MLM. And the second question: can you earn big money in any network company or not?

In this article I will express my opinion on how to make big money in network marketing?

So, it is obvious that there are poor and rich people. After the book was published Robert Kiyosaki "Quadrant" cash flow» people found out in which sector, what kind of money people can count on.

Also in one of his books, Robert Kiyosaki classified the network marketing industry into quadrants 2 and 3. He explained to people that the easiest way to create a big business is to develop as an individual and a businessman within a network company, creating your own team.

And yet, despite the fact that this path is indeed easier in terms of business development and investments, according to statistics, only 5% of people achieve success.

  • Many people heard for the first time about free work, about the prospects big money, about passive income, they rush headlong into this business. They go to training several times a week, read books, meet people and are surprised to discover that it is not so easy to do everything. There are more and more difficulties and obstacles, but there are no desired results.

This is where most people return to their usual lifestyle. After all, doing what you’ve been doing for 20 years is much more common. And although this does not bring the desired money, it does not require much effort.

  • Some people think: I can’t do anything, maybe I don’t know something. Will be studying. And he immerses himself in his studies: he goes to seminars, trainings, and events. Studying so much and not doing anything to earn money. He doesn’t hold meetings, doesn’t recruit, because he encountered refusals at the first stage and feels a lot of resistance. And, as a result, no meetings, no sales, no money. In my head there are thoughts: “this is not mine”, “this is difficult”, “this does not bring money”, this is bad business.”

Disappointed, he leaves. After all, leaving is easier and painless than overcoming the fear of “walking into a storm.”

  • And now there remains only a small part of people who have gone through all the previous stages of growth and continued to move forward, creating their own business that will bring in enough money to make their dream come true.

People from the third group also experienced all the difficulties and doubts along the way. But when you ask them how they managed to achieve success and earn an income of more than 5-10 thousand dollars a month, they give approximately the same answers.

  1. They were passionate about changing their lives and the lives of their family in better side. Speaking in simple words, they really wanted to get away from poverty, lack of money, and joyless life. They dreamed of a life when their children and parents would not need anything and live a full life. And they understood that the responsibility for this lies with them.
  2. Asking yourself the question: what would I like to do? They answered themselves: only this, this is what interests them, what inspires them and allows them to be realized.
  3. Understood to live new life- you need to completely change, although it is very painful. Change your beliefs, habits, worldview.

So I revealed to you 3 secrets of big money in network marketing

Returning to the book Robert Kiyosaki "Eight Non-Money Values ​​of Network Marketing" he talks about what network marketing provides “life-changing education.” Developing within a network company, a person changes mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

“When I talk about life-changing education, I mean education powerful enough to “turn a caterpillar into a butterfly.” Robert Kiyosaki.

And such changes do not happen quickly. People who achieve great success understand this. And give yourself time to make the necessary changes. You can't be today hired worker, and tomorrow become successful businessman. You cannot receive a salary of 15 thousand a month today, and tomorrow 100 thousand. You cannot have experience in hired work today, and tomorrow have the skills and mindset of an entrepreneur.

Everything you want to achieve in this life is ALL REAL! But give yourself time to succeed. Don't take away your dream and give yourself the opportunity to realize it. And you will definitely be in the top 5% successful entrepreneurs in network marketing and in any other business.

Start learning right now at my trainings and courses -

Let me Encourage you. And help you Inspire the world.

Abramova Elena

Today there are over 5,000 MLM companies in the world, and the MLM industry itself has existed for more than 50 years. Network marketing came to Russia more than 20 years ago. It all started in the late 80s. When everyone appeared in Russia famous company

Herbalife. The majority who attended the presentation of this company had a negative impression of the presentation. The 90s were the heyday of financial pyramids and companies like MMM. Many fell for the “fishing bait” of pyramids, many had negative experiences, and some still do, so these people have the opinion that MLM is from the same area.

Despite all this negativity that the Herbalife company left behind, new companies, both foreign and Russian, began to appear in Russia.

Let’s figure out what MLM is, how it differs from “pyramids” and how to recognize a financial pyramid and protect yourself from the desire to make big money in a pyramid.

Network marketing (aka Multi Level Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing) is one of the ways to promote a product or service. This means that the structure of the MLM company must have a product or service that you can purchase. As a rule, this is a unique product or service. At the same time, you don’t need to think that MLM is about sales. Although MLM is often referred to as retail trade or direct sales. The most common mistake in understanding MLM is the belief that successful business

You definitely need to sell something. This is wrong. The word "sale" evokes negative emotions

Sales in the MLM concept means promotion. The main task is to ensure that as many people as possible learn about the product and the opportunity to develop their business with the company, and as a result, successful sales will not be long in coming.

We are all probably well aware of such methods of product promotion as “refer a friend and get a discount or bonus”, “cumulative point system”, “loyal customer discount” and many others. Many trading companies use these methods. And you probably have a favorite movie or restaurant that you told your friend or friend about. By doing so, you indirectly contributed to sales, although you were not paid for it.

But in the MLM business, you get paid a commission for this.

As a business, MLM is attractive because you can start building your business without large financial contributions and investments.

As a rule, entering the business of a network company is to start consuming the product of this company. And all you need is to build your own team, your own structure through which the company’s goods or services will be distributed.

And at the same time, I will repeat that it is not necessary or necessary to sell goods or services, it is enough to consume them yourself or use them monthly. It is because your group consumes a product or service that you are paid substantial rewards. In any of the network companies you can familiarize yourself with its marketing plan. Benefits of MLM. Basic

So. MLM is:
real registered company
the product or service must be unique and of high quality
there must be constant consumption of the product (usually monthly)
no need to do sales

there are mentors who are always ready to help you have a clear marketing plan

How to make money in MLM?

A logical question that every beginner asks himself at the beginning of his journey.

But let’s first look at the root and first figure out whether it is possible and realistic to make money in a network business and in particular via the Internet

Is it possible to make money in network marketing?

You ask why the Internet? Yes, because today it is a trend and demand is growing more and more every day Here's a small example: You see two pictures. One photo shows that

2,526,370 people every month search the Internet for information related to online business. This screenshot was taken about half a year ago!

This means that there are more and more people wanting to open their own online business every day.

I believe not to build today network business on the Internet it's just a crime

From all that has been proven above, an obvious conclusion can be drawn. There is demand and it is growing every day

And as you well know, demand always creates supply! And here's the question. Or it will be your MLM business proposal or someone else’s, or another business altogether, it doesn’t matter

Only one thing is important. People want their own online business and are willing to pay for it

Therefore, it is obvious that in network marketing it is real, I would even say reinforced concrete, you can earn money via the Internet

Where such confidence?

Yes, because my team and I have already proven it! We got results we could only dream of

By the way, you can on the right or immediately below this article get free access to my new book and learn in great detail about the unique system that we successfully use in our business

How to make money in MLM business

You must understand Golden Rule: money makes money!

I think it’s a big mistake today to connect business partners for free

Imagine you are opening a restaurant with your partner. You invested all your money, but your partner invested nothing. I think you won’t take such a partner because it’s obvious that your motivation will go through the roof, at a time when your partner won’t be particularly worried

Yes, and you spent money, time, energy and did not earn anything... Doesn’t this seem strange to you?

Money makes money! The client, partner paid - you received your percentage. The more and more often they pay, the more and more often you earn

Therefore, the first thing you need to do to successfully make money in network marketing is to determine the cost of entry into your business

And here I will give you a useful life hack. This is one sales technique that works great called " Choice without choice»

When you offer a candidate one option for joining your business, he chooses between joining or not joining. But if you offer 3 inclusion options, starting with the most expensive one, then he already switches and chooses between options

This way the percentage of connections will be much higher! Work this out well

Second important point, This frequency of payments

According to statistics, it is 7 times easier to sell to an existing client than to attract a new one! This means that if your partners make regular monthly purchases, then you will consistently earn many times more in network marketing

To do this, you can use additional stimulation. For example, organize training only for those people who make purchases for a certain amount every month

The third no less important point is increase in average bill

I see one a lot of places big mistake. Everyone pays the same, both newcomers who earn nothing and leaders who already have a decent paycheck. I think this is fundamentally wrong

It is important to create a partner’s path along which he will follow, earn more and naturally pay more. Of course it shouldn't look like a pyramid. There must be real value behind the higher payment and you can easily create it, again by organizing additional training as an option

So, as a result we get the following:

Payment amount * Number of payments * Average check growth rate * Your percentage of sales * Number of partners = $$$

Using it, you can see in real numbers how important those points that I told you about above are.

Put a zero in at least one place (which is often done by networkers who don’t understand) and the output will be zero


Before starting an online business, you need to choose a company wisely so as not to fall into a pyramid. The basic rule of network business is the presence of a product or service offered; in pyramids, as a rule, there is no such product, and people pay for “air” without any confirmation.

At the moment, a significant part of network companies offer dietary supplements, cosmetics or household chemicals, or all these products together. There are companies that offer services instead of goods. The bulk of such organizations develop due to internal consumption, which is ensured not only by the right motivation but also psychological pressure.

To choose a company, you need a unique product or service, a transparent marketing plan (this is a system for rewarding distributors), a training system, leaders, and the opportunity to receive passive income. It would also be nice to know the company’s growth dynamics and sales volumes.

In order to start making good money in a network business, you need to work a lot, and at first there may be little return, but in the future it will pay off. You should also remember that this is not a job for hire, this is working for yourself, here you are your own boss, you don’t owe anything to anyone except yourself. You will need a lot of self-discipline.

When you first join a company, you need to invest a lot of time, effort and money in training. This system of doing business is unfamiliar to most people; it needs to be learned. Just like in institutes, people study to obtain a profession.

In any network company, sales of goods or services are necessary; this creates the company’s turnover, due to which distributors receive large rewards. This skill also needs to be developed. At first, sales will help you earn quick income.

And the most important thing is building a network of distributors. The main income depends on the growth of the network, which will grow in direct proportion to the increase in the number of invited people. Invitations alone are not enough; you need to teach your people the same things you learned yourself, so that they begin to duplicate your actions. Success largely depends on this.

Important feature network marketing is the fact that, depending on the marketing plan, upon reaching a certain level, the distributor receives the opportunity for passive income. At this stage, you can retire and just enjoy life, since you have worked hard enough in your time.

Starting from the very first steps in the network business and throughout your entire journey in it, you will grow personally. This is a completely different form of work, or rather business, and in order to cope with all the assigned tasks and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to change, submitting to the ideology of the network structure.


Still, working in a network business means not just working for yourself, but also for the person whose referral you are, plus those people who are higher in the pyramidal hierarchy.

Network marketing is a direct sales method in which the movement of goods is carried out along the “manufacturer-seller-buyer” chain. Intermediaries and markups are eliminated as much as possible. The “network” of human employees is built on the principle of a pyramid, and many believe that newcomers to this business a priori cannot earn a decent living. This is not true - the best of the best in the business are highly paid, regardless of their place in the hierarchy.


Do not underestimate or skip the trainings and classes that the company organizes. The earning scheme may seem simple to you and does not require additional explanation, but this is far from the case. At the meetings, they will tell you about the current state of the market, show you a sales schedule, introduce you to successful colleagues and tell you about partner companies. A successful network marketing salesperson must always be up to date with current company news.

Try to attract as many people as possible to your business. How more people will be interested in such earnings and follow in your footsteps, the more bonuses and Money you will receive and the sooner you will move to the next level.

Look up to those who have achieved success. Positive motivation – The best way reach heights. Don’t give up after the first failures, don’t look at your less successful colleagues - if they retreated without achieving their goal, this does not mean that failures await you too. Perhaps they simply lacked the willpower or leadership qualities or they don't believe in own strength and the prospects of such a business. Belief in success and strict adherence to the accepted work plan will help you become the best.

There is a type of direct promotion of goods and services to the market - multi-level (network) marketing or, in other words, person-to-person marketing. The essence of this type of marketing is that the manufacturing company recruits an army of independent distributors who distribute the product, recommending it to friends, relatives and acquaintances. How realistic is it to earn anything in this type of business?


Select the network company you will be with. You may need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with the products and compensation plans of companies, of which there are many on the domestic market today.

Pay attention to the product distributed by the companies (goods or services). The product must be exclusive (unique), high quality, in demand and located in the average price category.

Review the company's marketing plan, also called a compensation plan. Ask the person who invited you to the business to explain to you in detail the specifics of payments for the work done.

Read the terms and conditions under which you can become a distributor of the company. Typically, the company offers minimum requirements: sign a contract and buy an inexpensive starter kit with the documentation necessary to build your business. From this moment on, you are entitled to a discount when purchasing company products. In fact, this is one of the types of remuneration, since the distributor has the opportunity to buy the product at wholesale price, which is sometimes 30-50% lower than the price for the average consumer.

Before you go big

The number of distribution companies specializing in MLM is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that this business is profitable and quickly generates income. It’s easy to do without even leaving your home. If you study in detail the basics and concept of MLM marketing, you can achieve excellent results in just 2-3 months.

What is network marketing

MLM business is a multifaceted concept that opens up many prospects. It implies the concept of selling services and goods, based on the formation of a network of independent sales agents who not only sell products, but also have the right to attract new partners who will be endowed with similar rights. The income of each networker is formed from commissions from product sales and additional remuneration (bonuses), which directly depends on the volume of personal sales of attracted sales managers.

History of Network Marketing

Karl Rehnborg is considered the founder of the MLM business. He developed ideas that later turned into an entire industry with huge multimillion-dollar turnover. In 1927, in the USA, Rehnborg began working hard on creating nutritional supplements. He distributed the developed drugs for testing purposes free of charge to his friends, who subsequently refused to take them.

After Karl realized that free things were not valued, he began selling dietary supplements: the results were not long in coming. Information about the drugs spread quickly, and the number of people interested in them increased. Karl Rehnborg could not independently satisfy the requests of all clients, so he had to come up with a new scheme. He invited his friends to provide information about dietary supplements, and on condition successful sales promised to pay commissions. The history of network marketing began with these events.

In 1934, the first major company, California Vitamins, was founded by Carl Rehnborg. It operated a sales system in which the consumer of a product became its distributor. In 1939, the marketing company was renamed Nature's Sunshine Products, but the principle of drug distribution remained the same. Network agents independently attracted new clients to cooperation, advised them, drew up sales plans, came up with individual sales schemes, and offered to create their own network.

The MLM company fully provided networkers with goods and paid commissions on time. This is how a new definition appeared in MLM - single-level marketing. The business story did not end there: a new round was set by the American Way Corporation (abbreviation Amway), created in 1959 former employees Nature's by Jay Van Andel and Rich de Vos.

What is the merit of these people in the development of MLM business? They began to sell not just one product, but several. The list of products offered to consumers has been expanded with food additives, chemicals for household and household goods. Soon, network marketing companies appeared on the world market. They began to operate successfully in Russia, China, and England. Their importance has become enormous both for people and for the economies of many countries.

Types of Network Marketing

The MLM business is developing rapidly, and its varieties are becoming more diverse every year. The main types of network marketing are as follows:

  • Puff marketing (the most popular, adapted to the Russian market, its striking example is companies selling cosmetics - Avon Products, Faberlic, Mary Kay, Oriflame. The essence of this type of marketing is that the company’s concept is based on the work of certain layers of employees at several levels.
  • Pyramid. This type of marketing involves the following scheme of work: there are founders who find several people selling services and goods, they subsequently find several more people and control their activities, and so on ad infinitum.

How does network marketing work?

Principle of operation Russian companies MLM is the same:

  1. First, a person undergoes an interview, during which he is introduced to further prospects and opportunities.
  2. Then the person is told that he must, using the network, attract new people, the greater their number, the greater his monthly income.
  3. How does network marketing work? New employees, becoming distributors of the company, independently promote it, for which they receive commissions, contributing to own development and business development.

The essence of network marketing

What is MLM (multilevel marketing), what is its essence? This is one of the most popular and effective ways legal promotion of services and goods. MLM companies offer unique products that are becoming in demand both in individual cities, regions, countries, and throughout the world. MLM business is not only about direct sales. To be successful in this field, you don't have to sell anything.

The main components of multilevel marketing are well-organized intellectual distribution, efficient use all its possibilities and advantages. In other words, the main essence of network marketing is that consumers, being at the same time partners of a company, develop its network and make a profit from turnover.

Network Marketing Principles

MLM business is based on following rules:

  • equality for all;
  • helping others;
  • minimum costs upon entry;
  • availability of residual income;
  • pyramid structure (this principle of network marketing ensures the constant development of the business and its stability).

Network Marketing Structure

Running through the MLM business and not noticing the main thing, many never achieve the desired results. Why? Because they don’t know how to properly build a network marketing structure. What is structure? These are people who take part in organizing trade turnover, and the final income directly depends on their number. It may include acquaintances, friends, complete strangers. The main task is to skillfully unite them and constantly motivate them for successful advancement.

Network companies

There are many companies that specialize in MLM business. They sell cosmetics, chemicals, household appliances, household goods, other products. Detailed list network companies operating successfully in Russia are listed on the Mlmbaza website, the most popular:

  • Life;
  • Oriflame,
  • "Siberian Health";
  • Faberlic;
  • Avon;
  • primerica;
  • Shaklee;
  • Talk Fusion;
  • Nevers;
  • Vitamax;
  • Zepter International;
  • Kirby;
  • Atistek;
  • Lurk;
  • Pravda.

Working in network marketing

Anyone can try their hand at multi-level marketing business. Companies provide training in network marketing, but not everyone can master this profession. A distributor of an MLM company must be able to organize the sale of products and draw up schemes for the effective distribution of services and goods. The profession obliges us to attract new partners, expand client base(network), apply intellectual resources, use the network, set up a system that will generate income directly for the company and the networker.

Network business on the Internet

The World Wide Web opens up incredible opportunities for networkers. Using her gifts, you can make a fortune without leaving your home. On the Internet, products are promoted through their own websites, information groups, blogs, and communities. The main task of the distributor is to find the target audience, create an effective information distribution network, and constantly improve and develop it. Network business on the Internet has the following advantages:

  • the ability to conduct business from anywhere globe;
  • the ability to attract potential partners from any region, city and country;
  • many information programs that provide prompt assistance in the decision organizational issues, conducting education and training;
  • the ability to sell through online stores with an integrated order basket;
  • possibility of learning online.

How to make money in network marketing

To achieve success in this business, you need to follow several simple rules:

  • be a sociable person who is not afraid to approach strangers with a proposal;
  • be able to interest, present products in a bright and unusual way;
  • actively involve your relatives, acquaintances, and colleagues in the matter;
  • constantly improve yourself, increase your intellectual level;
  • skillfully build a pyramid by attracting new people in order to not only earn commissions from sales in network marketing, but also provide residual income.

Cons of Network Marketing

Before starting a career as a distributor, you need to familiarize yourself with the main disadvantages of the MLM business. This is the only way to understand how correctly the direction of activity has been chosen. List of disadvantages of network marketing:

  • unstable income;
  • great moral stress, constant pressure from clients;
  • the need for material investments;
  • high level responsibility for the people involved.

Benefits of Network Marketing

MLM marketing has both its pros and cons. He teaches how to receive unlimited income, which depends on the aspirations and character of a person. Another advantage of network marketing is financial independence. Network agents have a free work schedule, plan their day independently, make decisions, gain new skills, the opportunity to develop socially, and improve their status. These advantages cover all the disadvantages of this type of activity.

Video: how online business works