The most successful sales managers


Know well the product or service you are selling. Product knowledge is simply necessary for a sales manager who wants to achieve impressive success. Someone who knows the entire catalog or list of services perfectly is always aware of what exactly should be offered to the client, is not distracted from the sales process in consultation with product managers, and earns respect and trust from clients due to his high competence.

Know the strong and weak sides the company you work for. Naturally, when talking with a potential client, you should only talk about the advantages that cooperation with your company brings. However, knowing the disadvantages will give you the opportunity to prepare a response to the buyer in advance and dispel his doubts.

Learn sales technology. Find out how to build a conversation with a client, what stages the sales process consists of, what you need to pay attention to in a particular case. It is important not only to study, but also to try out all the skills in practice. The more you work, sticking to effective scheme communication with a client, the faster the desired behavior strategy will become a habit. Believe me, you can sell successfully almost automatically. The main thing is to practice a lot.

Don't miss the opportunity to learn from your experienced colleagues. Overconfident salespeople who believe that their personal charm will do everything for them are mistaken. In an unusual situation, you will be able to remember what other employees in your sales department are doing and get out of a difficult situation with honor.

Always be neatly and cleanly dressed and combed. The sales manager should be pleasant to communicate with. polished shoes, classic style clothing, unobtrusive perfume, and an open smile will help you win the favor of your clients. Separately, it is worth mentioning punctuality and literacy in oral and written speech. These qualities are essential for managers.

Collect information about the competitors of the company you represent. Knowing what exactly, under what conditions, in what time frame and at what price other companies offer, will help you focus on the advantages of your company, provide a discount in a timely manner, or tactfully mention this or that shortcoming in the work of other companies. Remember that you cannot openly scold or criticize your competitors. This can cause negativity on the part of the client.

Increase your skill level. Attend internal and external sales trainings, read specialized literature, learn new sales techniques. Training and development in this area not only provides new knowledge, but also creates a certain drive that helps to make successful transactions.


  • How to become a successful manager

A sales manager has a number of responsibilities, each of which directly affects the performance of his team. The best representative of this profession must not only be able to sell well, but also have leadership skills, allowing you to properly configure your team.


The best sales managers always set long-term goals. You must be able to prioritize your work. Without this, you risk getting bogged down in a decision. minor problems, losing sight of the big picture of your project. In addition, the presence of goals and priorities allows you to highlight the most important work currently facing the team, as well as establish the order of their implementation.

You must be able to create a clear and achievable plan to achieve the goals set for the team. Your plans should be as flexible as possible to always adapt to current circumstances. However, they should not be allowed to be too vague and meaningless. Any changes to this plan can only be made after a long analysis of the new circumstances in which you have to work. Any external information that relates to your work should be carefully reviewed. Do not make decisions to adjust plans if you do not fully understand what these changes will lead to.

Best manager sales person must be an integral part of the team. It is very important that the sales representatives who work on your team trust you and your decisions. Be attentive to your employees, meet them halfway if they have personal circumstances that affect their work. Be consistent in your demands, your agenda should always be clear and transparent. Don't force your employees to figure out what you ask of them. Never criticize an employee’s personality if he has done something wrong, only discuss his mistakes with him. Remember that everyone makes mistakes sooner or later. Your task is to organize the work of the team in such a way as to minimize the number of such errors. To do this, it is necessary to constantly work on such mistakes so that they do not recur in the future.

Help your employees reach their full potential. You should conduct various trainings as often as possible to reveal the strengths of your employees. Don’t try to make everyone a salesperson like you. Exists a large number of working styles, allow your employees to develop their own.

Remember that you are responsible for the work of the entire team as a whole. Do not shift responsibility for the results of his work to your employees. At the same time, you should not be responsible for the activities of a specific employee.

From the author: sales manager is one of the most sought after and highly paid professions to date. It is this cog in the general mechanism called “business” that provides companies with the required level of profitability. Let's figure out how to become a sales manager and what skills you need to have to succeed in this area.

Sales is not just a profession, it is a whole psychology. If you want to become a successful sales manager, be prepared to withstand constant stress, accompanied by failures in the early stages practical training. However, if you can master the skill of selling, you will most likely never be left without a piece of bread again, since in our time this is the most valuable skill.

Where to begin?

First, figure out why you want to become a sales manager, and whether you need it at all. The profession is tough and stressful. Many naively believe that every second call will result in a purchase, the dividends from which will be safely spent on the purchase of cars, apartments and other joys. However, in practice everything turns out to be somewhat more complicated.

An ideal deal is when you offered the client what he just needed and ultimately helped the person solve the problem, receiving your percentage. However, managers often work with a “cold base,” i.e., the people you call do not need the product being offered. In a few seconds, you need to explain why they need him, and why they should grab him like a hot cake right now. Of course, this is much more difficult to do in practice than in words.

You can make 10, 20, 50 calls and get refusals in all cases. Here, a person’s resistance to stress and the will to achieve a goal are already evident. Are you ready for interesting battles and battles in the ocean of trade? Then you are welcome to board and move on.

What is the priority - practice or training?

If you are interested in how to become a sales manager from scratch, then in this case, oddly enough, you need to act first and then learn. IN field conditions You can master the profession much faster and immediately take off your naive rose-colored glasses about all kinds of expectations.

To quickly get up to speed and become an excellent sales manager, you can take two paths:

1. Get a job in a large company.

Find a company that provides full staff training from scratch. After completing even a month-long internship in a team of professionals, you will master the basics of this profession much faster than after reading any superbook on sales.

2. .

To become a good sales manager in the future, you can practice by creating your own online store. In this way, you will earn extra money at first and understand what difficulties the negotiation process involves.
We do not recommend immediately taking on difficult niches such as trading cars and apartments, otherwise you risk wasting a lot of time. To sell high-value products with high profit margins, you'll need some experience negotiating with difficult customers.

It’s better to practice “on cats” first. Try getting a job in an online store and selling some things like inexpensive electronics to reduce the stress level of the negotiation process and slowly gain strength in this business.

Beacon installation

Outline rough plan for the long term. Having decided on the purpose of your route while still on the shore, the chances of your ship sailing to a given point will increase significantly. Why might you need to become a sales manager?

1. Learn the basics of sales in order to open your own business in the future.

Many businessmen began their journey with this profession. If you see yourself as a big businessman in the future, then you can try it. Sales skills will definitely come in handy when negotiating in the future.

Modern tendencies and approaches in web development

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2. Master the profession and aim for long-term career growth to become a top sales manager.

Another option is a carefree future in a large company. Yes you will stay employee However, there are often top managers who earn more than businessmen and at the same time feel much less stress, not worrying about what will happen tomorrow.

How and where to study?

Practice is, of course, wonderful. However, it will not be possible to do without constant learning and improvement. To become an effective sales manager, you must try new negotiation techniques, learn innovative approaches to dealing with customer objections, and be able to present the product you are selling in a compelling way, rather than just listing its features. All this can be learned using the right books, articles, seminars and various courses.

Top 5 most useful books for those who want to become a sales manager without experience:

“Sales and Negotiations” (Sergey Azimov).

“Personalization of sales” (Alexander Derevitsky).

“Guerrilla sales” (Murat Turgunov).

“Effective commercial proposal” (Denis Kaplunov).

"Sales Champions" (Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson).

Try not to try to finish reading books as quickly as possible, thinking that the more materials you skim through this way, the smarter you will become. No, it doesn't work that way. Use books as tutorial, gradually applying everything written in practice.

This is the only way to master the basics that successful authors of printed publications tried to convey to you. As a rule, success in sales depends on the ability to work with client objections (“I’ll think about it,” “expensive,” etc.), so when studying in the future, concentrate on this parameter.

To add some excitement and interactivity to the sales training process, you can. In it, tell people what your goal is and show your audience the whole underbelly of sales: how simple or difficult it is, what is hidden behind the beautiful scenes, whether the “sales people” have a good salary, etc. In the future, when a large number of people gather on your blog number of subscribers, you can even try selling your own sales techniques.

If, after reading the above horror stories, you are not afraid and still continue to persistently repeat: “I want to become a sales manager,” then take the first step towards mastering this profession today. Find a suitable vacancy in your city or research and try to start working on your own, selling any products you like.

This will be good practice, but if not, at least you will master website development skills. Then you can study and try to improve yourself in this matter. In general, there are a lot of options for the development of events, if there is a desire. Good luck!

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The most important thing about a professional sales approach is that you don't have to wait for something to happen, you can make it happen. The most successful professionals maintain a beginner's attitude when selling, and you approach the selling process as an ongoing process. educational process. We are constantly learning “little” things that make a “big” difference. There is no benefit from the trade deal we almost made. We must keep up with change, otherwise our clients will have to deal with competitors.

Successful attitude
You must start before you fail. Most people really don't fail because they don't really start. Failure is an event, not a person. You may have failures, but that doesn't mean you become a failure. Thomas Edison suffered 10,000 failures before he invented light bulb. Edison convinced himself that every failure was another step on the path to success.

No person has ever been 100% successful in life. Remember: you cannot control all the circumstances in your life, but you can do a lot to control how you feel about them. Positive thinking will not make you all-powerful, but it will allow you to do everything better than negative thinking. When you realize that your prospective client is, first of all, a person, an individual, you will feel much more confident.

Search for clients
Without customers, you are out of business. Always look for the intended client! Always when there are people around you. Constantly work on developing relationships with other people, especially people in your related field. Forced selling is caused by a lack of prospective clients, which is a consequence of insufficient hard work, which in turn is caused by total laziness.

The basis of the sale is good conversation. The secret to getting a meeting for a conversation like this is to first sell the meeting. Meetings are easier to sell than, for example, houses, insurance, cars or computers. There's little benefit in telling a prospective customer about your product if you haven't first sold them on the importance of listening to you. Use the first 10 seconds of your call to “buy” the time you need to tell the full story. Do not hurry. You shouldn't talk about a product if you can't finish your story. No ending - no sale. Sell ​​the conversation before you start selling the product.

How to deal with the fear of communicating with clients
People for whom persuasion is a profession, for example, theater and film actors, lecturers, managers, teachers, doctors and sales specialists, have a lot in common, including experiences associated with the “moment of truth.” No matter where this moment occurs - in front of an audience, in front of a movie camera, in front of a crowd of people, in front of office employees, students, patients, potential clients - the nature of the fear experienced is the same everywhere.

Few representatives of the sales profession can boast of the absence of anxiety and excitement on the eve of a meeting with clients. In fact, according to research by psychologists who have studied the impact of fear on performance since the 1970s, sales professionals who experienced reluctance to meet with clients earned approximately $40,000 a year in commissions, while people who overcame this psychological barrier earned more than $200,000 a year. thousands of dollars, and representatives of both groups were largely equivalent in terms of ability, opportunity, motivation, intelligence, training and experience. Moreover, the “reluctant” group spent much more more money to understand what to do and to receive appropriate training. Their emotional attitudes did not allow them to fully realize all their potential.

However, you may be part of a group who have overcome their reluctance to meet or call clients. To do this, you need to learn how to make your worries work for you, and not against you. I assure you that those who earn huge amounts of money from sales also experience anxiety and worry. Their advantage lies in the ability to correctly direct their nervous energy. As they say, you will never get rid of goosebumps, but you can make them run in the right direction.

By the way, if you don't feel any anxiety about closing deals with clients, your chances of getting into sales aren't that great. A healthy and properly functioning body is equipped endocrine system, which produces all the chemical components necessary for success in life. The anxiety experienced on the eve of communication with clients is a biological reaction to a stressful situation. At the same time, the pituitary gland releases adrenaline, which increases the mental and physical abilities of a person. Scientists have clearly proven that when adrenaline is produced as needed, we react to situations faster, more accurately and with more energy. Simply put, when you get your goosebumps running in the right direction, you also direct the adrenaline flow properly - it works for you, not against you. According to sales experts, 84% of all sales professionals experience fear of communicating with clients to one degree or another. This fear manifests itself 1001 in different ways, but the main indicator of the presence of this problem is procrastination and procrastination. If a sales specialist comes up with a lot of unimportant things that need to be done before meeting clients, then fear rules the roost!

The fear of being in front of an audience depends heavily on your self-image. If a sales professional feels fear or awe of a prospect, it will be extremely difficult for him to give an effective presentation. A professional who thinks, “Who am I to tell a client that my product, goods and services will make them happy?” is far from the level of enthusiasm, drive, focus and self-confidence required for success.

Until a professional salesman weanes himself from looking up or down at anyone, he will be a hostage to his own anxieties. When it comes to your service or product, you are the expert! In your field, you have significantly more knowledge, competence and experience than the potential client. Mediocrity will rule the roost until the salesperson becomes a sales professional, realizing that every person has their own strengths.

Develop confidence in everyone
One of the best ways to believe in yourself is to replay on your “mental video recorder” recordings of those moments when you were truly at your best. Return to any of your successful experiences: a major sale; good grades at school; your achievements in music or sports; successfully hitting the ball in tennis; a time when true harmony reigned in your family; events where you were set as an example to others. Pick one of these moments and try to remember the sights, smells and sensations that accompanied your success. And the next time you feel paralyzing fear approaching, “play” this life-affirming, positive recording for yourself again.

Then remind yourself that no matter how successful, wealthy, or powerful your prospect is, he is just as fallible as you and I. It is impossible to achieve one hundred percent success in life. My experience shows that the more success a person achieved, the more obstacles, mistakes and painful blows he faced. life path. Realizing that the potential buyer is an ordinary mortal will make it easier for you to cope with your fears.

Find out everything you can about your potential buyer. The more you know about him, the more respect he will have for you. In addition, your awareness translates into good customer feelings towards you and your business. Respect from the client will help you grow in your own eyes.

High self-esteem and proper self-respect are extremely important, since a sales professional with such qualities considers himself free in his work and acts more effectively. A self-respecting professional feels responsible for sales results and will never say: “I was just lucky.” He understands that the efforts made produce results if these efforts are made by a competent and confident specialist. Rarely, if ever, are those who sit idle lucky.

A professional with high self-esteem loves to sell and can't wait to meet a potential client face to face. What he thinks most about is how to become a buyer's assistant; he is deeply interested in satisfying the customer's needs, realizing that simply " good intentions" on modern market not enough. When you hit the bull's eye in meeting customer needs, you grow even more in your own eyes. As a result, your work becomes even more effective, which in turn improves your self-esteem.

Sales managers with healthy self-esteem love themselves and get along with themselves. They are dedicated to their profession, their product, their company. And you can make your anxiety work for you, rather than against you, by focusing your attention on something that is within your control—you! By building self-confidence and self-esteem through a foundation of personal responsibility, you are taking the first step toward overcoming your reluctance to meet with potential clients.

The second step in overcoming your anxieties requires recognizing that selling is a transfer of feelings. As you learn to focus on yourself and thereby increase your self-esteem, you must understand that the most successful sales managers close deals by focusing their attention on the prospect.

Yes, it is clear that the only reason for entering into all transactions is to receive money. I don’t deny that money can serve as a motivating (and necessary) factor here. After all, if you don't make money, you won't be able to do this business. But if you trade solely for the sake of money, your performance will be very modest. There is a serious danger here. If you focus only on money or your financial situation forces you to make a sale, you will instinctively put too much pressure on the client or become obsessed with your needs, putting hidden pressure on yourself, creating self-doubt and anxiety.

Financial problems can bring down even the most resilient of us, so if you want to truly succeed in the field of professional sales, you need to learn how to manage your money. Money is a choice. With money, you have a lot to choose from. Without money, your choice is extremely limited. I might add that without money you have to live solely on hope. You hope that your car's tires won't fall apart on the road and the car itself won't get damaged; you hope that the children will not get sick, the suit will look decent for some time... We all need positive hopes, and negative hopes make life humiliating and significantly reduce your performance.

You'll literally be amazed at how much more relaxed you'll feel when your financial future isn't at stake and you can focus on the prospect rather than your own problems. Sales, in fact, is about conveying feelings. And if you simply “exude” the idea that you have to make a sale for your benefit, the chances of a successful transaction are significantly reduced. But if the prospect feels that you want to make the sale in their best interest, those chances increase exponentially.

Fear of the phone
A sales professional who is competent in using and understanding the benefits of the telephone and confident in his own competence, as a rule, is much more successful than his colleagues who are “afraid” of the telephone. One of the main reasons for fear of the telephone is the inability to clearly define the purpose of the call. Are you about to conduct a market survey, schedule an appointment, or make a sale? Until you have a clear idea about this, your willingness to dial a number with a smile is quite problematic. Please do not forget about this seemingly simple, but important rule. Make it clear to yourself why you are calling. First, ask yourself questions: “What am I going to say? Who should I ask to answer the phone? For what purpose am I calling? Do I have a clear plan for the conversation, regardless of who picks up the phone?

By clearly defining your purpose (you are calling to find a prospect, to obtain information, to set up an appointment, to make a sale), you will act with much more confidence.

Not a single successful professional can remember a time when he anticipated with a pleasant feeling what in our professional language is called a “cold reception.” Whether knocking on a door or dialing a phone number, any sales professional always experiences some fear and trepidation before communicating with a potential client for the first time. But I also know that once you get into the swing of things and have a few conversations or meetings, the moment to make the sale gets closer and closer. With this in mind, you should not think long about whether to call, but rather make a decision and immediately begin to implement it.

I strongly recommend that you do the same. After the third, fourth and fifth calls, you will find that you enjoy the process more and more. You know that every call will be rewarded, regardless of the results, because it brings you closer to making a sale.

Using the phone, you get the opportunity to have fun by calculating the profit from each call. At the end of your work week or month, divide your total sales in monetary terms by the total number of calls made during that period, including times when the line was busy, no one answered the phone, or the call was dropped. The result will show you how much money you earn every time you dial a phone number.

By the way, when the interlocutor does not want to listen to you, and sometimes is rude to you, remember that in the telephone version such conflicts are less painful than in a face-to-face conversation. Ultimately, you may say to yourself, “If a potential buyer saw what a wonderful person I am, he would certainly invite me into his home or office.” Please understand that even if people are rude and reject you over the phone, they are not rejecting you in person. They simply refuse to listen to you. They would most likely refuse to talk to another person, so don't take their attitude personally. After all, someone who really knows you would never do that!

Before you ask:how to become a top manager, first you need to define the term itself. Who is a top manager - a representative of a company or organization who influences decision-making regarding the development, promotion of interests and success of the corporation. An excellent top manager will make the most seedy company developed in the shortest possible time. His opposite is a bad manager who will ruin even a very successful company. However, these are rare.

There is a concept of top management. This is already a group of people belonging to the highest level of hierarchy in the company, vested with the same powers, but making decisions by voting on the board of directors or shareholders. As a rule, only the largest corporations need them, where the risks are too great to be placed on one person. In this case, there is a need for a cohesive team.

To the question how to become a manager in the best understanding of the word, one should understand several important aspects. A successful employee of a company always bears full responsibility not only for its success, but also for possible fiasco. This rule applies to absolutely everyone, a future top manager, and you should be aware of this. So, what qualities should a professional manager have?

Management skills and professionalism

A serious manager is first and foremost a leader. A real boss must be nearby professional qualities, understand the matter with ease, make informed, sometimes risky decisions. At the same time, be as competent as possible in any issues related to the development of a company or organization. Work with personnel will also fall on his shoulders, because the performance of the entire management mechanism and the corporation as a whole depends on the cohesion of employees.

Communication skills

In addition to the ability to speak beautifully, a top-level manager is also required to direct his oratory skills in the right direction. The concept of sociability (from Latin, joint) - implies the establishment and establishment of connections through communication, transmission of necessary information to others. In world practice, there have been no successful managers who avoid communication with staff or business partners.

Wondering: how to become a senior manager and being selfish, thinking only about your own benefit, you will never receive an answer. An American proverb says: a competent and well-coordinated conversation is already 50% of a successful transaction. The ability to establish contact with an interlocutor will bring much greater results in the development of one’s own interests.

Right Thinking

To know how to become a successful sales manager, you must have a creative and rational way of thinking. Despite the common stereotype that such skills are only needed for pioneers, this is far from true. This type of thinking helps to take actions that are unusual at first glance, which, with some risk, can bring positive results.

For example:

    the most creative employee has a significantly greater chance of advancement career ladder;

    rational thinking will help in the development of managerial qualities, thereby increasing the company’s capital;

    Everyday problems or frequent troubles will not take up much time if you have a developed sense of creative thinking.

With similar skills, the task at hand: how to become a good sales manager will be solved in an instant. Strength of character and an extraordinary train of thought will greatly simplify it. The main thing is to constantly develop these skills.

Sincere interest

Without a real desire to work and create in this field, nothing will work out. You need to want this. There may be several reasons.

Having analyzed many surveys conducted among specialists who had already become managers, a number of goals were identified:

    a person wants to have a high financial ceiling;

    achieve significant, professional status in life;

    move from the category of subordinates to the sphere of leadership.

Thinking about how to become a sales manager, a person in most cases is guided by these three desires. Without such goals and sincerely not wanting to strive for this, the chance of a successful career in such a field is zero.

Responsible Risks

The ability to show determination and accept consequences is the path of a real, professional top manager. Of course, blindly relying on luck when the company's reputation is at stake is stupid. It's not so much about risk as it is about mature miscalculations.

Emerging conflict situations, problematic issues, extraordinary actions - all this is an integral part of the profession. In any case, a successful manager bears full responsibility, hence the risk must be justified. Without such quality, it is extremely difficult to take this path. Choose decisions carefully and quickly.

Event - manager

Another interesting choice- is a manager for organizing festive events. In its Latin abbreviation it sounds likeevent,which means seller. It is also called the word promoter. To know how to become an event manager, where to start and what not to do, several features of your future profession should be taken into account.

Know your own interests

The areas in which a manager of this rank can be involved are extremely diverse. The lifestyle of modern cities and megalopolises puts forward new requirements for holding events, including holiday celebrations. To make it easier and faster to master this direction, decide what you like best. This could be holding concerts, private parties, birthdays, opening establishments.

Gain experience

It sounds extremely banal, but you can’t do without it. Try to get a job at a radio station if you have good diction and competent speech. Discover promotion. Starting from distributing flyers to friends, acquaintances, and then to strangers. This is where the formation of a future top manager begins. It would be a good idea to get a job in the trade industry for a while. There you can gain significant experience in communicating with clients and apply it in practice in the fieldevent –management.

Bachelor degree

Specialty training will also play a role. Although this is not mandatory item, but I wouldn’t call him superfluous. A four-year training program followed by an internship will provide more information in the field of promotion and its elements. It's a good idea to take electives, even if they are not related to your major.

In the future, you will have a clear picture of what public activity looks like, what you need to open own business and what marketing is based on. The only thing you will waste is 4 years of your life. In some cases, the end justifies the means. Over time, it will become easier to understand how to become a sales manager from scratch. Not bad to learn foreign languages, which will contribute to career advancement in the future.

Associations Event

Such organizations are aimed at exchanging experience in the field of novice managers. As a rule, such groups can even be in in social networks, after all modern means communication allows this. Never hesitate to use them. Much valuable information can be gleaned from such meetings and events. Take the initiative and invite participants to a crowded place, showing your own organizational skills.

Firstly, you will learn a lot of new things. And secondly, you can find companions. Joint management and organizations will be a good help in the future. When communicating with people who have chosen the same path, it is a good idea to discuss the mistakes, innovations and experiences of others. Be bolder, assertive, and engage in discussions. This will bear fruit.

Persistence is your companion

Any profession consists of difficulties that must be overcome. The main rule is to learn from mistakes and correct them. In the field of management, your assertiveness will sow the seeds for future development. This area involves frequent conflict situations where quick decisions made. Sometimes, persistence will be simply necessary. For example, defend your point of view or, conversely, give in on something.

Stress level

Reputable companies around the world are increasingly conducting so-called stress resistance training. The purpose of such events is simple - to knock out the maximum amount of emotion from the employee. For what? To the futurePRor a top manager, could easily overcome unusual situations, keeping himself in complete control. It's like rubbing with snow to strengthen your fighting spirit. Conducted Scientific research showed: a person often exposed to stress finds a way out of unpleasant situations more easily. Simply put, he doesn’t get lost and doesn’t panic. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Have you ever seen a surgeon who panicked during an operation and then ran away from the operating room in frustration? The scope of activity of a successful manager is similar to the situation with a doctor. Moreover, in both cases, your career may be at risk. A surgeon who ruins patients is dangerous to society, and a confused manager will split any corporation at once. If he is afraid of difficulties, then why does a successful company need him?

Pay money

This method involves training in a specialty from those who have significantly succeeded in this field. As a rule, it is paid and the higher the rank of the teacher, the higher the cost. However, there is one thing. By donating your own money to lessons from an influential manager, you gain much more valuable knowledge than money. This practice is carried out everywhere in the USA, Europe, Australia and post-Soviet countries.

The main thing is not to fall for charlatans posing as gurus. Before attending such a master class, verify the identity of the examiner. Isn't he a swindler with developed oratory skills? Many modern Ostap Benders practice their “sessions” for a small but gullible audience of the desperate. Don’t be too lazy to make inquiries about the coach first to avoid trouble.

Smart top managers conduct their master classes to increase their own ratings, popularity and financial position. This is absolutely normal practice. It will save you time, point out other people's mistakes and add incentive. In addition, this is a great opportunity to work in large numbers.

Forward →

In the pursuit of success, one cannot ignore the objective factors of non-conclusion (or long-term conclusion) of a transaction, such as: the time required for the natural “maturation” of the client, the client’s lack of this need here and now, etc. For example, in the service sector, the client may mature six months or even a year. For a specialist entering a new industry, six months before the first sale is a normal period. And the database that generates income takes from 1 to 3 years to develop.

Thus, in order to become successful, a sales manager must not only be able to communicate, but also have the necessary patience, self-confidence and luck.

Now there are many books devoted to the topic “How to sell???”. On initial stage To become a specialist, I strongly recommend studying all the publications that catch your eye.

You can learn from books important tools"salesperson":

1. Definition of characteristics potential clients, their “habitat”, position of the contact person, etc.

2. Rules for drawing up a successful commercial proposal. Delivery control.

3. Drawing up a “sales scenario”.

4. Attunement to conversation, reasonable positioning of yourself and the company.

5. Leading the interlocutor into a confidential conversation, overcoming common stereotypes.

6. Working with objections, responding to “no”.

7. The ability to translate any conversation into a constructive direction.

8. Overcoming various psychological defenses.

10. Make an appointment.

11. Conducting a “sales” presentation.

12. Final sale, conclusion of the transaction.

13. Planning subsequent sales, calculating personal statistics, using a “sales funnel”.

14. Managing the client after the transaction is concluded. System of relationship with the client.

I want to pay special attention to point 12. Mastering all the sales tools, learning how to conduct a conversation, attracting attention to yourself does not mean learning how to sell. The final result of contact, the very thing for which all previous and subsequent stages exist, may remain unattainable.

A manager who faces such a test in his life risks giving up.

Management sometimes sends “deflated” employees for training. According to my personal (subjective) observations, sales trainings give approximately the same information as in books (at least comparable). Plus, they “charge with optimism” - exactly what the employee has lost. Of course, the training also includes practical exercises. But this can be learned in life, in real contacts. But the optimism inspired does not last long. Approximately for one month. And then the person gets sucked in more and more by objective reality - the client is in no hurry to make a deal and pay. A serious database is not being developed, the money is not going to the cash register. A direct path to depression.

And here it comes up main question, the answer to which I did not find in any book: how to become a successful salesperson?

For successful activities, especially in sales, it is very important to set the right, reasonable goals and be able to achieve them.

But main secret not in this - You can only achieve success in the activities you love.

This is not about love for results and laurel wreaths. The process itself should be exciting, the daily tedious work, which ultimately is a component of any profession. This means that a successful sales manager loves to take intermediate “nos” and turn them into “yes.” He even loves a broken fax machine, bad weather in which he has to drag himself to a client. The client himself, who is mischievous and capricious, makes excessive demands, and sometimes openly mocks. And all this tediousness called “Call back tomorrow... And now today...”.

And in this case, a person will not despair due to lack of results. There is always a process! And patience will not end. There is nothing to endure, satisfaction from the activity has already been obtained. And external assessment is not so important. Why does someone who enjoys their activities and is psychologically recharged from every day, even a bad one, need approval? In fact, the very concept of success and failure becomes blurred.

It is important to develop the right, creative attitude towards work. Determine and feel what your energy charge is. Perhaps, as a result of deep reflection, it will become clear that the job of a sales manager is “not yours.” And perhaps a new perspective will open.

For example, I like to turn a negative conversation into a positive direction. I charge from mine Have a good mood and the ability to convey it to someone who had just disowned me. It's moments like these that give me my drive. And the client is pleased to receive positive feedback! And how do you think he answers me? Right! Deals and desire to work with me. That's the whole secret of luck.

All that remains to be added is that in order to enjoy your work, it is important to carefully choose the area of ​​sales (sell only what you like), the company in which you plan to work and sensibly assess the demand for the product (service) being sold.

To conclude the topic, a little dry data. Many foreign and domestic research(surveys) prove the fact that the client does not buy a company, not a product (product) and nothing else. And he buys a person with whom he will have to contact in the process of work (we are talking about the B2B sphere). There are many companies now, everyone strives to be the best. And everyone has problems with suppliers, the railroad and the notorious human factor. The client knows this. Just like the fact that the product being sold is not much different from others that are similar. But there is no substitute for a person who is a pleasure to work with!