Preliminary work for role-playing games with a professional plot. Role-playing game "Professions"

Abstract of Zavilkina Maria Gennadievna MDOU No. 73 “Dolphin”.

Program content:

To develop children's interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment.
Develop speech, enrich lexicon, consolidate sound pronunciation.
To develop in children the ability to use construction equipment flooring material, act with it in a variety of ways.
Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor, seller, hairdresser.
Cultivate friendships in the game.

Preliminary work

Conversations about professions using illustrations, viewing the album “Professions”;
Making riddles, memorizing poems about the profession, about the game;
Excursion to the kitchen, medical office;
Reading fiction: nursery rhymes, songs, Russian folk tales “Kolobok”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Cockerel with his Family” by Ushinsky, “Masha the Confused” by Voronkova, “How We Went to the Zoological Garden” by Zhitkov, “How Masha Became Big” by Permyak, “Piglet Peter and the Store” by Petrushevskaya, “Toys” by A. Barto, “Aibolit” by K. Chukovsky, “Moidodyr”;
Finger games, word game“Guess what the person’s profession is”;
Consideration of the issue “Game” at a parent meeting.

Working with parents:

Making attributes for the role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters” (sewing doll bed linen, clothes for dolls); design of the album “Professions”; production and exhibition of homemade toys.

Progress of the game:

A short conversation in the locker room.


What professions do you know?

(Children's answers.)


But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, or salesperson, you must first grow up, finish school, and get a specialty. But how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult right now and work. Is it true? Let us go on a trip to a magical town. All children, when they get there, immediately become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there? What will we go on?

Children offer (one of three options children choose):

By train

To make the train move, knock on the wheels. What wheels? With corners? (No, round, without corners.) The round wheels spun (movement with arms bent at the elbows), hummed oo-oo, hissed, steam came out sh-sh-sh. The locomotive says “I’ll run away”, and the carriages answer “I’ll catch up”.

Music sounds, children sing:

Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,
And the guys are sitting on our train.
Chug-chug-chug - the locomotive is humming,
He took the boys far, far away.

By plane

We'll fly by plane.
Pump up the airplane tires - shhhhh.
Pour kerosene into the tanks - ssss.
Start the engines - d-d-d.
The planes have taken off!

Music sounds, children fly and sing:

The plane is flying, the plane is buzzing,
He lands and is silent.

By car

Open the tank - chi-chik-chik.
Pour gasoline - ssss.
Close the tank - chick-chick-chick.
We're rocking, we're rocking,
We inflate the air into the tires.
We check every time
And we have no accidents.
Passengers, hurry up!
Sit two side by side.
The driver sits behind the wheel,
He looks at the traffic light.
The red traffic light is shining:
No way - stop, driver.
The yellow light means wait,
The light is green ahead.
The driver presses the pedal
And the car rushes into the distance.

Music sounds, children sing:

The car, the car is moving, humming,
In the car, the driver is sitting in the car.
Beep beep
Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest,
The driver has arrived, stop the car!
Beep beep.


Here is our magical town. You look at each other. Everyone has become adults. How about some work? Let's see where we can work.

Here we have a “Shop”. Sellers know the goods!

1 child:

Don't waste time
This is their usual work!

And here we have a “Beauty Salon”.

The master will do the hair,
Hairdryer, brush and comb/

2nd child:

The curls will curl lushly,
He will fluff up his bangs with a brush.
Everything in his hands is burning -
It will change your appearance!


Look, what is this red cross? What's there? That's right, hospital.

3rd child:

If your ear hurts,
If your throat becomes dry,
Don't worry and don't cry
After all, the doctor will help you!
And here we live

4th child:

Dolls, hares, bears,
They are waiting for someone to come to them
Baby mommies!


There are so many interesting things to see in our town.

We play in the profession,
We choose them according to our liking.
And we dream faster
Mom and dad become more mature,
To not just dream,
Who do you want to become today Elina? (children's answers.)

The game begins.


We build cribs, a chair, a tap for washing hands, and set the table. We carry the cubes one at a time, without disturbing anyone. The doctor, hairdresser and salesman go to their work. And the rest of the kids take care of their children. (I help develop the game, establish relationships between those who have chosen certain roles, and help implement into the game the impressions the children received earlier.)

A certain amount of game time passes.


Evening has come in our town, the working day is over, the hospital, hairdresser, and store are closing. We put everything back in place.

With the children who have already put everything back in place, I play finger games:

1. Toe to toe
Knock-knock-knock (2 times)
Together together
Clap your hands (2 times)
We dance like little springs,
Let's bounce balls (2 times)
Hands dance, they dance beautifully,
Spun, spun,
And then they stopped.

2. Ladushki-okay,
Where were you? By Grandma!
Collected in wrinkles
And grandma’s hands are
Kind and very good.
Everyone worked their hands
For many years.
Warm hands smell
Shchi, pies.
They will stroke your curls
Good hands.
And they can cope with any sadness
Warm hands.
Okay, okay,
Where were you? By Grandma!

3. This finger is a grandfather,
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family!

4. Point, point,
Two hooks.
Nose, mouth, back.
Stick, stick,
Rolling pin, rolling pin.
Cucumber - here comes the little man


All the kids did well, tell me, who were you today, Vanya? How did you take care of your son? Where did you go with him? Dasha, what did you feed your daughter? Julia, which bed did you put your daughter to sleep on? What kind of doctor was Kirill? Hairdresser? Salesman?


Well done, everyone was kind, attentive and caring today.

Together with the children.

We quarreled, we made peace,
And sometimes they argued.
But we became very good friends
Behind our game.
Game is replaced by game,
The game ends.
And the friendship never ends!
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


To quickly return to kindergarten Let's fly by plane.

The children “fly” to the locker room. Game over.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

“Plot-role-playing games for modern children”


Blokhina N.V.

senior teacher

Welcomes you senior group "DROPPLE"

Educational field "SOCIALIZATION" Development of gaming activities; Joining generally accepted standards and rules of relationships with peers and adults; Formation of gender, family, citizenship, a sense of belonging to the world community.

Role-playing games

Improve and expand gaming ideas and skills;

Develop the ability to coordinate their actions

with the actions of partners;

Contribute to strengthening sustainable children's play associations;

They teach you to develop the plot of the game based on knowledge;

Develop skills to agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, prepare the necessary conditions, agree on

sequences of joint actions.

“In our beauty salon, stylists will give you the most fashionable hairstyles”

Role-playing game


Expands knowledge

children about profession


stylist, educates



to each other

“If a master gets down to business, it means things are going well.”

Role-playing game

"Car service"

Introduces children to the profession

car mechanic, fosters respect

to male labor, desire

finish what you start

“We live together happily, we don’t care about all the troubles!”

Role-playing game

“Mothers and Daughters”, “Home”, “Family”

Forms an idea of ​​the content

zhaniya social roles men and

women, helps to realize the meaning

reduction of parents' work around the house,

learn business skills


“If a policeman is standing, remember the path is closed”

Role-playing game

"DPS Post"

Strengthens children's knowledge about

traffic rules,

road signs, signals

traffic lights, children getting acquainted

with the work of employees

road guard


“We all have a nice doctor the treatment is just great!”

Role-playing game


Clarifies children's ideas about work

doctor, his duties, equipment

necessary for work, educates

respect for people in this profession

"Captain, captain, smile, after all, a smile is a ship’s friend!”

Role-playing game

"We are sailors"

Expands children's knowledge about

male professions: captain,

sailor, cabin boy, educates

courage, masculinity,

responsibility for assigned


“In our superstore, behind the counter, finally, Everywhere we go, you meets the seller!

Role-playing game


Forms ideas about

labor actions of the seller,

develops communication skills with

buyers, educates

respect for the work of adults

“The master’s work is afraid!”

Role-playing game

"Carpentry Workshop"

Introduces children to men's

carpenter profession, various

carpentry tools,

instills hard work,

responsible attitude

to men's responsibilities

"At the center of the Young Reader" Joy and dreams await you: lines of the magic alphabet, wondrous beauty fairy tales!

Role-playing game "Library"

Promotes the establishment of role interaction and the assimilation of role relationships: librarian-reader, fosters respect for the work of a librarian, creates awareness of the importance of this profession

“A steam locomotive rushes along the rails...”

Role-playing game


about the driver's work. Develops

moral and volitional qualities,

typical for boys

forms an adequate gender

behavior pattern

“I love my kindergarten, it full of guys"

Role-playing game


Expands children's understanding

about teaching professions

kindergarten employees. Introduces

with working conditions and labor

responsibilities, fosters kindness

kind attitude towards each other

“Our plane flies like a bird, and is not afraid of obstacles!”

Role-playing game

"We are pilots"

Introduces children to the profession

pilot, educates

respect for the people of this

professions, develops


courage and responsibility

Thus, long-term creative role-playing game contains enormous opportunities for the development of children's thinking. In such games, the child shows more independence, imagination and creativity in choosing actions when distributing roles and using substitute objects. And the active participation of children in the distribution of roles contributes to the formation of collectivist feelings. Children learn to respect opinions peers, taking into account the possibilities

and each other's desires. THANK YOU


“All jobs are good, all professions are important”

for middle group children

Goal: Orientation of children to work that is productive and necessary for other people.


1. Help create a game environment, establish interaction between those who have chosen certain roles.

2. To develop in children the ability to play according to their own plans, to stimulate children’s creative activity in play.

3. Form friendly relationships in the game, a sense of humanism, activity, responsibility, friendliness.

4. Consolidate previously acquired knowledge about the work of a doctor and builder.

Preliminary work.

1. Conversations about professions using illustrations, looking at paintings and illustrations.

2. Reading fiction: V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”

3. Reading K.I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". Vocabulary work:

phonendoscope, construction helmet. Methodological support:

construction kits, attributes for the game “Hospital”, a bus made of chairs, a steering wheel, a conductor’s bag, a traffic light, a car, a suitcase with tools, a telephone.

Audio equipment: tape recorder, cassette with the phonogram “We are going, going, going.

Motivation: The teacher's proposal to go on a trip to a magical town

Children enter the group and stand next to the teacher.


You're all getting older,

It will be seventeen.

Where to work then

What to do.

Children, let's talk to you about what professions you know (the children call them). But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, or salesperson, you must first grow up, finish school, and get a specialty. Oh, what a long wait. And I really want to become an adult right now and work. Is it true?

Let us go on a trip to a magical town. It is called "City of Masters". All children, when they get there, become adults and can choose a profession for themselves. Do you want to go there?

Educator: What will we go on?

Children: Let's go by bus.

Educator: Tell us about the rules of conduct in public transport. What rules must be followed?

Children: While driving, do not touch doors with your hands, talk loudly, or lean out of windows.

Educator: Where can I go out?

Children: At the bus stop.

(In the group there are chairs in two rows).

Educator: What are the names of those people who ride on the bus?

Children: Passengers.


Right. Passengers.

You will be the passengers and I will be the driver.

Or maybe any of you would like to?

Let's count.

Reading book "Traffic light".

Where have you been so far?

The traffic light was delayed.

Red - clear - the path is dangerous,

Yellow is the same as red.

And the green one is ahead - come on in!

(Chauffeur chosen)

Educator: Guys, who else works on the bus?

Children: Conductor.

Educator: What does the conductor do?

Whoever says it correctly will be the one.

(The conductor takes a bag with tickets and sells tickets to the children. The children give the conductor money (for fun)).

Educator: And so, let's go!

The song “Merry Travelers” is playing

"We're going, we're going, we're going.

To distant lands...”

(Children sing along if desired)

Educator: Guys, look, someone is stopping our bus.

Probably someone needs our help.

The driver stops the bus and asks;

What's happened?

Danya D.: Yes, the wheel is not spinning, Help me, please.

Driver: I’ll get the tools now.

The driver helps Dana:

Danya D.: Thank you very much.

Where are you going?

Driver: To the “City of Masters”.

Danya D.: Can I go with you too?

Driver: Let's go.

“I’m swinging, flying at full speed,

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance"

Conductor: Stop “City of Masters”.

Educator: Look, here is the “City of Masters”.

How can we get there?

Children: We need to cross the road.

(Children look at the traffic lights).

They cross the passage.

Educator: So we found ourselves in the city of masters.

You can choose a job to your liking,

You can work where you like.

(The children left at will)

(Girls organize a s/r game “Hospital”, and boys build houses)

Teacher (for girls):

Listen to what I tell you;

“Who is most useful in days of illness,

And heals us from all diseases?

Children: "Doctor"

Educator: Guys, let's see what's in this box.

Children look at medical supplies and name them.

(phonendoscope, thermometer, syringe, cotton wool, bandage, cotton swabs, brilliant green).

Educator: Guys, who are these supplies for?

Children: For doctors and nurses.

(A child is heard crying.)

Educator: Oh, it’s the girl Masha who’s crying.

She must have gotten sick.

Masha, what hurts you?

(Masha shows - throat, head, stomach.)

We need to do something urgently!

How can I help Masha? How?

Educator: I came up with an idea: I will put on a white coat and treat the sick.

How will we treat Masha?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Here is our magical city of “Masters”.

You look at each other.

You have become adults

And here we have construction site.

The whole area knows the builder,

He's an excellent master

With his team, he is building a brick house.

Educator: The construction profession is very dangerous.

What do builders wear for their safety?

Children: They put helmets on their heads.

Educator: Now you can organize teams and begin construction.

(During the construction of the house, Danya D. injured his hand and bruised his leg)

Educator: Danya, what’s wrong with you? You need to see a doctor.

(The teacher calls the hospital on the phone.)

Educator: Doctor, a worker at our construction site was injured.

Doctor: Bring him to the hospital immediately.

(Danya is being treated in the hospital).

Along the way, the teacher helps create a playful environment and build relationships.

Educator: Which one did you build? beautiful city, all the objects are very necessary for people: houses, a store, a zoo, a kindergarten.

Well done! No wonder the proverb says it. In which?

Children: “The master’s work is afraid.”

Educator: Evening has come in our city, the working day is over, the hospital is closing, work at the construction site is finished.

Let's go back to kindergarten.

And if you liked the town, then you and I will go there every day.

State budgetary professional educational institution

Irkutsk region

"Cheremkhovsky teacher training college»


Role-playing games about professions

in kindergarten



Table of contents

1. Explanatory note……………………………………………3

1.1.General information about the project……………………………………………………3

1.2.Relevance of the problem……………………………………………3

1.3. General provisions of the project……………………………………………………4

2. References……………………………………………………10

3. Projects of role-playing games “Space”, “Cafe”,

“Shop”, “Correspondent”………………………………………….11

1. Explanatory note

1.1.General information about the project

Subject: Professional games preschoolers

Project goal: To study the problem of forming a primary understanding of the world of professions and interest in professional labor activity in preschool age through the organization of gaming activities, in particular, role-playing games.


To study the theoretical foundations of play activities of older children preschool age;

Analyze the tasks of developing gaming activities and forming primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and in the life of each person in the program preschool education;

Select projects of role-playing games for children of senior preschool age.

Object of study: the process of forming a primary idea of ​​the world of professions and interest in professional work in preschool age.

Subject of research: role-playing games as a means of forming a primary idea of ​​the world of professions in preschool age.

1.2.Relevance of the problem

Social and professional self-determination of citizens is one of the central mechanisms of socio-economic development and is a continuous process. Moreover, it is carried out in the form of a person’s gradual construction of an individual set of general and professional competencies, based on his personal capabilities and needs.

Professional self-determination is a person’s definition of himself in relation to the criteria of professionalism developed in society. One person considers simply belonging to a profession or receiving a special education to be a criterion of professionalism, and accordingly evaluates himself from these positions. Another person believes that the criterion of professionalism is an individual creative contribution to his profession, the enrichment of his personality with the means of the profession; accordingly, he self-defines himself differently from this higher level and further self-realizes.

Self-determination is understood as a conscious choice, identification and assertion by an individual of his position in problematic situations. Currently, there are different approaches to understanding the essence of professional self-determination.

Professional self-determination is a process that covers the entire period professional activity personality: from the emergence of professional intentions to exit from work.

The emergence of professional self-determination embraces senior school age, but it is preceded by preschool age. It is in preschool age that primary ideas about the world of professions are formed and interest in professional work is manifested through the organization of role-playing games.

Role-playing games allow you to satisfy the basic needs of the child: knowledge of the world around him, active movements, communication, the desire for independence, active participation in the lives of adults. In play, the child is enriched, his subjective experience is transformed as an important source own development. It is the game that creates the zone of proximal development and itself acts as a source of development. It develops the ability to imagine, voluntarily regulate actions and feelings, and acquire experience of interaction and mutual understanding. Role-playing game provides the child with a feeling of freedom, control over things, actions, relationships and allows him to realize himself most fully and achieve a state of complete emotional comfort.

1.3.General provisions of the project

The features of role-playing games are revealed in the works of psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, as well as teachers R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, N. Y. Mikhailenko.

D.B. Elkonin noted that the leading activity for preschool children is role-playing play. Its value lies in the fact that it influences the process of formation of individual mental functions, such as thinking, memory, speech, imagination, attention.

It has been proven that the game is social in nature, and K.D. Ushinsky was one of the first to note this. He defined play as a feasible way for a child to enter into the full complexity of the adult world around him. Children's games reflect the surrounding social environment, which provides "...material that is much more varied and more effective than that offered by a toy shop."

Research by A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, R.I. Zhukovskaya shows that the development of play during preschool age occurs in the direction from object-based play, recreating the actions of adults, to role-playing play, recreating relationships between people.

As the game develops, the child masters the components inherent in any activity: he learns to set a goal, plan, and achieve results. Then he transfers these skills to other types of activity, primarily to work. At one time, A.S. Makarenko expressed the idea that good game similar to Good work: they are related by responsibility for achieving a goal, effort of thought, joy of creativity, culture of activity. In addition, according to A.S. Makarenko, the game prepares children for the neuropsychic costs that work requires. This means that the game develops arbitrariness of behavior. Due to the need to follow the rules, children become more organized, learn to evaluate themselves and their capabilities, acquire dexterity and dexterity, which facilitates the formation of strong work skills.

Children of the older group reproduce in play not only the work actions of adults, but also the relationships between people at work. Along with the games of previous children, reflecting the life of a family, kindergarten, and the work of people in certain professions, children of this age willingly play more complex games, reflecting the nature of the work of representatives different professions, their relationships. To expand and deepen preschoolers’ understanding of various professions, evoke appropriate interests of older children. But no matter how varied the set of ready-made toys is, playing always requires doing something with your hands. If children have clear ideas about a particular type of work, they can do a lot with their own hands.

IN preparatory group Familiarization with the work of adults becomes much more complicated and requires the use of more diverse methodological techniques. First of all, it is necessary to establish the level of children’s knowledge about the activities of their parents: what company they work at, what their position is called and what their job responsibilities, what type of products the enterprise produces or what type of services they provide.

When developing an active interest in the work activities of adults, you should pay attention to children’s ideas about the moral side of work: what benefits do parents bring with their work? Why do all people work? Why do chefs try to prepare delicious food, and why do seamstresses try to sew beautiful clothes?

The teacher’s task is to make children want to learn as much as possible about the profession that interests them. The games tell the teacher what excursions need to be organized to enrich the children's experience. Interest in the game can be supported by stories from specialists (father is a carpenter, mother is a painter). These stories, agreed upon with the teacher, can be accompanied by a demonstration of tools and actions with them. As a rule, children immediately use the acquired knowledge in play.

Gradually, children become aware of the fact that people who work at one enterprise various jobs, participate in a common cause.

on preparing and planning role-playing games and complicating their plots.

1.Use of surprise moments (receipt of a letter, parcel, telegram, arrival and meeting of a guest, etc.) in order to maintain children’s interest in the game.

2. Sending a letter, parcel with a message, with a request.

3. Reading books on the topic of the game, discussing the plot, the actions of the characters.

4. Watching a filmstrip or cartoon on the theme of the game.

5. Conducting a tour on the topic of the game.

6. Observation of the work of adults in the child’s immediate environment (doctor, nurse, cook, seamstress, etc.).

7. Conducting conversations about various professions, accompanied by viewing relevant illustrations.

8.Introduction to a game already familiar to children new role, clarification of responsibilities.

9.Assisting children in organizing a play environment.

10. Play together with children.

11.Introducing new attributes, clarifying their meaning and application options.

12. Setting problem game tasks.

13.Visiting another group, watching a similar game, discussing it.

14. The teacher’s story about the games of children of another group.

15. Instructing children to talk with their parents about the topic of the game (why this or that profession is interesting), after which the children share with each other what they have learned.

16. Instructing parents to visit the theater, zoo, shops, etc. with their children; exchange impressions.

17. Children compose stories on the topics “How we played”, “How we can play even more interestingly”, “How we helped each other”, etc.

18. Compilation of stories based on plot-shaped toys.

19. Compiling an album with children on the theme of the game.

20. Discussion with children about the plan for a role-playing game.

21. Discussion of the progress and results of the game (goal: to help children understand their actions and actions in the role-playing game).

22. The use of facial studies, elements of psycho-gymnastics.

23. Involving children in the production and design of attributes.

The role of the teacher in the game can be different: he can be a direct participant in the game, an adviser, an assistant, etc. But in all cases, the teacher, being attentive to the plans and aspirations of the children, without suppressing their initiative and independence, influences the content of the games, creates conditions for their development, for the development of children's ingenuity and creativity. It helps children establish relationships of friendship and mutual assistance. In games, the teacher studies each child, his interests, individual abilities, monitors his experiences in order to find the right ways and means of developing his personality, which can be the first stage of career guidance for a preschool child.

Great importance has the beginning of the game, the moment of its occurrence. In order to interest children in future games, I use the following techniques:

1) discussing with the children what and where they want to play;

2) a “surprise” presentation of an interesting attribute of the proposed game (a package from aliens in the game “Cosmonauts”, a search for a treasure using a drawing, etc.);

3) participation in the game by the teacher (unobtrusive, tactful, in the role not of a mentor, but of a participant: “Good afternoon! I’m a doctor, I came to find out how your daughter is feeling”);

4) indirect incentive to play (“I need to buy a refrigerator. But how can I get it home? Maybe Dima will agree to become a truck driver?..”).

It is also important to finish the game correctly, which means not only completing its plot, but also summing up the results. This is necessary to maintain children’s interest in the game in general, to develop in them the ability and habit of analyzing the actions of themselves and their comrades. Discussing the progress of the game allows the teacher to also identify his own shortcomings in its preparation.

Methods for guiding children's role-playing games.

Methods of organizing and managing gaming activities aimed at development children's group

1. Setting before children the prospect of an interesting, exciting activity.

2. The teacher plays a leading role and shows in a game situation how it is possible to regulate the relationships between the players.

3.Assisting in the reproduction and disclosure of norms and rules of relationships during long-term performance of the role.

4.Children's exercise independent organization games and the development of the ability to coordinate the plot of the game through explanations, approval, praise, trust, advice on the possible selection of material for the game, conversation about the further course of the game, summing up, positive assessment of children’s proposals, making attributes and homemade products.

5. Accustoming to independent distribution of roles, taking into account the capabilities, interests, desires of each child by studying and revealing to children his best, positive aspects. Reproducing and revealing the actions, habits, morals and customs of certain characters in the game, giving advice on the distribution of roles, individual tasks and assignments for the independent development of the role and bringing it to the end.

6.Explanation of the concepts of “good”, “bad”, “good”, “evil” in game situations related to the implementation of the content of the game, the fulfillment of the role and game rules.

7. Establishment of gaming traditions.

Methods for developing the content of creative games and children's relationships based on the relationship between learning and play.

1. Conducting excursions (initial, repeated, final).

2.Organization of meetings with people of different professions.

3. Emotionally expressive reading of fiction that reflects the social orientation of adult work.

4. Conversations, stories from the teacher using illustrative material about the work of adults and their relationships in the process.

5. Stories from the teacher based on specially selected photographs related to the parents’ professions, reproductions from paintings, and about modern events taking place in the country.

6. Children compose stories on certain topics related to observations of adults’ work.

7. Individual conversations with children, clarifying knowledge and ideas about modern events, about what is good and what is bad.

8.Staging individual literary works using toys and involving children.

9.Use puppet theater characters to conduct ethical conversations, to dramatize literary works with ideas of friendship and camaraderie.

Methods for developing the content of the game based on the relationship between the game and work.

1.Teaching children skills in designing from building materials.

2.Assisting in the development of creativity in games and productive activities.

3. Training to work in a team and in pairs.

4. Teaching children to independently select toys and attributes for organizing creative games.

So, role-playing play is the main type of activity of children, in which they reflect the acquired knowledge about professions, it is the leading means of developing the character traits necessary for work: sociability, the desire to carry out their plans with other children, the ability to live and work together. The content of games and the fulfillment of a role in it, obedience to the rules of behavior and the development of gaming and actual relationships, coordinating actions with other players and providing assistance to each other - all this contributes to the formation in children of moral qualities and friendly relationships, which is so necessary in a person’s future professional activity .

Projects of role-playing games

Role-playing game project "Space"

(for older people)

Target: develop the ability to independently develop a game, combine various thematic plots into a single game plot.

Tasks : learn to thoughtfully build a game plot from 4-5 semantic episodes, perform sequential game actions; develop the ability to diversify imaginary actions; learn to resolve yourself conflict situations, promote the manifestation of good feelings and relationships.

Expected results

1. Manifestation of specific role actions and role speech in independent activity.

2. Role interaction with peers (2-3 people).

3. Role communication, dialogue.

Stages of gaming activity


Activities of a teacher


Identifying the problem

Outlining the plot outline

Literature Study

I explore the world (section “Space” 2000

Lesson with children of senior preschool age on the topic: Conquest of Space. Skorolupova O.A. (M., 2002)

Klushantsev P. (M., 1980).

What did the telescope tell you?

Collective creativity of children (M., 1998).

Obraztsova T.N. Role-playing games for children (M., 2005).

Organizational work

Reading fiction:

Bulychev K. “The Mystery of the Third Planet”, Medvedev V. “Starship Brunka”, Kashchenko V. “Find the Constellations”, Borozdin V. “First in Space”, Klushantsev P. “What the Telescope Told About”, Leonov A. “Steps Above planet"

Productive species activities

Making attributes for the game. Design of the panel “Outer Space”

Conversations with children

“Earth is our home in the Universe”, “Trip to the Moon”, “Stars - what are they?”, “What are solar system

Didactic games

“Star Trek”, “Find the odd one out”, “Scouts”, “What has changed”, construction “Cosmodrome”.


Familiarization with the surrounding world “Earth is our home in the Universe”

Development of the speech “The rocket flies to the stars”,

Development of elementary mathematical representations 2Big space trip»

Construction "Our spaceship»

Drawing. "Path to the Stars 2"

Application. "Space collage".

Working with parents

Information sheet about classes on the topic “Conquest of Space”


Systematization of information

Taking on a role.

Discussion of the content of the game.

Organization of the playing space.

Providing leadership

Distribution of roles. Taking on a secondary role. Discussion of the content of the game - questions. Management of the organization of the play space.

Children's play activities

A game.

Compliance with rules, fulfillment of assumed roles.

Relationship with the partner (designer-builder).

Changing role action during the game.

Acts as a creator of problem-game situations.


Bottom line

Take part in the discussion of the game.

Assess the ability to play together.

Summing up the game. Diagnostics of gaming skills.

Minimum vocabulary

Dictionary part

Senior group

Preparatory group for school


Designer, cosmonaut, trainer, flight engineer, biotechnician

General designer, science and space center, director of research flights, sports simulators


Control panel, catapult, parachute, radio equipment, video, pressure chamber, satellite communications.

Labor actions

Build, photograph, design, accompany, meet, manage, fly, observe.

Lead, coordinate, repair, train, explore.

Quality of work

High quality, polite, attentive, successful, responsible.

High quality, conscientious, organized, clear.

Role-playing game project "Cafe"

Target: to form a desire to organize a role-playing game “Cafe”.

Goal: Orientation of children to work that is productive and necessary for other people. develop and enrich the plot of the game, lead to self-creation game plans; teach to perform game actions in accordance with the general game plan; learn to select your own attributes for the game; continue to develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, to observe role interactions and relationships in the game.

Expected Result:

1. Improving knowledge about work in a cafe.

2.Formation of communication skills.

3. Demonstrate the ability to listen to partners and combine their ideas with your own.

Stages of gaming activity


Cooperative activity teacher and children

Activities of a teacher


Identifying the problem

Diagnostics of gaming skills and gaming environment

Diagnostics using the method of G.Ya. Kudrina

Outlining the plot outline

Literature Study

V. Abramenkova “Education through play” (M., 2011).

Didactic games with children

Natalia Zolotova
GCD role-playing game “All professions are important”

GCD role-playing game"All professions are important»

Target: to arouse interest in the work of adults of different professions;


Training tasks:

Form children's understanding of species professions;

Clarify, generalize and expand children’s knowledge about the characteristics of hairdresser profession, doctor, nurse, salesman, builder, architect, conductor.

Developmental tasks:

Strengthen children’s ability to plan a game and independently select

game material, necessary attributes;

Promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity, observation, activate and enrich children’s vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic of the lesson;

To develop the need for children to answer in complete, common sentences.

Improve role interaction skills in accordance with etiquette standards;

Educational tasks:

Arouse respect and the desire to imitate adults, to work

constantly and conscientiously;

Create conditions for kind attitude towards people of different professions.

Integration: « Cognitive development» , “Artistic and aesthetic development”, "Social and communicative development", "Physical development", "Reading fiction".

Game material:

1. "Family"

Attributes for room equipment

2. "Construction"

Construction material

shoulder blades

Construction plan

Substitute items

3. "Salon"

Barber clothes

Cape for the client

Barber tools

Album with hairstyle samples

4. "Shop"

Seller's clothes




5. "Polyclinic"

Medical spatula

6."Souvenir shop"



Corrugated paper

Velvet paper

Activating the dictionary: Hairdresser, shirtfront, hairstyle, seller, buyer, pay at the cash register, cashier, counter, jewelry, foreman, plan diagram, cement, souvenir, medical spatula.

Preparing for the game:

Album compilation "All professions are important» ;

Conversations about professions people using illustrations;

Didactic a game“Who needs what for work?”;

Making attributes for the game;

Conversations about the culture of behavior in public places;

Reading Vasiliev-Gangnus "The ABCs of Politeness";

plot-wise- role-playing games with children "Family", "Salon", "Shop", "Polyclinic", "Construction" "Souvenir shop".

Progress of the game.

Educator: Children enter the group and stand around the teacher.

You and everyone are getting older

You will be seventeen.

Where should you work then?

What to do?

When you grow up, what will you work as? (Children's answers.)

Children read poetry:

I want to be a driver, DANILO

Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet, FAYA

There is no better one in the world.

I want to become a great doctor, VANYA

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Very tasty, like candy

I ate it - no disease!

I don't like colors, TIMOTHEY

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait

I can handle it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, don’t argue, EGOR

I want to become the first in sports.

Scoring the puck is a trifle for me,

I I play for"Spartacus"!

I want to become a pianist, ANYA K

A wonderful artist,

Music has been with me since childhood,

I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming KATYA S soon

Children's teacher.

Sing with them, walk with them, play,

Celebrate birthdays.

Educator: All professions are wonderful,

All professions are important,

Everyone knows what your hands are

The Motherland will need them.

But in order to work as a doctor, hairdresser, or salesperson, you must first grow up, finish school, and get a specialty. But how long to wait. And I really want to become an adult right now and work. Is it true?

I know one such city where you can find your favorite job. All children, when they get there, immediately become adults and choose for themselves profession. Do you want to go on a trip with me to the magical “City of Masters”? (Children's answers.)

What do you think you can use to travel? (Children's answers.)

Children: Let's go by bus.

Educator: Don't forget about the rules of behavior in public transport.

Children: While driving, do not touch the doors with your hands.

To talk loudly.

lean out of the windows.

(In the group there are chairs in two rows).

Educator: What are the names of those people who travel on the bus?

Children: Passengers.

Educator: Right. Passengers.

You will be passengers, and GOSHA will be the driver, since only he knows the way. (I put on my cap.)

Educator: Guys, who else works on the bus?

Children: Conductor.

Educator: What does the conductor do?

(Children answer)

(The conductor takes a bag with tickets and sells tickets to the children).

Educator: Today I will be a conductor.

And so, let's go!

There's a song playing "Jolly Travelers"

I'm swinging and flying at full speed. GOSHA

I am the driver and the engine myself!

I press the pedal

And the car rushes into the distance.

Conductor: Stop "City of masters".

Educator: Look, here it is "City of masters".

Here we are! Come out, please. Don't go too far, you can get lost in an unfamiliar city. Everyone is ready for a city tour. (Children's answers.)

Oh, what's wrong with you? You have all become adults.

There are no workers in the “City of Masters”, but there are various organizations. Let's walk through and see what this city has.

Now I will introduce you to where you can work in the magical city of masters.

Here we have "Salon". There is a hairdresser working there. What does a hairdresser do? (Children's answers).

It's bright and interesting here: DASHA P

Mirrors, perfumes and armchairs,

The hall is large, but you can even see

Better than our trellis.

The hairdresser will cut your hair,

He will curl his hair in curlers,

A hairdryer will dry your hair,

If necessary, he will perfume you.

Mom and daughters go to the hairdresser. At this time, the hairdresser is busy with the client.

Hairdresser: Good afternoon! Do you want anything?

Mother: I would like to cut my hair and style it.

Hairdresser: Please sit down and wait. Now I’ll be free and invite you....Please come in! Sit down.

The hairdresser serves mom.

Mother: (Looks in the mirror).

Hairdresser: You like?

Mother: Thank you very much, I really like it. How much do I owe you?

Hairdresser: 100 rubles, please.

Mother: Pays the hairdresser.

Hairdresser: Thank you very much, come again. Goodbye.

Mother: Goodbye.

Here we have "Shop".

And now we are in the store - Dasha

All products on display:

Tea, sweets, sausage -

My eyes widen.

Come and buy it

Give the money to the cashier.

Salesman: Hello, dear customers! Our store offers you different products (the buyer approaches the department sellers and asks about the freshness and price of the goods). I need to buy fruit. Please show me what fruits you have. I like these ones. How much does a kilogram of apples cost?

Salesman: Should I put it in the bag?

Buyer: Yes

The seller punches all the goods and puts them in plastic bag: from you 50 rubles.

Salesman: Do we have cash or card?

The buyer takes out a wallet from the bag and gives the money.

The seller takes the money: Please take your change.

Buyer: Thank you!

Salesman: Thanks for purchase, come again!

Look, here we have "Polyclinic". A doctor and a nurse work there.

Always attentive, with love KARINA

Our doctor is treating you guys.

When your health improves -

He is the happiest of all!

Child doctor: “Hello, come in, sit down. What's your last name? Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

Sick child: "I have a sore throat".

Doctor: “Let’s take a look at you. Open your mouth, say "ah-ah". I'll look at you with a spatula, don't be alarmed. Yes, the neck is red. Go to the nurse. She will take your temperature and write a prescription."

Doctor: Guys. Do you know what you need to do to avoid getting sick?

Children: Temper yourself.

Doctor: And what else

Children: Do exercises in the morning

Educator: Let's do some exercises "Radiant Sun"

Educator: But here we have a construction site. Who works at the construction site?

Children: builders, architects, drivers.

Educator: What do builders do?

Children: standing at home.

The whole area knows the builder, VOVA K

He is an excellent master.

With his brigade he

He is building a brick house.

Greets workers.

Hello Anur! Anur works as a driver for us, he delivers material.

Hello, Gosha! Gosha works as an architect and develops building plans.

Today we are starting to build a new facility using building materials.

I ask the architect to carefully consider the plan - the construction diagram.

(The foreman and workers are reviewing the construction plan. The foreman talks about the responsibilities of each - distributes roles between children: some are Builders, they are building a house; others are Drivers, they give rides construction material to the construction site, discussing who will do what. The driver delivers construction material).

And here we live KATYA

Dolls, hares, bears,

waiting for them to come

Baby mommies.

Educator: Here we have a Souvenir Shop

Children, just look around

Our whole life is the work of our hands.

Villages, bridges, cities. Viaducts.

All our hands, all our hands.

Skillful hands are the basis of success

Hands are the face of a person!

Hands, they say a lot.

The eye only sees, but the hands create.

Welcome, dear guests!

We wish you fun and joy

We've been waiting for your visit for a long time

Mistress: Look at my product, just don’t bargain!

We have a word and a place for everyone.

(The hostess invites the children to make their own souvenirs)

Educator: Now you see how many interesting things there are in our town.

In our magical city of craftsmen, evening has come, the working day is over, the clinic and store are closing, and work at the construction site is finishing up.

Bus signal. Is everyone here? Make sure no one is left here alone. Get on the bus and make yourself comfortable. Everyone gets on the bus and goes back to kindergarten.

Guys, you liked the magical city of masters, you and I can go there every day. There you will meet others professions and you can work.

Here is our kindergarten “Rossianochka”. Come out, please.

Look at each other, you are children again. (I call them by name.)

I really liked the way you are today were playing. We are with you more than once let's play and learn a lot more about professions, let's make additional attributes, and a game it will become even more interesting.

Educator: We give everyone a gift air balloons, there will be a festive disco for you.

Cheerful music sounds. All children in the game are dancing.