Transplanting a large thuja to another place in the spring. Transplanting thuja in spring - basic rules. Why is replanting thuja in autumn a favorable time?

Thuja is a coniferous and evergreen plant that is very common today and is grown in many summer cottages. It tolerates transplants without any problems, and in some cases it even needs them.

Understand the technology of implementation this process Even a novice gardener can do it. All features and main significant nuances associated with the transplant procedure will be discussed in detail in this article.

Features and rules for transplanting thuja

Basic general features related to the process of transplanting these coniferous plants are discussed below:

  1. When transplanting to a location located outside the site, on which the thuja grows, landing hole you need to dig not on the day of the procedure, but 2-3 weeks before it.
  2. Particular attention must be paid to your own caution when digging up thuja in an old place, since there is a risk of causing damage to the root processes using sharp tools.
  3. Such wounds take a very long time to heal and can weaken the plant at such an inopportune moment. Thuja easily transfers to a new place, but there is no need to abuse this. For this reason, the selected location must be assessed according to all significant criteria
  4. and fully comply with the requirements so that you will not need to do this again in the near future. It is recommended to replant only mature and strong plants. If there are any lesions or signs of disease on them, you will need to wait full recovery

. It is best not to disturb too young seedlings in the first few years after planting.

Purposes of thuja transplant

  1. When a young plant reaches five years of age, this is the most common reason for this procedure. During the initial planting of seedlings in open ground
  2. , the chosen place is in fact always considered as an exclusively temporary refuge. This age is considered the most optimal period when most restrictions are removed from the thuja, including those relating to transfer to a new site for permanent growth.
  3. Digging up a plant growing in another place or natural environment and moving it to your own site is another fairly common reason. In this case, preparatory activities last longer and can last from several weeks to one month.
  4. General deterioration of the condition of the thuja caused by the inadequacy of the previously chosen location conditions for growing this plant.

Planting large quantities in a specific place

similar coniferous plants for the purpose of forming a hedge.

  1. Site selection and soil quality The process of determining a place for planting must be taken as seriously as possible so that the thuja feels comfortable in the new conditions. The main requirements that apply to it are listed below: Thuja is light-loving, so no buildings should be located near it.
  2. tall structures
  3. or trees that will constantly keep it in the shade - in such a situation it will lose its decorative effect. At the same time, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight should also be avoided, as this can lead to fatal dehydration. It is advisable to choose a place in such a way that it is shaded during the midday hours. Drafts are the most undesirable factor, so they must be completely eliminated at the planting site.
  4. In addition, the thuja will need to be protected from cold northern winds; this may require the organization of some additional protective shelter. Thuja can grow in soil with a clay structure, sandy loam or marshy areas, but it is recommended to plant it in more nutritious areas. A good option

Step-by-step transplant instructions

After selecting and preparing a new place, you can proceed directly to the replanting process, detailed instructions is given below:

  1. Initially, a landing pit is prepared, its depth and diameter are determined by the expected dimensions root system of the transplanted tree. Typically these figures are in the range from 70 to 100 cm.
  2. The second stage is the most difficult and responsible, since it involves digging up the plant in its old place.
  3. To eliminate the risk of damage to the root system, you need to measure the distance from the trunk to at least 40-50 cm and pierce the perimeter around it. It is most convenient to use a shovel with a sharp working part for this. If an adult is being transplanted and there is already enough large plant
  4. , then the area around it needs to be pierced in advance - at least a year before digging in the old place. These measures are necessary so that the thuja has time to send out new shoots within its allotted boundaries, which will allow it to be pulled out of the ground along with a lump that will retain its shape and not fall apart. The thuja needs to be pryed, for this it is best to use a garden fork
  5. , and not with a shovel, and pull it out along with part of the soil that makes up the near-trunk area. Transport the dug up plant to a new planting site
  6. It is best to use a cart so as not to shake the soil from the ball in which the root system is located. Fertilizers are applied to the prepared planting hole , you can also add not a large number of
  7. wood ash, which is recommended to be finely ground beforehand.
  8. The thuja, together with the earthen lump, is carefully placed inside the hole, while trying not to shake it or touch the edges of the hole. All root shoots must be in a natural position after placing the bush, otherwise they can be straightened by hand.
  9. The hole is filled to the very edges with a nutrient mixture., which consists of sand, peat and ordinary garden soil remaining after preparing the planting site.

The surface of the earth is manually compacted and compacted, and then abundantly moistened with water.

You need to stop watering only at the moment when moisture stops being absorbed into the soil. At this point, the transplantation process can be considered completely completed; then you only need to provide it with appropriate care.


Every person who grows thuja on their own plot should know the basics of preparing it for winter, since this procedure must be carried out in the first year after planting in open ground or when transplanting to a new plot.

The features of this process are discussed below:

  1. The bush is tied and wrapped with any woven material or burlap, but polymers or synthetic varieties should be avoided, since they do not provide heat retention and such measures are completely ineffective.
  2. The insulation material is tightened at the top, but not too tightly, so as not to disturb the ventilation and natural air exchange inside the shelter being created.
  3. Otherwise, when a thaw occurs, the bush will be subject to damping off, which can lead to irreversible consequences. For additional insulation you can use special types of purchased fertilizers
  4. , allowing you to retain heat, but they must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions supplied with them.

The root system of the thuja can be insulated using leaves that have fallen naturally, as well as fallen pine needles.

These materials will additionally help retain moisture and subsequently begin to gradually rot, which will fertilize the soil well.

  1. Basic mistakes Below are the main mistakes that are most often made when transplanting thuja; familiarizing yourself with them will help prevent a possible recurrence in the future:
  2. Lack of the required amount of moisture in the new place. This mistake is most often made during summer transplants: during this period the bush needs to be flooded without fear of any consequences. Oversupply sunlight
  3. in the first days after transplantation.

This is especially dangerous for young bushes, so they need to be additionally shaded on the south side. After 2-3 days, the thuja will no longer need such safety measures.

  1. During watering, which is carried out after planting in a new place, you can add root or other types of stimulants to the water used, which will allow the bush to quickly strengthen and adapt to new conditions. Dosages must be determined strictly in accordance with the instructions supplied with the drug.
  2. To carry out a transplant, it is best to avoid hot sunny days, thuja tolerates this procedure much better in cloudy and rainy weather.
  3. After transplantation, you can carry out not only watering, but also spraying from a spray bottle. This procedure is best carried out in morning hours, and you can add special anti-stress agents to the water, which will speed up the process of adaptation to a new place.

Thuja is an evergreen coniferous plant that gardeners love very much, landscape designers and gardeners. It can decorate any country cottage area, it is used to create hedges. In addition, thuja releases aromatic essential oils.

This tree is quite unpretentious, however, if it needs to be replanted, then some caution should be taken. It is recommended to do this in the fall, in September-October, so that it has time to take root in a new place and prepare for winter. With the onset of spring, the plant begins to actively grow.

Features of autumn thuja transplant

Subtleties of landing

To understand how to replant a plant in the fall, need to know certain subtleties plantings during this period:

Ideal landing spot

Thuja is considered a light-loving plant, so you need to choose a place where the plant will feel comfortable. It will also grow in a shady area, but it will be sparse and will lose all its decorative appeal and splendor. Thuja does not tolerate drafts well, so the place should be well protected from strong and cold winds.

Plant the plant in an open area alone or together with other conifers, in the middle of a flower bed with annuals or in the center of the lawn. It will fit harmoniously everywhere and will not spoil the aesthetic presentation.

Although thuja unpretentious regarding soil, it is still better to choose well-fertilized fertile soil. However, she will also be satisfied with:

  • turfy, sandy soil;
  • loam.

If the soil is too heavy, drainage should be provided when planting so that moisture does not stagnate on the roots for too long.

How to transplant thuja correctly?

Landing the pit is prepared two weeks before transplantation. Its size is 1x1 m, and the depth should not be more than 50 cm. The bottom of the hole is covered with planting material consisting of soil mixed with peat and sand.

Digging up the plant should be done very carefully so that the root system is not damaged, retreating 30 cm from the trunk. The soil cannot be shaken off from the roots, but is transferred along with the plant to a new hole. If the root system is well developed, but superficial, then the roots without feeding may die in a short time. If the tree was brought from afar, then it is not advisable to remove the burlap with which the roots are tied, but to plant it in a hole directly with it. Such material decays in about two years.

Before replanting thuja, the pit is watered generously. As planting soil, use a mixture of sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:2:1 with the addition of pine litter and humus, which are mixed in equal proportions. Additionally, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added. It is necessary to ensure that this fertilizer does not get on the root itself.

When replanting thuja, you should not deepen the root collar too much, but you also should not leave it too high. Finally, the soil around the trunk is compacted, after which the plant is watered. When replanting thuja in the fall, be sure to cover the tree trunk area with compost or wood chips, avoiding direct contact with the trunk.

All next month after transplanting, water the thuja once a week and irrigate its crown. For the winter, the plant should be covered and the branches tied with twine so that they cannot break under the weight of the snow.

In the first winter after transplantation, the plant is covered with burlap, protecting it from sunburn and cold weather. Fabric materials must be used, because coverings such as:

  • synthetics;
  • polymer.

The burlap should not be pulled too tightly, there must be air circulation, otherwise the thuja may be damaged during the thaw from damping off. So that the plant can survive the winter well, it is fertilized with special substances.

The root system of the tree is insulated with leaves, which are sprinkled with earth on top. Fallen leaves can not only retain heat well, but also retain moisture, and if it begins to rot, the composition of the soil improves and is enriched with minerals.

Thus, transplanting thuja in the autumn does not present any difficulties. Taking into account all the subtleties and nuances, you can be sure that the plant will take root well and will easily endure the first winter, and in the summer it will delight the eye with its decorative appeal and splendor.

Thuja is a beautiful evergreen plant that belongs to the cypress family. Thuja can be both a shrub and a tree, reaching a height of up to 10 meters. The plant is a perennial, so it is often used to decorate home gardens, landscaping areas and in landscape design generally.

The plant is very unpretentious in care. Even a novice gardener should not have any difficulties. The shrub feels equally good both in urban conditions and outside the metropolis. Growing thuja is permissible in any soil, regardless of its composition. The only thing that must be taken into account is timely pruning, crown formation and replanting.

When is the right time to replant thuja? What is the best way to do this so that the plant feels good in a new place? Transplantation is carried out either in spring or autumn, depending on the purpose, but not in summer. Thuja usually tolerates transplantation well, but in the first days it requires especially careful care, and you also need to know what to feed and how to reanimate the plant in extreme cases.

Thuja is a shrub or tree that is resistant to drought and frost and is easy to care for. Growing the plant is permissible in any soil and terrain, but you should still not plant the tree in an open, windy area.

Plant varieties are presented:

  1. Low-growing varieties.
  2. Tall varieties.

The main difference lies in the height of the plant. Other characteristics fundamental differences Dont Have. Both types of plants are similar to each other and to other representatives of the cypress family. They have a narrow, elongated crown, scaly leaves arranged in pairs on the branches, and small oval cones at the ends of the shoots.

Timing of plant transplantation

You definitely need to know the time frame when it is permissible to replant thuja. The optimal time is early spring or the first half of autumn. Spring terms - March-April, autumn - September-October.

Preference should still be given to spring replanting, since in the fall there is always some probability that the plant will not have time to take root before the first frost and will die after the onset of cold weather.

You can replant both young ones (for example, from a pot to a large pot or into open ground), and big thuja, but the procedure has a number of differences. When transplanting a young bush, you need to dig up the soil around it with a shovel, and then dig up the seedling and, together with the lump of soil, transplant it to a new place. The main difference between transplanting an adult plant is that the soil should be bayoneted not at the time of the procedure, but 8-10 months before.

Basic rules of procedure

The procedure for transplanting a thuja, however, like any other plant, requires compliance with certain rules. Before you start transplanting, you need to decide on the most suitable place. The tree loves the sun very much, but it is still impossible to plant it in an open area where the plant will be exposed to direct sunlight and will be exposed to gusts of wind all the time. The sun will cause thuja burns and dehydration. It is especially undesirable to choose an area where the sun shines on the bush at noon. Drafts and constant exposure to gusts of wind lead to plant disease and do not allow the creation of a lush crown. It is not recommended to plant on the northern side of the site.

The plant is unpretentious to soil, but it is still recommended to prepare a nutritious soil mixture in advance. For this purpose they are used river sand, peat, humus, rotted coniferous flooring, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (added as desired, their purpose is to promote better survival of the plant in a new place).

Next, you need to prepare the hole. It is advisable to dig it up at least 15-20 days before planting. An exception is that the plant is replanted within the same area. Then the hole can be dug directly on the day of transplantation. The depth of the hole should be about one meter.

The first layer of the hole is stones or crushed bricks. This is drainage. Then mix the prepared soil mixture thoroughly until smooth, and then pour it onto the bottom of the prepared hole on top of the drainage layer. It is advisable to ensure that the roots of the thuja do not touch fertilizers.

Thuja transplant algorithm

In order to properly transplant thuja, it is convenient to use the following algorithm:

  1. Dig up the plant or carefully remove it from the pot. Moreover, you need to dig it together with a lump of soil, digging a trench with a diameter of 25-30 centimeters around the trunk.
  2. Inspect root system. Roots that are too long need to be cut off. Rotten or dry roots are also cut off.
  3. Next, a hole is dug that is suitable for the size of the plant’s root system. Drainage is laid at its bottom, then the soil mixture is poured.
  4. The rhizome should be placed in a hole, sprinkled with earth, compacting the soil.
  5. Water the plant thoroughly.
  6. It is advisable to mulch the soil, but you need to act so that the mulch does not touch the trunk.
  7. Water the thuja constantly until it takes root. Watering should be done at least twice a week.

This step-by-step technology correct transplantation thuja.

Note! Do not raise the root collar of the plant too much above the ground or, conversely, dig it in too much

Keep in mind that planting should be done in the spring before the growing season begins. During this period, the tree is too weak to be replanted. The likelihood that it will take root is an order of magnitude lower. That is why it is recommended to replant the plant immediately after the last snow melts. Don't delay this process.

If you need to move a plant outside the site, you need to act very carefully. After digging up a shrub or tree, excess soil is carefully shaken off its roots. Next, burlap is put on the root system and in this form the plant is transferred to a new planting site. But it is not recommended to remove the bag from the roots immediately before planting.

There are no special rules for caring for thuja due to the unpretentiousness of the plant. But it is still recommended to adhere to certain recommendations. Replant thuja in the spring (you can also do it in the fall), but not in May. In particular, special attention is paid to watering. It is necessary to water the plant after planting twice a week until rooting, and then once a week. In hot and dry weather, the amount of watering should be doubled.

Advice! Two to three days after watering, you should weed the soil. There is no need to do this too deeply, since the root system of the thuja is superficial.

Sprinkling is recommended from time to time. An ordinary hose from which to water the tree will help with this. Sprinkling is an opportunity to saturate the plant with moisture and wash away dirt and dust. This procedure helps prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.

In summer, thuja can be fed. Organic and mineral fertilizers. Prevention of diseases and insect attacks will also be useful. To do this, it is enough to periodically spray the thuja with insecticides and fungicides.

IN autumn time It is important to correctly carry out the preparation procedure for the winter period. To do this, it is advisable to tie thuja branches around the trunk. This will eliminate the possibility of them being damaged by the weight of snow in winter. But you shouldn’t press the branches too hard against the trunk. If necessary, you can perform a sanitary pruning by removing affected and dry branches. At the end of autumn, thuja is watered abundantly, with the exception of too much rainy autumn. The last procedure before winter is to thoroughly insulate the root collar through mulching.

When spring comes, clean up winter shelters not needed right away. Otherwise, bright sun rays can damage the delicate needles. It is also difficult for adults to bear the spring sun. That is why winter shelters are removed gradually. First, remove them for half an hour, then for two hours and gradually increase the time.

From the third year of the plant’s life, you can begin to feed the bushes with mineral or organic fertilizers. Mineral fertilizing is applied once a year in the spring, organic fertilizing is applied two to three times per season.

Until what age can thuja be replanted? You can move both young (3-5 years old) and adult (20-30 years old) thuja to another place. There are no differences (except for bayoneting).

If everything is done correctly, then “spherical”, “smaragd”, “danica” or any other variety of thuja will show off on your site. Carry out the transplant in accordance with the recommendations, and then the plant will not turn yellow after transplantation, will take root and will delight you with health and beauty for a long time.

Thuja is evergreen crop, which can be used for both single and group plantings. There are also types of it that can be used to create a figured hedge. The plant cannot be called whimsical, since it grows without problems in all soils and is resistant to cold. It tolerates the cutting process very well. But it happens that the tree needs to change its location, then they resort to replanting the thuja in the fall to a new place.

Advantages of transplanting in the fall

The need for replanting arises when the plant does not have enough light, it begins to get sick, or the gardener decides to change the landscape design. Better thuja replant in autumn than in the spring, then it will completely take root before the cold weather, and in the spring it will give excellent growth and will grow actively.

In autumn there will definitely not be sultry heat, but there is a possibility that frosts may come early. However, this is not a problem since the plant can be insulated and covered. This cannot be said for spring period, because a young tree and its needles can burn under the rays of extreme heat.

The best time for transplantation is early September. It is recommended to monitor the weather forecast in the region where the tree grows. Typically, in the first 2 weeks of the month, transplantation is carried out in the western and northern parts of the country. You should not delay doing this work, as the seedling will not have time to take root before the cold weather.

General rules

Before replanting a tree, you need to find a new location. The technology of this process does not depend on the type of plant, be it spherical or bush-shaped, dwarf or tall thuja. The main thing is not to forget that the tree loves a lot of light and does not thrive in drafts. It can grow in partial shade, but then its crown will be sparse and general form will spoil.

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If it was selected tall plant, care should be taken so that other trees do not disturb him. The distance between thujas should be at least one meter. Spherical dwarf plants are best planted singly.

To create a hedge, thujas are planted at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. To create an alley, you need to maintain a distance of four to five meters. The trees are not picky and grow in any soil, as long as it is breathable. For trouble-free planting, it is worth preparing the mixture in advance, as well as all the necessary material.

Special soil is sold in the store, but if you wish, you can make it yourself. For this you will need:

  1. Sand - 5 kg.
  2. Peat - 10 kg.
  3. Turf soil - 5 kg.
  4. Humus or fallen needles of coniferous varieties (litter litter can be collected in the forest).

Step-by-step instruction

It is better to replant thujas in the fall rather than in the spring. To do this, you will need the following tools: a 10-15 liter bucket, a watering can, a shovel, turf soil, a rooting agent, sand, peat, and also a wheelbarrow for convenience if the tree is large. Planting material divided into 2 categories:

  1. Thuja purchased in a special store, which are in a container or with connected roots. The burlap is not cut off from the roots during planting; it will then dissolve itself and act as fertilizer.
  2. Thujas that are transplanted from a greenhouse or simply placed in a new place.

In any of the options, the thuja needs to be thoroughly watered, then an earthen ball should be formed for replanting. Its size should be a fifth or sixth of the entire plant. Then you should dig up the plant and cut off the roots, after which the thuja is transferred to a flowerpot or bag.

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Next, you should prepare a hole, the size of which depends on the size of the roots. The pit should be 40 cm wider and 20 cm deeper than the lump itself. Water is poured into the hole so that the earth in it is compacted. Then the bottom 15 cm needs to be covered with stones or expanded clay. Once the drainage is ready, it's time to fertilize. About 50 g of nitroammophoska is added to the bottom of the pit, the main thing is that the roots do not touch it.

After this, add part of the soil mixture and transfer the thuja from the container into the planting hole. Place it in the center and cover it with earth, not forgetting to compact it. An adult thuja needs to be replanted so that the root collar is lower than the ground level.

To prevent the water from scattering when watering, you need to make a planting hole. To do this, a shaft of earth is formed around the plant. With each watering, it is necessary to add growth stimulants to the water; this will help damaged roots to grow back quickly. You can purchase special mulching material in the store or use dry grass and bark for this purpose, which will subsequently protect against moisture loss.

Tree care

Thuja needs a large amount of water, so every 5-7 days it is necessary to water the tree at the root. In addition to regular watering, sprinkling is used. Coniferous plants will appreciate this procedure. After the plant has been transplanted to a new location, the soil will subside for some time, forming a depression in a circle, so you need to add soil all the time.

Thuja - evergreen ornamental plant, widely used for decoration garden plots. Thuja is being replanted, usually, in autumn, in September-October. Can I have her replant in spring, but only before the beginning of the growing season - in March, April. Otherwise she will get sick.

An ideal place to plant thuja

The tree must be fully illuminated by the sun. It grows poorly in the shade and may thin out and change the color of the needles. Thuja does not tolerate drafts well, so the place should be protected from cold winds.

Planting hole adult thuja prepared in 15-20 days, but if the tree needs to be transplanted from place to place within garden plot, the hole can be dug on the day of transplantation. Dig it 1 by 1 meter in size and 50 centimeters deep. Planting material consisting of soil mixed with peat and sand is placed at the bottom of the pit. The planting material is left in the hole until the thuja is planted.

We transplant an adult thuja carefully

They dig up the thuja carefully so as not to damage the root system, moving 30 centimeters away from the trunk. The soil from the root system is not shaken off, if the distance between the growth site and the planting site is not large, the thuja is transferred along with the soil to a new hole, placed in it, first the hole moistened generously with water.

Bury the thuja root system with fertile soil, periodically compacting it down to the level of the root collar. Under no circumstances should it be covered with soil. After planting, the thuja is watered.

If the thuja needs to be transported over a long distance, then excess soil is carefully shaken off the root system and burlap is placed over it. Having delivered the tree to the planting site, the burlap is not removed from the roots, but planted with it. After some time, the burlap will decompose in the ground, providing the thuja with additional nutrients.

Transplant adult thuja it is necessary at least 1 month before the onset of cold weather so that the root system has time to strengthen. After planting, the tree needs to be watered once a week and the crown moistened. There is no need to be upset if the tree crown turns yellow after replanting. This is a natural phenomenon: the tree must recover from the disease. Next year the tree will be healthy and the needles will be lush green.

Before the onset of cold weather, the root system of the tree must be covered with a layer of humus or sawdust, but this covering layer should not touch the tree trunk. Thuja branches need to be tied with twine to prevent them from being broken by snow.